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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70078047 No.70078047 [Reply] [Original]

Very simply put. The main reason Nijisanji is going to come out of the dokibird/kurosanji saga unscathed is because too many of you dumbfucks out there thought it was the right time to start letting your /pol/tardification out in the open.
All of this stuff about Uki is clearly a distraction and arguably bait from NDF.
Now they have unlimited ammo to sit back and just wave off every single concern about Nijisanji being a black company as "Oh well that's just racists chirping, who cares about their opinion?"
You could have had a chance to really push for some real reforms in that company. You could have saved a lot of people so much trouble. But instead, you had to let the people who are concerned about whether or not purple fujobait makes fun of white people take priority and become the loudest voices. I hope you're happy!

>> No.70078628

Don't you have investor asses to eat out, Enna?

>> No.70078739

Even normalfags think Uki's a weirdo.

>> No.70078763

Losing a year or more worth of growth is unscathed?

>> No.70078825

Negligible, one could say

>> No.70078849

Japan takes anti-white racism much more seriously than the West because it's a political touchstone. Uki being so obvious about it while affiliated with Anycolor is making a lot of people nervous, especially since Kyo was bagged so fast.

>> No.70078921

niji will have neglible consequences and will regain back lost assets. but everyone in the clique’s reputation will forever be tarnished and no amount of reincarnations and graduations will fix it

>> No.70079118


Go back to your stream…oh right, sorry, this plan sure is golden huh?

>> No.70079231
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/Pol/ here. My boy Vanta called for TKD. I now support nijiEN.

>> No.70079634

it will come right back. This is fairly large company and the majority of the fans don't give a shit. They just want to see their waifus. They don't care about business shit and they certainly don't care about things that interrupt their comfort zones. The Dokibird stuff was real and concerning and people cared about it because it was a showcase of Nijisanji actively hurting one of its talents.
This shit where people are trying to continue the momentum of controversy by pointing to things like Uki ruins the momentum because those people who care about whether or not he makes fun of white people mistakenly believe that other people give a shit. If it was Nijisanji making those statements as a company, then yes, we would all be on board. But no one cares (except people who are not mainstream at all in schools of thought) about one talent saying dumb shit. Otherwise Enna would have been cancelled for making fun of black people forever ago. It didn't work then. it won't work now.
So essentially these idiots in America who think the globe cares about mean comments to white people have deflated all momentum towards actually getting Niji some real repercussions have fucked that over with their incredibly inflated sense of self-importance. No one cares about white people. In fact, you're just going to make it easy for NDF to say "oh wow the doki bird people are all just racists so who cares what they think"
again, good on Doki for being able to make her career and explode out of the starting gate, but all of this "but the mean comments towards white people!!" stuff is just shitting in your own faces. More or less.

>> No.70079741

sorry Kirsche isn't streaming at the moment so I need to vent/cry

>> No.70079794

Uki will keep saying that Nijisanji is black company?

>> No.70079795
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>it will come right back. This is fairly large company and the majority of the fans don't give a shit
lol lmao
pic very much related

>> No.70079833

>it will come right back
My brother in Allah it took the cunt a year to climb to this number without any drama. She lost it all within 4 days and now she's got a terrible fucking rep. Those 37k or whatever are not coming back even if you give her 2 years

>> No.70080002

Corporate cares about temporary financial losses less than enduring reputational ones in Japan (re:Gundou firing). Uki risks building the company a reputation of an "anti-white" representative, which would align it with Japan's far right in a very visible way, which is obviously unacceptable. I have seen more arguments in the usual places about Uki over the past week than Selen for this reason. All of the rest of your rambling is irrelevant and very EOP-centric.

>> No.70080235

you're delusional if you think people care. step outside of this board and X for a few minutes. Most people do not give a shit about how mean Niji is or how anti-whatever any of the talents are. As long as they aren't bullying one of the other beloved talents to the point of suicide, it has been demonstrated that the vast majority do not care. The fact that anyone thinks the Uki situation warrants attention at all is sad at best.

>"Like oh wow you're getting a bunch of brainrotted people on /vt/ to come together and spam about how mean it is that someone made fun of white people? looool"
yeah that will change the billion dollar JAPANESE company's mind on things. You know Japan hates white people right?

37k subs is nothing and if anything, the company and talents will see it as the people who left getting filtered. It's a classic move where the people leaving think they are doing something when nobody cares. The sub counts will go back up.

It only takes 5 minutes to realize that the vast majority of people chirping about this are idiots who don't superchat and don't do anything other than be obnoxious at the wrong drop of a hat. I'm sure by now it's very loud to the corporate leaders at Nijisanji that the best thing to do is ignore the people who are literally making mountains out of mole hills. Nijisanji is a global company, who cares if they piss off some chuds in America. how important is EN to them anyways? obviously not much

>> No.70080253

What happened to Game Grumps?

>> No.70080302 [DELETED] 

Kaida Haru called aboriginals retarded and he's in a major boyband unit in JP. Truly who cares. This board isn't even white, you're all indonesian.

>> No.70080314 [DELETED] 

>it will come right back
No, people won't lol
NijiEN was basically on life support growth-wise through 2023 outside Selen. Thinking that trend will reverse AFTER they bungled the termination of their most subbed talent is wishful, straight up delusional thinking
The rest of your post is dumb nonsense

>> No.70080343 [DELETED] 

>37k subs is nothing
Lol. Lmao even

>> No.70080364 [DELETED] 

What do superchats or people in America have to do with it? Illiterate fool, read the post before replying.

>> No.70080391

you know those two just sit back and make a lot of passive money now right? They were getting cooked in the public eye for a bit but intelligently pivoted out of the picture and now they have teams of management do all their dirty work.

>> No.70080440
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What about pushing merch for your branch? Does that count?

>> No.70080465

okay, please tell Elira to kill herself

>> No.70080569

>"Oh well that's just racists chirping, who cares about their opinion?"
so wait, people calling out racism are now labelled as racists?

what fucked up reality do you live in?

>> No.70080619

the people who want them will still buy them and that number of people is still a large amount. Why do you think the corporation as a whole hasn't buckled in response to the public pressure? Sure they fumbled the Selen/Doki thing but are they cancelling orders? Calling for a town-hall meeting? are they desperately seeking our input?
No. They're waiting for things to resume as normal and this "Uki is anti white" stuff just hands them an opportunity to deflect a lot of "stop asian hate" nonsense.
The people here need to understand that the inflated self importance that comes from this board is meaningless outside of 2-3 websites. and most people in the fandoms don't even follow those places.

>> No.70080626

>37k subs is nothing
Are you illiterate? IT TOOK HER A YEAR TO GET THOSE. There, nice and big for you.
She's been stagnant for a while now and those 37k? People that actually watch vtubers, unlike the other half a million that were just remnants from the myth era that haven't watched a vtuber in years. You can cope however much you want, but she is not getting those numbers back, and I'd wager her ccv will also take a nosedive when she comes back

>> No.70080692

Happy graduation!

>> No.70080724

>Just have to sit down.

LOL they are not Gura bro. Sub count still going down, not even went up during birthday stream. This entire thread is copium and it’s hilarious.

>> No.70080869

i'm retarded who lost 37k subs

>> No.70080992


>> No.70081078
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Well then I guess the "people" who want that merch will still buy that merch. Regardless of demand, contracts, collabs or general sentiment. Daww, poor Bomu:(! Got her one in a lifetime collab chance thrown down the bin. How sad!

>> No.70081087

doesn't that seem like, instead of real change being brought to the company, we just witch hunted Elira down 40k subs

>> No.70081165

i'm retarded and just wanna imagine Enna's smell

>> No.70081300 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 3840x2160, TrollFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs confirm nijisanji victory

>> No.70081501

Get your fucking soccer ball like head over there and rim again chink bitch

>> No.70081521

You didnt even get out of the Zaion saga unscathed. You survived it but it hurt your numbers and was still hanging over you waiting for the next issue
Even IF you somehow survive this one, there's more coming, all you're doing is compounding your crimes

>> No.70081600

That's the thing too, there WILL be a next one. It seems pretty clear from the job postings being put out that Riku has no intention to actually spend money to fix the core issue of lack of oversight.

>> No.70081725

>their most subbed talent
Vox mogs her in subs and still does.

>> No.70081802


>> No.70081870

Can't even imagine the audacity to pin a laughing tweet at the same time Selen gets terminated. It had to be after they found out she tried to khs too. Like seriously, what a fucking bitch.

>> No.70082015

That's true sorry
I always forget about males because I don't care about them

>> No.70082022

More than double the merch of her genmates combined! >>70080440

>> No.70082071

dubs confirm total niji obliteration

>> No.70082280

thats the thing anon,the whole niji shitshow is already "outside" of the board and x lmao,the reason jp is untouched because jp retardism and niji is literally too big to fail,if you think its the same thing for niji outside of jp i have bad news for you lmao

>> No.70082304

Epic fail

>> No.70082368

>You could have saved a lot of people so much trouble.
What's stopping you from saving them?

>> No.70082394

>Selen as Elira's maid in the aristocrats one
Oh shit.

>> No.70082563

ah the legendary number 1 fujobait that completely irrelevant now? no,i'm not exaggerating,vox is completely irrelevant now,even for their own fujobait fanbase as a whole,from last year selen is the front and face of nijiEN,the whole "laughing dragon fps fag that liked by everyone" is no joke for NIJISANJI,yeah for their own brand,but you know what they did to her,thats how dumb nijisanji is.

>> No.70082668

This is the first Ennapost that's actually grounded in reality, there's no way NDF won't spin this drama around and turn it into "wignats harass poor innocent PoC vtubers", nothing good comes from trying to argue about racism towards whites.

>> No.70082748

Anycolor should just go out of Buisness this was just a battle the war will be long. Those fucking communist sympathizers Riku licks Xi bears honeypot

>> No.70082863
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if they didn't miraculously get an audience of non-english-speaking chinese people to temporarily bloat their numbers no one would even give a shit about them
all the yabs this board likes to make a big deal about are insignificant in comparison to china moving on

>> No.70082894

Japan hates Black people the most in fact most Asian countries see them as sub human probably lol

>> No.70082964
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Nijisanji's success in the dokibird/kurosanji saga is due to public outcry and NDF's bait, allowing them to ignore concerns about racism and prioritize their concerns over reforms.

The controversy surrounding Dokibird, a large company, has deflated momentum towards repercussions for Niji, a talented artist. Fans are not concerned about business shit or interruptions to comfort zones. The mean comments towards white people have deflated momentum, and NDF may dismiss these comments as racist. Dokibird's career is thriving.

Corporation has not responded to public pressure, despite Selen/Doki incident, waiting for normalcy. Board's self-importance is meaningless outside fandoms, and majority followers don't follow them.


>> No.70083199

Wait is NDF actually using AI?

>> No.70083544

OP has actually somewhat of a point
They will win if they ask their livers to REALLY shut the fuck up on anything besides pure streaming for a few weeks/one or two months, and things will somewhat go back to a semblance of normalcy. (Even if they're not #2 anymore)

The thing is, like a certain menhera fox once said to a fish,
>I forgive but never forget
That's exactly what's going to happen here, if they don't play things VEEEEEEERY carefully here, at the next yab they won't have any choices but to take responsibility and behead whoever is responsible.
(Like selling the clique to the yakuzas as onaholes for example, if they behave like stupid whores again)

>> No.70083998

A decent chunk of those 37k were people that otherwise might have bought niji merch or spread the name, make fanart etc.
The sub loss was just the immediate result to the shitshow, the real damage will show itself over the course of this year as niji is for the most part a really bad investment for any company that would want to collab with them now. Last thing you'd want your small weeb business to be associated with is a company that almost drove one of their talents to suicide.

>> No.70085248
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>> No.70085259

At this point getting out unscathed is impossible, the damage is already done. They lost some of their best talents and now they are known as a black company. I'm pretty sure more people will try to get out , and it will be much harder to get new waves due to their newfound reputation. I don't think the branch will collapse, it's a billion dollar company, this yab is not big enough. But their future growth and ability to collab with western companies/groups has been compromised.

>> No.70085840

OP is unfathomably retarded and just sounds assblasted that people are mad at Uki. There's a reason Niji EN's latest generation have like a couple thousand dollars in super chats on their first 3 months each. Niji reputation is shit and that's cumulative. Muh pol boogeyman isn't going to help you fix that.

>> No.70085962

>you know those two just sit back and make a lot of passive money now right? They were getting cooked in the public eye for a bit but intelligently pivoted out of the picture and now they have teams of management do all their dirty work.
anon they were literally kicked out of the company after it got resold a second time

>> No.70086086

>Aster getting mogged by fucking Kunai
I actually almost feel kinda bad. Almost.

>> No.70086250

I don't care what happens to the company, I just want the EN branch gone so I can go back to shitposting about Mori here.

>> No.70086320

Last time I checked, only sisters defended Uki, everyone else thinks the dude is weird as fuck

>> No.70086433

retarded thread, though it does touch on the legitimate point of not trying to push nothingburgers because it gives Niji something to deflect to

>> No.70086613

Jesus, mid-tier Phase Connect and high-tier Idol chuubas get better views than this.

>> No.70086786

same. GURRAT was fun, but i just want niji en gone. they really don't deserve space in en vtubing sphere.

>> No.70086992

ugh....i mean sigh....

>> No.70087023

nah phase is still on top of the lowest game
01) Rie (Phase) - 338 - Undernight In-Birth
02) Erina (Phase) - 342 - Spyro:Reignited Trilogy
03) Rie (Phase) - 239 - Granblue Fantasy:Relink
04) Aia (NijiEN) - 462 - Zatsudan
05) Petra (NijiEN) - 565 - Blazblue Entropy Effect
06) Erina (Phase) - 482 - Spyro:Reignited Trilogy
07) Rie (Phase) - 394 - A Date with Death
08) Erina (Phase) - 370 - Kalimba practice
09) Erina (Phase) - 322 - Spyro:Reignited Trilogy
10) Flayon (StarsEN) - 476 - Apex collab
11) Bandage (NijiEN) - 340 - Apex collab
12) Maria (NijiEN) - 307 - Watchalong
13) Rie (Phase) - 617 - Hatoful Boyfriend
14) Rie (Phase) - 317 - Princess Travels
15) Remilia (Phase) - 385 - Valentine's date
16) Remilia (Phase) - 249 - Zatsudan
17) Flayon (StarsEN) - 541 - Elden Ring
18) Aia (NijiEN) - 441 - Gunpla learning stream
19) Aster (NijiEN) - 355 - LoL
20) Hina (Phase) - 699 - AoT watchalong
21) Aster (NijiEN) - 429 - Apex
22) Bandage (NijiEN) - 309 - Monster Hunter World
23) Rie (Phase) - 330 - Grand Blue Fantasy
24) Aia (NijiEN) - 399 - Virtual Sin Forgiveness
25) Rie (Phase) - 373 - Under night in-birth
26) Aster (NijiEN) - 430 - League of Legends

>> No.70087383

I believe in u elira. U can do this. U just need to work on ur channel for 5 years just to get one year of pre-yab progress back. Proud of u.

>> No.70087462

Kunai is actually pretty fun, her hollow knight vods are comfy af. Just a shame the hag couldn't get in sooner, during the lockdowns, she definitely deserves more eyes on her.

>> No.70087522

I've actually seen normal average people disgusted by the way Uki spoke about whites. This isn't some extreme /pol/ bullshit, normal people can recognize that behavior is bad plain and simple.

>> No.70087924


>> No.70090012

Lmao this is almost sad

>> No.70090271

as it should be, dookshiters have been mogged from the start

>> No.70090575

Yasss queen slayyyy! Don't go spending that $20 gift card all in one place!

>> No.70091075

Uki being anti-white is a bigger deal on the JP sites than the Selen drama. Brand reputation is everything, even if they don't care about EN.

>> No.70091211

The only place that behavior really flies is among terminally online twitter circles, thinking no one cares is the same as falling for any of those sister posts DEMANDING for more men in vtubing

>> No.70091294

learn what the word means first retard
they already lost HP, this no-hit attempt is over

>> No.70091745

nta, but anon you replying to said mid-tier Phase, and in your list you have low-tier Phase

>> No.70091991


Sorry Nijisisters, your company is going to crash and burn real quick.

No serious company only spends $500k usd on management when their biggest competitor spends 55 times more with less talents.

>> No.70092117

I called this the moment I saw Uki baiting election tourists and they ate it, hook, line and sinker.

>> No.70093096

I'm going to fuck FWMC

>> No.70093497

fascinating doc, ACTUAL facts backing the rrats, good stuff

>> No.70093574

t. le retard de vox akuma

>> No.70093706

thanks, I went full retard and combed through the data, with help from anons here of course
biggest point of note: Cover spends 55 fucking times more than Niji in talent management/support ($10 mil vs $500k). Keep in mind Niji has DOUBLE their talents.
basically, Niji is an actual black company.

>> No.70094068

also retarded with the whole buyback shit lmao

>> No.70094148

>twenty whole dollars
lmao even
They're getting five, tops

>> No.70094154

im going to fuck (You) while you fuck FWMC

>> No.70094168

Wait, they spend MONEY on management? Where the heck are these people?

Nothing I've seen in...ever proves me there is management there! They don't seem to know what PR is!

>> No.70094289

it is afraid

>> No.70094291

Management exist only on paper to redirect funds to the yacht.

>> No.70094306

IIRC Selen said she originally recorded that with a bully/tsundere tone but the "director" told her to redo it with a plain normal voice.
