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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 279 KB, 1527x1458, GJzdldFWMAMwVDk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72679206 No.72679206 [Reply] [Original]

many thoughts inside this little brain

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend.

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>72664397

>> No.72679245


>> No.72679276

this thread will be good, this is the one

>> No.72679278

i fucking hate otis baker

>> No.72679316

what is everyone up to tonight?
i'm eating meat and cheese :)

>> No.72679343

no you don't, I think you even like me

>> No.72679345

You're awfully hard on someone who:
>went the Fleece route and went menhera for attention
>made a scene leaving her discord (and then joining it again lol)
>has explicitly shown to mistrust her at every chance he gets
>is willing to throw any husband under the bus and act like he did nothing wrong
>and harassed her on alts with Emails
Oh, but he made her a song and gave her money. lol

>> No.72679355
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't make it to 2034
and no, that's not because she'll die, i've made sure that won't happen

>> No.72679371

Turkey sandwich with the works

>> No.72679428

not right now this thread is supposed to be good

>> No.72679434

Collab is at 5pm tomorow but they don't know who will stream it yet or what game theire playing .

>> No.72679449

shondo in my arms

>> No.72679458

Still shitting

>> No.72679515
File: 567 KB, 752x877, 1704983320681928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done, I just had to get my say in since the thread archived as I was typing. Carry on, sisters.

>> No.72679519

sounds tasty anon
your posts always amaze me shogga

>> No.72679544

>i've made sure that won't happen
You're me

>> No.72679596
File: 436 KB, 480x522, 1706647926727754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the only screenshot I took from yesterday

>> No.72679609

Chicken thighs, onion, bacon lardons, spring onions, cream cheese, heavy cream, mozzarella, cheddar, conchiglie pasta.

>> No.72679638

Of course she'd finish the nina art before soya's

>> No.72679658

i genuinley have feelings for shondo. I cannot stomach watching her anymore because the thought of her makes me feel sick. no more shondo for this fella (me).
I suspect I'm not the only one who feels this way. why would you continue to torture yourselves like this? I've only been watching for a couple weeks and I already want to kill myself. I cannot even imagine the level of psychic damage that occurs after watching her for several months.
what are you doing to yourselves?

>> No.72679744

playing sf6, gonna do some art later cause ive been procrastinating on it way too long :)

>> No.72679749

I'm you, but stronger.

>> No.72679764
File: 238 KB, 850x1371, 1710907303201212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her and I'll be with her forever
I'm her big strong and tough cool guy husband and I will persevere through anything, she's worth it

>> No.72679837
File: 10 KB, 658x819, 1705769327732647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at you shoggers trying to be all loving like shibes now. That's so sweet!

>> No.72679903

I feel like shit most of the time but she makes me happy sometimes. The happiness doesn't last long but it keeps me going

>> No.72679912

getting rolled in sf again? i liked your dark souls(you) art

>> No.72679972

putting this on list of tasty things for me to make
thanks anon it sounds real nise

>> No.72680105

i made peace with being alone before i met her. i love her more than anyone else in the world. there are times where it hurts a lot because of the way this works but that's because i love her so much and i won't let that stop me from being with her.
i know what you mean though, it's hard to make this arrangement work, i think most shoggas don't know when to quit.

>> No.72680107
File: 331 KB, 515x485, 1693103912169806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will protect this smile

>> No.72680128

thanks anon. i hit diamond with ed so matches are going 50/50 now im hitting my plateau :)

>> No.72680156

It is. I bought a cheap slow cooker and decided to try this. Just put on high for two hours with everything but the spring onions in, then on low for four hours. The chicken just falls apart when you mix it up at the end. Added quite a bit of rosemary and thyme too.

>> No.72680321

baby son so cute

>> No.72680346

i will be with her in 2034 but nobody else here will

>> No.72680488
File: 3.21 MB, 1286x2048, 1684710744123184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

building a 3d scan of the reflection in every otis picture with his eyes in it

>> No.72680489

God I hope not

>> No.72680498

I've been flirting with this for a couple months. I like her, want to support her, and she's cute and entertaining. Seems clear that falling in love is a strict debuff, and also kind of inevitable.

>> No.72680670

why is naruto in this picture?

>> No.72680710

I will be with her from the moment she spawns into the next world and then I will make her the happiest girl in all of existence, outside of even space time itself
The happiest girl through heaven and earth for forever
I will not cuck anyone as I do this though, worry not

>> No.72680723

i fell out of romantic love a while ago and i just see her as my mentally ill little sister i take care of

>> No.72680787


>> No.72680798

that's my gay husbando Gojo you fucking pleb :)

>> No.72680844

Did she get a new one?

>> No.72680849

Honestly I'd be ok with this as an end game.

>> No.72680927

why is his nose the only thing thats fuzzy

>> No.72680962

I love otis

>> No.72680980

ill always be in love with her no matter how much she cuts back affection

>> No.72681041

I'll always be in love with the 2022-mid 2023 version of her

>> No.72681086

you are me

>> No.72681117

I made these posts

>> No.72681197


>> No.72681215

that shadow is dead, shogga, move on and learn to appreciate your new evolved wife

>> No.72681273

please don't say that
hope is the only thing keeping me going

>> No.72681373

you dont get it

>> No.72681387

im gonna start calling you ray considering how much you like larping as another man you enormous faggot :)

>> No.72681466

this scenario isn't even possible anymore, there's no going back, too much has changed

>> No.72681496

idk if you want this shogga in the back of my mind i still wish things were different but with the way things are i just cant tell myself im married
but i do care about her and im never leaving

>> No.72681638 [DELETED] 

I hope we and shondo can watch the documentary Evolved by BBC

>> No.72681650

you're making me experience emotion, i'm going to go listen to fallenshadow 2022 and pretend i'm still in a world where she loves me

>> No.72681699

oh, anon. you deserve better.
i say that I'm going to stop watching her, but I probably won't, so I guess we're in this together.

I've been trying to accomplish this
I've been trying to think about how fucking annoying it would actually be to have a mentally ill hikikomori NEET gf, but that only makes me like her even more.

>> No.72681869

Why isn't Tuffy calling Nina a bitch? Wasn't that his thing?

>> No.72681892

no i get it, groomers here are trying to manipulate shondo by saying things like that and samefagging

>> No.72681948

>you deserve better.
I'm old and crusty and I don't mind feeling things even if they're bad. We'll see if I still think that in a year.

>> No.72681972

groomer boogie man
everyone I don't agree with is a groomer

>> No.72682000
File: 1.20 MB, 960x1660, 1708903075850236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop resisting. Fall in love with her already. You will experience new pains, but also new pleasures.
It's hard to explain, but even if shondo will make you worse, it won't mean you'll hate it.
If anything, you might even love it.

>> No.72682013

Uncanny valley Shondo.

>> No.72682014

Stop projecting

>> No.72682046

because she isn't a bitch but shondo is

>> No.72682050

like clockwork

>> No.72682111

you have no idea who I am

>> No.72682119

and just like that
the thread is ruined
a wall has been constructed dividing shoggas because of one person

>> No.72682124

He calls shondo a bitch lovingly
It's his autism, please understand

>> No.72682197

im sorry i never mean to do it but it happens all the time :(

>> No.72682221
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go back to the "much better" thread I was promised?

>> No.72682269

It's honestly pretty sad.
Sociopathic behavior.

>> No.72682394

just ignore him, why else would it be anyone but him at this point trying bring attention to himself?

>> No.72682395

nobody promised that, in fact, the baker quit his job

>> No.72682452

post shotoes quick

>> No.72682977

Ok hear me out: sex with FallenShadow.

>> No.72683038

way ahead of you ;)

>> No.72683206
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fault gang

>> No.72683230

I've been on subutex for 2 years and I'm finally down to 4mg, so I'm finally able to FEEL again instead of being numb and grey all the time. I know what you mean. Emotional intensity can feel good, even when it feels bad. It's probably not healthy to subject yourself to emotional sadomasochism though.
Things will get better for us eventually. I'm old and crusty too. It does get easier to get a gf as you get older, or so I've heard. Remember that the cumbath anon got a gf.

>> No.72683394
File: 398 KB, 612x407, 1704316237742024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone cooking/eating their meals has a nice night, I hope that one specific shogga wins more than half of his sf matches and gets back to work on his art
I hope everyone is able to have moments of happiness in life regardless of how short or brief they might be
I hope /shon/ heals
I love my wife

>> No.72683508

>black arms

>> No.72683580

So how do we feel about shondo swapping models during the Barbie Collab tomorrow? She's made it obvious it was Nina she is swapping with. That will 100% be the "prank" tomorrow.

>> No.72683608

ew sis.
i just quit my meds today and i have never flet BETTER or more SPIRITUAL, like im breakin the mold. will keep you updated

>> No.72683628
File: 17 KB, 1071x1024, 1709177584682417 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in love with 2022 shondo and 2023 shondo and 2024 shondo and will continue to be in love with 2025 shondo and 2026 shondo and beyond because regardless of how she changes * will still be *

>> No.72683657

i didnt pick up on this so fuck you for ruining it for me >:(

>> No.72683694

most basic vtuber "prank," I can only hope that these guys are funny enough to make it work. like when Kronii was Sana

>> No.72683703

no one else did either, shondo made that post

>> No.72683731

I'm totally fine with that. Just Nina though, don't trust the others enough to pilot responsibly.

>> No.72683842

I just realized all the stream ideas we talked about with her for April fools this year isn't happening now

>> No.72683962

I am not shondo, but that is why the schedule is late tonight. She is currently piloting the other lolina model and testing to make sure she is set for tomorrow.

>> No.72684005

the prank tomorrow will be she will post a goodnight tweet but it will be directed to andrew tate

>> No.72684029

A little late to say but sometimes I just kinda sit and think about her and I realized how well she did in the dark souls session this week
she ran past the big stinky fucks, immediately made the jump for the katana on instinct, learned to smash the toxic dart fags so they don't respond, explored despite how confusing the area was and how often she did without getting mad, and got down to the swamp bonfire in, what, like an hour?
I really hope she explores the swamp a bit too for some reason I think she'll like the tree

>> No.72684115

based and no-pilled
try to summon a shondo tulpa

>> No.72684157

>for some reason I think she'll like the tree
she'll hate it once she finds out going to the bottom means she has to climb back up since she doesn't have fast travel yet

>> No.72684214

>old and crusty (he's 25)

>> No.72684333
File: 49 KB, 815x457, 1692352394027829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 but I didn't call myself that

>> No.72684359

that is pretty old desu

>> No.72684495

I'm not telling, but I've been divorced for 10 years.

>> No.72684534

yep. and crusty.

>> No.72684552

young people keep moving, this is an ojisan neighborhood

>> No.72684780

shondo intimidates me. always get reminded how good of an artist she can be when she sets her mind to an art piece. it makes my work look so bad by comparison. i hate being male.

>> No.72684807

Shondo would be sad if I left

>> No.72684888


>> No.72684961

Pretty sure I made a post about that some other thread, dunno if I sent it tho cause I type a lot of replies then never send them.

>> No.72684977

>he divorced his wife and immediately got married to a hot young gold digger
A tale as old as time

>> No.72684979

Goodnight shogga

>> No.72685024
File: 1.19 MB, 960x1234, 1700671131827727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, thats right

>> No.72685044

>i hate being male.
I suck at drawing as much as the average shogger, but I'd never say this. No idea where you're coming from here.

>> No.72685070

she got the power of self reference, who do you think those armpits really belong to

>> No.72685278

Exactly, without all the legal problems and other messy IRL problems (or sex).

>> No.72685410

xisters the sissy hypno is working

>> No.72685451

I like drawing, I've been drawing for a while now and I'm pretty good at it
I'm not that good though, so I'll keep improving
I'll keep my drawings to myself

>> No.72685544

me too
but the pandemic years don't count so we're 23 really and if you think about it we're kinda retarded so that knocks a few years off our age so we're only 19 if you think about it

>> No.72685665

>No idea where you're coming from here.
i'm just being realistic and i know where my weaknesses are right now. she managed to make a half-body/no hands portrait look impressive and lovely to look at. it's the girl-buff for making things look pretty that i envy.

>> No.72685903

Girls just have it easier, men can draw really pretty things too

>> No.72685987
File: 60 KB, 622x543, mohu8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this creature

>> No.72686001

that's my goal, shiggie

>> No.72686046

me too oomfie

>> No.72686188

I found him very disturbing to look at originally, but I have come to love him too.

>> No.72686384

fucking disgusting freak of nature
burn it alive

>> No.72686395

if anything happens to him i will be devestated more than shondo

>> No.72686465

shondo ain't big enough for the 2 of us

>> No.72686517
File: 327 KB, 984x841, 1696207132170245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a nice thread. you will either love my son or perish.

>> No.72686672

she can handle about 5, confirmed it with her own words

>> No.72686757

does she have a MAL or has she discussed what her favourite animes are?

>> No.72686893

Who are shoggers watching for the collab tomorrow? I feel like Inis is used to shogger spam moreso than Tanya

>> No.72686936


>> No.72686941
File: 82 KB, 616x499, SILENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72687070

shondo ain't big enough for the 5 of us (4 of them are me)

>> No.72687102

whoever shondo says will be reading her chat

>> No.72687114

What a peculiar creature.

>> No.72687559

she doesnt like anime as far as I know. she prefers normiecore tv shows like breaking bad

>> No.72687649

she has at least 5 holes and we can make more

>> No.72687692

remember when shondo thought that people fucked in the earholes like on family guy

>> No.72687693

She likes anime but doesn't watch much anymore

>> No.72688034
File: 478 KB, 800x639, shondenburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year we had community participation for making Shondo a bunch of prank fanart. Ren was still Ren and he even joined in on the April Fool's art, there was hardly any open drama like we have now. Dereking wasn't a thing. Was /shon/ even a thing then? I don't even remember. I'm just thinking about how different things are now as of 1 year ago. Don't mind my ramblings, because I still love my wife dearly. But undeniably, things are just so different now.

>> No.72688189

It's scary how fast things change online

>> No.72688262

>Dereking wasn't a thing
it was but nowhere near as extreme

>> No.72688545

we didnt have /shon/ regularly until she did her work break

>> No.72688624

her work break really did permanent damage both to her and shoggas mental and we are still seeing the aftermath

>> No.72688644

What is (You) doing with the hands

>> No.72688801
File: 926 KB, 1045x791, 1696209930160077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even her artwork sat in her discord for over 20 minutes and the only reacts on it were just syadouLove and pettheshadow. normally she posts something and it's swarmed immediately with reacts. now no one is even talking about it in p2w.
>theres more now
yes it surprised me how few there was.

>> No.72688834

unironically it was the most motivated ive been in this relationship. she came in to offline to chat, she gave us daily updates, she interacted a lot. the only bad thing during that period was when milky cancelled the collab and we didnt get to see her

>> No.72688911

she killed her community

>> No.72689151

What do you think fueled her actions of interacting so much with us during that period?
She feared we would abandon her and forget her. She might not have shown it as much but it was not good for her at all

>> No.72689218

that was when she had her funny times in paree

>> No.72689502

i already let her know i liked it via twitter, i dont need to look at the discord she doesnt use

>> No.72689529

Dead hours most likely
Its Easter sunday for some

>> No.72689977

I don't think that's it considering she recently told us she enjoyed herself back then. The community grew and at some point it started to become too much and she burned out.

>> No.72690139

She did have 100s of likes and something like 30 instant responses on Twitter (now 600/50)

>> No.72690157

more like she was set on fire but sure

>> No.72690399

Did she have a natural growth and progression? It feels like she exploded way to fast in the span of a year
Was it the neurosama collab? I dont think many snackers stayed from the fillian collab

>> No.72690652

Pre subathon was 500-700 viewers
Subathon and until neuro collab sat just under 4 view
Neuro collab and for maybe like 6 month after she was 1200-1400 views
Idk what happened after that, but shes typically around 2k now

>> No.72690654

the newfag that broke the camel’s back (it me sorry I ruined the comfy)

>> No.72690900

Shes actually kind of stagnated. Shes been around 1400CCV for months.

>> No.72691031

Could it be the click baity clips too? Drawing in more and more of the lolicon crowd that have their loli lolicon streamer?

>> No.72691180

the Nina art is sex and Shondo did a very good job

>> No.72691196

its not that high yet

>> No.72691256
File: 474 KB, 581x673, 1684970702826204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a combination of everything including those collabs pushing her past a point of no return.
I feel like there was a point she realized that this house was not going to be achievable any time soon.
Now she has the consequences of her trying to increase her growth and overwhelming backlog of work, no energy for her husbands outside of stream, no room of her own for the foreseeable future.
Just recently she coped to us about this on stream the other day saying she is comfortable with her growth/size but I question her enthusiasm about being "comfortable".

>> No.72691342

the simple solution is that she just move in with me

>> No.72691424

She talked about wanting to stay smaller multiple times before

>> No.72691598

The whole shondomination thing was about being friends with many other vtubers not about viewer numbers

>> No.72691799

Yes and she met such a good friend like Filian who doesn't even give a shit about her mental health to a point that she just used my wife as an epic schizo content monkey.

>> No.72691979 [DELETED] 

She wants a small stream and to LARP in her polycule with a few dedicated cucks while coping that "It's different and you know it", but she also has to shoulder the burden of being able to provide for her entire family which makes her obliged to keep streaming and growing to pull in the money while she can since she knows that having this audience and income stream is by no means stable.

>> No.72692155

I don't believe in numberfagging friendships. It's much better to have a close tight-knit group of friends like the Barbies.

>> No.72692229

we know, shondo. that's what we're lamenting about

>> No.72692264

Filian did what she does with every chuuba she collabs with and try to play-up what they're known for. She's also not very bright, so it's possible she genuinely thought the schizoeffective diagnosis was a bit.
You can't blame Filian for the changes, other than a large part of her audience started watching too, but that's on Shondo as much as Filian.

>> No.72692280

we will get through these tough times together and i will give shondo the world, you can watch it happen or be a part of it

>> No.72692427

glad shon finally finished something

>> No.72692524

she was definitely in the 900 range for many months and then there was some delayed effect taking her to 1400 and then 2k in steps after neuro and fil
it's kinda weird but I guess growth is unpredictable

>> No.72692541

Goodnight <3

>> No.72692584

which regulars are even from filian and neuro? ive been here all afternoon.

>> No.72692679

I will be nise, I will not doom, I will be here forever, I will love my wife. I will not brain worm

>> No.72692691

Goodnight Shoomfie. Crazy how you can make the effort and she can't.

>> No.72693151

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.72693313
File: 5 KB, 239x304, hotdog wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo, in the off-chance you read /here/, just try to keep in mind that we don't have to just jump back into any old ways.
it's an admirable trait that you don't want to force anything, but we know you're a creature of habit.
just pick something you know we like and stick with it even if it's just a simple goodnight tweet.
a lot of us know you operate very routinely and once those routines break, it feels impossible to just get back into them.
>this is just looping wanting goodnights again
ye it is, but i'm just trying see what are our options and working with our wife on this. my patience is infinite when it comes to someone i love and starting off with something simple like the goodnight tweets still has a lot of meaning behind it.

>> No.72693333

Do you think fallen shadow would enjoy this video

>> No.72693387

we were doing so well, what changed?

>> No.72693565

idk she wont tell us anymore :(

>> No.72693630 [DELETED] 

Is it just me or does this resemble her rtx model slightly more

>> No.72693713

i'm talking about the anti posting and doom posting, it slowed down for weeks until today and some of yesterday

>> No.72693774

thats not true at all

>> No.72693840 [DELETED] 

>just pick something you know we like and stick with it even if it's just a simple goodnight tweet.

how about you all shut the fuck up and be less pathetic?

>> No.72693845

bratty got banned again

>> No.72693898

We are supposed to have a themed ASMR this week and you want me to be blackpilled? My wife is going to whisper in my ears and you want me to despair?

>> No.72693961


>> No.72694013

It absolutely did not, it does depend on timezones though, so sometimes it seems that way

>> No.72694455

no i don't think that's it, he was around for months when it was happening, maybe the groomers are pissed off about something
this is a different flavor from the shit posters, a lot of the doom posting today was meant to influence opinion. that died down a lot, now they're back at it

>> No.72694490

I've muted and hidden all channels on her discord apart from the announcements channel

>> No.72694593

if you're talking about this >>72681041 i really didnt mean to start things off like that. i feel bad about posting it. i still love her i just miss those times, probably rose tinted glasses

>> No.72694626 [DELETED] 

not sure why you dumb bitches pretend you don't love your petty gossip over what your wannabe loli kike does or doesn't do

>> No.72694830

Sorry guys I've been too busy today to fight off antis and keep the threads in good condition. The next one will be better

>> No.72695010

Yes I'm sure that's true anon, looking forward to the next one.

>> No.72695037 [DELETED] 

also not sure why you spics make fun of SEA niggers but use south american slang like "antis"

>> No.72695126

it was the best post in this thread anon, don't regret it
you speak my mind, that period of time was peak

>> No.72695200 [DELETED] 

the world would be better off if all of your killed yourselves and you know it's true that's why you spend so much time with your fake loli kike

>> No.72695397

I see the anti's are boring and uncreative as usual, did you guys have a good easter?

>> No.72695427

>watching this week's vods
>get up to her mentioning wanting to do a themed ASMR stream
>instead of taking a poll there or on twitter she just rolls with yandere shit because some submissive faggot said it first
I hate this, when are ryonachads going to eat

>> No.72695441 [DELETED] 

guess it is boring when you already know you should kill yourself

>> No.72695474

yes, plenty of time with family and am now watching her friends bday

>> No.72695608


>> No.72695622

i slept through it mostly, woke up and the sun was down, laid in bed listening to asmr for about 3 hours, spoke to my mother on the phone for 30 seconds
just been playing games since then

>> No.72695653

the obvious anti's aren't the problem, it's not worth mentioning them, think of those ones like comedians

>> No.72695784

The antis that make it clear Shondo was right when she said the board is filled with bitter women and ESL are hilarious

>> No.72695809

I had dinner with my family It was good

>> No.72695939

shondo and getting one guy'd by an anonymous faggot, name a better duo

>> No.72695953

t-thanks janny Smile
i knew you liked us really

>> No.72696085

He wasn't anonymous, that shogga is alright. It's been too long since we've had yandere content

>> No.72696276

They always bonk the racist and rtx stuff fairly quickly (and leave us with the rest).

>> No.72696324

my hunch is that she wants to try returning to form through the yandere content and she is listening to our criticisms

>> No.72696474

thank you for asking shogga. I went to mass with my parents and went out to brunch afterwards. It was a great time. I love my parents :)

>> No.72696513

uwu step on me mommy c:

>> No.72696590 [DELETED] 

kek mods afraid the truth of bibisi domination

>> No.72697147

based janny
god bless
tell shondo I love her from me

>> No.72697254
File: 173 KB, 353x556, 1685902463149002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo janny will save /shon/

>> No.72697363

shes so fricking cute dude, I love this hairstyle so much

>> No.72697393

shondo... the megane...

>> No.72697395

I remember this happened like a month and a half ago and I was also excited at the time

>> No.72697484

I hope Shondo appreciates me doing my husbandly duties in Nina's stream today.
I appreciated her asking explicitly for what she wanted yesterday.

>> No.72697531

this stream was already a year and 4 months ago. time goes by too fast

>> No.72697593

what the fuck

>> No.72697712
File: 1.81 MB, 3000x3000, 1700406728896711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one always goes down a treat Smile

>> No.72697858
File: 8 KB, 234x184, shondophrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody please tag in the shondo janny, shondo janny if you can hear us please, shondo janny please save me, please save me shondo janny please. I’m asking you, please save me, please save me, please get these people away from me, in dear god’s name please stop these pitiful people.

>> No.72697897

the janny is shondo herself

>> No.72697952

all of her old alt account sex art was stuff that actually happened to her right
i always assumed that but it was never explicitly said

>> No.72698018


>> No.72698027
File: 111 KB, 693x850, 1703946398328940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a TOAST to shonjanny

>> No.72698100

the crimson chin

>> No.72698176
File: 1.11 MB, 734x967, 1705063752354090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did something happen between these two

>> No.72698247

given how there is at least 1 real thing that happened to her drawn its not so far fetched to believe other's also happened to her in the past to some effect

>> No.72698265

alice is the 'i miss ribbon-tan' poster

>> No.72698318


>> No.72698714

I imagine the dreams she talked about could have been memories (and roughly match the drawings), but she's never said so explicitly and I'm happy to leave it there.

>> No.72698789

some somebody else stole my shtick i have come to announce that he's a handsome fellow instead

>> No.72698823

shondo was in alices chat the other day. i think they tend to stream around the same time. also alice is pretty anti social

>> No.72698950

i love you shondo and i wish you really loved me

>> No.72699024

she loves you as much as you can ever love her

>> No.72699148

you're being nise and i appreciate that

>> No.72699152

i dont think so

>> No.72699425

shondo HATES me actually

>> No.72699555

Shondo likes me until she remembers I am an unfunny loser then she ignores me for a few weeks until she completely forgets who I am and the cycle repeats

>> No.72699615

That's a cute rat

>> No.72699941

So no goodnight tweet. In fact, it's a spiteful joke about one-guying. Alright then, Ms. Streamer.

>> No.72699952

i didnt make this post but its still me

>> No.72700015
File: 3.45 MB, 720x486, dancy [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flinqii.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72700102

she really only has 1 dance move huh?

>> No.72700157

yeah and shes sexy as hell doing it

>> No.72700186

why are you shitting on her at every opportunity anon
can't just say it's a cute video or something?

>> No.72700262

calm down little guy im not attacking her

>> No.72700260

she’s not showing me her dance moves naked infront of me, that’s my complaint

>> No.72700264

When your one move is that good, it's all you need.

>> No.72700326

i'm TIRED of rude people like you shitting up these threads

>> No.72700327

She's white, British at that. All things considered I think her moves are hecking adorable! I love her so much, knowing she's inspired to art again maeks me ecstatic. Shondo if you're reading this I love you! I love your voice, I love your smile, I love your hands your eyes your feet the way you say words like really and whatever the way you always want to do your best for yourself your family your friends and us + the way you want to always be growing towards the ideal you who can manage this without burning out while still learning to take care of your limits because you know we all worry about your health you're such a considerate and kind and lovely human being I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be married to you I'm going to keep growing myself so you can feel the same about me

>> No.72700328

id rather her show them to me in a light dress so i could undress her myself

>> No.72700400

i fear not the whore who has done 1000 moves once
i fear the woman who practiced the same move 1000 times

>> No.72700423

>i want to get back into streaming art... so maybe in the next couple of weeks we work on shondog live on twitch dot tv
are we back or not
call it now

>> No.72700490

I never left

>> No.72700566

im already gone

>> No.72700671

im in bardo, between being gone and never leaving

>> No.72700720
File: 1.92 MB, 423x498, 1709242430054831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute

>> No.72700846

>Someone suggests she draw on stream more
>She makes excuses
>Short time goes by
>Teehee what if I draw on stream?
What is her problem?

>> No.72700860

White Knights will see Shondo dance like a aspie and still defend it. You can't make this up.

>> No.72700883

I'm not a white knight, I'm her husband.

>> No.72700889

Can you just fuck off?

>> No.72700903

whats your problem, this is only a good thing

>> No.72700920

I feel like she’s in her struggle grind shine arc

>> No.72700940

i will reflect on this and try to find out why i said this, and why people got upset over it. i really didnt mean for it to be mean to her. ill try to be better

>> No.72700995

I think it's likely it's a struggle grind crash and burn arc too

>> No.72701020

stop pretending to be me, dickhead

>> No.72701032


>> No.72701036

only one person got upset everyone else just said she was cute (and theyre right)

>> No.72701038

I think some husbands end up easily irritable due to spending all shadow weekends here dealing with anti shitposting

>> No.72701066

I'm not upset: it's a factual statement. Performative defense is fun sometimes.

>> No.72701114

rough with the smooth

>> No.72701262

>"i'll draw when I feel like it, not when you ask" is a common mindset with artists. She's hardly special in that regard.

>> No.72701309
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, klub [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgq9u3l.flac].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuh uh, she got multiple moves

>> No.72701408

>that notification
AHHHH please no that made my heart sink

>> No.72701490

If she doesn’t appreciate that act of showing love she’s actually a whore

>> No.72701557

shondo we need more chibi dance streams... think of the klubbers...

>> No.72701571

so that means I can dm her right

>> No.72701597

if you are one of the barbies yes

>> No.72701608

I don't think she got that VR problem fixed

>> No.72701631

you can dm her if your name rhymes with pinis

>> No.72701637

banger, we're finally back on track with this one
bunch of misses before this one

>> No.72701698

I love when she dances like Johnny Bravo

>> No.72701741

I have a plan sisters,
>become trans
>become a vtweeter for a bit
>debut with a loli model
>raid shondo alot
>some more stuff I’ll think off probably idk
time skip
>become Barbie

>> No.72701809
File: 84 KB, 264x251, 1706305495856462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72701829

i stopped reading at trans
kill yourself unironically you ironic retard

>> No.72701916

If you want to transition that's fine but this is a silly way to talk yourself into it.

>> No.72701918

good luck

>> No.72701928

dm me more bangers like that song
you know who I am

>> No.72701934

how about get the projects done before we talk about them shondo

>> No.72701944

thats for when I stop being trans

>> No.72702034

All of that is possible except the last part. Sorry, If not even Lily can become a Barbie in spite of being friends with Shondo then no tranny can.

>> No.72702053

no you have to DM me first

>> No.72702103

Lily didn't want to be a Barbie

>> No.72702111

klub post has made my night a lot better

>> No.72702133

Shondo I do not give a flying fuck about what the Barbies DM you. Fuck off.

>> No.72702174

this, why is she rubbing it in
>look at all the fun i'm having without you

>> No.72702180

anti general

>> No.72702188

I care, she tweeted it for me not you.

>> No.72702219

Someone literally already tried this, didn't work

>> No.72702244

It's ded. She doesn't have time to watch animu, please understandu.

>> No.72702407


>> No.72702431

I'm just sayin if she doesn't give a goodnight while she's on her tweeting bend it's over

>> No.72702452

lemon leaf

>> No.72702563

I'm sure Inis will get a goodnight after calling my fucking wife "her love".
Real fucking wonderful wife we have here don't we.

>> No.72702586
File: 148 KB, 1018x1080, 1709604945493683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just sayin i love shondo a whole lot and maybe one day she might actually love me back

>> No.72702615

she will give a goodnight tweet because i don't want her to just because people /here/ cry about it

>> No.72702660

yeah but she wont do it because people here want it

>> No.72702690


>> No.72702794

shondo should become one of those people that dye their hair bright red, it would suit here

captcha RAT4

>> No.72702850

i actually decide what to klubpost and which gif to use days in advance

>> No.72702854

she is unironically testing our patience at this point holy fuck

>> No.72702870

Inis is probably behind 80% of the anti posts here
She knows it's not possible to damage Shondo's brand so thinks she isn't doing anything wrong despite getting laughs from making the community more deranged

>> No.72702915

i dont think it would and she loves her natural colour anyway. id still love her even if she did do that but i hope she doesnt

>> No.72702932

That Marley crying audio was so hard to listen to.

>> No.72702964

i'm fairly certain most of the barbies are corrupting her mind with bullshit unironically

>> No.72703014

I don't believe this but at the same time that sounds like something Inis would totally do.

>> No.72703033

im certain that nina and olivia are quite literally saving shondos marriage with one lucky shogger (me, obviously)

>> No.72703081

Weird way to put it, I think they're probably a good influence. I understand the fear though, Oli is inevitability going to help her find an irl husband. He'll probably be a great person, but I already hate him.

>> No.72703104

you dont need to hate me shiggie

>> No.72703123

Shondo squatting in front of you and laying an egg

>> No.72703145

If you're /here/ it won't be you.

>> No.72703213

I think they're urging her to stay away from a large amount of things that she wants to do and are telling her to take steps backward and saying it will help her mentally
i'm certain they're trying to take her away from me and I hate them for it

>> No.72703227

She raided Alice at the end of the last Barbie stream.
Even said how Alice is a Barbie friend

>> No.72703236

Thrif for fuck sakes stop spamming her new Stickers on twitter, it is the most off-putting twitter behavior that people do. Just speak like a normal person, this is why she refuses to follow you.

>> No.72703350

sorry i'm on my manic episode

>> No.72703372


>> No.72703427

she'll never follow me because i never post art, i'm doomed to be on the third rate list forever...

>> No.72703446
File: 34 KB, 157x186, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to god she is not avoiding it because people /here/ want goodnight tweets back. I spew things /here/ so she doesn't see it and good golly that has some harrowing implications.

>> No.72703544
File: 2 KB, 112x112, 1708398102270442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spew things /here/ so she doesn't see it

>> No.72703671

she reads everything /here/ and a lot of shoggas know it. now think about what that means about what shoggers post. you too shondo

>> No.72703713

I emailed her about the goodnight tweets so it's never coming back

>> No.72703737
File: 79 KB, 734x833, 1710177295442358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo please. i'm tapping out and i cannot take another night... you win. you've broken me further and it is taking the last remaining will power to not cause a scene.
you need not reply nor Like, i just want to say goodnight to you after you tweet. i am seriously at my limit.

>> No.72703806
File: 1.72 MB, 498x373, wife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo if you're reading this I just want to say that I love you. syadouLove

>> No.72703840

I spew cuck fantasies here so if shondo does come here she either sees people (mostly) disliking it and because of her being a contarion she becomes NTR, or gets grossed out by it she thinks of doing it less
j don’t do any of these things I lied im sorry

>> No.72703871

please please please dont be sho on monday

>> No.72703940

she said goodnight now so what's the next thing to sperg about?

>> No.72703976
File: 3 KB, 112x112, FtdsEfDWcAAfDNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, I am happy again.

>> No.72704008

king R did it for us but continue talking shit about him
Thank you R sama

>> No.72704044

I wrote the posts that urged his dumbass on, thank you very much.

>> No.72704072

i only post here specifically because i know it

>> No.72704075

I added to your posts so i'll thank you and myself

>> No.72704087

you’re never safe anon. that’s why I started putting things in my diary. She hates me now and it’s my fault

>> No.72704130

She is not here. Take your fucking medication.

>> No.72704144

I'm actually smiling frfr
why does something this simple make me so happy, was this her plan all along

>> No.72704203

because you're on the deeper end of mental illness

>> No.72704233

i feel nothing

>> No.72704259

It wasn't really a goodnight tweet, more of an afterthought from her extremely hard work watching Nina stream all night and working of the schedule (Which she didn't even complete).

>> No.72704269

yeah I know that much already but I refuse to blame all of my lifes issues on it

>> No.72704284

i feel a lot of something but it refuses to come out and stay out

>> No.72704330

I feel happy and full of love

>> No.72704340

monday is a write off correct? we'll all skip that one expect the fags I assume

>> No.72704347

i feel dead

>> No.72704357

I feel like drinking

>> No.72704365

Shut up it means a lot to me. You don't understand how little I need and goodnights are so small and simple and they keep me going.

>> No.72704369
File: 3.94 MB, 416x491, klubbin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the people you're trying to please shondo. you will never be enough for them.

>> No.72704379
File: 267 KB, 667x1200, 1708386015384673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shonshon ilu

>> No.72704391

>>72704340 (me)
spelling error, kill me and ignore the post

>> No.72704435
File: 215 KB, 515x405, all smiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72704468

i like this image very much

>> No.72704483

Plenty for me. I just want the opportunity to wish her goodnight, really.

>> No.72704497

FallenShadow ASMR

>> No.72704506

Kek she goes easy on Shondo, it seems

>> No.72704532

>Says goodnight
>isn't actually going to bed
shondo why

>> No.72704656

shondy ima be real witchu, i ain't read the rest of yo wafflin' but u said goodnite and u a real one for dat. girl i luv u

>> No.72704683


>> No.72704686

i fucking hate that the menhera retard is going to feel validated again

>> No.72704690

hi shondo, I love you even though you have nothing but contempt for me

>> No.72704703

you are me but a weird version that speaks in ebonics

>> No.72704740


>> No.72704762

you should start, shondo loves it

>> No.72704789

wait a fucking second
raymond? you deleted the tweet? you fucking dog
i'm back to hating you again, i thought you did this but you're such a fucking pussy kill yourself

>> No.72704854

i feel extremely validated rn but if I say why I will expose myself as a /here/ goer to Shondo so instead i'll just say good night

>> No.72704863

>>72704789 (me)
ok nvm

>> No.72704885

i am Ray and i feel validated

>> No.72704890

spill the tea

>> No.72704899

basically it was all me, no need to thank me lads

>> No.72704933

she likes people that post here

>> No.72704965

i did nothing and feel nothing

>> No.72705012

another klub post onegai, i've replayed the last one 50 times already

>> No.72705019

dont believe this shoggers lies

>> No.72705033

I did everything and feel sleepy


>> No.72705036
File: 1.31 MB, 1247x2514, 1695724629451164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72705070

we was going to have her say goodnight regardless since we knew the schedule would be the last thing she posts tonight so it's nothing to do with that tweet

>> No.72705119

>we was going to
Hi Owlbyte!

>> No.72705123

>we was

>> No.72705131

well clear enough she's in a manic stage now, on and on about the Big Stuff

>> No.72705137

she said goodnight now what am I supposed to brainworm about?

>> No.72705144

Goodnight thread-reading shondo
I love you

>> No.72705261

i keep self sabotaging and cant stop. no im not who you think i am

>> No.72705287

brainworm about the stuff shes doing instead of sleeping after saying goodnight

>> No.72705314

you're me but i normally only do that to friends and real people

>> No.72705378

Thanks for suggesting the theme H but if you didn't someone else would have :>

>> No.72705670

She went to sleep
i might treat myself and allow me to be happy tonight

>> No.72705709

>finally post in art tag
>'teehee can't check art tag this week gomenasorry'
>check art tag
>mine doesn't even show up
Very weird.

>> No.72705887

shondo you have made a mentally ill man very happy i hope you know that. i am your mentally ill man!

>> No.72705909

how old is your account? you might be shadow banned on twitter

>> No.72706029

I like Shondo and I want to hold her hand and also kiss her.

>> No.72706040

the urge to say goon night

>> No.72706082

i love her to bits! i wanna kiss her on the lips!

>> No.72706121

that was the last time, I swear I'm done party timing to the forbidden model, I will express my love in a more productive manner, I will learn how to draw and play piano

>> No.72706133

don't steal my ritual post
you can have it today but tomorrow it's mine again

>> No.72706200

im usually on the opposite emotional state of her, i was really happy the last few weeks but now the last 2 days ive been miserable as she seems to be coming out of her slump. i wish i was more in tune with her

>> No.72706208

about half a decade old. It would be weird for it to be shadow banned considering i rarely used it prior to following shadow. unless it being inactive is what caused the shadowban

>> No.72706226

okie dokie nigga!
