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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 61 KB, 900x900, 1687407875698062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75104847 No.75104847 [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw discovering the Filian fansly video where she's got like 8 other lewdtubers on who start flashing their tits within the first 5 minutes of the stream
>First question that the girls ask each other is if they have had anal and if they enjoy it

Bro what the fuck, nobody told me that succubi are real.

>> No.75104921

Ok but does Filian do porn on her fansly yet? Last I checked it was just her being quirky

>> No.75104974

post it

>> No.75105283


>> No.75105284


>> No.75105860

She only has an account because they sponsor her I think. I doubt she'll post nsfw

>> No.75105993

who enjoys this trash?

>> No.75106061

No, she does not do porn on her Fansly. Her guests are allowed to (ref. >>75105284 ), but Filian herself does not do lewd content.
Not sure if it's because of her contract (in which she advertises Fansly on Twitch), or because she simply does not want to. But in any case, she doesn't make horny content.

She does have a lewd AI chatbot at her $200 tier, though.

>> No.75106679
File: 1.49 MB, 2320x3088, IMG_4236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that bag ig

>> No.75106911

You're welcome for me telling you about that by the way.

>> No.75106999

Filian fans, and now by proxy Phase and Doki fans.

>> No.75107043
File: 175 KB, 1448x2048, 1713536925806163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I only got around to checking it out today, but you are indeed correct, I got it from (You) yesterday.

>> No.75107049

This isn't true. If you give her a big tip, she sends bikini pics, dancing suggestively, flashing her ass, and even up close full shots of her ass (in underwear). She has a really skimpy bikini in some of them, and she makes lewd faces.
I believe that this content is produced by Filian. However, the person you're talking to is a paid chatter. They responded to me multiple times during her streams when it would have been impossible, they don't talk like her, and they speak pretty poor english (e.g. "i already did sent it").

>> No.75107515

so nothing's changed

>> No.75108323

How big a tip we talking, hypothetically

>> No.75108640


>> No.75108703

10ma socute

>> No.75108787

>go to porn site
>surprised there's porn

>> No.75108831

I tipped about $800 total and got a few sets and some sexy dancing videos.

>> No.75108997
File: 415 KB, 1439x1095, 1661047561662003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filian herself does not do lewd content
Her showing under her skirt every stream is lewd enough for me

>> No.75109142

There should be more porn. She should host more streams there. And she should participate.

>> No.75109459

Is she a bat? Fox?

>> No.75109474

That's the thing. Filian IS lewd. Unquestionably.
She is in the know when it comes to lewd topics and she kept up with all of the actual sluts in that stream.
I doubt she'll ever go all out but there's no doubt in my mind that Filian is lewd as fuck.

>> No.75109672

I want to believe she will go all out. I have nothing to back that faith up, just a strong desire to manifest lewdtuber meme into reality..

>> No.75109699

filian is not a full on pornstar, but her content is designed to toe the line as closely as humanly possible. at a minimum you could accurately describe her as an e-stripper

>> No.75109785
File: 19 KB, 247x287, 1704769638451690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filian will never overpower you, throw you to the ground, mount you in the amazon position and churn your dick like butter in her warm, wet tight snatch
Why even exist at this point?

>> No.75109855

filians fans are literally sexually repressed 16-24 year old boys, what did you expect

>> No.75109872

I want to fuck filian and tenma at the same time.

>> No.75109877

His code is total ass and he uses OpenAI to power his pet

>> No.75109970

No. We're 20-40.

>> No.75110006

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret anon: 99% of the people who profit off of new technology are not the ones doing the actual innovation. he found PMF for a shitty chatbot, that’s what you actually get paid to do

>> No.75110073

at least you have the self awareness to not disagree with being called “boys” and not “men”

>> No.75110077

This is the most uncomfortable shit I have seen in my life

>> No.75110148

>sexually repressed 16-24 year old boys

Sounds like most vtuber watchers in general.

>> No.75110163

and she wonders why half of her chat sound like they live in Mumbai

>> No.75110218

>All these replies crying about >>75105284
Okay, now my curiosity is piqued. I'm going in, wish me luck.

>> No.75110371

it’s weird bro don’t do it, I feel like I’m in cyberpunk 2077 now

>> No.75110405

cuz they do

>> No.75110440

i don't know what they're talking about, its just filians usual sort of content except more sex focused and without filter.
they all do porn content so it's obvious that they're going to be very explicit

>> No.75110567

I guess I’m just a holofan at heart, this is way over the top

>> No.75110628

mari mari does porn? what?

>> No.75110668

yeh you definitely need to be into whoretubers to enjoy it, it's the furthest thing away from being wholesome

>> No.75110760 [DELETED] 

>Filian and 8 whores, at least one of which is a tranny

>> No.75110800
File: 904 KB, 2150x3035, 1688426495856958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, with me

>> No.75110799

I don't really care about how you view me honestly.
I stopped caring years ago. Now I just live my life and do what I think is right and what I enjoy.

>> No.75110869

None of them are trannies.

>> No.75111077

Yeah, that was my bad. Mistook one of them for someone else

>> No.75111201

*starts barfing onto the floor so loudly that you can hear it from across the house*

>> No.75111669
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>> No.75111849

Go back

>> No.75111976

You cowards are weak af, this is B A S E D.
Cute girls doing cute things? Fuck that, I'm on another level, we watching filthy whores doing whore things.

Even Filian enjoys being there. What a professional

>> No.75112064

the Nietzschean coomer overman vs the virgin CDGCT enjoyer

>> No.75112236

I like both.

>> No.75112375

nice feminine penis

>> No.75112735

Neurons fried, mentality ruined, this anon will forever watch whores trying to get his money in search of pleasures to satisfy his animalistic instinct, never accomplishing anything worth of note... Truly a tragic fate and lesson to all.

>> No.75112965

>Money out of nowhere
I don't pay to watch any vtuber. Period.
>never accomplishing anything worth of note
Such as?
>Truly a tragic fate and lesson to all.
Right right, I'm sure some faggot on a vtuber board lecturing me on what I'm doing with my life is a stellar example of how one should be living lmao.

>> No.75113447

Holy fucking newfags, this episode has literally been posted on youtube 2 months ago, albeit censored, why are there some many larpers freaking out? Kill yourselves.

>> No.75113453

ngl you sound kinda heated, I think that anon may be onto something

>> No.75113521

not everyone has 20 hours a week to keep up with twitch e-thots, even the top tier ones

>> No.75113582

You can stop pretending you're a new anon that is just chiming in btw, it's pretty fucking embarrassing.

>> No.75113637

any more like this?

>> No.75113698


>i'm a newfag
I know.

>> No.75113853

awfully confident for a man who’s wrong

>> No.75113916

congrats on being an oldfag to… a literal e-whore? here’s your gold medal

>> No.75113954

You are conflating newfags and people that don't have 24/7 free time

>> No.75113963

Thanks, I accept your concession.

>> No.75114009

yeah, I concede you watch more filian than me, gladly, kek

>> No.75115150

I'm not a negative nancy by any means. but I loved watching filian bleed out.
jesas fucking bleed you coward

>> No.75115156

How did they manage to be less entertaining than the normal date streams?

>> No.75115205

filian is based

>> No.75115237

cuz filian actually has some chops as an entertainer, and she’s pissing her career away doing coomer adjacent bullshit

>> No.75115285

Because Fefe was here.

>> No.75115299

she’s the biggest indie right now, how is that “pissing her career away”

>> No.75115354

She’s capable of more than being queen of the retards.

>> No.75115480

Only one that didn't show tits was Filian and Camila

>> No.75115573

>This literal who is unironically sat here trying to tell the literal biggest indie vtuber that she should do better

Oh I am laffin'
I'm laffin' real hard.
Same energy as rando poor niggers giving financial advice to Elon Musk.

>> No.75115606

jesus christ your horny fucks.
i'm so proud of us.

>> No.75115745

if she wants to get rich taking $20,000 from lonely pajeets every day, more power to her I guess

>> No.75115812

Tell us more, coach, what should she do to become even more popular?

>> No.75115867

She did one risqué stream with some whoretubers, get over yourself.

>> No.75115937

her entire ouvre is slightly toned down coomerbaiting while tiktok streams run in the background

>> No.75116007

it’s not about being more popular, it’s about making a living in a way that isn’t anti-social as fuck and a poison for our society

>> No.75116022

Why are you coping? You know that won't be the end of it

>> No.75116045

Twitch whore infestation

>> No.75116064

Does it work? Are people enjoying it? Is she making bank?
I think we can both agree that the answer to all of those is yes, so what's the issue again?

I'd do the same if given the opportunity.

>> No.75116110


>> No.75116135

Go watch Sinder, Numi, Tricky, or Yuzu and you'll slide down the rabbit hole all by yourself.

>> No.75116203

Our 'society' has much more deep-seated problems than some vtuber flipping around on stream and making zoomer jokes.

>> No.75116293

Ah yes, society's problem is a woman with a catgirl avatar doing flips on the internet, kill yourself you larping faggot.

>> No.75116311

This is loading slow as fuck, I don't care about any of the other whores on here but someone tell me if filian talks about taking dick at any point in this stream so I can drop her.
If she is just playing whore wrangler idc about any of this desu

>> No.75116362

Coomers, but that level of coomerbait does make me wonder how bad things will get in the EN vtuber market if they continue heading in that direction for another 10 years.

>> No.75116370

nice argument
filian is literally the equivalent of a digital drug dealer

>> No.75116485

>Watch whoretubers
No thanks i prefer just jerking off to hentai/porn and move on to watch actual vtubers after this.

>> No.75116571

How is Filian any different from other vtubers? What are you even doing on this board besides being a faggot?

>> No.75116714

Damn, congrats bro. Yeah, you're much too mature for whoretubers. Better to watch grifters pretending they love you or watching other girls sing badly in karaoke and play games like shit because women suck ass at video games.
Or maybe you prefer handcam streams where the vtuber puts together a jigsaw, something that only a man with a toddler mindset would enjoy.

>> No.75116729

>why are you here
I like non-whore vtubers, like ones with at least some sort of semblance of self respect. usually this means big corpo girls because every indie sluts herself out for a dollar or two

>> No.75116747

Seriously, these people are huffing fumes lmfao. I do like the Chinese approach of limiting stupid internet time, especially for students.

>> No.75116880

Any average Vshojo/Phase fan.

>> No.75116885

These but unironically.
Can't believe people are blaming Filian for societies problems lol

>> No.75116888

You puritan LARPers are truly some of the most embarrassing fags around. I'd be genuinely amazed if you were even a participant in society to begin with.

>> No.75116922

this argument is literally what every person doing something they know is wrong will tell you- “oh, things are already fucked, it doesn’t matter if I pour gasoline on the fire”. It’s a complete abdication of your humanity and moral obligations. Seriously, this is the type of shit irl pimps will tell you

>> No.75116992

go back to jerking off to your e-whores and leave me alone then

>> No.75117000

>grifting is when they don't talk about taking miles of dick on stream because that's women being their honest selves
Whoretuber watchers are bigger incels than purityfags

>> No.75117113

The only people who unironically use the word incel are beta faggots who have never known the warmth of a woman.
Twitter is full of your kind.

>> No.75117216

not an argument and still not watching your whores and their ""mature"" content for big boys

>> No.75117239

>and leave me alone then
fuck off out of the whoretuber thread if whoretubers upset you so much

>> No.75117379

>my entertainer is not a menace to society because she shows her cleavage and jiggle physics when taking my money instead of flashing her butt

>> No.75117426

>and still not watching your whores and their ""mature"" content for big boys
Nobody cares lmao.
Who even are you? Why do you think anybody gives a shit who you watch?

>> No.75117427

hey, we can’t all beat our demons right, sometimes methadone will do

>> No.75117454

Hi sister.

>> No.75117779

I barely even mocked you and you're already getting defensive. How shit is your daily life, dude?

>> No.75118024

of course my daily life is shit, I’m on /vt/. you don’t end up here without problems

>> No.75118088

Nta but it's not who you watch but who you give platform to. Gatekeeping whores out of vtubing is necessary because i remember how ex-vshojo girls set the tone for all new vtubers to do this for popularity, youtube was full of clips of these clowns making lowlevel sex jokes and their "rail" stories for clicks. All of them bring quality of the community down. Just because you watch them with one hand on your dick and other on donation button they got that power.

>> No.75118519

Then why take this weird didactic angle? There are much more effective ways to affirm your self worth that don't involve playing pretend or being a public annoyance.

>> No.75118699

m8, the whores are basically gatekept already, they're on their containment websites specifically designed for the type of content they provide.
I just view them in the same way I view a porn sites because they are essentially doing porn content. They're not going to go away because there will always be a demand for that type of stuff.

Would I want some slut like Veibae in hololive talking about how many dicks she's had in her and her discussing her dicksucking technique? Of course not.

I just don't see a point in crying about it. If they infiltrate the companies with a wholesome image then absolutely shit on them, but not when they're in their own containment zones, that's retarded.

>> No.75118866

arguing with other anons on the internet about pointless bullshit helps me understand myself better

>> No.75119015

post another link. thit shit laggy af

>> No.75119043

There's no reason for you to come in threads about vtubers you don't like to make it worse then.

Lewdtubers and their communities stick to themselves and don't interact with regular vtubers, even more so because many of them are on twitch while the others are on youtube.

>> No.75119100

To tell you the truth I wasn't even aware these types of vtubers existed before seeing this thread so it's not like they aren't out of the way.
I don't have a problem with them.

>> No.75119234

There's a censored version on youtube, the only thing you're missing are tits and a dick, it's not that good compared to the other dating shows Filian has hosted.

>> No.75119251

filian is the face of indie vtubing, for you to not know about her would basically mean that you’ve never wandered outside /hlgg/ once in your entire life

>> No.75119257

Only one I knew about was Melody. I wasn't aware that there are so many others.

>> No.75119259

If you have such a negative view of women that you only watch vtubers for sexual reasons why not watch porn instead?

>> No.75119530

guys, please take the deal... she is going to die.
she is a pasty white girl, she wont survive the reaper

>> No.75120152

pics or gtfo

>> No.75121282

Considering Filian's model isn't exactly special and all, it would be hilarious if it was just someone else doing the softcore stuff in DMs

>> No.75121481

i really didn't expect this from filian. what the fuck happened with keeping it seiso? lol

>> No.75121833

Filian is lewd as fuck even in her regular streams.

>> No.75121853

>no mel
I can't jack off to this.

>> No.75121939

anon, what the fuck type of drugs have you been on. every single one of her streams is literally softcore porn

>> No.75121996

Seriously this. There's no way an EN vtuber could do paywalled lewd content without that content making its way /here/ or elsewhere within an hour. Hell, if Filian had a one-frame nipple slip in a Fansly stream, screencaps of it would abound before that stream ended.

>> No.75122217

uh yeah but she claims to be a virgin sometimes, please ignore the fact that her come up was as a VRchat stripper and she pays her bills by getting off 5,000 men at once

>> No.75122470

I know she's collabed with a few of these girls but I don't know if Mel's vibe and humor would fit in this group.

>> No.75122574

I know what I'm going to say sounds retarded but...
Mel is too wholesome for that group. Yes, she's a wholesome lewdtuber. I know it sounds backwards but it is what it is.

>> No.75122639


>> No.75122789

sorry, you and the other 500 sex starved anons lurking this thread will have to fight over the 50 bytes per second of bandwidth

>> No.75122926

I was watching it earlier but paused it for a while.
Now its unwatchable, I think this thread made a lot of people watch the video at the same time so it's made it unwatchable

>> No.75123159

Can anybody recommend some of Filians other dating shows?

>> No.75123578

Nevermind, I don't want her in Phase Connect anymore.

>> No.75124049

She's too based for Phase.

>> No.75124112

ok, link to a countdown then

>> No.75124400

filian is weird because i don't thinks she want to do nsfw stuff(of herself) but is heavily associated with it , i wouldn't be surprised if its whys she cant find sponsers. Also indies overall might get screwed if lewdtubing gets popular, because advertisers will lump everyone together and they all get fucked with no ads/sponsers.

>> No.75124681

the way I would describe it is like, the entire indie scene has given up and is just trying to sell crack to get out of the hood, and filian has a taste of the major leagues and should probably distance herself before something blows up in people’s faces

>> No.75124691

>There's a censored version on youtube, the only thing you're missing are tits and a dick, it's not that good compared to the other dating shows Filian has hosted.
Post it, I would rather to see that one that having to see dicks

>> No.75125761


>> No.75125852

She enjoys it. But nothing TOO crazy.

>> No.75126020

you got roasted for this but i unironically agree, she could pull good corpo numbers easily if she chose Collab partners more carefully, the issue is that shes friends with the e-whore so she will never peak outside of the vtuber awards(which would be way easier to fund) each year

>> No.75126193

her audience is like 12 years old she would either lose half of them or be willingly showing those kids the lewd shit(which would be career suicide imo) if she does go full lewd

>> No.75126291

See again you don't know what you're talking about.
Her viewers are 20-40 years old in the overwhelming majority.

>> No.75126377

>if its whys she cant find sponsers.
The agencies pretty much do nothing except trying to keep the streams going live on time. Filian can do her collabs and shows, but regular sponsors are a step too far for these managers.

>> No.75126380

>taking yt stats seriously

>> No.75126382

whenever she asks chat how old they are they are overwhelmingly older than her
she’s the most talented vtuber in the entire EN scene. flat out. and it’s not even particularly close. she’s just degen maxxing too hard

>> No.75127131

Not enough degenmaxxing

>> No.75127253

The nijiniggers DESPERATE to police how the top indie chuuba does her content.
Doesn't help that she mogs the ccv of 99% of all niji chuubas.

>> No.75127371

really? you think this is niji behavior? everything about it suggests hololive cultural norms

>> No.75127590

his oshi is probably one of the aforementioned whoretubers

>> No.75127834

Am an hour deep, she alluded at the begining to being a virgin and limits herself at just acting shocked at the others’ level of degeneracy

>> No.75127976

cope, that was pippa.

>> No.75128254

Nta but I'm near the very end and Filian does say she'd never get her tits out.
I mean, kinda obvious IMO but I'm just throwing it out there in case anybody had their doubts for some reason.

>> No.75128409

>alluded at the begining to being a virgin
i honestly can't believe anyone -ever- believes this horseshit

>> No.75128583

Filians hymen belongs to me

>> No.75128649

Disappointed that there is still no video with her being a white woman.

>> No.75129018
File: 58 KB, 686x386, 1686185965018052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys really not know she does streams like this from time to time? The Chaturbate stream where she watched Mel show off all the sex toy toggles on her model is common knowledge in /vsj+/ and /lig/. Filian never does lewd stuff herself, but she has literally zero qualms being around vtubers who do. She even acted embarrassed when Mel overlaid this scantily clad png of the Rindo model on top of her during that collab.

>> No.75129047

it’s like hearing the most cliched chord progression ever in a song- we all know it’s unimaginative bullshit, but it still sounds nice

>> No.75129270

her hips are way too big, it’s grotesque.
honestly, this is a recurring theme with her. no one minds things in small doses, but she exaggerates it too far

>> No.75129669 [SPOILER] 
File: 330 KB, 777x707, 1710886901011359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking whores for cum eating cuckold BBC hololive simps. NijiGods always win baybeeee.

>> No.75129739
File: 450 KB, 2220x1080, 20240504_193131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted camilas tits
>got futa cock instead
Disappointed to be honest, but thats what i get for being a coomer

>> No.75129890
File: 6 KB, 191x264, Mamma Mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75129991

Hololivefags stay in their lane. They have their smug superiority vibe but they don't look at or touch other chuubas. They live in their own bubble.
Nijiniggers are the ones with their fingers up everyone else's assholes shit flinging drama fagging, telling others how to act and falseflagging.

>> No.75130192

Well, congrats I guess, filian has ascended to the point where even holofags are taking notice

>> No.75130276

Its suspension of disbelief anon, is up to the individual if he wants to play along or be realistic, whatever helps you enjoy the content more

>> No.75130711

The retards here talk about NijiEN imploding and HoloEN reclining, but the real alarm bells if you're paying attention is nearly all the familiar big indie names from 2021 pivoting to some sort of hybrid or even full on facecam content. I don't think vtubing is going to die or anything but it sure feels like there's going to be less money in it in 2025 than there is now.

>> No.75131013

its a self fulfilling prophecy, as more tubers become nsfw the audience lowers(after an inital bump), and the overall view of vtubers decreases, i wonder how the landscape would be today if mel didnt exist, i feel like it would be atleast a bit more comparable to the corpos desu.

>> No.75131053

You’re a failure of a man

>> No.75131424

can you blame them? we failed to prove the most trite normalfag insults about vtubing wrong.

>> No.75131718

Not clicking that link. Someone give me the whore consensus/votes, because I straight up don't think women can enjoy anal, it's a psyop by the porn idnustry. They don't have prostates, there's nothing up htere but colon thus nothing is going to feel god for the woman. It's just a coomer answer for viewers pleasure imo. Like it's physically impossible, like if a man has no dick he isn't going to enjoy rubbing one out, because he cant. Same shit here with female anal.

>> No.75132023

It's literally just the fansly vod archive in MP4 format don't be a pussy.
Some like it, some don't.
The ones that do say it feels satisfying and they're often masochistic and enjoy some stretch pain.

>> No.75132179

Are you gay? Speaking as someone who dislikes wildly disproportional bodies, those hips are fine. In both senses of that word.

>> No.75132238

t. man who thinks kronii’s proportions are erotic

>> No.75132345

They're nowhere near that exaggerated.

>> No.75132483

That the first place your mind goes is
>uhh you can't enjoy anal because you don't have a prostate
is the epitome of coomer shit. Normal people don't have this kind of deep knowledge about the male enjoyment of anal sex.

>Like it's physically impossible
the anus is a very sensitive area full of nerve endings and the physical act of taking a big fat shit is something that is supposed to naturally feel good regardless of whether someone has a prostate or not, and a dick provides a similar sensation. The wall separating the vagina and anus is very thin and at the right angle you can stimulate the pussy while fucking the ass.

Finally, having your ass eaten feels amazing and it has nothing to do with your prostate.

>> No.75132532

it’s dangerously close, my friend

>> No.75132903
File: 104 KB, 322x163, 546325463547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not close. kronii has literal one piece anatomy.

>> No.75133004

bro, filian’s shoulders are literally half as wide as her hips in that screenshot. Kronii’s decently tall, which is making it seem less bad

>> No.75133059

>implying a phase whore wouldn't fit right in with that group

>> No.75133612

>but the real alarm bells if you're paying attention is nearly all the familiar big indie names from 2021 pivoting to some sort of hybrid or even full on facecam content. I don't think vtubing is going to die or anything but it sure feels like there's going to be less money in it in 2025 than there is now.
That isn't money related. The money isn't drying up, it's just the natural result of twitch thots adaopting anime avatars when it was novel, now the vtuber bubble burst so they no longer feel the need to use the avatar and instead the can just be regular twitch streamers.

Hololive has comporate tard wrangling and was born more from shit like NND and youtube. Indies are Western Women from Twitch who got popular from coombait and yuribait.

>> No.75133872

typically, people refer to a bubble bursting as “the money drying up”, but I may be misremembering my own painful memories of 2000-2002.

>> No.75134283

Are we looking at the same image? What a bizarre critique.

>> No.75134752

I love avtubers. I want more avtubers

>> No.75135747

why on earth would filian join phase connect?

>> No.75139679


>> No.75142489
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1683427562992274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75144509

A Slutty Party Girl Is Fun Until She Pukes On Your Shoes! Then she's just a pain in the ass.

>> No.75145801
File: 114 KB, 736x736, 1704060894112787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually pay to watch this

>> No.75147960

>Except everyone to be naked
>Only one of them is
>Most of rest only flash them
>Two have piercings
What is this horseshit?

>> No.75151249

nigga I ain't watching a 2 hour VOD of this shit, I thought this was gonna be a clip

>> No.75152447

timestamps at least?

>> No.75152723

Disappointing to find out that Filian is a whore. Twitch deserves a nuke.

>> No.75153397

Filian discussion is a good way of sniffing out newfags and tourists, many retards think they know her because they saw 3 clips on youtube.

>> No.75153766
File: 187 KB, 765x536, 1696157735557211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtubing was supposed to be a way to bring cute anime girls to life
>now it's been hijacked by dime a dozen twitch whores trying to cash in on the simp cuck market when they were previously too ugly to do so
Twitch and the west were a fucking mistake.

>> No.75153890

That stream was painful. I like Mel generally but the whole coy act around trying to not directly mention sex stuff is completely absurd. Drives me crazy when she does it with Henya, too. Like these are adult women making a career out of being borderline live hentai, there is zero chance they are somehow naive about nearly vanilla tags.

>> No.75154209

yeah, fuck western vtubers. my pure japanese chuubas would never

>> No.75154261

They haven't hijacked anything, they're not stopping others from streaming, also most of the "twitch whores" have done face reveals and they're all hot.

>> No.75154344

Filian unironically loves whores
she's collabing with kyOresu next monday

>> No.75154391

>most have done face reveals
>puts whores in quotes

>> No.75154602

>conceded 2 points out of 3
not bad

>> No.75154708

>Vector art
Reddit hands wrong this post

>> No.75154746

i'm not that guy and tbqdesu my friend, my family, i don't really give a shit about lewdtubing or western hijacking but i do draw a hard line at 3dpd bullshit because it's antithetical to if not actively damaging to the culture surrounding the medium

>> No.75154804

>women that are mainstream ugly but nerd-tier attractive invading otaku spaces and trying to make it about them
tale as old as time

>> No.75155333

Reiyu is incredibly based

>> No.75155634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.75155695
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1713204784121891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I would fuck Filian over any of those other women,,,

>> No.75155713

That's vtubing as a whole.

>> No.75155776

the most disappointing part of that whole vod is that Filian doesn't take her top off her model too.
that's a very retarded rrat.

>> No.75156767
File: 2.99 MB, 4096x4096, 1712121331042137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these unironic lewdtubers are fucking disgusting.

>> No.75156997

You got to realized that half this board are underaged thirdies.

>> No.75157003

why, are you a prude or something? anime was always part coomer. japanese are the most degenerate of all.
but somehow we are rediscovering puritanism now because whores are whores??

>> No.75157171

He says while his general is full of pedo AI slop.

>> No.75158449
File: 321 KB, 1000x1000, 1714046437325929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman should be slutty in her husband's bed, not on the street. I'm a coomer but I would never marry a whore.

I wish they'd fuck off but with vedal streaming 8 hours/week there is not enough to talk about.

>> No.75158455
File: 86 KB, 250x250, 1694592792197691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true

>> No.75159587
File: 388 KB, 628x428, 1323529176910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of them is a futa
>Has balls

>> No.75160472
File: 5 KB, 370x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone has a torrent?

>> No.75161099

She's not. And she's a virgin.
I do want her to masturbate on CB though. But only if she wants to.

>> No.75161120

It was free to watch live.
So no actually.

>> No.75161267

come on man

>> No.75161388

>disappointed to find out filian was a whore
have you seen more than 10 seconds of her streams before?

>> No.75161506

Reminds me of the "Mafu doesn't live with Rushia" level delusion this board had a few months back

>> No.75161626

They brought ecchi and hentai to life which is better

>> No.75162513

A friend told me about this once
Woman want to try anal because kinky
Didnt prepare enough and end up hurting like hell
never try again, except the skizo ones, those kinda get a power trip on it
thus why they ask "who enjois anal?"
is both a power move and a curiosity/dare

>> No.75162548

Is this the so-called "better tracking that hololive" that some fags were boasting about a month ago? kek

>> No.75162563

Sex sells bro
was gonna happen sooner or later
it was already a thing with Vr chat and even before with MMO, people are gonna RP and use models to have fantasies fullfill withouth the human contact

>> No.75162604

i wonder how small she is
she is atletic, but strong enough to judo slam a femboy down

>> No.75162680


>> No.75162727

Are you one of them?

>> No.75163220

Filian and three other chuubas I believe.
The rest I don't.

>> No.75163825

Bro none of them are virgins. I have a job that requires me to spedn time with women, even the obese ones are talking about tinder hookups. The real blackpill isn't some reatard on the itnernet, it's from real life. If you just accept it and ignore it you won't be diassapointed. My oshi isn't a virgin and I don't really care because I don't want to fuck her, I just enjoy her content.

>> No.75163983

Its not even really about them being whores, almost every mostly normal person gets a girlfriend/boyfriend in highschool, and our generation was very sexually curious. I know a bunch of people who had sex in highschool and then didnt for the next 8 years, still doesnt make them a virgin

>> No.75164438

Kizuna was molesting gacha protags mere months after debut

>> No.75164884

Muslim post.
The pelvic floor separating the two holes is thin as hell. Anal is literally just stimulating all the same nerves as vaginal sex, but indirectly via pressure rather than directly. Basically any woman not traumatized about having their shitter caved in dry by a bad hookup can enjoy and get off to butt stuff, but whether they prefer it is just a personal preference thing.

If you've ever ben in a relationship with a woman that doesn't wear a burkha you'll have been pushed towards her ass at some point. They like it, and they're curious about it because they know other women like it.

>> No.75165069

She was fucking OTK members since 2021, you naive retard.

>> No.75165136

Cope roastie nobody respectable want to watch your used ass

>> No.75166570

I viscerally hate every single person on that stream. I want to find them and bash their faces in for being such annoying thots

>> No.75166813

>Cute girls doing cute things? Fuck that, I'm on another level, we watching filthy whores doing whore things.

>> No.75167275

She also claim to have judo flipped another streamer who is 6'3.

I really like Filian but I don't trust her regarding her virginity.

>> No.75167438

I second this anon, catbox slow as fuck
