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69833321 No.69833321 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.69833368 [DELETED] 

Whites aren't human, and thus can't be discriminated against. Bitch.

>> No.69833647

Either Elira probably told him to take his white people hate down a notch OR his sub number dropping made him worry.

Maybe a combination of both. Who knows? Who cares? It's Uki. Unless you're a korean kpop stan or southeast asian, you don't watch him.

>> No.69833721 [DELETED] 

>He's bad, because he's.... Racist!
Except, he's not. You're confusing personal prejudice and systemic racism.
You CANNOT be racist towards white people, because racism is an inherent systemic inbalance of power and privilege between white people and minorities.
>There's more Asians than whites!
Still, Asians are largely marginalized in the west.
>What about whites in Japan or China?!
White people who move to Japan or China are almost always wealthy and privileged. Getting a work visa or a stay permit in Japan is very difficult, and only those privileged enough are capable of getting it. So even as a minority in Japan, white people are a privileged class.

You can hate him for his opinions, or streams, or whatever, but hating him for being "racist" is simply disingenuous.

>> No.69833829

Don't respond to it.

>> No.69833875

41% yourself twitterfag

>> No.69833877 [DELETED] 

Can't be racist towards whites, chuds!

>> No.69833897
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Such a nice youg man.

>> No.69833900
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>> No.69833907

I'm not giving you a you. Go bait on reddit.

>> No.69833910

You insufferable faggots really are posting old shit for no reason.

>> No.69833935

But we've already established that we hate him because he's a hypocrite and not that he's racist?

>> No.69833959

Same with the chink. Wish they all die.

>> No.69833989

Personally I hate him because he's gay.

>> No.69834042

>We changed the meaning of the word racist so we can weaponize it how we see fit
Yes we know

>> No.69834047

Elira I'm so sick of your shit

>> No.69834151

I hate him for being a massive faggot though?

>> No.69834174

If you have to twist and bend the definition of racism, it's racist for sure. Oh and let's not forget about the sexism.

>> No.69834187

It's just canned corpo globohomo canned PR DEI ESG talk

>> No.69834189

Anon, we all know that NONE of this shit matters if he wasn't in the clique. Zaion got crucified for a literal "deez nuts" joke. You can bet your ASS the clique would call for his termination if he was not a part of it and he pulled this crap. I am not even white, but fuck Nijisanji.

>> No.69834225

this, we aren't offended by anything so it doesn't matter.

>> No.69834277


>> No.69834278

Since when are bugs a minority on the planet?If bugs are marginalized in the west then they shouldn't come to live in the west then lmao

>> No.69834372

another /pol/tard thread...

>> No.69834389
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Was she only crucified for deez nuts or was there a whole list that you cry about all the time? Make up your mind.
Also it was dee's nuts not deez nuts.

>> No.69834414

>You're confusing personal prejudice and systemic racism.
Absolutely fucking hilarious projection. If racism meant systemic racism then you wouldn't need to say systemic racism, you'd just say racism. But you know exactly what racism means, you're just here to troll (and it's working).

>> No.69834433
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Racism and Systematic racism can exist independent of each other and from an 'oppressor/oppressed' dynamic you retarded marxist.
You're being fed a bunch of lies by the very people who are the actual problem and actually oppressing people, those who control the media, be they white, black, asian, christian, jewish, buddhists.
but go ahead and be retarded as minorities who put in effort to escape their situations are being replaced by illegals who are too uneducated to ask for higher wages because you think the white plumber just making ends meet is the REAL oppressor.

>> No.69834441

I don't hate him for being racist, I hate him for being Chinese, and a massive faggot.

>> No.69834479


>> No.69834511

I am white and he hates me.

>> No.69834515

>You're confusing personal prejudice and systemic racism.
Stop inventing words to muddy the waters. He's prejudiced and a racist. Simple as.

>> No.69834525
File: 222 KB, 487x487, 1691708552718773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this bait in almost every uki thread.Not sure who's the bigger faggot : you, or the anons that actually fall for this shit.

>> No.69834532

Neck yourself NiggerFaggot

>> No.69834566

I feel no pity for the board that bites the most obvious baits so easily.

>> No.69834655

As someone who grew up in a minority-white area, you are hilariously mistaken if you think there's no systematic prejudice against whites in terms of hiring, admissions, loans, medical care....etc. Shit is widespread and systematic. You are literally like a second class citizen.

>> No.69834693

A whole list which you know was all stuff the clique heaped on her because she was not "one of them". Same thing they did to Selen. So miss me with that shit.

>> No.69834796

>Asians are largely marginalized in the west.
Ok but in the world of vtubing, all of the companies are owned by asians. Most of the talents and fans are asians. Whites are a minority at best. All of the power, money, privilege is held by the asians.
NIjisanji in particular has gone out of their way to avoid hiring whites. Something that is extremely noticeable when compared to their competitor. Furthermore, look at who's graduating from Niji. It's the whites. There are abuses in the company and a hostile environment, created in part by people such as Uki.

>> No.69834830

It means don't be white.

>> No.69834905

i have sad news for you. it might look like a bait for you, but its something that sisters genuinely post.

>> No.69834926

>he’s ok with a wigger

>> No.69835095

Fuck this racist piece of shit. Fuck Nijisanji for supporting him.

>> No.69835107
File: 177 KB, 1920x1080, 200609095611-merriam-webster-dictionary-definition-racism-mxp-vpx-00003804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Kennedy Mitchum. Your revisionist artificial redefining of racism is an embarassment to civil rights.

>> No.69835252

So why is that nuts joke so special that you have to say it was the only thing that really got her terminated? Shouldn't it be treated the same as every other point from that list?

>> No.69835413

I wish Elira was hotter, I can't beat off to the thought of her getting used and abused - either out of punishment by management or by revenge from the fans of those she wronged - knowing how uggo she is.

>> No.69835522

>a JP video about uki racism drama comes out
>most of the comments are saying nijisanji should fire him


>> No.69836355

They don't come here.
This is bait.

>> No.69837035
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>> No.69837189
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Typical niji double standard protecting the liver organ intestine approved by the clique.

>> No.69837363

I hate him for all of the above plus his being a spiteful cunt

>> No.69837400

Anon that stream was months ago

>> No.69837667

>Meanwhile, the Irish, the slavs, and the jews.

>> No.69837954

Slavs aren’t white and jews are semitic like arabs.

>> No.69838027


>> No.69838179

No such thing as semitic race, they are all arabs or arab-euro mutts

>> No.69838211

whats with all these niji polnigger threads

>> No.69838311

I dunno, I look up Eva Elfie porn on Pornhub and I'm pretty sure I see a blond-haired white girl and that's pretty fucking white to me and she's 100% slav.

>> No.69838381

desu the mere presence of deez nuts being listed as a reason for termination makes the entire thing a joke

>> No.69838597
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>> No.69839099

well, they aren't wrong

>> No.69840108

>NijiEN's office could become a terrorist target
Jesus christ japan.

>> No.69840736


>> No.69841833

It being put on the same level as the other offenses invalidated the pretense that the firing was a decision driven by professional standards. They exposed themselves as petty fucks looking for excuses to get rid of someone they didn't get along with.

>> No.69843869


>> No.69844495

why are the biggest virtue signalers always the shittiest people?

>> No.69845785

It's basic low level emotional manipulation. It works wonders in the present day because foids are very outspoken nowadays, and lots of males are feminized/sissified.

>> No.69847985

the virtuous don't need to signal

>> No.69848610

I mean other livers would get terminated for even less now the ball is on Nijitards court now.

>> No.69848766

His "right" to be a racist fucker.

>> No.69848828


>> No.69848847

As the JPbros said, it might become a problem if a Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon learns of him.

>> No.69848903

by definition a virtuous person wouldn't virtue signal

>> No.69849949

>any form of hate
Including talking shit of white straight men?

>> No.69850574

i honestly didnt expect nips to pick up on that holy crap

>> No.69852877


>> No.69853627

>South Korean national law does not recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions, nor does it protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
so why does this korean faggot hate white people, anyway?

>> No.69854528

so japs can't grasp bullying and bad management, but can understand racism... o..Kay? does this count as a W?

>> No.69854654

cause he's friends with enna and kyo and maybe 39IQ?

>> No.69854688

You know Uki did it on purpose to bait the /pol/tards here so now NijiEN can cry crocodile tears and pretend they're the victims of big, bad 4chan.
Not that you retards will resist taking the bait.

>> No.69855215

they are actually starting to wake up on just how fucked nijien is. feels like its mostly language barrier and they just dont understand the situation.

>> No.69857550


>> No.69857674

This is hatred, why are white people like this. Fucking oppressors man !

>> No.69857763

I bet Uki is going to quadruple down and go with the "you can't be racist against whites" angle when he returns or "i'm being harassed by nazis and am afraid for my life." Guaranteed sympathy from twitter troons.

>> No.69857846

I fucking despise Niji for bringing them here, we will not get rid of them now

>> No.69858270

Why are chinks like this?

>> No.69858548

@leooh3966 with the poetic take.

>Gays: steal rainbow from God
>Nijisanji: steals rainbow from gay racist


>> No.69858707

Reminds me of how ironic it was that Sayu's Twitch channel description said she uses dark humor but will never support rape jokes (this was there even while she was in Niji)

>> No.69858763

yeah, that sounds about wwwhyte

>> No.69858908

As an asian person who haven’t live in a country where my race is the minority, I genuinely do not understand this mindset of hating white people because of their history as an oppresor from more than a century ago (exept south africa). These type of behavior is the reason why other countries should not get these people in their country because they just cry racism toward the people who actually runs the country and made it a first world country not like the shithole country they came from.

>> No.69858909

This. People who need to brag about what they are doing, are doing shit that is not worth noticing.

>> No.69859195

Yeah, I have seen several mentions in my feed on Twitter too. People are starting to realize that it is not a small issue what happened.

>> No.69859293

Bad move, considering both JP scene and normies are starting to pay attention. There are screenshots and clips, so it just makes him - and by extension Niji, look bad. So that is why he is on a break for now.

>> No.69859327

He means no hate or discrimination will be allowed... Unless it's for the disgusting, pasty white devil menace, of course.

>> No.69860068
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>> No.69860326


>> No.69863100


>> No.69863778

I think it's funny that my existence as a straight white man is enough to make Uki seethe. I don't even have to do anything. I'm just that powerful.

>> No.69864238

Qrd? i assume he encountered an old white couple and went schizo over the most basic human interaction

>> No.69864476


>> No.69864607

He went on a rant about how he hates white people because sometimes they make polite conversation with him.

>> No.69864739

Exactly, a white couple said hi to him as he passed by and he comes home to fucking seethe about it and imply they were thinking racist shit. Actual paranoid schizo behavior.

>> No.69864832

>Starting to realize.

They knew from the beginning, but they are used to suck corpo dicks and excuses.

What JP can’t stand is incompetence, and this Uki thing made them realize Niji has no control over their own idols and no competence.

So now it’s fine to shit on them over there too.

>> No.69865021

It's the most likely corporation to be KyoAni'd in the near future

>> No.69865159


I thought we all hated white people.

>> No.69865676

I hate white women, but not white people in general.

>> No.69865987

why would you hate white people anon

>> No.69870589

