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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8316425 No.8316425 [Reply] [Original]

>Literally all streams in the exact same day
Why do they do this?
Isn't it exhausting for both their talents and the viewers?
Casual viewers won't stick around for more than 3 streams and long time fans have to literally just watch streams all day

>> No.8316466

Who gives a fuck about what casuals think, they aren't the ones pouring money into the talents' pockets

>> No.8316471

It's too late, HoloEN2 is already doomed to fail.


>> No.8316592
File: 618 KB, 897x868, 1625450769030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up casual, nobody gives a shit about you

>> No.8316598

Watch the archives later at your leisure if you can't handle it, pussy.

>> No.8316621

They are copying nijien

>> No.8316631

Newfag chama...

>> No.8316661

>le casual
can't wait for Baelz to have the shittiest debut just like Ame because of sleep depravation

>> No.8316726

I had the time for an all nighter when EN1 had their debut. But Now I need to get up at 5am for work and I cannot afford to be braindead at my job and risk making a mistake similar to what happened to the Ever Given, I need my sleep.
VOD's it is then.

>> No.8316744

Would you prefer the Nijisanji style 20 minute debuts with 10 minute breaks?

>> No.8316745

>fans have to literally just watch streams all day
oh noooo lmfao

>> No.8316785

nijien gets their debuts done within an hour or two

>> No.8316789

Casual can watch achieve.

>> No.8316793

>for an EN branch
>not PST/EST
are they retarded? many stupid kids won't be able to convert it.

>> No.8316807

Fuck me, Monday is supposed to be my day off but because some lazy bitch decided to be a piece of shit and not do her job I have to work.

>> No.8316808

Because it gives everyone in different timezones a debut to watch.

>> No.8316833


>> No.8316838

>90 minute streams
Kind of long for a debut stream.

>> No.8316845

are they actually retarded? the best time is at like 8PM, cause that's morning in Japan too.

>> No.8316866

probably 30 min breaks inbetween each one

>> No.8316875

>Japanese Company
>Being braindead 90% of the time
>9% goes to sexual harassment and power abusement
>1% goes to a single good idea that carries the company up until the next good idea.

>> No.8316886

>1.5 hours to show a model and talk about your shit taste in music and anime
really? this is stretched out way too far.

>> No.8316914


>> No.8316926

It's 1 hour with a half hour break.

>> No.8316927

Genuinely, I think Hololive is at an unhappy medium here. If you split debuts across a few days then sure, go as long as you want. If you do 20-30 minute debuts then sure, do a relay. But that can't seriously expect me to spend 6, 7 hours on 5 debuts and a collab in the same day. That's ridiculous.
Either split it over some days like HoloJP debuts or do short ones like Niji's doing these days. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.8316947

For HoloEN its a good time since it caters to more of the english speaking places.

>> No.8316962

typhoon yabai confirmed?

>> No.8316964

I liked the short official debut and then them doing extended intro streams themselves after.

Long debut videos barely even serve much purpose, a lot of the streamers change quite a bit from their debut streams once they find their comfort zone anyway.

>> No.8316983

man that was a shit way to debut

>> No.8316986

HoloEN1 was done same way too

>> No.8316999

There weren't enough complaints of HoloEN 1 doing the exact same shit i guess
Though that was probably even shittier since the breaks were longer

>> No.8317018

They can. They did it with gen1 EN and the numbers were there.

>> No.8317033

For Europe it's going to suck dick after the third girl debut because next day is working day and the debuts start at around 19:00, for anyone in the Americas the debuts just happen through the day (starts either 10:00 or 14:00) and ends right before the day ends, very comfy.

>> No.8317035

Wasn't Holo EN1 done the same?
Is this way a better system?

>> No.8317056

even 1 hour is too long, what the fuck are you going to do, stretch a model demo and interest chat for 60 minutes?

doesn't matter anyways, in 2 days you'll just have 5 stickmin/minecraft streams, let's be real.

>> No.8317082

no? they had double the time

>> No.8317106

Phase Connect and Prism Project had the right idea: 1 hour long debut, 2 of them per day. Having 5 debuts in one day is retarded

>> No.8317107

>in 2 days you'll just have 5 stickmin/minecraft streams

>> No.8317120

No? They didn't

>> No.8317122

being this new...

>> No.8317123

>Hour long stream of them just being awkward/nervous and putting up an act of some persona/character that they will give up trying to do after a week.

>> No.8317126

Holy shit no, that was awful. I like the Nijis, but there was no reason to have such a short debut.

>> No.8317129
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Today i will remind them

>> No.8317130

At least that was 2 in the morning and 3 in the evening for NA time. Gives you more of a break in between even if its still kind of a whole day event if you plan to watch them all.

>> No.8317158

it's like the endless eight arc. everything repeats, over and over. I just want another Korone.
>yes, I will play games from the 80s cause I like it.

>> No.8317161

I know, isn't it great?

>> No.8317170

you know how time works anon? >>8317129

>> No.8317179

It seemed to work out pretty well for EN1.
They get a huge amount of buzz all day rather than a couple hours spread over 5 days.
The main reason they do it this way though is probably so that everyone can immediately start stream activities.
There will probably be an EN 2 group collab after debuts too.

>> No.8317217

>5 minutes to inevitably deal with OBS taking a shit
>15 to drag out your model reveal and another 10 to pretend to orgasm over the reference sheet
>10 more to talk about your corporate mandated personality
>sing a song
>start naming and thanking every individual holo when they stop in chat, at least 10 minutes there
>if you're not at the 5 minute mark just bullshit until then and cut to your outro video

>> No.8317218

>There will probably be an EN 2 group collab after debuts too
Literally in the OP anon

>> No.8317220

>Have to delay EN2 debut to dodge a tournament held by an indie
Good start already

>> No.8317231

>bad times for EU
>next day is a work day, so many cant watch
>endurance, people might have stuff to do
the ideal way to do this is 1 a day, in primetime for most audiences (12EST)

>> No.8317241

Yeah. If I miss an hour long debut and I wasn't extremely hyped for it I'll just watch a highlight reel, and a 20 minute debut serves that purpose. If I'm catching it live then I spend less time on chuubas I don't even know yet, and if I enjoy them I can just catch their next stream (whether that's a long intro or just a game or something) to get a better handle on them. Either way it works out better.

>> No.8317296
File: 197 KB, 1500x1050, 1619945088895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hal is bigger than holoEN right now. Not even a meme. This isn't even the tourney stream.

>> No.8317300

Oh so it's a pizza night i guess.

>> No.8317309

Is almost confirmed that no one is from EU again right?

>> No.8317311

well the time is perfect for burgers and spics

>> No.8317328

My bad, I completely glossed over that.

>> No.8317351

I'm spic and my time still sucks

>> No.8317356

9am-12pm on a weekday would not be prime time for the largest EN audience. Enjoy the EU holo you have.

>> No.8317374
File: 1.64 MB, 1080x1220, 1624385158119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely shit idea, I watched gen 4 and 5 debuts and hype has only increased during the days off in-between streams, idk why would they ever throw it away

holo debuts took a week of spotlight of the entire industry while Niji had you miss debuts of entire gens in a single day

>> No.8317384

where the fuck you live? Im also a spic and everything happens in the afternoon for me

>> No.8317391

Good think my job is piss easy and i can do it half-awake.

>> No.8317412

What's the PERFECT debut stream, then?
Do what exactly?

>> No.8317433

1 hour debuts are stupid when it's obvious every talent struggles to fill the time.

>> No.8317453

doesnt that guy at the top have ties to holo? doesnt that make holo the winner?

>> No.8317455

Spain, rat debut and collab is after midnight for me

>> No.8317474

12 allows people in NA to watch at noon and EU in primetime. This way, many people are fucked cause it's too late.

>> No.8317478

Today is Hal and king kuzuha's day

>> No.8317518

They should cut down debut times if they are going to do that, like 15/20 minute streams. Short and to the point without needing to fill too much dead air.

>> No.8317567

neither niji nor holo. Hal is all self made.

>> No.8317583

Long ones throughout the week and a short relay both work. This has the disadvantages of both.
(Short streams throughout the week would still be worse than the ideal ones, but frankly it'd probably still be better than this)

>> No.8317615

then you are an eurobro retard not a spic

>> No.8317638

Except for the last stream, all of these are at better times for Europe than 80% of regular EN1 streams.
As a Euro this is almost as if they know we exist and maybe care a little bit. So I'm glad I'll just have to stay up until 4 AM to catch all of the streams instead of having to wake up at 3 AM. Sure it sucks for the last 2 streams, but since I'm used to such bad hours from EN1 I'll gladly take slightly better times. I also think having them all in one day is the best way to do this because everyone can start their regular streaming activities at the same time and a long debut relay creates hype, everybody talking about burnout isn't the target audience for this stuff, because they will end up watching clips of these anyway.

>> No.8317647

Short streams all on the same day that give the general gist of interests/talents/personality and what they will be doing. And then allow them to start streaming soon if not immediately after all intro debut streams are done. Then do extended intro streams going in depth of what was shown in the debut streams as well as other stuff within a few days.

>> No.8317671


>> No.8317680

NijiEN did short streams all on same day and it was proven to be shit

>> No.8317692

What exactly is this??

>> No.8317700
File: 162 KB, 1203x896, 1619663275552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debut streams are literally moved one day later
>people are still bitching about it

>> No.8317713

>everybody talking about burnout isn't the target audience for this stuf
Shouldn't you want to get as many people as possible for debut? Its not an endurance stream or something that is always going to filter people, it's an introduction.

>> No.8317767

NijiEn did exactly this and it was horrible both times they did. The second debut stream ends up being an hour+ long anyway and has to repeat everything they said in the first one.

>> No.8317807

You get as many people as possible with an all gen relay because even people who might only be interested in one or two of them might just stick around for the next debut since it is only 30m until then and their new oshi just told them to watch it.

>> No.8317810

>arm punch, no alignment
not worried.

>> No.8317815


>> No.8317833

>NijiEn did exactly this and it was horrible both times they did.
No, it was fine. The streams had about as much content as the average debut but with less stalling, and it enabling the commentary specials to exist was fun.

>> No.8317878

Kuzuha got 144k for a fun tournament, and that's mostly JOPs.

>> No.8317897

Their style worked for me.

Kinda just want a taste test of everything. A lot of the debut streams I've watched are shit anyway, it's not like the girls have even "found themselves", so they're just weirdly filling time and often end up being quite different to how they present themselves in the debut stream.

>> No.8318036

It was horrible for LazuLight, but for Obsydia it was fine because it was obvious that both LazuLight and Obsydia were far more closer than Hana and Bonnivier were to LazuLight.

It COULD work for HoloCouncil, but a big issue would be a rare case where overlap would actually cut into views/interests, with more people watching the HoloMyth stream than the actual debut streams. That and le epic EN curse meme.

I wasn't convinced of the Nijisanji method at first, but it works fine as long as everyone is at least somewhat familiar with each other. Hololive method is fine though.

>> No.8318148

You do know that Hal has a different audience than EN, right? Like, the same could be said with Hal. No fan of a vtuber in the world would know of him aside from JOPs and EN is much more bigger than Hal. Get it? Now, fuck off.

>> No.8318767

Another advantage is that they'll all have their anniversaries on the same day. Between anniversaries and birthdays, it feels like there's been something every day these last few weeks, and it sucks trying to keep up with even a little of it.

>> No.8318820
File: 109 KB, 1080x1331, B442D823-ABE1-4217-9D50-2A2CD36DC26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I’ve been meaning to rewatch this.

>> No.8318911

Let them show their butts on streams aka debutt

>> No.8318937

The did the same for EN1, newfagchama

>> No.8319075

NijiEN debut was a PR disaster that directly contributed to Finana failing to get subs
NOBODY should EVER follow ANYTHING nijisanji does

>> No.8319080

Holy shit the newfaggotry is off the chart here

>> No.8319205

Nigga we both know the debut style was not the issue there. Do you think she would've done better missing her debut if she had an hour instead? At least it was only 20 minutes down and she was able to do a long-form debut a couple days after.

>> No.8319299

Good thing streams give local time on countdown s retardchama

>> No.8319368

Hurricane retards btfo'd. Fucking morons, lol.

>> No.8319375

At the same time it's going to be hell for the Supachas because they'll need to drop 500-2500 dollars in one day, assuming they like all EN2 members

>> No.8319384

If the channels were monetised, with supas & membersheeps on debut then sure, I'd say spread them out a bit, consider doing them over a week at a single specific time for whatever the best time for the expected audience is.
With no monetisation then who cares. Get the debuts done ASAP and let each streamer go as fast as they want to build the audience when they get monetised.

>> No.8319404

That doesn't matter if people see the tweet and then go "damn, guess I'll miss it" without looking into it further. I almost did the same because I forgot Cover's dumb enough to do EN announcements in JST so I just assumed it was in EST or PST for a second.

>> No.8319709

Why are you guys all so worried? They're in Hololive so they're gonna get big numbers regardless

>> No.8319716

If anything her fucked debut helped her. It got her some hype and her "real" debut stream is still the most watched nijiEN VOD. She probably felt like shit so I feel bad for her, but she didnt get hurt in the short or long term at all

>> No.8319744

>Comparing this to the Endless 8
Fuck you! The Endless 8 at least has artistic merit in what it is trying to do.

>> No.8319762

If you don't care enough to check the channels themselves for the waiting rooms, you're not Cover's Target audience

>> No.8319778


>> No.8319814

I just want someone who plays games besides Minecraft/Apex and Collab kusoge all the fucking time.

>> No.8319840




>> No.8319910

Why are Niji posters samefagging so hard in here. Jesas.

>> No.8320048

I know right? Why are Nijifans so obsessed with EN2?

>> No.8320373

Because they actually care about the cross-brand rivalry. They think the hatred towards the fans as actual hatred towards the talent.

>> No.8320395

Isn't that Holofans ?

>> No.8320642

Oh, I don't doubt that some holofags are obsessed with the supposed rivalry, but generally they don't need to do anything other than numberfag, whereas the nijigers need to create rrats and false flag.

>> No.8320794

Pretty sure at this point that the genuine NijiEN and Niji fans are too busy watching streams and it's really just a few dramafags stirring shit up because this place is stupid easy to get (you)s in.

>> No.8320888

This is an exceptionally valid reading, and I will choose to believe it over my theory.

>> No.8320900

I really liked the short debuts that Niji has done for their last few new sets, everyone gets 30-40mins to do their shtick let the audience get a taste of who they are then have follow up streams. I am not enthused by the idea of watching 5hours of debuts + breaks in one sitting.

>> No.8320908

better but still stupid

>> No.8320947


Shes an Atlantean that survives the pressure of the bottom of the ocean. She could crack your skull with a finger flick

>> No.8320949

Everyone complaining about getting a full day of Hololive programming is weak ass bitch and needs to back to watching clips or whatever the fuck they normally do.

>> No.8321096

Clips are better than full streams desu

>> No.8321147

This is a test to see how much you care about hololive. Important plot points will be revealed. If you don't care then just go watch some twitchwhores or something.

>> No.8321242

Ok Soda.

>> No.8322102

>midnight in western Europe
This kills the Ky0resu rrat.

>> No.8322345

It depends, but yeah, sadly is almost dead

>> No.8322444

or she just has a fuckep up sleep schedule like half the EN1s

>> No.8323607

"People just interested enough to check out the debuts if they have spare time" SHOULD be the target audience of a debut. There's no core audience yet and you should be looking to attract new people, not just existing general Hololive fans.

>> No.8323735

They should've pushed it to next week on a Saturday, debuts are huge events that can make or break vtubers. They need to cast as wide of a net as they can as well as give people time to adjust their schedules, JP and Asia non-neets are not going to be able to pull an all nighter before Monday and EU bros are probably not going to be able to catch the collab.

>> No.8323890

NEETs win again, how will wagies ever recover

>> No.8323932

>casualfags and wagecucks btfo
i don't see the issue

>> No.8324797

t. Hololive Moments
