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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76020851 No.76020851 [Reply] [Original]

>she doesn't want to be an idol
/vt/ said

>> No.76021000

you can sing and dance without being an idol, anon

>> No.76021152

Why would they do this at the same venue as the niji concert? They are going to get humiliated.

>> No.76021208

People said she has no interest in doing idol reps, many times. That she's only a fan.

>> No.76021278

>The others all have last names
>Bao: The Whale

>> No.76021291

I don't doubt that she said something like that at some point considering she's also responsible for epic masterpieces such as "i'm not reincarnating i'm getting a real job hurrrrr durr" and "nijisanji is good trust me guise i'm not unhappy at all"

>> No.76021297

If by "they" getting humiliated you mean Niji, that's the point kek

>> No.76021302

Wouldn't it be funny if they have more people watching? 4 indies vs "second biggest company".

>> No.76021326

Nigga, bait used to be believable.

>> No.76021379

God, it would be so elite if Bao and Mint were in HoloEN4

>> No.76021407

Lol lmao

>> No.76021492

Imagine if those four are EN4 roster.

>> No.76021502

I love Miori but her """community""" is cancer

>> No.76021533

>Gamer supps
Chances are they really wanted Shylily and she said no.

>> No.76021574

good for her
mint gonna mog them all

>> No.76021656

sea muslims literally do not know that they aren't allowed to have concerts

>> No.76021740

why did anon bring up phase out of nowhere?

>> No.76021763

It's really crazy how many people /here/ forget that Bao is actually an amazing singer.

>> No.76021783

Islam is changing for the better. Saudi Arabia of all countries is eliminating extremist Islam and embracing concerts, sports, and all kinds of entertainment.

>> No.76021815

She proved /vt/ right.
If she want to be an Idol she has to join Hololive and stop interacting with Whores like Bao.

>> No.76022020

She's a woman, gotta look past her insecurities. We know better than her.

>> No.76022092

Relax anon, auditions start after the podcast ends, there's still a couple of months left.

>> No.76022354

no 4view goes Holo

>> No.76022432

>Stupidity supporting their Sports Washing

>> No.76022586

It's not sports washing, it's just one part of a complete transformation of their society. I've actually been there - they even have Victoria Secret's stores at their malls. I saw women walking around in sandals and sundresses. The days of Saudi Arabia being like Afghanistan are over.

>> No.76022608
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>all Muslims are fun-hating Arabs

>> No.76022849

Of course she is. I fuck her daily and her moans are lovely.

>> No.76022986

On another note, how does she juggle between being Utano and Aura GX?

It is amazing how many people can multitask like that

>> No.76023053

Is it the same person? Wow. Shame about Opera being... Opera.

>> No.76023061

Some people are insane workaholics and don't like being idle, unironically see Mori and Doki

>> No.76023272

wait, they're not even allowed to watch sports??

>> No.76023276
File: 16 KB, 300x281, Muhammad-ibn-Abd-al-Wahhab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saudi Arabia of all countries is eliminating extremist Islam and embracing concerts, sports, and all kinds of entertainment.

>> No.76023374

Oh wow I didn't know that. Cool.

>> No.76023536

I do want to make a snide remark about dismembering journalists, but then I remember that Boeing whistleblowers are falling like flies.

>> No.76023589
File: 45 KB, 1089x638, idolsanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>she doesn't want to be an idol
>/vt/ said

>> No.76023592

I cannot fucking wait to see what happens in 2025 once Doki gets into the swing of things and actually has the time, clout, funding, and staff to set up all of the projects she wants. God help us if she actually becomes a Holo orbiter because she'll set up the craziest shit.
Even if she doesn't, the potential for working with Filian in the indie scene could be massive, too.

I can see Doki having big enough dreams of trying to set up an indie fucking 3D concert or fes one day. It won't be huge, of course, but she seems like the type to try to pull it off anyways.

>> No.76023838

I mean, it's accurate

>> No.76023896

watching != being

>> No.76023971


>> No.76024150

Eh I can't be mad at this. It's not like they pulled a Vhoejo where they bashed on idol culture, held a concert where they put on idol outfits on their skinwalkers and then kept grifting "concerts".

>> No.76024171

>mint gets to spank bao's ginormous ass

>> No.76024432

holy dumpy

>> No.76024499

shut up beggar scum

>> No.76024640

>Bao the fleshtuber
Holy cringe

>> No.76024752

Pro-wrestling was their gateway drug

>> No.76025193

>Mio is doijlng a whole ass concert
>like a month ago she was really explicitly telling people that liked her singing to go away and stop watching her
Bless this woman and her brainrot. I hope she finds a way to be happy one day.

>> No.76025635


>> No.76025964

>starts stream
>bans 20 greys
>deletes all her shorts
>yells at her clippers
>ends stream
Yeah, one day, I'm sure.

>> No.76026212

And Dota anime

>> No.76026350

Oh? So Bao is an idol now?

>> No.76026422

I don't follow her closely but what's with her and singing ? she's seriously one of the most talented EN singers around, does she just have brainworms about it or what

>> No.76026729

Even better: Humiliated by one of their former top livers and some death-deserving gutter cunt that had being circumcised and poached coming. Even she'll humiliate Niji. Niji is THAT bad right now.

>> No.76026846

the menhera keeps you on your toes so you dont fall into some routine and boredom

>> No.76027174

mio and menhera are synonymous. the girl is extremely talented and a very hard worker but is also a perfectionist and will have a breakdown if things don't meet her impossibly high standards she sets for herself
mint is also menhera but looks sane in comparison. she has had more opportunities to be a real idol than the vast majority of vtubers out there, and she's had pretty good reasons to decline them apart from just being menhera

>> No.76027307

She's a south korean woman with an abusive father.

>> No.76027425

Wait really? That's disingenuous as heck after they threw shade at hololive with the whole freedom thing. Bunch of ironic weebs that would gladly tear down something the online community morally agrees is the right thing to do, until it becomes popular so they dont do it. Reminds me of anime before it became mainstream desu (with people still complaining about it but now trying to find ways to exploit virtue signalling to attack or change it to fit what they want)

>> No.76027506

she has a very bad case of korean parents

>> No.76027770

Bao the vtuber
>IRL Cooking on main
>Wearing mask in fucking 2024, alone, in your HOUSE
something about this chick is just fucking irk me, is she a fucking grifter?

>> No.76028026

Henya is getting a 3D live this weekend!

>> No.76028069


>> No.76028265

House of saud has been progressive for decades ever since the oil thing happened, its the poorer traditional populations of muslims (including the people who live in saudi arabia but dont make laws) who resist cultural change.

>> No.76028348

She used to have a full-time job and streamed as Pandora mostly as a hobby (spending most of her money on covers). GX Aura is now her day job - per the audition Tweet she was supposed to get a base salary with the donos split between projects and bonus pay. Being a corporate mascot is weird, but Aura covers get around 10x the views.

>> No.76028632

This claim stems from the fact that she avoided becoming an actual irl net idol, which is dumb to use as an argument because when someone says Mint wants to do idol stuff, they are talking about 3D performances which she is very obviously interested in, a vtuber that performs in 3D is nowhere as similar as an actual flesh idol

>> No.76028753

Buuut dramatubers told me it's the same fucking thing

>> No.76028912

but /vt/ told me that vtubers are literal idols

>> No.76028968


Not a bad gig, I guess.
And she used the money to fund her own 3D concert.

>> No.76029028

I get your silly sarcastic point but I dont recall any of them saying that, unless you count bandwagoning fleshies, not like I regularly watch any dramatuber anyway

>> No.76029106

I know, I love her. She'd kill me if she knew I was talking about her in a catalog bait thread. I hope she doesn't find out but I'm sure she will.

>> No.76029193

How DARE she be Asian

>> No.76029307

the only islam approved sport is oct7

>> No.76029432

Go to bed, Aviel

>> No.76029772

lilyfag here, it's a tossup, because lily would always accept these things, but on the other hand she's kinda alergic to singing

>> No.76030026

Alright, let's make sure we're all on the same page here.
I want you people to give me a proper definition of what an idol is supposed to be.

>> No.76030988

>doing a concert = being an idol
Anyway this is just one more drop in the "definitely not joining Hololive" bucket

That is the character's full name, yes


>> No.76031041

>/vt/ said

>> No.76031074

Wow, I learned something new today. Huge amount of respect for her.

>> No.76031129

Pandora hardly does anything these days. Occasionally streams, drops merch, or does events. She has no obligations as Pandora and only does stuff when she wants/has the time.

>> No.76031185

>they bashed on idol culture
Things that never happened

>> No.76031236

>proper definition of what an idol
Here it is: you're a fucking idiot that falls for bait

>> No.76031298

>Wearing mask in fucking 2024, alone, in your HOUSE
Vtubers who go on-cam with a face mask are not doing it because of COVID, stupid

>> No.76031386

Bao is a litteral whore and Miori plays "slut you meet in a bar" as her character, how the fuck is this idol shit?

>> No.76031423

There is no female woman who doesn't want the rush of power of being an idol

>> No.76031627

Idol culture rima evenstar, conflating that vtubers are the same despite the many differences, and ignoring that most of it are just greed and incompetence from higher ups or the vtubers themselves. Generalizing everything into something negative where fans and watchers can easily identify some flaws on the videos but new viewers to the vtubing scene would see it as the whole truth and use the arguments presented as ammunition to attack whoever is in it.

>> No.76031742

It's not about them.

>> No.76032201

Without doing overly sexual stuff or 18+ stuff too

>> No.76033227

quebecois aren't real people anyways

>> No.76033891

Afaik, she tried to spend like 5-8 years as a Gaijin Idol in Japan.........but it didn't work out as well.

It's probably the reason why she knows Kiara.

On another note:
Do you think she was also a rival of Clara (from Phase Connect)?

>> No.76034770

I'm don't really know how much idol stuff she did herself or whether she knew Clara - I don't think Pandora's RM was ever found (if there even is a public one). Maybe she was just an idol fan? I remember she was a stage actor back in London (mostly musical theatre?) and had a record deal in Japan that got cancelled some time before her vtuber debut.

>> No.76035022

So is gamer supps just preworkout without the protein?

>> No.76035451

Mio posted a list of shit she doesn't do out of "respect" for her audience because she does gfe. The list was batshit enough that even in /tsunx/ the response could be summed up as "she's making me feel like an abusive boyfriend". I don't have the slightest problem with any of the shit people here call whoring, but putting her next to Bao just means you don't know what Mio is like at all.

>> No.76035696

>so you don't know
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.76035701

honestly, how psychopathic gfe fans can get over even the slightest infractions, i think it makes a ton of sense for miori to be super diligent about that kinda stuff. i think aside from her crippling perfectionism and lack of self worth her menhera is absurdly overstated. /tsunx/ also has a major seanig infestation so you get those fags going 'OH BOY ANOTHER MENHERA MELTDOWN' when she goes "raaa me angy" on twitter or whatever.

>> No.76035777

>/vt/ said

>> No.76036058

>wants to go on cam to ditch the hassle of the model
>instead goes for the hassle of wearing a mask
then why even bother fucking hell

>> No.76036221

how is wearing a mask a hassle? it's a complete non-issue

>> No.76036277

One of the items on the list was basically "Don't spend money on myself". It wasn't even overzealously protecting herself from a potentially unstable audience, it was legitimately just mental illness, flagellating for no benefit whatsoever.

>> No.76036388

imagine nerfing the main selling point of being a woman (pretty face) by wearing the symbol of the greatest overreaction of the 21st century

>> No.76036450

I mean, yes, that's her crippling lack of self-worth at play: "I don't deserve success because I'm not literally perfect like my parents expect so I need to work harder and make better content so maybe I can feel like I'm worth it", but I can also pretty easily imagine gfe psychos getting mad about a chuuba spending money on themselves.

>> No.76036492
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orcat <3

>> No.76036535

Face masks existed before the pandemic you fucking flatline
They wear them because they don't want their whole-ass face shown, simple as

>> No.76036550

Rima is new to the scene and gets fed bullshit by doxxsagi. As she actually learned wtf she's talking about she'll improve.

>> No.76036552

USA, deaths, covid-19: ~1.2 million
USA, total military deaths in all wars since declaring independence: ~1.1 million

>> No.76036647

Clara had a lot of success as an underground idol, but no, Pandora has no animosity against Clara. In fact, they've been friends a long time and even collabed together when she was Beryl and nobody else knew who she was.

I know who Pandora is, vaguely, but it doesn't really matter anymore because like Clara, she left that life behind to become a chuuba.

>> No.76036704

Jesus christ you're so fucking mindbroken. Go back to /pol/ with your schizo theories.
Masks has been commonly used by Asians for decades and they're honestly very useful. For example I got into a habit of putting them on while cleaning.

>> No.76036896

>Face masks existed before the pandemic you fucking flatline
yes that's why every girl fleshstreamer wore masks before 2020 amirite, twas clearly the meta back then
>They wear them because they don't want their whole-ass face shown
the model's better for that, face it they just want to double dip by having "anonymity" while fleshstreaming and not bothering with the anime larp, and that's why they'll never have the respect of the core audience of either camp.
USA, deaths, heart disease: -695,000 every year
wow better close down the KFCs KEK

>> No.76036963

>Masks has been commonly used by Asians for decades
asians don't have bad habits and behaviors EVER naruhodo

>> No.76036968

nigger are you really using "americans are fat as fuck and that's not a problem" as an argument

>> No.76036978

Terminal /pol/brain aside, masks are sexy. Before covid even happened they were a common way for girls (and JCDs) to do amateur porn while sorta concealing their identity. If you want an example everyone knows, e.g. the pic for DECO*27 Vampire.

>> No.76037058

>that's why every girl fleshstreamer wore masks before 2020 amirite
Those people aren't vtubers where the entire conceit is to be able to keep your face hidden
>the models are better for that
You can't use a model for every possible stream you might want to do. Some people are fine with that limitation, other people don't want that to stop them from doing things.

>> No.76037074
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Can't wait to watch my favorite idol, Bao.

>> No.76037099

I think it's super unfair to say mio and menhera are synonymous even if she definitely is menhera. miori's menhera makes you want to shake her around yelling "WHY WON'T YOU LOVE YOURSELF YOU FUCKING IDIOT" and then dick her down until she happily passes out. it's completely different from say, ant-hime or rushia menhera that make you say "wow, this person needs to be locked up and medicated to oblivion".

>> No.76037114

She's lifted up by certified idol!

>> No.76037307

yeah I sure am, ofc it would really help that my taxes didn't go to the healthcare of these fat fucks, but they have free will to defile their bodies as much as they want, it is what it is
burkas are sexy too fr fr
>You can't use a model for every possible stream you might want to do
then drop the mask, fuck i'll call any male fleshstreamer with a mask a fucking pussy, women don't get a pass

>> No.76037645

>fuck i'll call any male fleshstreamer with a mask a fucking pussy
Are they supposed to care what you think?

>> No.76037683

>USA, the country infamously in a 30 year old public health crisis of obesity can barely achieve half the deaths of covid in an entire year
Anyway go ask India how it went for them when it got so out of hand they didn't even have hospital beds for all the sick people. The system can only tolerate so much usage, and if you let that capacity get maxed out people start dying of a fuckton of things that would normally be very treatable, not just covid itself.

>> No.76038070


>> No.76038076

>Are they supposed to care what you think?
and yet here you are, whiteknighting for women like bao who aren't supposed to think of what some anon from /vt/ thinks, kekaroo
covid's over for more than a year now dumbass, while heart disease will always be with us as long as there are sedentary jobs, people don't exercise, and there is cheap fatty food everywhere, heart disease death rates make covid's look like chump change
also all you've said about india is that they didn't do proper triage and prioritized the wrong people lmao, should've just sent those covid patients home, but nope, gotta put them on ventilators that didn't do shit other than waste slots and resources KEK

>> No.76038229

>Mint has to carry all these indies/indie tier people
Totally going to be the same as performing for the crowds, resources and set up larger corps. and idol agencies can give. Indie life is so great even Saya is still depressed about it.

>> No.76038396

It's sports washing. I never expected to see a shill for Saudi Arabia on /vt/, but here we are.
First off the 'reforms' Mohammad bin Salman, the guy who detained and threatened to kill all his rivals for the crown in order to take power are a smoke screen when you look at the recently leaked documents which rolls back women's rights and further criminalizes speaking out.
The only difference between Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan is Afghanistan forces you to still wear a bee keepers suit.

And seeing how this is getting woefully off topic. I'm still hoping Mint joins hololive to pursue her dream to be an Idol.
Yes, she'd have to go back to bureaucratic perm hell, but would that be worth it to preform on stage at holofest?

>> No.76038436

>and yet here you are, whiteknighting
Or maybe I'm just calling you retarded for thinking face masks are still about COVID

Log off and go outside once in a while

>> No.76038806

imagine going through these lengths to defend a half-baked fleshie/vtuber that doesn't even respect you enough to show her face for free in a stream, lmao
also i'm outside phoneposting KEKAROO

>> No.76038936

yeah you're a real socialite with their thumb on the pulse of society anon

>> No.76039000

She's absolutely up for joining a corpo again. She talks about it vaguely in second episode of the podcast, ~1h24m mark. She knows she could theoretically do fine as indie but for personal reasons she wants to join a corpo, Japanese one at that.
People like to paint corpos as something bad due to permissions hell etc. but reality is, they make your life a lot easier despite those issues (which are overblown imo). Way easier to find collab partners when you have group discord where you @ each other whenever someone wants to play multiplayer game. Way easier to stay motivated and maintain high quality of content when you're constantly reminded of your coworkers doing their best too. Way better connections with artists and musicians for your projects, some will even get funded by the company.
Sure, Nijisanji turned out to be a shitty corpo but she has friends who can share firsthand experience of how things are at Hololive so she knows things are better there.

>> No.76039050

the fact that you're in /vt/ means you're just like me and every other anon here, so gtfo with your holier than thou nonsense lol

>> No.76039075

>my first ever concert

>> No.76039218

That's a collection of whotes if I've seen one

>> No.76039247

Why did you admit to this like it was a gotcha

>> No.76039327

yet another reason why phoneposters deserve a rope

>> No.76039336
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you make it sound like it's to be ashamed of

>> No.76039365

you're confused anon. it means that even /vt/ fags look down on you.

>> No.76039400

nah /vt/ and god are holofags fool, we like proper idols here, know your place you're in a blue board

>> No.76039466
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>> No.76039883

>She talks about it vaguely in second episode of the podcast, ~1h24m mark.
Oh man. You are reading WAY more into this than is actually said. You also have Matara pointing out a lot of positives for Japanese companies, even compared to her current workplace. Is she also joining Hololive?

>> No.76039992

Retard. Context matters.

>> No.76040033

you have to be naive to not even consider the possibility that mint wants to be in hololive, it's the premier vtuber idol company and mint is the biggest idolfag that ever graced nijien

>> No.76040168

yeah. all the things about podcast's timeframe and various worries she brings up at many points, some of which are reinforced by Matara too, especially in first three episodes, heavily point toward her aiming to join Hololive later in the year

>> No.76040325

I accept your concession. Most of the positive points you repeated there are actually things Matara said.
I've definitely considered it, it's quite possible. It's just bizarre someone is using that segment to prove it.

>> No.76040357

vtubers dont go on-cam, period

>> No.76040541

Mint literally talks about preferring to be in corpo in that episode you retarded cocksucker. She states it as her individual preference.

>> No.76040581

why do you fags care so much about corporations and their brands anyway

>> No.76040871

try making your own business anon, you'll be singing a different tune

>> No.76041009

the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.76041207

Give me a timestamp where she says she wants to join a Japanese corpo again. Otherwise you're wasting my time. I listened to the podcast already and never heard that, just vague sentiments like how she "needs structure".

>> No.76041301

nah i prefer you just stay ignorant, not knowing how money in the entertainment business works

>> No.76041409

Did you drop out of school? This low level of comprehension should be criminal. That's not a vague statement, it's a clear confirmation when you consider the context.

>> No.76041513

It's not. It's quite literally a narrative.
