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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9248500 No.9248500 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 900k subs
>frequently 100k live views
>has lost almost none of her hololive momentum and is on-track to be the most popular indie vtuber on YouTube

How does she do it?

>> No.9248573

The power of horny and gundams.

>> No.9248586

Mods, he's spamming threads again

>> No.9248786

And to think, /vt/ mocked her for her Gunpla streams. Clearly we don't understand the audience-building power of plastic toys.

>> No.9248848

you are not indie if you had a multimillion dollar company backing you

>> No.9248890

gunpla is kino

>> No.9248899

"Had" being the operative word. And she wasn't unpopular before hololive.

>> No.9249083

>frequently 100k live views
That never happened. She lost a large portion of her viewership.

>> No.9249211

Indie with 100 viewer found the goldmine, cope harder

>> No.9249252

It happened just today when she did nothing but eat pizza.

>> No.9249306

If other people emulate het grift, vtuber corporations will just start slapping a 5 or more years non compete clause on their contracts.

>> No.9249371

They wanna fuck her anon

>> No.9249467

of course camwhoring is gonna get you views

>> No.9249546

Lots of people jealous their oshi isn't as interesting or funny. Sad.

>> No.9249577

i really miss her...
its not the same

>> No.9249636

I enjoy her streams much more than Coco's

>> No.9249684

Literally the only difference is the model. Kson does everything in her power to make her former association known without outright saying it.

>> No.9249734

VOD views does NOT equal live views you idiot mongoloid, and I say that as someone who supports her in what she chooses to do, even if its not the same.

>> No.9249735

she's streaming mostly of times as Kson and not as Daikou (her avatar). I guess vtubing just doesn't make sense for her. She's already popular with her real face.

>> No.9249782
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>100k live viewers
Fucking when, retard

>> No.9249823

She is a twitch whore now she no longer has place in here.

>> No.9249825

If you don't watch then how would you know you dribbling loons?

>> No.9249874

She streams on YouTube Captain Kike.

>> No.9249882
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>> No.9249913

live viewers ≠ live views.
live views are the total views during the live, not counting the views post live.

>> No.9249963

But she still streams as her vtuber model, which means she counts for the stupid, arbitrary purposes of /vt/.

>> No.9249975

Yes with her slut body so it's a youtube whore no longer a vtuber she is now the pokimane of japan now check this 5

>> No.9250004

Her voice is literally the worst thing I unironically want to punch her in the mouth to shut up her squeaker voice, she sounds like a prepubescent 13 horny 13 year old boy who just discover porn for the first time.

>> No.9250187
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Fucking ace.

>> No.9250228
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>> No.9250281

Everything's gonna spike up when her super expensive Daikou model arrives. It apparently has a lot of expressions and attachments to it?
Also, she's holding something back and she claims it is big and will suprise her viewers(?)

>> No.9250353
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Damn good thing you don't make the rules then, eh? kson will forever be welcome on /vt/.

>> No.9250522
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>> No.9250638

>join company with an established audience
>attract million simps with reddit humor
>jump ship and take them with you
WOW impressive, she sure is an INDIE who worked her way up from the ground all alone. Can't believe she gathered such a large audience as an INDIE

>> No.9250710


>> No.9250828

Hello Tia

>> No.9250855


>> No.9250943

What is this, salt?
Don't tell me your corporate Oshi is less popular than some random Indie, that would be embarrassing.

>> No.9250955

lol seething 2view or 2view watcher

>> No.9250985

artia did not do the same? what happened?

>> No.9251065

This is why I don't watch 2views. They breed faggots like this and I'd rather see them all fade away.

>> No.9251144

cope, she's getting more than double the numbers now than she did in 2019 on average, don't pretend hololive didn't give her a massive boost.

>> No.9251189

Kek, in case of artia, her irl facecam streams deter her viewers instead of attracting them.

>> No.9251237

She shows off how she looks more in those streams and having a cute avatar and being actually attractive is taking her a long way.

>> No.9251263

Dilate. You're just butthurt that your oshi is a 2view failure while mine is running the streets.

>> No.9251295

>established audience
it's the exact opposite of what you say. coco was one of the main reasons the hololive brand got big. she was essential to create said audience. she's just reaping the rewards of her own work.

>> No.9251297

She essentially pushed cover to making EN so she did more for them financially than they did for her. She wanted a management position when she worked there and they wasted her.

>> No.9251420

You will never fuck a corporate chuba, you have less of a chance than I do in fucking my “2view” than you.

>> No.9251446

>they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.9251545

We have an equal chance. Difference is mine will go on to be successful while yours will be crying and begging on twitter.

>> No.9251778

How do you think her cunt smells? Sour? Pungent? Bitter?

>> No.9251904
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>You're not allowed to criticize the dragon.
>C-coco is forever!
Next you'll call me a zhang.
Coco was never good, her entire sense of humor was pure western style gross out trash, something she continues to do but can now show her tits.

Oh but she pretends to be mad, DONT GET HORNY BOYS, its not like I ran out of the room and intentionally showed my ass, don't you dare get horny silly boys.
Stupid cunt, embrace it or fuck off.
I'm glad she's gone, now nobody wants to deal with her garbage sense of humor anymore.

>Can you teach me how to say fisting
>Fist as in punch right?
Also that fucking graduation, even people that never said a word to her being forced to be there, all those tears and for what? She wasn't fucking dying.

>> No.9251920

Did you possibly mean taste?

>> No.9251984


>> No.9252003

>western style

So superior. Begone, /jp/ transplant. You are not welcome here among the burgers.

>> No.9252007

are you retarded? are you replying to your own post?

>> No.9252022


>> No.9252054

>all those tears and for what
the cashcow was leaving, they now all had to work harder to keep cover afloat

>> No.9252090

The thread you linked is an anti thread retard

>> No.9252101
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>You're not allowed to criticize the dragon.
>Coco is forever!

>> No.9252112

Still seething even after she is gone.
Taiwan will always be a independent country

>> No.9252269

Your oshi was sad and cried for coco, because she cares about coco and doesn’t give a fuck about you.

>> No.9252343
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you will never be human

>> No.9252348

You like Towa, Towa likes Coco, keep seething fag.

>> No.9252377

>Also that fucking graduation, even people that never said a word to her being forced to be there, all those tears and for what? She wasn't fucking dying.

>> No.9252424

Based, Coconiggers seething

>> No.9252452

>all those tears and for what? She wasn't fucking dying.
That's what it took you to realise this is all spectacle? I've got bad news for you bro...

>> No.9252485

even people that never said a word to her being forced to be there

Who? except for ayame, can you name one?

>> No.9252580

Anya, Nene.

>> No.9252581

Reine's mother is still superchatting in Ksons stream.

Towa cried the most for coco's graduation

keep seething

>> No.9252588

Didn't she get 2k viewers playing that kusoge yesterday?

>> No.9252678


Nene, fucking lol, try again

>> No.9252895

No, you can also taste smell. The actual taste is different.

>> No.9252907

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.9253008
File: 59 KB, 460x591, DE85DE42-D215-4C67-887C-61C4C981BCD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, faggot

>> No.9253446

Under no circumstance would such a thing be enforceable. Non-competes are only usuable for direct competitors, certainly not for the sort of independent craft type work that a judge would view streaming as. It would be like trying to get your journeyman plumber apprentice to sign a noncompete and then suing him if he fixes his neighbor's pipes. No judge would award you damages.

>> No.9253468

You forgot some of the IDs, and Ina, I guess. But for JP there’s none, all of them had conversations with Coco, Ayame didn’t have collab with coco but she did talk about coco in her stream.

>> No.9253536

Kson is better than Coco was because now she can do what she likes, and is free to be herself.

>> No.9253575

Imagine seething this much still. Honestly, the stupidity of Coco’s antis are giving coco more popularity. I guess tatsunocock are very happy about this.

>> No.9253615

also she shows her tits and ass

>> No.9253685

That's the best part, but i doubt gay would understand that.

>> No.9253703

good bait

>> No.9253776

what the fuck man howd he do that?

>> No.9254067

yes, idk where he's getting 100k live views from, but its not from reality

>> No.9254768

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.9255405

and what an ass it is, and it's attached to a very fun person. she's great.

>> No.9255540

I never said that was a bad thing, it's the only good thing about her.

>> No.9255996

I really wanna go watch some of her streams, but I have a problem watching streams in general. Usually I gotta watch them in pieces

>> No.9256396


next stream at 12am EST, she does lots of random stuff but she's the same person she always was.
