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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 245 KB, 800x1000, plato_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
771159 No.771159 [Reply] [Original]

What would the ancient Greeks think about vtubers?

>> No.771216

They'd go for the maletubers, that's for sure.

>They'd discuss which of the shota vtubers are actually women behind the scenes

>> No.771280

Would ancient Greeks make Kings-cover?

>> No.771385
File: 95 KB, 685x503, 4376976057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder when that dog girl will stream again
>No money to donate, she will thank me one day
>I bet Plato thinks Kiara is a man

>> No.771486
File: 375 KB, 2048x1152, fb48497c-f9a2-11e9-a354-36acbbb0d9b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never discourage anyone... who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.
>Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
>Slanderers do not hurt me because they do not hit me.
>Be as you wish to seem.

A couple of lines to hopefully reeducate rrat posters and shit flingers.

>> No.771647

I think they would hate regurgitating the same content

>> No.772161
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They'd love them, being pedos and all.

>> No.772218

Socrates would nut to the bitchiest one, and make sure she knew it

>> No.772478

Plato hated poets, artists, and most musicians because he thought they corrupted the mind, so he'd undoubtedly include v-tubers in that group as well.

>> No.772764
File: 795 KB, 1550x3140, Pompeii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd be simps like us.

>> No.773409

what leads a man to conclude which such based opinions?

>> No.773492

Plato hated the poets because they made people sympathize with characters who showed little virtue. Based on that I think they'd definitely despise vtubers because they're cheap escapist entertainment that encourages unrestrained vice rather than developing good character and inner virtue.

>> No.773495

plato is a cringe philosopher
but he is correct in thinking that I have a brain worm, and it's name is vtubers

>> No.773636

Plebs have always been plebs. You can revel in being a pleb or you can aspire to rise above.

>> No.773686

The Greeks were cringe degens until the Romans set them straight. They were the HoloEN fans of their time.

>> No.774689

Without jokes they will do something akin of witch hunt and at minimum exile every one. If you have forgotten, during that time, everything resolves around manual labor and vtubers foment laziness by taking away people attention, while at the same time use passive seduction schemes to get income. Basically scam troubadours on steroids.
Their hatred would be fueled by the fact that vtubers are mostly females whom incite males like sirens, and would visibly affect youngers relationships. I could see a minor group trying to protect them out of principle, but ultimately few would be pardoned, by being turned into slaves for private entertainment of few circles.

>> No.774818

Despite this, why do you guys watch vtubers. Do you accept your pleb status?

>> No.774911
File: 90 KB, 797x443, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato would call us retards

>> No.775203

Karaoke and the thing that made me like this medium from the start, Horror games. For a time used to follow some closely, but after learning better about the industry state and people behind avatars, distanced myself. I’m envious of people whom only follow Hololive, at least there the staff put effort to maintain the illusion, outside is pure nightmare.

>> No.775244

yes, he was a fag so I don't care about his opinions

>> No.775504

Plato and Socrates would be into them. Aristotle would not be.
Le diogenes meme haha epic crazy man
Also, what the hell is this board? I just realized it exists. When did this occur?

>> No.775653

Extremely recently. Vtubers were driven off of /jp/ since despite being primarily Japanese the mods didn't care.

>> No.776013
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Fuck lossy compression.

>> No.776034

it's the right call since vtubers are an increasingly global phenomenon

sage for meta bs

>> No.776104

At the end of January.

>> No.776299

>Vtubers are an imitation of an imitation of femininity, thus obscuring pure knowledge of the fundamental feminine principle
>Vtubers allow the expression of inner feminine qualities freed from the specific expressed patterns of society
>Vtuber feet are cute and I fap to them daily

>> No.780428

>Where are the shota vtubers?

>> No.783957


What do they think?

>> No.784171
File: 2.48 MB, 1146x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ha ha Miko make funny sound

>> No.785903

3 weeks ago

>> No.790425
File: 100 KB, 750x1000, platonists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would be totally down for it

>> No.793217

They haven't been driven anywhere, half the v-tuber posters are still shitting up /jp/ even though we have our own board now

>> No.793408
File: 322 KB, 1024x579, gay_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this gay greeks myth is a modern narrative created by critical theory sociologists to undermine western civilization and normalize sodomy

>> No.793651

The opinions of old dead men don't matter

>> No.793705

>behold Socrates woman
>*tosses a shit ton of stick figure drawings around*

>> No.794596

You're old and dead inside, your opinion on their opinions don't matter.

>> No.794694
File: 461 KB, 1080x771, 1613474106072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weep you girls. My Penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wonderous femininity.

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.795408

Sure anon, your screenshot that cites no sources indicates beyond a doubt how all those depictions of males kissing and rubbing genitals with their hands can only be in the roughest way be interpreted as homosexual and all historians who know better have been silenced by the gay libtard illuminati. But what does this have to do with vtubers?
