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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 730 KB, 1547x1759, dominos gradutaion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70320383 No.70320383 [Reply] [Original]

Dominobros....how do we recover?

>> No.70321317

dominos is trash anyways
papa johns is the best pizza franchise followeb by pizza hut as a close second

>> No.70321373

Get a real pizza parlor. Not that fast food shit.

>> No.70321388

Noid vtuber when?

>> No.70321484

kys for bumping this retarded off-topic bullshit

>> No.70321491

They really couldn't beat that corn topping yab

>> No.70321510

All fast food is trash

>> No.70321533

>eating pizza from a chain franchise
what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.70321593

>Pizza hut
Dog shit even for fast food pizza, it’s just bread and cheese

>> No.70321657

Pizza Hut hasn't been good since the red plastic cups and X-Men comics

>> No.70321709

>dude just go to your local mom and pop joint and spend 3x as much money

>> No.70321766

Papa got framed

>> No.70321801

papa johns has a bit too much sauce usually for me but the crust is delicious

>> No.70321806

>Papa knew about Niji

>> No.70321850

you should really just stop being a manchild and learn how to cook your own food

>> No.70321890
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dominos for vshojo

>> No.70321963

No mom and poop shop costs 3x as much as a chain place, hell most of the time it's cheaper and you'd know that if you weren't a manchild who doesn't pay for their own food.

>> No.70322096

I know of exactly one in my town that has ridiculous prices but its for retarded toppings like lamb

>> No.70322106

You can get a 16 inch pepperoni pizza from a mom and pop pizzaria for like 20 bucks in most places. And it's pretty much the same price at chains for worse ingrediants.

>> No.70322190

why the fuck does american food costs so much

>> No.70322275

So even Japanese employees fuck with the food

>> No.70322302
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>this has been up for more than half an hour
what the fuck

>> No.70322344

>/vt/-Venice Tasters

>> No.70322358

Prices were hiked up during covid and then when things got cheap again the bigwigs just left the prices that high. Hell, they raised them HIGHER.

>> No.70322425

Sad that’s it’s shit and expensive

>> No.70322428


>> No.70322429

Hate to pile on anon, but these places are CHEAPER than the franchise slop.

>> No.70322460

towa baby

>> No.70322620

Literally thank Biden.
Food prices have gone up 1.5 to 2 times in the last 2 years alone.

This is about an employee uploading a video of himself picking his nose and then wiping it in the dough. He was of course fired and arrested and the dough was never used. Hopefully someone kills him.

>> No.70322668


>> No.70322750

The pizzahut near me is good. I like their pastas

>> No.70322798

I'm not one to shill dominos, but you can get a large one topping pizza there for 8 bucks. Plus you get a free pizza every once in a while if you order from there often enough. I doubt you could find anything comparable pricewise at your local pizza shops.

>> No.70322862


>> No.70322865

Out of control inflation. The US government has always had an issue with spending way too much money, but at the end of W's term in office, they began doing "shock and awe" stimulus (spending countless trillions) to fight the so-called Great Recession.

This insane spending has continued and even ramped up under Obama, Trump, and currently Biden. We're gonna be Venezuela or Zimbabwe soon if the Feds keep this up.

>> No.70322938

Yeah, I saw that. I don't know what he thought was gonna happen when he uploaded it.

>> No.70323018

just so you guys know i can grab a 20
inch family pizza with thick crust fillingd and premium ingredients for around 16 bucks after conversion to dollar lol and even then its still cheaper to just buy from a local small business pizzeria
i feel bad for you guys

>> No.70323062

Who gets to be on America's trillion Dollar bill?

>> No.70323096

>papa johns is the best pizza
eat shit h3h3, stupid jew

>> No.70323100

I see the 'zza fags have been riled up.
>My gourmet slop is better than YOUR fast food slop.
You are still fat. When are you gonna use the pizza oven again?

>> No.70323110

I always order the, uh, the Domino, Domino peppeloni, and without peppeloni.

>> No.70323126

well they kinda need to lose weight so its ok

>> No.70323236

Is it like that in the US? In the UK you can get a large 11" pizza for like £5 near me, or £15 on Domino's. Domino's has a reputation for being outraegeously expensive.

>> No.70323243

i always order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. ear of pizza. and then, i order- wh- when i order pepeloni, the ear- it always have a pepeloni on h- on a top, but i pick up these... away! cause i don't eat it. and then i eat the cheese pan pizza. okay? you understand? understandable! pepeloni! yes.

>> No.70323248


>> No.70323249

Papa Johns is the Kurosanji of Pizza Resturants

>> No.70323312

I think they might take more offense to that term than Niji does lmao

>> No.70323330

In Papa John's defense, those niggers had it coming.

>> No.70323364

No one would order dominos if it wasn't cheap. Especially since there are a million pizza places here.

>> No.70323410

I wish I didn't know and take that as a joke. That's legitimately disgusting thank god we don't have this shit where I am.

>> No.70323506

fuck dominos we love little caesars over here

>> No.70323529

I wouldn't be surprised if part of it was just a ploy to get people to join their reward programs. Don't wanna pay insane prices? Just make an account, and then some of these people have 50 god damn accounts.

>> No.70323812

Funny thing is that you can get discounts for large pizzas on the dominoes app if im not mistaken

>> No.70324124

Objectively fucking correct. The ability to just walk into a store and grab a whole ass pizza is top tier

>> No.70324498

ah the pepeloni...

>> No.70324525

You don't have to out yourself as a poorfag. I guess there's always Little Caesars huh?

>> No.70324680

Yeah but then you have to go back to whichever shithole that you live in that nobody streams to because it's some shit time that nobody wants to watch vtubers at. At least the pizza is cheap huh?

>> No.70325112

Cheap akasupas though

>> No.70325254

I hope she joins VAllure

>> No.70325410

For a subpar pizza, I can go literally anywhere else.

>> No.70325696

>muh biden
I'm not about to lecture you on how the economy works because it's off-topic as shit but I hope your teeth haven't rotted from all that mouth-breathing

>> No.70325723

>papa johns is the best pizza franchise followeb by pizza hut as a close second
>papa johns
weird way of spelling Little Caesars

>> No.70325819

>how the economy works
but your economy doesn't work. K E K

>> No.70325896

the economy was good with trump and it became worse with biden. you don't need to be an economist to understand it you just have to feel it

>> No.70325937

>he goes to pizza hut for the pizza
See the light, order the chicken instead

>> No.70325965

Papa John"s is okay, but Domino's is the worst. I'd rather eat frozen pizza than Domino's.

>> No.70326074

>Not making your own pizza
Lazy fucks, the lot of you.

>> No.70326079
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I see there's some cultured anons in this thread.

>> No.70326234

>Lazy fucks
bruva, If I were making my own food then I'd not make a fucking pizza

>> No.70326255

>you just have to feel it
this has to be bait
if anyone actually thinks that, my advice is: invest everything into stock market! no economy understanding required! vibes only!

>> No.70326267

Which pizza chain has the best wings?

>> No.70326469

>if anyone actually thinks that, my advice is: invest everything into stock market! no economy understanding required! vibes only!
not him but you are just strawmaning
if you have the time to do that (off-topic) then you DO have the time to explain (>>70325696)

>> No.70326522

Unironically Pizza Hut

>> No.70326741

Little Caesars vtuber when?
Imagine the pizza cooking streams

>> No.70326929

>the pepeloni is graduating

>> No.70326932

Brazilian Pizza will always be better than this shit fast food pizza

>> No.70326955

Unless you're eating boutique pizza or whatever chains are outrageously more expensive than the competition and have been for a while. The days of fast food being cheap are long over.

Doesn't matter anyways since if you had any sense you'd be making your own pizza.

>> No.70326984

I know right? I live in Mexico and a good pizza here costs like 5 maybe 6 dollars, here I was complaining about my favorite pizzeria upping the cost from 6 to 7 dollars and here's this american paying 20 fucking dollars from ONE pizza

>> No.70327021

>Little Caesars vtuber when?
Delet this
don't give these companies such ideas

>> No.70327044

Holos for this feel?

>> No.70327079

I can and WILL make my own pizza all next week while I cat-sit for someone who owns a pizza oven. Shit's delicious.

>> No.70327109

Little caesars master race.

>> No.70327112

American gov't having no control over the food industry prices.

>> No.70327171

>papa johns

>> No.70327346

>I can and WILL make my own pizza all next week
stream it then

>> No.70327646

Ain't lugging my rig over there. I'll be sure to take pictures, though.

>> No.70327661
File: 3.93 MB, 2880x1800, screen-shot-2019-11-27-at-9-04-54-am-1574863777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70327682

I can buy a mansion in Argentina for like a few thousand dollars. But then I'd be living in Argentina.
You third-worlders aren't very smart.

>> No.70327780

What’s happening now is the hangover from all the shit Obama did in reaction to the 2008 recession, which he didn’t stop when things stabilized, which Trump continued because “number go up” was going to look good when he went up for re-election, regardless of long-term consequences, only for the pandemic to wipe away those gains while necessitating even more emergency spending. It’s a mess that you can pin on pretty much every post-Carter president and every post-Volcker Fed chairman to some degree.

>> No.70327784

It's shit when you have to reheat it though. Air fryer helps but only a little.
The pretzel pizza kicks ass, though.

>> No.70327791


>> No.70327974

Have you heard of Hatsoonee Mikoo?

>> No.70328055

This reminded me of Kson being pissed that a Japanese Large pizza was $40 (likely HIGHER now) , except that was from Pizza-La. Dominos was problably the same range or worse considering they're graduating.

>> No.70328056


>> No.70328104

Food prices didn't go up under trump even though his last year was during Covid.
Food prices have inflated 1.5 to 2 times under Biden.
I'm not dumb enough to think it's one person's fault, but the current inflation that is destroying people's livelihoods right now is the fault of the democrats.

>> No.70328212

Nothing is happening to JP Domino's. I hope you feel really dumb now.

>> No.70328444

>the Miku collab couldn't save them.

>> No.70328629

I paid 4800 yen for a medium dominos pizza in 2019.
It was insanely small too.

>> No.70328710

Just in case anons are taking OP seriously:
They're not graduating you retards
>Apology and notice regarding inappropriate behavior by our employees
>We would like to report on the progress of our internal investigation and response to the inappropriate behavior by our employees that is currently being spread on social media.
>It has been determined that this photo was taken by a part-time employee of the Amagasaki store in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, at around 2 a.m. on February 12, after business had closed.
>The dough used in the video is from a stage before fermentation is complete, and the dough will be fermented for 24 hours after this point.
>We have confirmed that there is one and it has not been used yet. The fabric will be disposed of before use.
>I did. Additionally, all fabrics in the store are being disposed of. Furthermore, as of February 12th, the store
Business has been suspended due to this.
>The employees involved in this incident will be dealt with strictly in accordance with the company's work regulations. We would also like to inform you that we are considering strict legal measures.
>We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience caused to our customers. From now on, the entire company will make every effort to prevent recurrence and restore trust.
>Domino's Pizza Japan Co., Ltd.

>> No.70328800

Is the employee graduating?

>> No.70328846

>Notice of the termination of Lettuce Feet Guy and some other asshole fucking with the pizza dough
I don't know, sounds like a termination to me.

>> No.70329226

>tfw Hatsune Miku graduates

>> No.70329287

>2 hours now
fuck this shitty board

>> No.70329327

What are some Dominos vtubers

>> No.70329456
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Aah the pepeloni, pepeloni. You know the pepeloni? The no one? I always- I always order the domino, domino pepeloni; and without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I like pepeloni. I always- I always order the cheese-cheese pan. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I order, when I order pepeloni the ear, it always have the pepeloni on the top. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't eat it!

>> No.70330065
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>> No.70330481

this is the best thread on /vt/ right now

>> No.70330501

When you’re dealing with inflation, food prices are some of the last things to go up or down. Staple goods tend to suffer from sticky prices and lag behind everything else. Monetary policy is way more complicated than you think it is.

>> No.70330650

Dominos is the best of those three, but why are you eating from a chain to begin with? I have literally five pizzerias in my little ass town.

>> No.70331086

Papa John's cock sleeve

>> No.70331277

you grew up poor didn't you

>> No.70331545

fun hating autist
>verification not required

>> No.70331872

panama canal, it's drying up.

>> No.70332180

No, I didn't. But poor people give me food and (You)s

>> No.70332401

How can domikeks recover from this?

>> No.70332468

>panama canal, it's drying up.
they should have used more lube

>> No.70332806
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>> No.70333259

First off, why the fuck hasn't this thread been deleted? Second, arguing over franchise pizza when it's noticeably different from city to city let alone country, is retarded.
Dominoes is decent where I live, Pizza Hut is above average if a little expensive and Papa John's is above average but way too expensive. None of this matters though because you fucks probably don't live where I live and vice versa and likely none of us live in Japan or are talking about Dominoes pizza from Japan.

>> No.70334310
File: 202 KB, 1100x1000, angy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours

>> No.70334992
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, Cheebpizza .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70336546

I live in Japan. Pizza here sucks and I would kill for even pizza hut.

>> No.70336664

trump was the one who printed all the monopoly money during 2020. inflating the money supply is literally what inflation is.

>> No.70336728


>> No.70337193

Can't you just make it yourself? The only ingredient that would be expensive maybe is mozzarella cheese.

>> No.70337231

I remember when bait took effort

>> No.70337329

>Using your free time to cook

>> No.70337470

fuck off to /pol/ you troons.

>> No.70339984

Please feel free to refute
No one's stopping you

>> No.70340680

I ate pizza at a HUB when I recently went to Japan... why corn on pizza? Was two nukes too many or too few?

>> No.70340951

two nukes gave us anime so i'll let the corn slide

>> No.70341047

Please tell me that fucking abomination that resembles a pizza is not real

>> No.70341358



>> No.70341705

Pepperoni-sama, not like this...
Why did you have to touch all those unripe cheeses...
