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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 403 KB, 720x1280, 951dabeb-f7e4-44ac-8551-328551feebbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70554199 No.70554199 [Reply] [Original]

gotta keep the grindset

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>70535229

>> No.70554247

Is it safe yet?

>> No.70554260

thanks anon <:
im turning 30 :<

>> No.70554361


>> No.70554422
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real husbands won

>> No.70554500

>I’m fast as fuck boiii
>I don’t think you have any idea how fast I really am
>I’m fast as fuck boiiiiii

>> No.70554544 [SPOILER] 


>> No.70554597

shondo in my arms

>> No.70554631
File: 340 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_20240213_085641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70554634

Don't read the last 2 characters on the OP's image filename

>> No.70554693

I'm retarded

>> No.70554714
File: 379 KB, 512x638, 1707175875367115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70554762

and gay

>> No.70554877

I'm not gay. I'm definitely not attracted to sho's toes

>> No.70554955

"jpg" is just a normal file format, retard

>> No.70554987

Can't believe she rigged it to be all favorites. ****** was right.

>> No.70555033

I didn't get in so she didn't rig it

>> No.70555054

I dont agree with you

>> No.70555082

despite all my rage I’m still just a cat on a wheel

>> No.70555094

she's teaching you all a valuable lesson in fairness

>> No.70555124

I didn't do !join, but i still yelled RIGGED like the others

>> No.70555464

INSANECAT I'm hanging on by a thread, i need stats

>> No.70555481

so was it confirmation of the favorite theory or antifavorite theory

>> No.70555534

both were confirmed, and there are "super regulars" now apparently

>> No.70555741
File: 287 KB, 2048x2048, 1690312881311380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how she insists she doesn't make a distinction between people in her head and then casually drops a new term to describe a small number of viewers. just goes to show that there is some level of facade there no matter how hard white knights would try denying it

>> No.70555796

Both, but not in the way you think.

>> No.70555906
File: 347 KB, 598x703, IMG_3610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how cute she was today :)

>> No.70555923

>white knights would deny this
have a little faith i would never deny that

>> No.70556086

super regular is a better term than favorite anyway, I approve

>> No.70556129

Otis is very handsome and looking good on his wheel, I am rly proud of him

>> No.70556417

This mentally ill British girl that I've never met IRL must pass all mental logic consistency checks that I personally impose on her, or else she is a ...bad person?!
And once I've proven that she is a bad person, everyone will agree with me and care, and she'll be hurt like I was!
That will make everything better

>> No.70556477

Yes, bad people are bad.

>> No.70556548

husbands have now been demoted to 'super regulars' 'regulars' 'chat' and 'lurkers'. its over.

>> No.70556644

Imagine how much cuter megane would have been though

>> No.70556682
File: 167 KB, 395x345, 1688522030622189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, sorry but this isn't the usual case of a woman being able to explain away everything by saying "oh my gosh, you pushed your ideal onto me and now you're mad that i can't live up to it". she created this ideal herself but keeps insisting that the ideal and her current self are aligned despite not being, which creates a ludonarrative dissonance that drives her husbands insane. she painted herself into this corner and has no one to blame but herself.

>> No.70556695

Which is which?

>> No.70556724


>> No.70556732

Great, you've proven she is a bad person, congrats. Now what?

>> No.70556750

imagine megane AND flowers. shondo.... please...

>> No.70556778

"Super regular" was the same term she used before to justify not blocking people repeatedly abusing dms.
>I don't want to block them because some of them are "super regulars"
I guess it is indeed the same thing as favorites.

>> No.70556792

>guy comments that he’s sad, what do?
>Shondo makes herself big
>”look me in the eyes”
>gives words of encouragement
she didn’t have to do that. she can be so sweet sometimes. unironically a good girl

>> No.70556819

The chances of it being a coincidence is too small. We need another confession schizo to expose it.

>> No.70556839

now nothing? the way to get out of this is for her to slowly replace her husbands with newfags that aren't aware of her past and what the relationship used to be and she's already doing this. in a few years the shondo experience the oldfags came to love her for will be completely dead.

>> No.70556855

I'm shaking and crying, stats doko?

>> No.70556923

>the way to get out of this is for her to slowly replace her husbands with newfags
Is that why she filled the caged animals with favorites?

>> No.70557132

>"i dont know whos rigging it but someone is"

>> No.70557320

Ok, sounds good, and like thing will progress towards their inevitable doom with or without your input.

>> No.70557528
File: 3 KB, 291x282, 1709014753578505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondomination begins.

>> No.70557626

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.70557670

the only newfags you could say this about are /here/ and already know about her past

>> No.70557737

If it were rigged by her thirf and I would have gotten in, therefore it was not rigged by her
>captcha: SHONG

>> No.70557864

I can smell the boobro stank in here

>> No.70558130

I don't think your nose is very good.

>> No.70558259

you're not a woman, don't play the gaslighting game

>> No.70558341

I think I simped too hard for her and she lost respect for me (she never respected me, she doesn’t even know who I am)
Did anyone recommend the Borne series yet? I’ve only seen the first 3 but I thought they were pretty good.

>> No.70558604

i know it sucks because of how blatant it is but do people really need to get upset about not having a pixel animal named after them?

>> No.70558941

Try not to take the words posted here too serious. Nade nade.

>> No.70559018

Its the principle. Favorites won. Fibbing won.

>> No.70559024

personally I'm not upset it just makes me raise an eyebrow

>> No.70559075

She's the one making it important. It could be just something that displays on screens sometimes but she keeps namedropping and making references to the animals/workers she named. Not winning the gacha it is the same as missing out on something that will make your name appear on her mind more often. It's a lot of points on the race wasted.

>> No.70559279

True, she mentioned all the people who ended up as zoo workers for the rest of the stream.
Oh wait, no: she said absolutely nothing about them.
Take your meds.

>> No.70559324

it's not a gacha, there's no points to lose because she's the one handing out the privilege. it's more like a reward for having a certain number of points.

>> No.70559348

Not much of a gacha when she controls which entries win and get selected, is it?

>> No.70559371

Once again white knights showing that they don't watch streams. Is it that hard?

>> No.70559544

samefagging is too far

>> No.70559593

What are on about?

>> No.70559719

Did Shondo start that book yet is she still going to read it

>> No.70559807

She didn't start yet

>> No.70559864
File: 5 KB, 147x231, Screenshot - 03-Mar-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the plus side, this has given me an idea to see if I can draw (you) as a white knight. Think it could turn out pretty well.

>> No.70560021

One more post for you to hide

>> No.70560124

>he uses the default theme

>> No.70560216

this whole thing was an elaborate setup to get people angry and make them talk about the violent things they want to do to Shondo but instead they just got sad and mopey

>> No.70560377

I would never use anything except based Yotsuba

>> No.70560391

Oh I get it now. Surprisingly I didn't make that post. I bet it's the same guy trying to gaslight people to make her look better, because it's the 5th time I post something without any lies and someone will just deny what I said just for the sake of white knighting. I started logging stuff now and I will point out the things I noticed more often to have proof that I'm not lying about the stuff I say.

>> No.70560479

We are all totally convinced you are correct, no need to worry about it.

>> No.70560549

Just in case it happens again.

>> No.70560664

i already did that today shondo make a tweet tomorrow or something

>> No.70561276
File: 66 KB, 247x298, 1707196466896692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all complaining about other men that shits so gay
Less bitching more megane posting

>> No.70561581

I complain about her mostly. I only complain about other men when she's also at fault. I don't care about other people do unless she gives them attention.

>> No.70561707

Certainly not, but isn't it true that they don't deserve it? There's really no reason for them to feel hurt or wounded by it?

>> No.70561765

We're complaining about a woman though.

>> No.70561778

well I think that you're gay

>> No.70561839

there's no need to get that upset about it. maybe it's time to take a break from this until you calm down.

>> No.70561889
File: 229 KB, 820x950, shonfeedingducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that. I don't have megane but here's a pic of her feeding ducks.

>> No.70561946
File: 315 KB, 492x614, IMG_2817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo…the glasses Shondo….you look so cute in the little hipster art hoe glasses…studious, inquisitive….carefree…

>> No.70561969

she's so cute I wish she would murder me

>> No.70561977

It hurts when every favorite gets to win so blatantly, just say you're gonna pick names if you're going to pick them.

>> No.70562053

you should try harder or stop caring

>> No.70562077
File: 1.96 MB, 629x583, wife_wiggle_potter(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70562177

megane mode is peak shondo keep the pics/gifs coming please

>> No.70562182

the funny names again

>> No.70562199

all the chat reads were for nothing... the twitter likes... the interactions... i will always be a third rate...
*coughs up blood*
give me a side hoe...

>> No.70562232


>> No.70562330
File: 18 KB, 434x420, grifjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*looks down at you with a wicked smile*

>> No.70562433

nina. You were invited in today

>> No.70562553

barbies aren't viable side hoes, she will know and she will tell on you. i need a real side hoe...

>> No.70562743


>> No.70562803

2022 Shondo

>> No.70562806

shondo i'm not telling stalk harder if you really care

>> No.70562885
File: 748 KB, 899x899, GFtfmuVXsAAjW_L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure if you get caught you will be forgiven and it will be seen as a cry for help

>> No.70562916

funny post :)

>> No.70562985
File: 3.83 MB, 454x451, 1706115349811272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my pretty dancing queen

>> No.70563109

shadowmama stop baiting please

>> No.70563185

she only does obligation stalking now aka reading the art tag

>> No.70563342

If you aren't already in the inner inner inner circle, then you will not be forgiven for transgressions.

>> No.70563433
File: 28 KB, 500x500, IMG_2710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have imagined dancing around and passionately singing ABBA with Shondo more times than I care to admit

>> No.70563552
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1707601949337617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70563601

Reminder that moobot isn't the problem, Shondo literally handpicks her favourites.

>> No.70563816

based, i love my evil wife

>> No.70563913

Nothing based about being a gold digging whore like Shondo.

>> No.70563921

no one cares you stupid fucking sperg.

>> No.70563934

Is this anime girl really as pure as she puts on?

>> No.70563958

Hello, I don't watch your vtuber but I enjoy seeing this cat in the catalog.
That's all, have a nice day, fellas.

>> No.70564001

>no one cares
Says the whale.
No, Shondo's a gold digging whore. You need to give her at least $1k a month to matter.

>> No.70564007


>> No.70564029

no, she is evil incarnate.
The magnitude of her sins cannot be comprehended by the human mind.

>> No.70564110
File: 201 KB, 898x1200, 1682304115847080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason Shondo keeps using old names is because she hasn't updated her list of favourites with their new names.

>> No.70564129

Thanks, feel like you should get extra hazard pay this time

>> No.70564160

That's so hot.

>> No.70564204

stop using art from antis

>> No.70564214

stop trying to make me cum dude it's kinda gay

>> No.70564254

do you think king T really wired her the 2000 bucks?

>> No.70564260
File: 160 KB, 960x1234, F5xx4-xasAAnAC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70564271

She seems anti-lewd.

>> No.70564311

Most likely.

>> No.70564522

she's not anti-lewd she's just above having those feelings herself (unless it is yuri oriented then she becomes depraved in the most adorable way)

>> No.70564617

spotted the aminal

>> No.70564704

I need this animated PLEASE

>> No.70564713

>she's just above having those feelings herself

>> No.70564793

bratty had to cut off one of his fingers to be allowed back into the fold

>> No.70564933

depends on the day, if she's drunk, so on

>> No.70564949

Imagine thinking you can buy her affection haha

>> No.70564999

no he didn't, I appealed on his behalf

>> No.70565032
File: 3.61 MB, 369x560, 1707259247930643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldnt have done that

>> No.70565114
File: 3.89 MB, 528x648, you know what we doin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc5khx1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shadow and moobot, sittin in a tree

>> No.70565167

thanks :)

>> No.70565188

that tree?

>> No.70565212

go live FT

>> No.70565237

wifey hotsauce coming soon

>> No.70565388

bratty tell us your alt already so they can stop getting us mixed up

>> No.70565418

later, she's still making the list of subscribers I need to watch out for

>> No.70565618

but fr stop thinking about me fag, dead shogger living rent free in your head baka

>> No.70565687

being on the radar of the one guy spreading gossip about husbands here seems very bad

>> No.70565722

drumm enthusiast

>> No.70565823

That's the oldest critter's alt

>> No.70565849

your script sucks, btw

>> No.70566029

see a therapist

>> No.70566087

i see youve now adopted talking like a negro as well, what will be your next evolution i wonder

>> No.70566151

shondo please stop shitposting and read your book or go to bed. come on now.

>> No.70566161

that ain't me shogga

>> No.70566171


>> No.70566197

>the one guy

>> No.70566350


>> No.70566365

hey look its you guys, on the proverbial hamster. Not me though.

>> No.70566392


>> No.70566480

look you hack, if you're going to solo run the "shit up the board" challenge, at least do it correctly.
the winkposter does not quote post

>> No.70566526

haha yeah not me
not a castrated animal forever spinning the wheel not me

>> No.70566539

i can't tell if you're actually him, pretending to be him, pretending to be me, or actually think we're the same person

>> No.70566631


>> No.70566635

>the winkposter

>> No.70566694
File: 110 KB, 1400x788, 1705467194412066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70566790

lol'd out loud

>> No.70566819

I want to flick Shondo’s earlobes and also move the shorb around with my tongue as Shondo yells at me to stop as she slaps at my head and pulls my hair

>> No.70566825

see a therapist

>> No.70566828

just have some dildos up their asses, and it's perfect.

>> No.70566855

maybe ill DM you ;)

>> No.70566933

shondo was my therapist before this stream exposed that I am no longer part of the inner sanctum.

>> No.70566946

bit gay

>> No.70567036

I like to think she's having quality time with the critters, sitting in the bedroom round-robbin posting on their phones and laughing at us.
I guess it's a bit late though.

>> No.70567050

that ain't me

>> No.70567149

you were never in, we just let you hang around out of pity. if we knew how bad your delusions were we would have stopped sooner

>> No.70567328

hi shondo

>> No.70567350

stop reading the threads shondo
i was also thinking about making that gif transparent

>> No.70567362


>> No.70567433
File: 213 KB, 1167x1969, 1708815080550584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this brat... rigging the polls and then reading the threads to see the fallout... needs strangulation correction...

>> No.70567453

shondo put the bratty allegations to rest i cut off a finger for you

>> No.70567512

AI hands
great concept though

>> No.70567516

Needs emails correction.

>> No.70567619

grrrr stahp tqlking abt meeee!!

>> No.70567762
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1692083379677235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo in the barbie collab please do some new moves, klubposters need new content...

>> No.70567871
File: 619 KB, 861x764, 1688947833590319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looked really cute today but she acted like such a fucking brat

>> No.70567936

my pov

>> No.70568010

Lifting up Shondo above my head like shes a plane and then ramming her head into drywall so she hangs there like a coat rack and I start punching her in the back while she's still suspended.

>> No.70568090

honestly it's a 7/10 song and imagination fuel. It is neat and a little entertaining but it's not happening more than 5 times

>> No.70568198
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE fallenshadow!

>> No.70568437

didn't say love until you gasped for air, you don't really love her

>> No.70568477

why didnt anyone say that nina is doing asmr wtf

>> No.70568502

sup bitch

>> No.70568526

sir this is a shondo thread

>> No.70568553

what do you think is the funniest/worst thing shadowmama has read as a result of googling fallenshadow

>> No.70568617
File: 160 KB, 960x1266, GHEYvMWXYAAfdSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real though, shondo doesn't want to show her back to anyone, but she wouldn't want to show you her front either. it would probably start with petting play through clothing. imagine tracing the contours of her body and bones, through her shirt at first before putting one of your hands underneath it. the surprised inhale, the protest as she tries to turn around right as you push her to the wall, staring into her eyes as if youre studying an abyss your hand still behind her back, stroking her shonderblades while the other moves up her chest to her neck, back down to her tummy and repeating, moving along her collarbones and back and forth across her neck before you squeeze. the gasps for air while she grips your arm tightly, the smile cracking across her face

>> No.70568670

probably a template comment on a saali clip about her being breedable

>> No.70568727

She needs to eat something
maybe a stack of hotcakes will do her well

>> No.70568736

probably from this thread:
>she created this ideal herself but keeps insisting that the ideal and her current self are aligned despite not being, which creates a ludonarrative dissonance that drives her husbands insane
Just absolutely unforgivable, and shadowmama would probably disown her on the spot.

>> No.70568763
File: 147 KB, 1104x1080, 1708891409795088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it comes to shondo my lungs have an infinite capacity for professing my love

>> No.70568789

Thanks, i didn't type that much this stream it appears. Makes sense since i missed ~3 hours of it. Still got a good placing and read amount though so I'm happy

>> No.70568829

shadowmama made that post

>> No.70568865

not enough misspellings

>> No.70568986

do you think shadowmama knows what cunny is. if this has already been discussed don’t be mean to me I don’t have as good a memory as you guys.

>> No.70569178

that sounds about right to me

>> No.70569211

She's a ditz but seems to understand men better than shondo. I think she would get the gist of the youtube comments just fine, if that's what you are asking.

>> No.70569224

duh, theyre your posts

>> No.70569227

Spaniard detected

>> No.70569243

This interaction made me laugh

>> No.70569314

Im glad I could brighten your day a little Shondo

>> No.70569393


>> No.70569720

meeting shadowmama at the local for some bevvies and pub grub

>> No.70569868


>> No.70570229

lol, wasn't expecting Gordon Lightfoot in this thread

>> No.70570272

Sometimes I like imagine Shondo manipulating her body to mess with me. Like doing the 360 head spin from the exorcist. hyperextending both her knees and elbows and crawling up the walls and on the ceiling like a spider. “Are you scared?” Yes fuck off. “Pussy”

>> No.70570283

pretty good one

>> No.70570302

ok listening to this felt like i was cheating
im sorry shondo :(

>> No.70570582

Yeah, wasn't really expecting the gfe stuff, need to wash out my ears.

>> No.70570677

this has to be the most blatant case of white knights not watching streams yet. fucking hell.

>> No.70570840
File: 49 KB, 1097x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that possible?

>> No.70570915

i posted him here a few weeks ago also

>> No.70570973

huh same for me
also funny that i sent as much messages last month as neosky sends in a single stream

>> No.70571012

surprised I missed it

>> No.70571020
File: 152 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i sent almost 4 thousand messages
>probably got read like 40 times the entire month
i demand interaction

>> No.70571099

>as much messages last month as neosky sends in a single stream
my first thought on reading my recap was how many of the syadouOmegaLUL came from the :woz himself

>> No.70571172
File: 38 KB, 810x590, jYK6r1O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still need to work to breach the inner inner circle

>> No.70571250

Can't believe she did a second secret stream and I missed it...

>> No.70571340
File: 96 KB, 1386x793, inner_inner_inner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level (I had 16 too)

>> No.70571381

hi orange

>> No.70571508

i can understand why you're replying to yourself again, it was one your most genius baits yet.

>> No.70571552

He's not me I already got over it.

>> No.70571591

i believe you.

>> No.70571837

That one was actually mine, I like to lay down some white knight counternarrative every now and then. The shitposting seems to continue regardless of whether anyone responds anyway.
Surprised to see it resurrected 3 hours later.

>> No.70571991

Is 1 in 50 messages read good?

>> No.70572148

kek based

>> No.70572484

there were 21508 non emote messages total in the last stream. 1/50th of that is about 430 interactions
so 1/50 seems quite a lot higher than average (only 300 minutes in the stream, after all).

>> No.70572493

>Merely pretending

>> No.70572764

>liked a neppie tweet
shondo i was just shitposting

>> No.70573413

This reminded me of something that happened a while back when i randomly decided to check into one of her streams to check up on some shoggas and the topic that came up was that of favorites kek
I think the one to bring it up was a shogga too

>> No.70573798

Decided to grab more info from chat. I'll be adding these along with the message counts.

>> No.70573945

I don't count my emote messages and reaction comments that aren't meant to be read like "damn" "no way"

>> No.70573949

SyadouPogger syadouYes

>> No.70574023

ok now this is what shondo would be interested in

>> No.70574046


>> No.70574160

even then it probably still holds, if you imagine that half the 20k messages were throwaways (and remember that 20k is already with the emotes removed), then I imagine 1/50 is still above average.

>> No.70574272

are you planning on grabbing all the out-of-stream tips?

>> No.70574344

i just care if i make her laugh or if i can spark a conversation topic or make her do something, being read otherwise is fine but these are the most important

>> No.70574361
File: 240 KB, 1280x1969, 1693893805529713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why they'd keep talking about favourites, it's not like Shondo herself keeps enabling the rat race with her selfish menhera fits.

>> No.70574428

Give it up man.
And your script still sucks.

>> No.70574432

I agree, if i went without getting read for a whole stream I'd lose my mind though

>> No.70574443

good. you're just a sore loser.

>> No.70574460

I was wondering about that. The one I posted is the entire day until 30 minutes after the stream. Guess I'll just keep it to on stream time stuff.

>> No.70574487

A sore loser who makes her life a living hell. :)

>> No.70574527

not even menhera, it comes naturally out of her regular behavior since she cultivated a paranoid culture among more 'serious' husbands such that if she happens to interact with someone a little more than regular they immediately become a target for harassment and shitposting

>> No.70574528

say how or fake and gay.

>> No.70574646

I've been thinking this for a while
Her being territorial and not wanting us to watch gfe streamers(even if she doesn't say it) is really cute

>> No.70574659


>> No.70574667

I seriously hope Shondo messes up my shumo order, it'll give me an excuse to sue her ass internationally and name the shondo.

>> No.70574700

alright so you don't do shit.

>> No.70574834

I won't dox myself to her until I have a better home, I don't want to look poor.

>> No.70574836

>sue her ass internationally and name the shondo
How viable is this? I've been looking into what would happen if I sued the fallenshadow LLC.

>> No.70574856

Yeah, that's my feeling too. I don't have the stamina to spam all the time anyway.
But when you're jobbing and don't have the volume to fall back on, it sucks.

>> No.70574915

>i just care if i make her laugh
Why? She's supposed to entertain you, if you're entertaining Shondo then you better ask her to sub to your channel.

>> No.70574974

You don't find making cute girls laugh entertaining? Kinda gay.

>> No.70575062

it reeks of boobros in here

>> No.70575075

>cute girls
Shondo stopped being cute after 100k, last zatsu was all about the money money money muh money.

>> No.70575097

Im generally top 50 every stream though

>> No.70575113


>> No.70575137

we can entertain each other

>> No.70575150

This thing isn't even human

>> No.70575155


>> No.70575168

So she's gonna pay me to entertain her?

>> No.70575225

Well he'd beg to differ

>> No.70575233

in affection, maybe

>> No.70575267

I'm close to that, but I don't find that it's a huge number of messages.

>> No.70575338

You have to buy Shondo's affection, even resub messages are technically bought affection.

>> No.70575537
File: 2 KB, 112x112, 1708398102270442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to buy Shondo's affection
worked out well for so many

>> No.70575635

All her favourites are/were whales excluding some grandfathered in shoggers from when she was a 2view.

>> No.70575703

Shondo will never read out my name, which is just as I want it to be
I still like saying RIGGED despite not even joining into the pool for names though, it's fun

>> No.70575814

Is enjoying cuckoldry a requirement for new shoggas? If that's the case Shondo's community will be ran by NTR Chads by 2025.

>> No.70576089

How is this cuckoldry? I just don't want her to say my username out loud

>> No.70576134

You want to be ignored and to listen to her blow other men. I understand, I'm the same.

>> No.70576257

most of her favorites cant stop themselves making NTR and chair jokes so if anything we don't need to wait until then

>> No.70576259

How do you see how many streams you've watched? It only shows me how many streams she's done on the recap

>> No.70576351

page 5/8 on the recap for me

>> No.70576465

Shondo was the first vtuber I really followed (I dont count the hololivers I've only watched clips of over the years)
Are all communities are messed up in the head as this one?

>> No.70576503

No. Communities typically reflect the streamer.

>> No.70576537

*as messed up in the head
I swear I'm not ESL

>> No.70576584

got 2 people unbanned, so yeah

>> No.70576612

No, Shondo purposely targeted the incel demographic. There's a reason none of us are getting laid.

>> No.70576636

Tolerance is not affection, neither got turned into an animal today, they are out.

>> No.70576641


>> No.70576671

I'm so fucking in

>> No.70576679

I don't know how long you have been around. We're certainly very messed up, but the board is worse than normal today,

>> No.70576683

Okay virgin.

>> No.70576705


>> No.70576770

don't take this thread too seriously, its just husbands shitposting for fun as well as 2 or 3 people who genuinely dislike her/got kicked out for being too unhinged. if you just stick to /lig/, discord or twitter its much better

>> No.70576776

Your wife respects chastity

>> No.70576796

When was the last time you got laid? If the answer is more than 3 years ago you're an incel.

>> No.70576827


>> No.70576842

I'm saving myself for marriage(real) because I am not a WHORE like you.

>> No.70576868

NYE, now proceed to the next stage of your flowchart

>> No.70576916

>Cheating on your wife

>> No.70576925

I've had astral sex with my tulpa dozens of times, normie scum

>> No.70576927

Shondo streamed on nye... Cheater-whore chama...

>> No.70576937

Men don't have to do that retardchama, also it's impossible for a man to prove that he's a virgin since he doesn't have a hymen.

>> No.70576998

It's not about "having" to or not
You're a big whore and a disgusting slut

>> No.70577009

>Men don't have to do that
It's disgusting that you missed the point so badly

>> No.70577086

She's 6 or so hours ahead of me I was able to watch the stream too.

>> No.70577105

I'm in a thread filled with menSLUTS

>> No.70577135
File: 1.16 MB, 2323x2848, 1705006908965271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also it's impossible for a man to prove that he's a virgin
not really, all I have to do is share some of the things i wrote in these threads and let them inspect my computer, twitter and steam profile. should be enough proof anyone needs.

>> No.70577175

It wasn't cheating since I was thinking about Shondo anyway.

>> No.70577195

Not me though, I'm clean

>> No.70577233

baseg Joi lover

>> No.70577258

I'll repeat myself, men don't have to do that. No one values a man for his purity not even God.

>> No.70577334

You don't have to repeat yourself, we understood how weak you are the first time. You don't have the ability to create your own standards and ideals. A literal NPC

>> No.70577409

Ok slut, point taken, you're a big whore

>> No.70577476

A mortal's everchanging/subjective standards and ideals are not something to be lauded. If you want to prove you're not an NPC just fast for 30 days while praying for wisdom.

>> No.70577604

>If you want to prove you're not an NPC
I'm not you, I don't need external validation to have a stable sense of self

>> No.70577691
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Thank the lord for the bump limit, may it roll all of this filth away under its cleansing weight.

>> No.70577744

Yes, you're a solipsistic fedora tipper like everyone these days. Congrats.

>> No.70577819

hail shondo

>> No.70577842

Look up what solipsistic means before using it to sound clever next time
My wife clearly exists and I love her very much

>> No.70577884

>no goodnight
uuuuuuuuuu she hates me

>> No.70578014

do you really think married couples give goodnight to eachother EVERY single day?

>> No.70578253

Nta, yeah

>> No.70578485

namataq is also trying the gracklebones' strat, very smart.

>> No.70578566
File: 712 KB, 1536x2048, 170546820554802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 'go away for a while and covertly shitpost about himself on /shon/ so people cant shut up about him' strat?

>> No.70578636

I'm just checking on my shoggas. You don't do that?

>> No.70578774

no I only care about Shondo

>> No.70578804

>I'm just checking on my shoggas. You don't do that?
i dont stalk men because 1. im not gay and 2. anything important will be picked up upon by gay people and posted here anyway, so its like reading a newspaper 'The Daily Shon'.

>> No.70578845

I have a regex filter for every real username I see on here.

>> No.70578941

I mention shoggas that go missing for her to notice when she reads the thread. I doubt she would if I didn't do that.

>> No.70578982

you need to stop doing that

>> No.70578995

Nta, Scared so you have me too? Thoughts thus far?

>> No.70579075

You misunderstand. I automatically hide every post with a real username

>> No.70579077

The stealthiest husband gets the worm.

>> No.70579092

Ah, you're right, i did misunderstand

>> No.70579148

You want her to forget about you when you're gone? I'm making things fair for everyone.

>> No.70579184

>You want her to forget about you when you're gone?
im not going anywhere

>> No.70579359

hi shondo

>> No.70579419

She isn't here and wouldn't do that.

>> No.70579461

Ok shondo, love you too

>> No.70579482

I still think it would be fun to do an anonymous chat one day, if it were possible. Probably spawn too many brainworms though

>> No.70579525

I'd still get read a lot because the quality and quantity of my messages are both high

>> No.70579541

bad idea and thankfully she'd hate it so it won't ever happen

>> No.70579574

probably bad, worth trying once IMO

>> No.70579621

Canonically, every message is sent by (you), practically, that's dumb and gay

>> No.70579650

She should open maros again. I only get her attention when I'm anonymous.

>> No.70579656

I slow down because I get embarrassed, but I think mine are generally good too.

>> No.70579704
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somnium edition

>> No.70579707


>> No.70579734

Is there even a platform that would allow for anonymous interaction but still be moderated?
Either way, even if you could actually delete/ban people from it then it would be a complete shitshow. It should never happen because of all the doxxpossting or insane shit that would be posted.

>> No.70579818

Can't you just turn on anonymous mode, removing everyone's usernames? Unless I dreamt that shit up

>> No.70579987

I think you would need to let mods keep full visibility, just have a separate view for everyone else.
No idea if it's feasible

>> No.70580264

Scared CLANG CLANG CLANG is a reference to twilight's sex scene? Oh dear

>> No.70580401

its actually a reference to Tubular Bells
