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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73414494 No.73414494 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>Some resources

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous: >>73367821

>> No.73414629

Wasp is dying
But grifting simps and hating males is forever
Just remember that and you’ll make it

>> No.73414773
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>> No.73414970

What a pointless thread

>> No.73415049
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Noooo we were supposed to be the raiders!

>> No.73415204

Is this thread literally not even hitting bump limit

Do I (male) need to shill my stream here to save /wasp/??

>> No.73415245
File: 65 KB, 533x104, 1704013560676799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the only real /wasp/ies
you can join them

>> No.73415252

It would help the girls get some extra visibility

>> No.73415380

No kill yourself
Males can't be vtubers

>> No.73415413

Post your channel

>> No.73415872 [DELETED] 

Reminder that Elliotcord schizoposts this thread >>73262910

>> No.73416024

cant you think of a better way to bump this thread

>> No.73416151 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 608x587, 1712583506174886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you block me mel nekomata? you fucking bitch

>> No.73416181

No, fuck you lmao, there's /wvt/ and /lig/ for the women that are already interesting and either already affiliate or ready for partner

/wasp/ is for bottom of the barrel fujos who need government mandated correction

>> No.73416466

>/asp/ reincarnation that interacts with males
>fake hag with a cuck fetish who had a husband
>actual whore who is also a reincarnation
Not looking so hot girls. Maybe you should open it back up to the older gens.

>> No.73416502

No those are even worse.

>> No.73416687 [DELETED] 

Reminder that the waspcord schizoposts in this thread too. Maybe it is the same people from both doing it?

>> No.73416969

We need a drawfag to mak wasp lewds and get interest back in this thread. I suggest Grace since she's streaming right now

>> No.73417246

Why is this post still up
But this one gone?

>> No.73417431 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 608x587, 1712583506174886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself mel nekomata

>> No.73417535

This is what the infamous Mel Nekomata sounds like? No wonder she everyone hates her, what a disgusting sounding voice.

>> No.73417732

i dont think posting personal accounts should be allowed even if we all hate mel this seems to be just an account for her to post and follow nijijp males

>> No.73417795

Off topic anyways since this isn't a chuuba

>> No.73417858

on topic since mel currently has multiple vtuber accounts

>> No.73419052

Aleda needs to talk more. Her stream is fucking boring with all this dead air

>> No.73419390

He needs to consider what he says carefully.

>> No.73419611

She was great in her 1st 2 streams. I don't think she's here to chat with viewers just make vtuber friends

>> No.73420363

I went to the gym and the thread died... sorry guys

>> No.73421119

Why are you pulling shit out your ass anon? Aleda’s great with viewers, she reads chat.

>> No.73422899

im just gonna
rip wasp, I'll miss drawing the girlies

>> No.73423678

It will never die, /asp/ie

>> No.73423811

love you chibii and the other girls too, sorry the thread sucks now

>> No.73424618

you drew those shitty portraits? no wonder the thread died

>> No.73424964

now elfin and her discord are raiding grace's discord ffs

>> No.73425028

>doesn't know it's Mel leaking her own accounts and anti-ing herself
How new?

>> No.73425185

god i hate women

>> No.73425488

Thankfully this is the trans thread

>> No.73425812

How awful

>> No.73427741

this thread weirdly refuses to die since males in asp now understand it is keeping them safe from the schizos who will return if they are left unchecked

>> No.73428439


>> No.73428512

Grace mentioned she was happy Elf joined her discord server so he decided to shit up the thread

>> No.73428650

probably pittie crabbing again

>> No.73429674
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>> No.73430870
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>> No.73431355

Good morning /wasp/. What have you been working on today?

>> No.73431568

Blue love!

>> No.73431752

Just a viewer bumping the thread. I'm watching Bonni's VODs

>> No.73431808

Her starting earlier this week is great for me, I can listen on my drive to work.

>> No.73431948

I also watch her while working, bless WFH.

>> No.73431993

Warning against Pittie and Riina

>> No.73433266
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>> No.73433685

rina is dead, the evil has been defeated

>> No.73436575

There are many others to warn against too.

>> No.73437150


>> No.73437502

I hope that the cute menhera girl debuts soon!

>> No.73437556

It was just Mel.

>> No.73437741

I hope thats not true. She seemed really nice

>> No.73437981

What menhera girl?

>> No.73438080 [DELETED] 


>> No.73440082

We could even see her doing it in Pittie’s leak of the waspcord.
>I don’t have any idea who Mel is
>except this specific horrible thing she did
She has done it before too. I don’t understand why.

>> No.73440537

Mel Nekomata is prepping her debut, she's currently selling fetish content and begging her simps for money for it.

>> No.73441426 [DELETED] 

Hey wasp!
Remember me? I was around here somedays ago, maybe last week, as some dude asked about bpd girls being all of them vtubers and I spoke about my experience
My exbf spoke to me again recently just to laugh at me again on how he managed to get a ton of cash from me on gifts and to tell me he is doing the same with at least 2 other people more at the same time now

So yeah, girl streamers need help and people to be kind, life usually sucks for them :(

>> No.73441740

Wow just wait till you find out how bad men have it...
It's not a competition but a man would be lucky to get used and abused because at least someone pretended to care about him.

>> No.73442139

>on how he managed to get a ton of cash from me on gifts and to tell me he is doing the same with at least 2 other people more at the same time now
fucking cancel him for pity points

>> No.73442179

I wish i could save all these cute girls...

>> No.73442326

Please stream soon

>> No.73442640

stop posting pictures of wasps on this anime board every day you dumb whore. no one will ever watch you unless you post tits or gtfo

>> No.73442738 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 1937x1233, 1687888951556117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please understand we are being almost permanently raided by pcg schizos and else and they bake on page 1
there is something about knowing this thread is full of /here/ girls that drive people mad

Not like the vtubers are any better themselves tho, all of them bratty children in dire need of correction

>> No.73442827
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have some generic images for the op

>> No.73442896

It's really fucking weird how annoying pcg schizos are
Like bro just go spam Lumi somewhere else holy fuck

>> No.73443195

Thread is so dead too. They just keep bumping it at all hours and remaking it with a wasp. What's the point?

>> No.73443284

I think it is schizos from jidf based on the spamming and images used. They seem to be mad thinking that the girls were taking advantage of the yuko and pochi fallout.
Some moved on to oil for wasps but others just became bitter.

>> No.73443433

They are so annoying and obvious
>be like yuko
>don’t be like yuko
>but what about pochi
>but what about yuko

>> No.73443460

well there is also the schizos from asp and even trash wvt
it is a melting pot
if the blue faggot is still alive he is obviously here , but there are others less stupid than he is

>> No.73443624

Even the vtubers were revealed to be schizos.
The apple is rotten to the core

>> No.73443780

well this was already known
asp was full of schizos and didnt had a single viewer

>> No.73444006

I didn’t say anything about it in your previous two posts but please be less ESL.

>> No.73444326


>> No.73445273 [DELETED] 

Shut up Mel.

>> No.73445578

Now i can't stop thinking about the cute bpd girl. I hope she can stream soon

>> No.73445639 [DELETED] 

Shut up Mel.

>> No.73446357

Who is the female rebelearthsky?

>> No.73447937

also rebel
he trascends gender

>> No.73448216

I remember many links being posted not too long ago. Is any of those girls still streaming?

>> No.73448437

They are all still streaming everyday but the schizos here scared them away from posting their links. None of their fans who likes them would be posting their links here anymore too.

>> No.73448595

Many are

>> No.73448711

I wish /wvt/ picked them up but they didn't seem too excited of the male hate thing here so everything in here will probably be forgotten soon and it will be as if many of the girls never were involved in 4chan

>> No.73449041

I don't know how you guys found that personal account of Mel but hearing her voice again after all these months gave me a half chub

>> No.73449418

so it wasnt elfin after all?

>> No.73449504

girls fucked up too hard and right now this place has the attention of the board some time needs to pass before it returns to normality

>> No.73449570

It was

>> No.73449941

what is even the point of coming here to selfpost anymore? it's just a thread full of women bashing, transvestigators and crabs. 90% of this thread is just men hating women, men pretending to be women to hate women so they can reply to themselves and say see girls hate girls, and a few pandering pickmes.
what is the point anymore? is it just a schizo containment cell?

>> No.73450099

yeah. let it be

>> No.73450244

2 Discords has been raiding this thread. They've been caught already doing it. You can stop blaming random people now

>> No.73450285

They are the loud ones but some of the lurking viewerbros might enjoy your stream

>> No.73450369

I'm far too horrified by the vocal majority to even post a link or ask a question. I'm not miserable enough to keep standing in a puddle of shit and hope for the occasional friendly face.

>> No.73450404

keeps the asp schizos busy

>> No.73450474
File: 118 KB, 607x572, Pafubetrayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t forget the actual women here hating women
if not before then they do now

>> No.73450554

/asp/ schizos are /asp/ies themselves. You make it sound like they're different people

>> No.73450728

Understandable. It does take a pretty low menhera person to post here and ignore all the trolls that try to drive you away or insane, but still sad that all the cuties aren't in some easy to browse place

>> No.73450925

>I'd like to give everyone a fair chance, even if it burns me
This is why female communities have so much issues. That is a nice thing to dream of but it wont work in the real world

>> No.73451242

I can't disagree with this statement, there's many new issues created in female spaces because women didn't gatekeep hard enough.

>> No.73451581

“She” is just an /asp/ie male trying to make it seem like no one wants to use the thread

>> No.73451591

It's a containment thread for the schizos to reply to each other at this point. The smart idea would be to let the thread die but they refuse to kill it.

>> No.73451843
File: 68 KB, 432x533, 1702825714728617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of you are new. Threads will always outlast Discords. You will graduate before this thread dies

>> No.73452080

It will be baked forever so we can yell at women for their own good

>> No.73452184

I'm not in your Discord tho

>> No.73452218

>local bully not so tought after being molested

>> No.73452293

threads always outlast discords but the question is if this specific one is going to
a remerge with asp seems likely

>> No.73452337

I'm just glad some of the /wasp/ies don't have to owe /asp/ any

>> No.73452362

You shouldn’t be in any discord
You should be here keeping dumb women in line
If they were in this thread listening to our advice instead of scheming in their discord none of this would’ve happened

>> No.73452364


>> No.73452375

I hope so. It can't die before the bpd sweetheart debuts

>> No.73452442

I joined one once and a sex demon immediately groomed me

>> No.73452598

it can't die before the /fig/ board event but I don't think the thread will make it to divegrass

>> No.73452674

Self-posting, like she always does. She posted it to take heat off getting caught already. She did the same thing as Rei Kirihara because people discovered her Komari reincarnation before debut. Keep up.
No discord is raiding this insignificant thread

>> No.73452827
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>> No.73452969

I wanted us to join the /fig event but i don't have game to make the wasp character. I wanted the outfit to look like the ff7 remake honey bees or just a wasp. Is anyone interested? maybe i can find a way

>> No.73453125

just submit the form you dont need the game the organizer will make the character for you

>> No.73453173

huh I thought the thread was already in the process of sign up when a bunch of anons said "a wasp" as the representative, I hope we still make it

>> No.73453203


>> No.73453252

none of the women have ever owed asp anything anyway that place just exist to sabotage them with male collabs

>> No.73453419

Oh!! Okay I'll check it out, may need a throwaway email. I'm excited! It's my first board event. I hope the wasp gives the beat down ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)

I saw that too but that was before the thread yab then it went quiet and no one followed up on it

>> No.73453667

Who are the people that keep pushing these "board events" as if they were something official? Feels like just a bunch of really dedicated cross boarders

>> No.73453684

Or male follows or male raids or mail chatters. They are all poison to women and any /wasp/ie needs to publicly ban and denounce them. Bonni is the perfect example of that.

>> No.73454365

lmao what

>> No.73455201

>Neru and bonnie are reincarnations of former whores

>> No.73455273

Why would they throw away their views and money

>> No.73455360

They didn't. Neru is chasing Idolcucks and nobody watched Bonni.

>> No.73455489

Didn't she start selfposting before the whole idol thing?

>> No.73455727

It shows they might change their ways
But Bonni is back sliding and failing because of it

>> No.73455787
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>> No.73456831

what is last page for this site? Is that page 10?

>> No.73456894


>> No.73457149
File: 582 KB, 2172x3855, gumpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gumpai has proved that collabing with males or even openly having a boyfriend doesn't actually do anything to harm your numbers. People will still love you as long as you're entertaining.

>> No.73457258

10, but the last thread on the catalog is assigned 11. There are one or two individuals who are keeping this thread alive for whatever reason

>> No.73457293

Her valentine's special with Fuza was hilarious

>> No.73457315

It doesnt make sense, anyone who tries to genuinely ask for help or post themselves here gets chased out again and then thread dies. Then someone bumps it up again when it hits page 10.

>> No.73457340

>i know im a cunt but it makes me feel bad when people are cunty to me
This is why the thread attention whores are the worst part of wasp. so glad the more chill waspies dont post anymore

>> No.73457396
File: 23 KB, 784x263, 1686945498372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuuh, sis?

>> No.73457430

can't even selfpost without the schizos immediately replying with 'not wasp/hi tranny' stuff like that. I truly believe it's just the more miserable folks from /asp/ who come here and vent their frustrations by being obnoxious and shitty then go back to /asp and go back to talking about femboy thighs or something

>> No.73457473

>I truly believe it's just the more miserable folks from /asp/
They're confirmed here

>> No.73457812
File: 148 KB, 1280x1080, 1621180615672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actively stir up drama here
>this invites more drama
>complain that thread is worse than when it began
>while ignoring the advice from when it began
>then blame everyone else

>> No.73457894

Thats the catch with gfe vtubers. They are not entertaining but people will watch because they can get an illusion of something they can't really get. As soon as they shatter that illusion there is no value in the stream

>> No.73457944

These last days even /asp/ is shit... :(
Can't ask for help at all

>> No.73458015

What /wasp/ie should I make an AI song for?

>> No.73458060

Crab thread

>> No.73458070

You will very likely find your answers from google

>> No.73458147


>> No.73458267

You can ask, I'll try to help if i know any answers

>> No.73458342


>> No.73458697
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>> No.73458859

This was supposed to for vtubers to warn about viewers but it should've been a warning about other vtubers instead.

>> No.73458939

It's not.

>> No.73459034

Seeing the way they all tried to shift blame after pittie leaked the discord was eye opening.

>> No.73459071

easily the worst thread on vt right now. go complain about your boyfriends on reddit or twitter dumb bitches. this is a MALE board.

>> No.73459132

Pittie was the worst of a bad bunch.

>> No.73459183

I really don't know how to make a design that suits my personality, myself, my voice and all of that

>> No.73459242

Being enough of a schizo that you bump and make a million unnecessary generals isn't really a brag, attenboro. If you ever finally get banned for spam they'll vanish.

>> No.73459304

Rebel, I'm not attenboro

>> No.73459391

Bondburger up to his usual

>> No.73459453
File: 494 KB, 570x556, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the world of pixels
Where dreams come alive
There's a virtual star
Oh so bright
She's the one we adore
With her captivating show
We keep begging for more (ooh-yeah)

[Verse 2]
She's got knowledge and charm
She's got style and grace
Her videos educate
Like a virtual embrace
But there's a secret we all know
Whispers in the night
Sometimes she slips
And shows a little more delight (uh-oh)

Join me on a journey
To Pafu's neon land (ooh-yeah)
Where the digital stars
They all hold our hands
We'll learn and we'll laugh
As the night goes on
One night in Pafu
And you'll never be alone (oh-oh-oh)

>> No.73459560

She's not a /wasp/ie so why post this here?

>> No.73459767


>> No.73459836
File: 132 KB, 300x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world of make-believe
Reality is blurred
The enigma
Her presence so absurd (so absurd)
Fueled by dreams and a quirky charm
She's not the one you thought
Breaking all the norms (oh-oh)

[Verse 2]
A whirlwind of chaos
She dances on the edge
With Pittie by her side
Guiding her through the ledge (through the ledge)
The loli who defies
Breaking all the mold
She's not here for the fame
She's here to break the code (code, code)

Dancing through the haze
Breaking down the walls
The mastermind
Watch as she enthralls (ooh, ooh)
Farting for paypigs or redebuting anew (ooh-yeah)
With her psyop prowess
There's nothing she can't do


>> No.73459912

It is an /asp/fag spamming again

>> No.73460171

God I hate this thread it is impossible to use these days

>> No.73460169


You can ask friends if you have a low or high pitch. The lower voices usually have a sexier design and the higher pitch voice should be more cute.

For design put a list of your favorite things and see if it inspires you. You can also look at past favorite character traits and bring them into the design.

You can post your voice for better feedback but warnings of schizo and crabbing active right now

>> No.73460226

learn how to use filters, schizos only repeat the same two things over and over

>> No.73460239

>For design put a list of your favorite things and see if it inspires you. You can also look at past favorite character traits and bring them into the design.
Yeah I got some designs done but I don't think they suit me at all, my personality matches with anything I like

>> No.73460278

Filters? Like what?
*I don't think my personality matches anything i like

>> No.73460289

your personality doesn't matter because the model isn't you
you dont know the first thing about being a vtuber if you dont know that much

>> No.73460349

>your personality doesn't matter because the model isn't you
I don't think I want to be a huge fake?
I can't play a fake character for my whole life kek

>> No.73460394


>> No.73460449

Okay, get lost schizo

>> No.73460450

Unfortunately, this is what happens when you support and allow Mel Nekomata into smaller spaces. You were warned, people posted history, people said she would sneak into the discords, not one of you niggas listened kek

>> No.73460476

But Mel that's what you do best

>> No.73460502

back to where you came from spammer

>> No.73460618

For color scheme you can use True Colors personality (search it) and study character archetypes personalities and designs and match your personality to it like a mix and match

>> No.73460689

It seems like Mel to you too?

>> No.73460787

can someone actually give me a history of Mel? I only came across one of her incarnations last year very briefly

>> No.73460952

if you ask about her, you are her

>> No.73460978

Not true people are usually happy to link some of mel's old scams.

>> No.73460990

Consult an artist srsly

>> No.73461234

waste of money

>> No.73461257

I don't know anyone that draws that isn't a massive douchebag desu
And I have no friends that draw.
Also, yeah, not budget for that >>73461234

>> No.73461511

Quit begging no one will finance your model for you

>> No.73461562

I don't want finance, lmao, I can make the model myself
I just need to know wtf to make

>> No.73461604

pick an animal name out of a hat and a job, boom

>> No.73461612

just be a loli

>> No.73461827

If you don't become a racist loli you're ngmi

>> No.73462021

There's a lot more but that's the gist of how she behaves. I could dig more into archives later.

>> No.73462164

Incidentally she probably made all those threads about herself for attention.
And this post bringing them up.
And my post replying to that post.

>> No.73462589

Base it on what your voice sounds like, what personality traits you have, what aesthetics you enjoy, and what your interests are. Look at the specifics behind why you like something and pick from that. You said you already made some designs and don't like them, so analyze what you specifically don't like about them.
If you gave us information about what you're like/how your voice sounds/what you like, we might be able to help, but we can only give generic advice if we don't know anything about you.

>> No.73462648

Then you don't have any choice. Make an inspoboard and mash up your favorite designs. Just don't be whatever you think is the opposite of your voice

>> No.73462730

Demand a vocaroo 1st

>> No.73462948

I don't really like animals
>>73461612 >>73461827
Anything else to add?
I made some designs based on what I like and my interest are but they ended up not suiting me at all. I am basically the polar opposite of the stuff I like
I am not sure, what exactly should I say?
Can you like, give me a list of questions and I answer them or something so it is easier?
If I mash up my fav designs together I end up with the exact same thing I have already

>> No.73463051

Maybe Aleda can help but try not being cunty

>> No.73463388

Don’t sic Mel on Aleda

>> No.73463679

Who is this Aleda person?

>> No.73463786

He’s a waspie

>> No.73463902

Why does Pittiecord has such a hate hard on Aleda? Did she refuse to join that's why they are attacking her?

>> No.73463963

Aleda being one of the only true /wasp/ies gets them crabbing

>> No.73464052


>> No.73464069

From an older post, but
>How do I want to present myself?
>How do I want people to view me?
>What is visually pleasing to me?
>What aesthetic do I enjoy?
>What about designs I see do I dislike?
>What are my favorite color combinations?
It may seem corny, but try a dere-type quiz to get a quick and simplified idea of your personality and then look up "[dere type you got] anime girls" to see designs that fit that type.

>> No.73464310
File: 115 KB, 183x275, 1687581088197427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73464575

because when a girl doesn't get assimilated into the 'this is just like highschool' coolgirl clique and pledge fealty to the top whores then they are instead ostracized.

>> No.73464668

Is it the Pittiecord doing it?

>> No.73464966

>What dere type are you
I am a dangerous crazy obsessive bpd menhera with self esteem issues. Yandere I guess? Maybe even tsundere, people usually tell me I have trouble giving my appreciation for them as at the same time I am unhealthly obssesive and I do extreme love bombing to them so...
I am just "mentall ill dere"

>How do I want to present myself?
Only thing I can say is that I like dark colours but going only in dark colours I think it is shit.
>How do I want people to view me?
I am not sure, I want people to write me a lot and give me lots of love and simp me
I think I would want to try to do GFE

>What is visually pleasing to me?
Dark colours probably. Very bright colours too.

>What aesthetic do I enjoy?
Emo, punk and goth but at the same time, somehow I think they don't suit me at all as I feel they are literally me sometimes. I am a very conflicted person

>What about designs I see do I dislike?
I guess simetrical desings?

>What are my favorite color combinations?
Blue + Black, Red + Black
At the same time, I hate those combinations

I hate everything right now. I tried my best to answer this the best I could but I am feel extremely awful right now and I hate everything and I just want to hang myself

>> No.73465008

Reminder to the girls Pittie doesn't speak for /wasp/ and you don't have to fall in with her clique to be a /wasp/ie

>> No.73465040

I love Neruoh Cunnymiya!

>> No.73465080

Personality wise and content wise:
People tell me I am edgy as fuck and like if I were a 12 years old. It is very common for me to people ask my age because they think I am younger that I really am
People find me disgusting or extremely cute, no middle point
I am like super lewd and perverted but at the same I am the actual opposite
I am super turbo nerd
I probably want to do GFE and post slutty pics but I am not going to do porn, that's just for Twitter

Games wise, i would just play whatever I feel like playing at the moment, I usually would just play games I like that are not very popular at the moment or are old as fuck by today standards
Not "retro" unless you see PS2 as retro

>> No.73465122
File: 223 KB, 1280x1020, 1712879373332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free vtuber concept. Why not be a wolf girl for the wasp man?

>> No.73465198 [DELETED] 

Mel isn’t even hiding it anymore

>> No.73465322

Jesus christ you are such a woman, post your designs and let us pick one or something.

>> No.73465408

Demand a vocaroo

>> No.73465446

Blue love!

>> No.73465451

No, I don't think they suit me at all, I hate all of them
I need to make a new one, help me guys :'(

>> No.73465503


>> No.73465772

What were bonnis and neru's past lives?

>> No.73466012

My wives, inshallah

>> No.73466097 [DELETED] 

What kind of woman would come to 4chan, see this thread, and think "yes, surely I will get some great advice here". I'll tell you. It rhymes with Nel Mekonata

>> No.73466285
File: 119 KB, 300x300, 1682229224681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you now. That'll be 10k hard cash.

>> No.73466387

One that is too mentally ill to ask somewhere else (me)
btw who is this?

>> No.73466518

actually just a (you) farmer

>> No.73466618

Same thing every day.

>> No.73466725


>> No.73467224

stop shitting up both threads, this is getting really annoying.
attempting to make a brand off of 'teehee im so mentally unwell isn't that cute' is more cringe than cunny vtubers. And you don't even sound like you're trying, you're just slapping down every bit of advice you receive from either thread.
Just fuck off for the love of god, even if you come up with your own design, you're personality is so insufferable no one is going to watch you

>> No.73467401

Kill yourself schizo
Most people I talk with think I am a lovely person, go and rope disgusting waste of oxygen

>> No.73467469

quit shitposting schizo

>> No.73467506

Or a scammer.

>> No.73467512

I am being serious I need help, please :(

>> No.73467571
File: 125 KB, 300x368, 1712880830714175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed a bit.

>> No.73467597

You need to fuck off

>> No.73467631


>> No.73467745
File: 53 KB, 463x453, 1701583888799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a genius...

>> No.73467868
File: 128 KB, 300x523, 1692304435468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good, but consider this.

>> No.73467992 [DELETED] 

>>73467597 >>73467631
You need to commit suicide and leave a note to your family saying you are sorry for being such a shitty relative and a waste of oxygen and resources for humanity
Also donate your body to science so at least you can repair *some* of the damage you did to society with your existence, piece of shit

>> No.73468064


>> No.73468205

Insert your vocaroo request back into your unwashed asshole, fucking piece of shit

>> No.73468278

This sounds like a very angry man that doesn’t want to provide a vocaroo

>> No.73468552

All girls are welcome here even trans

>> No.73468673


>> No.73469599

It's literally Mel Nekomata, she won't go away because she actually got support.

>> No.73470862

>What kind of woman would come to 4chan, see this thread, and think "yes, surely I will get some great advice here"

same kind of women that saw asp 3 months ago and thought the same thing

>> No.73471281

Why do people disable shading in their vroid models and do the shading by themselves when it basically looks exactly the same
or I can't see the difference myself at least

>> No.73471675

people think more effort = better results when a png usually is better than a custom vroid and a booth model is better than both

>> No.73471706

Because they are retarded. You can tell because they are using vroid

>> No.73471732

Not all vroid is bad

>> No.73471864

I was going to use vroid because it is free
I would do a live2d one but I draw too bad for this
There are good free booth models?

>> No.73472018

there are good ones for free and you can get neat action for cheap

>> No.73472043

They aren't great for free but if you're willing to pay a small amount you can get a decent prefab on Booth

>> No.73472187

How do I find them, no matter what I input in booth, no models appears, only clothes, eyes...
I think if I have to pay for a model it should be a custom made one, if not, it kinda defeats the purpose of actually paying

>> No.73472296

free is too much don't do it

>> No.73474020

just build your vroid model out of assets like I did

>> No.73474579
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>> No.73475397
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>> No.73475500

why the ai art spam

>> No.73475600

janitors are sleeping, probably

>> No.73475990
File: 305 KB, 418x428, 1695643142775945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a way to both bump the thread and to provide op with better images

>> No.73476298

>ai art
>"better images"
keep coping

>> No.73477249

>ai slop that isn't of any of the vtubers in the thread
>provide op with better images

>> No.73477339

so I take from this you prefer the current dead wasps then?

>> No.73477441

id rather thread die desu

>> No.73477515

Not while I am around, /asp/ie

>> No.73477547

then stop bumping it with your comments

>> No.73477729

I only comment when it's bumped to page 1

>> No.73477853

providing things to talk about makes people bump it further
even schizoposts provide further bumps because then someone replies you to kys later on
the only way to let a thread die is to not be there at all

>> No.73477946

you're right, I tell everyone to avoid the thread now.

>> No.73478104

you would just get someone to tell you to kys, bumping the thread, and make it seem more dangerous and exciting than it actually is

>> No.73479488
File: 1.21 MB, 1142x646, Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 11.35.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing hanafuda, and actually got an overlay. I know. The horror. Zatsudan, learn to play hanafuda so you can pass your Hololive audition, and hang out @ www.twitch.tv/MamaUbume

>> No.73479537

So when are you going to do the NTR?

>> No.73479633

When's the BBC collab?

>> No.73479676

I still havent learned to play hanafunda...

>> No.73482518

I will not play hanafuda

>> No.73483821
File: 303 KB, 830x1610, 1706509499070879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73483848

Yeah no I'm not getting cucked

>> No.73484273

>Bonni does retro
>Neru does fighting games
>Mama does hanafuda
What does Pittie do?

>> No.73484307


>> No.73485100

Schizoposts and pickme's for male /asp/ies

>> No.73485260

I'm still waiting for the guerrilla stream

>> No.73485281

I can't believe Aleda succumbed to her illness...

>> No.73485348

Hopefully he didn’t 41% himself

>> No.73485383

did she said something in her discord?

>> No.73485406

She doesn't have Discord

>> No.73485697

so they were using twitter to share art last stream, sorry my brain isn't working anymore
goodnight /wasp/

>> No.73485802

I hope that the bpd sweetheart has a nice day and that she can stream soon!

>> No.73486101

wasp is almost fully healed

>> No.73486192

all the false wasps are gone and the real wasps are being kept in line by reminding them of their transgressions.
wasp rules /vt/

>> No.73486236

Only if menhera, tomboy, and hag future /wasp/ies debubt

>> No.73486422

I would have a very hard time choosing only one of those to support. I hope they stream at different times so i can watch them all

>> No.73486667

You know it is just Mel right?

>> No.73486959

We should just have a vtubers group where everyone is Mel.

>> No.73486992

That's already happening in Melfaggot's head

>> No.73487423

i wish

>> No.73489555
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>> No.73490981
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>> No.73490981,1 [INTERNAL] 

not a waspie but a whore.

>> No.73492355
File: 287 KB, 1106x2254, 1712914408215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73492763

mel is back again and making posts about herself >>73490905 block this account and let people know to be on the lookout for this username

>> No.73493610

Is anon right?

>> No.73494867

Purely probabilty-wise, yes especially with those added conditions which anon didn't have to. It's still hard even if you met the requirements

>> No.73495685

Hopefully she was permabanned again and won't be back for a while other than her orbiters and thread bumpers

>> No.73495797


>> No.73496326

I have a friend who uses a very pretty customizable model, I love it so much, I found it on nizima for small amount of money and I would love to actually get it myself but I don't want to be a bitch for doing that, I could easily make it look similar to my current model and it would fit my theme... I wanted to shift my content a little and it would be perfect, but is this a bitch behavior? What would you do? Maybe wait until she changes model? Ask for permission?

>> No.73496368

It is bitch behavior but do it anyway

>> No.73497271

What is this ai slop

>> No.73497308

Hey girls, you're all cute

>> No.73497313

Just use it and customize it anyways, as long as it doesnt look 1:1 you'll be fine and not a bitch.

>> No.73497427

Cute witch girl streaming https://www.twitch.tv/mizuz

>> No.73497479

Not a /wasp/ie why are you posting random off topic streams?

>> No.73497585

Proof that males can make it and that people love males

>> No.73497635

if I was Mel would I even know?

>> No.73498355

She has been posted here before many times and used to be on the tierlist retard. Archive is your friend

>> No.73498417

That doesn’t make a /wasp/ie Lumifag

>> No.73498483

Just post your link. Thread is ded atm. Ignore the retard, it doesn't even watch streams

>> No.73498557

he wants to ruin my life no thanks

>> No.73498822

not worth it anymore

>> No.73498880

Mel has been known to use chatgpt for some of her messages now

>> No.73498932

She got banned in this thread yesterday when she got mad over people wanting a vocaroo

>> No.73499027

Girls can just post and shill themselves in other threads like /wvt/ and whatever pandering gimmicks they pick like /hag/ or /uoh/

>> No.73499059

why dont they just do that

>> No.73499085

The point is to kill the thread, any attempt at prolonging the situation lets the schizo fester.

>> No.73499102

It risks being seen as a wasp raider now.

>> No.73499149

new wasp >>73499114

>> No.73499164

everyone knows its a falseflag but that one schizo wont let it rest and posts it

>> No.73499210

100% this. miu tried posting in uoh and got instant hate for it yesterday

>> No.73499247

If you believe that you might be a schizo

>> No.73499310

I took a search and this is a complete lie.

>> No.73499464

I knew Miu was bad but I didn't realize she was that horrible.

>> No.73499702

Miu didn't post it was the discord leaks again

>> No.73500510

Thats why fans should do the shilling. The girls are too menhera to deal with board culture

>> No.73500636

being menhera is part of being /here/
