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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75285598 No.75285598 [Reply] [Original]

Coqui is a class act.

The law takes a dim view of defamation and slander.

I don’t know why you think this is over.

>> No.75285641
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>> No.75285669

Qrd? I'm not a ligga watcher

>> No.75285715
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>> No.75285887

its over

>> No.75286113
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MSM is a vtuber talent agency. It is alleged that MSM clients were advised to stay away from the Southside group of streamers. They were advised to stay away from 3AM talent agency as well. There are overlapping VTubers between the these groups. 3 AM in particular have not been streaming with MSM clients ever since.

Lying to defame a competing business and cut it off from intangible goodwill and the ability to network is a civil tort.

>> No.75286276

The fact that you arent krimbo but using his face for reaction images surprises me.

>> No.75286387
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Krimbo is sticking up for his friends, which is more than you could say about a lot of MSM streamers who appeared to be friends of the 3 AM streamers.

>> No.75286433

Basic timeline
>rrats in /lig/ abound surrounding the supposed schism between Coqui and Meat (of The South Side streamer group) and Sigrid and Bird (shared channel)
>recently an anon gets curious regarding Sigrid and Bird's agency, MSM and does some digging
>turns out the CEO of MSM, Seth Weinstein, has a history of failed companies, lawsuits, spurned business partners and tax evasion, and MSM specifically was forfeited to the state of Maryland years ago
>this information spreads, and prompts Krimbo (member of South Side) to go officially claim that MSM has blacklisted the South Side, related agency 3AM, Mythic Talent and others
>specifically, this blacklisting involves spreading lies and poisoning the well regarding seemingly anyone Seth doesn't like
>Coqui corroborates this claim and specifies that they have lost several friends as a result of MSM's misdeeds
>Krimbo spent this last weekend putting together a expose document which was handed over to someone who is "much better than me with this kinda thing" (likely FalseEyeD)
>You are here

>> No.75286548

>vtuber agency
What? I've literally never heard of MSM, Southside, or 3AM and I pay pretty fucking close to attention to small corpo chuubas.

>> No.75286722

MSM is not specifically a vtuber agency, but they have signed quite a number of notable indies like Lord Aethelstan, Nihmune, Yuzu, HeavenlyFather, Grimmi and the members of Vchiban

The South Side is a Twitch team of friends, most of whom use a shared South Side Discord for their community.

3AM is a new vtuber agency launched last September founded by South Side members Coqui, Meat, Callie Calico and (former) indie Olivia Monroe

>> No.75286930

While I agree with you its because he has nothing to lose, is small and vtubing isnt his job.

>> No.75287290


I don’t understand your point. Coqui has a tremendous amount to lose, she is corroborating, and her partners in 3AM are not denying anything.

Come on, folks. It shouldn’t have to take a suicide attempt to shine a light on shitty people in this business.

>> No.75287444

I only watch hololive so I have no fucking clue who any of you losers are, but
Fucking kill yourself, you whiny insignificant crybaby bitch. Holy fuck. What a little faggot. No one owes you collabs, retard. If I managed female talent, I'd tell them to stay the fuck away from you dysgenic sex pests too. Isn't takahata101 some woke anime youtuber that does DBZ abridged? I bet he's a sexpest too like all these bastard anime vloggers. How dare you losers bring this shit onto my board. Who the fuck even are you? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.75287538

You forgot the part where they slander and spread lies to fuck with vtubers' livelyhoods

>> No.75287546
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looks like the number went down someone left

>> No.75287640

It's not really about collabs and I don't know why that's all you took from this

>> No.75287643

What is this UI? Slack or something?

>> No.75287670

Is it beginning?

>> No.75287674
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Just did some checking and I don't know if she was ever in the Twitch team, but Yuzu is listed as a talent and isn't on that page. https://www.twitch.tv/team/talentmsm

>> No.75287754


Because it’s one of Seth’s lying pieces of shit.

>> No.75287757

She got with MSM very recently so it might be that she was never on the team
She's also vacationing in Korea right now and might not even be aware of what's going on

>> No.75287833

Juniper is on that site as well but she hasn't been on the team page since she removed the msm team link. Also Heavenly Father was on there earlier but vanished. Either way the number going down means someone left

>> No.75287840
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Here is the rest of the MSM roster. Apparently the site knows when they’re streaming and lists the number of yours, which puts them out of the original original order when I did the screenshot.

>> No.75287863

I found it, it's Lucy Pyre

>> No.75287871

>Lying to defame a competing business
Neither were businesses, especially given the defunct LLC. It's not a public-facing statement, it's advice given to business partners (which they were, in an unincorporated partnership not consummated in the LLC). Telling people to boycott a business because you don't like them isn't tortious interference, it's tough luck. Also, why the civil tort law all of a sudden?

>> No.75287887

Just did a quick check then. DOn't know if any of these people were ever in the Twitch team, but there's at least 3 more discrepancies. Lucy, Heavenly, and Juniper.

>> No.75287934


I guess it’s up to a judge to decide that.

>> No.75287938

western vtubers are insufferable

>> No.75287947

Based on the things posted in here I can say this is not going anywhere. Most of the times these things happen like a snowball, but so far no one cared. This is most likelly going to be pushed under the rug, sucks for the small talents that got fucked but it is what it is.

>> No.75287990

The site has 45 talents but the team page on twitch has had the number going down. It's at 42 now meaning 3 people left since the drama started

>> No.75288061

>they aren’t businesses and if they were
>lying to defame people is now some kind of protected speech, tough luck sucker
>Because that’s the applicable law

>> No.75288114


>> No.75288125

Southside is just a group of friends but 3AM is a proper actual business. Add in that it's just a rrat, but there's some solid evidence to suggest an intended 5th member for 3AM wound up not joining (and that member is in MSM) then there's at the very least something that could be argued.

>> No.75288296

They are more like a manager support system.
And apparently the guy in charge liked playing chuubas against each other like it's a game by secretly dm'ing them made up stuff about each other.

>> No.75288378

You forgot the part where some of these vtubers were actual friends until Seth from MSM spread lies about the southside streamers and told MSM streamers not to associate with them.

>> No.75288424

The 3AM would be a tough claim given that it is just the same people he had hated beforehand. The big question is how much of what he said was his own opinion versus something (dis)provable.
I was just responding to OP's "business" language. I don't know enough about what was alleged to be said in terms of MSM being "advised to stay away from" SS/3AM people for the opinion (vitriol) vs. (false) fact. If you could provide some screenshots of actual, definite statements I'm happy to debate tort law some more.

>> No.75288439

Is this why Numi dropped Tobs out of nowhere?

>> No.75288931


You gotta wonder.


>> No.75289025
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The MSM member in question is Tobs, who was very very close to all of the 3AM girls and is associated with the color purple. Given that the logo for 3AM features 5 stripes with the 4 members each corresponding to a color while the 5th purple stripe goes unexplained there's solid reason that people suspected she was supposed to be part of the group. Add in that Tobs has been in MSM for quite some time, supposedly has a blacklist going against Southside members (which the 3AM girls were a part of) and it all adds up to an extremely plausible story that some interference on Seth's side stopped Tobs from being a part of 3AM.

Also worth noting that while these are rrats to US, we're just outsiders. The people actually involved would know the truth, and if these rrats are true then they'll know the extent of what's been done.

>> No.75289168
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Tob was also never Southside. She was close with them but wasn't ever officially or as officially as an unofficial group can get part of them and was her own thing.

>> No.75289280

The reason the rrats have been going crazy is because there's been speculation and rrats about Seth being suspicious, a MSM blacklist, and SigBird falling out with CoqMeat/Southside going a year back and all of them have been confirmed in a short period of time

The only thing that really took people by surprise was MSM not legally existing and the hotsauce company thing with Grimmi

>> No.75289339

I still don't really know what the "South Side" even is who is currently part of it and why. Are all the chuubas from the US south or is it just a funny name?

>> No.75289413

Yeah, that's the biggest problem with rrats in this case and arguing tortious interference (as opposed to, e.g., Selen's case and workplace harassment). So much of an actual (hypothetical) case would turn on what precise words were said to which people at what times, rather than the vague generalities which inherently arise from a lack of (public) knowledge. There definitely IS a possible case of TI, and maybe similar torts, if he said particularly stupid things at bad times and/or to multiple people or specific people who were harmed by his actions. I don't think that he was speaking with a view to avoid liability, so it's possible, but it really does depend on the wording.

>> No.75289442
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>"I only watch hololive"
>proceeds to be a complete cocksucker towards other fandoms for no reason whatsoever

Yeah, no. You gotta work on improving your falseflagging, sister.

>> No.75289477


Southside is a group of friends that share a discord server and help each other out.

>> No.75289494

Almost all of this drama started from a tiny Twitch team who can't hit 4views and some drama between 2views. Literal who gives a fucks leaving bigger and bigger dominos with the biggest one being "one of the largest Western vtuber companies is run by a scam artist and the company doesn't actually exist"

>> No.75289582


it really doesn’t matter how big a business is if somebody lies to fuck you out of it.

>> No.75289789

LMAO, Krimbo was hyping this shit up and saying he was going to expose shit Monday and show proof. Pussies out last second because he couldn't find anymore shit on here. So he goes off and passes it off to someone else so they can take the heat. Can't wait for the 2 weeks he demanded apologies for blows by and he pussies out again.

>> No.75289850

That's why I added that last bit. Yes these are rrats to us, because we only know what's been said publicly. They would know if they're correct. And if they are then there's possibly something there.

>> No.75290293

South side isn't a company so.....

>> No.75290526

south side is just a discord bro...

>> No.75290607

They seemed to have a lot of fun together and talked outside of streams and then Numi suddenly dropped her like a hot potato.

>> No.75290624

I just want everyone to know that krimb0 and c0qui are married

>> No.75290756

I just want everyone to know that m3at and c0qui are married

>> No.75290815

>t. seth with the vtuber doxx

>> No.75290843

Very subtle Seth.

Conveniently ignoring the fact that the alleged blacklisting/defamation extends to 3AM and Mythic Talent.

>> No.75290850

Married to being grifters

>> No.75290879

Anon 99% of this board are unironically drama whores, that’s why they only found out these shit exists when drama started.

>> No.75290913

who cares if they are? i wouldnt be surprised if tob and grimmi and everyone but seth has a secret husband or boyfriend

>> No.75291056

I mean Seth might, he's gay and in D.C. so he has a lot of options

>> No.75291154

That's not tortious interference retard

>> No.75291306

So? NijiEN has been doing this for ages and yet I never see you bitch about them

>> No.75291385

People have been bitching about Niji like crazy though. Unless you mean Krimbo specifically, of course he is going to talk out about it it's effecting him and his friends.

>> No.75291460
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Corpo Vtubers are a plague to the whole Vtubing community. Nothing anyone in this thread or outside of it will change my mind otherwise.
Indies are where its at. Any Vtubers that don't stay in their lane and proceeds to use social media as a means to attack others is by all means invalid and not worth watching.

Take this as a cue to stop watching toxic ass western Vtubers and watch Japanese/Korean Vtubers instead whom are more classy and respectable among their peers.

>> No.75291575

No one is ignoring those facts. Your trying to say a friend group is a company. Mythic don't give a shit if any, and the only people who are pouting is Krimbo & 3AM. Don't know how stating that makes it "very subtle" though, even if was Seth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.75291642

Mythic gives a huge shit, MSM has been poaching their talents with promises he obviously can't keep

>> No.75291677

Since when did /vt/ start giving a shit about twitchfag drama

>> No.75291738

When it's a literal crime. Real stakes are juicy as seen from the Nijisanji collapse.

>> No.75291768

Literally nobody ITT is saying South Side is a company you fucking retard

>> No.75291786

Just because someone switched companies doesn't mean poached, maybe there was something there that talent didn't agree with. One of those "if you think the grass is greener" type shit situations.

>> No.75291831

We're both on here, we literally are fucking retards

>> No.75291887

I'm pretty sure a scam artist promising things like TV shows and animated series to talents and never getting anywhere close to fulfilling those is poaching

>> No.75291888

That’s what poaching means. Retard.

>> No.75291955


They went to Las Vegas together.

>> No.75292063

It's not just "drama" that's why

>> No.75292159

Here's the thing: This has massive ramifications on the twitch side of vtubing, which currently is rapidly growing more than any other sector of vtubing. While VTubing as a whole has stagnated, Twitch VTubing keeps growing, so a potentially fraudulent talent company blacklisting talents in other companies is a major, major scandal

>> No.75292186

Not if was mutually agree upon dumbfuck. I don't think the OTK cover group gives a fuck about losing a couple vtubers lmfao

>> No.75292334

>be friends
>your boss tells you your friend was talking shit about you
>believe boss unconditionally
>friendship is over
only idiots would fall

>> No.75292400

yeah. i mean who believes their work boss?
why does anyone treat their boss as their real friend?
except for some absolute corporate drones who have never been fired yet. like very young vtuber girls.

>> No.75292405

anon is this an industry full of mentally ill women, they are obviously idiots.

>> No.75292565

well, i would've still wager that mentally ill women at least stick together with other mentally ill women, and conspire together to ruin men. that they wouldn't choose some boss guy over each other.

>> No.75292605

yes but again

>> No.75292670

the only thing women hate more than men are other women

>> No.75294157

Reddit frogs are so annoying

>> No.75294203

>sudden thread bump before page 10 deletion

>> No.75294375

Probably explains why Sigrid immediately cut off Southside while Bird still occasionally showed up in their chats up until around summer of last year. Bird works a office job while Sigrid is someone that’s leeched off her family and has never talked about any kind of career apart from streaming

>> No.75295049
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If MSM lied to other businesses/sponsors or individuals who would potentially contract with 3am in order to prevent them from forming a business relationship then there is absolutely a case for tortious interference. For example if Seth told his sponsor contacts "Don't work with 3am, they murdered my son" and the sponsors used his testimony as a basis for blacklisting 3am then that would be tortious interference, unless they actually murdered his son.

>> No.75295158

that's a twitch frog tho'

>> No.75295176

>unless they actually murdered his son.

which one of Oli’s ex-bfs was he?

>> No.75295805

Southside has a seething ugly male and therefore, I am incline to trust MSM for wanting to keep the girls away from the ugly bastard

>> No.75295955

>I support Seeth from MSM

Me too

>> No.75296020

>falseflagging in a thread that has jack all to do with Njisanji
When are Holodrones going to actually take responsibility for their own?

>> No.75296067

You expect the catalogue shitters to actually watch vTubers?

>> No.75296106

>Japanese/Korean Vtubers instead whom are more classy and respectable among their peers.
Actual retard. YWNBJ.

>> No.75296154
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>> No.75296358

Coqui is fine though

>> No.75296497
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'ugly bastard'
Have you seen what Seth looks like? He even puts out official art of him getting held onto and grabbed by the talents.

>> No.75296548
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who the fuck commissions an art piece of their companies talents fawning over them?

>> No.75296585

It's a weird power move to do. Lines up with how much he attention whores and inserts himself into streams of the talents however.

>> No.75296748

Blud actually thinks of himself as a Yagoo or Sakana.

>> No.75296872

He’s clearly a narcissist.

>> No.75297176

An ugly-ass artwork too

>> No.75297348

I really really REALLY want to believe Bird's not been complicit in the Southside shit talking but we're way past that being believable now.

>> No.75297814

Probably unrelated to the drama but I just wanna share my thoughts on some of the characters involved

Coqui: has a nice voice and cadence, with frequent voice cracks that will remind you of pubescent girls despite her approaching hag territory. Her speech has an uncanny resemblance to the loli Hook from Honkai Star Rail. She's Puerto Rican - french - American so she can be a little spicy. She's been exposed to degenerate hentai since a young age so she's pretty desensitized to fictional content, she's also not afraid to list "rape" and "loli/shota" on her h-tags streams. All in all, she's a cool gal. She also has an interest in voice acting and may have done some stuff in the industry before. I think she has the chops for it.

Grimmi: aspiring voice actress, has a really smooth voice and cadence. She has done a number of voiceworks for r-18 animations, some of which involved bestiality but it's likely she's rebranding away from that. Since she has such a soothing voice I once fell asleep to her voices of the void stream, to which I was awakened by a bloodcurdling scream. She's quite the screamer. I haven't forgiven her for that. She's also known for designing and selling hot sauces. It's a passion of hers. However, she seems to be a picky eater, I think vegan. She can't cook and has terrible diet (as expected of a white woman). She'll likely die of malnutrition soon.
In her lore, she's a 7-year old who got trapped in a spooky house for a century, making her 107 years old. But since she hasn't aged physically, her body remains to be that of a 7-year-old. Some people who had ordered her dakimakura just couldn't receive it likely because they were in the EU or AU where her scandalous loli body is considered Haram and this were detained at the customs. In a stupid move, she wanted to prevent future incidents by altering her design.... By slapping awkward-looking boobs on her tiny body. Boobs that aren't even rigged and look weird since they're likely last-minute additions. I haven't forgiven her for that. Grimmi hate.

>> No.75297946

Bro why are listing people's nationalities and the like? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.75298149

Bird is a victim n all of this, she wouldn’t shut talk anyone.

>> No.75298213

okay, I have to ask: have there been any collabs between 3AM and VShojo members since this started blowing up?

>> No.75298312

twitch team page. those with the red dot were live when the screenshot was taken.

>> No.75298638

Nah, she ain't a victim. She may not be participating in the shit talking but she ain't a victim. She's a grown ass woman that's silently stood back while Sigrid's instigated things for years even before meeting Seth, letting her partner ruin their relationships with people they once considered friends. She's complicit.

>> No.75298696

As complicit as a puppet, she doesn’t think or act for herself.

>> No.75298703

Not since Ironmouse's subathon where She would have coqui and meat come on to be hype men while she was sleeping. Mind you since then they added Matara and the Ex Nijis and Vshojo outside of Zen have been really lowering the number of outsiders they collab with in general

>> No.75298905

I refuse to believe that the only functional member of the pair, the ony one who has ever had or held down a job is this absolute retard that "doesn't think or act for herself". She may be a slob but she's far from this helpless creature that wouldn't last the winter without Sigrid. Bullshit.

>> No.75298977

welp, that tracks with what I've been seeing.

>> No.75299064

She’s insanely smart only in one way which allows her to do an extremely taxing job, but other than that the rest of her brain is not very functional please leave her alone, I really do feel sorry for her.

>> No.75299263
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Amerilard brainrot

>> No.75300755


>> No.75302579

This is the important part. If you were betrayed by your friends because of work bullshit, they weren't your friends at all.

>> No.75302663

Oh yeah, because you're soooooo entitled to know what Sigrid's private life is like. Let me flip the script, I don't hear Meat saying anything about working outside of streaming and the like I guess she's a lazy mother fucker too. So I assume she's leeched off of her family pretty good too if that's the case.

>> No.75302776


>> No.75302894


>> No.75303428

Southside is a group of businesses if the vtubers aren't retarded.

>> No.75304097

Unfortunately for them, 90% of them are retarded

>> No.75304131

>Grimmi's small tits don't wobble like jello at the slightest movement
Good to know she has taste.

>> No.75304230

Unfortunate. Though they're still sole proprietorships in the US even if they're retarded.

>> No.75304239

Sigrid being a fool that got scammed into a cult like organization and abusive to everyone around them is going to be the most fame they'll ever have in their life.

>> No.75306006
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Maybe it's because Mythic was making false promises
