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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 118 KB, 1076x912, 20240406_190318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73092975 No.73092975 [Reply] [Original]

Then explain "out of stock" merch then

>> No.73093031

they stock 50-100 items each

>> No.73093066

The only ones making a fuss about this are incels. Unicorns keep to the girls they watch and personally I don't really care. Good for them that they pander to a niche.

>> No.73093119

t. falseflagger who in a few minutes is going to follow up with some stats of the overall stars stock sucking

>> No.73093191
File: 12 KB, 224x277, scenarios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Stars have no fans"

>> No.73093221

Post a picture of yourself kek

>> No.73093243

I hope this happens, it's always funny

>> No.73093471

i thought all holo merch was made to order, i dont understand how it can sell out

>> No.73093693
File: 562 KB, 2048x2048, 1697212825563312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have always had sugar mommies

>> No.73094246

that's a dude

>> No.73094301
File: 134 KB, 389x413, pleasebuymymerch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knew begging to your fans to buy your merch would work ? stars begs for everything, collabs, merch shilling, concerts, subs and supas. the expert in dogeza, what a joke and shame to real men vtubers.

>> No.73094308

I believe ID doesn't have made to order merch either but that might have changed since last I checked

>> No.73094370

holy cope

>> No.73094612

This was manufactured to make other women see it and behave the same, because buying just one of these items is easy to self-justify for a fan would think (well I'm not schizo like that one woman I saw, this is a perfectly sane thing to buy).

In the early SC days, Hololive would get staff to SC reds to their talents, pretending to be fans, to get the other viewers to do the same and to normalize dropping your wage on the girls. This shit happens constantly in the vtuber industry.

>> No.73095678

>In the early SC days, Hololive would get staff to SC reds to their talents, pretending to be fans, to get the other viewers to do the same and to normalize dropping your wage on the girls. This shit happens constantly in the vtuber industry.
I assume you got a source.

>> No.73096099

>This was manufactured to make other women see it and behave the same
lol, have you seen male holo fans?

>> No.73096119

>paypig cuck sends money to his oshi
>oshi spends all her money for homos
>they have sex afterwards
it goes pretty much like this

>> No.73096180

No this is merch for their upcoming concert so they pre-produced a set amount so that they can ship hem out before the concert and the fans can use the there

>> No.73096188

this actually happened in niji multiple times

>> No.73096465

sasuga the best idol male vtuber group in the world

>> No.73096561

Male vtubers buy their own merch and scalp them to their fans by posing as a fan who managed to score extras.

>> No.73096592

Yeah, me

>> No.73096847
File: 36 KB, 209x285, 1693657661432631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, my niggas can hustle

>> No.73097091

I think they still do this. Theres this stars fan called arenei who always is the first person ever to send a super chat to each talent after monetzation and is always sending akasupas every now and then. Its just weird.

>> No.73097125

That cake actually looks pretty good

>> No.73097130

the stars do well, just not as well as hololive

>> No.73097247

>New Taiwan dollar

>> No.73097310

What a reach. Now post holostar EN merch.

>> No.73097422

> +9000 social credit

>> No.73097469

Out of stock is not a direct indication of popularity, it's just a sign that the supply was equal to or less than demand.

>> No.73097551

Arenei obviously works for cover it some capacity she is in every tempiss videos gifting memberships. But the reason for that is to bring more viewers and to ensure people will renew the membership.

>> No.73097641

There was a nonzero amount of demand. There is thus a nonzero amount of fans. Thus “no fans” is incorrect.

>> No.73097653

> It's just a sign that the supply was equal to or less than demand
> Out of stock is not a direct indication of popularity

There seems to be a contradiction here. Does Holomems' merch "out of stock" status not mean anything too ?

>> No.73098705

>Put up one piece of merch for sale
>One person buys it
OMG they sold out!!!!

>> No.73099138
File: 274 KB, 2048x1746, ChadAxel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vt/ Thank you for YOUR ALWAYS contribution to SPREADING the HOLOSTARS name. You are truly one of their best collective supporters. :)

>> No.73099939

wtf is a TWD

>> No.73100188

If you tried to by homo merch off me I'd be out of stock. It wouldn't mean I'd sold a lot.

>> No.73100205

>know how much merch sold last time
>math the growth
>make a prediction on how much merch you can sell this time and stock that amount
>rinse and repeat for next merch run
This is not difficult maths.

>> No.73100278

They have less stock cause no one buys it? The second most popular JP homo has admitted on stream that he makes next to no money and that cover supportd stars out of “love”… if the second most popular homo is broke, the rest of them are also broke except maybe bettel, that mf snatched up some nijisisters so he’s doing fine

>> No.73100392

Stars are a subsidized branch. Even if they could make enough money to support themselves (they can't), they don't make enough to pay for all the 3D tech, staff, and support they get. The girls end up being the moneymakers, while the guys just waste resources. Wish Cover would just get rid of them already.

>> No.73100444

don't worry, they already trademarked another homo gen name

>> No.73100546

Okay ernoul go to bed

>> No.73100549

Don't forget vesper was getting paid handsomely by fujos too. Dude was able to buy all this expensive shit because at one point dude was highest superchatted homo. If he hadn't left because of fagni getting inside his head him and bettel would be the breadwinner of their branch.

>> No.73100614

and thank God fagni achieved than antis ever hoped to do

>> No.73101982

Did they really?

>> No.73102052

Axel go to bed already

>> No.73102060

sisters, we fucking won

>> No.73102329

you're welcome axel
now go back to /MANS/
