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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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902129 No.902129 [Reply] [Original]

Your oshi will never be as big as this guy

>> No.902153

did he really make a vtuber? fuck i hate this guy

>> No.902225

Literally who?

>> No.902401

His content is actually entertaining so I get why he’s so popular.

>> No.902436

I am entirely content with my oshi not having a legion of boring normalfaggot followers just so she can placate some numberfag.

>> No.902456

oh!uhm!oh!uhm!oh!are you all right there copse?

>> No.902735

He’s a based chumbud.

>> No.902884

I always knew he would be a vtuber one day. It suits him, better than Lilypichu and Pokimane at least, but I feel like his cringe shyness will be overdone on purpose from now on to the point of being annoying.

>> No.902906

Who cares?

>> No.903115

He might be a faggot but he's utterly inoffensive.
His fanbase is 80% underage girls and his whole persona is Anime Boy #124213542

>> No.906077

>admits to simping hard to Lilypichu on her old IRC channel in the past
>actually giving her a boquet of flowers IRL
>simps super hard for Ironmouse during rust stream

This guy is desperate for an anime gf

>> No.906091

Doesn't that just make him similar to the people on this board?

>> No.906370

He's also a huge gura simp. Rrrat says they're friends IRL

>> No.906403

rrats formed in your schizo head? show me proof

>> No.906432

>He's also a huge gura simp
Who isn't? Everyone loves the cute shark

>> No.906442

The enjoyment is trying to break his persona anon

>> No.906443

Literally me

>> No.906519

Literally who

>> No.906599

I'm not

>> No.906620


>> No.906736

In like five years some combination of him, Corpse, and that Dream fag will be outed for diddling just like Cry, the guy they're aping, was.

>> No.907004

How can holostars even compete!

>> No.907503


Isn't he like, 2nd biggest twitch streamer behind xQc? How does he not have legions of women on him?

>> No.907619

Now he does, before he didnt. Pretending to be a shy cute jpop boy will get girls to swoon over you quickly


>> No.907726

Man, that's all it takes, huh?

>> No.907821

It was already massively overdone.

>> No.907863

The funny thing is that this was before he blew up big.

>> No.907872

he is the beginning of male moe

>> No.908214

Sykunno is a cute boy!

>> No.908525

What kind of male covers their mouth when they laugh?

>> No.909028

Ones who are willing to cash in as an eboy vtuber on girl simps

>> No.909175


>> No.909178

A male making ridiculous amounts of money with thousands of women wanting to fuck him.

>> No.909209
File: 560 KB, 1652x283, xqc numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got too cocky Sykkuno-bros....

>> No.910259

It's funny that he LARPs as a shy beta and gets girls all over his dick. Being an actual Jap makes the fujo weebs wetter.

>> No.910338

And he's not even a virgin by his own admission. He's no Chad IRL but he plays his shyness and nice guy thing to the nth level.

>> No.910532

>he role plays a shy beta and gets all the ladies
>i'm really shy and fucking socially inept and all of my relationships fail
How does he do it?

>> No.911018

Pretty sure he's not Japanese and has never pretended to be

>> No.911137

they are not aping cry in any way

>> No.911140


I'll be honest, I usually have no idea what xQc is saying

>> No.911219

he's literally been famous for like 8 years

>> No.911254

he's attractive, rich and famous

>> No.911345

That explains it
I'm none of those things

>> No.911401

You consider 100 viewer league streams as famous?

>> No.911462

every video on his channel got hundreds of thousands of views
would you not consider that famous?

>> No.912215

And that was after he blew up...
He hasn't been famous for 8 years like you said.

>> No.912405

He unironically sticks to his character better than most vtubers.

>> No.912496


>> No.912551

looks like disguised toast but younger lol

>> No.912622

No one does

>> No.912723

That's fucking weird, I find it difficult to imagine Sykkuno and Gura meshing personality-wise at all.

>> No.912786

Eh Sykkuno is kind of a troll in his among us streams. But ya it'd be weird for Gura to say some of her raunchier stuff and Sykkuno pretending he doesn't understand.
