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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 12 KB, 225x225, 다운로드 (91).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73640366 No.73640366 [Reply] [Original]

Gura is much better, Gura has more vibrato, also Gura's voice is much more softer.

Suisei sometimes cuts her voice in a very harsh way,

>> No.73641762

shut up nigger

>> No.73643230

Shes a diva, always has been. Bitch pissed and shat herself over losing marika

>> No.73643314

Stop replying to yourself retard

>> No.73643401

Gura can’t even release more than one song in almost 4 years so she’s irrelevant even if she’s good at singing. She’s just a mascot for selling merch nowadays

>> No.73643424

Based schizo, also why do you care enough to check up on this thread

>> No.73643427


>> No.73643434

Suisei is such a self absorbed egomaniac she doesn't feel like she needs to improve. She's a nobody. Her singing isn't good and she can't dance. She pays people to compose music for her, she doesn't even compose.

>> No.73643440
File: 471 KB, 550x682, 1648631884647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is many times better but even someone like me respects the hustle Suisei does things.

One does not do the First Take without having some considerable singing skill. So for that, I do give the Hoshiyomis some respect in their oshi.

>> No.73643507

Anyone who replies after this post is Italian

>> No.73643536

No matter if you respect Suisei hoshiyomis hate your oshi.
Her hips earned that one.

>> No.73643583


>> No.73643655

Voglio scopare con le donne blu

>> No.73643697

Well then I guess you are Italian since you are the first to reply after that anon post.

>> No.73643752

Hoshicucks act like this is a dub but it's just slop. Being on TFT exposed her. She caught so much shit after this.

>> No.73643779 [DELETED] 

Anti Suisei threads during prime SEAnigger hours. Stay away from pagpag.

>> No.73643824

Suisei is hololive's paragon of what it is to be an idol. There just isn't another way to put it. She's the whole package and she does everything to an at least extraordinary level.

Nerissa>>Suisei>Risu>=Kobo. Those four represent the best of the best for vocalists in holo and you can't change my mind. There are many very talented vocalists in holo, gura among them, but you can't beat perfection.

>> No.73643900

Only because TFT is a huge channel with a large normie fanbase. Also who gives a shit what anyone else thinks, what do you - as someone hanging out on the vtuber website - think of her performance?

>> No.73644043

I didn't watch it. I don't like her.

>> No.73644123

>"What's the big deal with this singer I refuse to watch a single performance of?"
Ok so you're just posting lazy bait to rile up fans at this point, got it.

>> No.73644133

Even if we admit that Gura is a better singer than Suisei, what's the point since Gura doesn't make music?
Suisei produces high quality songs AND mvs on a regular basis. Gura releases a song or cover every 6 months. She barely ever do karaokes anymore.
That alone makes Suisei a better musical artist overall

>> No.73644200

mezzo vs coloratura soprano
two different things

>> No.73644230

That's hot. I would drink it all up

>> No.73644258

Gura sucks at singing

>> No.73644413

I'm not the OP. There is more than 1 person who doesn't like Suisei.

>> No.73644654

>holo vs holo
Nice try sister

>> No.73644747

NIJIEN AR LIVE flop and scuff deflection thread
>I don't have the niji pasta but imagine that i posted it here sister.

>> No.73644756

I don't really watch Suisei, she's not my oshi, but I'm there for all her singing streams, 3D Lives and concerts. She has an amazing voice and is really talented no matter how much some would like to deny it.

>> No.73644802

do chumbuds actually believe gura is a talented singer or is it all just bait?

>> No.73645767

Deflecting already from your AR's humiliating defeat against Gura, sister?

>> No.73645960


>> No.73646033


>> No.73646064

No chumbud would say this btw
We know for a fact that gura is superior in every way to every other vtuber, but there's no point in saying this to anyone else if they are too dumb to not have realised this at this stage. It's not like gura is some sort of hidden gem, and after 4 years we're not insecure enough to post random bs like this online
It's always a falseflagger

>> No.73646415

ITT: schizophrenia

>> No.73648404

>I don't watch her
>I don't like her

>> No.73649652

Thank you for saying what needed to be said

>> No.73649973

How does it feel to have an oshi who doesn't make use of the resources at her disposal to further her own singing career?

>> No.73650932


>> No.73653066

She's an indie that made it before it was a thing

>> No.73653249

>page 10 necro self-bump
