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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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831573 No.831573 [Reply] [Original]

Uto love!

Reminder to ignore trolls/numberfags

Previous thread: >>812865
Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2onE06wstoM

>> No.831744

Maybe the lewds will start flowing after this?

>> No.831776

Why are her titles in English?

>> No.831781

reminder that Uto's biggest fans come from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore

>> No.831886

the cutest most beautiful angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.831922

Her viewers are like 90% english people

>> No.832041

I doubt it will be more lewd than the spicy ramen stream, but one can hope.

>> No.832094

Reminder that she's still giving most of the money (or "negotiating", if you will) to the shady company who owns the rights and paid for all her design and model

>> No.832222


>> No.832313

Dont care

>> No.832635

Oh, so she's still under a company.

>> No.832673

If you didn't care you wouldn't reply.

>> No.832691

ogey, Dont care

>> No.832696

Because 4chan as a source is perfectly reliable, samefag.

>> No.832751


>> No.832862

Oh my!
... Anyway.

>> No.833115

>implying ive ever paid for free content

>> No.834197

Because based tenshi said fuck JOP's. If you look at her titles before her hiatus, they had both Japanese and English. Now her titles are only in English. There's no need to pander to a country that only gave you problems with no profitable trade off.

>> No.834255

What's the appeal?

>> No.834328 [DELETED] 

Cute girl tries her best to learn English to communicate with her fans.
Many cute phrases and noises to be had along the way.

>> No.834343

yes, and?

>> No.834392

Did she reveal the name of the Chinese company backing her or was it all rrat?

>> No.834533

Chinese part is a rrat and she can't legally reveal the company.

>> No.836353
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>> No.836409

Source: Your ass

>> No.836462


>> No.836902

>Source: dude trust me

>> No.837441 [DELETED] 

Can't wait

>> No.837470


>> No.837487

t. shady company janny

>> No.838042 [DELETED] 

Uto loves you anon

>> No.839300

It’s a small indie company called cover

>> No.841226

She will get boosted so hard.

>> No.841776

Narukami is dead lol

>> No.841859

break isn't really death is it

>> No.843610

>she liked this
Tenshi's a KFP?

>> No.844228

She is wonderful entertainer but not too bright. I can well imagine she signed a terrible contract with some shady company and can't escape it.

>> No.844240

She's not mentally ill enough to be a part of KFP

>> No.844471


>> No.844567

she actually seemed like a fairly quick learner during RE7
the adult world might elude her a bit but she seems to know her way around a video game

>> No.844976

That "terrible contract" brought her massive success though?
If anything she exploited that company and probably planned to turncoat anyway

>> No.845113

Based tenshi

>> No.845122

Get out japnese keemstar fans

>> No.845197

is it not based on geographical location? she probably has it set up to read japanese in japan and english elsewhere.

>> No.845231


>> No.845922
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I think that's something you have to do manually, it's not automatic. Tenshi's videos still have English titles even if your language and location settings are set to Japan. I checked another channel that switches titles based on region and the English titles were all translated to moon runes. Uto just fucking hates JOP's kek.

>> No.845948
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>> No.847160
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>> No.847809

jop are not forgiving audience

>> No.847876


>> No.847934

Japan is ~140M population market.
USA is ~360M population market +EU & other English-speaking countries.

It makes all the sense in the world to cater to them because it's also easy.

Chinks on the other hand

>> No.848028

>Chinks on the other hand
double edged sword

>> No.848047

Uto fans are like 70% ESL

>> No.848084

Yeah English is new Tower of Babel. Wait until Pajeet economy and income grows.

>> No.848099

JOPs screw her over its understandable.

>> No.848121

This >>831781

>> No.848144

>other English-speaking countries

>> No.848206

Let him screech over muh chink rrats. Hes retarded

>> No.849570

Get in here. She's live.

>> No.849626

muh dik

>> No.849736
File: 69 KB, 1717x461, BA22E71F-E3F6-4440-92C5-0CAE0BF2D762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t know

>> No.849819

source: trust me

>> No.849827


>> No.849830

KEK i laughed

>> No.849867

>same person who keeps posting the weird kiara face meme

>> No.849936

>Uto taking the heat for everything her fans have done, including making walfie and haachama memes of her
truly blessed we have her

>> No.850115

>I'm angel. Nice to meet you.
So cute.

>> No.850198

>99.5% of the viewers speak english

why even try speak japanese

>> No.850249

top two languages on the planet

>> No.850288

She's already dead

>> No.850301

Because she knows Japanese better. There are plenty of people who know enough Japanese to understand her or can read from one of the live translators in chat.

>> No.850327

japanese is cute

>> No.850383

It's so strange. How did this Japanese girl get SO many EOPs?

>> No.850399

Do your reps

>> No.850402

kusa ringfit can't read her heartbeat

>> No.850412

Based Mandarin speaker

>> No.850434

Her japanese is simple anyway I can pretty much guess what she is talking about

>> No.850452

Listen, I don't care if Satan is her boss and she stomps on puppies in stilettos in her free time. If it's cute and catches my attention Ill watch it

>> No.850476

>same mama as holoEN
>clippers make content
>shit company stirs up drama
>clippers make more content translating drama
>makes cute noises
>adorable duolingo streams with cute accent
>vanishes for a full month
>8 hour RE7 stream
>RFA meme game for lewd noises

>> No.850500

>Satan is her boss
well, he's technically boss of everything that is our world

>> No.850535


>> No.850551

Muh dick

>> No.850554
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She doing it sitting down? How does she keep face in capture range?

>> No.850590

cute angel laugh

>> No.850598

she probably has her phone set up somewhere else since she's not at her desk

>> No.850599

iphone tracking is pretty good, you can stand a good distance away and it'll still pick up everything, same thing all the holos use.

>> No.850614

tenshi is dead

>> No.850620

>tfw I'm still at work

>> No.850628

She gets better every day

>> No.850670
File: 294 KB, 349x467, 1597687408002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious Elmao Mode

>> No.850682

She lost tracking when she laid down for the previous fight, so I think she is doing it for real.

>> No.850691

imagine tenshi tying her hair back to get super serious

>> No.850721

We need ponytail tenshi.

>> No.850728
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>sweaty neck under a ponytail

>> No.850750


>> No.850751


>> No.850770

Do your reps.

>> No.850778


>> No.850790

>chat having a fucking moral crisis

>> No.850794

>set for life at 16

>> No.850809

RFA streams are bait for coomers

>> No.850821

This chat confirms that redditors are actually gay.

>> No.850831

I love them.

>> No.850850

just incredibly misled by pedoshit

>> No.850875
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the smart move here would be to make all future RFA streams members only

>> No.850887


>> No.850908

that's just a greedy move
>keep RFAs open to attract more clippers
>save member for bedtime asmr

>> No.850914


>> No.850983

She wouldn't be such a shrewd businesswoman to do such a thing, would she?

>> No.851001

>all that work to burn off 9 calories
the fuck?

>> No.851010

Just make the vod members only

>> No.851015

are you going single-handedly defeat the juice so I can have my government-appointed fertile tomboy wife to have sex with for the sole purpose of racially correct procreation?
no? you aren't going to lead the charge against the evils of our world that destroy family unit, natural gender roles and healthy interpersonal relationships?

Then shut the fuck up: I'm going to watch cute anime girl exercise while moaning.

it's a bitch, yes.

>> No.851028

The human body is a cruel machine...

>> No.851061

human body is a DECENT machine
the amount of work our ancestors had to do to get their bellies full often left them at a deficit
modern food is shit but at least there's lot of it and it's cheap

>> No.851091

can you even be monetized at 16 in Japan?

>> No.851099
File: 262 KB, 828x830, Stop Barbara Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she deal with the fact that her chat can't understand 80% of what she says? Who does she think she's talking to when she speaks Japanese?

>> No.851126

she can see the live TL, she's not blind
lot of chat are weebs who can understand simple jap phrases
she speaks very simple jap, I assume on purpose

>> No.851134

amatsuka the character is 16 not her roommate

>> No.851140

She doesn't care. She's making money regardless.

>> No.851152

She speaks really slow if you been watching subbed anime for at least 3-5 years you can pretty know what she is talking about

>> No.851155


>> No.851163

>Senchou is 17
It's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.851174

this fucking can of arizona tea has 90 calories, i gotta do 10 of those to just burn this single can off? fuck me

>> No.851191

she's talking to herself
treat her streams as anime episodes

>> No.851201

By wiping her tears with money.

>> No.851232

be thankful you don't have to run 20 miles and fight dangerous animals just to get those calories
she sometimes read chat, she did ask for advice in RE7 couple of times

>> No.851246

If you are not brain dead and weeb who watches anime regularly you can understand most of what she says with little context. She talks slowly and does not use any complicated words

>> No.851250

You burn like 2k per day by just existing

>> No.851291

That's if you need to go out and walk somewhere. I've measured by balance of sitting on my ass doing some easy IT work and watching VTubers to be around 1300-1400kcal.

>> No.851334

Did she ditch her entire jp audience?

>> No.851337

Just by watching anime you can understand 90% of everything that she says considering how much slow she talks

>> No.851371

More like they left, nobody stops them from watching she mostly speaks jap and her games are in jap.

>> No.851415
File: 26 KB, 526x176, 1593915827950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4% subs watching
Those are gg numbers.

>> No.851457

hikkikomori tenshi?

>> No.851456
File: 368 KB, 333x507, 1602066121938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hikikkomori tenshi
>3 month no cardio
>doesn't like outside

>> No.851529

Most only get 1-2% sub viewers during streams

>> No.851547

She is blaming it on Corona lol

>> No.851636

real voice slipped for a moment

>> No.851642

I don't think you know how YouTube works

>> No.851658

We generally burn 100 calories per 10 minutes of cardio

>> No.851671

7.5k viewers is beeg for 370k subs
almost as beeg as 153cm for a tenshi

>> No.851701


>> No.851747

Did not you know that you have to get >10% live viewers to be considered good? Holo EN gets 60k easily every stream.

>> No.851810

>you have to get >10% live viewers
a consistent 5% is considered godly numbers in youtube

>Holo EN gets 60k easily every stream.

>> No.851811

with my powerful brain I have just deduced that sankagetsu is either 3 months or March
? her Papers Please stream just now had 17-18K viewers and she has what, 2.27M subs?
That's 0.7%
>Holo EN gets 60k easily every stream.
Unique or simultaneous? If latter, you're full of shit.

>> No.851817

In her recent duolingo stream she complimented EOP's on being kind. Said jack shit about JOP's elmao.

>> No.851855

He's being sarcastic anons

>> No.851860

I was being sarcastic at how retarded >>851415
this guy is.

>> No.851877


>> No.851880

JOP aren't kind, they're pretty strict to idols and vtubers. EOPs are so starved for cutesy content because of forced SJW entertainment quotas that they sign any properly cute girl to heaven.

Even japs when asked why VTubers are popular abroad, say that west doesn't have cute characters like that.

>> No.851900

kagai niki not EOPs

>> No.851918

>I have just deduced that sankagetsu is either 3 months or March
The ka makes it mean 3 months like as a measurement of time.

>> No.851920

>It's sunny today in Japan
Thank you Tenshi for this info

>> No.851950

Gentlemen we got her.

>> No.851991

angel fisting kani

>> No.852004
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>> No.852014
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>this stream

>> No.852089

>ah, wataa wataa
Bros, why am I so thirty all of a sudden?

>> No.852091

What does sweaty tenshi smell like?

>> No.852092

>ame is yellow pikmin
>uto is blue pikmin

>> No.852093

How much is the Youtube bug affecting her? She has a mostly-EOP audience, so there should probably be a bunch of uncounted viewers using Adblock, right?

>> No.852098


>> No.852109

we live in a society of phoneposters

>> No.852144

It's moreso a difference in cancel cultures rather than western weebs being desperate for content. Western cancel culture revolves around SJW libshit twitter or people actually breaking laws. Nips will cancel idols for breathing in the general vicinity of a man.

>> No.852157

If she breathes...

>> No.852222

she's a thoooot

>> No.852458

Hey that's pretty good pulse for a no-cardio shut in
though maybe she's just very smol in body

>> No.852530

>에미리아 /Emilia
Who that and why she has no video?

>> No.852546


>> No.852556

her chat mod from her previous life

>> No.852563
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She knows the meme. Do you think she educates herself on kaigainiki memes?

>> No.852569

normalfag meme
lurk moar or leave

>> No.852586

Do you think she’ll know her way around my dick too?

>> No.852593

She learned it from chat.

>> No.852604

do you expect her to be a /b/tard or something?
you need good vision for that, small delicate object

>> No.852663

>hairpin fell

>> No.852692

chat being 10 y/o again

>> No.852695

Tenshi's flexing her eigo.

>> No.852703

It's so cute bros

>> No.852765
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>Beri suwetti

>> No.852776

tenshi wants 3D model humu humu

>> No.852841
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You guys got to admit that the poggers thing is extremely cringe.

>> No.852853

I don't twitch so it's just a meme to me

>> No.852856


>> No.852861

She seems to have fun saying it.

>> No.852865

polgas is extremely cute

>> No.852896

No, it's adorable and she has fun saying it.

>> No.852931

I hate Twitch lingo with a passion so I hope she stops saying it
but I know she won't because YouTube goblins are less than human so it's whatever
at least she's cute

>> No.852960

i like how when she's laughing and her real voice slips out

>> No.852963

This is the most active I've heard her, it's pretty cute. In these types of situations you can't really fake a personality so it's cute that she's genuinely like this

>> No.852970

Why do I love this girl so fucking much? Her appearance is so plain but I have a strong sense of wanting to protect her

>> No.852974

New Tenshi is a lot more relaxed with her stream. You can barely tell they changed VAs.

>> No.852980


>> No.853021

Imagine the smell...

>> No.853078

>Her appearance is so plain but I have a strong sense of wanting to protect her
That is literally what moe is anon.

>> No.853094

it's her voice and way of speaking

>> No.853107
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Tenshi lunch

>> No.853112

some of the best rigging in the industry
most vtubers change expressions with a button, Uto does it automatically

>> No.853127

had those in the past when i visited japan, surprisingly more filling than you'd expect, 2 of them + side dishes would set you well off for lunch

>> No.853145

if you ever threw up after having sushi with booze you'd know that rice bloats in stomach and fills your stomach entirely, giving you feeling of satiation

>> No.853156

do you honestly think utoshills care about what their oshi says? they cant even understand her 90% of the time

>> No.853167

>they cant even understand her 90% of the time
that simply is not true

>> No.853170

they know how to do it right in Japan

>> No.853202

I like these food breaks

>> No.853235
File: 408 KB, 480x360, 1582511131622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really if they could they would farm wheat or potatoes, it's their soil and geography that forced rice farming
it's not very nutritious and binds minerals from other food so unless you really compliment it by a lot of animal or seafood, you'll end up with bowlegs as an adult because no calcium
japs on western diet would probably grow a bit taller too

>> No.853255

I thought bowleg was cuz they kneel a lot

>> No.853268

they knee a lot because they can because how slow their bones mineralize growing up
western kids with western diet wouldn't be able to follow jap floor-sitting very good because bones would refuse to bend into shape faster

>> No.853290
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>> No.853298

I thought girls in Japan walked like that because they think it's cute.

>> No.853309

How is this girl able to play video games for 6 hours straight? Are girls just built stronger then men?

>> No.853312

could be that the diet from all this time created that and the culture around associating with it happened afterwards

>> No.853320

everyone here should be able to

>> No.853324

I think you are just weak anon.
When I was a kid I could go for 16+ hours gaming sessions.
Not so much anymore though.

>> No.853326
File: 259 KB, 360x446, 1613329836448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's called X-knees here in Russia and is a clinical sign of malnutrition as a kid in soviet medical practice
She is young anon. when I was 20 I could play TF2 for 12 hours straight with only Jarate and hydration breaks that happened without leaving my battlestation.

>> No.853363

Basic japanese isn't that hard anon.

>> No.853366

What the fuck is past 25 when your body just collapses? I'm very impressed in this girls stamina

>> No.853376


>> No.853378

>What the fuck is past 25 when your body just collapses?

>> No.853385

There are plenty of male streamers who stream as much or more.

>> No.853405

reminder that if you're not making at least $20 per hour of streaming, it's not worth it

>> No.853408

not him but I think the fact that she's streaming might have something to do with it
when I play games I take FREQUENT breaks and each session tends to top out at an hour on average
but when I stream and manage to have people watch and chat then I could go for 5-6+ hours

>> No.853416

>What the fuck is past 25 when your body just collapses
The illusion of "old" as society demands you do mundane work for more and more of your day, thus removing you from good venues and timeslots to work our and excercise

>> No.853441

idk I played Fallout 3/NV/4, TF2, CIV5 and some other games for hours without stopping.
Even if you manage to stay healthy, you'll have to stay motivated to play games. Most people past 25 are not.

>> No.853453

What in the world is this game design? Getting the gold coin gives you 300 points, but hitting the bomb after it takes away only 100. You could safely just drive in a straight line picking up those gold coins and blowing up the bombs instead of trying to time it and jumping too early.

>> No.853477
File: 356 KB, 355x616, 1582486887634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nosleeve tenshi!

>> No.853489

Her arms are like twigs and it is putting me off

>> No.853492

new costume poggah

>> No.853495

You are supposed to aim for the highest score anon, get the coins AND avoid the bombs.

>> No.853499

Simply brilliant.

>> No.853502

I'm glad these threads became comfy once she came back
hopefully the schizo zhang hung himself when she made almost $10k on her return stream

>> No.853519
File: 74 KB, 400x528, 1603818696040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d̮͉̙̻O͈̜̥̰ ̥̦̝͟Ṇ̱̹͡ͅó̟̪̫̻̞͔T ̣̹̞̩̖͢B̰̫e͎̪̯͇̞ͅ ͍A̯̘͇̝f̥̺͕̟R͚͙͓̳̞a̙͓̖I̡͕̘̞d͙͖ͅ

>> No.853559

Bomb's should take away like 500 so there is risk in going for the gold coin. Right now there is no risk going for the gold coin because if you jump too early you net 0 and if you jump too late you net 200.

>> No.853578

The risk is any point deduction at all, doesnt matter if its 100 or 300, you still wont have max score if you got hit by a single one.

>> No.853617
File: 1.11 MB, 1124x577, 1588917861653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bombs deduct 300

>> No.853642

More like she never had a jp audience

>> No.853643

I guess I misread, thanks for correcting me.

>> No.853653

this, her only jp exposure came straight from Narukami

>> No.853663

She had a decent one before the drama, but they've all noped out since then.

>> No.853692
File: 1.43 MB, 1779x729, 1594476277664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nigger are fuill of shit. There were 1.5 japs even before her break.

>> No.853693
File: 162 KB, 537x657, 3E1DFCDE-1DF7-4277-8BAF-DC0644A9642C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t Zhang stop false flagging me as Zhang?
I hate CCP and so should you

>> No.853717

>that filename format
you need help, anon

>> No.853768

C'mon anon...

>> No.853776

>C'mon anon...
I accept your concession.

>> No.853827
File: 298 KB, 600x583, 1612582285455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Tenshimps are loyal. More loyal than she is, that's for sure

>> No.853846

Her audience was around 40% JOP before her hiatus. They hardly spoke any Japanese in chat because they were too intimidated by EOP chads. You niggers should know this already if you've ever watched a JP chuuba who panders to an EOP audience.

>> No.853880

Sure but you can't really use this as a point in argument because it's unprovable.

>> No.853906

how do you know? never mind that most of the jap spoken comes from JSLs

>> No.853929 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 2052x1664, For Uto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw Narukami had a previous copyright strike
>He featured my video
>Decide to copyright strike it after his "keemstar" reporting on Uto
>With Narukami's second strike, I knew he would report it on twitter and make himself as an open target
>Guessed he would either get striked by a vtuber, a jealous anti wanting his spot or take a break
>Another anti named Buddha smelled blood and wanted his title, so he gives him the fatal blow
>Now it's going to be a dog eat dog war between antis
>Uto comes back streaming

And that's that. Oh and I've also been reporting those dox channels and their discords too, yet that's another story.

Long Live Uto.

>> No.853941
File: 90 KB, 846x564, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate feeding newfags who haven't done their archive reps, but here you go faggot.

>> No.854002

post current ones

>> No.854007

>India above Indonesia
No way that's correct.

>> No.854099

nigga that's probably from her past life. We're talking about amatsuko uto here. She used the same account for her past life.

>> No.854101

Do it yourself you nigger. I'm not the one who originally had access to the data.

>> No.854118

So you've no proof that it changed? I see.

>> No.854119

uto was almost 100% JP on her debut

>> No.854214

I never claimed to have any evidence of that. I was simply correcting the ignorant niggers who were saying she had no JOP viewers prior to her hiatus.

>> No.854360


>> No.854812


>> No.856267

Ah, you mean the same JOP that praise Mori but hate Towa's SEXY DEEP VOICE to the point of forcing her to use that fake high nasal?? Who the fuck care about their feeling anyway if you can just make thousands dollars by making cute anime sound

>> No.856641

pog is usually cringe, but she's so cute saying it

>> No.856659


>> No.856679

Seiso to a fault

>> No.856695

It's the JOPs that ran her out in the first place.
Fuck them.

>> No.856728

>No SG, Taiwan, and HK
Outdated as fuck.

>> No.856811

I watched Towa's roommate video and she has weird high nasal voice even there. I don't know what to think. Maybe her daily voice is ugly like that for real, but her singing voice is good.

>> No.857266

Based JOPs putting numberfgging whores in their fucking place. Hope they do it again and she actually necks herself

>> No.857458

You are just awful, anon

>> No.857517

Me? I'm awful? Oh yeah, how am I awful?

>> No.857619

>she had no JOP viewers prior to her hiatus
But you cannot prove authenticity of that data either.

>> No.857833

So what did happen to tenshi for the full month? I'm sorry for not checking the archives.

>> No.857886
File: 127 KB, 800x800, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this angel so much bros..

>> No.857899

Tying up loose ends.

>> No.857964


>> No.857976


>> No.857991


>> No.858003


>> No.858004

This, I saw her drop a body bag in Mount Fuj Fujiyama.

>> No.858044
File: 706 KB, 2600x1395, Euz0d1bU4AEnlwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.858068


>> No.858069

imagine she knew it but had to keep a straight face the whole time

>> No.859183

Uto is a prime example that eop pandering is better than jop idolshitters.

>> No.860348
File: 2.14 MB, 1468x1637, Cute slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.861044

>Made nearly $10k during her return stream
>Retained most of her live audience numbers
>Is gaining 3-6k subs everyday
JOP's did what now? Pfft

>> No.861542

Cooking simulator stream soon.

>> No.862525

>already tired in the first few minutes
I thought she would be fit after all that sex with her bf.

>> No.862917

I usually fuck her missionary style while she checks her sc earnings, so she doesn't move around much. Sorry to disappoint anon.

>> No.863069

polggas is based

>> No.863369

I'm out of the loop with this one, was there some drama involved?

>> No.863858

Most JPbros already noped out when she did like 10 Yabs in 1 month. Calling us not forgiving all you want. We want to support a real seiso indies.

>> No.864203

Nips are a bunch of spineless cucks who will drop their oshis for the most trivial shit. It's no wonder why their chuubas are moving on to pandering to EOP's.

>> No.864276

their sense of reality is warped having lived in Japan their entire lives. can't really blame them, it must be soul-crusing living in the big cities there.

>> No.864373

>uto continues to stream as usual, having fun and being cute
imagine believing you and your shitty country had an impact on tenshi's career elmao. stay mad faggot

>> No.864493


>> No.864596

Talk nip to me or gtfo

>> No.864606

>10 Yabs
Name them then.

>> No.864701

That's like ~500 regular viewers in twitch, is it not?
It can't be that hard...

>> No.864728

Do your archive reps anon.
I’m not going to try when you guys already saying this. >>850452

>> No.865011

>asked to name them
>wont (more like can't)

>> No.865059

not him but the yabs were twisted narrative schizo bullshit anyways
literally everything that had happened was listed in a way that made Uto seem either at fault or 1 million IQ manipulative

>> No.865225

Iirc there were still not ten yabs listed in the pasta posts. I can only make it like seven at best.

>> No.865261

>antis got btfo so hard that they've now given up and are on the verge of necking themselves
thank god these retards stopped shitting up the threads

>> No.865866

Maybe I shouldn’t stop doing that. 10Q for reminding me.

>> No.867622
File: 246 KB, 525x550, EuwEU0wVcAEOewW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel with a shotgun.

>> No.867785

I want to be the shotgun

>> No.868792

Fighting till the game's done

>> No.868875

It's all about mentality. 25-30 isn't fucking old at all, some people just become jaded/burned out so they have no energy or drive for anything. That is all.

>> No.870765


>> No.872851
File: 374 KB, 745x758, 16142976153228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamaki? Blue Archive?

>> No.872908

Classic Doom games when, tenshi?

>> No.873533

Is that how tenshi killed the artfag?

>> No.874239
File: 2.80 MB, 246x264, uto2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi has made $15,670 since her return. And all it cost her was a $15 Amazon gift card.

>> No.874584

Saving money with tenshi!
Financial advice with Tenshi!
Stock market with Tenshi!
Real estate with Tenshi!
Buying Gold and Silver with Tenshi!

>> No.874617

Nah, to quick and unpainful, also a cartridge costs too much. Probably tied him up in a way he suffocated himself slowly.

>> No.875013

YT takes 30%, , so she still made about 11k.

>> No.875101

I love how almost anything she says becomes a meme.

>> No.875267

Japan has 23.6% income tax for over 80k annually. She's what 4 months and ~60k? Yeah, she's making -30% -23.6% = $43k

Or $3.5K monthly.

>> No.875297

She also has more than a thousand members, which is another 3k or so before taxes per month.

>> No.875336

Actually I stand corrected: given current numbers she's going to make 180000 annually, ~$96K annually. Don't know if >>875297 members count into channel income numbers or not.

>modern women sit on a pile of gold
someone, somewhere, recently

>> No.875347

Wonder how much she makes with memberships and ad revenue?

>> No.875395

That would make it 10k in a month plus about another 2k from members. If she keeps growing she might reach 15k monthly after taxes.

>> No.875426

I see what you did there

>> No.875431

When Uto said she's BEEG Tenshi, she didn't mean 153 cm or 40kg.

>> No.876580


>> No.876925

compared to goorah

>> No.878521


Can't understand why 2ch/5ch protects her previous company instead of uto. She was bullied inside, they were the one who revealed her age first in the first place. And noticed how all their new member leave in the end. That certain company in my view is like Machinima. They treasures their first gen and just want other gen to be a fertilizer for their main cast. Don't want to invest just want to leech off new youtuber

And reason for her to be kick is because she hired outside editor to edit her video!? wouldn't that benefit that company if she did that? and besides it's uto's own pocket money.

>> No.878561

Because Uto panders to EOPs and the proto chinks are extremely petty see:Aloe

>> No.878628

Not really, i think they're the minority who just have loud voice. Notice how uto's latest vids has a lot more like than dislike. But i hope they leave

>> No.878738

Because they are retarded schizo microdick japs. At least two members of that team left because she was fired. That should tell you who was in the wrong.

>> No.878792
File: 443 KB, 569x720, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn wake up to a tenshi making you cute food for breakfast

>> No.878886

>she will speedrun this game with perfect performance as well
It's kinda boring, she plays too good to be entertaining.

>> No.879182

maybe she'll rp cooking something nice for chat
better than "Modern women can't cook #87"

>> No.879873

wtf i thought she fucked off. she is thick skinned unlike roa and sio. aloe is weak as fuck. clearly she knows wtf shes doing

>> No.880324

She didn't do anything wrong. Also don't get on her enemy side.

>> No.880374

as seen in >>878521
She had the guts to go against the wishes of others if she believes it's worth doing. What she wrote about then showed a clear distaste for incompetence.
That group was her dream gig, and she gave it up right away soon as she realized their style didn't fit hers.
A pretty rare trait for a Japanese

>> No.880417

>realized their style didn't fit hers.
That's a weird way to say "she wanted to do her job in the group better even if it painted her superiors incompetent".

>> No.881077

Yup, Uto was singing in her previous life too.. She has the dream to become famous youtuber, But what that group want is a puppet. Really really incompetent..


At least hololive is investing millions and millions for their talent

>> No.881245

Fuck off with that bullshit. Just look at Anya to see how good a company cover is.

>> No.881404

Anya represents all of Hololive?

>> No.881481

What kind of fucked up logic is that, anon?

>> No.881565

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_akW0vKve24 STARTING IN 3 MINS GET IN HERE BROS

>> No.881605


>> No.881672
File: 1.67 MB, 1490x2273, EuwyfIrVIAM5nzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's gooooooo!

>> No.881693

Time for more Uto love

>> No.881720
File: 251 KB, 309x384, 1609177224712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.881721

just woke up

>> No.881761

>those SCs
Guess Redelia's her dedicated paypig.

>> No.881790


>> No.881967

Wholesome cooking. Emphasis on the whole.

>> No.881987
File: 1.17 MB, 1124x633, 1602495120932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baserd tenshi putting whole back in WHOLE FOODS

>> No.882030
File: 693 KB, 769x619, 1591884124361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.882043

she definitely has more than 1 paypig anon

>> No.882053
File: 477 KB, 590x591, 1606979255248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's the first time I've ever seen a V-tuber cook something correctly in this game

>> No.882064

finally, a girl who can cook

>> No.882105

>pour broth from carton box
>drop a bunch of whole tomatoes and an onion in
>knows how to cook

>> No.882115

>ywn have Tenshi cook you a 5/5 meal

>> No.882166

>cook something correctly in this game

>> No.882259

>3.5* not enough tenshi foot on it

>> No.882354

>she made brown and yellow puddles on the floor

>> No.882572

>lemon breaks plate

>> No.883137

All clean now

>> No.883417

I would eat it.

>> No.883475

And she looked so proud too!

>> No.883730


>> No.883802

Merry Christmas everyone

>> No.883825

Happy Halloween too

>> No.883900

Do you trust her with a blowtorch, bros?

>> No.883941


>> No.884622

her "naruhodo" is the cutest shit, I swear
