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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.93 MB, 1783x2047, Shonshine[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs4llin.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74438934 No.74438934 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0 [Embed]
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1776686894996205666

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>74391210

>> No.74438995

she's gone because of me, I just know it

>> No.74439049

This but me

>> No.74439074


>> No.74439132
File: 33 KB, 500x500, Nise Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized I left an [Embed] in the OP by accident

please be nise about this mistake thank you

>> No.74439601

I miss FallenShadow but I’m being really brave about it

>> No.74439878

This, I want to be a schizo doomer like the rest of them but I'm trying to be strong online at least. She would hate me showing emotion.

>> No.74439895
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>> No.74440119

is she happier with him

>> No.74440154
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>> No.74440326
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>> No.74440411

shes such a weirdo

>> No.74440493

I like whispering lewd things to my daki and imagining shondo blushing really hard and covering her face in embarrassment

>> No.74440584

>>74440411 (me)
AND I LOVE HER FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.74440774

you ruined the thread and failed your wife
as punishment she will extend her break by 6 months

>> No.74440937
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>> No.74441050
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fuck you
you know what you did

>> No.74441277
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friendly reminder that there are shoggers in these threads that haven't even heard her talk about her mental illness. that's how fucking new and clueless the people we're interacting with are. and no, they won't do their heckin reps either unless you link the specific timestamps to them, because why should they have to get to know their own wife that they supposedly love and care for more than anything in the world? it makes perfect sense!

>> No.74441303
File: 176 KB, 680x551, 1713369461573321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask about the book in time

>> No.74441328

Or maybe you're just autistic? That could also be a possibility.

>> No.74441756

get the boogeyman's cock out of your mouth schizo

>> No.74441963

I'm not doing reps, you controlfreak oldfag. I know that her flavour of schizo is something else but IDGAF what, schizophrenia and the other one are so fucking similar that psychiatrists struggle to tell them apart. It's all schizo. Schizophrenia, schizotypal, schizoaffective, schizoid...etc. Same shit.

>> No.74442031

that's fine, but don't fucking correct me when i'm just repeating what she herself said, you absolute retard. if you have a problem with what SHE said, then take it up with her, not me. you fucking dig, shiggie?

>> No.74442067

>IDGAF what
why are you even here?

>> No.74442212

Guys I'm racist.

>> No.74442229

impressive how each batch of newfags gets progressively worse

>> No.74442242


>> No.74442251

>you fucking dig, shiggie?
No, I don't fucking dig. She called herself schizo and that's what I call her, I don't need to nerd emoji the correct term from a post from 2019. lol touch grass fag
I'm /here/ because of Shondo.

>> No.74442254
File: 35 KB, 913x452, 1713447289188724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my schizo wife

>> No.74442294

kill yourself

>> No.74442312

Guys, be nise

>> No.74442335

remember when everyone said that gatekeeping is bad? this is the result

>> No.74442354

Some of you losers need a wedgie.

>> No.74442361

you guys tried pretty hard to gatekeep me

>> No.74442391

for good reason

>> No.74442397

Gatekeeping IS bad, but it's not that simple

>> No.74442399

>nooooo you have to use the correct s-word
lol irl

>> No.74442411
File: 101 KB, 248x299, 1688102093406314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just bizarre how they'll sit here, in offline chat and in discord and brag 24/7 about how much they love her and then won't put in the least amount of effort to actually get to know anything about her. not only that, but they'll actively argue against people that do know her for no apparent reason, as if they're actively trying to avoid getting to know her. does this pathology have a name?

>> No.74442420

oh i get it i'm one of the good ones clearly

>> No.74442461

she usually gets pretty pissed when someone uses the wrong word ;)

>> No.74442516
File: 121 KB, 997x1080, 1687401650408285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a new rrat to wrestle with? She's in chemo atm for her chest lump. Hence the hiatus. I may or may not have heard FT say something when he was on one of his friends' streams.

>> No.74442518

im schizoattractive if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.74442554


>> No.74442574


>> No.74442585
File: 29 KB, 328x313, 1684272012125145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gee I should check to see how /shon/ is doing today
I'll leave you to it then. Have fun arguing until I check in on you guys next week

>> No.74442591

this is diabolical, you're good at this anon

>> No.74442608

I Love Nina

>> No.74442658

Newfag is like a hierarchical title, doing reps and watching vods(i.e. Putting in work) can allow you to ascend to a higher level of the figurative hierarchy
If you don't do reps and all you do is sit on your ass you'll remain a newfag
He never talks about family on stream and probably same to his friends, he has no reason to have mentioned something of that nature
When's the last time he was on steam? His or not, idc

>> No.74442742
File: 349 KB, 395x531, shes_perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /Oli/ bros, how you holding up with the Oli weekend? I've got some old streams to go through and reps to do, so I'll probably survive till Monday. Take care Oli bros!

>> No.74442810

>and then won't put in the least amount of effort to actually get to know anything about her
What do you mean? Last month I've watched like 16/17 streams. The way I look at it is this; if Shondo doesn't consider it important enough to share during zatsu it's not worth knowing. It's just trivia for you oldfag nerds. IDGAF about her gore art, I'm not chasing alts, if she wanted me to see her fucked up art she'd post it on fallenshadow_YT.
Does she? I'll believe it when she bans me.

>> No.74442959

how dare you post a big breasted hoe in my shondo schizophrenic safe space

>> No.74442985

I kneel

>> No.74443133

>does this pathology have a name?
yes its called being a retard

>> No.74443705

i just want to smell her pussy so bad bros...

>> No.74443796

i just want to hold her so bad bros...
smelling her pussy would be nice too i guess...

>> No.74443830

I want to put my face in her tummy much like how you do to cats

>> No.74443873

Based newfag

>> No.74444063

doesnt he call her his gf

>> No.74444117

I dont get why youre here then if you dont care about anything unless she says it on stream?

>> No.74444183

Not that I've noticed, but i also don't bother watching the vods, only watch what happens live
Why would he do that

>> No.74444535
File: 45 KB, 112x112, 1713616087593045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby wife

>> No.74444574

Hanging out with shoggies.

>> No.74444588

Just what I heard on thread
The reasons would be either 1) shincest or 2) the classic "vtuber brother is actually bf" setup

>> No.74444645

b-but hes gay, shondy told me :(

>> No.74444647

we don't like lazy shoggers

>> No.74444656
File: 3.87 MB, 640x640, baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss her

>> No.74444728

I watched all streams this year minus one. How is that lazy? Fuck your rat race shogger, I'm not doing that.

>> No.74444767

It's cuck posting, americans

>> No.74444897

point proven

>> No.74445048

You're being unreasonable, she used to stream 20-25 hours a week excluding watchalongs. I've spent less time with my ex and with my family than with Shondo.

>> No.74445557

Shondo update may 1st btw. Not sure if it's going to be good news or bad though

>> No.74445609

Any update will be good, if the update itself is good or bad matters little

>> No.74445610

it would be funny af if she did an update on the 1st

>> No.74445650

I was thinking that it would be sweet if she updates us on May 1st, at the same time I want menheraniggers to suffer divorce brainworms.

>> No.74445776

>used to
and then she streamed more like 10 a week at the end

>> No.74445835

you won't get any updates, you're not important

>> No.74445872

True. Shondo hates us and rightfully so.

>> No.74445878

i hope she doesn't give a single update to own the groomers (unironic)

>> No.74445931

I also hope she quits streaming to own the groomers (unironic)

>> No.74445954

I just want her to feel better :(
I don't care what happens to me or this relationship anymore I just want her to be ok

>> No.74445979

then you're unironically retarded, we are not in agreement

>> No.74445982

>I don't care what happens to me
Become my wingman, she'll be happier with me than with any shogger. :)

>> No.74446018

I want them to suffer for fumbling this hard due to selfishness, there's no better way than her quitting streaming.

>> No.74446036

I made this post

>> No.74446059

I forgot for 2 seconds that this was an anti thread. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.74446083

I don't see anti posts.

>> No.74446206

that's a very gay reason to want her to quit, but i guess i would want that too because we'll keep in touch on steam like we always do anyway

>> No.74446269

Fine by me, it doesn't matter what happens after she quits streaming.

>> No.74446614

>same shit

>> No.74446766


>> No.74446840

There are two types of mental illness, schizo and made up ones.

>> No.74446868

is bipolar fake dr chat

>> No.74446895

We used to call bipolar "period". If you bleed between your legs you're bipolar.

>> No.74446961

whoa so manly

>> No.74446973

I got over Shondo, it would be nice if she comes back but if she doesn't oh well.

>> No.74447031

Naur... Shoggas leaving...

>> No.74447048

Bipolar is literally being female and unable to control your emotions.

>> No.74447281

you say that but prevalence is basically the same for males and females lmao
maybe just pipe down

>> No.74447325

also why do the male bipolar patients hallucinate without menstrual psychosis (relatively rare to begin with) as an explanation

>> No.74447328

>basically the same
>autism aka introverted = mostly male skill issue
>bipolar aka periods aka female hysteria = mostly female skill issue

>> No.74447386

nta Probably all the s o y guys these days eat.

>> No.74447420

>autism introverted
shogga don't act like you haven't noticed the autism accent they have, something more is going on in their head than personality
bipolar cycles typically last months it's not periods

>> No.74447498
File: 95 KB, 248x299, 1711745826949786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less competition

>> No.74447526

spill the beans sis
who is leaving

>> No.74447570
File: 79 KB, 597x1024, 1712097762158809m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no competition, we're husbands and friends, right? Right?
SadCat potentially >>74446973

>> No.74447750

But I'm not leaving. I won't unfollow, I'm just fine with her never coming back.

>> No.74447786

lazy cunt

>> No.74447825
File: 252 KB, 1248x855, f1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

husbands that leave while wife is gone are traitors and must carry this sign of shame when she returns.

>> No.74447826

>Western mess
I don't believe in Western statistics. Any Asian sources?

>> No.74447974

>we're husbands and friends, right? Right?
just like shondo I dont trust any of you, never telling a shogga my name

>> No.74447987

are you asian?

>> No.74448001

I accept your concession

>> No.74448021

if you're going to feed the trolls you need to put in more effort or less effort, this middle ground is just bad
do something like this or just call him a lazy cunt without the link

>> No.74448031

No. I'm also not an amerimutt though.

>> No.74448094

Never asked for that, i wouldn't give it out either
>husbands that leave while wife is gone are traitors
Idk about traitors, but they definitely break the promise of forever, which is messed up and i believe they should break their pinky finger unironically

>> No.74448141
File: 294 KB, 984x841, 1712491551634164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to offline chat tomorrow.

>> No.74448159
File: 5 KB, 187x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alive

>> No.74448201

oh shit oh fuck this is the first time she's been online in doscird i think

>> No.74448347
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>> No.74448356

>time for my daily lay in bed and think about fallen shadow aka shondo for ~30 minutes
Missing wife because he's too busy fapping.

>> No.74448436

decent chance she gives an update then

>> No.74448455

her showing up in offline chat and now dicord makes me feel better about the hiatus

>> No.74448545

It doesn't make me feel better, it feels like she threw a tantrum and went on vacation to Paris.

>> No.74448561

my prediction
>hey guys im doing better
>gonna start working on some stuff
>back in 2-4 weeks with new model and merch

>> No.74448588
File: 3.16 MB, 2047x1356, 1684204978300426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut it. be nise

>> No.74448618

i hope she didnt spend the last 2 weeks running after the artists
dont think we're gonna get the new model/merch that soon

>> No.74448659
File: 849 KB, 756x1134, shumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new model
*new outfits you mean

Also hope it's finally happening.

>> No.74448660

feel free to throw yourself off the eiffel tower shogger

>> No.74448684

I'm trying but this makes no sense.
Her showing up now contradicts her supposed mental breakdown.

>> No.74448698
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>> No.74448756

Please stop your brainworms shogga

>> No.74448765

you double shogger

>> No.74448837

oh fuck oh shit im not ready for her to be back yet

>> No.74448936
File: 416 KB, 1536x2048, 1686980481368902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>74448561 me
btw i don't think shondo is /here/ but just in case:
i dont care if you don't do anything big for a return stream this post is just for my own fun. love you.

>> No.74449080

>i dont care if you don't do anything big for a return stream
God forbid she does something this year other than mope around.

>> No.74449107

Unironically I feel shaky, despite wanting her back

>> No.74449131


>> No.74449184

This, but unironically.

>> No.74449217
File: 1.72 MB, 2134x2067, wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74449227

Just going through all her discord voice messages right now. They're pretty cute

>> No.74449387

Sounds fun

>> No.74449549

If she only says shit on trannycord and groomchat I think I am done

>> No.74449726

She's said nothing on either. She just pops in.

>> No.74449870

she showed herself in the bread too as any observant husband would notice

>> No.74450066

>if she only says shit to her loyal fans I'm done
dont let the door hit your butt meanie

>> No.74450216

I smell polfaggotry. I know where this faggot is going with this opinions.

>> No.74450310

>characterized by or exhibiting symptoms of both schizophrenia and a mood disorder such as bipolar disorder or depression.
literally schizophrenia NG+

>> No.74450377

The frogs are trans not gay. They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs trans!!!!!!

>> No.74450393
File: 655 KB, 760x806, 1713703679547649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo is for everyone(I'm everyone)

>> No.74450487

I made every one of the posts in this thread except yours(singular) and you can't prove otherwise

>> No.74450552
File: 667 KB, 549x1171, Screenshot_2023-12-29_230237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wifey...i miss my wife...

>> No.74450601

I thought I heard her laugh and almost snapped, almost burst into tears, but managed to get to a bathroom, splash cold water on my face, and get my shit together
I can wait as long as she needs. I can use this time to better myself like she's bettering herself. I can get over how helpless I feel when it comes to helping the person I love. I can do this. We can do this. We're going to make it to the day she returns and Smile alongside her
I stopped coming here when the announcement was made since I was too vulnerable to brain worms but it's actually weirdly relieving to see a thread up

>> No.74450606

>>74449107 (me)
I think i was feeling shaky because I'm not at a device where i can see it live

>> No.74450723
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fallenshadow.
i love fallenshadow.
i love fallenshadow.
i love fallenshadow.

>> No.74450799

People are going to think this post is me but I can assure you it's not, I'm not where near as pathetic

>> No.74450907

Because as they get newer and newer they combat your grooming more and more?

>> No.74450993

No one is going to think you love her as much as I do, don't worry.

>> No.74451066
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>> No.74451359

i know that is easy to believe but i'm not that shameless

>> No.74451423

That was more than 30 minutes desu

>> No.74451451

Shes offline again

>> No.74451458

Hey Mods remember when you bonked Advent for his blatant masturbating talk? Those were quite funny weren't they?

>> No.74451509

i got too syadouComfy and rested for a few more minutes

>> No.74451549

Lol did they? Is that why he stopped

>> No.74451610

was he really posting that to announce when he was party timing? kek

>> No.74451621

>doesn't fap to his child wife
shogga u gay?

>> No.74451624

Yeah he didn't want to get in more shit. I'm not shitposting, you could ask him about it. He was pretty cheeky when he did it too.

>> No.74451659

it will be interesting to see how he handles being banned during her hiatus

>> No.74451664

I hate discord fags so much

>> No.74451674

of course i do but i'm not going to @everyone and announce it

>> No.74451689

What'd they do now?

>> No.74451725

now he's bringing attention to it? god that's unbelievably cringe.

>> No.74451764


>> No.74451772

I can't check discord and I'm extremely curious

>> No.74451813

i don't see anything bad except the usual cringe that shogga is just hating- rightfully

>> No.74451877

>stalking, 4chan thread
>stalking, discord

>> No.74452039

Itd be nice to have another way to separate people who watch Shondo's content from those who dont
Having a subs only general was a good step before she blew up in popularity
Anyone who fully admits they dont watch shouldnt get channel access

>> No.74452086

we need a super regular channel (unironic)

>> No.74452094

T3 channel

>> No.74452127
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x1024, 1703644485378367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have (You) achieved since the hiatus began? I did fuckall, I'm a failure. Same boring routine only sadder because no wife.

>> No.74452177

i've been actually drawing but that coincided with life events too

>> No.74452183

started hitting the gym again and restarted art reps. its not a lot but enough for me

>> No.74452192

just join the groomercord bro

>> No.74452243
File: 940 KB, 2000x2000, .Shondo Feel Better Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 5 days submissions for this card will close

I'm putting together a simple card to show Shondo that, despite her struggles causing her to go on hiatus, she is still in our hearts and minds. Submissions still need to be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but they do not need to be as involved as the submissions people usually make for the birthday cards. They can be simple doodles, a short scrawled message telling her that you love her or to get well soon, anything you want to make that shows Shondo you're thinking about her and you're rooting for her. The only stipulation is that due to lore importance her neck and wrists must be covered by something, whether it be her usual ribbons or obscured by something else. And don't submit any huge paragraphs of text. The deadline for this card will be April 30th, I'll decide on a time as that date gets closer

>> No.74452258

drop the ark vod then

>> No.74452288

Fuckall nothing

>> No.74452316

It's just your standard stuff, people bringing attention to the fact that she was on discord while being completely clueless about all other avenues. Someone telling others to not stalk her(lol irl) and then 2 shoggers posting for the first time in days just because she was there and they're hoping for something to happen. Now they're speculating on random shit.
It's basically /here/ but every post is a newfag being gay, and I mean new in the sense that they have never done reps, they never watch streams and some of them dont have or use twitter

>> No.74452317

always introducing my wife to people as schizophrenic just so she seethes about it

>> No.74452379

Ah, i see

>> No.74452386

That's rude. I don't want people to think of my wife as broken, only I'm allowed to carry my borderline crippled schizo baby wife.

>> No.74452497

Except one shogger lied for whatever reason. I don't get what his problem is when even /here/ we know she's been signing into BA.

>> No.74452502

Privately interacting with other shoggers is extremely gay

>> No.74452569

hes just doing it for attention, idiot. good work giving it to him

>> No.74452640

Same boring crap haha, i hit my limit long ago
Planned to plant a garden and bought all the crap but now im sick

>> No.74452710

what's wrong with sowing chaos amongst discorddorks

>> No.74452718

Who's he? Tuffnarr? Someone said "bratty..." which people seem to think is tuffnarr so I imagine he did it
Weird fella he is

>> No.74452759

You're him, no one else would bother to say shoggers names

>> No.74452772

It's fibbing, which is evil(VERY derogatory)

>> No.74452781

oi don't blame me for everything
that's something I'd do tho

>> No.74452826

WeirdCat I'm not him...
All i got to work with was the one guy saying "bratty...", my bad
You're still a weird fella though

>> No.74452832

he's not, they just like shitposting
xdd it's truly devious, right?

>> No.74452836
File: 29 KB, 349x642, die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74452868

So why did she log in
Is she back from paris and the rest of the shondation is uk klubhoppin

>> No.74452884

I'm not that weird of a fella SadCat

>> No.74452909

Making yourself seen to her by choosing this specific moment to post just on the off chance that she says anything or maybe you want to sow the image that you're apart of the community or whatever is a very strange thing to do you two. One of you I expected better from.

>> No.74452921

>I'm not weird I just keep getting banned for being weird haha

>> No.74452995


>> No.74453012

taking advantage of the serial greeters in p2w chat as well

>> No.74453042

why would i seriously think that ? it's been talked about for weeks
i thought it'd be funny to smokescreen after the king spoonfed. i doubt she even checks that chat, i wasn't going to say anything i was just lurking cause someone vagueposted in the thread

>> No.74453110

hasnt happened in a while, xive will forever be my bottom bitch.

>> No.74453182

abcs and thirf and hikachu always mog my sub anniversary messages...

>> No.74453201
File: 1.46 MB, 498x278, wolf-snarl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SyadouHmph lying to your shoggas is NOT cool guys, knock it off

>> No.74453214

she was offline when i decided to update one of them. there was no harm in that.
>sow the image that you're apart of the community
wat lmao

>> No.74453278

There are only 4 shoggas you should trust, possibly three. I can't decide if Abcs is /here/ or not.

>> No.74453313

Smile you can trust me, i don't come here

>> No.74453356

he might not be /here/ but he's familiar with imageboard culture at least

>> No.74453366

abcs is /here/ and has a temper on him, make that three

>> No.74453388

if theyre here then you cant trust them
also he has been here a couple of times but claims to not visit often

>> No.74453415

>slowing recovering from mental snap
>decide to check on community
>check discord
>gay shit
>check offline chat
>get greeted by many eyes staring at you the second you open the page
>go bedrot because you can't even play your shit gachas without it being in the news and everyone knowing

>> No.74453437

fuck off dacrin

>> No.74453442

fuck off tourist

>> No.74453477

>whaaaaaaaaaa im a famous C list online celebrity whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Shondo, probably

>> No.74453490

Fuck off

>> No.74453494

ABC made the last kudoboard, it's known he's here

>> No.74453555

it was never posted here

>> No.74453556
File: 3.96 MB, 324x378, varied-klubbin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Febt5uu.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she on the world klub tour. first was japan with Nina, next who knows? the land down under? norway? germany? finland? the land of the free?

>> No.74453576

Found the offline chatters

>> No.74453608

>waaah i cant do anything without mentally ill groomers 10+ years my senior tracking my every move waahhh
Shondo, probably

>> No.74453626

>the land down under
She will be eaten by a spider.

>> No.74453638

I'm not him, rude

>> No.74453652

She could always quit streaming forever or ban a dozen faggots

>> No.74453682

she should just quit and marry me

>> No.74453683

I've been patiently waiting for her to go nuclear. It's long overdue.

>> No.74453697

i know you don't mean me, shondo

>> No.74453702

Good to know her absence hasn't changed yxll

>> No.74453741

that spider? me

>> No.74453812

after she comes back shes going to do a chibi nightklub stream for the lads

>> No.74453849

can't imagine how exhausting it all must be, not a single moment of her online life goes undocumented. I'd go radio silent as well if I had to deal with that everyday. Either that or I'd create an alt

>> No.74453858

seems like someone missed the secret klub streams lmao

>> No.74453925

youre not supposed to talk about those

>> No.74453948

It's been so long that I've started visualizing rtx instead of live2d when cradling my Shondaki
Not in a perverted way aside from gently kissing her
More like I must protect and warm this beautiful sickly creature like it's my sole purpose on this planet
Can anyone relate

>> No.74453975

>Either that or I'd create an alt
Follow the seal.

>> No.74453987

But retards told her no more alts and let her with no options. Most of you deserve more than the radio silence.

>> No.74454022


>> No.74454067

she can have an alt that is completely unrelated to her stream and persona which she doesn't interact with anyone from the community using it
what people dont want is another menhera vent alt that is just used as an avenue for people to try and manipulate her in a vulnerable state.

>> No.74454124

ITT: people who don't understand Shadow talk about Shadow and what she should do

>> No.74454130

This all happened because no one will left her have an alt to vent and share her thoughts. She bottled all her feelings up and it killed her.
You killed her.

>> No.74454150

She promised.

>> No.74454222

boring timeloop get new material
maybe derek someone that hasnt been dereked before or something
follow this guys example it was a decent attempt >>74442516

>> No.74454230

B-b-but the groomers! She needs to be safe from them! And she must listen to me instead and be isolated and alone with her thoughts so I can be there after she has a meltdown.

>> No.74454254

Actually I am keeping her alive though my Shontulpa. If her physical form perishes her soul will be attracted to it because it will be a near perfect replica. Shondo and I will then be bodymates. Ofc once she's somewhat situated I'll get a sex change and height reduction so she can take the lead.

>> No.74454286

venting is only a negative, but having no place where she can talk more openly is bad too

>> No.74454313

>Deleted her alt of her own volition
>Closed DMs of her own volition
>Said she wouldn't make more alts or open DMs again
"Umm... this is your fault for making her not do it! She wants to have an alt and DM but isn't doing it because you won't let her!!!!"

>> No.74454357

yes anon it's called historical revisionism now please stop noticing i want her to make an alt again :(

>> No.74454393

she doesn't need an alt because she started writing a journal
she probably talks more openly to her friends and family, she doesn't need to be able to talk more openly in public

>> No.74454395

Alts are only detrimental to the relationship desu
Glad they're gone for good and that it got settled this early on in the relationship

>> No.74454460

So this is Shondomination...
Lonelier than I imagined

>> No.74454477

That's a fascinating way to reframe last year as if there were no sources causing her grief.

>> No.74454488

You mentioned a word twice in your post but I'm not sure you know what it means

>> No.74454509

>early on

>> No.74454535
File: 642 KB, 1201x620, Take_the_Hint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day choosing retardation. enjoy your thread.

>> No.74454582

so in the hypothetical situation that she makes a new alt or opens DMs again, do you think that those same sources (who are still around) will still be a problem, or that things will be different this time?
she stopped dealing with peoples shit and closed her account all of her own agency, she wasn't forced by anyone, she chose.

>> No.74454597

you're mostly right

>> No.74454757

>she probably talks more openly to her friends and family
watch streams

>> No.74454787

read tweets

>> No.74454809

Read my tweets please and like them thanks

>> No.74454881

ok shondo

>> No.74454887

I'll just bookmark them like I do with certain other tweets so induce paranoia.

>> No.74454903

The opposite of this for me please. Stop following me and stop liking my posts. I will spam your feed with retweets and you're making me feel uncomfortable. Stop observing me

>> No.74454910

She chose to do things based on outward pressure despite her saying onstream that "she wishes she could still give personal attention" and that was after everything had closed.
Saying she "closed her account all of her own agency" is true. Literally no one is saying otherwise. But is just a fact that she was forced. Why would she close them otherwise unless she was given a reason?
>do you think that those same sources (who are still around) will still be a problem, or that things will be different this time?
That's all up to her and putting her foot down on who the actual problems were.

>> No.74454941

>Either that or I'd create an alt
im pretty sure she mentioned having a twitch alt that nobody knows about, could be misremembering though

>> No.74455001

that was speculation because she said she was streaming and that her stream was working and said it was live, despite not being live
so people said it was because she had the channel settings wrong and she had an alt

>> No.74455007

>someone did this to me recently
what is your end game

>> No.74455064

she doesn't need to talk to anyone about her problems except a therapist, unironically
>you want to isolate her!!!!
>a therapist will tell her to leave us!!!!
and if they do she can tell them that's not going to happen and work with her from there, and there's a good chance the therapist won't say that in the first place
and if she can't get a therapist she can ask others for advice but ultimately she needs to deal with her problems herself. which will only get you so far without a therapist but that's the second best option

>> No.74455071

What you're remembering is her starting a stream, going live but it not streaming to any of her known accounts. She does have a twitch alt, probably for lurking streams.

>> No.74455156

She can still give personalised attention, but only if it's in public or where it's not hidden away
People sperging out over that is dumb

>> No.74455185


>> No.74455222

Wasn't this towards the end of an ASMR stream where twitch glitched

>> No.74455327

Nta but it was at the start of the stream

>> No.74455331

The start of a watchalong I believe

>> No.74455345

she should unironically just give personalised attention to me and me alone, private or public

>> No.74455360

one problem (though many shoggers might see it as a boon) with doing reps is she has thousands of hours of content. even with this hiatus, it’s insanely difficult to “get to know” shondo from VODs alone.
one anon mentioned that watching 20 streams was like seeing the frist 10 minutes of a movie, when really you’d still be on the production logos.
orange’s doc helps, but even just a list of “must watch” streams would make newfags seem a lot less retarded.

>> No.74455431

>but only if it's in public or where it's not hidden away
But that's not the context in what she said, she has and still wants to give personal attention. So to loop back to my point, it'll be up to her and putting her foot down and muting/blocking problems and telling jealousniggers to shut up.
Honestly her recent take on jealousy was an interesting one. Imagine when jealousniggers pressured her to make changes (that were pretty obviously fueled by jealousy) and hit them with the "it's okay to feel jealous!" just like recently? She would filter so many retards it'd be insane.

>> No.74455458

Just stick to the uncapped subathon. That's all you need. Maybe the starting PNG streams and some chatting asmr streams as a bonus

>> No.74455506

doing reps is for losers
if she doesnt timeloop it i dont care
i did enough reps to get most of the important things and you guys just post everything else here on repeat anyway
im not going to watch a billion streams just to find every crumb of irrelevant information on the offchance that some guy here calls me a newfag because i didnt know what lego brick was her favourite or how many blades of grass she once pulled out of a shoe

>> No.74455555

or they could just lurk more before they talk about something they know nothing about

>> No.74455561

>it'll be up to her and putting her foot down and muting/blocking problems and telling jealousniggers to shut up.
She can't do that and you know it. The only way to get her to block you or ban you is by having an extremely public and extended melty, and even then it takes a lot.

>> No.74455595

>what lego brick was her favourite
>not knowing she hates lego and won't even touch anything to do with it due to past trauma

>> No.74455666

As based as you think you are, you don't deserve to be here. This is the hidden level at the end of the game full of funny references and dev comments for when you've beaten everything else.
You didn't beat shondo, you cheated her and you cheated yourself.

>> No.74455696

but she’ll totally do a star wars marathon

these quints mean nothing.

>> No.74455711

not sure how her health is irrelevant, but okay lol

>> No.74455732

>She can't do that
So you think she was lying when she said she was trying to? This includes Maros, etc. Genuinely curious because "she can't" is a weird way to put it when she has attempted constant efforts to do just that. She has basically done everything but be ruthless. You should be hopeful that she will grow to become ruthless, shogger.

>> No.74455758

Double dubs into satanic trips, post speaks the truth.

>> No.74455771

Yes she will because otherwise she will miss out on the incest

>> No.74455783

to be fair to that anon’s sentiment, if there’s no way to talk to her in private and she doesn’t like people bringing stuff up in public cause “muh sekrit klub”, then the reps are really just to make a shogger feel good about himself and that’s it.

>> No.74455821

>read one thing
>respond to something else
shogger 101

>> No.74455823

shit post T

>> No.74455834
File: 917 KB, 1920x1080, 1702754089127862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs and 5 quints oh my gawd

>> No.74455865

Isn't that what I just said, it's the journey of learning about your wife, the person you claim to love. Why skip out on that, it's fun and rewarding.

>> No.74455871

People who think doing reps is about passing authenticity checks by some shaggot /here/ and not growing closer to the woman you love are so deep into NGMI city that I can't even comprehend it

>> No.74455881

Which brick was her favorite before?

>> No.74455903

because people like him are leeches :)

>> No.74455930

It's okay to feel jealous over nothing, but it's fair to be jealous over something important
Being jealous because orange is uploading vods and gets dm perms for business is okay, but not something important given he only has upload perms on the channel
Getting jealous over likes is okay, but not something important
Getting jealous over one husband getting interaction in private is fair
Getting jealous over some husbands getting interaction in private is fair
Not even mentioning the fomo it'd bring about. Any interaction should be done in public(twitter, discord, stream, anywhere where what she says can be archived or seen and visited at a later date) since this is an atypical marriage where there's a lot of husbands and one wife, where the wife has the most power and some gay security guards on the side

>> No.74455935

my seriously is my seriously

>> No.74455977

Unironically this, you're meant to enjoy doing your reps. They're meant to be something done out of a want to get closer to shondo. Not to get one over on someone in the thread.

>> No.74455979

>it's the journey of learning about your wife, the person you claim to love.
If you love someone you dont need to comb over their social media history, you just talk to them.

>> No.74456026

that's literally what it was about in these past couple of threads though. you're just gonna pretend that you were referring to something else?

>> No.74456105

you skip out on it because it serves no value to your love. it’s just trivia facts that you’ll never be able to use. how much you love her is irrelevant if you’re the only one who knows its extent
personally, ive been thinking about this cause of darcin’s fuckup. he would have been fine if he left it out of the tag, but then she’d never see it. and if she did stalk him and see, she wouldn’t publicly interact with it, regardless of its content.
“you can love your wife but only if you never bring up anything actually about her”
that whole debacle just reminded me that our “wife” is a vtuber model and not a real person. the real person you end up loving is, for all intents and purposes, dead.

>double dubs
back when i was a newfag, i was told that isnt how it worked

>> No.74456112

>you're meant to enjoy doing your reps
I liked doing stalking reps, warosu reps were hurtful

>> No.74456289

pre d meltdown shondo is not canon so there is no point in doing extensive reps of old shondo

>> No.74456293

nobody told you to do archive reps it's fucking useless

>> No.74456305

>i was told that isnt how it worked
It isn't really, they don't matter if there's nothing in the ending numbers but it's just cool to see when you get a post count that's double or triple dubs
If the only dubs are the starting ones then of course they don't count

>> No.74456327


>> No.74456337

I don't like asking about stuff and i wanted to know more about her

>> No.74456350

no i'm an oldfag who has too much knowledge to be new, i don't need to do reps but that's because i was there

>> No.74456352

they’re very important if you’re newer than baby metal

>> No.74456369

It's not fair at all. Implying those are fair things to get jealous over is just the irrational part of your brain being louder than it should be.
There was no special requirement and no paywall, the privilege was for everyone. How the fuck you can be jealous over something you have the same privilege as is retarded.
That is entirely on jealousniggers for acting emotional and demanding she make changes for emotions they shouldn't even be having in a dynamic like we have with her lmao
Orange even technically earned his privilege from dedication.
I legitimately can't fathom feeling jealous in this situation and then pushing that on her to make changes. It was selfish and petty and it took advantage of her 'people pleaser' mindset.

>> No.74456456

i cant imagine enjoying the cuck chair and demanding others enjoy it too

>> No.74456472

White 1 x 2 plate.

>> No.74456491

Anon people get jealous over public discord streams these days. Even getting angry over streaming on chama
Shoggas are not what they used to be

>> No.74456509


>> No.74456567

>he fell for the 1x2 plate rrat

>> No.74456701

Nah, it's fair
It wasn't about the watchalongs themselves, but rather people not wanting to share the vods
Shadowchama streams are nice and she should definitely do them more, since they aren't sub only anyone can just ask for them if they want to see them because they weren't around for them, don't see people complaining about them in and of itself, but rather complaining that they missed it

>> No.74456789

I'll take you not addressing any of my points as a concession then. Figured a jellynigger would be spineless.

>> No.74456799

Retro, neck yourself.

>> No.74456930

watchalong reruns are fun but i think you miss out on half of the fun by not being able to talk to her. it seems more important than gaming vods to me

>> No.74456971

Shondo is a person not a game and thats not how you treat people.

>> No.74457000

Oli to get over shondo leaving
Pinis to get over Oli leaving
Am I right fellow /Barbie/ posters

>> No.74457009

am i going to have to give up my lego collection when i win?

>> No.74457109

>tfw i have the millenium falcon collectors edition
will i have to give up my not-lego nazi Schwerer Gustav railway gun and accompanying adolf minifig, as well?

>> No.74457197

I knew a literal retard that made portal 2 maps that had the falcon model in his room. I went to Christian camp with his brother.
Either of you here?

>> No.74457307

Hi Jason.

>> No.74457361

Whenever I think about how they guy must have reacted to the sequel trilogy being dog shit a wicked smile spreads across my face

>> No.74457395

if hes anything like me he was just checked out of the franchise

>> No.74457447

If you're anything like him you should kill yourself, now.

>> No.74457464

>literal retard
>portal 2 maps
>Christian camp
nah, nevermind. not me

yeah, i haven’t given a shit about the new stuff since around last jedi. shows were alright for a bit and then became dogshit. but my brother laps it all up

>> No.74457531

>they guy
too vague for me to know if you’re talkimg about anon’s camp retard or the canon lego sw guy.

>> No.74457603

no, i will toss my schizo punching bag into the cage at hell in a cell and she will like it

>> No.74457612

That guy* whoops sorry I am phone posting at work since I can't stop thinking about her
I'm talking about the earliest antagonist in the shlore

>> No.74457690

I'm not retro
I'm more of a fomo shogga, we share a lot with jealous shoggas though so I get the confusion, especially since jealousy was the topic at hand
It's fair because we're married and it's fair to get jealous over some husbands getting interaction privately just like how it's fair to want to know what your wife says or does when you're not around or when she's with her friends
It's hard to compare it to monogamous relationships given the atypicality of this marriage, but idk how else to explain it to you

>> No.74457695

>earliest antagonist in the shlore
stop talking about me

>> No.74457776

Kill you are self immediately but not before sending me a strand of your hair so I can use it with Shadowmamas hair for a thing

>> No.74457867

I can't tell if that was on purpose

>> No.74457875

wait…SW guy isnt the earliest antagonist ? that’s mr moe lester?

>> No.74457946

Sure it's "fair" and "ok" to feel jealousy, shogga. She's even recently changed her stance saying that herself.
But is it fair for her to tell her that she can't be that way with her husbands? It's absolutely unfair to do that. It doesn't even make sense with the yandere stuff involved either. Why should a yandere be forced to not talk to who she pleases?
FOMO doesn't really apply here either . You realize that we're not supposed to be the yanderes in this marriage... right?

>> No.74457948

>not already having shondo’s hair
just give up cause you will never make it
bit dm me if you still want the hair ;)

>> No.74458006

I got Shadowmamas hair in the last mech gacha :c
I just whispered you in offchat

>> No.74458007

can't we clone shondo with her hair? there is a very high chance you could buy a shondo clone in our lifetime

>> No.74458068

NTA but she's moved away from yandere stuff. It's purely performative with shit like themed ASMR. It's just not her anymore.

>> No.74458097

she's not yandere anymore because she doesnt want any of us anymore

>> No.74458104

if you weren't a groomer you would know that's far from the truth

>> No.74458121

I need both to boost my roll odds as much as possible. I don't want to get floor shitter critter by mistake. Ft would be fine.
Someone just posted a lie but I'm too lazy to quote so just take this as a reminder to not be naive shoggas

>> No.74458137

hehe i said some dumb shit with an emoticon at the end ;)

>> No.74458161

u mad?

>> No.74458203


>> No.74458214

>It's purely performative
>It's just not her anymore
It's literally not. She is still the extremely jealous type and that was a huge part of why she wanted to be personal with us. Yandere fit her perfectly
That's why it makes zero sense to tell her she can't do this or that because your FOMO or jellynigger feelings get hurt.

>> No.74458411

if she’s not /here/ then there’s literally no reason to post anything
yet shoggas keep posting
ipso facto, she must be /here/

>> No.74458427

Idk about shoggas acting yandere and whatnot, but wanting to know everything she does isn't yandere, if it were then a lot of shoggas would already be yandere
Also it's fair to tell her not to do it in private, telling her to not do it at all and sperging over likes and account stalking isn't fair and it's stupid
She can do as she pleases, but if she does something stupid it's (you)r job, as the big strong guy of the relationship, to bonk her and correct her. Yandere is yandere, but she is a wife with husbands above her being a yandere(honestly, i wish she'd do the yandere bit more often on stream)
If she can get jealous and gst extreme fomo then so can we, and it's totally fair when those facts are true that she doesn't make people get fomo or jealous over important stuff. If anyone gets jealous over nothing important and over little stuff then that's on them imo
I would like for nothing to be hidden from us in terms of interaction, and for it to be done somewhere where we can revisit and look back to

>> No.74458429

>cultivate an audience of people that treat me as a wife
>See them as my husband's
>Want to be nise to them
>My husband's don't like that
>Want to get to know them on a personal level
>My husband's hate that
>Vent online so my husband's can get to know me and my feelings
>My husband's hate that
>Close off all affection and delete alts, stop dming, remove direct Comms, just stream
>My husband's hate that as well

>> No.74458496

Grammar mistakes, post invalidated + kill yourself(shondo said to)

>> No.74458524

shouldn't have taken /here/'s posts as actual feedback then

>> No.74458530

>husbands (ftfy)
speak for yourself

>> No.74458640

Being here made me feel better for a brief amount of time but now I feel even worse and want to cry about her absence again. Time to dissociate for a few more weeks and hope she's back then

>> No.74458780

>Want to be nise to them
>My husband's don't like that
mentally ill

>> No.74458846
File: 186 KB, 650x835, 1708412049964385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade nade shogga

>> No.74458885

she isnt a yandere and doesnt stalk

>> No.74458891

>husbands want to talk to her on a more personal level
>she hates that
Nobody should still be under the illusion that this is anything like a real marriage. It’s not feasible for her to treat every husband equally and that treatment actually mean something. This is why she’s moved to (you) being someone to self-insert into and the only “person” she’ll interact with.
Personally, I’d be fine with her getting more personal with a shogga based on how long and loyal he’s been with her, but that’ll never happen cause newfags in their honeymoon phase want as much of her as they can get.

>> No.74458941

I wonder what next thread's topic will be

>> No.74458968

lesbian part 2 the lesbianing

>> No.74459007

we haven't timelooped her height in a while

>> No.74459013

no need to debate over established fact. otherwise, we might as rrat about whether or not she’s English.

>> No.74459076

she is a giantess

>> No.74459104

people forgetting that she came out to shadowmama as gay

>> No.74459109

there's nothing to timeloop
people who have done their reps know how tall she is

>> No.74459155

True, im still a bit confused how she seemed so small in the concert footage, despite her height in the merch video
I think she has actually shrunk for realsies and no cap

>> No.74459173

>This is why she’s moved to (you) being someone to self-insert into and the only “person” she’ll interact with
She didn't, she still gives her favorites personal attention

>> No.74459204

I don't allow her to give me personalised attention, you're welcome

>> No.74459225

If you read through clip comments many tourists are convinced Shaowmama is either Irish or Scottish because Americans and Canadians don't understand that there are different English accents.

>> No.74459233

more for me

>> No.74459277

she had stilts on

at this point, i’d say they earned it. unironically makes the relationship mean more when you can’t just hit the follow button and she becomes your lovey-dovey spouse.

>> No.74459329

>i’d say they earned it
You're not wrong. The problem is that the window to become a favorite has closed many months ago. Everyone that didn't make it is not going to make it anymore.

>> No.74459382

There are no favorites

>> No.74459399

Why do you think that?

>> No.74459406

>but wanting to know everything she does isn't yandere
Yes it is. Regardless of FOMO or jealousy, there is an irrational need that is demanding she involve you with another husband despite you both having the same privilege. If it's not yandere is certainly nosey as fuck.
>Also it's fair to tell her not to do it in private
It's just not no matter how much you want to cope. You're waffling around this entire point without even addressing it from a non-selfish point of view.
You needing her to not be private is unimportant in itself because that is entirely on a need-to-know basis only involving your emotions. You could be making these demands while she theoretically could be having no interactions with someone.
How you don't see this as unimportant jealousy/FOMO is entirely on you and you alone and anyone pressuring her on this should be shamed.

>> No.74459415

this is the compromise solution shondo
sell your hair so we can have our own shondos and create the ultimate shondo fighting championship

>> No.74459485

Because he isn't one

>> No.74459497

she was surrounded by her favorites, which being abnormally tall is a requirement for the ones who get irl privileges. king D couldn't stop himself from bragging about it when he smugly brought up that she was surrounded by giant men, just like when he was sending dms. that's also why shondo tried to play it off like it was ironic. iykyk

>> No.74459500

bro is wafflin

>> No.74459505

I agree. If you put the time in to the relationship, she should reward you in some way. “technically”, the metric being how long you’ve been subscribed is P2W, but I don’t think there’s a better option.

>> No.74459529

If FOMO/jelly shoggas went to couple's therapy with shondo and made these demands, they would be told to grow the fuck up and stop being so nosey and to trust their wife lmao

>> No.74459593

sowing reaping

>> No.74459624

bro is right tho why can't we be personal wit our wife

>> No.74459638

she isnt gay

>> No.74459658

she is 40% gay

>> No.74459660

this guy is why women get on the slippery slope to NTR and think they literally did nothing wrong after cheating.

>> No.74459686

My engagement stats were skyrocketing right before Shondomination began
I was worried it was because she checked the email behind my anonymous donations/poetry but now I see I was retarded
It doesn't matter what the reason was I just want to feel the warmth of her attention again

>> No.74459697

just look at her taste in men (jason voorhees) and it’s no surprise she likes them tall.
I get why she does the whole “i don’t care! i don’t really have any preferences when it comes to [atrribute]”. However its a poor copout. If she likes beards, she should say so when asked (she’s usually not shy about this one, I’ll admit). If she likes tall dudes, she should say so. If likes strong silent types or muscular men or smart guys, she should tell us. Especially if it’s something we can change to be more like her ideal. I’d be a lot more motivated to hit the gym if she said she finds men that pump iron are attractive to her.

>> No.74459710

So it's NTR to be personal with her husbands now? That's some amazing mental gymnastics.

>> No.74459820

because certain shoggers ruin it for the rest
>this guy is why *random headcanon*

>> No.74459825

this “marriage” will make a lot more sense to all of you when you realise youre her father figure/older brother
thats why she treats you like a family member and not a spouse.

>> No.74459897

Any private time or interaction with her is cucking shoggas that weren't a part of it, which is fucked up and i do not want that
>If it's not yandere is certainly nosey as fuck.
>It's just not no matter how much you want to cope.
It's fair because I'm her husband among other husbands and i would rather there not be private talks or interactions, we're in this marriage together after all
Obviously including me too, i do not want private interaction with her
I trust her though, this has nothing to do with trust, just fomo
I'm her older brother husband, thanks

>> No.74459973

real husbands gets kisses on the lips from their wives. those wives also don’t have to take “weekends” off from their husbands or go completely quiet when they aren’t feeling well.

>> No.74459996

why are you here

>> No.74460009


>> No.74460099

just telling the truth, shogga. you’re gonna go crazy and have a melty if you don’t take this relationship as “serious” as her serious is. and her serious is maybe slightly more intimate than your average twitch streamer.

>> No.74460140

It's not cucking when she is just talking to her husbands. Again, it's on you for feeling emotionally negative about it. There isn't a way you can spin this that doesn't make it solely about you wanting to stop her from doing what she wants.
>It's fair because I'm her husband among other husbands and i would rather there not be private talks or interactions
But there is no reasons for this other than your own problems with it. She has even spoken up about bad things being sent to her, so arguably others are treating her well.
>i do not want that
Then you shouldn't be participating in this marriage and people who made a deal out of this should be shamed for it. You should have been the one to change or leave, not her.

>> No.74460179

>kisses on the lips
My wife is not a whore or a slut, please and thank you
Kisses on the lips would also be cucking for the shoggas that weren't there to get it, be it shoggas that couldn't be there live or shoggas that weren't around for it
There will never be a kiss on the mouth until only after shondomination is achieved

>> No.74460214

You can consider this relationship real, but you can only be logical about it if you agree that this is her work more than this is an actual marriage. Taking breaks from work is important, specially when you're very mentally ill.

>> No.74460228

that begs the question... who gets the first kiss on the lips from her? ;) is not a valid answer, don't make me reap.

>> No.74460256

by that logic she’s cucking shoggas by liking and commenting on their art cause some shoggas can’t draw at all so they don’t post anything.
subs-only streams are also cucking cause all followers are husbands.

>> No.74460289


>> No.74460315


>> No.74460317

>real men earn their wives!
really shondo? well how do you earn your love then?
>glad you asked, chat! by hitting that mf’ing follow button!!!!

so she’s a rent-a-girlfriend, then?

>> No.74460338

shoggas that can't draw still post on her tag, you can do the same too if you give up on any shame you have to post your abhorrent "art" for a crumb of her attention

>> No.74460378

She's already had it anon, sorry to say

>> No.74460418

>asking people to become the art tag's version of neosky
i thought we agreed behaving like this was a bad thing?

>> No.74460459

>the art tag's version of neosky
You mean Thirf?

>> No.74460480

if you mean /here/ specifically, cause i’m bored and am addicted to these threads
if you mean why am I a husband of shondo, because I sincerely love her but know she doesn’t love me.

>> No.74460523

learn 2 quote properly

>> No.74460531

The secret to sanity is to just date irl and pretend the women you fuck are Shondo.

>> No.74460578

make both of them the side hoe

>> No.74460577

I've been making my own shondo through various means. Should be ready in 10-14 years

>> No.74460592

whore mentality

just realise shes more like one of your friends that you have a crush on but she doesnt see you that way cause you’re like a brother to her

>> No.74460691

If loving my wife so much that I am reprogramming myself to see her in every woman I find attractive makes me a whore then call me Dewd's mom

>> No.74460713


>> No.74460765
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