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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71408773 No.71408773 [Reply] [Original]

> Spent 2.5 billion yen on stocks
Executing Selen resulting in total PR image destruction
Stocks dropped down significantly
> Shake hands with Google to raise price
Stocks dropped down again after 3 days
> Change into loan margin trade
Help them stay at 3k territory for a bit
Horrible financial report released
> Mass sell of stocks, so bad that they hit bottom cap

Is there anything else Riku can save the company now, or is it too late and all he can do is sit back and watch the investors drain his company stocks until they can do another buyback in July ?

>> No.71408898

He could try making NijiHub real. Don’t really see any other option than performing more risqué shit than once seen as possible.

>> No.71409257

They could go full European Football mod, and sell off talents to other agencies to make some profits. Cover could be interested in Mito too... maybe even expand their Holostars with a Kuzuha or something XD

>> No.71409307

>doomposting about the biggest vtuber company in the world
even with their garbage dying en branch they still have higher revenue than cover

>> No.71409513

And other hilarious stories told by sisters. Your precious Riku confirmed Nijisanji is now the second biggest company and falling.

>> No.71409749

he won't, he'll sell out to sony and they'll fix niji instead

>> No.71411380

Yeah that would be funny for a second but do you want Niji fans in Holo?

>> No.71411469

He had an investor call where he had the opportunity to announce major projects, investment, restructuring, anything. Instead they just basically said "our business is operating as a business and it'll all work out somehow" lmao.

>> No.71411550

Meh, not like they're worse than unicorns. And how bad could they really be compared to ruffians?

>> No.71411864

they BARELY made more total revenue when factoring in merch sales... with over 100 MORE TALENTS on retainer, And if you actually read the god damn numbers, You'd have seen Hololive actually made 60% MORE REVENUE IN STREAMING THAN NIJISANJI DID, Again.. with OVER 100 FEWER TALENTS, the ONLY margin of revenue they have over cover is in merch cause they pump out a shit ton of low quality plastic bullshit where cover tailors each merch drop to the specific talent's requests and fanbase

>> No.71411913

Ah you must be one of those filthy itchy cunts who keep making "FWMC ARE KEKING THEIR FANS LELELELELELELELEL" Baitthreads, Wash your cunt pagpag

>> No.71411997

>Fix Niji
Niji's definitely dead.

>> No.71412092

See what I mean?

>> No.71412118

Inui Toko, Shiina Yuika, and Hoshikawa Sara going to Hololive would be a win

>> No.71412156

Yes we all see that you backwards inbred chinks keep shitting up the board with FWMC bait posts to distract from Total Nijifag Annihilation, Now seriously go wash your cunt

>> No.71412289

Anon. You immediately started shitting up the thread at the mere mention of ruffians always shitting up threads. FWMC haven't even been mentioned nor at they at all involved.

>> No.71412328


>> No.71412693

NTA but i think that guy was talking about threads, Not so much posts /here/ on this board, and they kinda have a point, There's been like 20 "Their abandoning EN for JP" threads the past week, Honestly ruffians are too sensitive and really should stop bumping those stupid threads but what can ya do, A lot of fans /here/ are retarded

>> No.71412808

I don't see any solution that allows them to keep going business-as-usual. Promises of restructuring won't help. Apologies won't help. PR doesn't matter at this point. The talks saying otherwise came before we saw how bad a shape EN's finances already were. It would be too little too late now. Let's be real for a minute, investors don't actually give a fuck if you did something unethical. They only care that you hurt the bottom line. Fans care about PR, and that does correlate to profits, but it isn't an instantaneous 1:1 conversion. Even if they somehow play everything perfectly from now on, with godlike flawless PR, it will still take time for their revenue to recover. Anycolor does not have that time. We are halfway through Q4 now. People aren't streaming enough, and there aren't any major events(sorry Petra) that will bring in the missing revenue they need. Anycolor will not be meeting expectations.

Let me reiterate. Even with their greedy practices and little-to-no reinvestment in the company, they are still not meeting their own profit forecasts. They can't turn that around now. There is nothing they can do to change it. Reinvest now? No, it's too late. That would hurt their bottom line in the short term. They cannot afford short term losses right now, because the few investors sticking around are waiting for the Q4 financial statement to make their decision. The company will limp along until the next statement, but that will almost certainly put them out of their misery.

The grass is clearly greener on the other side. Company C is forward-thinking; reinvesting in the company and steadily growing worldwide. Company A has effectively lost their only remaining overseas branch and had no real answers for investors when asked about future plans. There is simply no reason to invest in the losing team. Investors will either switch sides or pull out of Vtuber market completely. As a side note: the latter is why Cover's share price is taking a hit. Investors are seeing what is happening on the other side of the street and getting anxious it might happen to them too. It's not an entirely unreasonable concern either. It doesn't matter whether the company or the talent is the one in the wrong; all that matters is that a talent *could* potentially destroy an entire branch if they put their minds to it. It's a risk investors hadn't considered and now needs to be assessed. For example, imagine what could have happened if Rushia went nuclear instead of self-destructing. That realization is causing them to reevaluate the industry. It will be Cover's job to reassure investors that such a thing won't happen to them.

There is also no sensible reason to buy Anycolor, as a whole, regardless of the price point. The Niji mindshare is all nearly worthless at this point. You would be better off starting up a new branch and poaching the few profitable Livers while they are desperately searching for a lifeboat on a yacht that doesn't have any. Or taking it a step further; if Riku realizes the company is a lost cause with no buyers, he will be forced to liquidate. Relevant parties are circling like sharks that smell blood in the water. They can just wait and grab people they like, model and all.

>> No.71413001

Yea and it's not hard to understand why. Ruffians are basically underage retards that get baited by extremely obvious shit, and instead of following the simple and ancient adage of 'dont feed the trolls' each of these threads turns into a buffet, which in turn shits up the board and earns these idiots the reputation of worst fanbase and it's not even a contest anymore.

>> No.71413227

>Cover's job to reassure investors that such a thing won't happen to them
How can Cover let investors know that they can keep the foreigners from destroying themselves?

>> No.71413546

It's impossible to outright prove it will never happen. They best that Cover can do is assure investors that it is extremely unlikely to happen. Careful management of talents, attention to their mental wellbeing, careful screening of new recruits. Basically just show that they are taking steps to mitigate the risk as much as possible. After that it's up to investors to decide if Cover is doing a good enough job for them to stick around. It's like real life: There is always a chance that terrorists could attack an airport, but many people still fly because the odds are extremely low. Preventative measures and a quick response to possible threats is the best anyone can offer you.

>> No.71414125

fix niji by killing it and releasing the livers from their slave chains like they did with prism

>> No.71414187

Selling the whole branch to someone else

>> No.71414472
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I don't know enough finances to comment on what to do in that department, but here's what needs to be done to fix their public image.
1. End the practice of stealth suspensions and management skinwalking the talents on social media.
2. Public apologies for ever having these evil policies in the first place
3. Pledge to re-negotiate contracts with every talent, with the following changes as the basis:
3a. larger revenue share
3b. looser restrictions on roommate activities
3c. lower lock-in period, let talents graduate when they want
4. Heavily invest in more 3D studio time, speed up the 3D queue
I'm sure there's more that could be done, but these are the most important points to me.

This will never happen without a revolt from within, a Second Great Nijisanji Resistance uprising if you will.

>> No.71414627

Who would realistically revolt from within Niji? Lol Mito?
JP side seems pretty content or indoctrinated into black company Jap corpo culture. EN only has the ones already on their way out, cowards, the shadow management clique and Harry's darling boys.

>> No.71414745

I mean they have a long way to go before they reach chumbud levels, And let's not pretend the Nijisisters aren't objectively the worst fanbase in all of vtubing, They are actively malicious instead of just seething troll feeders

>> No.71414952

Tell the girl to do naked dogeza streams and health delivery

>> No.71415082

>what could he do to save it?
Sell it to Cover as a subsidiary with name retention.

>> No.71415230

This would be hilarious but becareful what you wish for because Yagoo would buy Vox contract.

>> No.71415261

>Cover buy out Chima & Toko , put them in a unit together with Suityan

>> No.71415515

Use his billions to invent a time machine so he can go back and do it all over again but without so many huge fuckups.

Otherwise its unironically over. If Monday & Tuesday are even half as bad as Friday was, Anycolor's gonna enter liquidation within the next two months. Goodbye to the entire company.

>> No.71415916

No one is challenging their current revenues paki-chan. Business is based on future forecast and growth. Nothing Anycolor has said in the pdf or investor talk points to them having any thought of expansion or plans for future. All they said was hire cheaper talent and add more livers to the company. Good luck trying to justify a sweatshop style Vtuber company. You would know since it's normal for third-worlders families to work in sweatshops.

>> No.71416150

This is unironically retarded FUD.
>Well nothing is actually wrong on Cover's side but investors should believe the exact same thing is going to happen to them, ignore all news releases, financial statements, evidence to the contrary and go bearish purely because a competitor is having a niche backlash to events which transpired around specific employees. We should short Schwab because First Republic was seized by the FDIC.
The worst part is this tactic works but it just creates market inefficiency where you can buy depressed stocks at low prices which will normalize a couple quarters later when people realize the initial line of thinking was completely detached from reality. It's like assuming your wife is cheating on you and divorcing her because that happened to some guy you know despite having no evidence it's happening to you.

>> No.71416635

Get off your phone and get back to making those shirts

>> No.71416755

I fully agree with you. I'm not saying investors are actually correct in their line of thinking; Cover DOES have their bases covered. That's just the thought process investors are going through right now. Sell first and ask questions later once you know you are safe. It's better to repurchase later once you know everything is in the clear than it is to lose 22% in a day like the other guys. It's like seeing the slums on the other side of town and being afraid that it might spread to your neighborhood. I mean sure, you live in a gated community with round-the-clock security, whereas they don't even have a police presence... but irrational panic says it could happen.

>> No.71417087

No one will want to work with a company that can't support investments, even Cover had to go into the market to continue working despite not wanting to play the game.
When a company is in these situation, it needs to stabilize. To stabilize, you need to downsize. Cut whatever doesn't work, focus on what it does, and stop being a clown and shout everything is ok.
Fire the guy in charge of the expansion with all the rights of it having failed, and trash all the shitty decision on him, have your talents at least try to clean their image by having a scapegoat, working or not it will allow them the benefit of the doubt. Doki is not gonna attack them, so it will be ground to restart.
EN gets inglobated in JP, and this will throw everyone into the ocean and filth toxicity out as they will have no time to act like superior when they are the gaijins.
Then if you stabilize, after the fiscal year, you relaunch in September with what it works, which will likely be an Homo branch since those are the ones who still sell.

Accelerate when your engine is on fire is not the answer, unless you are planning to getaway with the money and leave the burning car to someone else or to burn.

>> No.71417253

Well, the NijiJP are actually pretty alright. Not like Hololive don't have their share of the unhinged.

No need for Vox on the Holostars EN though.

>> No.71417317
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>save anycolor
No, let it go under and then cover and save toko

>> No.71417356

Enough about Cover, the point here is Nijisanji. Honestly cover losing price stock may even be good, if one day they decide to do a buyback, it will be stable and allow them to create easy liquidity.

To avoid this kind of shit, you look at the P/E ratio to know how much the market is manipulated. The closer is to 15-20, the more the price is right for the stock, high means the price should be higher.

Anycolor crashed and is now at 19.94, meaning that the math is asking for a lower price even. The only way Riku is gonna save his company is to issue some solution in these two weeks, or hoping speculators keep the price floating enough that he gets time for more stunts.

>> No.71417441
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Nice face, Taizumi-san.

>> No.71417444

All of this requires money, in which they are clearly "not in business of burning billions, to recoup it several years later". Even just re-negotiating contract involves lower cut for AnyC in which margin will get lower, and investor will get uppity.

Some Cover investor already getting uppity with Hololive talents receiving alot more than competitors in which Yagoo politely told him to fuck off because he hires the most elite. Honestly speaking, nothing really prevents Nijisanji to offer better contracts only to their "core units" while squeezing everyone else.

>> No.71417500

should I buy cover? I've never used stocks before, but it sounds like a pretty good idea.....

>> No.71417516

I checked on the P/E Ratio for Cover, and apparently its on a ridiculous 40. How the hell?

>> No.71417537
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>biggest vtuber company in the world
Look at how BIG they are! Don't be shy, look closely!

>> No.71417569

well, if you bought Cover's at opening price 2 years ago, it already grows by 70% right now.

>> No.71417597

They ARE worse than unicorns though.

>> No.71417652

Might as well close, all of that is an admission you have done nothing in all these years. Also if he does that for EN, he will have to do that for JP. And then he will have to cut JP in half because it becomes not-sustainable to do it with 150+ talents.
Don't expect JP to raise for the occasion, the culture over there is horrible and EN is too tainted in toxicity and self-righteousness to remember the law is on their side, or to even want to change things.
Sometimes a cancer needs to be cut off completely, then we will see what heals and what rottens.

>> No.71417744
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>They lost Moira
>And big dragon tits
>And the idol who can crush your head with her legs
They better act fast, because they're losing star attractions.

>> No.71417763
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Can you save my hag wife too?

>> No.71417836

Hard to say, because their business isn't attractive to stock buyers.
Maybe buy this weekend and sell at a peak, but long term, there aren't any dividends and it's still overvalued.

>> No.71417880

>It's like assuming your wife is cheating on you and divorcing her because that happened to some guy you know despite having no evidence it's happening to you.
Literally happened to my brother recently lmao. He was so mad when we drank. Turns out girl X heard in some bullshit short on youtube that guys with certain jobs and age cheat 60% more and started digging through my brother's social accounts on home pc. Some humans don't know how to control their pattern seeking brains, anon. It is normal. Even you and i fall for our brains' tricks.

>> No.71417893

this was written by a woman

>> No.71418046

I wrote these posts.

>> No.71418254

Quick, post songs for the Downfall of Niji playlist

>> No.71419218

My knees would bend so hard they would shatter into stardust if that ever happens.

>> No.71419261

Only if Mito's pals arrive.

>> No.71419314

YAGOO should get Sara to finally lock down any sort of possible long-term Matsuri yab, she's the perfect seal for her.

>> No.71419633
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We will know if it's over once Mito is out of the yacht.
That would be like Sora getting terminated. And would severely shatter NIJI JP image.
The worst case scenario is Kuzuha dipping alongside his friend and maybe the Oni too.

>> No.71419870

> Kuzuha dipping alongside his friend
DYRBI ? The guy that is basically Coco-level of Niji earner ?

>> No.71420087

Why are you comparing subhuman trash like nijifags to actual people?

>> No.71420163

Stop replying to yourself, nijifag. Your oneman skit isn't convincing anyone.

>> No.71420462

Uh.. my guy the person you just replied to called Nijifags the worst fanbase in vtubing, I doubt that means they are a Nijicuck themselves, they're not self aware enough to admit anything is wrong in their little doxxsite

>> No.71420874

What causes this? Why do nijiniggers care more about the profits of some multi million company than the chuubas working there instead? Truly soulless behavior
Cover mindbroke them

>> No.71421971

They are all burnt kindred, vox told them to "keep fighting the good fight" and he hasn't had a solo stream in over 70 days, They don't watch the girls, They BARELY watch the other boys, They don't donate cause they're all underage third worlders, And all they know is spite and tearing other people's happiness down because they are too broken inside to examine themselves

>> No.71423662

>Is there anything else Riku can save the company now, or is it too late and all he can do is

I'm thinking it was too late. Zaion was the canary. The warning bell to prevent the Selen situation and the resulting fallout from their horrible mismanagement.

If I was him now, I'd sell the company and start under a new name. Obviously if I was him I wouldn't have been in this mess to begin with.
