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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8197086 No.8197086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of person would seriously give away their money to Vtubers? I will tell you who it is: the miserable man, the untermensch, the Last Men.

Millions of young men are lonely right now because of the inherently alienating nature of contemporary capitalist society, and they are the perfect prey for these animated harpies to sink their teeth in. They have low willpower sapped by electronic devices hence they cave in to the prospect of paying a woman to acknowledge their miserable existence.

They are Nietzsche's Last Men.

>The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security.

>The lives of the last men are pacifist and comfortable. There is no longer a distinction between ruler and ruled, strong over weak, or supreme over the mediocre. Social conflict and challenges are minimized. Every individual lives equally and in "superficial" harmony. There are no original or flourishing social trends and ideas. Individuality and creativity are suppressed.

Most people nowadays are like that, but do not realize it. Modern life is specifically tailored to ensure that people do not (or cannot) meaningfully consider the shallowness of their existence. Whether in hedonism (to varying degrees), consumerism or otherwise, the Last Man has a wealth of distractions from the existential crisis in which he finds himself - and which, often, he cannot even meaningfully comprehend in the first place. In this case it shows up in the extremely pathetic act of donating to streamers.

What they do not seem to realize is that all those women that they idolize are in a relationship! And they still willingly give away their money. Such cuckoldry is unseen, even in the most NTR eroges, as it is actually real

>> No.8197160

oooh look, baby cracked open a philosophy book and thinks he has some grand insights about the world. Go huff your own shit somewhere else.

>> No.8197170

Ubermensch hand type this.

>> No.8197201

Nietzsche, like all philosophers, was a retarded incel.
Who cares what he thought?

>> No.8197241

and yet chuubas have revitalized my will to resume my language studies kek. i havent enjoyed studying in a long time until now desu

>> No.8197245

You're reading too much into it.
I'm giving money to an entertainer in gratitude for the entertainment provided.
And now for something that'll really make you mad.
I also tip in restaurants.

>> No.8197248

Nietzsche was the kind of man who would strongly advise against vaccination.

>> No.8197262

It's hard to take this type of post seriously when it's on 4channel.org

>> No.8197309

Digitized female idol worship. It is quite pathetic, yes. It's escapism.

>> No.8197330

Nietzsche was also about moving beyond petty moralistic frameworks, so he would probably think OP is a pretty huge faggot for trying to moralize about this.

>> No.8197355

Theres nothing wrong with relaxing. The term escapism was coined to force people to only dedicate themselves to work.

>> No.8197360
File: 139 KB, 381x351, Anya - ow the edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, spook!

>> No.8197374

I was 15 once too, OP. Very cool. But you're not allowed to post in here.

>> No.8197377

You should go to bed, you have 8th grade in the morning

>> No.8197472

kek that's a good image

>> No.8197559

Kind of on subject. Now that onlyfans is getting rid of adult content how many sex workers do you think will move into vtubing and streaming in general. The porn to streamer pipeline has already been set. It is only a matter of time.

>> No.8197592

Our fathers and grandfathers did the same. It's just easier for us to hide in the digital age

>> No.8197670

Has she awakened and fully realized her Unique Self?

>> No.8197671

>onlyfans is getting rid of adult content
What? What else is left over there?

>> No.8197673

Why are they getting rid of adult content? It killed our enemy tumblr. You legit cant stop porn.

>> No.8197722

Vtubing and its own form of Kayfabe are original social trends and Ideas, seethe, nietzche was a tranny and even his biggest fans (those capable of thought I mean, not undergrad NPCs like you) think he was a faggot.

>> No.8197823
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Nietzsche has NEVER been right

Nietzsche is back in philosophical trends since the last 5 years but all of its hype is from people who ignore any other philosophy

>> No.8197850

You are replying to a faggot, not a kike.

>> No.8197935

OF was supposed to be meant for artists not porn, theyre killing it to lure in investors i think

>> No.8197948

He wasn't NEARLY that based.

>> No.8198016

To borrow from a much more concise and skillful philosopher:
It's my property I can do what I want with it and I disregard all of your spooky attempts at manipuation.

>> No.8198027

In what way are they remotely competitive with patreon if they don't have porn?

>> No.8198043

Notice how angry the herd gets once they get called out. The betas create themselves a hierarchy of men, which revolves around the degree of satisfaction of the woman from the betas, since those are devoted to her.
These men know perfectly that the woman is sexual, which puts the kind of men seeking her sensual pleasures on the top of the hierarchy.
The lowest beta is of course the one furnishing the emotional comfort, since this comfort provides the lowest one and is no longer about the direct pleasures, but about the easing of her pains.

Sorry, Marx already debunked Stirner.

>> No.8198067

And yet you are here. You could be out there, trumping over life and being successful with all of your knowledge, but instead you are here. Funny, isn't it?

>> No.8198088

>debunking anything

>> No.8198116

>implying there is ANY sort of meaningful back and forth between individuals and chuubas

>> No.8198126

Probably what >>8197935 said but I also think they may have had their PH moment and someone found stuff on there that shouldn't be. We are entering a future where sex work is put on a weird pedestal and younger and younger women are looking at it as an honorable(lazy) job to get. So they either had something happen or want to head off a minor signing up with fake info.

>> No.8198213

>creativity are suppressed.

>> No.8198221

Oh so you're a faggot and a commie. Opinion discarded.

>> No.8198270

Stirner is also a commie

>> No.8198319

Let me add this then, Stirner was one of the people who came up with postmodernism. Nietzsche debunked postmodernism before it was even created, and should be washed off of all the po-mo lacqeur, he has been covered with.

Nietzsche took pains to warn again intentionality, metaphysics and reliance on language, while postmodernists at best gave merely lip service to that and kept conjuring up some intentional shit out of their ass, like episteme, metanarratives, desire and other whatevery, to which they ascribe some special metaphysical status.

>> No.8198350

It was accurate and interesting until you had to ruin it with the most basic "lol cuck" shit you and your qa friends spam everywhere on the board

>> No.8198384

Notice how Anons correctly called you a dipshit kid. Yet your ego makes you want to continue shitting your pants in the hopes that someone actually takes you seriously. Beta and alpha talk is the words of weak men without a strong will to find their own way.

>> No.8198392

pretty fitting, considering nietzsche is a schizo like (you)

>> No.8198423

Go back to wvt, anyaposter

>> No.8198548

It's ironic that in an american board that seems pretty hard set on religious values, people would suddenly call Nietzsche based.
The absence of free will is a fundamental point to all Nietzsche's philosophy. If free will cannot be proved false (without any chance of doubt or refutation), the whole Nietzsche's philosophy falls into nothing, as unproved and unacceptable statements. However this fully goes against any christian principle as without free will punishment, hell, heaven and everything else falls apart. While I actually deeply agree with Nietzsche, I think most of this board would hate his philosophy.

>> No.8198703
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Men have always sought comfort in women for money. For ages it was done at brothels, which while they were known for sex, also dealt in relaxation and company for the men who sorely needed it. A century ago, in the first age of film, there were constant screenings of pornography that men would hustle to by the group just to see some grainy, black and white titties. Our grandfathers and fathers generations wasted their cash at strip clubs and cabaret clubs until the explosion of magazines like PlayBoy, which got so big because previous generations were just as much coomers as anyone today, but the sources from which they could get it were limited and monopolies.
E-thots and all the trends that stem from it like the explosion of porn sites, camsites, services like OnlyFans, and yes, even VTubers are just the latest trends in the never-ending struggle of men who seek the comfort and care of women but can only obtain it through monetary means. This isn't some profound proof of a sick society, or at least not any more so than previous ones. This has been going on forever and will likely continue to do so as long as there are lonely men and women willing to exploit them.

Get educated:

>> No.8198780

Tryhard faggot, no one will bother to read you

>> No.8198785

Have sex

>> No.8198862

People believe the idea of X philosopher they have in their head is based. Most anons have never deeply engaged with philosophy and honestly have no idea. They just know it saves them from having to consider things on their own if they can point to someone regarded as insightful and say, "this guy was based/right/whatever."

>> No.8198932

Lmao, you didn't understand his work then. Go ahead and become a superman, retard. Did you manage to move beyond "petty" moralism yet? Lol

>> No.8199032

While he didn't understand, he's right on the part that Nietzsche wasn't a moralist, as moral loses its meaning without free will.

>> No.8199132

>Marx already debunked Stirner.
Marx wrote more ABOUT Stirner than Sturner ever wrote and yet Marx couldn't touch Stirner's writings, because Stirner's own notion of the self as something that transcends attempts at characterization is something all of his writings share. The Ego and its Own is layered in irony and wit, it actively mocks the people who engage with philosophy as readers and writers. There's nothing to debunk, because the moment you seriously engage with his texts they become untouchable.

>Stirner was one of the people who came up with postmodernism
That's an odd way to describe Stirner, because he really was more of a warped anti-modernist, a modernist reactionary. Stirner actively despises the notion of ideology as a valid idea in itself. Postmodernism concerns itself more with how ideology functions, how these frameworks form and how they operate, it's how you get your Baudrillards and D&G and Mark Fishers and whatever.

Stirner isn't like that, he dismisses ideology and other nonsense out of hand and offers a framework that functions without ideology, it's based on "cooperative Egoism" instead. Everyone acts selfishly, so they recognize the need for cooperation and as a selfish acymt they do cooperate. It's a sort of communisms without spooks.
Nietzsche was very aware of Stirner and plagirized much of Stirner's work when formulating the notion of the Übermensch. The Nitzschen Übermensch is essentially just a spookier version of the stirnerist Egoist.

But I understand that you never read Stirner and just talk about him because "ha ha funny spooky man"

>> No.8199184
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I got your philosophy right here, fag.

>> No.8199227
File: 121 KB, 720x683, nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8199338

True, but that implies free will is something you can lose, while in reality it's something innate.
