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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70043401 No.70043401 [Reply] [Original]

ZERO teeth by 2025

>> No.70043948

Once they're all gone she can just get a full set of dental implants.
Then she can remove the front teeth when streaming so she keeps her iconic lisp.

>> No.70044024

she should get dentures so she can take them off and give toothless blowjobs to men during gangbangs

>> No.70044171
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It cost me about $10k to fix my teeth.

I would gladly do the same for Pippa but only if we got married. I'm not going to fund a cute smile for another man to enjoy you know.

>> No.70044293

swear she said she was working on getting replacements, but i may be misremembering.
plus shes a content junkie and just decided on some expensive plans for content, so i could see her tossing out her own health for that...

>> No.70044584

imagine the blowjobs

>> No.70044649

wtf is she like gargling crystal meth and taking heroine? how is she losing her teeth pippafags?

>> No.70044710

literally 10+ years of not brushing her teeth

>> No.70044754

she'll get cyberteeth implants

>> No.70045006
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She'll get a Boogie smile

>> No.70045132

>does not brush her teeth ever
>only drinks expired soda from the dollar store

>> No.70045146
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a challenger appears

>> No.70045177

She lost more teeth?

>> No.70045179

she should get rabbit teeth implants and start turning herself into a rabbit girl irl

>> No.70045250

She wanted to die so she stopped caring.

>> No.70045294

anon, she used to almost seem to actively try and make her health worse (obviously not actually im just emphasizing how badly she took care of herself).
shes gotten alot better, but, the damage has been done.

>> No.70045327

Is he still on the road to homelessness?

>> No.70045374

I imagine now that she's a famous vtuber, her feelings towards that changed.

>> No.70045405


hope so

>> No.70045409

At least she's got the money to do the implants with all the streamer bux. Just think of viewers in similar situations.

>> No.70045475

he 100% got compensated for that doc. Also that dock was retarded
>muh house is worth $400k and I own $200k in mortgage, that means it is worthless
yeah that isn't how that fucking works

>> No.70045520

>Just think of viewers in similar situations.
It fucking sucks. I wish I had listened to my parents and brushed my teeth when I was younger.

>> No.70045857

yes... mostly.
she has let slip that if she could no longer make content, she isnt sure how long she would still be around for...

>> No.70046125

I have gone entire years where I only brushed my teeth once a month. I am now in my 30s. I have never had a single cavity
Just felt like sharing

>> No.70046337

The mold grew around her like a rainforest, but without the green leafyness.

>> No.70046520

Do you mean no longer react to content

>> No.70046536

imagine having shit tier genes. I've only ever had 2 cavities and they were minor and didn't hurt and were like up on the gumline on the inside on the back teeth

>> No.70046587

Zero teeth / all yabs 100% speedrun

>> No.70046596

i like pippa, but i could not help but laugh when she said it turned out she had had a mold based lung infection for years.
...and then be disappointed when she failed to kill it because she was too worried about the after effects of the medicine messing with streaming so she basically just stopped taking it....

>> No.70046709

By "fix" your teeth do you mean getting fake ones? I had a family member that did that in the 90s and then after a few decades they started falling off too.

>> No.70046749

She should get a full set of titanium chompers like that bond villain henchman, a donothon would cover it and would be based as fuck

>> No.70046808

with no teeth, she will not be able to yab

>> No.70046865

I don't watch her all that much, but I remember her talking about how shitty her family is/was. Which I was surprised that she was visiting her mom or something cuz I woulda thought she'd go nc after being able to self sustain.

>> No.70046866

you pippafags are just meme’ing right? she cant be this retarded is she actually a homeless person along the streets of california? thats so fucking stupid

>> No.70046980

according to pippa 2 of her teeth were so fucking damaged she had to get them pulled (or she could gotten a root canal, but she decided to be a poorfag and get them pulled, and one as a front tooth) then she said she needs to find a new dentist in california and that a third tooth didn't look great with her old dentist and he thought it might heal but her next dentist appointment is a month away and her mouth hurts

>> No.70047036

Before vtubing, she was a hikikomori for about a year and didn't brush her teeth. She has been going to the dentist and coming back with stories. She's getting better since vtubing. Taking schizo meds too.

>> No.70047047

her "dad" literally went on her stream last week

>> No.70047110

she offhandedly mentioned, aswell as the obvious proof of how she interacts with them now, that somewhere along the line she made amends with her parents.
...her parents mind. she still shits on one of her sisters and unnamed aunts/uncles here and there.
hard to say for sure really, but while its just an educated guess based off knowing the type of culture her family seems to fit into, it could be her falling out was backlash at her for shit talking/not putting up with the bad parts of her family, because "it doesn't matter, family is family", and later on her parents decided losing a daughter over that wasn't worth it, or something akin to that.

>> No.70047120

It's heavily influenced by genetics and the usual recommendations around dental hygiene are mostly placebo. Flossing is the most effective for protecting against gum disease, yet it's one people do the least. In my own family, I have members who brushed 3 times a day, flossed, mouth wash, the whole shebang since childhood and their teeth are still riddled with cavities.

>> No.70047184

kek, no.
Pippa was and is pretty braindead.
she IS getting better, but, well, only so much, and only so much you can fix after being a neet for as long as she was.

>> No.70047196

Pippa is lesbian

>> No.70047288

imagine the toothless pussy licking

>> No.70047333

I don't know her, I'm just here for the clickbait OP. That said, depression can make everything a struggle. Getting up is a struggle, just making tea or coffee is too much effort, brushing teeth is not going to be on people's priority list. For most people with depression the escapism of endless anime and video games with access to uber eats sustains them in a reality that takes place 99% of the time on their mattress, or similar situations. All you need is a place to stay and just enough income to automate your continued existence. Whether that is through family, camming, streaming, or autism bucks.

>> No.70047393

That's what happens when they put mountain dew on baby bottles.

>> No.70047549

ywn tongue kiss Pippa and rub your tongue all over her gum holes

>> No.70048194

Yeah there was a period where I was depressed and would go days without brushing my teeth, I'd drink like 5 cans of soda a day, and whatever. By the time I started getting out of it a wisdom tooth and another tooth had both cracked and completely broken. Even with a shit job I'm too poor for finners.

>> No.70048307

If she ever somehow does another song it needs to be called something like White Trash Cinderella. But I'm a newer viewer so I'm not up on my Pippa family lore. I do have lots of experience growing up in a shitty white trash family though.

>> No.70048361

>not wanting toothless blowjobs
skill issue.

>> No.70048437

sadly, there really is too much family/childhood lore to just dump, and im positive i wouldn't keep all the details straight anyways.
but yeah, she had an interesting childhood and family to say the least. dont think she thinks of it as poorly now though as she used to mind, but shes also not in as bad a place as she once was, so, hard to say which version she views is more accurate.

>> No.70048461

She could just easily get dentures no need for terrible implants that cost an arm and a leg that would literally just fall off years later.

>> No.70048621

>a third tooth didn't look great with her old dentist and he thought it might heal

Lol when your dentist is called Ranjeet Singh

>> No.70048800

i think shes only missing a few scant teeth overall. do they do 1-2 teeth dentures?
i can see her wanting to try and keep what she still has is all.

>> No.70048809

>ywn get your penis gnawed by a toothless pippa.
imagine the blow jobs

>> No.70048841

He might be back on track. He seems to be having fun making videos with his 18yo daughterwife.

>> No.70048912

what does she look like when she takes her dentures out at night?

>> No.70048946

what the fuck is she doing to make her keep losing her teeth?
eating junk food and doesnt brush?
does she smoke? what the fuck?

>> No.70048980

you can get a permanent bridge, she might have one now, when she first go the teeth pulled like a year or two ago she had a bridge you could remove

>> No.70049106

and you faggots were shitting on asmongold’s shit room while your oshi lives like this? holy shit

>> No.70049137
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>> No.70049186

crack can make your teeth like that.
also being a vegan

>> No.70049314

oh shit I heard about that
it really is slow and steady malnutrition

>> No.70049335

My dentists have tried to get me to take a permanent bridge before. It's much easier for them and it's cheaper. If you probe and ask them they will admit that they need to permanently destroy some of your healthy surrounding teeth. Never let the destroy healthy teeth. Save up and get an implant, and you can get a temporary removable tooth in the meantime.

>> No.70049884

Years of copious amount of sugary soft drinks and not brushing + flossing.
By years I mean starting from her school days.

>> No.70050072

I strongly desire to press my nose directly against Pippa's hairy sweaty asshole

>> No.70050173

Pippa had chickens living in her room with her. Asmongold has nothing on her.

>> No.70050198

Jew fear the indoor chicken farmer.

>> No.70050253

Were they living off the mold?

>> No.70050281

i've never heard that part.

>> No.70050393

Qrd? Why are Pippa and Mumei losing their teeth?

>> No.70050395

The baffling part is that she still drinks soda ON STREAM even after revealing all her tooth problems, and her chat supports her habit. Like if I had multiple teeth pulled, I would stop drinking soda forever.

>> No.70050541

Hina said pippa's room is fine, it just has a slight taco bell smell.

>> No.70050717

That's why I said HAD, this was before she has a vtuber.

>> No.70050729

well yeah, now.
we knew she had mostly cleaned up her old place, and now shes temp living with parents, which is the room Hina saw.

>> No.70051188

The qrd on Pippa has already been said. Don't follow Mumei, so I never knew.

She was a filthy NEET for a year and never brushed her teeth. Been fixing them up in recent years. Wears two caps and at least one crown as far as I recall

>> No.70051568

>suckin on a tiddy like a toothless baby
cute ngl

>> No.70051637

Only a fucking year? That’s literally nothing.

>> No.70051680

Marrying a lesbian is high IQ.
She won't cheat, and you can let her bring other girls into it.

>> No.70051788
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>> No.70051845

Just how bad were your teeth? Did you had full dental care with brackets and retainers too?

>> No.70051996

Getting significant amounts of dental work done by Adam, who is a white skilled high IQ expert in his field is much more expensive than Pang Nuq who pulls your sea nig teeth out with a pair of home depot pliers.

>> No.70052109

Two implants and 7 veneers. Same cause as Pippa (lazy depressed NEET). I had fillings before that which might be another few hundred.
My alignment was already good, so didn't need that other stuff.

>> No.70052231
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Pippa if you're reading this, get fucked.
But also please consider doing implants soon. The jaw bone gets weaker after teeth are pulled, and eventually can't support an implant (without additional procedures). I love you.

>> No.70052307

Thank god my NEET phase only left me with a hole in one of my molars.

>> No.70052389

Imagine the blowjob

>> No.70052553

That is true but 10k is 2 or 3 times higher(I'm being generous) than any first world standard price WITH first world quality unless it's a lot of replacement.

I see.

>> No.70054134

Pippa would definitely be a lolcow if she didn't have a fuckable vtuber model and the parasocial buff from being a (female) streamer

>> No.70054500

she is free to come to my country one of the very few positives is relatively cheap dental.

>> No.70054538

Not that anon but I let myself go pretty badly (and I apparently have good enough genes that I stayed pretty skin and with good skin, but my teeth and insides are fucked) and getting it all fixed cost me a lot. While its better now after bracers, retainers and a lot of repair work eventually as the filing wear down I'll probably need veneers which will cost me even more

Dont drink soft drink all day lads

>> No.70055406
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Take care of your teeth bros.

>> No.70055825

You know who else had mental problems and missing teeth? Chris Benoit, and he was a world champion. Pippa will be fine.

>> No.70056367

>skill issue
Unironic skill issue on your part MF as you're using it wrong

>> No.70057333

Funniest cope I've read.

>> No.70057573

How fucked am I? I stopped brushing for a year. Don't eat sugar, but I was too depressed to make myself brush and floss. Starting up again now, lots of blood every time.

>> No.70057661

Use the bass brushing method. Also try taking vitamin d3 and vitamin k2, it's said to cause teeth to repair themselves.

>> No.70057903
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She's a reflection of her oshi

>> No.70057922
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See a dentist. You can't brush away cavities, and they only grow bigger.
It might be scary at first but you will feel better with a plan in place, and you'll feel great when it's finished.

You may have gingivitis, but that can be fixed no worries. It's important to sort out because it can affect heart health.

>> No.70058251

Doesn't he have a Tesla? Just sell it bro.

>> No.70058315

Braces alone would cost me $2k. Prior to that I had spent $3k on crowns and fillings. Thankfully didn't need implants (or at least don't need them yet) so it could be worse.
