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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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989167 No.989167 [Reply] [Original]

Why are corporate vtubers so dominant? It's not like this is any other type of streaming category where independent is the norm. Is it all about the creation of the avatar?

>> No.989202

it's a stamp of quality
watching a stream is a time investment, you don't wanna waste time on watching a girl before she says or does something unwatchable

>> No.989225

this is the type of brainlet consooomer mentality that makes you buy name-brand shit even if it's worse.

>> No.989229


To get into a company they need to pass a good chunk of tests, time and money, they are less likely to do something "career threatening" after having fought so much for a spot.

>> No.989279

Don't worry because when your favorite indies become big, they'd also turn into a corporation.

>> No.989321

you're free to be individualistic, as well as to seek unpopular streamers so you can be more special when you superchat them
i just want to be entertained consistently after a long day

>> No.989352

i tried watching indies and i learned it was a man. never again

>> No.989591

>good quality avatar
>merch and professional song production
>they get integrated into a group that is already popular and viewers bleed over quickly to new people

>> No.990961

Corporate usually destroys any creativity and personality as well as reacts slower to trends and change because they are concerned with quarterly earning. Any kind of corporate streamer or media will become boring. This hasn't happened to all corporate vtubers yet.. it has happened to some, but for the most part it's not noticeable.

Hololive does have the corporate slowness trait and it's noticeable though. Like they have a fairly hard time setting up regular big collabs or collabs that last a long time. It's nothing like western independent streamers who can do 10 head collabs every single day and spend hours on them with people being replaced as they need to go.

>> No.991063

Partially marketing. Lots of current indie streamers got big off esports and association with esports figures, either literally being on a professional team or rushing up ranked ladders at the speed of light. VTubers don't really have any way to advertise themselves apart from the power of a corporation's social media reach (which is multiplied by clippers and the tendency to overtake the YouTube algorithm.)
The other part is that Hololive and Nijisanji only accept fairly prominent content creators in the first place, so their brand is a stamp of quality.

>> No.991110

Corporate is always dominant because money, not limited to vtubers. There are some fun JP indies, EN indies can fuck off.

>> No.991180
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Sounds like a problem of every company who answer to shareholders at the expense of customers.

>> No.991212

It's literally just brand power, they have the money to advertise and push their content out to people better than individuals and small companies. Personally I like to watch smaller channels, especially for languages other than Japanese, but always have hololive to fall back on

>> No.991371

There's a lot of corporate shit in streaming in general, it's just in the form of independent contractors working with huge corporations versus people actually being employees. There's actually not that much difference in the end, because corporations can and do still exert control/influence over contractors. It's just with contractors it happens via deprivation and tweaking incentives whereas with employees it takes the form of explicit policies.

I dunno, I see it more as a trade-off than one thing bad, other thing good like a lot of anons seem to believe.

>> No.993938

>Why are corporate vtubers so dominant?
1. Corporates are not vtubing as a hobby. Indies do it as a hobby.

2. Corporate talents have to make money for themselves and the agency. Indies, who are in it for the money, just has to make enough money for themselves.

>> No.994124

from the audience's pov, corporate means the shittiest ones have all been filtered out. i don't want to tune into a indie vtuber and watch for an hour getting the exact same no-energy, no-content streams as the hundreds of 0 view Fornite and League streamers on twitch.

at least with corporate, i know there's some baseline minimum content i'm gonna get. and if nothing, i know it's a comfy voice.

>> No.994159

Assblasted indiefags. Your no-name oshi will never be relevant. Stay salty.

>> No.994238

It's a combination of

1. Being rooted as a Japanese industry, where professionalism is much more exalted than one might find in western Twitch culture
2. Being rooted in YouTube, where discovery and maintaining a viewerbase can be a lot more difficult than on Twitch, particularly for livestreaming since YT's infrastructure for that is pisspoor in comparison.

>> No.994263

The only person I'm a member of on youtube is from Hololive...

>> No.994329

personally i hate the idea of corporate e celebs, its mind blowing that peole are just casually ok with some fake as fuck e thot being paid 6 figures to roleplay an anime girl with 10 guys telling her how to act. like its ok to find the actual content decent or amusing, but the business practice of comodifying an artificially engineered e celeb thats heavily managed and supervised is dystopian as fuck

>> No.994337

because western "indies" are actually a piece of shit and not centeralised at all so people eventually go after some brand name.

also the category "west" is nothing but garbage. the "english community" doesnt exist since too many westerners and third worlders use english and as long as the "western" vtuber scene is under globohomo language it will never have a real community. ideally, non anglo countries should create and own their own community based on their own language. the huge "western" globohomo industry cant have any real culture/community.

>> No.994366
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personally i hate the idea of corporate wrestlers, its mind blowing that peole are just casually ok with some fake as fuck wrestler being paid 6 figures to roleplay an wrestling match with 10 guys telling him how to act. like its ok to find the actual content decent or amusing, but the business practice of comodifying an artificially engineered wrestler thats heavily managed and supervised is dystopian as fuck

Okay smark.

>> No.994376

>the business practice of comodifying an artificially engineered e celeb thats heavily managed and supervised is dystopian as fuck
this industry of idols has been commonplace in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and pretty much any major developed eastern culture for fucking decades, anon, this isn't a new thing.

even your western celebrities are 'artificially engineered' to act a certain way in front of the camera to attract better press. it's why people love to try and get an inside scoop or why paparazzis harass them to try and get real human response instead of the carefully sculpted act they always play.

>> No.994466

I prefer small indies because they read my comments without having to superchat. Simple as.

>> No.994716

wrestling is akin to stage play and its literally written to have stories. you are equating scripted media with a new form of streamimg based of deception in every department

i understand the concept of an idol, but their image is used to sell their product such as music/movies/shows whatever, and to be frank kpop/jpop culture is pretty fucked too, but to use a fake personality and character to sell fake fan interactions in a stream to form and amass parasocial relationships for profit, all controlled and managed by bigger companies, is undeniably disgusting, especially when the idol themselves have to stay anonymous and the company has minimal public information, where shit like yozora mel and aloe can happen and no one can do anything to help

>> No.994789

Pulling numbers out the ass but
>2k PC setup + $500 Switch(optional)
>$500 for the artist
>$300 for the rigger
>$1k Iphone 11 for face recognition
Corporation's cut includes
>thumbnail guy's wages
>backgrounds guy's wages
>Intro/Outro guy's wages
>they use non-proprietary BGM so that's free
>Studio equipment for all those cover songs/ASMRs
>Lawyer fees for copyright permissions
>3D model which is artist and rigger costs all over again plus all the hardware.
>Ads, promotions, general manager stuff, marketing, etc.

It's a cutthroat market, can't just stream from your basement like it's 2012 anymore.

>> No.994800

dude that's literally every single fucking entertainment industry on the planet

>> No.994927

Call me a retard, but I think we live in an age where stuff under „corporation cut“ can still be assembled in the basement given torrents and functional non-ass-attached arms.

>> No.994941

In the west it's purely because those corporations made the trend in the first place. People like Kizuna Ai weren't independent so the precedent is set. Independents are the abnormal. It's sort of a snowball effect.

>> No.995016

$2k is well within an indie budget. You got teenagers on twitch with green screens, compressor microphones, mixing gear, capture cards and good cams.

>> No.995036

Wrestling is LITERALLY trying to sell you that something you know is fake and scripted is actually real while bluring the lines of fiction and reality. It is the same thing anon. ESPECIALLY if you get into the business side of things. Holy fuck go listen to wrestlers talk about getting angles and gimmicks turned down or having to deal with getting fired by the corporate Wrestling Organizations.

>> No.995057

huh? most vtubers in japan arent making money. even niji sanji. hololive is the first vtuber company that can get popular, so they just can manage to make money so far.

most of the jp vtuber companies are still "distributors" like indie record labels. each vtuber is still an "indie" vtuber like an indie musician. you and many on this thread seem to lack the knowledge of small business and as usual are making the topic complicated.

>> No.995077

For me it's that I basically only see hololive or vshoujo from recommended clips, and most of the hololive members retain at least some level of professionalism while on stream. Then there's vshoujo or some indies which are literally "pee pee poo poo epic cringe" on stream. I guess that appeals to some people, but I don't like it.

>> No.995200

Not saying they can't, but would you put money into microphones and green screens and hours into editing videos(nevermind learning how all this shit tworks) before you even see your first sub?
>B...but I just wanna play vidya before an audience and have fun!!!
That's what I thought.
Pewdiepie and all other big streamers have editors they pay to do all this back-end stuff for them. Streaming isn't a one-man job anymore.

>> No.995218

atleast wrestlers and other entertainment industry workers can be interviewed and are treated like real people, the last vtuber to criticize the industry got doxxed and put on suicide watch

>> No.995240

>the vtubing industry is still incredible new and not at all regulated
fucking wow, go write to your congressmen about how vtubers need proper regulations and unions then?

>> No.995278

>fans bully a person
Anon I love that person you are referring to also those people had charges brought against them for harassment because Cover was FUCKING pissed.

>> No.995336

>Pewdiepie and all other big streamers have editors they pay to do all this back-end stuff for them. Streaming isn't a one-man job anymore.
Anon, the stream is automatically uploaded to youtube uncut. Now if you have clips or highlights, you need an editor.

>> No.995457

Yeah, but a well-cut 10-20 minute video with a bunch of memes and effects pasted here and there gets you more views than a raw 2 hour slog where you have to think how you'll fill all that dead air.

>> No.995530

any indie vtuber can realistically pay $20 for a clipper to spend (less than) an hour to trim out some highlights, toss in some special effects, etc. and see pretty good returns with a bunch of new eyes on them.

fuck those entitled shits whining about how they're not getting clipped and how people aren't graciously volunteering 3 hours their time to highlight a no-name eop vtuber's mediocre apex stream.

>> No.995535

how bout the industry and fan base just acknowledge its all an act and let their talents have actual identities and rights as people playing a character instead of this muddled bull shit where they all pretend to be experiencless virgins and gets fucking lynched in the streets for admiting otherwise?

>> No.995586

>give weebs free dox information so their talents can be harassed in person, stalked, or even murdered

>> No.995626

Corporate vtubers usually have s consistent roster to collab with. You get things like live performances that are out of reach for Indies. The possibility of high quality merch. But mostly is the sense of community that you can only get if everyone is on the same team.

>> No.995650

That's true, but youtube pays like absolute shit especially now. They need people to donate/super chat, join, or become a patron. Now if you want to say that those cut videos draw people in to get those, then yeah some of those are definitely worth it.
For vtubers though the community is making (translated) clips for free, so they don't need an editor. Now having an artist who can get you new clothes or models is great, but I'm not really sure what else cover does. Yes, youtube is a steaming pile of shit who can shut you down at any time for any reason, but cover can only do so much.
Obviously cover kind of indirectly promotes them by having them under their umbrella and somewhat facilitates collabs among the members, but I think a nobody that builds up their own fanbase is going to have better income and more freedom than anyone in hololive.

>> No.995663

If they can artificially create the people behind the avatar as well then I'll never need to interact with real people ever again. Authenticity is overrated.

>> No.995668

are you a new fag. you reek of clip fag/eop sjw without any knowledge of what jp vtubers are usually talking about

>> No.995687

Ok hipster

>> No.995799

>corporate lapdog
You're living in the right era at least.

>> No.995978

>stop liking the thing you like
>why aren't you liking the things that I like?
why are hipsters like this?

>> No.996073

I think you underestimate the effort/effect ratio

>> No.996099

>paying clippers to clip

Now that is sad

>> No.996140

>people should be slaves and do work for me for free
okie dokie boomer

>> No.996199

this nigga really called me an sjw lmao

>> No.997488

not talking about vtubers but it's not hipsterism to want to buy the best product for the best price. In reality hipsters actually fetishize namebrand, which is the polar opposite.

The easy example is the house-brand food at the grocery store is often superior to the namebrand food product while still being cheaper. It's not even surprising when the house-brand food cuts out tons of costs and middle-men associated with buying a namebrand. Saying that "namebrand" is a seal quality is just false.

>> No.997503
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>Why are corporate vtubers so dominant?
As mentioned before corporations have better overall consistency. However indies are beating corporations when it comes to 3D tech as indies are the first to try out new experimental software.

I have yet to see any agencies incorporate mouth rigging on to there 3D models, like Snuffy or Bunny

>> No.997692

you are. exactly sound like a typical power tripping sjw saying "everything japan does is problematic and backward" while talking like you mutt entertainment industry doesnt have any "ethical" problem, is morally superior as fuck

you have no idea about jp vtubers and its industry and even what they are talking about. just enjoy only the english speaking vtubers and try to control them, you fucking eop control freakazoid.

>> No.997705

you will never be japanese

>> No.997770

i am. kil yourself, eop

>> No.997822

hapas don't count mixed worm

>> No.997930

Isn't Nijisanji the only one with any real money behind it?

>> No.998641

>The other part is that Hololive only accepts fairly prominent content creators in the first place

This is not true at all, even small creators have a chance, quite a few of them were small creators.

>> No.998672

I've only seen a couple indies that I kind of like and they never play games I want to watch.
I like watching hololive build up their minecraft servers together.

>> No.998706

But the same goes for conventional streamers, so that can't be the explanation.

>> No.999195

Take your meds.

>> No.999714

why shouldn't they?
they have the money and resource, streamers with talents usually joined them to get even bigger

>> No.1000277

So does Gura, and she's the highest subscribed holo

>> No.1006229

They often poach good indies, and then force them all to collab which creates cross loyalty. It's easy if you have the top 5 most popular streamers on your payroll to buy a quality indie, force her to do shit with the other 5 and make her the 6th most popular vtuber.

Of course, in normal streaming a company can sponsor you, but they don't own your whole identity. When a twitch streamer signs with GenG, they can leave once their contact is up and sign with 100T. When a vtuber terminates their contract, they lose their face, animations, art, and backlog of videos and content, as well as all their corporate partners they usually stream with and have to create a new channel from the ground up.

The only part of the equation I have yet to understand is why popular vubers like senzawa would go corporate, when companies like hololive take such a huge cut of donos/ ad revenue.

>> No.1006384

Clippers do it for their own channels - for free. Or are you that stupid?

>> No.1006494

Let's use this board as evidence.

/vt/ would not exist now if it weren't for the insane popularity drawn in by Hololive. There's this thing called "marketing", which attracts the attention of people in large numbers.

>> No.1007150

To answer the OP much to some people's anti-corporate views typically corporate backed Vtubers tend to have consistent quality compared to indies. It also helps that corporate Vtubers tend to always be part of a group with other Vtubers which allows for plenty of in-house collaborations with each other and other groups. That's not to mention the people behind said corporate Vtubers tend to be selected via scouting or audition so the people who are the most "qualified" tend to be selected which leads to a talented and entertaining Vtuber that can hold audience or display a skill that makes them standout.

>> No.1007205

Because they are jap and filter out the liberal filth... mostly

>> No.1007524

In Sen's case her streams weren't really all that popular compared to her shitposts and from what I gather she didn't really like the community and fanbase that was forming around her (based on hearsay her fanbase was fairly toxic from what I gather).

She likely went corporate due to the brand name guaranteeing at least some form of audience no matter how small or large from the start so she doesn't have to begin again as a nobody.

>> No.1007794

>why popular vubers like senzawa would go corporate
if you haven't realized it yet, her youtube numbers didn't translate on her twitch stream views very well.

>> No.1009701

>Clippers do it for their own channels
he's saying that clippers won't clip highlight reels of random indies, anon. obviously clippers do it for popular corporate vtubers because that gets them clicks and views, but why would any clipper give a shit about some random EOP indie's channel?

>> No.1009750

With hololive you know the girls are pure.
Indies theres a very high chance they are whores.

>> No.1009837

ok consoomer

>> No.1019186

Most people have a pc they can stream from, if you don't save up the money (Hololive girls start with their personal pc and upgrade once they have the money).
You can use a regular webcam for the face rig, thats how most twitch indies do it.
Thumbnails are done by the talents. Backgrounds, intro / outro are easily commissioned like most twitch indies do it.
Indies have more freedom when it comes to game and copyright permissions as they're small and no one bothers with them unlike companies that get targeted for every little thing.
Everything else is fair criticism because you only get that by having corporate funding.

Aloe made the ultimate mistake of talking about Nijisanji, other vtuber fans know the industry is full of black companies and want conditions to improve for the talents but nijisanji fans defend the company over their talents.
All of her sexposting, live 2D leak and "boyfriend" rumors were nothing compared to the fact that niji schizos wanted her dead for "spitting on Chitose's grave", they used the former to justify their actions to the public.

>> No.1020876
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From what I can see theres a few main advantages for hololive at least:

Holos go through a rigorous audition process that weeds out the straight out incompetent so you know holo girls have at least the basics require to be a good vtuber. As opposed to the general pool of indies that only need a few thousand dollars and an internet connection.

Holos are required to maintain a regular streaming schedule and provided a framework of things to do that people like to watch. For example I'm pretty sure they are contractually obligated to play minecraft because I don't really see people like Callie ever doing that otherwise. For many people it can be hard to keep a schedule when nobody is breathing down your neck and no matter how good you are if you don't have regular content you aren't going to be successful.

>support staff
Technical staff, managers, coaches, editors, artists, lawyers, etc... Sure an independent can figure out some of this stuff or hire people to do it but its never going to be as efficient as what a company managing dozens of talents can do. Also its going to be very difficult for an individual to secure corporate sponsorships.

instead of starting in a vacuum where you're competing with every other vtuber out there you have dozens of other girls that you can work with which makes things easier both from an emotional standpoint and a business one.

Possibly one of the biggest factors, hololive already has millions of people that follow its various acts and is willing to spend time and money promoting new acts. This is one of the reasons girls like Gura had 100k subs before they even debut which is huge for growing quickly since often the hardest part is when you just get started and nobody knows you. Its probably easier to get from 100k to 1m than from 0 to 100k with no one to back you.

>> No.1020918

>eing rooted in YouTube, where discovery and maintaining a viewerbase can be a lot more difficult than on Twitch, particularly for livestreaming since YT's infrastructure for that is pisspoor in comparison.
YouTube's discovery and ways of maintaining a viewerbase are a billion times better.

>> No.1020965

one of the strongest advantages IMO, especially since a gen debuts together
it's like comparing a story with only one character (maybe a few other very minor characters from the occasional collab) to one with a full cast, where the main characters interact with each other

>> No.1027755

Based puritychad
