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75735476 No.75735476 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ethnical to reincarnate as a new persona simply to get away from your terrible reputation or to do things that your existing fans wouldn't tolerate?
This doesn't include Vtubers who have to reincarnate as a result of leaving a corporation/are fired, or small Vtubers who join a corporation for a larger audience. Specifically, the question is only about trying to escape their past reputation.

>> No.75735761

The question is moot because bad reputation is inescapable. The only solution is to vanish from the Internet for at least a couple of years.

>> No.75736035

If you are popular and you fucked something up, that fuckup will follow you wherever you go

If you are unpopular and you fucked something up, you may have a chance to start a new career, which depends on how obsessive your past life diggers are. If you succeeded in wiping your past life and disconnected everything related to your past life entirely, no one will know but you

>> No.75736045

I find it bard to believe this is the same person who was top of the worldin Vtubing SC ranking. She had her cake and ate it too for at least 1-2 years

>> No.75736100

Yeah, that ain't gonna happen
Parasocial relationships can go both ways and she's in too deep, too addicted to the attention to just up and leave
She legitimately, unironically needs medical help

>> No.75736561
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Isn't it far more obvious that she's doing it for the money and to fund other things for herself.
First anime, now music. She's so obviously trying to get big outside of livestreaming so that she can do what she actually wants and that isn't streaming for her fans.

>> No.75736641

>The question is moot because bad reputation is inescapable
just like Amelia Watson recently huh

>> No.75736703

Do any of us actually care? What, do we feel we need to hunt her down now and expose her?

>> No.75736782

It's totally escapable. That's exactly how she became successful as Rushia.
The only way she can do it again is by surpassing Rushia.

>> No.75736845

true she has a lot of anti, most of them were mfmf fujos and some were her ex unicorns. In reality at the core of all this tacit harassments and smear campaign is corpofags believing that no vtuber should thrive once they quit the blue dorito corp.

>> No.75737092

You are genuinely not aware of how much good will she's burned through over the last 2 years. This goes beyond just tribalism and it's about people realizing that she's just a genuinely terrible person
Maybe she shouldn't joke about being poor by responding to an article about her former co-worker who she was clowning on back in October during that yab? Maybe she shouldn't keep seething about Aqua every few months?
Maybe if she wants Taiwanese fans, she shouldn't be streaming on Bilibili? Maybe if she wants to do GFE, she should stop screaming at her fans or finally admitting that it's just RP? Maybe she shouldn't go out of her way to burn every bridge she has so that the only people she associates with openly mock her fanbase, like Muramako and Kirsch,

>> No.75737125


>> No.75737242

vhoejo fan spotted

>> No.75737398

Vshojofags don't give a shit about her because she never gave a shit about vshojo

>> No.75737446

But you do care about shitting on "corpofags" because you can't stop seething about blue dorito corp.

>> No.75737491

Sure, then why are you watching her?

>> No.75737548
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>> No.75737755

Me? I'm not watching her for the obvious reasons of her being a terrible person who isn't nearly entertaining enough to justify it.

>> No.75737861

>restarts again to get away from drama
>immediately subtly drags hololive

>> No.75737878

Then what are you even doing in here? Why do you stalk her twitter to see what she's doing?

>> No.75738030

This pretty much worked for Sonny kek

>> No.75738108

I was shocked to see a case of someone who was active on two other Vtuber identities re-incarnate into a small JP corpo. Imagine watching a new gen of Vtubers without knowing whether or not they have miles of baggage on the internet

>> No.75738230

No fucking way she joined Wactor.

>> No.75738966

That’s not true at all though, why do people think that. When he came back he apologized and got shit on by the internet but went back to making content and still had fans

>> No.75739048
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I don't see why not.

>> No.75739174

gonna be honest the only reason I even still care about Sonny or bring him up is because the sisters keep using or ignoring him while shitting on Selen's attempt. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone deserves second chances as long as they truly work to do better, and I really haven't heard any big yabs from him since then, so he seems to be changed at least on the surface.

But as I said, I'm still going to weaponize him if the sisters won't shut up and stop attacking people, since his actions are FAR worse than anything selen or sayu have done.

>> No.75739259

still no actual proof it's her btw

>> No.75739371

Yeah just like how there was no proof that she was nazuna

>> No.75739463
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It's her. There is so much she can do to change her voice, but nothing out of a voice changer will work
t. ex-fandead, ex-nekofami, almost whatever the fuck she called us when she was Nazuna

>> No.75739482

I can't save her

>> No.75739716

I remember that Suisei was actually publicly supporting Rushia shortly before she got canned after the yab.

>> No.75740020

You would be correct, but Mike is extremely bitter.
When Suisei had that yab in October of last year, she came out with a stream bragging about how she doesn't play games with men in the background. And then talked about the male collab she had done a few weeks prior.
Definitely a funny one.

>> No.75740660

Henya spent hours upon hours translating signs in vshojo server to Japanese in order to accommodate Nazuna in the group but they never really played together and when Nazuna was leaving Vshojo she shitted on Henya with imaginary drama.
Do NOT contact the menhera. Even if you show her good will, she will spit on you.

>> No.75740722

>she shitted on Henya with imaginary drama
Learn Japanese. You are in every single one of these threads, loser

>> No.75740763

Is that your cope now fancuck? Everybody knows what she did.

>> No.75740907

Then why did she abuse and cuck one of the biggest names in the industry who could've made everything smooth sailing for her? The engagement ring could've even been a good buildup to Rushia's graduation, like she might be leaving but she'll always love her viewers. Boom, mike's seiyuu career is a go and she can leave vtubing behind for good.

>> No.75740914

Why the fuck are you still defending her after everything she's done? This level of Stockholm syndrome is unreal.

>> No.75740939

It worked for Sio, she vanished for years and reincarnated, but i dont know if she's doing well or not.

>> No.75741025

Man, that really would have been smooth.

>> No.75741087

Anon, her new incarnation is the #1 most disliked vtuber on sukikira despite a tiny audience. It did not "work" for her.

>> No.75741151

Dookie fans are unironically mindbroken huh
Sayu didn't even have any fans here, no way you care about her

>> No.75741189

Its over.

>> No.75741271
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After having to deal with #WhereIsSelen to the point where we were desperately following her fucking steam name changes for signs that she was still alive? Yeah, it was a little shocking.

Also there aren't many sincroknights on this board, but I'm def one of them.

>> No.75741371
File: 874 KB, 1791x1763, __uruha_rushia_uruha_rushia_mafumafu_and_manun_chan_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mechari__4876ac8050ae22297d3f32d995843cb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a ridiculously good deal. Imagine being able to marry one of the sugar daddies with all the connections who'll make sure nobody will get in your way, and he's actually close to your age. That's a dream come true for many aspiring female seiyuu, they get true love AND opportunity so every time they'd have to deal with a sleazeball they have their hubby helping out instead. At some point you have to respect mike for being so self destructive she was willing to not only throw that away but poison it.

>> No.75741499

I don't support her. I don't even like her. This is one autistic fag who genuinely believes that Mike didn't invite Henya to a collab back in August when even the majority of /vsj/+ agrees that it likely happened. Henya doesn't know Hololive JP at all to an embarrassing degree, which does explain it.

>> No.75741542

Mike, a rando indie, invited Henya to a collab.
Nazuna, a vshojo member, never invited Henya to a collab.

>> No.75741587

Nobody actually believes that, dumbass. People were just throwing a bone to you and Nazuna/Mike to give her the benefit of the doubt even though it's pretty clear what actually happened.

>> No.75741620

Thanks for confirming your mental illness, hard to believe anyone would support two menhera grifters but I guess someone has to simp for them.
Hope you enjoy paying for Sayu's alimony and condoms.
P.S. don't attack innocent livers if you don't want people to clap back against your whores. And don't fake suicide attempts and attempt to use them to gain sympathy if you don't want to be called out for it.

>> No.75741958

See, that's the issue. Mike might invited Henya. Nazuna DID NOT invite Henya.

>> No.75741985

Sio....my poor Sio....

>> No.75742128

>fake suicide attempts
>attacking innocent livers
unsubscribing and no longer watching nor supporting bullies is not harassment. Hell, even YOU seem to think they're liars since you won't even follow their very clear instructions.

>"Before anything is discussed, there is something very important that we, Nijisanji EN, feels need to be made very clear. All of us do not condone harassment of any kind to any of the parties involved."
Elira Pendora

>"So regardless of how I now feel about Selen having been my friend and having hurt me and my fellow livers in this way, **her attempt on her life will never ever be something to be taken lightly**. I recall the moment when I and other livers found out about what had happened, and we prayed for her safety then, and we still do. To those of you watching this stream, please, please leave her be. Harassment of any kind is vicious, and it's insane, and it has no place in this community. That's all I need to say. Thank you."
Vox Akuma

>"to round this off, I want to reiterate, please do not spread hate to anyone involved in any way, shape or form or anyone in general, honestly."
Ike Eveland

>> No.75742152

Anyone above room temperature IQ knows they're the same person.

>> No.75742226

It's really impressive that all it took was one Henyafag and one Nijiautist to completely derail the thread away from the actual point being raised.
You "people" really do have a one-track mind.

>> No.75742224

Are you going to deny it anon? She badly wanted there to be another person in Vshojo JP. When that came in the form of Henya, she avoided all contact with her up until the very moment she left the company in the form of a passive-aggressive tweet, probably because she felt threatened over the presence of a younger, happier Japanese girl.

>> No.75742274

Henya is a genius, you can't judge her by mortal metrics.
Anyway, even if she knew they're same person (I honestly believe she didn't considering how Henya is), that was still fucked up on Mike's part to only reach out from Mike account and say nothing from Nazuna account. Makes it seem like she wants to bypass vshojo and there's no sensible reason for doing that. If I was in Henya's place AND knew they're same person, I would have either ignored Mike request or contacted Nazuna account. I definitely wouldn't have accepted Mike's invitation.

>> No.75742443

Why join WACTOR though?

>> No.75742474

Nobody else would accept her at this point.

>> No.75742512

she didn't change her voice for Nazuna retard

>> No.75742576

Because she didn't need to yet. Ruki is her showing off her credentials as Koito Ria, not like she'll be able to use them anywhere else now lmao

>> No.75742607

Her new model is sexier.

>> No.75742625

that's still not actual proof retard

>> No.75742651

Yeah, that has fuck-all to do with it. Nazuna reached out to Henya on a Non-Vshojo account, got filtered, didn't reach out to her via her ACTUAL Vshojo account to let her know, then said nothing about it until she dropped a passive-aggressive shit and run on the way out to try and shift the blame.

>> No.75742663


>> No.75742713

Keep ignoring how she accused herself of being Ruki.

>> No.75742788

>keep ignoring my schizophrenia
I will, thanks

>> No.75742831
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as pathetic as nijiniggers

>> No.75742944

Disgusting how she treats her most loyal whipped pups. Even orca left her for a real orca.

>> No.75743310

>Nazuna reached out to Henya on a Non-Vshojo account

>> No.75743469

She literally said that she did, she reached out as Mike, not Nazuna.

>> No.75743598

>she wants to bypass vshojo and there's no sensible reason for doing that.
Almost as if she despised the company or something
>If I was in Henya's place AND knew they're same person, I would have either ignored Mike request or contacted Nazuna account. I definitely wouldn't have accepted Mike's invitation.
Yes, but you have porridge for brains.

>> No.75743606

>She literally said that she did
Yeah as part of the damage control that she did after her Kirsche collab. I do not believe it at all because her words hold no weight and her actions indicate the opposite.

>> No.75743607

The issue is, she's not a good singer, and she's just decent in voice acting, because the characters she played on stream was just literally herself

>> No.75743673

>she's not a good singer
She could unironically be a good metal singer. I'm sad I'll never be able to hear her in one of those indie Japanese melodeath bands.

>> No.75743731

>bad reputation is inescapable
Depends. Repeat offenders will often self destruct to a point of no return, but some people will simply carry on and eventually people either forget or stop caring and then life goes on.

>> No.75743896

She brought up Henya ghosting her multiple times on stream. It was really funny seeing people damage controlling it, including her translator
>after her Kirsche collab
She said it before it. Keep tabs on this sort of thing better.

>> No.75743961

>look at your fucking DMs, Henya!

>> No.75744189

Proof. And no if you're too lazy to post it then I will disregard your fanfic.

Already collabed with Tenma at that point. It's not the same as with Nazuna at all who ignored her for months, including during raids and on twitter.

>> No.75744625

>Nazuna at all who ignored her for months,
Are we pretending their impromptu collab in Minecraft now didn't happen to suit your agenda?
>Already collabed with Tenma at that point.
Not even the point being made.

>> No.75745022

>Are we pretending their impromptu collab in Minecraft now didn't happen to suit your agenda?
You cannot be fucking serious, yeah Henya and others logging and and surprising Nazuna who didn't log out right away is really not the evidence you wanna be using.
>Not even the point being made.
The point is retarded even if there was a message that Henya missed because Nazuna could have done the same as Tenma and just reminded Henya about the message on some platform BEFORE she "graduates" but of course that mentally ill bitch waited until the end to remove herself from any chance of Henya exposing her lie to the wider public. Can't believe there's still fancucks believing her obvious lies.

>> No.75745554
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I didn't even imply that, how the fuck... oh welp, not like it matters anymore.

>> No.75745645

>Nazuna who didn't log out right away
Interesting way of saying "stayed with them right until just before her management meeting"
I despise Mikeneko more than you do, but you've almost singlehandedly make me dislike Henya
>even if there was a message
I'll accept this concession
>mentally ill bitch
You've no right to call anyone else this when you've been singlehandedly timelooping your immense butthurt about this for 4 and a half months now.
If you had put that time into learning a bit of Japanese, you wouldn't be such a clown

>> No.75745748

Not the anon you were replying to, but his point seems to be this
Ruki is putting on a different voice and is trying to avoid the Mike connection. Nazuna didn't really try to avoid the Mike connection, but she didn't put on as much of a voice. Anon is incorrect though in saying they have the same voice, because she voices Nazuna, Mike and Rushia slightly different. The first few minutes of Nazuna's debut were her trying a different voice too.
95% chance that she is Ruki, though.

>> No.75745922

Good, I don't want a mentally ill former fancuck like you to be a Henya fan. Go infest another fandom with your delusions.

>> No.75746756
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I know that was his point, thing is even if she changes her pitch and cadence, that's still her, because there way too many things she can't control that shows it is her, like her breathing tech and some wording patterns that she never corrected.
I also know after reading the rest of his answers that this anon is a goner regardless of his alignment.
For me, I just wish the best to Ru. That's all I can hope for at this point.

>> No.75747433
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>come here to laugh at michael
>some retards still find an excuse to shit on my wife who isn't related to this the slightest

>> No.75747924

After "thekaigaineekee" accused her? It's 100%.

>> No.75747950

Why WACTOR? Is she stupid?

>> No.75748073

She changed again?

>> No.75748363
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>> No.75748450

Would anyone else take her? Phase, Idol, EIEN? Would Vshojo even take her back, can she even make it into Anycolor at this rate?

>> No.75749010
File: 93 KB, 331x302, 1705333300848255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she know?

>> No.75749363

The pot calling the kettle black

>> No.75749464

>can she even make it into Anycolor at this rate?
She mentioned on stream back at the start of 2023 that she applied for Nijisanji and they refused to even look at her application.

>> No.75749573

She is stupid and horny
I dont know how the Japs see WACTOR but they are as shit as it gets, she was better off indie if that was the option.

>> No.75749600
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low key amusing since this is the same company that employed that one retard who outright got in to doxx and molest/rape the other female members

>> No.75749826

>she was better off indie if that was the option.
I stopped watching her for obvious reasons, but I did hear that there were Mafu fags constantly in her YouTube streamers shitting on her once the divorce news dropped. That's the reason she suddenly went back to streaming on Nazuna.
Rather than owning up to her terrible decisions, she just wants to run away from everything and try to start afresh. I feel sorry for the Ruki fans she's currently lying to every single time she says she isn't Mikeneko.

>> No.75749862

>her former co-worker who she was clowning on back in October during that yab

>> No.75750101

The Suisei yab was discussed here, wasn't it?
It wasn't something massive, but the point is that within a day or two of it dropping, Mikeneko is doing a Twitcast stream and starts selling herself as a woman who doesn't play games with men in the background, who doesn't collab with men, etc etc. It was rather blatantly obvious that the reason this topic was even brought up was due to Suisei, so she took the opportunity to market herself.
The reason it's hilarious is that she had done a massive male collab about two months prior which cost her half of her fanbase.

>> No.75750301

>but I did hear that there were Mafu fags constantly in her YouTube streamers shitting on her once the divorce news dropped
Ironically I think they would've been nicer to her if she actually calmed down and stayed with him. Abusing him repeatedly until his malehera ass broke down and he divorced her(btw she's still living in the house he bought) did a number on them.

>> No.75750433

>btw she's still living in the house he bought
No, she isn't. Menhera bitch has moved about 4-5 times since she was fired
I wish that one autist who keeps screaming about her deleting Tweets would actually keep a record of them himself, but she put out a Tweet on 22 Feb 2022 saying she had to move in a hurry.
In fact, both of their testimony confirms that she was kicked out of the house

>> No.75750464

>or finally admitting that it's just RP?
Why'd she abuse her female fan like that then?

>> No.75750574

I can only hope you're right. If she refuses to shape up, I hope she finds her place on the streets..

>> No.75751039

>a Tweet on 22 Feb 2022 saying she had to move in a hurry
When she said this back in Feb 2022, I knew she lived in his house and he kicked her out.

>> No.75751277

She's still possessive and menhera about her fans. But she was like that as Rushia even while dating/married to Mafu.
Also, from what i read here, one of her complaints was about people donating to the girl. I imagine that answered a few questions.

>> No.75751357

The issue is that she wasn't lying about living alone.
Living in a house he bought for her, but not with him, is definitely a situation most people wouldn't have guessed. Stupid lying bitch.

>> No.75751452

I mean, it tricked you guys in るみな for a couple years w

>> No.75751589

It's called half truth. I was wrong because I thought they lived together.

>> No.75752381
File: 384 KB, 1300x900, GNOTZScaIAEZDbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if she wants Taiwanese fans, she shouldn't be streaming on Bilibili?
Sakana still draws her lol
sasuga east china, spineless bitches

>> No.75752795

>Sakana still draws her lol
Since you're paying attention to things, I'll reward you with a laugh.
So Sakana's previous picture was March 29. This was before Mikeneko's Bilibili arc started. This leads me to believe that Mike let Sakana know about her intent to stream on Bilibili and Sakana left (not the first time)
When was the most recent picture drawn? It was right after the stream in which Mikeneko talked about wanting to start doing male collabs. Sakana is famously an anticorn.
Sakana is such a petty spite filled bitch that she chose only to draw a picture of Mike when she was happy at Mike "owning the Corns". Of course, since Sakana doesn't actually watch her, she'll likely just stop drawing her for a while, unless Mike actually goes ahead and does a YouTube stream with men for Sakana to draw.

>> No.75753013
File: 235 KB, 572x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a cuck

>> No.75753134

I have a feeling that OP is bullshitting us with this picture and the context it is being used for.

>> No.75753518

Dang that's sucks what's her new channels name btw

>> No.75753622

Wrong. >>75742831

>> No.75753950

It's not going to go away as long as people know it's her and she keeps constantly fiending for attention the way she has been. I don't know what she thinks this will change

>> No.75754068

Is that you, Ironmouse?

>> No.75754124

ord for the moonrune inept?

>> No.75754477

NTA: On a scale of 1 to 10, how angry are you, sister?

>> No.75754506


>> No.75754547

My Nip isn't the best, but it's talking about how she felt she had to roleplay and act like someone she wasn't or else her fans wouldn't come. The context seems to imply after her termination.
The genuine most sickening part is that she's mostly focused on how bad this made her feel. She's the victim. How dare she have to suffer and lie just to make money from people

>> No.75755246

Sakana essentially live-illustrated every mike stream for at least a year. It's really funny you guys turned on her, despite her doing nothing wrong besides complaining about unicorns and essentially being vindicated in her stance when the truth came out.

>> No.75755445

Why is it so difficult for her not to talk to a dude for an hour or two a day?

>> No.75755494

Who is this guy? He is not Sakana the Phase Connect's CEO, no?

>> No.75755597

>It's really funny you guys turned on her,
Mike was the one who called her "worse than an anti" back in March 2023 and was even calling her a man on stream in October 2023 when Sakana fucked off for the first time to oshi Kanade from Regloss (the irony that this girl apparently doesn't collab with men is not lost on me).
Sakana started a war with Unicorns in March 2023 when there were no Unicorn issues with an infographic that proved that she didn't even know what a Unicorn was. Sakana unironically thought that people who hated male collabs but didn't harass the streamer were not Unicorns, which has to be the absolute dumbest explanation I've ever of a Unicorn. On top of that, she used to talk so much shit behind the scenes that the Taiwanese who were posting on 5ch were complaining about it.
Does it matter if someone draws art a lot if they're a thoroughly unpleasant person? The kind of fraternising that Sakana engages in, whereby she cares more about "the community" and "her friends" than the actual streamer was something that routinely made Mike furious and even girls like Pekora have complained about in their own fanbases.

>> No.75755721

Was Rushia's, and then Mike's biggest fanartist until October 2023. Has practically oshihend to Kanade from Regloss, which she dedicates most of her efforts to. The main reasons for this seem to be a mixture of clout, getting bored with Mike's streams (Sakana loves collabs) and shitting herself about Mike constantly bringing up Bilibili (which Sakana will not even mention by name, choosing to call it "the B site")

>> No.75755801
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みけちゃんはおちんちん が大好きなんだよ!

>> No.75755803

Nobody wants to be a streamer. Streaming is what you do when you have no talent or future.

>> No.75755825

She's deluded herself into thinking that she can leech off of a guy to grow her channel.
Personal rrat: she joined WACTOR and the other girl (who is suspected to be Muramako) has openly mocked Unicorns constantly, so she's gaslit herself into thinking that it's a good idea.

>> No.75755847

>mike insulted her
Name one devoted fan who she hasn't done this to.
>sakana started drama
Untrue, she was responding to /here/ drama. I'll admit that's a bad decision but she was literally responding to (You).
>thoroughly unpleasant person
She is actually the least unpleasant out of mike, mikefags and herself.

>> No.75756149

>Untrue, she was responding to /here/ drama.
There was no Unicorn drama in March 2023 relating to Mike. What ended up happening is that the more Sakana railed against Unicorns, the more Mikeneko started defending them. When the Japanese fans started outright saying "supporting Unicorns means you hate the Japanese", Mikeneko had a massive meltdown and railed against them
>Name one devoted fan who she hasn't done this to.
There is a huge difference between her being a saucy bitch in response to a comment and her explicity calling Sakana "worse than an anti", saying Sakana was actually a man with hairy hands LARPing as a woman and calling her a hanten
>She is actually the least unpleasant out of mike, mikefags and herself.
Even the Taiwanese would disagree. Sakana is such a 掲示板 whore that she was posting screenshots from /here/ and Mike's anti thread onto her main Twitter profile to shitpost. Go suck on her clit and hairy hands

>> No.75756292

I don't know what nandayo means.

>> No.75756727

I believe anon is only attempting to add extra emphasis to the statement that "Mikeneko likes dicks"

>> No.75756742

>There was no Unicorn drama in March 2023
The date is literally irrelevant, this had been a fight going on for a long time.
>There is a huge difference
No not really, she's said worse about people who've given her thousands of dollars but missed a twitcast, or even left to pee.
>Go suck on her clit and hairy hands
Proving my point kek

>> No.75756917

One of my favourite Sakana moments of all time was that she used to have "the most important thing to me is my oshi's happiness" in her profile on Twitter. The moment she had her first fight with Mike, she removed it.

>> No.75757202

Seems pretty reasonable a lot of heartache could have been avoided if other people took the same approach.
Did anyone actually benefit by sticking by mike through thick and thin? Personally I became increasingly alienated by her constant deranged actions, which continue to get worse and worse, and my only regret is I didn't leave permanently when the Delta shit happened.

>> No.75757264

>this had been a fight going on for a long time.
No, it hadn't. There is no justification for organizing a massive fanbase fight to satisfy their own anti-Unicorn agenda. Nobody wants to be a fan of a Vtuber whose fanbase is attacking itself on a constant basis. There is one of the reasons for why Mikeneko has lost so many fans besides her own actions.
We get it, anon. You hate Unicorns, so you idolize someone who made it one of their life missions to antagonize them (despite oshi-ing a new girl who is Unicorn friendly). But you don't need to bend over backwards to justify it.

>> No.75757404

>Did anyone actually benefit by sticking by mike through thick and thin?
No, obviously not. I mean Sakana is currently pretending that she's potentially a fan still, so God knows. I assume she's just around for the clout at this point.
>Delta shit
That'd be one of the dumbest reasons to leave. I thought the funniest part of that whole situation was that Delu had contacted Kore2 and had called Mike a bitch to him. Legitimately a top tier shitpost.

>> No.75757577

I don't hate unicorns in the abstract. I hate you specifically because you come up with these elaborate justifications for hating someone who showed more support for mike than you ever did, despite her not even deserving it, because you're pissed she insulted you literally years ago. The fact you're still nursing the grudge against a prolific fanartist is simply a way a deflecting from the real villain in this scenario: mike herself.

>> No.75757586

Is it ethical if a chuuba reincarnated, does a donothon and then doesn't do any of the goals set up and then she leaves only to come back reincarnated AGAIN a few months later?

>> No.75757913

>a prolific fanartist
She's a prolific fanartist, alright. For Kanade.
Being a fanartist doesn't excuse you from being a terrible person or for constantly making things in the fanbase worse. You'll note that Milk Tea, despite not being a Unicorn and having even made anti-Unicorn comments before, is pretty much universally loved because he doesn't fuck off whenever it suits him and he doesn't organise fanbase wars to suit his own whims.
Also, I'm aware you are just Marineschizo, so I know you're a fat sack of shit who is just going to die alone. The world would be a better place without your autistic ass in it, faggot.

>> No.75758052

>Mikeneko wasn't an RP, but the real me (at least that's what I wanted), but I ended up playing a character based on the impressions of the people watching. I thought that if I didn't do that, the fans wouldn't follow me. It was a suffocating day where no one would Oshi me unless I was a fake person.
Yeah, she knows that people won't like her for who she really is.

>> No.75758187

NTA, but you just admitted that you didn't believe anything you were arguing. Nice going, faggot

>> No.75758312

You've made these arguments sucking off Milk Tea before, you did the same thing when I praised yuzuco, not realizing that 99% of people have different criteria for fanart appreciation beyond some demented loyalty contest.
Anyway I am obviously not marineschizo, who has never written a sentence as long as some of the ones I've typed so far in his entire life, constantly repeats himself, etc., in short our posting styles are nothing alike. Though I do find it funny we're over two years in and we're still accusing anybody we disagree with of being marineschizo.

>> No.75758326

It's a shame she's so retarded. Instead of trying to leech her way out of the hole she dug herself as fast as possible she could just appeal to the fans she had and naturally the positive attitude/atmosphere would draw in more people.

>> No.75758421

i hate that i laughed. fuck you

>> No.75758544

her name is already NG even before the marriage reveal, pretty sure mid-big sized vtuber corpos already aware of her dramas (her marriage drama even appears in newspaper)
my guess is wactor is really desperate to do a fresh start-ish in japan because their rep in ES scene is worse than nijiEN so they will take anyone as long as they have experience so mike gets in easily. both wactor and mike are massive red flags they definitely matches with each other lmao

>> No.75758573

The funny thing about that is that a lot of "Taiwanese" use bilibili too.

>> No.75758596

Yuzuco literally doesn't know where a vagina is located despite apparently having one. One of the few artists where the clothed versions of her artwork are far superior to the nudes just for that one fact alone.
Sakana had been mafuposting on her locked sub account even while she was a fan of Mike. That was a real eye opener for me when I first saw it. It's a shame that the people who were willing to give her money never leaked those Tweets

>> No.75758674

There is definitely a group who despise it, though. At the very least, Sakana was 100% on record for saying "I will leave if she streams on Bilibili". I saw Sakana saying it, I confirmed it with a Taiwanese fan and Mikeneko even mentioned it directly on stream.

>> No.75758836
File: 561 KB, 833x1000, 1691188390183662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I need a QRD. Is this deal on Ruki a rrat or is there actual evidence to this connection.

>> No.75759007

>sounds exactly like her
>rushia has a meltdown as people point that out
as well as other strange coincidences
It's a mystery.

>> No.75759034


>> No.75759068

tf2fag here, this schizo came back as himself before ever joining the black corpo and basically said "i did a stupid thing and am a full retard" about it, giving the internet a solid year to wail on him while quietly focusing on his own content rather than pissing and moaning about people being mad at him, so the majority of people got over it. it's because he let the internet knock him around a bit and took it on the chin that his shit is largely a nothingburger these days, because other than joining the wrong corpo he's remained a pretty quiet and unobtrusive video games autist.

>> No.75759122

>Mikeneko hints at getting a part time job on stream (just like she did before debuting as Nazuna)
>stops streaming on YouTube the day Ruki debuts
>similar voice
>needy yandere GFE gimmick
>both make tweets about wanting to collab with males
>other girl who joined is rumoured to be one of Mike's few friends
>people responding to Ruki with Mi-chan were blocked
>Ruki's Tweets paint her as an obvious menhera, begging management to "deal with the rumours"
>Ruki mentions playing MonHun recently (Mike was streaming this very recently)
>Ruki plays a lot of Apex, mains the same character as Mike
>weirdly excited about Minecraft co-op, just like Mike
Not sure what else to say. Watch Ruki's debut and close your eyes and you'll see it.

>> No.75759226

>Watch Ruki's debut and close your eyes and you'll see it
All I needed to do was hear Ruki's laugh to know it was her.

>> No.75759235

listen i'm a straight blue-collar working man but if some turbo-wealthy sugar daddy said they'd give me a silver-spoon life if i just acted like their pretty little trophy husband i'd shut the fuck up and put on the dress. i don't know how she fucked things up so bad for herself (well, i do, it's the actual mental illness, but you know what i mean.)

>> No.75759386

For what it's worth, I think he was cheating on her. Or at least, I had to see that fag's naked ass on stream thanks to Kore2, so I don't know what other explanation there is for those pics
All the more reason she should have never gotten involved with him, methinks

>> No.75759404

Makes sense. He seems like he's doing much better these days.
Still gonna weaponize his past any time the sisters fuck around with "fake suicide" though. It doesn't hurt him any, but it sure makes the girls eat their words.

>> No.75759596

Mike, we know you use 4ch. Fuck off.

>> No.75759862

>so I don't know what other explanation there is for those pics
Probably from mike? We know she has a habit of leaking things to him.

>> No.75759889

Mikeneko has never once admitted that marrying him was a betrayal of her fans, though. Not once. I'm starting to believe that whatever was left of her conscience has been torn apart by her mental illness

>> No.75759943
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I would ask what would even make her consider doing this but at this point its not even worth asking.

>> No.75759964

It was from another woman's house

>> No.75760196
File: 200 KB, 463x453, 1704095444050721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the above
The woman is just clinically insane at this point, she lives in a purgatory of her own creation which she cannot even dare to enjoy

>> No.75760358

That other woman was one of mike's personalities.

>> No.75764075

And people still claimed that she sounded totally different and was definitely not her.

>> No.75764159

rushia wa warukunai yo ne

>> No.75764268

That's probably because he was one of them.

>> No.75765298

>you are just Marineschizo
rent free lmao

>> No.75767201

>The only solution is to vanish from the Internet for at least a couple of years.
the fat ass did it and now she's fine

>> No.75767358

How did she earn a living in the meantime?

>> No.75768925

Remember when people tried to defend mike's decisionmaking?

>> No.75768983

Talking about reincarnations
I have always wondered why Cover does not use the models of the graduated girls and create a Superior Spiderman-style story where new interpreters take the models (with certain changes but implying that they are the same body but different personality) and even being everything contrary to his previous actresses.
She would see a generation of Sana, Rushia, Mel and Coco as the leader with personalities contrary to the previous ones.
And if it is to avoid causing controversy then use the models of the CH girls

>> No.75769030

Because that's really scummy.

>> No.75769098


>> No.75769109

Because Activ8 tried that and killed their company in the process.

>> No.75772630


>> No.75774036

>choosing to call it "the B site"
That's a common nickname for the site. there is no animosity behind using that.

>> No.75776295

Somebody's off their meds again. Part of the reason miguel del gato will never be able to enjoy a redemption is because one of the steps she needs to take is actively owning what she did wrong and putting in the work to get better. Enablers and apologists like you are an obstruction to this ever happening.

>> No.75776969

the escape bad reputation? No it's not ethical

If you want to change direction drastically? Yes in fact you SHOULD reincarnate if you want to change so much instead of trying to keep your existing fans you should accept losing them

>> No.75778227

I don't see how you redeem yourself from repeatedly betraying people who love you. Try a different niche.

>> No.75778580

It's just hard to believe, even after all the shit she's done these past 2 years, joining Wactor would be the most ridiculous and retarded one yet, that company makes Niji look like a fucking joke

>> No.75778986

I legitimately can't understand why anyone would join Wactor

>> No.75779435

That's only because some of her fans are/were retarded.
The cope that she didn't realise how shitty Kirsch was dropped when she started trying to defend his content on stream back in November of last year. She even called it "interesting". She's genuinely a piece of shit
I believe she's also admitted to unironically enjoying drama

>> No.75779572

I think the Voldemort-esque "refusing to name it" is genuinely hilarious.
That being said, Sakana has been repeatedly on record for hating the website and outright told Mike she would leave if Mike were to stream on it. When Sakana left last October anyways, one of the things Mike outright complained about was that Sakana had given her that ultimatum and left even though Mike hadn't stream on Bilibili at that point

>> No.75779672

There's nothing "voldemort-esque" about using a common nickname for the site. You will find mainland chinks calling it that everywhere.

>> No.75779730

I don't consort with scum like Chinese (both mainland and Taiwanese)

>> No.75779863


>> No.75780125

>The question is moot because bad reputation is inescapable. The only solution is to vanish from the Internet for at least a couple of years.

The problem is that vtubers are the content themselves.
Plenty of artists and creators can turn around and be welcomed again when they make high quality stuff. But the only thing vtubers can sell is their own personality which is almost impossible to change.

>> No.75780148

please post all mikeneko version
what else?

>> No.75780174

Chino, Nia, Ruki. And if you count her roleplaying, Koneko

>> No.75780304

holy shit the Mikenekoverse

>> No.75781605

at this point i cant even laugh at her anymore. its just mental illness. sad.

>> No.75781653

Just like you

>> No.75782791

I imagine anon isn't being sued by his ex-partner, so he's definitely in a better position than some people

>> No.75785143

She should leave forever.

>> No.75785681

Can't forget Koito Ria.

>> No.75785733

Considering she always saw it as RP I think she agreed with the general thrust, if you will, of his view of her fanbase.

>> No.75785868

>I believe she's also admitted to unironically enjoying drama
How else do you think she became so familiar with korekore?

>> No.75787501


>> No.75787560

I find it funny how that guy managed to trigger a unicorn-esque response from a unicorn unfriendly community like shinsogumi's

>> No.75787607

Classic pointless page 10 mikeneko thread bump. Find a new oshi, get a hobby, get a job, get some meds... whatever it takes to get over your obsession.

>> No.75787664

>Specifically, the question is only about trying to escape their past reputation

J-Pop idols do it so why not.

>> No.75787759

>totaly anonymous "job"
>swaps "persona" as soon as the water gets too hot
who would have ever known.

>> No.75787818

Is OP ethnical?

>> No.75787895

Almost certainly. Pretty much every retarded OP you see in the catalog is guaranteed ethnical.

>> No.75788786

QRD on this?

>> No.75789657

No idea, just saw a hubbub happening after he collabed with one of their members that I followed. I think they recently made their own male vtuber division and he's a part of it though

>> No.75790986

I'm looking forward to the day that his DMs get leaked.

>> No.75791342

NTA but I only watch the thigh streams. I would love those bony things wrapped around my head while I eat out that pussy tbqh.

>> No.75791920

The fact that she has complained on stream about how people only watch her cosplay/ASMR while ignoring her other streams is genuinely pretty funny

>> No.75792252


>> No.75794231


>> No.75794651

Muramako forgot how to do the moe voice already.

>> No.75795100


>> No.75795292

I don't think that group is formally associated with shinsogumi and they're just part of the same "community" along with a bunch of other vtubers who are not part of any group.

>> No.75795300

She’s the one who cultivated a fanbase who simply wants to fuck her menhera brains out, typical woman behaviour to then complain about it. Part of me thinks the male collabs and shit was an attempt to prune those people out of the fanbase, but the problem is there’s no other fanbase left.

>> No.75795634

From Queen of GFE to Queen of NTR

>> No.75796589

No point keeping up the act

>> No.75797120

It probably didn't help that mikeneko "accidentally" showed her nazuna screens while doing a twitcasting stream

>> No.75798415

Same as her "anti" dming her and calling her Ruki, who surprise surprise turned out to be her all along.

>> No.75798441

So were those male collab Tweets mocking Unicorns then?
Muramako has been shitting on Unicorns for years

>> No.75799647

Probably. Simple way to put it is Muramako only cares about money. I used to watch her niconico streams where she used to shit on otaku and vtubers all the time. She was too ugly to ever become a idol and people laughed at her dancing videos so there's probably a lot of left over resentment from that too. She left niconico because she thought twitch would bring in more money and I guess it does because she rarely comes back to niconico. She wanted to become a vtuber for quite a long time but could never put on a decent moe voice so it's hilarious seeing a company actually signed her because she really sucks at it. I guess she got the job based on experience with streaming and people she knows.

>> No.75799744

Ruki posting her subscription count constantly would also suggest that one reason she reincarnated was to escape from the constantly decreasing sub count she has as Mike or the constantly dropping follower count she has as Nazua

>> No.75799983

Please stop making fun of Mikeneko. She actually visits /vt/ and make falseflag threads sometimes

>> No.75800106

She doesn't have the energy to sustain three Vtuber identities
It's really noticeable that her Mike YouTube streams completely stopped once she started streaming as Ruki

>> No.75801093

Konbanwa, Mikeneko-san

>> No.75801322
File: 252 KB, 671x1100, __uruha_rushia_and_uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_muzin_chan__8cfc1b9ffd455b84e1c1ec441cf05e84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rushia. She's hot so she did nothing wrong. How much does she charge for 1 hour of sex?

>> No.75801529

Do you ever get bored posting this stuff every thread?

>> No.75802441

you must be as rich as her ex-husband to have a chance to have sex with her

>> No.75802487

Did she get fired from somewhere again?

>> No.75803092

Did the alien fuck her even once? By how she treated him I wouldn't be surprised she never let him touch her

>> No.75803552

Pony Canyon

>> No.75803710

No, she raped him until he emptied his balls

>> No.75804048

She hates sex tho

>> No.75805102

I wonder how the remaining doubters must feel seeing how Mike is atrophying.

>> No.75805204

>remaining doubters
By this, do you mean the people who are denying that Mike and Ruki are the same person?

>> No.75805259

You sound like a fat woman.

>> No.75805614

I'm not that anon, but he's completely right. If she wants to re-invent herself, she should try doing it professionally. She should stop fighting her fans constantly. She should finally decide whether she wants to be a male collabing FPS woman or a GFE girl who actually treats her fans with some respect. Instead, she'll get herself involved with drama again and blame everyone besides herself for it

>> No.75806337

>finally decide whether she wants to be a male collabing FPS woman
That she didn't go that route immediately after the apex thing and instead went back to lying to herself and any remaining fans until her breaking point is a mystery
>but muh income from unicorns
Anyone left after that point didn't care about males

>> No.75806513

It's not even just Unicorns. If you lost half of her fanbase in a month, would you genuinely double down on doing the thing that made them all leave?
On top of that, let's be frank: she's terrible at Apex. Those streams always got less views than other streams. Apex also works better as a collab game and she barely collabs because she's paranoid women will steal her fans and most people don't want to deal with her.
>Anyone left after that point didn't care about males
Her two top donors at the time complained about males. There's a chance that alone kept her from fully engaging with it, although I do believe the earlier points I made are the main reasons

>> No.75808070

I heard Apex is like Japan's Tinder. Women are playing Apex so they can hook up with men.

>> No.75809041

The Japanese call Apex custom match lobbies "speed dating"
Valorant is far worse for it, in fairness. Which was one reason why people started getting uneasy when Mike wanted to start playing Valorant offstream at some point last year. Thankfully, she's too stupid to get it working.
If Ruki ever mentions wanting to play Valorant but being unable to, that's another sign of her being Mike, for what it's worth.

>> No.75809120

What kind of people hookup with a damn videogame? They aren't the normies of course right?

>> No.75809516

Japanese people

>> No.75809536

I read on twitter Muramako straight up called her Rushia by accident on the collab stream today.

>> No.75809603

Clip? Also, of all the names to use, not Mikeneko, not Nazuna, not Koito Ria, but Rushia.

>> No.75809674

Calling "Ruki" "Rushia" actually makes sense.
Also it'll be really jarring to hear people calling her Ru-chan again, although I won't be around to hear it.

>> No.75809862

The timestamp comments.

>> No.75810698

No subtlety. Aren't they friends?

>> No.75810803

Why would anyone reincarnate in WACTOR of all places?
Isn't that the super yab company with a lot of problems?

>> No.75810873

Supposedly, yes. Muramako is a terrible person, though. She's insulted Mike's fans to Mike's face before, tried to arrange a male collab with Mike without informing her (female Vtuber Live2D but voiced by a man) and was actually mocking Mike on stream before they became acquainted. Mike is, as usual, retarded.

>> No.75811002

It's her. It's 100% Mikeneko.
My Japanese isn't the best, but this sounds like it's targetted at people who are trying to interact with Ruki on their Mikeneko fan accounts.

>> No.75811035

>her new incarnation is the #1 most disliked vtuber on sukikira
that's not even true. Yan Nari is still in the #1 spot.

>> No.75811490

You're still coping about the kind of person Mike herself really is.

>> No.75811561

Let's not forget, holoen has an apex loving girl and her "friend" namedropped her real name on an early stream that everyone loves. Maybe she thought she could emulate her?

If only she thought to emulate vtubers like Azki. I'm surprised Mike doesn't seethe about her more often.

>> No.75811684

Are you talking about that ye olde yabe regarding a bimbo and a fish?

>> No.75811751

>Would Vshojo even take her back
Someone asked kson about this and she said "That's not possible, that's not how it works."
Either mikeneko did something really shitty to vshojo that had them cut off Nazuna's contract or they have a signed NDA where they're not allowed to go back to Vshojo anymore.

>> No.75811830


>> No.75812109

Of course not, it's definitely not anything in Minecraft either.

In muramako's defense it's a really stupid idea to start with the same syllable for your brand new character, it's very easy for someone more familiar with you to slip into old habits. Couldn't she at least use Ashiru or something that doesn't auto complete to Rushia?

>> No.75812388

Mike doesn't really seethe about people that she has not interacted with and Azki didn't integrate into hololive until after she had been fired.

>> No.75812403
File: 64 KB, 548x882, 1626478755797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75812451

>You're still coping about the kind of person Mike herself really is.
Mike rearranged the collab the moment she found out that it was a man behind the avatar on stream.
On top of that, this Tweet doesn't really make all that much sense if Mike wanted people to draw attention to the fact that she is Ruki.
Also, in response to Muramako shitting on her fans, she asked her to stop.

>> No.75812533

>it's very easy for someone more familiar with you to slip into old habits.
Muramako, to my knowledge, wasn't acquainted with Mikeneko until post-termination. If anything, she's only ever called her either Mike or Nazuna on stream.

>> No.75812556

>Also, in response to Muramako shitting on her fans, she asked her to stop.
Can't scare off ALL the pay piggies until she's successfully milked them. Muramako plays the part of a heel.

>> No.75812590

It's not her. The voice is completely different.

>> No.75812620

Do Mike or Nazuna start with a Ru?

>> No.75812663

>It's not her.
Yeah, and pigs can fly.

>> No.75812681

This cope is moldy bro, catch up. Ruki is Rushia/Mikeneko/Nazuna/etc. Confirmed.

>> No.75812728

It wasn't even an official collab stream. Muramako was streaming Apex and Nazuna joined to play with her. They went into a voice call together.
If you're going to shitpost, at least have some idea as to what it was

>> No.75812737

The duality of man

>> No.75812777

You know damn well that's not because she hates men or something. She was simply trying to maintain an image.
Reminder that she was seeing mafu for over a year while telling you that she loves you. She never actually liked you or any of her fans. She doesn't actually have a problem with someone else shitting on any of you.

>> No.75812784

>It wasn't even an official collab stream
It doesn't need to be.

>> No.75812892

To be fair, she didn't like mafumafu either. I think she has trouble bonding with anyone.

>> No.75813042

>It doesn't need to be.
What I mean by this is that none of her fans were watching. It wasn't announced in advance. The majority of people only realised she was playing after they had already stopped
>You know damn well that's not because she hates men or something
That's not even my arugment, you illiterate. It's to establish that Muramako has a history of taking action on her own initiative without consulting Mike. If you had a few functioning brain cells, you'd have understood this and not had started screeching about males.
>She never actually liked you or any of her fans
I'm not one of her fans. In fact, I despise her. I think she's a completely shitty scumbag who is only in it for the money. However, I also despise "friends" like Muramako, who seems like complete scum. I also despise retards like you yapping about things you don't understand.

>> No.75813075

But she did like him and that's a verifiable fact.

>> No.75813141

Then why she didn't let him live with her?

>> No.75813189

Marineschizo, isn't it? I can smell the overweight autism from here.

>> No.75813196

Because she didn't like him anymore at that point in time. Do you believe that if a couple breaks up they never liked each other?

>> No.75813254

Why did she cuck him then? Why did she hide her status as a married woman even IRL? Mike is a psychopath who doesn't love anyone. She lied to mafumafu AND her fans AND "B-kun", it's not an either or situation.

>> No.75813319

Why do this? Despite claiming that you're not a fan, you seem to be unable to accept that Mike is a shit person who would willingly associate with other shit people.
It's very obvious that you are a fan who's still in some sort of denial about her.

>> No.75813347

Oi, you forgot to quote the other anon. Here, I'll do it for you >>75812777

As for me
>What I mean by this is that none of her fans were watching. It wasn't announced in advance
So it was practice.

>> No.75813418

She was his fan so obviously she liked him. Do you think she got close to him because she actually secretly hated him from the very beginning? Smells like cope that a fan of hers would believe.

>> No.75813589

I think she actively dislikes the nicer, more relatively upright people. That's why she has zero qualms slamming Delu knowing that she had tried to commit suicide, while she handles characters like Muramako and Kirsch with kid gloves and makes efforts to keep and maintain their relationships.

>> No.75813604

Kek you're just trying to trigger people dishonest faggot

>> No.75813665

I need a shitposter menhera chuuba gf...

>> No.75813680

You do not qualify as a person since you're her fan.

>> No.75813687

I think she got close to him for his money, the same as she did for all her other fans. You sound like a fancuck coping that she had to love someone because you can't stand the idea you supported a scumbag who deserves nothing.

>> No.75813793

>equating mafu to her fans
This cope reversal is fucking hilarious. You're not fooling anyone, mikecuck.

>> No.75813821

What makes you believe that?

>> No.75813905

Your insistence on me being "dishonest" for calling Mike a shit person.

>> No.75814020

>cope reversal
I'm the only one here saying she's a shit person through and through. My message has never changed. Keep calling others what you are, mikecuck

>> No.75814069

no es ella

>> No.75814185

You literally just equated mafu to her fans, you dumb cuck. She liked him and she never liked you. You were NEVER on the same level.
You're claiming that she was upset about someone else insulting her fans and for arranging a male collab and you're calling me her fan for saying that she never actually liked any of her fans.

>> No.75814533

>tried to arrange a male collab with Mike without informing her (female Vtuber Live2D but voiced by a man)
If you're talking about the Chinese babi then she heard about him from kagura nana I believe

>> No.75814712

Two different people anon, learn to read!
>You were NEVER on the same level
I wish you were right, anon, I really do. Unfortunately I was never a fan of her because I felt something was off about her, so in truth I was always above you. You and mafu2 are cut from the same cloth, the only difference is how much mike was able to fleece out of you. Keep coping, it's funny!

>> No.75815059

Don't start pretending to be a completely different person now. You are >>75813042 and you're coping about all the money you sent to miquel.

>> No.75815181

>You are >>75813042 #
Try again!

>> No.75815197


>> No.75815203

Go on and call me "marineschizo" now to REALLY prove that you're totally not a seething mikecuck.

>> No.75815637

Literally who? My oshi is drama. Tell me more about this autist or the losers jumping at shadows.

>> No.75815711

There are only two people in this thread that call mike a shit person and the other one is coping that she was not really friends with muramako and never liked mafu.
You're a coping cuck.

>> No.75815717

Wait, Muramako is in this corp too? Who next, Kirsch is in it?

>> No.75815953

>There are only two people in this thread
Oh, this is rich. You are an actual third worlder.

>> No.75816014

You know what they say, speak of the devil...

>> No.75816117

There are only two people that have specifically called her a shit person in this thread, moron. Why not link some of those posts where you call her a shit person? I'm absolutely sure they're not full of cope.

>> No.75816162

>There are only two people that have specifically called her a shit person in this thread
Oh this is rich.

>> No.75816222

Why won't you link your posts?

>> No.75816342

Why can't you follow post chains?

>> No.75816365

I can't fucking cope, bros. I NEED a menhera GF like her.

>> No.75816367

I can and I correctly identified you which seems to have made you VERY upset.

>> No.75818215

>nice, relatively upright
Even if you somehow don't believe she was shittalking Mike, she spread rrats about that Niji girl's graduation

>> No.75818336

>Mike is a shit person
>who would willingly associate with other shit people
However, that doesn't mean she approves of every single thing they do. That's just how people work.
If you don't realise that, you must genuinely have no friends. Makes sense because you're an autist who reads the archives all day

>> No.75818436

Kill yourself, Marineschizo, you fat autistic EOP schizo

>> No.75818724

lmao so I was right all along. You really are an assblasted mikecuck who is coping to this very day. When will you get over her?

>> No.75818888

She doesn't like her fans and no doubt shits on them when talking to muramako which is why she thought she can just do that live on stream with mike on. It doesn't matter that it wasn't an "official" collab.
