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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 83 KB, 645x234, Screenshot 2024-03-31 191958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72653682 No.72653682 [Reply] [Original]

what is this? new rule?

>> No.72653773

No you are retarded thinking that way. Rope yourself low quality baiter

>> No.72653774

to be honest, Cover flopped with themm by their standards. Thay are doing fine but companies are about numbers too

>> No.72653807

Just a trick to drive subs. They will get their 3D either way.

>> No.72653970

>meanwhile homo dont even reach 100k and still got 3D
I hope they terminate all homo instead

>> No.72653985

It's literally in Ririka stream right now

>> No.72654047

I asked

>> No.72654129

What happened to her unicorn fanbase?

>> No.72654174


>> No.72654232

fuck regloss

>> No.72654909

>fuck regloss
That's what holostars do everyday

>> No.72655007

Based, I would do the same. I need to make Ao a woman again.

>> No.72655056

And this is why they dont get subs kek

>> No.72655092

she will reach 500k maybe next year lul

>> No.72655245
File: 72 KB, 735x228, 8hunluzoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana still has more subs than most of regloss

>> No.72655312

Launch is the most important time for a vTuber and they really botched the launch, that's why they flopped.

>> No.72655344
File: 291 KB, 654x650, irolook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute state of ReGross

>> No.72655468

Makes you really wonder what the actual fuck Cover was smoking going for this. It feels unsatisfactory thinking of them as gen 7, like are they really? They're a different fucking branch it seems.

If we get a real Gen 7 as full-on Holos who don't immediately kick things off talking a bunch with holostars predebut then I'd think "well if we get devis in addition to normal actual holos now too it's more talents so whatever", but if Regloss came at the cost of doing the regular style Holo gens then what a fucking massive waste this has all been.

>> No.72655497

We already got confirmation that this is bullshit, they are getting 3d anyways. They just set this "target" themselves because they think it will help them get better numbers.

>> No.72655507

That's because regloss are a homogen and not hololive.

>> No.72655535

I'm 90% sure it was some kind of tax evasion scheme.

>> No.72655536

>Please EOP's support me until I reach my goals and then I'm off to do male collabs

>> No.72655567

>I don't watch streams here's a bait regloss thread

>> No.72656225


>> No.72656410

Feels like whoever decided to start calling the new gens special titles went full retard and said "Wait let's one up HoloX and make Gen 7 their own BRANCH" and then no one cared, especially not with the art being so different from their actual models.

>> No.72656472

My wife Ao is not a homo

>> No.72656956


>> No.72657127

regloss will get 3d before advent.

>> No.72657674

500k for Hololive, 50k for Holostars.

>> No.72658136

Literally watch the announcement stream. They set themselves challenges to try and hit before their 3D later this year.

>> No.72658185

ReGloss needs all sorts of buffs they can afford, challenge buff included
(It's not like they won't be getting 3D anyway)

>> No.72658206

Ao is the only one not getting fucked, they can't tell she's a girl

>> No.72658255

Your wife flirts with girls all day long anon

>> No.72658271

wasn't this announced some time ago already? I think ReGloss needs to get 2.5 mil subs collectively for 3D or something

>> No.72658324


>> No.72658430

Watch streams dumb faggot

>> No.72658525

It's a made up goal, they're going to get 3d regardless

>> No.72658597

The goal was 100k for gen4. This is just due to inflation.

>> No.72658748

Well. like half of them are whores too so that doesn't help.

>> No.72658946
File: 81 KB, 512x512, 1688837610083981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praying for this

>> No.72659306

I can't believe world population doubled in a few years. I don't think babies can subscribe though.

>> No.72659467

>male collabing whore
>begging for help with noombers
heh no

>> No.72659606

It was likely some kind of internal management struggle. The fact that there's an upside down "7" in their name shows that it was either way until the last moment.
What a shitfest.
Probably the same faction that was banking on holizoli being not an obvious colossal failure that could've been seen from the moon.

>> No.72659723

Is that the reason of the constant graduations in Nijisanji?

>> No.72659854

Openly going for the pump&dump strategy just turns me off completely. I went to vtubers because they were fucking grateful for their fans and had a journey to support, not for whatever this begging shit is supposed to represent. This seems more like some retarded management fuckery and I hope they get their dumb number monkey ass handed to them asap. Unsubbing for this shit.

>> No.72660016

I like the collective race to a specific sub number but stuff like early male collabs doesn't exactly help their momentum, they were always going to be more niche than a main gen due to aiming for a different audience appeal.

>> No.72660061

Insulting unicorns didn't work out, please understand.

>> No.72660578

Is this the true power of a male collaber?

>> No.72660999

Per their shareholder pamphlet they want to "broaden their reach" and "make chuubas more accessible for the peons". Most likely a collab project with VIA/Sony behind the scenes

>> No.72661899

My oshi used to get 40 ccv before the blue dorito. She doesn't malecollab. She's got skin in the game. She's been streaming longer than cover corp has existed. My would-be oshi (if my oshi didn't exist) similarly predates cover. She also doesn't malecollab. Neither of them were given subs either, nor do they lean on collabs or leech. Nowadays you debut and get 200~300k subs within a month, homocollaber or not. And you can spam collabs with the big holomem for easy pickings. You can even diss unicorns with little repercussion. So why beg for 500k? Most indies would kill a million homobeggars and spit on their graves for 50k unicorns. Shouldn't regloss be content with what they have? Leave the numberfagging to the numberfags like suisei. Leave factorio to okayu and terraria to peko. But you should be happy you've made it this far with little to no risk, ririka-san. You're standing on the shoulders of giants, there's no need to stoop so low and beg. Ride that high horse high above the unichuds. They'll scuttle in the sewer and search for a safe haven. As they always have.

>> No.72662074

this isn't your blog, kill yourself

>> No.72662201

you vill read ze blogposts and you vill be happy

>> No.72662243

I will not read your diary, go be homosexual somewhere else.

>> No.72662700

read it, it's actually really good.

>> No.72662812

So she's just outright lying.
Not a good look.

>> No.72663472

Japanese are literal ESLs you accidental prostitute spawn

>> No.72663701

I love watching ENcels seethe everyday about Regloss getting their 3D before EN3 whores.

>> No.72665062
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>> No.72665431

I'm not reading your faggot blog post, retarded cocksucker.

>> No.72665530

kill yourself anon

>> No.72665623

Wait we hate regloss? Why?

>> No.72665648

no no no
it's purely a self-imposed challenge from the regloss girls themselves
they want to reach a cumulative 2.5 million subscribers by the time their 3D comes around

>> No.72666472

Ao is stealing our fantasy wives.

>> No.72666891

>make chuubas more accessible for the peons
Have they tried giving them YouTube channels and a social media presence?

>> No.72666908

>Males collabs
>NijiEN collabs

>> No.72667825

Sana was also a better chuuba than most of Regloss

>> No.72667833

Because Ririka won't return my calls.

>> No.72668192
File: 202 KB, 510x508, 1687108457772049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and true

>> No.72668673

When will you guys accept that the entire point of hololive was for Yagoo to build his pretty boys harem?

>> No.72668815

So like 1/3 of hololive at this point

>> No.72668922

hololive realized they have already saturated the jp market and they need the gawr gura subs to reactivate to pad their numbers, hence the aggressive EN streams. too bad they didn't get the memo that vtubing is dead in the west

>> No.72669036

>Outright begging
Well that's a bad look.

>> No.72669187

Advent is way more successful than Regloss by pretty much ever metric
They should always be getting 3D before Regloss if Cover is being fair. FWMC along mogs all of Regloss, they are the perfect Hololive hire.

>> No.72669371

When people become this obsessed with the gay, it is often a sign of projection.

>> No.72669492

Huh? They have no interest in their gen or even their branch, having used them as nothing more than a springboard to enter Japan. Also it's two people sharing a channel so their numbers being bigger shouldn't really come as a surprise.

>> No.72670324


>> No.72670590

Using "we" in broad sweeping statements is one of the most effective engagement tactics marketers have ever come up with, as it makes you want to speak to defend yourself, at which point boom you're engaging with the content.

>> No.72670794

You should write a letter to cover. Don't forget to include your contact info. If you're ESL and need proofreading, post it here. With your contact info and address. We'll help you, anon, don't worry

>> No.72671331

フッコ were EN??

>> No.72671638

Skill issue. Seethe

>> No.72671901

It's not surprising cover dropped the ball. They advertise them as a different branch but refuse to explain what makes them separate. Either way they will all hit 500k within a couple of months either way they're just pushing harder to hit it because they were just given the threshold.
