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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 71 KB, 968x471, IMG-20240224-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69850819 No.69850819 [Reply] [Original]

Lordaethelstan keep going ate it lmo niji can't catch a break

>> No.69850903

I don't know how people don't like this guy and his gains goblin

>> No.69850975

Still not watching your faggot

>> No.69851033


>> No.69851108

I dislike how they continue to pretend to be vtubers even though they just make shitty flesh content now. I dislike that he basically pressured nyanners into it which means he views pure vtubing as a bad thing and would make everyone be on camera if he had his way

>> No.69851137
File: 159 KB, 720x1480, __mikeneko_mikeneko_and_pon_chan_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_matheuus_arts__908785977f4b8f5939df0a72701f59b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because pink cat bad. It was the wrong cat.

>> No.69851146

"Male vtubers" by definition shouldn't exist and are all awful
As for him as a person if I watch a male streamer he's gotta be extremely funny (something impossible that just doesn't exist anymore in light of the present marxistoid culture of censoring on all platforms) or he's gotta be top tier in comp games

>> No.69851243

reminder nyanners abandoned her cats

>> No.69851298

he is literally streaming with his girlfriend.

>> No.69851317

Try JFJ the funny sockman. Occasionally called people slurs when they least expect it but doesn't spam it since he needs to pay rent.

>> No.69851372

He's a dramatuber now?

>> No.69851494

no he just doesn't ignore realty.

>> No.69851786

He's a swell guy as far as I've seen. Shame about the woman.

>> No.69851898

I really wish I could find a clip of that "right the wrongs!" chant he lead to curse Nijsanji on the 5th or the 6th. Maybe the vod was deleted, not sure, but I can't find it on Youtube either.

>> No.69851906

>pretends every western vtuber doesn't want to show her tits on stream

>> No.69851986

she's a swoll gal (swollen with his cum)

>> No.69852061


>> No.69852160

First time out of the hugbox, huh?

>> No.69852219

white or not, you literally couldn't be more chill and friendly than that old couple

>> No.69852298

No they just make meta jokes occasionally.

>> No.69852345

lol seething twitchzoomie

>> No.69852355

Right what's wrong

>> No.69852397

How do you know he's on Twitch?

>> No.69852431

I'm just scrolling the catalog. I don't watch males or twitch trannies, I don't know who these guys are, anon.

>> No.69852486

Trannies hate men

>> No.69852528

>by definition
what dictionary are you using

>> No.69852658

That's Nyanners and her bf Lord Aethelstan. they're both on twitch, don't think they're trannies but haven't really looked into it.

>> No.69852664


Vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2054336997

>> No.69852727

ngl that is a really funny jab

>> No.69852751

These people make fun of everyone. I can respect the consistency.

>> No.69852792

Learn english

>> No.69852802


>> No.69852922

Proof she doesn't just peg him every night?

>> No.69852974

Streamers aren't men.

>> No.69852994

nyan made fun of hololive and got a 300 post seethe thread the other day i wonder how aethel making fun of niji is gonna go

>> No.69852996

KEK They have been on fire these days

>> No.69853002
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You'll have to grab it pretty quick as it's about to expire. Also lol @ the chat - really gotta capture that too.

>> No.69853032

lmao good shit

>> No.69853122
File: 139 KB, 271x403, ESL chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69853141

Nyanners should sing the Moonman song again

>> No.69853492


>> No.69853625
File: 3.91 MB, 1080x1080, old white couple[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsfwu4i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69853846
File: 459 KB, 780x586, Card Crusher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69854338

You guys never told me Aethel was this based
Still not watching him though because I'm still salty over nyanners

>> No.69854505

>You guys never told me Aethel was this based
because he isnt, he's a trendhopping fleshfag

>> No.69854608

It's actually a really good sign that so many people are putting Uki Violeta on notice. People like him need to be kicked out of vtubing.

>> No.69855122

He's pretty based. He had to stop himself from saying "I'm white and proud". He also watches Hasan, but only because he sees politics as "wrestling for rich people" as he describes it. He didn't know about Hasan's take on 9/11 and thought The Young Turks was a sandwich shop.

>> No.69855352


>> No.69856419

Northernlion is funny

>> No.69856759

>pretend to be vtubers even though they just make shitty flesh content now
If they just make flesh content then how are they using vtubers including literally right now

>> No.69856879

>if I watch a male streamer he's gotta be extremely funny (something impossible that just doesn't exist anymore in light of the present marxistoid culture of censoring on all platforms)
Christ, yours must be such a miserable existence

>> No.69856963

Holy kek

>> No.69857020

so true sister, we hate males

>> No.69857033

>about to expire
Partner VODs stay for two months

>> No.69857082

So this is that Uki guy, seems like a retard alright

>> No.69857188

it's a /pol/tard of course he's miserable

>> No.69857193

Nobody really gives a shit about Nijisanji EN these days. They've all but alienated the western fanbase to where attending North American cons at this point may be a difficult gamble, the only people that are left are either Chinese or SEA fans.

>> No.69857266

When he lived in Japan he spent his free time falseflagging political subreddits for fun

>> No.69857411

>cat vtuber
>abandons actual cats
kek wait wtf

>> No.69857463

>watching homos
>a whore with his bf on top of that
Die cuckfag

>> No.69857695

She just sent them to her mom.
Aethel is allergic to cats.

>> No.69858342

>He's pretty based.
>He also watches Hasan
Oh ok, you're retarded.

>> No.69860113

maybe just the first slide could have been funny but the way they keep repeating themselves is so fucking obnoxious, who enjoys this shit?

>> No.69860937

Only women and trannies would watch a vtuber couple. There's a 50% chance that OP is a woman that should show tits.

>> No.69863351


>> No.69866489


>> No.69867338

This. Literally every fleshtuber/streamer is better by default because they aren't hiding behind a faggot-ass avatar. If you're a grown man larping as an anime boy, you are seriously fucked in the head.

>> No.69868041
File: 3.39 MB, 512x288, RIGHT WHATS WRONG[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4bsxcj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this will work, but here goes nothing.

>> No.69868211

His fanbase is 80% male. He's showed demographics before.

>> No.69868216

Please touch grass

>> No.69868248

He's not a vtuber now is he?

>> No.69868360

Ma'am it's just a drawing

>> No.69868881

Why must traniggers always project?

>> No.69868885

Hey to all the haters on Hasan watchers. wsup but yeah it's pretty bad.

>> No.69869136

Not everyone lives on the internet like you, Aethel probably just innocently thought, oh this vtuber thing is kinda cool and my gf's a vtuber, what if someone made me a new model to use, without all this stupid terminally online baggage attached. He's an actually well put-together guy and doesn't live in your gay little bubble and play by your rules.

Also he does irl streams just as much.

>> No.69869227

Anyone who uses a male vtuber model is a faggot, no exceptions.

>> No.69869303



>> No.69869309

Lord Aethelstan is okay. Nyanners is fucking terrible and the only reason she ever had any fans is that she has a vagina.

>> No.69869527

People that have a grudge against her won't admit she's funny but it's why she ever had fans in the first place. She's exceptionally funny for a woman, like shockingly so.

>> No.69870356

She's not funny, she's a narcissist who cucked you and you cope about it by saying "she's great but aethel mad her bad" to avoid admitting she always sucked and you're a sucker.

>> No.69870549

Hi Uki

>> No.69870632

I honestly prefer SINK THE YACHT

>> No.69873223


>> No.69875762

aethel is truly the only true bro tuber. He's the only guy you can actually see chugging beer and watching sports on his off time between lifting weights and probably fucking on the regular.
When it comes to drama you see everyone tiptoeing around it and then this guy comes barging in grabbing uki by the neck and jamming his face in the toilet and flushing it in front of everyone. Even before that he's one of the few that hasn't been autistically tiptoeing about how concerned they are but has been brazenly mocking niji for their shit.

>> No.69877191

>Brotubers need to be a faggot personalityless normal fag that chugs beers and watches sportsball in between gay sex

Sports, beer and fucking aren't personality traits and tend to be the hobbies of some of the most brain dead insufferable faggots. A true brotuber would be someone like vinny or any other streamer that just streams games and spergs out in autistic detail about their favorite shit. You can get that on the 1 to 2 view indie twitch scene like the barber quartet chuuba that plays doom regularly.

>> No.69878162

>sports and weightlifting is not an acceptable type of autism
>a true bro is a harmless game autist
such an insecure and onions response. Some sports and health nuts are some of the biggest detail obsessed autists when it comes to their hobbies.

>> No.69878353

>muh double standards
Kill yourself if you hate the male gender so much. Just say you're afraid of anime men it's not hard.

>> No.69878707
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>> No.69878779

>onions response

>> No.69878821

??? aethel was vtubing before he met nyan, bizarre assumption

>> No.69878830

is it really projection if it's true?

>> No.69878907

why are redditors like this?

>> No.69878939


>> No.69878970

80% fags like Uki

>> No.69879020

buy an ad

>> No.69879078

Just admit you're a cuck. She was always bad

>> No.69879368

Aethel is the only good male vtuber and that's because he's a genuine real life chad

>> No.69879754

this has to be the gayest cocksuckingest thread ever, holy shit

>> No.69880087
File: 179 KB, 598x511, 1703101601394283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's laughing now? Hope that joke was worth it.

>> No.69880397

they're both funny separately but I do think they're funnier as a pair
this was before they were even dating and they were already sharing the same braincell, it's exceedingly rare to find someone you click with so well you can bounce off of for ten minutes with no prompting

>> No.69880563

Doesn't he fuck with Kyo though? Isn't Kyo trying to run interference for the clique right now? What's up with that?

>> No.69880692

He won't fuck you faggot

>> No.69880735

Kyo's playing both sides.

>> No.69880748

> why isn't everyone picking a side in the war that exists in my head

>> No.69880880


>> No.69880890

if I have to pick which is more likely to be real I'm going with aethel's (who is very anti-niji) choice to stay friends with kyo over a rrat from people who don't know any of them personally

>> No.69880985

>stealth Nyanners thread

Fucking make a general, or BUY AN AD

>> No.69881034

I dont like normalshits

>> No.69881359

This, I have been telling folks on discord too. Kyo plays for himself, he will throw them all under the bus if it helps him.

>> No.69881372

genuinely, could you define that? and explain why you'd categorize him as it? I watch both flesh and vtubers equally so I'm curious about where people draw the line, to me he's far weirder (in both activities and humour) than most streamers and falls more into the vtuber category even if he also does flesh

>> No.69881564

Because no one got to experience his comfy 2view music production streams where his dad would sometimes swing by and hang out in the chat.

>> No.69881812

Anyone who sticks their dick in Nyanners' cunt lacks good decision making skills

>> No.69882472

big fan of parents who support their kids' vtuber careers and watch their streams

>> No.69882609

I like him but I quit watching when he started doing so many flesh streams.

>> No.69883506

Considering a good chunk of his fanbase came from Nyanners' fanbase when they realized he was funnier than her, I doubt that.

>> No.69886282

>niji can't catch a break
when will it end

>> No.69886417

>Making Nijitroon sisters seethe
Absolutely based. Perhaps I judged Pink Cat and her boyfriend too harshly

>> No.69888406

All the irl content is pretty slapstick and is like trying to pivot the comedy of vtubing limitations to real life.

He was Mousey's find and set him and Nyan up.

>> No.69889196

This reply doesnt make sense given the context

>> No.69892813

They will recover from this

>> No.69894539

>why do people not like this guy
If I wanted to watch a retarded male fleshtuber I would just watch xQc, at least he's entertaining.

>> No.69894591

Nice falseflag sister you tell em!

>> No.69895068


>> No.69895464

>I don't want to spread negativity but...block these white people for making a joke

>> No.69895833

>guys guys i also hate these people that everyone online hates call me based and follow me for being so brave
It’s ok because Uki needs to rope but dunking on the current internet punching bag is the lamest form of self promo

>> No.69896578

The absolute power male vtubers have to make SEA unicorns show their true melanin levels here. I KNEEL

>> No.69896589


>> No.69896596

>dramanigger trying to gain clout
If I wanted that I’d watch fucking False

>> No.69896645

If they keep having bouts of PR diarrhea, they'll dehydrate themselves before they have the opportunity to recover.

>> No.69897382

Nyanners was practically 4chan royalty, before going woke and disavowing her past. And this was long before she became a vtuber.

>> No.69897517

But I do tho

>> No.69897520

>thought The Young Turks was a sandwich shop.
Maybe Cenk could fall back on this. Make some bombass kebab. Would be far better than... whatever it is they're doing.

>> No.69897845

because this is the fucking vtuber board and this fag is not one

>> No.69897900

which makes him a trendhopping bandwagoner, not a vtuber

>> No.69898062

> twitch "vtubers"
No fucking thanks, that entire "scene" is garbo

>> No.69898088

> drama*nigger
ftfy, he's not a vtuber

>> No.69898151

> "male"

>> No.69898204

the Ironmouse "audience"

>> No.69898258
File: 865 KB, 1080x786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69900083

Based based based!

>> No.69900433

I know he's bald, don't most bald streamers usually try to hide it behind an avatar?

>> No.69904126

So how come "straight" "men" /here/ think about homosexuality so much upon seeing drawings of male humanoids?

>> No.69904324

It's projection, as always

>> No.69904403

Him? Don't really care. For me, it's pink cat bad.

>> No.69906952

that's the problem, I can't stand nyanners.

>> No.69907029

>the R slur

>> No.69907193

>how come you dont want to look at fly covered feces? You must be into scat haha
Beggarnigger logic

>> No.69907514


>> No.69908537
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 1693735828337668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a weird thing to say out of nowhere

>> No.69908634


>> No.69908735

this guy is so cool
i wish his girlfriend stopped holding him back.
knowing her she's probably cheating on him anyway

>> No.69908771

There is no reality in which I'd be interested in watching a male vtuber
Not to mention the whole twitch garbage thing

>> No.69909078
File: 131 KB, 598x511, 1708751782930805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please block and unfollow these problematic w*ites

>> No.69909239

>"Male vtubers" by definition shouldn't exist and are all awful
Ok EOP faggot.
Ok calm down mel nekomata.

>> No.69909577

twitter sissies are blocking him left and right.
how will he ever recover?

>> No.69910154

>that feel when no gf and you can't larp as Scooby Doo, go "REE HEE HEE HEE" over and over again, hump your gf whenever she walks anywhere in the house to her annoyance, and sniff your gf's 90 pounds of pussy and ass at any time like a rabid dog who's certain there are loads of Scooby Snacks stashed in there

>> No.69910235

Male vtubers are, on average, more entertaining and interesting than roasties that, primarily, only have the 1up on views because they were born with a hole between their legs and self hating schizophrenic trannoids like you are absolutely obsessed with it. If anything, female vtuber is an oxymoron

>> No.69910307

That's still sex with a woman. Still doesn't make him gay retard.

>> No.69910340

oh so he's a falseflagging faggot

>> No.69910347

>see male
>think homosexual thoughts
>"I-I'm not gay! You are!"

>> No.69910588
File: 183 KB, 451x463, 1700198260948821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink cat good.

>> No.69910639

They're not gay. The more reasonable explanation is they're insecure incels with troon tendencies who venerate cute girl aesthetic and existence and rabidly sperg against anything male to the point of absurdity, like actual trannies. These people fantasize about living out their tranny yuri dreams with their totally based and redpilled waifus in a world with no males so they'll never have to be reminded of the fact that they are also men and they hate that

>> No.69910765

You don't need to be a "male vtuber" put your fucking face out there or don't show anything and stand on the weight of your words.
But of course that can't happen, these deranged queers want to be predators to children so they can't help themselves.
>be buck broken as a child subhuman flaming faggot
>real men don't want to be near you
>heh they must secretly like me
The state of the average fatherless mutt

>> No.69910904

It's funny this is either written by a woman obsessed with her male vtuber oshi from /mans/ or /nijien/ or some failure 1view dude blaming female vtubers and the guys who watch them for his woes.If you are seething like this on /vt/ you're never gonna make it. If you are actually entertaining you'd be a normal streamer. There's no benefit to the avatar for dudes unless you want to groom other 1views.

>> No.69911079

>If you're using a vtuber model to stream as a dude then youre a pedophile
No, this is what YOU would do as a vtuber, you detestable tranny faggot. All this anti-male hatred from your end is incredibly predictable projection of how you would act if you were a male vtuber because that is the only way you can rationalize the intentions of other people. There is zero justification for females being allowed to stream with vtubing models that doesn't also apply to men. Self hating troon faggot. Die.

>> No.69911175

I'm not either of those things. Women are not entertaining, nor funny, nor interesting. You watch them because the big booby model makes your dick hard. A literal tranny vtuber would be an improvement over a female because the tranny, being biologically male, would still be funnier

>> No.69911470

>>be buck broken as a child subhuman flaming faggot
>>real men don't want to be near you
>>heh they must secretly like me
It's a drawing. Why does this cause you to have this much of a meltdown?

>> No.69911992

Plenty of examples of these predators being pests to women vtubers or grooming their audience that is more often than not off-limits
>force faggotry on places where nobody wants faggots
>people walk out or roast you
Take a hint nobody likes your kind

>> No.69912155

Once again
>see a male
>immediately think of homosexuality
This isn't normal, anon.

>> No.69912376

I mean there's example with female vtubers too? Riro and Mikecat being the most recent ones.

>> No.69912430

You are the virtual version of the child predator that puts on a furry mascot suit to get close and grab children's crotches at the park

>> No.69912663

Seems to be a lot of projection on your end there. Like, I legit wouldn't be surprised to find terabytes of lolishit on your computer

>> No.69912677

Proof next thread?

>> No.69912906
File: 42 KB, 943x441, sex_pest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plenty of examples of these predators being pests to women vtubers or grooming their audi-ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.69913041

There's a reason she's been divorced twice.

>> No.69913280
File: 103 KB, 864x494, Screenshot_20240224-141104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol doxxsisters are so steamed they made another rentry to cancel people who support Doki or said mean things about Niji

>> No.69913590
File: 141 KB, 1004x1408, nonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plenty of examples of these predators being pests to women vtubers or grooming their audience that is more often than not off-limits

>> No.69913754

Why is this a thing?

>> No.69913792


>> No.69914358

It's been a thing for a while. Only came to light after she pissed off twitter trannies and they scoured her accounts looking for shit. I'd say they found it too.

>> No.69914379

i wish she would rape me

>> No.69914446

Tranny self reporting lmao

>> No.69914522

sorry to ruin your chaser fantasy but i've got a penis and i like it just fine.

>> No.69914568
File: 382 KB, 562x585, 1679292804280235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69914771
File: 36 KB, 661x720, 1490412648024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like ending on this list is good advertisement for any creator/artist. Gonna check out some myself and give them a chance.

>> No.69915241

>I like penis just fine
