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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 7 KB, 387x236, ebef800c4d1aa4f14a52321ced9babb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74977952 No.74977952 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION (May 12): https://firststage-pro.com/en/audition/
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

prev >>74952987

>> No.74978011


>> No.74978103

UWO is such a good singer!

>> No.74978141

I don't know why I still care about you when I only get hurt and my efforts mean nothing to you

>> No.74978154 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x1700, OutdoorBench.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this since thread archived right as I posted.

Yo Alpin here. I made a video to explain my content plan for the next month or so since I screwed off to Japan, and also what happened exactly. https://twitter.com/AlpinAlbench/status/1786214510069711127

I know it's not ideal to swap things up only a month in, but we'll be right back to normal come June. In the meantime, I also wanted to get some general feedback on my content so far, and things I could do to improve in terms of style/content/execution. Gonna be reading everything and taking real advice to heart, but gotta run for the day, so may not respond till next thread.

>> No.74978254

You could improve by sticking your dick in my bussy.

>> No.74978309

>screwed off
Interesting choice of words

>> No.74978565

Isn't it shitty for your clients for you to just run away to another country for a month all of the sudden?

>> No.74978594

daiya stfu

>> No.74978603

Are you natty?

>> No.74978636

He's screwing someone alright

>> No.74978684

not him

>> No.74978716


>> No.74978795

Can I just DM you instead of posting here?

>> No.74978835
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short jong

>> No.74979380
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Context is drunk Fallout NV stream tmrw at 9 AM est

>> No.74979414

the kind of direct, discreet communication that builds healthy relationships does not happen via vagueposting you fucking infant

>> No.74979608

It's for the community not a person

>> No.74979697

Love you /asp/ies, goodnight:3c

>> No.74979741

Sorta, I foster that sort of environment with them so both sides can screw off when they need to. I don't charge for cancellations mostly unless they're absolute last minute. They're used to it and I always give them plans to follow while I'm gone.
Yes, but I do take creatine
also yes

Alright now I really gotta go, but looking forward to if there's any advice for improvement!

>> No.74979756

Goodnight friend.

>> No.74980026

Tomorrow is another day <3

>> No.74980146
File: 199 KB, 500x272, Screenshot 2024-05-02 193559 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Friday, May 3rd, at 9:30PM CDT
We will be committing unspeakable acts in Project Zomboid with the scholarly PafuPafuVT and Pafu's ~~parole officer~~ manager, John Turner.


This is a multi-stream collab. The server will be open to viewers at the 2nd stream.

>> No.74980395

who is gonna say nigger first

>> No.74980434
File: 100 KB, 1162x112, 036375670456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.74980541

What should the next Ineda collab involve?

>> No.74980605

I really like your content and you're a really nice person, I'm looking forward to you coming back and streaming, I don't really have any criticism - you're charismatic, interesting, have different types of content, fill a niche I haven't really seen filled otherwise.

>> No.74980632

he should ask uwu to collab since he loves him, no balls

>> No.74980634

A DSP moment

>> No.74980744

I wish I could play in one of wip's ttrpg streams, I don't even like collabs

>> No.74980770

Honestly making memories with friends is more important than streaming, have fun your streams can wait

>> No.74981029


>> No.74981158

Who's streaming right now?

>> No.74981428

you were trying too hard to be lewd and it felt really forced, im glad you're rebranding but i will miss those ghost milkers

>> No.74981429

please watch gobby https://www.twitch.tv/gobbcubus

>> No.74981462













not linkposter anon, figure yourself what they are doing

>> No.74981567


>> No.74981586


>> No.74981720 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 199x263, obs64_pZpxMLqHjr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going live with more PZ over at https://www.twitch.tv/kotoritsuki

>> No.74981732

Whom are you that I may request my inclusion?

>> No.74981779

>including non /asp/ies and discord people

>> No.74981849

>2 more exams till i can start working on being a chuba
fuck i wish i wasn't so dumb and needed this time to study. I want to work on my design. I want to draw

>> No.74982309
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/camuich He's live playing Oblivion with mods

>> No.74982838

>she didnt even drop her link
oh well

>> No.74982884


>> No.74983116

>Another m*le /asp/ie Pippa orbiter.

>> No.74983487

wait that's a he? is he a femboy or why does he look like a basic surburban mom with cat ears?

>> No.74984312

is this genuine mental retardation?

>> No.74984433

Pafu just has a problem taking things literally

>> No.74984698

Yes that's autism but the grammar of papaya's responses seem actually retarded

>> No.74984833

i dont think that's it
i personally would've left a like and let the conversation die there
the grilled clown just HAD to double down and try as hard as possble to be funny and just ended up looking like a retard only to cave in and also ended up talking about shorts to save the shitshow they typed out
it really reflects /asp/'s safe 4chan humor in one tweet, go as edgy as possible only to end up back tracking to look "sane" only to get posted to get laughed at for being obnoxiously unfunny

>> No.74985470
File: 1 KB, 128x128, doinkdoink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes I am literally rettarted

>> No.74987045

u so based

>> No.74987114


>> No.74987519

No i was >>74984433

>> No.74987741
File: 680 KB, 1170x1483, 3ED36622-9841-4FD9-9675-D4D23E7DDF44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Aspies, who’s ready to step into the arena? The next tributes are being chosen…

>> No.74987781


>> No.74988004

I’m sad I can’t selfpost here anymore without getting discord messages from people telling me to stop. I love this thread so dearly, but the way people police me in closed doors makes me want to block them. I’m tired of it all, /asp/ is the only diary here I can freely vent to. Even in anon, if I make a lengthy post asking for advice or help, people can spot it out and I bet I’ll get messages for even posting this.

>> No.74988014

In case anyone is wondering why this company is awful.

>> No.74988075


>> No.74988099

this is gumpai, hit her with the "NO DONT BE HEREEEE NOOOO KEEP BEING IN MY DMS"

>> No.74988155

Yup it’s Gumpai

>> No.74988209

Kill yourself already Gumpai

>> No.74988214

just vaguepost, vent, and fucking tell off the cucks who are just saviourfagging your ass, you fucking grown independent woman.

>> No.74988283

Stop crying in my dms about not having enough girls collab with then, you fucking pick me

>> No.74988348

dm me instead, i will sing the tunes you like the most, and only that :3c

>> No.74988352

hey can you be nice to my friend please.

>> No.74988436

Being friends with a mentally ill bpd women is cringe

>> No.74988449

so block them. you're your own person, don't feel so fucking beholden like that

>> No.74988479

I'm glad you're here, so I can feel normal in comparison

>> No.74988515

bpd women need friends too and I don't think she's actually bpd please don't bully her.

>> No.74988611

BPD women are unironically demons and if you're friends with them you need to exercise extreme caution

>> No.74988734

Who here is BPD? Drop the tierlist.

>> No.74988776

BPD men are almost worse.

>> No.74988820

>I'm sad vaguepost
>shut up kill yourself fuck off stop posting /soc/ /soc/

>I'm sad vaguepost (woman)
>Please don't be sad please notice me I can fix you please let me kiss your toes queen

unironically kill yourselves holy fuck

>> No.74988833

i would stab you in the head

>> No.74988853

there's no reason to selfpost here anyways, the people who are celebrated here are just a furthering of depravity.
Nobody actually wants to get better, they just want to be able to act like degenerates and 'succeed'

>> No.74988897

t. a degenerate who will not succeed

>> No.74988907

tell me all the names of the degenerates!

>> No.74988963

stay blissful.

>> No.74989191

so which chuubas have nice voices

>> No.74989250


>> No.74989783

I like codycat

>> No.74989949


>> No.74990020

3rd, free, albert, kuromaru, fwofie, chaki, rinna when not loli, ace, kai, pittie, papayasadas.
Im biased as fuck!

>> No.74990080


>> No.74990084

but i think hes fun to talk to

>> No.74990140

name him, sis!

>> No.74990176

scissors digby and pafu

>> No.74990595

Post tierlists

>> No.74990648

Do they have a thread for washed out and failed vtubers?

>> No.74990690

yeah here

>> No.74990869


You know what? Fuck it. I’m going to apply.

>> No.74990946

I need a ship and couple tierlist

>> No.74991187

Arch from Chaos has a nice singing voice. Not so much Yuki.

>> No.74991204
File: 148 KB, 542x691, GMmXSFfaoAA6K2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Haru still doing this in 2024?
Hasn't debut hyping like this proven to not translate to channel numbers?

>> No.74991304

What's the harm in doing it?
Not everything has to be for the purpose of growing.

>> No.74991306

Yeah its called /wvt/

>> No.74991360

>Want to make content out of niche thing I like to share it with other people
>Don't want to feel pressured to perform knowing the recording is ticking by in the background while I do thing to relax, even if I'm just gonna add postcommentary
>Want to separate things for me and things that are content
>Don't make any content because I don't like anything enough to make content about it
>Anything I do like I want to keep for myself and not turn into work
Maybe I just shouldn't vtube.

>> No.74991405

I'm vtubing

>> No.74991438

Why are you asking us? Obviously you're recycling your post from earlier trying to bitch about him with the same reasoning and complaint. Fuck off.

>> No.74991444

let him have fun, he is having a tough time what is wrong with you

>> No.74991482

Nobody cares.

>> No.74991493

guys im scared

>> No.74991505

>3.4k views on his main post
That's probably why.

>> No.74991921

What would you say to your /asp/ crush right now if you could?

>> No.74992019
File: 312 KB, 540x465, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You with this cinder block

>> No.74992146


>> No.74992228

Nothing, my crush isn't from /asp/

>> No.74992262

I will not answer this question, they could be reading this thread right now

>> No.74992291

That's no fun, everyone should have an /asp/ crush. It's like having a work wife/husband.

>> No.74992425

I wish you get to be happy. And I wish whoever is next to you when you do is the one.

>> No.74992528

Your giggling makes my heart feel light. I'm glad that I know you, even if I'm probably never going to meet you.

>> No.74992537

Do it.

>> No.74992631

There are a few /asp/ies I have a crush on, but I highly doubt that there's a single /asp/ie with a crush on me.
No, I will not name myself.

>> No.74992684

I don't have an /asp/ crush.
The only two people I've even felt anything for in any capacity is Pukki and Gobb.
But I'm never going to pursue some sort of romantic interest, I'm here to be their friend and nothing deeper than that.

I'm happy just being able to be a part of anyone's life.

>> No.74992713

I have passed out to Beryl’s yapping many times

>> No.74992743

egging vagueposters is never a good idea, when they come out they get mocked and go menhera

>> No.74992809

Tierlist which asp couples would you force

>> No.74992817

I should clarify
>The only two people I've even felt anything for in any capacity
refers to romantically.
I care about all of you in some way or another, regardless if you want me to or not.
I want y'all to be the best versions of yourselves.

>> No.74992851
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.74992997

Then maybe they should stop using /asp/ as their fucking vent thread and deal with their issues. Making it everyone else's problem like we want to read their cringe diary is not something you should be encouraging.

>> No.74993048

How do I search for live 2d artists who will do a male model and not end up with weirdly wide shoulders or an extremely long neck?

>> No.74993057

I know /asp/ is newfag central but it's shocking how many people believe the unbelievable garbage written here.
I can literally make up a lie about someone and post everyday for months and people will slowly accept it as fact over time.

>> No.74993148

Step 1, filter Koreans

>> No.74993192

>click on male vtubers you see on twitch or twitter find their artist mama/papas to commission them
>click on artists on pixiv doing art you like and see if you can commission them
>look at vgen and browse around

Male artists are rarer, good luck and hope you find a decent one.

>> No.74993287

thank you for your advice on this matter, /asp/

>> No.74993334

1) Tell your artist that you don't want wide shoulders or a long neck.

>> No.74993373

Accurate summary of every garbage post in this thread.

>> No.74993374

As a test on finding niches, I haven't been getting keyword results that's usable for /weird/ and /tactical/ chuubas with this tool. Stuff gives low ratings and even if I try related words, they're not too hot. Is there something I'm missing for niche chuubas?

>> No.74993400

"Perfect is the enemy of good"

Just release whatever you have and get over your brainworms. You will never get gud over whatever you're worrying about until you release something and have you spot your mistakes to fix the next time.

>> No.74993460

just do what you think is cool and try to share that with others dude it's not that deep.
That's exactly what I do and even if most of the time I feel as though my streams are boring, people still show up and still seem to enjoy themselves.
You improve what you seek to improve over time, there's no sense in being a perfectionist and idling in creative limbo forever.

>> No.74993490

>complains and doesn't ask for advice
>"thank you for your advice on this matter, /asp/"
maybe try asking for advice instead of being an passive aggressive faggot

>> No.74993534

i can't draw or sing its SO over for me before i even start

>> No.74993561

>two things you can learn to do

>> No.74993571

if you're looking for a niche then you're trying to hard and people will sniff you out for being a poser

>> No.74993622

desu there's unironically nothing wrong with asking a primarily female artist if they can draw a male model t. did that and my sketch looks super cool i cant wait ahghghgh

>> No.74993678

Sounds like you made up your mind. It's not our job to convince you to keep going.

>> No.74994019

You have to look at their art to see if they draw males too, a lot of good artists dont even draw males well even if you ask. Good thing you've probably found someone with a good art foundation though.

>> No.74994161
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>> No.74994198

oh, yeah absolutely. they have drawn them in the past and have some decent anatomy with them but it's clear they love drawing their OC and such (female ofc) way more, which in turn gets them commissions for female characters. it's an important disclaimer i kinda left out lel

>> No.74994216


>> No.74994280

please retweet. I want to see his belly uohhhh

>> No.74994346

You replied to him again

>> No.74994367

you are sick vita

>> No.74994411

His belly is already revealed, look in the replies to his post.

>> No.74994413

I got called Vita for wanting to fuck Haru again, my villainy knows no bounds

>> No.74994463

Why do you want to fuck him? He's the closest thing I've ever seen to a real asexual.

>> No.74994723

fuck you

>> No.74994845

the thought of Haru's tummy

>> No.74995591

Should I give up?


>> No.74995714

youtube makes everything harder, and letsplays have a niche appeal if you are not someone big already
if you are not having fun then yeah, there is no shame in giving up

>> No.74995736


>> No.74995838

seconding this and raising a "kill yourself"

>> No.74995907

You should try streaming on Twitch instead, and don't listen to the people crabbing you here, if you stick with it, you can do it!

>> No.74995938

go back to your containment thread.

>> No.74997022

>streams star rail and makes a series out of it
>plays yugioh but since you're on youtubeland, you have no friends or other vtubers to network and play with

Holy shit what are you doing, move to twitch immediately NOW. Make friends with yugioh tubers, they love playing with other people I've seen and then you'll have way more fun.

>> No.74997512

>Make friends
I'm too retarded for that but I'll see what I can do. I guess I'll draw something for my test stream. I'm not really confident about my internet connection.

>> No.74997912

I really am starting to resent you. Every day you prove even more that I don't mean shit to you.

>> No.74997937


>> No.74998022

Don't resent someone who doesn't care about you, you dumb schizophrenic. Just memory hole them and move on.
If it hurts that means you're doing it wrong.

>> No.74998120

reminder to use undiscord, it allows you to mass delete messages

>> No.74998152

don't care, my past messages are a proof of who I was in the past and serve me to remind me to never do that again

>> No.74998632

history exists to prevent us from repeating the same mistakes.

If you're worried about your discord message history my advice to you would be to send smarter things.

>> No.74998833

thank god this isn't for me

>> No.74998839

Do VOD views count for anything? does someone have to watch a decent portion of it for it to count as a view? also should I be downloading all my streams and reuploading them somewhere or just special ones

>> No.74998923

Straight male here who mostly watch male vtubers. Reasons being I just prefer lower voices over high pitched ones. Shout out to the girl streamers with darker voices who talk without a loli/fake jp affect

>> No.74999122

im sure you reached out to them in private like a mature adult to have an important conversation

>> No.74999944

Everyone asleep or what?

>> No.75000032

im up playing with my worm ;)

>> No.75000034

Good practice to save them and upload to youtube as long term storage but twitch streams are disposable so there's no real point to saving them much until you get much bigger.

>> No.75000227
File: 1.76 MB, 1314x995, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debut tonite im so nervous

>> No.75000240
File: 61 KB, 733x384, grad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtwitter is wild.

>> No.75000306

be sure to post your times because I wanna be awake to watch you

>> No.75000314

>not on pomf
dont care

>> No.75000331

What the fuck even goes through a vtweeters head when they post stuff like this, do they not see how silly it is?

>> No.75000353

7PM GMT+1 anon, but I'll make a formal post about it later when more people are online

>> No.75000380

alright cool, you can do it! people have had super scuffy debuts, you'll be fine. We've all done cringe debuts.

>> No.75000429

thank you anon godspeed, i hope to catch u there if u make it <3

>> No.75000458


>> No.75000620

probably a cautionary tale to just start streaming instead of waiting for the perfect moment

>> No.75000653

I feel like you're calling me out here

>> No.75000688


>> No.75000697
File: 392 KB, 538x822, 1711274014563951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has gotten two models probably costing thousands and never streamed meanwhile we have aspies who still use PNGs and premade models who are at partner level now.

>> No.75000820

>we have aspies who still use PNGs and premade models who are at partner level now.
Which ones

>> No.75000832

Lmao yeah, thats really bad.
But I can't really judge to hard because I've been stalling for 50 years too.
Still, God damn.

>> No.75000878

>saw some guy on twitter with a nice model
>gave him a follow
>he turns out to be absolutely unhinged
I am glad I randomly followed him because I now have a front row seat to him having a meltdown over his schizo shit. Because I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first nor will it be his last schizo meltdown.

>> No.75000958

you don't follow me...

>> No.75001091

This is why you should never be jealous of the relative success of our female counterparts. Mio was only a 6ccv streamer but the difference between 6ccv and 60ccv isn't going to pay for a model, let alone the month-to-month living expenses that a real job would have provided.
The vast majority of NGMI girls walk away from this as bitter crabs who despise anyone attempting to succeed where they failed. NGMI males generally walk away from vtubing with a whole collection of new friends and look back on the whole thing as a fun experience.

>> No.75001205

I was SPECIFICALLY told that this is the thread for washed out and failed vtubers

>> No.75001303
File: 3.01 MB, 720x404, Soap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hair, new outfit, fully rigged. 3 sleepless nights while sick.

>> No.75001508

>Was lurking and got raided into another stream
>Come back
>Femboy spotted

>> No.75001608

>New account
so is she becoming a corpo? what's the point of v-baiting like this??

>> No.75001772

>be a woman
>love femboys
>every femboy vtuber i see is gay
It’s not fucking fair.

>> No.75001815

haru is straight

>> No.75001837

Purrson is apparently bi, but he vehemently denies the femboy allegations

>> No.75001874


>> No.75002419

I'm straight and not a femboy but people seem to consider me one anyway.

>> No.75002424

Go back to sleep purrson

>> No.75002491

>aspies who still use PNGs and premade models who are at partner level now.

>> No.75002501

Lavandel for one

>> No.75002598
File: 1 KB, 98x50, 1710345611180080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite. Raids don't count towards partner

>> No.75002705

How do I join, and do you care if I stream while playing on the server?

>> No.75002753 [SPOILER] 
File: 632 KB, 1280x720, 1581555519730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75002796


>> No.75003677

Unblock me already gumpai.

>> No.75003700

How does Beryl do it? Look at his numbers.

>> No.75003956

Her laughter is so cute, why isn't she streaming yet?

>> No.75003991

I want to tease nana's cunt and give her ice cream sandwiches

>> No.75004634

If I had to think about what he's done right...
>Appealing design and stream visuals
>Clear theme (sleepy office worker)
>Clear niche (indie horror games)
>Good audio quality
>Consistent schedule (late night/early morning)
>Strong networking game
He's also been going over a year at this point

>> No.75006118

Nigger this isn't even accurate. Either get your facts right or fuck off

>> No.75006208

His feet and thigh leaks that vita dropped are sexy. Makes my gorilla brain fire

>> No.75006391

Lclonq uses a premade model that gets rendered through custom software to be made of aschii characters. Uwo uses a shit png.

>> No.75006570
File: 493 KB, 1083x938, PURRSONNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live in 27 minutes, playing FNV, im 13 follows from affiliate, if i hit it this stream i sing pippa the riipper

>> No.75006977

is it premade? he has an artist credited on his twitch but i'm not sure now.

>> No.75007622
File: 261 KB, 1080x814, a8008a0dd408b750f698c5abf546e861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this basically like asking somebody to willingly put their head in that reverse bear trap thing from the saw movies, but anyone interested in doing a session of my bullshit nonsense rpg game with me?

we would be basically be playing a made up TTRPG with crazy rules and improvising as we go.

you do NOT have to consider yourself a funny person, and you do NOT have to enjoy or even understand TT games. I will make the laughs happen, you just have to bring your cute self and be open to surprises!

>> No.75007757
File: 19 KB, 400x1200, V2_Speak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm pretty funny lets play games again

>> No.75007774

Good job Cabu

>> No.75008012

Cody you nigger i already said I would do it now message me

>> No.75008370

hell yeah man, let's fuckin get it
unless this is pafu, no you didn't tell me lol

>> No.75008492
File: 11 KB, 112x112, EMOTE.LURK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a thing tonight but we can do stuff tomorrow also unlock your twitter DMs fucking pussy

>> No.75008637

>ignoring the fact he got raided

>> No.75008868

I thought they were already open and ready for death threats and harassment. I'll fix it.

>> No.75008991

There's been a rash of "graduation debuts" lately too. "Oh I really wanted to give back to my viewers by revealing this new model but it's also my last stream before I graduate" nonsense.

>> No.75009052

How many times does Uwo have to tell you that he's not an /asp/ie before you stop doing this?

>> No.75009130

>getting raids is le bad because it just is ok?!

>> No.75009332

Please make your vtuber model bigger on screen, I can barely see you also happy birthday!

>> No.75009657
File: 715 KB, 2168x2491, sun greek style 0124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to get Plato pilled
Reading the Laches by Plato

>> No.75009805

Dude... >>75006391

>> No.75010088

dude you forgot to quote something relevant

>> No.75010530
File: 78 KB, 923x1200, GGv3lArXUAAki2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont eat my chess pieces pls

>> No.75010586

How the fuck do you know she never streamed? Having a debut and streaming are different things retard

>> No.75010674


He's likable, which helps a lot. Being genuinely kind of charming is a huge asset for a streamer.

He streams every day, he has a consistent tone and vibe, and he has creative stream ideas that are adjacent to his niche and express his interests (gmod explo stuff was really good imo, and hits liminal spaces. ). This is a big deal! You cant just stream the same shit constantly if it's not performing as well as you want it to. Think about what people actually want to watch.

He works really hard and deserves the success. Getting his stream aesthetic to the point it's at now took a lot of design time/project management, and he's done networking on top of that.

Also, he actually likes streaming. Also, he doesn't post here. I'm rooting for you guys, but I'm convinced this place is a menhera pressure cooker. If you're already angsting over stream, the vagueposting hatescape in this thread is not gonna help you.

>> No.75010792
File: 1.88 MB, 2894x4093, 1641063-1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plan to make Scout weekend goes to full AI Scout so I don't need to use voice changer and no need to speak in most of time, so my throat can get some rest in weekend but still able to play some games
And it won't be based on GPT, I mean yeah GPT based AI is too positive and repetitive, kind of boring for an AI chuuba

>> No.75011037
File: 15 KB, 112x112, runfchai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good mornin'!

Having a breakfast bean zatsu, tierlist, and testing my new audio n mic!

Now, lets party!

>> No.75011134

Scout + Yuki from CF collab when?

>> No.75011347


>> No.75011582

I just looked at gen 1 numbers. Why are they doing this, exactly?

>> No.75011691


>> No.75011752

thats the most manchester looking guy i've ever seen

>> No.75011864

Average male /asp/ie

>> No.75012045

>Is a gamer
>Well traveled
I hope he gets in

>> No.75012104

Why are all the men here sexpest

>> No.75012266

Why else would a guy become a vtuber?

>> No.75012311

Dunno, maybe one day?

>> No.75012710

uuuu i miss basil uuuuuu

>> No.75012720

I have to turn people down actually

>> No.75012768

They aren't.

>> No.75013005

Because only the sexpests openly post here

>> No.75013053

>trying to cover up what he did
Point and laugh

>> No.75013649

Show me who and how I sexpested them, come on bitch.

>> No.75013691

Sexpest vs sexpested vs both tierlist?

>> No.75013783

I am in both!

>> No.75013963

Nobody even comes to my streams...

>> No.75014001
File: 119 KB, 1140x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to sexpest these boys

>> No.75014202

I thought about it before you posted this.

>> No.75014311

What stops you from doing it?

>> No.75014313

>Not listed

>> No.75014381

i'm flattered, anon..

>> No.75014405

I've only been sex pested. I've never reciprocated. There isn't any woman /here/ that I consider dateable. No offense.

>> No.75014506

my sense of guilt

>> No.75014707

Good morning, /asp/ :] do something you enjoy or think you might enjoy today.

>> No.75014731

You too bud :]

>> No.75014779

good morning :] let's do our best, yeah?

>> No.75014941

>dozens of horny guy vtubers
>wants to sexpest the (mostly) seiso ones

>> No.75015009

because she's scared of men and the cute seiso ones feel safe

>> No.75015084

I assure you the meek ones are the horniest bastard.

>> No.75015175

Shy boy here, it's true, I want to fuck all of you

>> No.75015337

Archia go back to studying

>> No.75015490

Cute in the streets, bastard in the sheets. Ideal

>> No.75015515

Feel safe, but they're the most inexperienced and will likely become too excited and unable to control themselves once they get a shred of attention

>> No.75015596

This little bitch didnt post about the celebration!

>> No.75015863

It's what losers do when they suddenly move up in social rank. That or they're sexpest in the first place and found out vtubing is filled with exploitable socially retarded women

>> No.75015874

it's more likely that you imagine you know more about people than you do

>> No.75015929

It wasn’t even him

>> No.75015947


have u paid your taxes, aspies? krim "irs" bo is coming for the law breakers

>> No.75016154

Genuinely, I don't want anything to do with basically all of the women involved here outside of occasional conversation and supporting them sometimes. Not to be mean but none of them strike anything from me in any sort of way. You don't have to believe my anonymous post but it's true.

>> No.75016183
File: 51 KB, 240x240, qingluan-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75016283

It was confirmed to be his

>> No.75016360


>> No.75016367

My country doesn't have taxes. You people are dumb for just giving money to your government

>> No.75016404

Anon, she's never debuting >>75000240

>> No.75016467

That's nice Krimbo

>> No.75016484

Go reverse image serch it you lazy shit and you will see it was haru's

>> No.75016486



>> No.75016550

You know that's just mel using a voice changer again

>> No.75016686

Hyper Dimensional Neptunia because I want waifu grinding

>> No.75016961

Some of you guys with live2ds put your model way too small on screen, like only a pixel in the bottom left. It's a massive debuff. Finbar for instance. Just get a basic overlay with game on left, chat tiny in bottom, and your model big on the right. You should be filling AT LEAST 1/4th of the screen most of the time

>> No.75016965
File: 2.32 MB, 1140x1381, sexpest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75017120

if you've thought about it, just do it and see what happens. i dare you

>> No.75017149

Without naming whos who, how many of the vtubers in 'I've pestered' turned you down and how many were into it?

>> No.75017152

ive thought about it is pretty valid, anon. i applaud you for holding back, it's not easy.

>> No.75017658
File: 1.19 MB, 1477x483, tierlist sexpesst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75017707

asp is not a dating thread

>> No.75017770

I'll date wherever I like!

>> No.75017793

no one would want you even if it was

>> No.75017823

They're all dating eachother so it is

>> No.75017855

if only you knew, anonymous.

>> No.75017944
File: 1.91 MB, 1254x1689, 1705548519855979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Server credentials will be given out in both my and Pafu's Discords, once I open access to it (next stream, not the one happening today).
Stream it if you want. I'd appreciate if you tag or shoutout

>> No.75018000


>> No.75018120

I didn't expect the game to broadcast through my speakers despite headphones Now I'm fun grinding Holocure

>> No.75018415
File: 35 KB, 600x400, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say, hypothetically, every time you banned somebody from chat you could physically drop them into some sort of machine or container that instantly killed an avatar of that chatter. What sort of device/vat/thing would you choose?


>> No.75018452

Make sure to wear lvl4 plates

>> No.75018487

running around this thread like little desktop buddies
everyone could fuck with them and they could see our posts and had to climb on them

>> No.75018523
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, AI Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I continue the remake of Alissa's AI Art in SDXL. It's time to give the cute and loyal foxgirl the pretty face she deserves.
This one is supposedly easier than Hanafuria's, so it's likely we can finish it on this stream, and then I might take a look at Gremory...

Watch me do AI magic live here:

>> No.75018628


>> No.75018723

that's my ideal drop
you never said it had to be doable

>> No.75018737

Got laid off this week. I was already streaming casually as a hobby (~6-18 viewers on avg) and was asked if I was going to consider streaming as a "career". Well, I got time to make an attempt so #1 tip to grow if you had to give one? Or something NOT to do? I already do Youtube Shorts/TikToks/Reels.

>> No.75018787

>Unashamed AI generation stream
>generating waifus for his own cringe harem
>constantly going "I'm a shota! I'm a shota! because he has to remind everyone with that voice
Who the fuck watches this shit?

>> No.75018832

Apparently you do

>> No.75018871

Only one person has sent me sexual DMs so I know who made this list (:<

>> No.75018956

Stream every day.

>> No.75018966


>> No.75019004

Yes, but I put every single thing I could find on my bank statement as a deduction so I won't get raped

>> No.75019078


>> No.75019098

If girl just stream constantly and for over 2 hours each time and you are guaranteed to grow.
If male your only option is to make a pact with a extra planar entity and even then you will only get mid 2 view at best

>> No.75019242

Hey look it's this sexpest again

>> No.75019272

Me too

>> No.75019311

My entire chat sexpests me so I would never know who it is...

>> No.75019429

charleyfolds entire pizza for lunch..... life is good........

>> No.75019493

Develop your brand to target something specific. That doesn't necessarily mean "I play tetris every stream" unless you're a notable god at tetris. Instead, cultivate your brand to position yourself as what people think of when they think of that type of content. Lean into that niche and expand on it. Do that sort of content (at least) once a week and occasionally branch into other types of content. Find similar vibe vtubers and do collabs in and out of your niche to expand your brand exposure to other segments of the audience pools.

>> No.75019691


Some more context I suppose:
- Girl
- I primarily do Game Development (programming & art, game jams), Gaming (cozy/wholesome, city builder/strategy, indies), and Cooking/Baking streams

>> No.75019849

You have a very big niche with programming, and we have at least 4 chuubaa with which you can network, even, if you were to go with programming.
Cooking can get you close to that femchuuba who cooks as her main premise, i think it is onigiri or something like that.
Just be consistent! You can make it in this dog world!

>> No.75019950

Streaming is not a job, prioritize job hunting

>> No.75020096

There's this ryona/gyro series I follow, invincible girl Vs death trap dungeon! I'd periodically imagine them dying to the various traps in that comic, but only if they are cute. If they stink they get the grinder

>> No.75020144

Out of curiosity, have you gotten shit or hate raids on twitch for this stream? I know how obsessive and mean the anti-ai crowd can be so I'd wanna know.

>> No.75020151

I hate when vtubers do this, especially if they don't have an overlay

>> No.75020246

Death by lethal injection, but the serum would be more painful and less humane. A livecam of them being strapped to a bed would appear on the stream, where all of my 4 viewers would watch in glee as the perpetrator struggle to break free from the various straps holding them in place, immobile and unable to break free. The injection is administered by a shitty hand drawn png, because they don't deserve to die my own proper model. They writhe and squirm and foam at the mouth as the injection makes its way to their sympathetic nervous system, kicking in their fight-or-flight response as the cortisol in their body spikes up and their heart rate dramatically elevates despite seemlingly lack of stimuli to trigger such a response. The ordeal continues for a solid five minutes as their body begins to dehydrate from excessive sweating, experiencing cramps and visual hallucinations. They eventually succumb to a stroke and are presumed clinically brain dead. The skin is flayed off and used as a lamp shade and other leather goodies as new assets for my model. The rest of the corpse is dumped into a barrel of hydrochloric acid. I make a new costume reveal using said skin when enough is collected.

>> No.75020284

I'm certainly going to but I have a ton of free time. I can spend 4-6 hours a day sending resumes/interviews and 4 hours streaming. I got severance so I'm fine for a few months.

Good to know thanks :)

>> No.75020340

Please see a therapist

>> No.75020407

Rooftop_noona does cooking streams every Saturday and they are comfy, if you like baking stuff set up a day during the week you WILL cook! If you wanna go more into this niche, consider playing cooking games/Sims but I wouldn't know how good these are and how many options you'd have.

Game dev/coding is always pretty popular, especially if you can incorporate it well to your model AND you are good at zatsuing!

Feels like you can make it mostly a comfy stream vibe, maybe consider streaming during evening/late night when all the comfy nerds come crawling out the woods and fall asleep during streams! See someone like beryl, he's comfy and he certainly is growing.

>> No.75020463

Girls can't program so make sure to remind your audience you are trans

>> No.75020496

I had like 2 executions life on stream, one being execution by shooting and the other one being a good old guillotine.

I will continue executing pngs of people that annoy me or are mean to me (or just plain bully me, but that's an affectionate execution)

Oh I think I deep-fried someone as well

>> No.75020573

Reminder that

>> No.75020605

sorry guys. i eated him

>> No.75020631
File: 77 KB, 724x1024, 1714593424080964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel??????

>> No.75020657

hopefully he finally took a bullet

>> No.75020678

candlejack can be late someti

>> No.75020703
File: 118 KB, 1152x648, F6hdPqoaMAAJ7F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl I have been wanting a new overlay + transitions for a while now. I love my free to use overlays I found when I started, but i want something more personalized now. That's said that's might not happen for a while, but that is a good point to make regarding making my model bigger on screen. I'm more horizontal so I can try to make myself bigger and position myself better. 1/4th of the screen though? Isn't that a bit too big?

>> No.75020783

candlejack is such a stupid fucking meme. kys for even po

>> No.75020907

if you want me then come fucking get me, coward. bonus points if you erp

>> No.75020945

Thanks for the recommendations I'll check them out!

And yes I've often been told my streams are cozy/easy to fall asleep to so I'll keep that in mind

>> No.75020984

What are they gonna do, show me ink blots? Lol

>> No.75020988

Anon, if you legitimately pestered me, I had no idea that you were trying to flirt…

>> No.75021071

Hopefully put you down

>> No.75021122

I need bunda

>> No.75021259

Put me down under, like in Australia? Yeah fuck that, I don't want to die to 3-foot-wide spiders and fire tornadoes

>> No.75021949

Wasn't there supposed to be an Alina collab happening? I bet she's got the bunda you seek. If not, Lava is unchained

>> No.75022097

I've been going into the 20+ territory without raids lately, idk why :')

>> No.75022258

You sound cool, drop your links here I wanna watch cooking/baking streams.

>> No.75022325

When's Cody going to respond to Krimbo?

>> No.75022584

Is it flitrting if another girl sends me pics of her model nude?
