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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69831456 No.69831456 [Reply] [Original]

how come so many vtubers are shotacons?

>> No.69831552
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Is EN a good environment to be in as a shotacon? Pic related as counterexample.

>> No.69831633

Based if true
I cringe remembering the time nijitrannies used that as one of the excuses to cancel Sayu (even though I really don't like her)

>> No.69831716


>> No.69833348

So many vtubers are women.

>> No.69833394


>> No.69833463

Vtubers should be open to loli and shota. Based.

>> No.69833575


>> No.69833856

because there are a lot of old hags whose bodies are begging for them to have children, but they desire these maternal instincts with sexual desires towards children. like those stories you hear about when a woman gives her son up for adoption and then years later they meet again and she mistakes her maternal instincts for lust and fucks her son. these are broken women desperate for children.

>> No.69837645
File: 1.02 MB, 1265x882, 1706465154187485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When abstaining form normal and timely sexual relations human minds tend to wander into odd fetishes. And in this modern world that divides us, isolates us, we have a lot of these men and women now. Many of these shut-in women go into vtubing and you see how weird they are. Fear of intimacy but not asexual, you'll find fujoshis and shotacons among a lot of them. Same can be said of their audiences. Futanari, lolicon etc.
We needed to have found each other earlier in life. Had those awkward dances, those terrible first kisses. But now we're trapped here.

>> No.69837913

Shotas are the closet thing to girls they're allowed to like in a culturally backward and repressive society

>> No.69837983
File: 254 KB, 2000x1415, GAhow2eXsAEkmfJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The young boy is the most attractive because he is cute when he is tough.
A loli can be cute, but a shota is not overtly cute. There is a difference, the taste of the latter is more subtle, its like a tough exterior breaking open into a soft interior.
>tfw no english speaking shota vtuber

You're a fucking faggot

>> No.69838366

Humans are lolicons and shotacons by nature. It's only civility and ethics that develop us otherwise. It's why people are always trying to lower the age of consent with the pretense of liberty, why powerful people who can get away with it always try to marry as young as possible, and moral crusaders are so often found to be perpetrators.

Vtubers just have a mask to hide behind when displaying their primal behaviour.

>> No.69838440

It's a psychosexual distortion of lost childhood innocence. A desire to be the one in control. Males especially who want to hurt the child, but just as much as the woman who likes to see the large male "mind-break" the smaller male. The pronounced power dynamics in place of love could be caused by childhood sexual abuse or just a loveless upbringing, if not both.

>> No.69838449

>It's why people are always trying to lower the age of consent
The age of consent raised from "The parents have to manage it, and they usually don't marry too young" to "12 years old+" to "14+ years old" to "+18 years old", across the entire world, thorought the course of history.
You're a pedo apologist.

>> No.69838622

me on the left

>> No.69838628

You're a fucking faggot pedophile

>> No.69838673

The whole AoC thing started from feminism.
You couldn't have a huge segment of the female population as heavily indoctrinated poll goers, useful idiots to the babyrapers, and consumers, while also cutting work wages in half if they were all happily married and raising kids from a young age

>> No.69838768

>more revisionism
That started only in the XXth century with the feminism astroturf

>> No.69838854

>tfw no english speaking shota vtuber

>> No.69838914

You're mostly right but I think a lot of the time it's just because they didn't have any dating experience as teenagers

>> No.69838930

Flayon is literal garbage.
This thread is being flooded with pedo astroturfers anyways so goodbye.

>> No.69839028

Probably some of them are because statistically someone has to be, while most fake it for fanservice.

>> No.69839035

The only reason people like shota is because their dicks are so small they can't self-insert into normal porn and can only imagine themselves as little boys

>> No.69839037

Pedophile faggot. You are the revisionist apologist. Economic hardships pressed families to sell children into marriages. Dowry customs made it a burden, etc. A host of social norms created teenage marriage. But the pedophile is not satisfied with that. He wants prepubescent children to use until they're "too old". Now society is healthier overall and doesn't need teen pregnancy and promotes education of girls. Deal with it.
Get off your high horse, sicko.

>> No.69839071

Flayon is not a shota, I don’t get why this gets spread around so much. At most he’s a femboy

>> No.69839203

I am saying that though. Thanks.

>> No.69839768

Election tourist

>> No.69840257

Shotas are more seiso than moids, simple as. I want to feel equally yoked with a male that's also pure of mind and heart, not stuck with a pervert freak that masturbates all the time.

I can relate to lolicons that prefer loli because they don't like thots, although they have it easier because there actually are girls that are cool with that and play into it but men are generally kinda bad at pretending to be cute innocent boys, or have ego issues about it. Or go too hard and want full-on ABDL garbage.

>> No.69840331

>sell children into marriage in the gilded era west
>hookup culture before the 1960's
Do you even read what you type you dysgenic foid? Just face that you fucked up your life because you are retarded and drank the kool aid
>Now society is healthier overall and doesn't need teen pregnancy and promotes education of girls
Going into extinction and promoting the whole gender war shit while your handlers substitute you with brown invaders sure is healthy you no father having foid retard.

>> No.69841000

>Makes shit up
>Purposely misunderstands
>Do you even read what you(I) typed?
Hang yourself.

>> No.69841963


>> No.69842332

Where's all that edumacation if you don't even know about how the gilded age era was or that the whole hookup culture bullshit started in the 60's? I feel like feminazis like you are on the same tier as 70 IQ niggers when it comes to knowledge, this is why you don't deserve any rights, you are too lazy to read and take everything your handlers spoon feed you, I cherish your self-destruction.

>> No.69842508

>Well, lets talk about what I want to!
You need help with that rope?

>> No.69842742

Not a single point made or refutation about the whole AoC or extinction shit made
Why do you project your suicide fantasies? You'll get no more engagement from me, you are a dysgenic low IQ retarded lazy whore that didn't have a father, go chug those pills and get pumped and dumped by pookies

>> No.69842963

The points were refuted already and then you moved the goal posts. I do not need to talk to you anymore. There's nothing to discuss. Go the fuck away.

>> No.69844004

>dowries in the US and women were getting pumped and dumped in the 1800's
It's yet another case of intellectually lazy subhumans failing to do their history reps and passing off their handler's alternate version of history as reality because they are too deep in the hole to get out.
Noticing how this genetically inferior mutt completely sidesteps from acknowledging that the whole AoC thing was astroturfed from feminism as well.

>> No.69844283

Just like how otaku used to be synonymous with lolicon the same applied with female otaku and shotacon. So older ones are probably 90% a shotacon or at least normalized it.

>> No.69844358

I miss the time when lolishota was fully normalized amongst the otaku community, going normie ruined everything

>> No.69844652

Name 5

>> No.69844836

It's sort of a good thing because this is how you easily filter how grifters and know who to side against in a dispute.
It's just like women having tattoos being walking trashcans.

>> No.69845090

Niji JP and Niji EN may as well be two completely different companies.

>> No.69848942

They are based

>> No.69849860

Women like cute kids, but not in a "I wanna fuck that" way like all you pedos. Also, it's a safe answer that doesn't run the risk of alienating your incredibly sensitive male virgin audience.

>> No.69850193

Every other week there's news about a female teacher, sometimes in her 20s, most of the time in her 30s, fucking one or several of her young students, and this is only from the ones the pozzed press finds out or cares to cover

>> No.69850490

There aren't enough, you mean

>> No.69852428

>how come women are shotacons?
>how come men are lolicons?
gee idk anon, ask fucking god

>> No.69852561

are you retarded?
A lot of women like fucking kids, most just don't do it because they are not in a position of power. Look in the entertainment industry or into politics and you start seeing them.

>> No.69853421

Because shotacon and lolicon works are only illegal in 3rd world countries.
