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9474856 No.9474856 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women love Nijisanji so much more than Holostars?

>> No.9474881

So she can talk all day about Maimoto's husband but not Maimoto himself huh? I'm really starting to dislike her.

>> No.9474933

men who are with a lot of women are desired by women
women who are wit ha lot of men are not desired by woman
thus the dynamic that holostars is "unpopular" and niji males are popular and niji women are "unpopular" and holo women are poular exists.

>> No.9474957

>women who are wit ha lot of men are not desired by woman
*not desired by men
sorry for the confusion

>> No.9474981

Manjisanji's main audience are fujos and trannies.

>> No.9475010

No worries, didn't read your other post.

>> No.9475012

you will never be a 5channer

>> No.9475068

They have really cute boys and girls.

>> No.9475604

more freedom, they can talk to boys without worrying about gachikois

>> No.9478454

so hololvies are fujo and tranny?

>> No.9479958

Fujos, gays and troons are niji's main audience

>> No.9481898

Because Nijis are actually entertaining.

>> No.9482111
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because they objectively have worse taste than men?

>> No.9482161

if we understood what women wanted, you think we'd be here?

>> No.9482191

>women like shit written.directed by women
>Men like manly shit

>> No.9482365

Nijimales are just better idk, why would a guy prefer one chuuba over another?

>> No.9482722

>that list
I swear sometimes I think women are genuinely retarded

>> No.9482815

so both got shit taste huh.

>> No.9483968

When did this happen? I thought Hololive can't talk about male, let alone Niji male?

>> No.9484268

Do you not recall who Subaru's first collab was?

>> No.9484716

There is a difference between understanding, and actually sharing a preference.
You can understand that someone likes sappy romance movies. That doesn't always mean you can share the preference.

>> No.9484758

2019 Hololive and 2020 Hololive are two completely different things. That's why I ask when did the stream in OP happen.

>> No.9485253

No worries, still made cents either way

>> No.9485466

I like the Stars but really there's something in most of their designs that filter me in some way or another. I'm into conventional bishonen anime boys design so I think a lot of females feel the same.
But even with the massive number of yumejos entering Niji fanbase in the last year or so I think the Stars fanbase are still far more disproportionately female than Nijis.

>> No.9485619


>> No.9486593
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>Blade Runer on men's list

>> No.9486611

>June 2020
Yep, that makes sense. A month after Subaru collab with Rikiichi in Ponpoko24 and the last time PekoMiko was in the same stream with male(Chaika).

>> No.9487312

Notice the difference in release years. Men like older movies and women like shit made after the 2000s. Shows you who is being marketed to these days and it's single millennial women.

>> No.9487422

I hate how Holos have ghosted Nijis they used to collab with regularly. Miko, Korone, and Subaru used to collab with Niji males and females but nowadays the only Holomem that still do collabs cross company are Sora, Matsuri, Towa, Roboco, and Okayu.

>> No.9487894

Why do women like the livers that aren't treated like second class citizens? You tell me.

>> No.9489996

Aside from male being a big no-no to some Holoschizos, they stopped collabing mainly because people don't want to watch it. Look at Suisei and Okayu, their collabs with Niji are doing worse than their solo streams.

>> No.9490167

>Sora, Matsuri, Towa, Roboco, and Okayu.
oddly enough, all of them have shitty viewship kek

>> No.9490242

yes and?

>> No.9490280

>I hate how Holos have ghosted Nijis they used to collab with regularly
nah, nijis are still popular so they still have the presence, all of the indies that hololives collabed with feel like non existent in their eyes nowaday, it really opened my eyes

>> No.9490332

they still need collab with outsider to leech off view until they become more popular with high viewship duh, just like Miko and Subaru

>> No.9490428

It's so weird because Shiina and Toko are good collab partners. Roboco still collabs with Melissa occasionally but it's RBC.
I don't think it's working. Maybe they don't have an ulterior motive and just like collabing with friends. I say this as someone highly critical of collab leeches in the West.

>> No.9490720

the only people who watch holostars are eops who know about the stars because of the holo brand name. They are a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.9490726

What kind of revisionist bullshit is this? You've got this backwards. It's Nijisanji who stonewalled the Holos for fearing a backlash from their chink fans. Hell, I remember one of Niji's top talents who tried to pay respects to a Holo but recanted it later because he's a massive faggot.

>> No.9490776

Tgose don't even watch them they just beg for collabs and don't even watch the collab they're indeed an embarrassment, I'm the only exception I'm a good boi peaise me

>> No.9490824

Oh no the holofag is rewriting history again

>> No.9490828

That's before the taiwan drama, newfagchama, do your reps.

>> No.9490858

they only collab with niji females tho, there's nothing to leech there since nijifemales all do worse numbers than holos. Maybe they just like collabing with them because they are friends.

>> No.9490861

Now this is what revisionist looks like.
Does holobronies really?

>> No.9490885

>Complains about revisionism
>Starts revisonisiming
I didn't know Miko and Subaru dropped nijimales because Taiwan number 1.

>> No.9491030

>It's so weird because Shiina and Toko are good collab partners. Roboco still collabs with Melissa occasionally but it's RBC
Some people prefer solo stream so they skip collab, collabing with the same people once a month is too much so Nijifans get bored and skip it, some Holofans only care about Holo so they're not watching it too. Mixing all of that and boom, shit numbers.

>> No.9491061
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>Sora, Matsuri, Towa, Roboco, and Okayu
>here's nothing to leech there since nijifemales all do worse numbers than holos
Ok, what number these girls fall in here?

>> No.9491241

Okayu 10k, Roboco 2k, the rest 3k.

>> No.9491276

A good half of them couldn't even get 3k viewers. Damn, that's even below Aki's usual numbers. And all of them belong to the main branch right? We're not even counting their failing foreign branches.

>> No.9491627

In the case of Tokomachi Radio, it's because they keep talking about Ansta and most of their combined audience doesn't seem all that interested in it. They did try to shake it up by inviting guests and then following with a no-Ansta episode, but I guess that was too little too late.

What I do find weird though is that Suisei's covers get more views on her channel than on other people's channels. While it's only natural her bigger subcount draws bigger crowds, she has all her covers on a playlist on her front page, which you'd think made people check all the new covers, not just the ones on her channel. Not about duets either, since Tokomachi covers in particular do better on her channel than Toko's.

>> No.9491680

So Nijisanji is basically Kuzuha>Maimoto(both can compete with top Holos)>other top males>other top females?

>> No.9491796

Maimoto is deceptive since he basically never does solo streams, and in those months he was doing Koshien shit.

>> No.9491987

the thing is their fanbase have little overlap like holo, 14k views of Mitom would not watch Kuzuha stream and vice versa while

>> No.9492750

recent number have Towa above Okayu, with Okayu at 4.5k and Towa at 5.9k

>> No.9493156

Not sure if those are average or median number and for what dates but

August Averages
>6512 :: towa
>6136 :: okayu
>3500 :: matsuri
>2741 :: sora
>2004 :: roboco

August Medians
>5744 :: okayu
>4484 :: towa
>2557 :: sora
>2346 :: matsuri
>1945 :: roboco

>> No.9496122

This. I assume a solo Maimoto stream may only pull 9-15K at peak.

>> No.9501195


>> No.9502055

Towa is inclining, mainly due to all the collabs outside of holo she is doing

>> No.9505572

so >>9490332 was right then

>> No.9505633

So thaaaaaaat’s why Roberu is so popular. Naruhodo ne.

>> No.9505832
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The sharts are just an inferior product, plus their own company treats them like lepers.

>> No.9507213

Wait, Master and Commander doesn't have the largest disparity, it isn't even top 10. Has /tv/ been wrong all these years?

>> No.9507561

>Brokeback Mountain

>> No.9508991
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>a solo Maimoto stream may only pull 9-15K at peak
You sure about that?
