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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72499968 No.72499968 [Reply] [Original]

So raise your hand if you will be pathetic enough to give you're hard earned money to the greedy and lazy shark that's selling overpriced cheap goods

>> No.72499992

Stay seething, nijisis

>> No.72500010
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>hard earned

>> No.72500040

I won't because she's not my Oshi but i will laugh at the fact that she will make more money out of this than the entirety of negrosanjiEN pulled together lmfao

>> No.72500069

deflection thread

>> No.72500141

seethe forever poorfag lmao. if you don't give gura money YOU ARE a homosexual.

>> No.72500365

Ah yes poorfag because I won't spend over 800 dollars on a backpack, hoodie, and watch that would give the Chinese a run for their money in the quality department. Good thing gura has idiots with your IQ that will throw money at her

>> No.72500457
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dude i don't even need the merch, i'm happy to just throw money at her. problem? as long as i am cumming to her daily, the money shall flow, while antis seethe and piss their pants cos they've been outplayed by cunny.

>> No.72500475


>> No.72500546

that is a valid concern. can't supa if theres no stream. chumbuds must be loaded

>> No.72500561

Welp not much to say to a degenerate whos only form of pleasure and happiness is to cum to a Loli shark.

Hope you're life improves and you can mature as a person good day

>> No.72500584

She mogs your holo oshi too. Seethe.

>> No.72500609

That's like 3 month's wages for SEAfags KEK

>> No.72500612

How's your Onlyfans going, Brittany?

>> No.72500637
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>Nooo, don't make fun of Gura, she can do no wrong
>You are a sister

>> No.72500651

Eww don't compare me to those trashes, I might dislike gura but I have fallen low enough to support the black company

>> No.72500724

The fuck? Who's Brittany?

>> No.72500903

It's a schizo delusion the sisters have created. They have to at this point to defend Gura.

>> No.72500911

some seething saggy titted jew or some shit that hates lolis.

>> No.72500962

>can't cum to the loli shark
must be rough.

>> No.72500978

Holy fuck learn how to type you retarded SEAfag. Just because Gura isn't a homocollabing whore like your favorites, it doesn't mean you need to constantly attack her.

>> No.72500982

Then that's just sad men, not only are chumbuds stupid, they are also delusional now I feel bad for mocking the people with special needs

>> No.72501126

wtf chumbuds still exist? I canceled my membershrimp months ago, she simply does not care so I stopped caring too.

>> No.72501156

Aww little degenerate is mad, gura not streaming must have you on edge since thats apparently the only thing that allows you to have any semblance of happiness in that pathetic life of yours.

Don't worry men, once she's out of money she will be back and you'll finally be happy for at least 1 more week

>> No.72501241

lol you been missing out bro. your loss i guess. it's okay, i'll cum to her enough every day for the both of us.

>> No.72501263

It must be depressing making all these threads even though they have 0 impact on Gura's success or popularity. You're just sitting here wasting your day trying to stir shit up and yet some random Niji shit will still always get more attention than your desperate shitposting.

Above all, at least I'm not a SEAfag.

>> No.72501409
File: 1 KB, 124x91, 1638924492073s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought all 3 pieces.

The watch is a banger, and i will gladly wear it to 6th fes if i can get tickets.

The pullover is goals. I got mine a little small so that i have motivation to lose a little weight before 6th fes.

and rocking that bag at 6th fes will be awesome.

Best $800 I spent in months.

>> No.72501430

Yet here you are crying like a little cumdump. How does it feel that the only happiness you will ever get is from an imaginary loli shark girl that doesn't even know you exist? And that the only human touch you'll get is from your right hand while thinking of said shark girl?

Also much rather be thought as a seafag then whatever the hell chumbuds are.

>> No.72501447

>admits to being a SEAnigger
imagine not being white lmao

>> No.72501476

That's the thing, it's actually useful merch, that's really nice looking. There's a hololive concert coming up here in my country, and i'm gonna wear the jumper and watch, and keep all my shit for the concert like water and food, in the bag. It's gonna be awesome.

>> No.72501538

White? You're proud of being white? Holy shit that's hilarious, now it all makes sense, only a white men known for having tiny diccs would get this mad over someone disrespecting their imaginary hoe. Hahaha now I feel stupid for even responding to you

>> No.72501555
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lmao. imaginary girl? you realise vtubers are real right? I'm not cumming three times a day to just the cartoon shark, but the girl behind the shark. All of my semen for her. My cum gives her energy. That's why Fes was so fucking awesome, cos of all the semen i dedicate to her. It's all because of me.

>> No.72501592

Shitty AR live deflection thread

>> No.72501610

>That's why Fes was so fucking awesome, cos of all the semen i dedicate to her.
Thank you for your service

>> No.72501626

Wait who had a shitty AR live?

>> No.72501635

whites built civilization. not a civilization, but THE human civilization. what have SEAS built? Orangutan rape tents. Oh also, we literally invented everything, from the wheel to the phone in your pocket.

>> No.72501653

gura go stream

>> No.72501701

>You're proud of being white?
As proud as you are being a poor seafag
>Hahaha now I feel stupid for even responding to you
Bitch you are you kidding?
You WILL respond to this and prove yourself stupid kekeroo

>> No.72501711

Sure buddy, good job you have earned yourself a cookie hurray for you, bet you're fat ass is drooling just at the mention of food

>> No.72501798

>thinks someone that faps as much as me is fat. lol.
lmao. Gura isn't going to marry a fatass, because she's going to marry me. seethe forever.

>> No.72501831

Alot? I think the answer must be a lot.

>> No.72501922

That's sad not gonna lie, I don't even have a comeback for that. Like you're already living such a sad life that I feel that no matter what I say it won't have an effect of you cause of how miserable you're life already is

>> No.72501975

Why phaseniggies seething again?

>> No.72502057

What have I missed? Seems like she still never streams.

>> No.72502108


>> No.72502571

>Calling people idiot because they spent money on things he can't obviously afford
Typical poorfag and loser behaviour.

>> No.72502828

Is that so? Huh I guess I have a long way till I become a true poorfag. Thanks master I appreciate your teachings in the way of poorfagging

>> No.72502910

paying $300 for a $10 watch isn't the flex you think it is

>> No.72503458
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>> No.72503619

I don't get the seethe
Isn't her success a great thing for vtubing?
She makes a shitload of money and all of holo benefits from that

>> No.72506228


>> No.72507439

>to give you're hard
yes I'm hard

>> No.72507665

>the pinnacle of vtubing
>barely interacts with her fans
not really

>> No.72509548
File: 334 KB, 911x564, 1742794729685938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder, Nijikek. Your garbage liver will never be anywhere near her level.

>> No.72509748


Says the mindbroken Nijifag who's TOTALLY not asshurt because Gura's merch sold out like hotcakes.

>> No.72509872

>B-but niji
When are you going to stream, Gura?

>> No.72510437

Complaining about Gura not streaming is like complaining that Hello Kitty doesn't stream. She's ascended into becoming a brand. A brand that can make people fly to bumfuck north Japan in the dead of winter to stand on endless lines at a small aquarium for gacha merch and then form a miniature economy trading for complete sets.

>> No.72510507

Hi Matt. Daily Wire doing so bad you need to come here for clicks?

>> No.72510709

>He thinks 800 dollars is a lot
Lol beggars and sisters are mad because unicorn chads have disposable income.

>> No.72510746


>> No.72510815

Yikes. Imagine flying to Japan for an oshi who doesn't care about you. No wonder you're trying so hard to defend her.
>Buying overpriced Chinese slop is cool
I have some 800 shit you can buy. What? You don't want it? What a poorfag.

>> No.72510855

>I spend money on junk so anonymous people on the internet can give me the validation i so desperately seek

>> No.72510895

this gave me a slight wake up call not going to lie

>> No.72510985
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Feels good to be a wealthy unichad and make these poorlets seethe.

>> No.72511143

The people mad about this are just sisters who realized that no one would ever spend $800, let alone $20, on them.
You bet they'd try to buy $1000 merch if it had le grand retard de Vox Akuma's pedo face on it.

>> No.72511269
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Its like a popular anime that's over. There's no more episodes, but you watched it and enjoyed it, so if having a physical reminder of that time makes you happy, hey, why the fuck not?

>> No.72512337
File: 47 KB, 462x648, 1695387826040589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you watch vtubers, you're already a loser

>> No.72512657

She is not selling it... Cover does. Is not like Gura comes to Yagoo and be like: 'yo bro' I have this merch idea, do it!'

>> No.72512975

I never understand SEAfags complaining about people spending money. Isn't that how your sweatshop pays you?

>> No.72513116

>calls someone else pedo

>> No.72513175

why do you care so much about what people do with their money?
stop being poor

>> No.72513463

$300 ain't much.

>> No.72516516


>> No.72516811

Pass your GED so you can afford burning a day's pay on the shart

>> No.72517604

Just because you want to suck off milord, it doesn't mean everyone wants to fuck the vtuber they watch.

>> No.72518121

>he doesnt know

>> No.72518391

I stopped watching ninisani during the luca x pomu romance arc and never watched vox. Chumbuds are literally called chumpedos. And before >sister
Im just grooming the viewers of niji now. Pakichan isnt as hot as american women, but she gives you more.

>> No.72519283


>> No.72519540

Imagine being a poor fag and shaming people for spending money.

>> No.72520384

Thats 3 days of work after taxes. It is hard-earned

>> No.72521808
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That's rich coming from a washed-up failure like (You) who stays in his mom's basement. Stay mad, sucker.

>> No.72522058
File: 233 KB, 527x540, 1710265996099740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even was the Luca x Pomu "romance"? Luca constantly forcing himself onto Pomu for the 100th time and the latter not being able dodge his advances becasue of her submissive nature?

>> No.72522435

I dont remember all the events,but my breaking point was the wii sports (?) collab when they made a whole backstory about how they knew eachother irl and raced eachother. I think pomu lost a race and was upset about the trophy because it meant alot to her when she was kid. Then luca revealed he had won a trophy from a race and it turns out he was the long lost rival.

>> No.72522984

are companies now gonna try to outbid each other for the next spot in line for the sweet sweet shark kash money?

>> No.72523791

Yikes imagine your oshi caring for you. Anon your oshi doesn't care about your existence whether they stream or not.

>> No.72525874

im glad the only gura merch ill ever own is her nendoroid

>> No.72526287

Original anon you were replying to here: lol dumbfuck SEAfag. I'm not white either but at least I don't live in a hut.

>> No.72526402

Choose a better oshi

>> No.72526480

To be fair, I see no difference between this and some brand name.

>> No.72526638

i would rather buy superchats with that money, honestly i dont get much for buying the merch
