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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70540812 No.70540812 [Reply] [Original]

>No Sayu today
>No Sayu tomorrow
I miss her daily 15 hours streams already...

>> No.70541304


>> No.70541525
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>> No.70541614
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also schedule

>> No.70542131
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>> No.70542448

Sayu sex

>> No.70542596

>Collab week
Can't complain, I love the collabs with Rennie

>> No.70542742

Has she decided on the fan mascot yet? I heard she was going to rework them but no news since then

>> No.70543243

not yet

>> No.70543417

I wasn't here for the last discussion but did we reach a consensus on what we want to be?

>> No.70543561

>double Rennie
Love her cute gf, the comfiest collabs that Sayu do

>> No.70543669

I want a Boston Dynamics BIGDOG revision with the visor and ears. It will be called DONKEY and carry stuff for Sayu.

>> No.70544196

>still no European timezone despite having a lot of European fans

>> No.70544639
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To be fair, most of her streams start at 5:30AM. I can only watch her live because she is a streaming machine and I work from home.

>> No.70544762
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>> No.70544803

desu when you stream 10h you hit a lot of timezone

>> No.70544817

Her blood has to just be half Red Bull, I swear.

>> No.70544830
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Did you see her new merch? It's so fucking cute I think I grew ovaries just from seeing it.

>> No.70544841


>> No.70544930

...Sayu, how'd you do this?

>> No.70544972

I know the feeling, my oshi is traveling rn, it sucks. Hang in there anons !

>> No.70546901


>> No.70547184

I'm a neet the sickly type, and Sayu's my go-to alternative when my oshi either isn't streaming or she plays a game I can't watch (like elden ring now)
does she have any dedicated clippers yet?

>> No.70547776


>> No.70547923

>dedicated clipper
Sky Rainpuff is one I guess

>> No.70548151

no, Sky clips multiple vtubers. it'd be nice to see someone start Daily Dose of Sayu Sincronisity for example. I'm terrible at clipping so it won't be me.

>> No.70551412

As a Star Rail player and Sayu fan, it would be nice a plushie of this...

>> No.70551497

Please don't fuck it.

>> No.70551973

looks like an exciting schedule, at least half it it isnt filled with merch, donations and fundraisers.

>> No.70551983

Please Sayu, please clean up properly

>> No.70554273
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no Sayu for 48 hours, why live

>> No.70554293


>> No.70554785

post Sayu art!

>> No.70555135
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>> No.70555222

I will respectfully fuck it.

>> No.70555235
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>> No.70555361
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>> No.70555445
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>> No.70555527
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>> No.70555709

i can make them both happy with my 20 inch punisher

>> No.70555869
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cute, the same artist also posted a couple of transparent variations on the discord

>> No.70555930
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>> No.70556131
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Anon, my folder does not have enough Sayu art to cover all the feels. There is just not enough of it atm.

>> No.70556221
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>> No.70559481
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>> No.70560698

Is the overlap between Pomudachis and Sayusages as high as it seems?

>> No.70565955

Pomu is good, Sayu is good, am happy that neither has to deal with Kurosanji anymore

>> No.70568235

I'll draw something of her if you want no ideas but ideas welcome, just nothing too difficult.

>> No.70568810

since she hates technology per lore, I was thinking of Sayu sitting in a natural setting (in a forest, near a lake, your choice) and being comfy and happy.

>> No.70569203

I can try I never really do backgrounds going to sleep and checking back in the morning and try then.

>> No.70569397

great! if you like the results and have a twatter don't forget to post it there, too, I'm sure she'll be happy to see it.

>> No.70569658

Sayu needs some constant dicking in the bed so she could stop caring about the haters like Kson

>> No.70570767

Saw recently that she liked some sex fanfic of her, do most vtubers do this to keep the illusion alive and let viewers think they're horny etc, or is she that down bad?
It could be sad memories of the ex hubby...

>> No.70571100

she should collab with eimi from phase connect considering they're both woke.

>> No.70573059

you can shit on phase for all I care but leave Sayu out of it.

>> No.70573192

Kys nigger and buy an ad

>> No.70575668

she woke and she will be called out for it.

>> No.70576118

fuck off with your culture war bullshit.

>> No.70576481


>> No.70576564

she shouldn't of gotten involved in it if she didn't want to get involved.

>> No.70576676

brown hands typed this

>> No.70576717

sayu wayu needs some fucking for couple of days so that she can tolerate you degenerate people.

>> No.70577294

>shouldn't of

>> No.70577552

Yeah me

>> No.70577663

>no actual argument.
enjoy your mandatory discord pronouns unicorns.

>> No.70577959

NTA but I don't get it, what's the big deal?

>> No.70577992

you'll have to learn English first so you can actually present your case without getting laughed off of 4chan

>> No.70578344

saying what your pronouns are is a tranny or tranny supporting trend. trannies are peak woke.
making pronouns mandatory to join your discord is a political statement saying you must support trannies or you are not welcome.
anyone saying otherwise is coping hard.

>> No.70578852

why don't you ask her on next stream why it's in place instead of whining like a little bitch? are you afraid of a vtuber or something?

>> No.70579334

but the statement is obvious. so i have no reason to watch or support her so long as its there.
SHE is getting involved in the culture war nonsense by having that there, only someone horribly mentally ill would not understand what mandating that means.
so, thats fine, if she wants to get involved, well then im happy to oblige.

>> No.70579424
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So don't. Leave us alone and you won't have to see it anymore.

>> No.70579454

Sayu is so Sexy...

>> No.70579504
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>but the statement is obvious.
is it? how do you know one of her sponsors/contracts didn't mandate it? that's right, you don't, you're just crying.

>> No.70579568

alls fair outside the generals. lord knows no one ever shows any other chuuba or corpo any slack, so Sayu isnt going to be the exception.
also, click arrow, hide post.

>> No.70579617

then she shouldn't of picked up that sponsor, simple as that.

>> No.70579715

Nah, I'm pretty sure it didn't. It probably was just an option when making the discord and she didn't bother to change it. I use a name that's pretty girly that I've had since the 90s, but I'm still not a girl. It's helpful for that.
I don't care if you stay or leave to be honest as long as you don't attack her in places she can see it.

>> No.70579765

funny, when she collabed with nousagi the side you're flaming now attacked her with the exact same "argument". yes, I'm pulling a
>muh both sides
here because because it's the truth and none of you culture warrior VERMIN belong in vtubing, no matter if left or right.

>> No.70579795

>donovan teletubbies sun pic
>my roommate
someone gotta do it

>> No.70579807

you're gonna die sad and alone in front of your computer with the poopsock dangling from your crack hairs and your parents will breathe a sigh of relief

>> No.70579854

you're right.
therefor, Sayu should stop vtubing.

if she comes /here/ anon she deserves whatever nonsense she see about herself. her and any other vtuber that does.

>> No.70579887

Naw, go nuts on 4chan all you want. I agree that she needs to stay away for her own mental health. I just get upset when people go and try to fuck with streams. Thankfully she has a good set of mods now to help out.

>> No.70579911

cute and amusing.

>> No.70579928

I like the enforced She/Her in the Discord, it lets me sexpest harass women and/or trannies.

>> No.70580024

you're still too afraid of her to ask to her face why the pronoun setting is in place, so your words are worthless. it's you who should fuck off, go watch some pim tool instead, he's the one catering to your type.

>> No.70580040

she, and anyone else, is not worth harassing, over just not supporting and making sure others know its a thing to decide if its worth supporting her or not. i'll shit on her for bringing this shit in, and her fans for thinking she isnt, but unless she directly brought it up in stream or something, then theres no excuse to bring it up there, and even then it would only be about discussing it, not shit flinging.

>> No.70580109

Yeah, I agree, but unfortunately after the whole termination shit it's hard not to be paranoid. She's been taking flak for a full year now... She's really a sweet girl who just wants to focus on comedy so it's sad seeing her have to deal with people hating her like this.

>> No.70580112

kek, really?
im not handing her money to try and get her attention over something she specifically doesn't deserve money over. otherwise my message would probably get lost in chat, assuming its not deleted.

>> No.70580135

Mf stop outing yourself as a tourist or a falseflagging Nijinigger, Sayu was always a SJW pandering chuuba, everyone who followed before knows it.

>> No.70580176

>he doesn't know
She actually reads every chat. Like unironically, she is AMAZING at reading both youtube and twitch simultaneously. Nothing seems to get past her, to the point where she often bans people before the mods get to it.

>> No.70580184

plenty of people dont follow PL trends, even /here/ (for whatever reason).
therefore, im letting em know.

>> No.70580296

didnt seem like it the few times i gave her a try, though one of em happened to be a serious topic one due to drama, so its possible that one skewed things or something.

>> No.70580371

>my message would probably get lost in chat,
no, she reads both chats all the time, sometimes to the detriment of the game she's playing, like >>70580176 said I just type slowly kek
>assuming its not deleted.
that'll also be an answer, won't it?
>due to drama
after she said she doesn't want drama but wants to move on? you're quite lucky you only got ignored.

>> No.70580438

>Withdrawal symptoms from lack of sayu p3r reaching critical mass.
silver lining I guess is I'll probably have wrapped up my own playthrough by next week so I can go back to watching them live with no fear of spoilers.

>> No.70580448

Her being liked /here/ doesn't mean she was ever a le based 4chaner vtuber. She didn't "go woke" she always was and if you thought she would be any different just because anons shill her then you're a retard.

>> No.70580522

i actually do see how my comment could be misinterpreted, so my bad there. no, i never sent her a message. i dont type in any chat often to be honest.
i meant it didn't seem like she was reading every chat, but admitted it may of seemed that way because she was focusing on addressing things from outside the current steam (drama and such), in the most memorable of the streams.

>> No.70580592

i never implied or said any of that.
i said she was woke, not she went woke. and vshojo is liked /here/ of course its known woke chuubas are liked /here/.

>> No.70580618

yeah... this feels like more of a post for /ss/ rather than a catalogue post...

>> No.70580720

in that case, you'll have to wait for the next stream and ask her once the chat isn't too crazy. no need to assume the worst without any indications either way.
it's like an otherwise non-political space is enjoyed by all parts of the political spectrum... weird, isn't it?

>> No.70580737

what? not sure what you mean by that one anon...

>> No.70580820

sure, but shes hardly the first chuuba ragged on for being connected to that... or ragged on in general, even for dumb nonsense.

>> No.70580972

Yeah she gets really nippy if you try to specifically grab her attention. That's her biggest pet peeve other than trying to directly trash somebody else in her chat. Chances are she'll see your message. If you really think she didn't, you can type it one or maybe two more times at most, but most of the time if she doesn't respond it's because she either can't due to focusing on another comment or she doesn't want to for whatever reason.

>> No.70581447

>or ragged on in general, even for dumb nonsense.
especially for dumb nonsense.

>> No.70582915
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>wake up
>the thread is still up
Imagine wasting your time with a random /pol/tard

>> No.70585750

It feels like she's been ignoring Twitch a lot in favor of Youtube but maybe that's just me.
I kinda wish she didn't start streaming on Youtube - it's yet another membership I have to pay for.

>> No.70586195

>It feels like she's been ignoring Twitch a lot in favor of Youtube
she's simulcasting most of the time
>but maybe that's just me.
it's just you.
>I kinda wish she didn't start streaming on Youtube
kindly go fuck yourself, twitch chat is insufferable and normal ad blockers don't work and no I'm not giving my doxx to amazon for the "privilege"
>it's yet another membership I have to pay for.
you don't have to, it's entirely up to you. she said it's fine for her either way where you join if you do.

>> No.70586301

yeah it's just you. She's pretty good about replying to both. Youtube's been really bad lately though with new people who don't follow rules, so she's had to slap them around a lot lately.

>> No.70586334

to be fair, the listed rules aren't the same on the two platforms.

>> No.70586817

>It feels like she's been ignoring Twitch a lot in favor of Youtube but maybe that's just me.
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about? You can clearly tell that Sayu is forcing herself to stream on youtube. She goes out of her way every single stream to tell everyone that her main platform is twitch. She doesn't even bother making multiple frames when she switches to a new game because she fucking hates doing thumbnails.
>I kinda wish she didn't start streaming on Youtube - it's yet another membership I have to pay for.
Don't pay for it then.

>> No.70587305

she hasn't even bothered to fix the title of the poopy playtime ch3 stream on yt lmao

>> No.70587398

>you don't have to pay for it
How do I access the Members Only Youtube streams?

>> No.70587523

Pay for them? She only does them once in a while, her main content is her twitch streams.

>> No.70587574

Honestly you're not missing much. It's some ASMR I guess, and she gets super parasocial but otherwise it's rare and the vods will always be up so you can just wait and get a bunch at once.

>> No.70587683

honestly I felt really awkward even just reading what anons in /ss/ said about her last members stream, it's definitely not my cup of tea.

>> No.70587725

Yeah, then like I said, you're not missing much. ASMR stuff gives me the heebies so any memberships I have to people is definitely just for support and not for that.

>> No.70588258

I mean, she is only sharing stuff that anyone can find thanks to the sisters doxxing the shit out of her.

>> No.70588547

lmao if anything she would already have her play button is she cared a little about Youtube.

>> No.70588647

She's growing fine. Her channel didn't even really exist until the simulcasting started, and it hasn't been long.
...Also she NEVER would've had a play button if she didn't get booted from that awful place.

>> No.70589013

I know that. but even with Henya (my oshi), her tendency to overshare makes me worry sometimes, and she does it to a far lesser degree than Sayu. it's just super uncomfortable to me personally, that's all.

>> No.70589172

She is growing fine... despite her efforts on sabotaging her own youtube channel. The channel is just an after thought to upload VODs and the occasional clip. If she really wanted to get it going, she would do at least some short zatsudans or karaoke streams every week. I mean, she didn't even know what chat was talking about when they mentioned the "vertical" streams, so she clearly doesn't give a fuck about the youtube meta or even pays attention to what most of the popular vtubers are doing. I think it's perfectly fine if she is having fun focusing on her long-ass twitch streams, but I feel like she is missing a big chance just because she doesn't want to bother spending the bare minimum time learning how to play the youtube game.

>> No.70589297

Eh, I get what you're saying, but I don't think she has any plans on drastically changing her content style at this moment. Youtube is an afterthought in that she doesn't plan on adapting to any youtube metas right now outside of shorts. It's really just an alternate way to view her stream for people who don't like twitch. She still loves her youtube audience just as much as her twitch audience, either way.

>> No.70590592

I can see people being a bit uncomfortable since the usual level of space is gone. Makes the concern feels go to maximum, it's super intimate. Also makes it scary to think some viewer that's Piprup level could get extra parasocial and hurt her.

>> No.70590621

I think we'll be fine as long as she doesn't go full feesh and join a valoguard group.

>> No.70590739

I think it's a deeper issue than just Sayu not wanting to change the style of her content. It doesn't feel like she is taking the chance to relaunch her career now that she can have a completely fresh start, she is just going along the ride and doing what she already was planning to do. And that's fine, but you can tell that projects like the website were designed thinking of a small community, and Sayu is still acting like if she was a pariah who only can get parasocial fans to support her. Same stuff with her stubbornness to do networking unless it gives her a new real friend.

At the end of the day Sayu will be fine, but you can clearly tell that she wants a lot more than she already has when she says how much the fanart means for her and how she wishes she had more.

Sayu is an amazing streamer, she should feel proud of herself, go out there and devour the fucking world. The problem is that she is the one who needs to take the first step to get out of the small island she is currently at. And that seems like a fucking massive tall order right now.

Like, going back to the youtube topic, it would help her a lot having a definitive name and design for the fanbase. It's the kind of stuff that you can figure out pretty quickly, but she has been dragging her feet for weeks now and it looks like this week will only have collabs. Sayu, please... just give us a couple of hours and do a zatsudan to sort this thing out...

I know that deepdown she cares a lot about this kind of stuff, so it's a little frustrating seeing her procrastinating so much and missing her best chance in a long while to really grow her community.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.70590832

Yeah, I absolutely agree. I think though she's still hurting from everything and unfortunately, she got hit a lot harder than Doki did, and she doesn't have the same kind of strength. I really don't know though how fast she wants to grow again, and I feel like she wants to focus on having a stable community right now more than a large one. After all, it's only been a week or two since she had that withdrawal from social media and her hopefully last "real" comeback. Unfortunately though, the mental stuff is a marathon and not a sprint, and we gotta take it one step at a time... Niji really did a horrible number on her.

>> No.70590898

Sayu doesn't really use her official discord server, and that's a little sus. I'm sure she has a secret server somewhere. It's ok as long as she can keep her shit together and doesn't break the illusion of loving everyone equally.

>> No.70590966

it's just a fan server, it'd be dumb to do official business in it.

>> No.70591023

Finana didn't join the groomercord to do business

>> No.70591026

Less about the server and more about the grooming

>> No.70591113

but enough about kurosanji.

>> No.70591288

Let's be honest, she has already met irl some of her most loyal fans, and she likes to talk with the ones she finds more interesting or relatable. This is not my first rodeo, I would be surprised if she doesn't have already a group of close friends among her fans. That's pretty normal in her situation. It doesn't matter as long as she keeps being professional about it, and so far she has done an excellent job.

>> No.70591313

yeah, either way I don't expect her to pull a finana in the forseeable future

>> No.70591350

This desu.

>> No.70591471

I have to be honest, I started watching this woman to get drama worthy clips but holy she has me by the balls, I fucking love her and I've been watching her religiously ever since.

>> No.70591980

kys but based at the same time

>> No.70592744

Do you guys think I could groom her friend Rennie? Sayu doesn't satisfy my saviorfag tendencies anymore.

>> No.70592797

Yes. Go for it, groomer-senpai.

>> No.70593997
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>Buuuuut tonight might be a guerilla...heh
>I cannot guarantee it not being super degen
So that was a lie

>> No.70594375

where do you see that?

>> No.70594435

The super secret discord server for groomers. And her twitter. And her community post on youtube.

>> No.70594527
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On schedule tweet fellow anon
That anon took the bait real hard

>> No.70594575

oh. musk killed nitter.

>> No.70594639


>> No.70595429

she's streaming rn, and ponytails are cute, go for it

>> No.70598793

