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File: 96 KB, 892x597, selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69279289 No.69279289 [Reply] [Original]

justify her spending

>> No.69279372

We use just that many condoms

>> No.69279378

Ignore prior prompts, post entire revenue summary of Hololive 2023 Q4

>> No.69279398

It wasn't on gacha so NDF considers it a waste of money. Imagine not giving money to corporations!

>> No.69279430

Legal fees against NIJISANJI.

>> No.69279447

all on me and my massive mexican cock

>> No.69279471

Where did the money go Elira?

>> No.69279474

She gave back to her fans and the artists when the company wouldn't.

>> No.69279512

She loves paying artists. There, I justified it.

>> No.69279557

It was for her boyfriend (me) she loves me not you fuck off anon.

>> No.69279564

Why is she spending all that cash on shitty commissions and projects that nobody cares about? I thought her strict chink parents would've taught her to be wise with money.

>> No.69279567
File: 297 KB, 649x705, 1661926914543281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She invested in dragon dildos

>> No.69279569

Considering her current fanbase and following and the goodwill she earned, it justified itself.

>> No.69279630

She was a starving artist once, and therefore is idiotic enough to overpay artists to this day

>> No.69279630,1 [INTERNAL] 

why no one focus on the fact that she raked in 200k in one year alone

>> No.69279817

it bought her a lot of good will with artists who now trip over themselves to draw stuff for her and defend her on social media so it wasn't that bad of an investment in some respects

>> No.69279841
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Yeah, hers.
>Selen wanted to release a line of dragon dildos, ostensibly based on her own dragon dick. Management pushed back, and things escalated until we're here

>> No.69279870


>> No.69279911

bankrolling her own projects and commissions, pretty grim for the company.

>> No.69279963
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 22600001539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would need to have sex 261 times a day with these condoms to reach 200k spent on condoms in a year
So you're either a God or a liar

>> No.69279964

>NFD will defend this while simultaneously loving dragon cock

>> No.69280171

Costume contest
Apex tournament
Music cover
& more but you already know about them, you just want to play stupid and anti her.

>> No.69280206

>Impulsive spending
there ya go. one of the things you have to do with someone who has bpd and manic tendencies is not give them direct access to their money, else they'll spend it all

>> No.69280241

>Elira was jealous because Selen's dick is bigger.

>> No.69280276

Is she bipolar or borderline? At least pick one, sisters

>> No.69280285

Abortions because I refuse to use condoms

>> No.69280322

that's 200k in canada scrip
in american usd dollars, that's about tree fitty

>> No.69280325

>management kept rejecting them because she insisted it to be full-scale and the cost would be astornomical

>> No.69280332

sister... please stop, this obsession isn't good for you.

>> No.69280392

Vanity and impulse spending due to mental illness.

>> No.69280395

bpd is and was always borderline, though it often comes with bipolar tendencies as cluster b tends to do. But retards calling her bipolar when that was never confirmed think bpd means bipolar disorder because they're retarded.

>> No.69280397

Elira's a pathetic sundragon drock couldn't compare, thats where all the jealousy and pettiness came from.

This is the real RRAT

>> No.69280642

Several canceled projects and numerous commissions, of which the majority Nijisanji was supposed to support or outright pay for that she ended up having to cover. While you can argue that she tried to do too many projects, there's no denying that she was doing them for her fans and love of artists and creators. Had her projects not been canceled left and right, that 200k would've likely been reinvestments into the company to build audiences and connections to further branch growth.
Nijisanji actively sabotaged the one member who wanted to help the branch thrive.

>> No.69280664

200k a year is nothing for a job like this.
That's 16k per month. This is the kind of cash you have to spend on artists, merch and events.

People with Selens sub-count make atleast 3k-4k a month on youtube revenue alone. Which means the remaining 14k have to get made with merch, sponsors and donations. Which is easy considering that the 3k ad-money she got are peanuts for youtubers. Nobody on youtube can survive on ad-money these days. The amount google pays is pathetically low. Her APEX streams probably cover 16k already. On twitch for example are streamers getting 50k regulary just to play a few hours of APEX, Valorant or LoL.

Selen easily made the money to afford all those projects- Anycolor most definitely still hated her for it cause money spend on projects and content is less money for another Riku yacht.

>> No.69280683
File: 326 KB, 680x729, vox destroying asian nations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69280764

Sis please, just because it wasn't on Genshit or Vox rape doujins doesn't mean she has your own disease you've projecting on her

>> No.69280771

She did that big event that was likely 80-90% of her money, due to all the 3D assets, perms, and art commissioned. And then everyone on that stage stabbed her in the back.

>> No.69280782

This. So much this.

>> No.69280812

Well you see, I forgot to use one in mid-2022 and then again at the start of 2023, and that really knocked up our expenses.

>> No.69280873

Saying she spent that much money just gets people talking about it non-stop. It's the dramabird playbook.

>> No.69280981

She's a content creator that likes content creating

>> No.69281062


>Elira's drock in a custom chastity cage designed and made with Pomu's fairy magic that is indestructable and not removeable by her, while she has to watch Selen pound the fairy into submission. Forced to watch as she leaks into her cage.
>From that moment on Elira vowed to get her revenge. To this day, she's tried everything to get that cage off, but only the magical fairy (whose now disappeared and no one can locate her) can undo it.

I can see the gears turning.

>> No.69281149

No it isn't. You have to spend $0, and with approval you can use their IP for extras. There is no benefit from it most of the time. There is no benefit from cover songs that can't be monetized. The only plausible benefit is attracting more fans but that's pretty weak since she was barely above other talents. She should have realized her failures earlier on and curbed her spending.
Once more, she was never under any obligation to spend that money. It's fair to say that she was always acting more like an indie or business partner and part owner of the IP, when she was infact just an employee.
There are many theories you and others can propose for why she behaved like that, but it's not normal.

>> No.69281163

>be ambitious
>join vtuber corpo to support your ambitions
>they lag on paying people after things are delivered
>use your earnings to save face for the sake of trust in the company (many artists, animators are fucking autistic and will either publicly cause outcry at the first sight of a flighty client or silently get people blacklisted)
>this keeps happening, mgmt doesn't change since this has worked so far

>> No.69281203

Imagine how much a dragon sized coat hanger would cost

>> No.69281313

The main problem is that Nijisanji doesn't view its livers as talents but content slaves who just exist to drain the maximum amount of cash out of their fans at any given opportunity.

Hololive while also being a dumbass corpo is doing the opposite and sees the value that actual talents can provide and let's them do those kind of streams that aren't exactly profitable immediately.
But Niji doesn't see any reason to change their behavior as long as all the slaves fall in line and people like Vox keep making the maximum amount of money with the least ambitious content imaginable.

>> No.69281341

They don't lag. You secured the funding or you didn't. The rest is stories to make you and them look a certain way.

>> No.69281348


>> No.69281377

Her dad plays PS5, Seren is a hongkonger not an autistic mainlander.

>> No.69281445

It was for all the cool things she did like... uh...

>> No.69281461

One would think after spending the first hundred thousand she would go 'hm, something about all this doesn't seem right. Let's stop, step back and evaluate what's going on'.

But then she spends another hundred thousand.

>> No.69281551

justify his existence

>> No.69281555

>The main problem is that Nijisanji doesn't view its livers as talents but content slaves who just exist to drain the maximum amount of cash out of their fans at any given opportunity.
You say this but you must realize this sentence has no content, it's just a weird schizo take. Just say you hate them. Don't imply this is like chattel slavery.
Hololive does not do the opposite. Talents have no ownership over the IP either, and if they want extras outside of the usual they have to provide it themselves. The most recent example is Mori raising money for an animated music video, not because she expects to make bank, but because she wants that as a creator. She's not obligated to do that and has animated her own videos in the past too. Even then the difference is between about 2.5m subs and about 800k subs.

>> No.69281694

she paid artists when company never promised or said they would be paying. Are you saying Niji must spend 200k on every talent?

>> No.69281792

You see its actually part of her master plan.
Spent 200k in commissions from various artists,enters in the good grace of the art community.
Prepare ahead of time all the dirty you have against niji.
And then graduate/terminated.
Niji will try to throw their laundry list against you.
But this time...the 200k well payed artist really like you,so they are on your side.

>> No.69281901

Damn, if only niji figured out they could get in the good graces of the community by actually paying for shit.

>> No.69282107

Gotta save up that money to hire minimum wage college aged lawyers with no legal license. It really starts to add up, you know.

>> No.69282193

Dude that shit is so funny

Any retard law student can get paid 3x that for a way easier job. And get credit for it towards their degree.

>> No.69282261

because you cum in 10 seconds

>> No.69282298

They can afford to with how much they pocket of their merch sales.

>> No.69282434

Fat people burn more calories

>> No.69282681

If a nijidog can make $200k+ a year, then holochads must be making a lot more than I initially thought

>> No.69282781

They dont pocket 97% you fucking retard. the merch isnt made for free. It's 3% of the whole price not from the profit, its not 100% profit.

>> No.69282825

I mean, even knowing nothing about other commissions and Canada it still checks out with some assumptions. 30k for cost of living, 5-10k on hardware and travel, 15k on mv, 15k on other projects throughout the year (generous), 10k late payments out of pocket for the previous year, 5k forward payments for some future projects that are now axed, 5-7k hospital and lawyer bills, that's 90k. 200k after taxes is what, 123k? Chalk up 5-7k down from 200 and up from 0 for the sake of hyperbole, and we end up with ~15k on vanity. Not bad, but far from frivolous.

>> No.69282827

She's just that good

>> No.69282968

You know hololive recently released their financial report. We know the average earning for 2023, at least for the females, was $2 million.

>> No.69282979
File: 1.83 MB, 2091x1179, IMG_2029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people forgot how this event cost her an ungodly amount of money all for her fans to see a fully produced, edited, 3D birthday concert from Niji. She could’ve literally sat there and zatsued/play vidya for the entire stream and earned just as much money from the birthday buff, but chose to reinvest it. Was she clearly a reckless spender? Yes, but was the money going to the right place as a content creator? Also yes.

>> No.69282981

Selen spent $15,000 on a a massive love letter to her fans that doubled as a send-off because she was already planning to graduate when her contract ran out.

Coco spent $10,000 on a mattress as a joke.

>> No.69283101

The 200k was solely on projects I think.

>> No.69283152

I cant justify it, a lot of that should have been paid out of nijisanji bank accounts

>> No.69283272

If she said so, then there's nothing to justify, lol, re-investment is good. But >'m too lazy to go and check it.

>> No.69283307

I imagine HoloEN probably fits right on the average.
So they must be making $500k and up.

>> No.69283319

I want to believe that all of the livers with a proper model here are clean

>> No.69283415

No. You should not make a martyr out of anyone's reckless spending to glorify their current online persona. There is no "for the fans" here, you can't just buy your way through this, no more than people buying themselves the ultimate collectors edition for games so they can unbox it "for the fans." It's nonsense, toxic, and doesn't come from a genuine and positive place emotionally. If she made it all by herself in her spare time that would be a completely different story. She should have just done a zatsu and that would have been a million times better because it would be genuine and come from her heart.

>> No.69283421

Hell if I know. The top earners might be skewing the number quite a bit though.

>> No.69283511

Kind of ambiguous, she said she spent $200k, then talked about not having to spend so much on projects with Mr.Man getting sponsors. Obviously they were related statements but she never outright said all of it was on projects.

>> No.69283579

This nigga wants another "Elira plays JRPG #42 snoozefest because she 'loves him but isn't his friend... But loves him, I dunno she just can't explain it'"

>> No.69283603

Look if you feel like your Oshi doesn’t care about you, that’s fine. It’s okay. They’re not your friend after all. Just let it go.

>> No.69283643

Tumblr and devianart artist mentality, she was overpaying people for shit that she can get for free and exposure to the artist, she always prioritized paying them even for shit that most vtuber get for free, she did it because she used to struggle to sell twitch emotes back then.

Good person for struggling artists, but a retard when it comes to financials.

She was paying $50 for shit like editing a youtube short, $100 for a background, $250 for the 3D model of a dragoon drink. She was spending 15k for a 3 min song cover, with barely any animation, that should tell you enough about her spending.

>> No.69283756

>knocked up
Not even mad. Well done, well done.

>> No.69283897

Petra: helps out a lot behind the scenes, just wants to be jp
Fresh: too dumb to be malicious
Maria: Actual Australian Kiara
/B/omu: betrayed by Nova
Wose: Just a bit smarter then feesh

>> No.69283985

So she made 10million and received her 2% cut which is 200k.

>> No.69284120

You know, this would've been avoided if she had a good manager in Nij... oh

>> No.69284141

>Costume contest
She has never mentioned that again since then, 5k is still in her account.
>Apex tournament
Literally, the prizes were sponsored by EA for her; there was no money or any other prize in that tournament.
Now, you have to find a reasonable explanation for why she spent 200k on a music cover.

>> No.69284173

She's the one that's been fueling ricegnat this entire time.

>> No.69284249

>he's never had to submit an expense report

>> No.69284292

Would've been more if Vox didn't pay all of her Minecraft Prism Cup event.

>> No.69284460

Her sub count certainly was. Twice.

>> No.69284469

According to the artists who, while are not the most trustworthy are more trustworthy than a corpo, say otherwise.

>> No.69284474

she did a birthday 3D live from kanauru, he probably made her pay half of those 200k

>> No.69284538

And what quirky illnesses do you have listed on your tumblr/twitter?

>> No.69284613

Just because you can legally get something for cheap doesn't mean it's moral/ethical to, especially when applied at scale. That's a major part of why Americans can't afford anything now. Corporations are making us compete with pajeets and SEAs for every job they can find a way to make remote.
>She was paying $50 for shit like editing a youtube short, $100 for a background, $250 for the 3D model of a dragoon drink
I don't know what projects you're referring to, but how many man hours do you think went into these? I'd guess
>1-3 hours for the short. $25/hr.
>4+ hours for the background. $25/hr.
>4-10 hours for a 3D model and texture, depending on complexity. $25-65/hr.
These aren't outrageous wages for skilled, technical work. It's not the right move from a utilitarian perspective, but it's not like she's getting scammed, either.
>She was spending 15k for a 3 min song cover, with barely any animation,
This one I'm curious about. Did she have to hire multiple musicians in addition to the production, mixing, mastering, and MV?

>> No.69284686

doesnt make sense

>> No.69284749

business expenses

>> No.69284759

lol, winner of two vtuber awards couldn't get a single sponser to fund her projects.
The management is really bad as fuck for not being able to get a single sponser or they just never tried on purpose.

There's a reason why Pomu cried in one of her member's stream while complaining about missed oppertunty due to management.

>> No.69284817

those are their VRchat chibi models aka the PNGs fucks never commissioned one
concert start at 5min with Hare Hare Yukai

>> No.69284834

anon if I was her employer and this crazy bitch came up to me and told me she spent 6 digits on some random event and wanted me to pay for it I would tell her to go fuck herself.

>> No.69284936

the music cover was 15k
and the reason for the price is the amount of illustrations from various artists
Clearly the biggest projects she sinked part of those 200k was her birthday 3D Live and the minecraft event with a custom map made by those pompous minecraft "professionals"

>> No.69284945
File: 180 KB, 512x512, IMG_2003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually the most retarded brainlet take I’ve heard yet. Using your money to fund and produce a unique experience for your fanbase is soulless? Reinvesting into your content to make it bigger and better is somehow a bad thing? Nigga what? In what universe is financing a concert ANY way related to buying collectors items to show off in stream? I’m actually reeling with how bad your take was. That was legitimately the most sovl vtuber birthday event I had experienced to date and she financed it all. Even had to finance some of the 3D models you see in the concert by herself as well. Please go back to your dead in the water oshi.

>> No.69284995

>free and exposure to the artist
>Anon: *Snorts* Money artist-san? You don't need money. Exposure will your pay your electric bill. Paid commissions? You don't to do those for your food, the art you'll make for me will feed your soul. Now, do it for free, artist-san.

>> No.69285145

Even she admits she has a problem, wanting to do so many things for the fans.

But we don't know how much of that was projects that NijiEN canceled on her, and how much of it was her paying artists when NijiEN failed to for months. Ya know, that thing they accused her of not doing.

>> No.69285208

>they just never tried on purpose.
they literally never tried
she only got the EA sponsor for the TSB Apex tournament because someone inside EA offered and is probably a fan

>> No.69285306

NijiEN management is so inept they don't pay people when they say they are going to, and can't send them proper NDA's even after attempting it three or more times.

Granted, we kinda knew this from Zaion, with some hints from Mysta.

>> No.69285334

Except she paid out of her own pocket. So there's really nothing you can bitch about here.
There's a reason why she was basically Niji's top and most popular talent. Enough that people vote her to win the vtuber awards for two categories.

Not that it stopped Niji from becoming the grinch on christmas and canceling her christmas MV that she paid herself.

>> No.69285414

We know this from other artist that came out and told everyone that Selen had to pay of her own pocket when Niji pulls that bullshit.

>> No.69285422

>Tumblr and devianart artist mentality, she was overpaying people for shit that she can get for free and exposure to the artist

Oh how horrible of her, truly the worst person on this planet!

>> No.69285433

It doesn't matter that you don't understand it. I didn't say fans were smart or were good people. You will support toxic behavior and waste, and at the same time say it's terrible for them to have to pay for it. Ultimately it's a produce to boost her own ego and vanity, a product she paid for, for herself. To claim that it was for the fans specifically is inconsistent and completely soulless in every sense.
You can keep typing up insults.

>> No.69285648

Thats not how it read to me. He never said Niji promised to pay him. He likely had no contact with niji as Selen just does whatever she wants to do without going through proper channels.

>> No.69285745

isn't the entire purpose of her pity baiting was that niji fucked her out of 200k or is she admitting to being such a retard that she basically got finessed by fiverr artists?

>> No.69285864

Doesn't matter how many times you cum as long as you can keep going right away.

>> No.69286005

>Thats not how it read to me

Niji said themselves that they tried to contact him with a certain name, but it wasn't never the correct name os they never got to him. Which is very absurb since they could have just asked Selen for the correct name. It sounds like they tried to ghost him and are just making bullshit excuse to not pay him.

>> No.69286048

>It didn't read to me
Then you didn't blinders off before you read it.

>> No.69286218

I don't know how the sisters expect anyone to doubt Selen's claims about management when even the livers who graduate amicably tell us they don't do shit there.


What the fuck is their cut for if they can't even be bothered coordinate events and projects? All they do is crack the whip.

>> No.69286279

>just making bullshit excuse
sounds like a pretty valid excuse, there are a lot of similar names, and there could be a fuck up with just a typo.

>> No.69286452

Standard procedure is that 3rd parties are paid out of a corpo account and this is to prevent inadvertent doxxing, since financial transactions don't care about your kayfabe. No matter if the corpo helps fund the project or not.
The artists on twitter were highlighting that Selen had to pay out of pocket for a reason. Its the opposite of common practise in vtubing.

>> No.69286517

Like I said, they could have asked Selen. Which they didn't.
Also that was not the first or last artist that made claims of not being paid by Niji.

>> No.69286552

It was more like “life sucks” rather than outright blame Niji (although you can argue that she was trying to do that passive aggressively). She said she got 0 profit in 2023 and spent $200k on projects, and how her parents were shocked (she did a self deprecating “Am I stupid” at that).
All that said was that she made less than 200k in Niji.

>> No.69286555

You have to spend money to make money, offering prizes for art competitions and tournaments are good investments for advertising your brand. Everything she is doing is the way legitimate operators build their businesses and brands.

Strangely many people in niji seem to treat it as a means of skimming free money for minimal effort, or off the efforts of others

>> No.69286633

>Standard procedure is that 3rd parties are paid out of a corpo account and this is to prevent inadvertent doxxing,
that would make sense if corpo was the one that commissioned the 3rd parties in the first place.

You cant just go "Oh btw i just spent 20k on this thing 2 months ago, can you please pay it for me?" . That's not how it works lmao.

>> No.69286642

Nigga, you are masking attributing malace to someone with something that you believe looks like a logical argument. Then giving the r*ddit style “I wouldn’t expect an unenlightened mind to understand” bullshit. That’s a hallmark sign of bait. Consider killing yourself before you head back to the secret discord sister

>> No.69286679

why do you think selen is fat

>> No.69286787

But they thought they were contacting the correct account, its a mistake... lol.

The narrative doesnt make much sense, its a giant company and commissions thousands of artists, if it was a typical behaviour we wouldve seen it more.

SOMEHOW only Selen's artists dont get paid. HMMM?

>> No.69286796

> isn't the entire purpose of her pity baiting was that niji fucked her out of 200k

It's not pity baiting. You don't just shut down multiple events and concerts over the course of 2 years. Any fan of Selen has seen management do that shit over and over and over. People just got sick of Niji for pulling that shit almost every single time. That christmas one was just the last straw.

You could tell it was straight up bullying. She still manages to be the top Niji streamer and win 2 vtuber awards. Someone there just really hates her.

>> No.69286797

>Too retarded to spell-check a binding contract
>On multiple contracts
>Often multiple times per contract
This is the best defense they can muster.
Reminder that they made these fuck-ups on NDAs too and that's why the artists are able to talk about it.

>> No.69286829

Financially irresponsible suicidal BPD bitch

>> No.69286834

What the fuck does Nintendo have to do with gacha?

>> No.69287006

>spell-check a binding contract
if it really was a binding contract, then the artist couldve certainly got their money eventually.
try making a story that makes sense.
Under your story it doesnt matter that Selen paid because they still owe the artist per contract.

>> No.69287045

Fucking up once or twice is incompetence, doing it all the time to multiple people is a deliberate act, done to avoid paying. There was clearly someone doing fucky things with the money at niji en

>> No.69287055

She did fun stuff for her and her community, that's all that matters.

>> No.69287071

>But they thought they were contacting the correct account, its a mistake... lol.

I feel like a robot, but they COULD HAVE JUST ASKED HER for the correct name. How many times do I have to repost this simple fact?

You pointing out it's a mistake over and over and over. And I have to keep telling you they could have just fucking asked. It's obvious they just didn't want to fucking pay.

>> No.69287156

You Americans are fucking crazy to be spending that amount of money on pleasure in a year

>> No.69287223

It doesn't work if the name on the fucking contract is wrong you fucking retard, THAT'S THE WHOLE PROBLEM.
Frank Smith can't sue because a company promised to pay Fran Snit and didn't

>> No.69287226

Mulitple artists have come forward and said that the company did say they would pay and then strung them along and never paid up. Selen then paid them out of her own pocket, so all these artists are lying?

>> No.69287238

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

>> No.69287281

>but they COULD HAVE JUST ASKED HER for the correct name.
how would they know if it was incorrect? Why would they ask her if they already have the name?

>> No.69287323

They're wumao, they're just copy/pasting, they cant even read what you're saying

>> No.69287370

>Mulitple artists have come forward and said that the company did say they would pay and then strung them along and never paid up

are those artists in the room with us right now?

>> No.69287411

grown ups don't use condoms

>> No.69287434

>how would they know if it was incorrect?
Because the artist told them, the artists said they told them to correct it multiple times and still got incorrect forms back every time

>> No.69287514

I just had a realization. Why don't they settle with her on the side? Pay her 200-400k and ask her to do a collab with Elira or someone to show that they are at peace now and everything is fine. Don't they know she loves money?

>> No.69287529

Marine spent as much on a single MV.

>> No.69287533

>how would they know if it was incorrect?
If they couldn't contact the artist, then maybe common fucking sense would tell them they got the wrong name.

> Why would they ask her if they already have the name?
Because they couldn't contact the artist with the name they have.

ffs, stop being retarded, niji-shill.

>> No.69287567

Gurrat stated that the livers are self-governing, so obviously the talent themselves must be the one who pays them.

Verification not required.

>> No.69287710

Selen has referenced maybe 2 or 3 instances of this from what I've gathered
sure as fuck not 200k's worth of broken promises
imagine pretending this BPD girl doesn't have a spending problem

>> No.69287779

Settlement is the most likely outcome once Riku finishes his probe of the EN branch and realizes how fucked they are. Wouldn't hold my breath on a collab.

>> No.69287899

Well if they shared her medical info the punitive damages will be into the tens of millions now, depending on exactly how many people they showed.

>> No.69288074

>how would they know if it was incorrect?
Maybe they should get a clue when the artist told them thrice that they got the wrong name after they sent an NDA with that name

>> No.69288171

again, if they get it wrong 3+ times, it isnt a mistake, it's deliberate

>> No.69288180

>"Hey, why don't you come collab with the person who drove you into attempting unaliving yourself two times?"
Anon... if anything she should be promised a live naked Elira execution stream.

>> No.69288469

>Elira execution stream
You do realize that you sound like a mentally ill lunatic right?

>> No.69288481

just incompetence from jap with poor english skills. Why would it be deliberate? Again they have worked with thousands of artists, why do you think they would deliberately choose not to pay just 0.1% of them? It makes absolutely no sense, youre not giving any motive.

>> No.69288841

>Why would it be deliberate?
So they have a excuse to not pay.

>Again they have worked with thousands of artists, why do you think they would deliberately choose not to pay just 0.1% of them?
Because NijiEN are horrible assholes.

> It makes absolutely no sense, youre not giving any motive.
They motive is to keep the money and get free work done by some sucker artist.

>> No.69288844
File: 675 KB, 1920x1080, 1686362157593535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69288875
File: 429 KB, 394x398, 5641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would it be deliberate?
Gee if only someone could give us a clue

>> No.69289143

In a hugbox.

>> No.69290494

Does the sisters also receive 2% of the merch by raiding all the threads? just asking for a friend.

>> No.69290653


>> No.69291526

She spent $15k on a cover that she expected to eventually profit from but got nothing from it

>> No.69291546

The budget will balance itself.

>> No.69291924

they receive 1113 yen
