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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73531569 No.73531569 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>Some resources

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous: >>73499114

>> No.73531705

Hate men and grift simps. They aren’t even real people so don’t feel bad about it
Never use a discord and beware them

>> No.73531781
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>> No.73533275

aleda liv

>> No.73533426

Glad he isn’t letting the schizos get to him

>> No.73533440

Nobody posted QB

>> No.73533498

Because QB isn't a /wasp/ie so why post her here?

>> No.73533506

why did you remove the tierlist?

>> No.73533566

Yes she is

>> No.73533580

Not a wasp
Just a crab here to leech away viewers from wasps

>> No.73533647

it has been gone for a while it was just being used as a blacklist after pittie leaked the discord showing the raiding and schizo posting

>> No.73533928

No you aren't.

>> No.73534203

man this thread is toxic as fuck

>> No.73534374

You are just saying that to scare people away schizo

>> No.73534423

it's somehow worse than /wvt/ and /asp/

>> No.73534505

you would know /asp/fag or /wvt/fag you are trying to sabotage the thread for month now

>> No.73534564

It's shit

>> No.73534566

she is a schizo that is crabbing the thread right now, dont post her.

>> No.73534568

your crabs are perfectly capable of that themselvces

>> No.73534761

Schizoing while live is an impressive rrat

>> No.73534839

she was doing it before and she wasnt the only one

>> No.73535244

Who the fuck is a waspie at this rate? Tgis is stupid, if you post in the thread, you are a waspie. Some of you are autistic as fuck.
>ummm if you didn't learn about vtubing specifically from this thread you arent a waspie hurrr

>> No.73535694

You have to be pure and none of these whores are

>> No.73535736

Lumi will never be a waspie pcgfag

>> No.73535766

qb is /jong/ not /wasp/

>> No.73535783

Kill yourself schizo stop shitting up the thread, none of those whores are real waspies.

>> No.73536105

report them for being offtopic then, dumbfuck

>> No.73536305

She's /wasp/ too.

>> No.73536561

This thread is impressive because if you say something enough times it'll be believed. If I said QB is a male from America and is pretending to be British enough you retards would believe it.

>> No.73536702

QB is a male using a fake british accent

>> No.73536788

No you aren't

>> No.73536889

She's live you braindead schizo. At least make your bait convincing.

>> No.73536936

remember to never buy things from small stores your mods recommend, even if they are real stores

>> No.73536964

QB said he posts in the thread while streaming before.

>> No.73536970

QB is so schizo I wouldn't put posting midstream past her. She has done it before.

>> No.73540768
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>> No.73540773

desu im glad this thread is dead, I don't have to have so many tabs open anymore

>> No.73541228
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You will graduate first before this thread dies ;^)

>> No.73542590

why do you believe this thread will make it?

>> No.73543343

It's already died today

>> No.73543891

have you considered doing literally anything else with your life besides browsing 4chan?

>> No.73545654

yeah, online school at a community college

>> No.73545707
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Will I have no friends in the scene if I focus on GFE?

>> No.73545734

pretty much yeah

>> No.73545822

GFE audience are very insecure, it's a landmine waiting to happen unless you can manage them well.

>> No.73546080

you will not have friends anyway
As a vtuber, you have two routes: either everyone is an enemy or you are bisexual and they are all your girlfriends.

>> No.73546650

Once you make it around partner numbers, it'll be easier to find "friends"

Basically, you just have to grit teeth and work until you get partner then you'll find them in droves. The ones you meet before that are more likely to be liabilities

>> No.73546721

Everyone is a mark to grift or a competitor to leech. They'll stab you in the back so stab them first.

>> No.73547144

That's why you need to set goals before you start this. Some people would be happy to be 2view but have a wide network of chuuba friends. Others like Zenya are willing to throw away everything at the cost of inclining and simp bucks. This is the result. She's a friendless loser but at least she is 3view status now.

>> No.73548024

Shondo has lots of friends so I fail to see the correlation, you just don't do GFE during your collabs dummy

>> No.73548146

Shondo has the numbers
the crabs hate GFE, but bow to numbers
for the strong, everything is allowed, for the weak, everything is forbidden.

>> No.73548236

Just pretend to suck dick on stream if you want to get numbers.

>> No.73548271

you got it backwards, you do a little bit of GFE to rope in your initial small, but dedicated streamers to get you over 1/2-view hell, then you gradually phase it out as you appeal to normalfags, it's the tried and true method just look at Lumi

>> No.73548434

Those who hate GFE are crabs anyway.

>> No.73548488

if you don't do gfe you're ngmi it is all women are good for

>> No.73548527

>phasing out gfe
thats how you get burned unicorns and people trying to murder you
pulling a Yuko is never a good idea, its better to do it the menace way and just reincarnate
also Lumi goes back and forth on her GFE thing

>> No.73548822

gradually phase it out don't be retarded like yuko and go cold turkey kek

>> No.73549008

>I fail to see the correlation
Because he's making shit up.

>> No.73549057


>> No.73549179
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nah, some women are naturally funny
Lesbians for example have to learn to be charming in order to seduce women, so they are pretty funny
Autistic girls are basically boys, they are fun too
Jewish women are the third group that are entertaining for some reason

Plus, going GFE isnt exactly trivial: imagine having to force yourself to be nice to people, all the time, no matter how stupid they are.
It takes tremendous mental fortitude to be a successful gfe and not self destruct , not even queen Rushia herself was able to handle it.
The Nina axiom is paradoxical, men are easy, but being nice is hard.

>> No.73549566

lesbian gfe dick sucking ASMR is the peak of vtubing

>> No.73549674

>makes fun of ladder climbers and grifters
>complains about vtubers using each other for success
>@s purple keemstar for attention
>tries to insert herself in Pippa's circle
what do you call this behavior

>> No.73549834

women are never funny guys just want to fuck them so they like them more
use it to your advantage

>> No.73549977

I can want two things
I want to fuck them but also want to laugh
if the make me laugh i want to fuck them more
you dont know me

>> No.73550089

wanting to fuck them makes you laugh at them despite not being funny
men are easy that way

>> No.73550384

>wanting to fuck them makes you laugh at them
despite not being funny
nah some women I want to fuck very badly yet they cant land a joke to save their lives
sure i can type haha but i am not really laughing
the difference is important when thinking about how much of a time investment it is to hang out with a woman until she actually dates you
Grooming can feel like a chore sometimes

>> No.73553210

this is a weird advice
why? because they will stalk you?

>> No.73554783

Is this about Denpa? She’s a huge hypocrite

>> No.73556283

spill the beans sister

>> No.73556708

dempa is an actual toxic schizo.

>> No.73557095

It's literally always the same two faggots posting the same shit about Denpa in every thread, inserting her into any possible dramapost or vaguepost. Can you obsessed retards kill yourselves already?

>> No.73557260

Says she would never audition for corpos, doesn’t care about numbers, and will confront you directly if she has a problem. These are all lies.

She rips off other vtubers like Gumpai, Zenya, and Rura for special streams.

>> No.73557352 [DELETED] 
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Can you niggers stop shitting my thread up for 5 minutes?

>> No.73557517
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>doesn’t care about numbers
there is no such thing as a vtuber who doesnt care about numbers, just a vtuber who isnt willing to put the effort for them and then coping about it

And there are also the girls who are basically toddlers in school plays and have panic attacks if they have too many people but those are very special case

>> No.73558056

Oh, you're Runespoon still trying to push your rrat about Denpa joining VAllure

>> No.73558309

naw, new poster. I would post tea but that would incriminate who i am.

>> No.73558406

>I would post tea but that would incriminate who i am.
I've heard this bullshit line so many times you dumb vagueposting faggot

>> No.73558534

False. I tried doing GFE for a bit and failed. I'm too autistic and when I stopped and just started saying and talking about random shit I found entertaining and started being a weirdo, more authentic to myself, I started gaining more of an audience.

>> No.73558584

literally none of this is true

>> No.73558724

You got tricked by the schizos giving misleading advice, just stop responding to this thread.

>> No.73558813

stop lying and spamming the thread

>> No.73558838
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this wasn't advice anyone gave me even on this thread. i just wanted attention because i'm lonely.

>> No.73559591
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as it has been said many times before, doing GFE isnt particularly easy nor a recipe for immediate success

Some people have latent talent for it, you can see it pop up all the time in the "unintentional GFE" syndrome. In others it just feels disingenuous and fake.
Some girls have imouto/ daughter energy instead, for example. This isnt exactly gfe even if people are in love with her - shondo for example isnt a true imouto "wife" despite calling herself as such, meanwhile gura is.
Full frontal GFE "dont look at other girls but me" would ruin gura's character or it would even sound like a joke meanwhile it works for shonder.
Tsundere characters are also ruined by full frontal GFE - this is why Lumi cant pull it off and never will. Her strength is in fact the moe-gap, acting haughty and shitty all the time just to hide her own vulnerability only to often fail miserably at it, resulting in a desire to protect her.
Sadly she isnt playing a character she is just stupid for real

The key here is that we call GFE in these circles isnt exactly a real "girlfriend experience" but just a type of girlfriend
The key here is finding what kind of girlfriend you are, blowing kisses and saying "I love you" is not the only path. Sometimes the strongest gfe is the unspoken one

Seems to me, going by what you say, you are a pixie manic dream characters by nature, and your numbers reflect it.

>> No.73559947

Quit being a schizo and kill yourself anyafag

>> No.73560099

rent free

>> No.73562347
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>> No.73564789


>> No.73565309

You should make friends irl. The top source of problems in vtubing is all these loners that get into vtubing because they have no irl life. Fix that first and your GMI potential will be far higher too because people like to watch entertaining streamers and not shutins with barely any life experience

>> No.73565357

Same reason having a bf makes you better at gfe

>> No.73565491

You would not watch a girl with real autism. Those are the ones you can find with no viewers. You just confuse autism with being very passionate about something but all the "autists" that became popular are perfectly capable of socializing which a real autist would struggle with hence they have no viewers

>> No.73565764

If you have a bf and vtube, something's wrong with you and your relationship

>> No.73568396
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>> No.73570784

cute witch girl live again https://www.twitch.tv/mizuz
