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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 450 KB, 2048x1536, F7zD8aPW0AEPazc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73505729 No.73505729 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0 [Embed]
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>73464829

>> No.73505819

you bake fast

Can’t you block people on trooncord so you don’t have to see their messages? Shouldn’t obsessed-kun just do that instead of raging about other shoggas being nise and friendly?
Unless he’s one of the shoggas he mentioned and hoped to get talked about /here/ cause he believed the myth thag shondo would love you more if anons bullied you.

>> No.73505828
File: 2.16 MB, 1750x1185, ILoveMyPerfectWife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can cope all you want shadow but it's true

>> No.73505877 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 444x442, imageedit_1_4831109516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73506011

Nise and friendly is talking about wanting to suck other shoggas' dicks? Interesting.

>> No.73506019


>> No.73506044

so her ideal man?

>> No.73506050

You're using the same picture on purpose now
>Schedule: soon
Just link the announcement

>> No.73506108
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, otis over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he baked with the same image again
>baked right away while people are busy turbo shitposting /chatter/

>> No.73506110

just gonna say, i’m done with that subject. if the rest of you want to make this a shitty thread right from the get-go, be my guest. i’ll just go to /lig/

>> No.73506120

john: I really, really, really like this image.

>> No.73506136

>anti baker is too stupid to bake
whoa really? no way

>> No.73506145

looking at that other thread makes me feel decent
it's clear where the majority of peoples feelings lie
it's like when you bully a family member vs when someone else does it
if someone else does it you kill them
we all kill those people together even if we don't really get on all that much otherwise

>> No.73506148

i wouldn't expect anything less from the otis baker

>> No.73506199

oh no
we're about to lose our best poster.... no please anon

>> No.73506276

syadouHmph nope don’t try to win back now. you had your chance and you blew it. now you can blow me

>> No.73506309

Derek me more please

>> No.73506321


>> No.73506330

bratty isnt done shitting all over the place so this thread will be as awful as the last

>> No.73506398

what if that poster was shondo and she just really really really doesn’t like gays/husbands acting gay in her community but can’t outright say it.

>> No.73506457

Then I have no clue why I was on the list

>> No.73506458

say it

>> No.73506459

even if she did say it outright they'd stick around and people would still defend them

>> No.73506528

bratty please stop being my anti people actually believe it

>> No.73506535

Would certainly help me calm down

>> No.73506551

id call her a retard for thinking that just speaking to other men is gay

>> No.73506770

cause you're gay?


also >>73504586 might be on to something...

>> No.73506860

I'm not gay :(

>> No.73506899

you're gay

>> No.73506954

Shitter anon here
I shat for a mere 20 minutes today syadouHype

>> No.73506999

I'm gay >:(

>> No.73507038

Why're you so upset with him?

Anon, what was this supposed to mean? Completely unrelated, but that's par for the course in this general.

I too just got off the shitter, but I was on it a lot longer than that so far today.

>> No.73507041

holy shit wow
i'm happy for you, that's a decrease of hours

>> No.73507062

get psyllium husks

>> No.73507106

SadCat and syadouCry didn't work well given the context so I used :( instead

>> No.73507109

>Why're you so upset with him?
is just banter mate, i'll break his legs and then kiss him on the lips
'ate fags

>> No.73507235

Shondo will love me either way. That's all that matters really. You can't take her away from me since she is already inside me.

>> No.73507256

Unironically, suck dick. The motion helps your digestive track, without adding (much) more into your stomach.

>> No.73507286
File: 244 KB, 49x54, 1710379731385325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is already inside me.

>> No.73507294

yeah ok that's fine
i'm over it now honestly
i have these moments
it's a mental thing i think

>> No.73507311

Suck my cock dude

>> No.73507350
File: 10 KB, 886x88, huiophuihuihiu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73507393

You posted this last thread oomfie

>> No.73507395
File: 48 KB, 782x204, 1685074209466526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll break his legs and then kiss him on the lips

>> No.73507425

whats his endgame

>> No.73507457

why do you think both threads were so bad

>> No.73507510

SyadouSweat I don't think I'll use the 2nd piece of advice though, sorry

>> No.73507524

Nah, my poops are regular and chad

Can't be him. It's mandatory prayer time to Allah.

>> No.73507538

because I brought up people that were clearly here

>> No.73507578

Not me though, I'm not /here/

>> No.73507601

neither me

>> No.73507617

ur /here/ too so i don't see your point?
you don't want them in offline, discord, or /here/
sounds like ur actually threatened by them idk...

>> No.73507694

i respect d
he knows the game and he plays it fair

>> No.73507727

which d there are too many

>> No.73507779

the original chad king d
his replacement is ok i guess

>> No.73507786

There's only like 2 people for my letter, so please don't use it

>> No.73507843

there are now 50 d's and all suck

>> No.73507900

to be perfectly honest i've been shooting ropes all over my house recently
i don't even make sure i've finished pissing before I walk away from the toilet
what other things should I be doing before I move out

>> No.73507934

i shouldnt have been on the list because im not gay, simple as

>> No.73507946

ok xive

>> No.73507947

Which one of you cunts posted that catalog bait?

>> No.73507982

lol irl, tell me who you are and i'll consider removing you from it
i posted the gif in that thread sis

>> No.73508000

probably you

>> No.73508057

half of the post you responded to was true though xister

>> No.73508137

true at one point sure
but those aren't recent things and are certainly not the reason she stepped away from streaming

>> No.73508300

im not telling you who i am im just telling you to not put me on the list again

>> No.73508352

ok dacrin, calm your faggy ass down

>> No.73508397

it'll probably keep happening but i'll think about a more revised list
if I were you i'd think about toning down the gayness so you don't end up on the next one

>> No.73508465

i already didnt do anything gay

>> No.73508610

you seem fairly convinced, i'll read over the list again but I wouldn't get your hopes up

>> No.73508673

he's literally just fucking with you (us), that doesn't prove anything i've still been denying it for months, and i wasn't apart of that shit show last thread either WeirdCat

>> No.73508868

I'm removing dunebrowning and doragon from the list
does that help you anon

>> No.73509095

yes thank you

>> No.73509280

no thank you

>> No.73509378

just added a bunch of you to my list

>> No.73509433


>> No.73509459

if you're not on my twitter list and i've not spoke to you privately at all then you mean nothing to me
or i'm too shy

>> No.73509460

forced meme

>> No.73509520

considering you're the one guiding people there i'd say the answer is fairly obvious.

>> No.73509559

thanks shondo

>> No.73509752

I've actually been trying to defend her from someone (probably the OP) who types suspiciously similar to the stinky femcel.

>> No.73509825

why are you trying to defend her? how about not engaging with the fucking trolls at all?

>> No.73509867

but you're defending her right now

>> No.73510454

he won

>> No.73510542
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the winner? me

>> No.73510565

he? me.

>> No.73510594

someone cheer me up and make me hopeful or certain of her return

>> No.73510643

Is she ogey?

>> No.73510775

sorry shogga, i only have enough copium left for myself

>> No.73510888

Oh so it's either or that's good then.

>> No.73511526
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late for (you). i won when we made that promise

>> No.73511664

She's not coming back (:

>> No.73511679
File: 2.16 MB, 374x374, me_when_im_a_truther.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for this gif, shogga.
i enjoy it and it encapsulates much of my time /here/.

>> No.73511694
File: 69 KB, 578x599, 1671273300075591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a weird autist watching from the sidelines but even Im feeling this pain a bit for you guys. Ive lurked a bit here for random stretches at a time for I think 3 years now, and I've never watched her live stream, but I do like her generally as a person (and I hate most women).

Maybe it helps maybe it makes things worse but, my schizo rant: she'll be back after months but it might be a final farewell. If not that, shell probably need even more months to relax, maybe get in a new routine/meds, and find strength again. She genuinely cares about her husbands, she actually seems to be a genuine girl even if she grifts a bit with shitty memes. She has a lot of personal problems but she knows just leaving like this would create even more problems even for her own conscious to not at least get actual closure if it is over. She's such a weirdo, to put it lightly, and if really a loner/hikkiNEET, itd be hard for her to isolate herself purposefully. But getting over past pains from all of this can take ~1.5 years to let subside enough(it never fully goes away)

>> No.73511809

she wont get a new routine or meds because she is too riddled with neuroses to be able to switch things up or get another doctor. she is unironically her own worst anti

>> No.73511822

>but even Im feeling this pain a bit for you guys
I feel bad for making fun of gura's chum-dumps or whatever they're called. Getting a taste of my own medicine and it's barely a week in.

>> No.73511901

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.73511996

it's sad to see some groomers haven't learned anything

>> No.73512018
File: 199 KB, 640x512, 1689816531768623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries
it's like you're trying to make me worse
shondo is that you

>> No.73512115

Was her interview with ark hand ever saved somewhere a shogger can find it, or lost to time/personal archives? I'd like to learn more about her disorder from her own mouth and that vod seems like a good place for an infodump.
If not, might download the DMS-5 and spend an afternoon reading that.

>> No.73512318

i hate that im schizo enough to believe this

>> No.73512386

Who wants to bet when she comes back 8 months later, she'll tell us that VR chat is still broke when we ask for a VR stream, and then follow that statement a few minutes later with a "I've been hard at work non-stop during my hiatus"

>> No.73512466

and by that point i'll be so broken i'll have no fight in me to argue back

>> No.73512495

>if really a loner/hikkiNEET, itd be hard for her to isolate herself purposefully
wouldn't that make it easier, though? or you mean it would be bad for her if she did that?
>shell probably need even more months to relax
>But getting over [it]...can take ~1.5 years
And I'll still be here waiting for her.

>> No.73512576

who are you referring to

>> No.73512578

If he is still alive after this, congrats to Mr. Tuffnarr for pushing her over the edge. You succeeded when I couldn't, bravo.

>> No.73512646

he is still very active in the community

>> No.73512657

he'll support ME through this and isn't that what truly matters
someone needs to look out for the shoggas

>> No.73512667 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 444x442, 4831109516t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not getting my wife
expect this as your answer

>> No.73512695

>"I've been hard at work non-stop during my hiatus"
She probably will say something like this, even though I think her trying too hard to work during the break is dumb. She should be doing productive things though, not just bedrot with BA. I'd like if she wrote a short story or two, doesn't have to be Shadow-related, and shared it with us. Always wanted to read something she wrote.

submit to the syadouHappyNod hypnosis
be a good little husband and nod and donate like you should

>> No.73512707

I don't think this is comparable to Gura's situation at all. If she can fly to Japan and work long hours, and stream hen there is something to shill, she could also stream a few hours a week.

>> No.73512749

Just meant that she's gone and now so is shadow. wasn't comparing the actual reasons for the hiatus.

>> No.73512754

it's funny because it's the exact opposite

>> No.73512783

Oh youre a bastard for that, yeah in the same spot huh, threads still up all the time

>> No.73512835

im not convinced she even knows he exists

>> No.73512868

A wicked Smile crosses my face when I realize that she is never coming back.
Kek, he was single handedly preventing her from not leaving sooner?

>> No.73512958

fuck are you talking about? use actual sentences.

>> No.73512993

no but he was telling her to take it easy in the face other regulars pushing her

>> No.73513046

>bratty gets silenced and can't ryona post in offline
>shondo suddenly snaps right after
yeah, no way the two are related syadouClueless

>> No.73513109

Why do you talk in 3rd person?

>> No.73513116

Sorry and no wtf stop being schizos or continue if it helps I guess

>> No.73513133

his low effort shitposting in offline chat drove her to the brink

>> No.73513252

I've cracked it, actually. Shondo is the original wicked smile poster and her insanity was caused by him running the meme into the ground.

>> No.73513255

is lemonleaf the minecraft groomer girlfriend?
haven't seen anything in the minecraft vods yet, so i don't get the reference

>> No.73513341

>catalogue bait thread
>newfags begging for spoons come out of the wood work
like pottery.

>> No.73513389

ok now post all of the watchalongs you have saved, i want to watch them all and it's your fault the youtube channel was removed

>> No.73513463

dm me :)

>> No.73513489

Both. Bad to where you get bored of it and reach out again, which I figure she must have some propensity for it if she got into vtubing in the first place.

>> No.73513544

I miss her

>> No.73513567

i would
we could be neutral

>> No.73513577

my worst fears are realized. trapped in this alternate timeline with no way back.

>> No.73513696

Who knows maybe this'll be a breaking point that allows some change, pray for her. Dont feel the need to further humor me im a tourist newfag essentially.

>> No.73513788

I'm okay with spoonfeeding if it's something that just got nuked and wasn't properly archived publicly.
For instance, as far as I know, all of the dead alts only exist on wayback and are incomplete just cause people weren't saving it everyday and I think wayback is weird with twitter format. So if I had those and a shogga asked, I'd provide them if they were nise about asking. Though, it IS hard to tell who's a baby newfag and who is an anti looking for dirt, so I understand some reluctance.

>> No.73513860

At least we still have FT, am I rite fellow groomers? lmao

>> No.73513906
File: 152 KB, 1850x1058, 1681599051535994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuuu i miss you shondo i should be there for you right now

>> No.73513917

i unsubbed already
guy was testing my patience
1 stream a month isn't ok

>> No.73513985

I never watch shondo because I'm not a pedophile but the cute cat OP pictures really liven up the catalog scrolling experience thanks guys

>> No.73514121
File: 525 KB, 2048x1862, F9zM61GXYAAOJNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73514134

this hiatus is making me realize all of this is a game...

>> No.73514153

it's making me love her again

>> No.73514304

she's already taking this seriously by taking a break, you realize that right? and taking this seriously means potentially quitting streaming. it's just the reality of the situation. if she's talking with a psychologist or a therapist they'll 100% tell her to drop this because of how much damage it's doing and how big the cost of opportunity is for someone like her. she basically decided that she couldn't get better which is why she started streaming, but nobody else would see it that way, they'd see it as her throwing away her potential to get better for no real reason. regardless of whether she comes back to us or not, these are the realities she's facing right now.

>> No.73514346

i hope she doesn't see the time i mis-ID'd Summer as Shadow. she'll think i don't really love her

>> No.73514400

Reminder that she had this all planned in advance and she literally told you she was going to divorce.

>> No.73514440

yeah im schizo enough to believe that

>> No.73514448

this relationship and getting better aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.73514542

I'm schizo but it comes in waves and doesn't turn me into a retard
my mental illness isn't your joke post

>> No.73514633

Be nise and give me a spoon then bitch shondo would want you ti

>> No.73514638

there's a new definition of schizo that doesn't refer directly to the mental illness, language is fluid, and being pedantic about that /here/ is pointless

>> No.73514735

yeah shes taking her health so seriously that she keeps returning to the same fossil of a doctor that whenever she brings him up she just talks as if he wants her family to die and that he is medically incapable, and so seriously that she eats barely enough food to survive
if she took her health seriously she would actually eat something and get a new doctor

>> No.73514779

i bet her doctor is paki or pajeet and that’s why he sucks

>> No.73515668
File: 1.79 MB, 2430x1367, 1694566043232087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pains me to see shoggers this miserable. Don't you know anything about Shadow as a person? She's using this break to work on various projects, outfits and lore. Just watch her come back and then magically finish Vivi's model in a week. She's not suffering, she was behind on a lot of stuff.

>> No.73515684

I'll take that as a no, then?
Sorry for the shogga that got deleted, but you should know not to post le heckin antisemitism /here/.

>> No.73515869

>open random asmr
>marley is playing in the background and she has pneumonia
geez i wanted to relax not cry

>> No.73515891

you are me

>> No.73516043

In general UK suffers from an underqualified low IQ workforce, it's the end result of quotas and a native population of brain damaged alcoholics.

>> No.73516075

hey fuck you buddy

>> No.73516129

nade nade FT

>> No.73516856


>> No.73516898

stahp calling us that its emasculating uuuuuu

>> No.73517028


>> No.73517069

Cute cat

>> No.73517095

couldn't help it. literally how people are acting atm. newfags and oldfags asking for help finding watch along vods after profile report and now they are being greedy acting like they are better husbands just because they have a piece of wifey that you dont.

>> No.73517121

In any different occasion I would agree but this is not the same. Completely cutting off any communication with us is not because she just wants to finish projects. In any previous workbreaks she made sure to give us plenty of updates.
She was barely taking care of herself lately, let alone work on anything else however much she was coping with drawing

>> No.73517180

i hope shondo doesn't cave in to people like you and keeps the radio silence going

>> No.73517189

is it really that hard to dm one of the archivers?

>> No.73517197

should've DMd me

>> No.73517244

i hope she keeps the radio silence but sends me a physical letter with her phone number with little hearts and xs around it

>> No.73517274

>should of dox yourself

>> No.73517293

i need this
i wont go into my stalker plans but this would at least delay them

>> No.73517305

that’d be cute
stop making me wish she wrote me cute little letters! i miss her enough as it is

>> No.73517307

personally I hope shondo stops streaming altogether so I can own da groomers

>> No.73517329

all you have is a strawman, pathetic

>> No.73517379

who are the archivers? i think hiroto’s name gets thrown around a bit, but don’t know if he’d have the ark hand’s interview with her.

>> No.73517407

hiroto is the go to
orange is the autistic loser tagalong that tries to be hiroto

>> No.73517409

lmao go back

>> No.73517432

>ark hand interview
You don't need that.

>> No.73517475

>godzilla watchalong
it's fine because shondo isn't here and hasn't given me a date yet

>> No.73517492

is this blocked everywhere? tried UK and even USA vpn but it wont let me download it

>> No.73517515

The pecking order has never been more important. Don't know what in talking about? A rather revealing statement. Now excuse me, I'm in the the middle of a draft.

>> No.73517525

Well, hiroto is /here/ so either he’s gatekeeping or doesn’t have it. Not holding it asking him, just pointing out a fact.

And why doesn’t he, shogga?

>> No.73517585

i had trouble with that too. when i get home i’ll see if i managed to download it

>> No.73517606

>gatekeeping is when you don't spoonfeed everything

>> No.73517628

>Well, hiroto is /here/ so either he’s gatekeeping
he'll be waiting for you to dm him
that's how it rolls, I imagine he'll write your name now somewhere as well but it is what it is

>> No.73517679

>spoonfeeding is any different from DM’ing him

>> No.73517682

my excuse is that I was only half paying attention

>> No.73517713
File: 673 KB, 899x899, 1712461153607570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back
welcome 2020 chan you must be new to this site

>> No.73517744

of course, now that you've made a fool of yourself you've kinda ruined it for anyone else that might be considering dming him for vods
i don't want him thinking i'm you

>> No.73517766

>he'll write your name now [sic]
well with how fast and loose he is with his copy/paste, i don’t really feel like being in his next stream slip up…if there is gonna be a next stream :^(

>> No.73517774

I've been here since 2008

>> No.73517795

>And why doesn’t he, shogga?
If she wanted you to see it she would've asked archivers for the VOD and told Orange to upload it to her vods channel, since she didn't it's safe to assume that it's unimportant just like her old youtube streams that she privated. You don't need to watch any of that cringe.

>> No.73517832 [DELETED] 

here’s the plan:
we ALL dm him for the interview and watchalongs
then he can’t pick anyone of us out since we’ll all be sharticus.

>> No.73517877

hi wifey
I'll get that vod

>> No.73517879
File: 210 KB, 313x341, 1694011598464737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a damn cutie
this isn't a terrible idea, although it does rely on trust between shoggas

>> No.73517930

the fact that they are not archived online is the problem. anyone who cant see it in that light really isnt 4chan material. why tf dont you faggots just set up an iirc since you want to dox each other so bad and just want to circle jerk the same 10 memes.

>> No.73517979

>dox is when someone knows that you browse 4chan

>> No.73517984

>capitalization in post
C’mon, even if she spent an hour trying to hide her writing style, she’d never be able to change that detail. It’s like you don’t even know her.

>> No.73518005

>90% of the thread are newfags malding because they weren't there for the watchalongs

>> No.73518039

>the fact that they are not archived online is the problem.
i'm with you kinda, the minimum amount of work should be put in though
>anyone who cant see it in that light really isnt 4chan material.
>you faggots just set up an iirc since you want to dox each other so bad
you've lost me entirely

>> No.73518061

>90% of the thread is oldfags larping as newfags

>> No.73518074

fuck off no one likes you, god I hate newfags with their revolutionary ideas

>> No.73518084

You need a Japanese IP to see that video.

>> No.73518090

it's everyone that never saved them and is now bored or sad and just wants to watch them to hang out with her
not everything in life needs to be 'us vs them'

>> No.73518172

AFAIK, it's lost to time. Unless any archivers from that time have it and I think Snowy was the one?

>> No.73518217

Grow a pair and ask in discord. If the mods warn you to stop then give it a rest already, I'm not uploading my archive for some 4 months shitter that will be gone by July.

>> No.73518224

she's literally said that she doesn't won't the watchalongs to publicly available that's why they are shared on discord and in dms

>> No.73518227

syadouYay in chat

>> No.73518289

Will you keep moving the date back? So in a years time you'll be saying "I won't upload anything for a white ribbon who will be gone by June"?

>> No.73518317

i already said what you're replying to me telling me to do
you're aiming at the wrong guy

>> No.73518333

that works, ty
never seen japanese regionlock before

>> No.73518394

forgot I posted inis' ass and bed hole in my private server
what a flashbang, you've got some interesting friends shonders

>> No.73518405

I'm not shondo

>> No.73518412

i don't think anybody has the arkhand vod desu. everything else has been shared at some point, or at least been proven to exist like the hidden youtube channel. i've looked for a long time and never saw even a dead link for it and i got so desperate that i contacted arkhand directly, but he ghosted me. i'm not telling you to give up, but you will most likely just end up wasting a lot of time looking for something you won't find

>> No.73518457

this poster is trying to get you to give up so he can keep the gold for himself
Do Not Listen

>> No.73518494

>future white ribbons
That title won't be special anymore due to the Shonflation, a white ribbon a year from now will be considered new since he wasn't there pre-subathon. You'll have to be a gold ribbon or whatever in order to not be considered a newfag.
>Will you keep moving the date back?
Yes, we're full. Take the hint.

>> No.73518542

rent free

>> No.73518656

Piece of shit

>> No.73518723

Watchalongs were meant as something special for the present, if she wanted people to have easy access to intimate moments she would have been uploading them in her vod channel in the first place.
Just look forward to new watchalongs

>> No.73518740

>oldfags archiving
>oldfags using the archive for anything

>> No.73518755

newfag shows his newness

>> No.73518775

based archiver

>> No.73518922

like rich childless boomers just sitting on their money until they die

>> No.73518966

yes I have 4tb of vod and no I'm no going to share with you :3

>> No.73518992

Shonciety wont be full after the purge

>> No.73519024

i believe shondo when she says she wants to be here forever and that she hates when people leave, but i gotta wonder if that's because she actually cares about (You) or if she's just egotistical and doesn't like someone not needing/constantly watching her anymore.
I would love to think the former, but she's 1) mentally ill and 2) female, so reality leans towards the latter.

>> No.73519080

>not reencoding

>> No.73519109

I was talking about P.
>get insulted when spoonfeeding
>get insulted when refusing to spoonfeed
This is why I'll never spoonfeed newfags, one time I was in the process of uploading a watchalong for one of you and the same ungrateful cunt replied to my post with some shit like 'how do I know it's not a virus?' You don't. Kill yourself! I'm still mad 8 months later.
My archive is a beautiful painting on the wall, it has no purpose other than to decorate my SSDs.

>> No.73519149

praying for a solar flare

>> No.73519175

she'll want to be here forever until she doesn't

>> No.73519245

being this cringe in 2024

>> No.73519313

>if she's talking with a psychologist or a therapist they'll 100% tell her to drop this because of how much damage it's doing
Lol? I don't think that to be true, they'd probably tell her to just drop the marriage thing and keep on that way, so that she gets the benefits of streaming without being too attached to it, cutting off any possibility of getting hurt
Not that she'd listen to anyone telling her to drop this marriage though
>she basically decided that she couldn't get better which is why she started streaming, but nobody else would see it that way, they'd see it as her throwing away her potential to get better for no real reason
I don't think that is why she started streaming, but I'm not gonna argue it. Saying nobody else would see that streaming has helped her is stupid, people with those type of professions would probably say streaming is a way of coping with her situation or that it gives her a distraction or something to look forward to
Depends on the therapist/psychiatrist and who they are as a person, obviously, but I'm trying to say that this argument I keep seeing of
>a therapist would be telling her to stop streaming
Is stupid and isn't grounded in anything.
SyadouYes or something like that

>> No.73519360

>Not that she'd listen to anyone telling her to drop this marriage though

>> No.73519392

>Is stupid and isn't grounded in anything.
you need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.73519421

This guy being mean has changed my way of thinking
If I have anything that you want just DM me and I'll upload it, my internet sucks ass though

>> No.73519440

>not having your pc in a faraday cage.

>> No.73519459

>nooo she has to love me for the right reasons
You're such a blue pilled bitch. It's obviously the latter for Shondo, she doesn't want to learn anything about (your) day in any meaningful way but she enjoys feeling needed, the banter sometimes and your money.

>> No.73519466

I've held this belief for a while, but i think the aoc on most things should be 25

>> No.73519532

you forgot to call us incels, xister

>> No.73519564


>> No.73519662

Watching some Kitanya today while dealing with this long shadow weekend.

Was watching Silvi earlier in the week for her subathon but don't really enjoy.

Are you watching anyone or just doing reps?

>> No.73519755

Made chilli :)

>> No.73519768

i watch other barbies, watching vods is torture

>> No.73519782

>Are you watching anyone or just doing reps?
I want to say reps, but I'm mostly wasting and rotting away
I'm not really watching anyone other than shondo anyways

>> No.73519788

I will share with you the biggest red pill of your life, the vast majority of women are with men out of necessity. You should be grateful when a woman tells you what she actually likes about you instead of going full Oli on you and talking about auras. No, what I liked about my ex boyfriend the most was his massages and how he looked.

>> No.73519800

i feel like i've been dissociating since the announcement

>> No.73519879

I'm a big fan of Oli and Kitanya. I like them a lot, but I don't love them like I love Shondo. I'm looking forward to Shondo's return!

>> No.73519890

i can see why he is your ex, now tits and gtfo

>> No.73519937

Working, just reading shit manga in my free time since no game is really appealing atm and not in a good mindset for reps, id just get mad instead of making progress

>> No.73520013

Haha very funny, he's my ex because he got lazy with the massages and I asked myself why do I need him for. I don't.

>> No.73520027

I don't feel like doing anything I miss her so bad

>> No.73520054

why is she blue

>> No.73520085

She's an angler fish now.

>> No.73520089

thanks for agreeing with me xister

>> No.73520119

At least call me imouto.

>> No.73520238

Apparently its an annual thing for her to change themes

>> No.73520344

You'll see, nothing will make sense when she comes back. She won't be able to keep her lies straight after the big return stream.

>> No.73520367
File: 112 KB, 210x220, 1708285255891846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is the only good model she has ever had

>> No.73520368

so cute and punchable OwO

>> No.73520422

I like FallenShadow! I want to hold her hand! I want to kiss her! She's nice to me and her streams are fun! I hope she recovers well from her schizo episode and comes back and we have a lot of fun again! No matter how long it takes I'll be here! I will never forget about her!

>> No.73520487

Was watching Inis and playing games.
I saw her new model. It's sex but still attached to silvi.

>> No.73520528

this is the type of posts on the dreaded 4chan /vt/ board
meanwhile in the nise discord server the mod is roleplaying gay impreg sex with a drunk person

>> No.73520705

should i fuck with xive? I know wife doesn't like infighting but the mods aren't (You)

>> No.73520771

the only thing I use the discord for is watchalongs, cute pictures and music
why are you liveblogging your gay voyeur

>> No.73520784

go ahead anon, you wont last the night if you do but it'll be hilarious i'm sure

>> No.73520788
File: 698 KB, 1276x720, Solarflare_tien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73520816

Go for it Tuffy

>> No.73520833


>> No.73520859

I think her fish chibi model is cute!

>> No.73520871

Only if you're a t3 or big gifter

>> No.73520891

ok now i'm actually excited
i do too but I don't think it fits her personality if ya get me

>> No.73521137

trying to do vod reps, maybe play some DS1 later today, definitely procrastinating work I should've been doing all week

I don't know if it was the ken stream but i've been gifted subs to a lot of the barbies. still not gonna watch, though. only luv me shon

pyro gave massages?

>> No.73521232

I don't want to go on discord but I'll impreg someone so I understand

>> No.73521297

>if ya get me
honestly nigga I've only watched her a handful of times so I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.73521419

Fallenshadow faphero when? Can it happen within the next 20 years?

>> No.73521437

>he can't sense someones animal aura within seconds
ngmi, tanya doesn't have any fish energy

>> No.73521467

sht up

>> No.73521494
File: 649 KB, 960x746, 1701525961095559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex... with shondo... pressing my erect dick against her tiny opening until it pops in. she lets out a little squeal and wraps her legs around me, locking them behind my back as i slowly start moving. she asks me to stop and to not move because it hurts, so we hug instead with me still inside of her. she's warm and i can feel her getting wetter, although i'm not sure if it's pussy juice or blood at this point. after a while, she slowly starts gyrating her hips a little, as if trying to itch a scratch with my dick. i grab her face with both hands and plant a big kiss on her lips. i can feel her pussy clench. she's going in for another kiss, and we start making out. i can tell that kissing while i'm inside of her is turning her on, as she's now pushing against me with her ass, forcing my dick even deeper. "anon... please fuck me..." she whispers. my mind goes dark. i lay her down on the bed with my hands under her knees, pushing them up and curving her back to make her ass more exposed. i start plunging my dick into her now clearly aroused cunny. i've turned completely feral at this point and fuck her like an animal with zero concern for her. she's crying, letting out little moans and grabs my hair, holding on for dear life. "i want to bear your child, anon..." she whimpers between my heavy thrusts. i lift her up so she's sitting in my lap and we embrace tightly as i start pumping my cum into her. "i love you so much anon... thank you..." i feel like i'm going to pass out. "i love you too shondo."

>> No.73521532

i hope you understand that i'm going to save this post and it'll live on my hard drive for the rest of time

>> No.73521584


>> No.73521594

and that's why you will forever alone
and now fuck off landwhale

>> No.73521632


>> No.73521714

this is pretty good except the dialogue

>> No.73521872

Seconded, i could hardly visualise her saying that stuff

>> No.73522158

Shondo is the only person to make me flustered

>> No.73522210

The second biggest red pill of your life is that men are also incapable of selfless love, men think that dying to protect a woman is some act of love but in truth they don't value their own lives so why should I value their sacrifices? If your life is that cheap then I don't want it.

>> No.73522253

stinky femcel

>> No.73522277

wow i hope this is bait or else i'll cry

>> No.73522312

You're retarded

>> No.73522408

Dogshit quality bait, but damn is it effective

>> No.73522572

you sound bitter

>> No.73522649
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she does have brat energy though

>> No.73522684
File: 3.66 MB, 359x424, 1687899338274441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the easiest way to make clips and take audio samples from vods locally on your computer? wanna try making a song with an accompanying MV

>> No.73522757

no idea but I use premier pro for everything

>> No.73522765

>hair grabbing
can't relate

>> No.73522781

hell yeah dude that's good stuff.

>> No.73522850

Grabs your helmet's horns instead then

>> No.73522911

You guys are trolling right? Shit reads like a 15 year old wrote it.

>> No.73522967

I remember seeing forest fires saying something in offline chat recently, but i was also very tired amd might have just been a delusion

>> No.73522970

im me not (YOU), i wont be wearing a helmet during coitus

>> No.73522975

>shit reads like a person at peak horniness
i don't need pottery to make me hard
i need raw emotion and vision painting texts

>> No.73523002

Yeah dacrin is around.

>> No.73523057

>wont be wearing a helmet during coitus
Gay af shoomfie

>> No.73523108

Your comment is stupid. The point is your life is worth much but your love surpasses that to the point you're willing to sacrifice it still for another. But that's in an ideal sense.

More pragmatically, I've honestly thought about this question before. And I'd let my kids or wife die instead of me. The one left behind has to bear the pain, even worse as a dependent without the man anymore. Even if I don't live like a modern western golem that has no extended family nor close ties to them four my left behind family to fall back on, nonetheless creating burdens for others is the opposite of manliness.

Well, unless I knew they were going to hell, of course.

>> No.73523198

>reads like a 15 year old wrote it.
Fucking ancient but beggars can't be choosers here, would still D raw

>> No.73523225

I like to encourage writer anons and will continue to do so. I don't see you writing anything.

>> No.73523318 [DELETED] 

Niggers tongue my anus.
You are a nigger.
you tongue my anus.

>> No.73523332

I've personally simply reached the conclusion that my life is worth as much as shondo's life is worth(in relation to just me, at least)

>> No.73523415

so you wouldn't save your wife's life if it meant putting yourself in danger? w-wow anon, you must really love her

>> No.73523448

>in relation to just me, at least
how do you reach this point
actually asking

>> No.73523774

I would and I will
Ask myself if I really had to choose who'd I rather die, me or her
Unable to choose an answer that I'd be fine with indicates, to me, that our lives are at the very least just as valuable to me
Which is a big deal for me since I value my own life way above anyone else's
If it came to it for real though I'd probably just parry the entire idea itself and make it so none of us would have to die, it's that simple

>> No.73523866

>I'd probably just parry the entire idea itself and make it so none of us would have to die
this is the only ending that makes sense

>> No.73523943

>I would and I will
this stands in contrast to your other reply though. you'd only put yourself in danger to save someone if you value them more than yourself, like if it's your own child or your wife. you wouldn't do it for a stranger, because your life is more valuable than theirs. there are exceptions and those are called heroes and are the ones receiving medal of honor in war and stuff

>> No.73524013

>those are called heroes
literally me

>> No.73524032
File: 93 KB, 206x220, chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of you are pretty silly

>> No.73524041

Shondo is worth contradicting myself and risking my life for

>> No.73524211

i'm bracing myself for the infighting posts that are coming

>> No.73524275

I'm going to go jerk off, don't shit up the thread please

>> No.73524417



>> No.73524550

you lot are alright
i'm certain if we spoke outside of here we'd at least be able to meet in some common ground and resolve our issues
not all of you though
otis antis, cuck posters, british broadcasting posters
i would never jump in front of a train for you lot

>> No.73524657

but you wouldnt do the saaaaame.....
you never do the saaaaaaame
GIRL you never do the saaaaaaaaameee....

>> No.73524955

kinda gay to write short form erotica for men innit

>> No.73525043

It is but shondo would appreciate helping each other out(syadouNonderogatory)

>> No.73525045

not really

>> No.73525119

i just keep it to myself most of the time, and it doesnt feel appropriate to honypost during these trying times, even if shondo might read it and enjoy a little story about choking or slapping

>> No.73525161

shondo singing action in paris hitman song in her cool opera voice

>> No.73526054


>> No.73526140

it's art so she would want you to post them if you're writing them

>> No.73526359

Her nose is really pretty and I want to kiss her all over it

>> No.73526393

I want to flick it and then kiss it better

>> No.73526611

touching oinkers while bumping uglies

>> No.73526654

i agree, but i'm also terrified of shondophrenics. to a point where i'm more scared of shondophrenics than i were of /b/tards when i was a kid and believed in every rumor surrounding them and that place. there's a psychopathy lingering here that you can almost taste and every other forum or board that talks about us says /shon/ is the most insane thread on /vt/ so i'm guessing there's something to that

>> No.73526764

I just like to goof around sometimes

>> No.73526865

Find Christ, femcel.

>> No.73526934

i'm undiagnosed but I assure you i'd never cause you harm so long as you were nise to me(but not too nise or else i'll get suspicious of you) on a good day and even if I did i'd probably say sorry when i'm better
overall i'm fairly normal and we already have a common interest

>> No.73526998

Smile I'm always nise, you?

>> No.73527011

I dont really watch her or EN vtubers in general so I dont know if there's health reasons why she wouldn't but I think she should join hololive. Fauna and shondo are the only English speaking vtubers I've ever seen that are actually quick witted and funny. They would be stupid not to hire her if she wanted that.

Being a full time indie vtuber sounds like the sort of job where you will eventually kill yourself. speaking as someone who landed their "dream job" but what it entailed was sitting in front of a computer screen in a bedroom. Being a wage slave was worse in many ways but having co-workers and reasons to go outside will prevent you from going over the edge.

The culture of being unhinged and mentally ill then fostering a mentally ill echo chamber is funny on the surface but it seems pretty corrosive long term.

>> No.73527048

>I dont really watch her or EN vtubers in general
>but I think she should join hololive
stopped reading

>> No.73527058

I'm just a tourist here, but it always kind of struck me as odd this kind of attitude here and the amount of infighting and paranoia compared to my home thread. Like the idea of people being afraid to out their twitter accounts to other people here is just wild to me.

>> No.73527060

tourists arent welcome here

>> No.73527068

didn't read lol

>> No.73527089

As long as my dick gets sucked I'm fine
No homo

>> No.73527097

my headcanon agrees with you but i still dont feel its appropriate right now

>> No.73527149

you didnt hit the high note in the last line

>> No.73527158

That's kind of homo dude, just saying
That no homo is putting in work rn

>> No.73527177

it's not being afraid
it just doesn't make sense to out yourself outright
>wahhh i'm posting on 4chan right now!!!
that's stupid
>references a post that only other shoggas will understand
i think that's fine

>> No.73527178

Precedent has been established that its a bad idea to do that thanks to groups of people within the community.

>> No.73527187


>> No.73527197

>joining hololive
at least make believable bait

>> No.73527300

if you speak up on twitter or discord people will run to get you banned :)

>> No.73527309

beware of the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.73527411

what would be the benefit of sharing any accounts on this site in general?

>> No.73527448


>> No.73527454

you might get a friend..

>> No.73527485

actually stopped reading when hololive was mentioned
tourists who don’t know anything about her should keep their opinions to themselves or, even better, throw them in the trash

>> No.73527513

Desperate times, tête-à-tête no homo. Some might judge the Donner party but some also understand them.

>> No.73527530
File: 3.80 MB, 350x350, 1693084577855043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so zased

>> No.73527607

ty shonnies love you <3<3<3<3 chu!

>> No.73527624

that sounds like a high risk low reward opportunity

>> No.73527648
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, 1710580988776941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73527655

why did I smile
i'm not even shon
that wasn't meant for me

>> No.73527668

mentally ill people who dont go outside should work in companies that foster a routine and encourage stable interaction with other people. hanging out with suicidal guys in their 30s is going to cause anyone to put a bullet in their brain.

>> No.73527687

don’t pretend to be me! i wasnt gonna thank him cause he seemed sarcastic and hurt my feelings :(

>> No.73527732

it wasnt sarcasm but I did assume youd take it like that

>> No.73527780

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.73527782

I guess that may be a good point if it's a legitimate concern here. My oshi doesn't have mods and would just openly tell anyone trying that kind of dramafag shit to eat shit so it's a bit less of a concern.
Well obviously we don't namefag ourselves in the thread, that kind of shit is cringe, but I've never felt the need to hide myself on Twitter/Youtube or hesitate from DMing ither members in the community if I had a good reason to.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm shitting on you guys, honestly I'm not, I just think it's interesting to make comparisons like this sometimes between how different groups on here operate.

>> No.73527785

i already behave cordially with people that seem like they deserve it and who there is no reason to act otherwise towards them. people i dislike i simply dont speak to. there is no reason to identify yourself as being here other than to be one of the heckin boys xdd secret clover website club

>> No.73527788

I'll parry death for shondo when the time comes

>> No.73527880

>hesitate from DMing ither members in the community
dm me
you know who I am

>> No.73527931

if you aren't in your 30s you are ngmi

>> No.73527958

