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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 324 KB, 1054x685, nijifans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6909898 No.6909898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I honestly thought that the Nijisanji "fan" elitism exhibited by some of the fine folks on this board was mostly just shitposting, falseflagging by schizo holofags and - more than anything - restricted to 4chan.
But it seems that there are people in the mainstream who unironically think that Nijis are superior to Holos. It's kinda pitiful.
Hilariously enough, their new NijiJP wave discussion post is not pinned.

>> No.6909944

>All those Reddit screenshots
Go back. Caring about "elitism" in the first place is fucking retarded and just makes you look insecure.

>> No.6909945

Gr8 b8 m8.
Have a (you).

>> No.6910012

First time? It's been like that for ages now

>> No.6910025

I feel that it's better that way, that kind of viewer doesn't fit in Hololive, they will be happier in Nijisanji and we´ll be able to avoid their "collab with anitubers" or "collab with males"

>> No.6910059

>literal reddit screenshots
The absolute state

>> No.6910078

A chuuba thread died for this reddit screencap bait

>> No.6910098

Nothing they said is wrong. People will gradually stop watching hololive since they seek authenticity in their entertainment, not faked streams.

>> No.6910107
File: 22 KB, 251x361, 1625859766305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.6910121

We already have twitter screencap threads, and a few discord screencap threads if I'm not mistaken. I wonder what the next step is?

>> No.6910124

>youtube comments
I sincerely hope you're pretending to be a triggered snowflake

>> No.6910127

As I Nijinigger with an immense hatred for holofags I denounce all these redditors

>> No.6910170

That's just how it is. Unfortunately, the Nijisanji vtubers are hurt by this 'elitism' bullshit. Their numbers are low and they can't grow exactly because of this.

>> No.6910181

Anon, I started watching chuubas when Nijisanji Gamers came out and when I discovered Hololive I slowly started to watch more Hololive and less Nijisanji and don't regret it at all, I still watch my 2 main Nijisanji oshis, but I prefer the Hololive dynamic

>> No.6910198

Yes anon, I'm sure a notable amount people have decided not to watch Nijisanji ever because a Ledditor hurt their feelings. Meds.

>> No.6910208

I bet all these shitposters rely on translated clips to watch Nijisanji. They will never understand the true value of Nijisanji like the Japanese do.
Because they are not Japanese and they don't live in Japan. My Japan penpal told me he attended Kyomafu 2020 and thats the best shit he even enjoyed in his lifetime.

>> No.6910240

I've mostly stuck to vt and holo spaces, and only recently checked out Niji spaces out of curiosity about their new livers, so I wasn't aware that there were unironic elitists outside of /vt/ since the holo mods mostly delete that type of shit.

>> No.6910248

Nijisanji should count themselves lucky that their retarded fan base's hatred for the english language hasn't been brought up alongside their new golden goose.

>> No.6910257

The day of reckoning is coming for Nijis. I love OreApo but some of its fans need to stay the fuck away from it and anything VSPO too. If you're lucky, you have some friends who enjoy vtubers you can talk to.

>> No.6910259

Anon it's even worse, they only watch NijisanjiEN

>> No.6910278

>not vtubers
I agree. Should fuck of from /vt/ with their garbage threads

>> No.6910287

There's a huge one on KF but I'd take them over unicorns or Holostar beggars who don't watch streams.

>> No.6910293

that shit is like Hololive dood thats they resemble any of their Nijisanji Japan counterpart lmao

>> No.6910296

Ain't that a good thing tho? Spreading them across the field instead of letting niji juggernaut takes their part of the pie will only give the chuuba scene a chance to be more creative and competitive

>> No.6910316

Restrictions are good, these whores need to be kept in line

>> No.6910317

Why are you going through r*ddit and reading youtube comments OP? Just to find things that upset you? The hell happened to this board?

>> No.6910329

This my be the worst post I've ever seen on this board,good job

>> No.6910352

Only 2020 Holofags think le funny dice game is a critical threat to the purity of vtubers.

>> No.6910391

only muh "whipping each other in 3D" think rolling a fucking dice is any kind of creative

>> No.6910394

Redditors are leftists and anything that promotes traditional views on gender(idol culture) they go full tankie mode. Niji is just a placeholder. They would say the same about Vshojo if there were an American idol vtuber agency. Notice the complaints about Hololive are that it's corporate, as if Anycolor isn't, and that the talents have "restrictions", as if Nijisanji doesn't have policies their talents have to follow too. Look what happened with Gurin just a few days ago and the instant apology. She isn't free to support HKers because Anycolot is backed by CCP money.

>> No.6910402
File: 68 KB, 1235x320, thomaswang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual chink

>> No.6910404

Why did you bother capping reddit instead of reading through multiple YouTube comments sections?

>> No.6910409

There is a perfect company for the ones like you, it's called Vshojo, you can hear them talk about how many dicks they take every day

>> No.6910416

Ah, so you're mad that Nijis get a loli swimsuit 3D and you don't. That explains it. Cope harder.

>> No.6910431

How new? SEAfriends get offended at everything and they don't have balls to confront anyone so they run to such forums

>> No.6910446

>Look what happened with Gurin just a few days ago and the instant apology. She isn't free to support HKers because Anycolot is backed by CCP money
You're a moron. That happened before she even reincarnated. You're right that Nijisanji has restrictions but learn what they actually are before parroting whatever the fuck you read on this board.

>> No.6910489

I don't care for either lolis or swimsuits, but that's apparently every webm that gets uploaded whenever we talk about creativity

>> No.6910502

>just a few days ago
Anon, I...

>> No.6910507

Redditors literally look for any and all excuses to shit on China though

>> No.6910511

>I don't care for either lolis or swimsuits
Then you have no taste and don't belong in any conversation about what Japanese companies should do.

>> No.6910521

I used to enjoy idol culture and used to think like >>6910316 but the events these last months have broken down the happy family illusion quite a lot, I don't enjoy the atmosphere in Hololive anymore to be honest. Me disliking 3 out of 5 of the HoloEN girls doesn't help either.

>> No.6910522
File: 138 KB, 337x419, 1603610494077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not wrong though. Hololive is entry-level for EOPs and people who haven't been on the vtuber train since 2017. Once people get past hololive there's a whole new world of vtubing that's more innovative and entertaining eg. Omesis' AR stuff, Niji3D concerts, HimeHina, Ponpoko24, YFUbaby's amazing birthday concert, etc. If you just want to watch idols, sure, Hololive is probably your top choice. But the majority of people just want quality entertainment regardless of it being idolshit or not.

>> No.6910523

>reddit and youtube comment screenshot thread
This board really has sunk to new low for each passing day. What's next? Facebook?

>> No.6910540


>> No.6910549

lol chink sleepers are still shitting on holo huh

>> No.6910564

Are there vtuber groups on FB?

>> No.6910567

Lmao, they're unironically bringing up The Anime Man as a supposed good reference

>> No.6910582

You are retarded if you think i'm against it, it's fucking weak and the only thing you Nijiniggers can manage to bring up when talking about your freedom

>> No.6910614

nigger shitting on r*ddit opinions is a site -wide culture here

>> No.6910616

Another day, another thread that manages to get Nijiniggers seething

>> No.6910622

It's better if nijifags stay inside their own bubble of pollution.

>> No.6910631

Quite defense, aren't you?

>> No.6910639

>You are retarded if you think i'm against it, it's fucking weak
Seething. Maybe when Holobronies all take a collective chill pill you can have your own loli swimsuit 3D too, I believe in you.

>> No.6910646

>The majority of people
>Popular Niji girls under 4k viewers every day, mid low table Holos get that on a debuff game

>> No.6910671

Not as much "defense" as you are ESL.

>> No.6910680

I hope these sort of retards realize the majority of the restrictions are because of youtube rules and as nijisanji gets bigger and relevant(they are literally irrelevant even in japan), the more the rules will apply to them and they too will start to be restricted. Also some things are to protect the girls as they are celebrities technically and cover isn't big enough to be able to physically protect them all. Idol culture has nothing to do with it

>> No.6910708

Based Nijinigger.

>> No.6910742

But this board also says that hololive has too many restrictions on their talent.

>> No.6910841

lmao imagine watching the chink bootleg of holoen and thinking you can tell anyone off

>> No.6910864

most people come here to shitpost anon, don't tell me you take posts here seriously?

>> No.6910911

t. redditor

>> No.6910915

do holoredditors really

>> No.6910938
File: 166 KB, 389x496, 1604111501495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>views don't count on youtube when someone uses an adblock
>most hololive watchers are normies and literal toddlers who do not know how to use adblock
Hmm, makes me think.

>> No.6910940

>leddit screenshots
Can we please just go back to 20 threads talking about Kiara?

>> No.6910969

If you unironically believe that "game" is funny in any capacity then I'm glad holo management filtered you.

>> No.6910978


>Pop music stans of vtuber fans. Talk about how their mainstream entertainment is superior using numbers as a basis, but quickly get into petty infighting over their fav stars, even going as far as to invent beef that doesn't exist. Very similar to like Beyonce, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga fans etc.

>The P4K / Melonhead fan equivilent - indie hipsters of vtuber fans. Claim their form of entiertainment is somehow more "authentic" than the more mainstream equivilent even though it's just aesthetically different and has a lower number of fans. So much of it that no true fan of this genre can actually keep track of every single artist / content producer.

>> No.6911044

And that's a good thing, chang.

>> No.6911045

opinion on indie fans?

>> No.6911051

Where do startups like Phase Connect and PRISM fall?

>> No.6911091

>youtube comment section
Do holobronies really? Literally rent free

>> No.6911099

I used to be one as a teenager. I think it's fine as a stepping stone into the beautiful part of music - the iceberg below the surface of the water, so to speak, where you start to see things from a historical perspective and/or start to get into particularly niche scenes and communities. Unfortunately, that's more or less where the metaphor with vtubing ends.

>> No.6911104

You do know that YouTube is browsed primarily on mobile devices, right? It's not even a contest either.

>> No.6911110

Did you think I was using "le" unironically in the current year? Holobronies are a certain kind of special.

>> No.6911151

The "open mic" and "house party DJ" crowd.

>> No.6911158

A lot of the time I'd say they're a bit like bubblegum bass / hyperpop - trying to emulate the mainstream but also put their own spin on it in a way that might be a little superficially subversive but in actually is mostly done out genuine love and respect for what the mainstream produces / has produced in the past, even if the fans don't always see it as that. I was thinking about VShoujo and VOMS to an extent for this.

>> No.6911160

>coming from someone who watch reddit meme review

>> No.6911161

you need to add an "/s" to denote sarcasm for the reddit tourists and also use less slang please, we need to create a more welcoming atmosphere for ESLs who take everything literally.

>> No.6911169

Why are kfp like this?

>> No.6911211

Too afraid of downvotes from replying so you run here big baby?
Go back

>> No.6911218

I think Phase Connect and Prism made a mistake modelling their operations after Hololive. Holo watchers are already invested in Hololive and have little to no reason to jump into another idol-like companies. They're more likely to check out something else if they wanted anything new

>> No.6911288

That's you in 4 different accounts. Also if any of you tards think of marrying Ange, sorry bud, she's already engaged to me. Sucks to me you

>> No.6911328

Phase is dead in the water but Prism has like two girls that have the chance to become something, of course neither follow the seiso idol structure in the slightest. To be fair one of the two is carried mostly by her design.

>> No.6911329

As opposed to Nijisanji, VShojo or the other lesser known but already established agencies like PinkPunkPro, 774, .Live and others? There's only so many spins you can give the VTuber format before you start seeing how similar they are to each other.

>> No.6911334


Just realised you meant indie vtubers lol. Really depends. Some indie vtubers are really inventive and creative and do some interesting stuff. Others are more interested in circlejerking with their discord and twitter communities instead of trying to genuinely entertain. When it comes to fans, some fans are genuinely interested in supporting interesting or underappreciated talent, whereas others are more interested in being part of a clique or attempting to groom the talent. Not usually impressed by the vtuber indie scene I have to admit, but maybe I'm being harsh.

>> No.6911385

Hyperpop is a pretty deep genre. If Vshoujo are like the PC Music equivilent - been around for a lot longer with others, been featured in the media, collab'd with the mainstream - then 774 or Tsundria are more like bandcamp / soundcloud netlabels etc.

>> No.6911419

Why does /vt/ hates Reddit so much, when some of the most famous Hololive members cater more to Reddit than anything else when it comes to international content?

I mean, how many Hololive's meme reviews are out there?

>> No.6911423

For me, it's Nijisanji. The best vtuber agency.

>> No.6911463

Based chang.

>> No.6911738

yeah, Nijisanji is the agency for redditors, what about it?

>> No.6911775
File: 154 KB, 506x652, 1625940188666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck Nijisanji
>I will never watch Nijisanji
>I will make bait threads, shitpost in Nijisanji generals, and dig up doxxes of Nijisanji vtubers because I hate them so much
>why do Nijifags hate us? Fucking elitism! why can't we just get along!!
I have nothing against Hololive talents themselves but the fans leave much to be appreciated. Also your bottom left hi honey spam is cancer.

>> No.6912029

Literally SEAmonkeys mentality, you don't see this shit in other community that much unlike these brown retards. Also you can see this shit on /vt/ too

>> No.6912061

I don't think most holofags even know about Nijisanji. Most bait threads are from Nijiniggers themselves. Most Niji antis are also fans of a different Niji that they like better.

>> No.6912087

I don't hate Nijisanji. I don't hate Nijisanji fans. But literally every single person who thinks Hololive is too restrictive or draconian, too "muh Toxic Idol culture", too fake, feels too much like employees doing work, etc. Can all fuck off and kill themselves. None of them have any idea what they're talking about.

>> No.6912105

>Shit on Hololive when it was small
>Constantly comparing Niji with Holo
>Constantly bragging about muh merch, muh promotion, muh corporation collab brand deal
>Actually managed to doxx and scared away Aloe because she spoke the truth
It's ok when you did it back then when Hololive was small. But now it's not ok when Hololive got big enough and shit back at Niji and you are the poor victims? You faggot are all lying hypocritical piece of shit

>> No.6912116
File: 51 KB, 500x501, 70db150ece16c97da9c3c32a70c5f4a794c0efe5797ab88da1e4b49623f04902_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at OPs image

>> No.6912148

>because she spoke the truth
She said Chitose had her face doxxed and quit. That quite literally is not what happened. Literally Veibae talking about Hololive tier 2nd-hand knowledge.

>> No.6912167

Wrong, they get all their information from this board, or else I wouldn't have to be constantly correcting all the lies that are being spread about Nijisanji. And if you couldn't tell, Holofags hate their own talents too here, look at all the shitflinging over EN and right now all that arguing over Matsuri and Haato. Or people saying they wish Iofi woild die.
>this is a hololive board
>a board where /hlgg/'s pace can outnumber 98% of the threads on this entire site
>all the spam against nijisanji and hololive can't POSSIBLY be from any holofriends!

>> No.6912172

Yeah that's one thing that i don't understand. THEY.LOVE.BAIT.SO.MUCH. Both in here and in those "private" facebook groups

>> No.6912213

>truth = elitism
>hating my holochuuba = elitisim
why is there anyone that dislike my holobronnies?

>> No.6912217

On vt its almost expected, and we know that at least a large portion of folks are just shitposting and baiting for fun.
But on reddit you'd typically expect these type of replies to be either deleted by mods or downvoted to hell for tribalfagging. The fact that they are instead highly upvoted, indicates that most of the Niji fanbase share this opinion, which is kinda disgusting considering I haven't seen holofags outside of vt shit on Nijis at all.

>> No.6912225

No Mr. ESL, none of it is okay, but you faggots act cancerous so of couse I'll hate the fans. Also, that Aloe shit is not even real but keep eating /jp/ rrats if you find them so tasty.

>> No.6912239

The fact that "Nijiniggers" has entered the popular terminology here shows they know enough to have an opinion. You're braindead if you think a board consisting of 99% Holofags, many of which openly dislike Nijisanji or their fans like (you) aren't the ones making Nijianti bait threads.

>> No.6912286

OP tries to make a point that nijifans elitism is mainstream, shows screenshots from mainstream sites like YouTube and Reddit.
Are you retarded?

>> No.6912293

>a board where /hlgg/'s pace can outnumber 98% of the threads on this entire site
>all the spam against nijisanji and hololive can't POSSIBLY be from any holofriends!

You're disproving your own point lmao, what this implies is that 98% of holofags don't go step of /hlgg/, and the rest are very likely to be just shitposting.

And don't tell me Nijis don't spread the same lies about hololive, they're even doing it outside of /vt/ where that shit can cause far more damage.

>> No.6912294

I find it funny you're complaining that since their reddit isn't a positivity circlejerk, it's worse.

>> No.6912301

t. OP
Go back.

>> No.6912328

Did this ESL just forgot what they did back in july-august?

>> No.6912365

>Highly upvoted
Only one of those posts is past 30, one is fucking 3. It's not even the kind of tribalfagging you see on this board, since one of them outright says they're a hololive fan.

>> No.6912407

>they're even doing it outside of /vt/
Post them.

>> No.6912418

On a proper board you'd get banned for dragging reddit shit onto this board as if we're supposed to care you nigger. I don't care what subreddit you pull posts from they're all shit.

>> No.6912468

Not necessarily, /hlgg/'s population can be large enough that it spill out to the rest of the board.

>> No.6912495

Take a look at the catalog and its posts right now and tell me it isn't majority Holofags. In any Niji bait thread if someone complains, someone says "hololive board". There is a Hololive thread up right now using an image of a Nijisanji guy yet it's discussing Hololive. Are you really this dense? Step foot outside your general for once.

>> No.6912512

30 is a lot on a dead as fuck subreddit

>> No.6912546

check OP's thread on the niji sub, they're spreading /vt/ tier rrats about Coco, Haachama and even Marine.

>> No.6912578

this board was a fucking mistake

>> No.6912594

>A dead subreddit is now "mainstream"
What did OPchama mean by this thread?

>> No.6912625

>top comments are wondering why there's shitflinging, comparing it to 4chan, and saying that Nijisanji is just a regular streaming company, and denouncing the OP

>> No.6912663

Prove them wrong. Oh yeah, you can't because they are right. Coco fucked off Hololive because of Cover restrictions, it's a fact and no amount of Holocope will change that.

>> No.6912673

Yes. Bet some retard will screenshot them next.

>> No.6912755
File: 6 KB, 346x106, nijishit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked up from currently live holo stream chat.

true zhang level elitism

>> No.6912800

Most bait threads hinge on people not actually doing their reps and checking sources.

>> No.6912850

>FB grannies getting into vtubers
The future is here fellas.

>> No.6912856

hi, kiara!

>> No.6912869

FB are mostly where SEA schizos gather, mooner got into trouble over religious joke because of those nutters, not that it matter anymore since most of them got scared when Island chink threaten to wheelbarrow niji ID chat if they don't stop.

>> No.6912962

True, and like >>6912869 said, they are the one that love baits the most. Watch some post itt to get screencapped on their schizo groups

>> No.6912975

The fact that /hlgg/ and /vt/ unironically believe this should be a testament to why people carry somewhat valid opinions as showcased in OP

>> No.6913015

Minecraft is a front for anti semitism, it’s funded by Iraq to teach your children to hate Jews. Here’s how.

>> No.6913027

Sure but then you scroll down and there are like a hundred comments that could've been ripped straight out of a nijinigger thread were it not for the curious lack of "holobronie" and "holonigger"

>> No.6913058

>could've been ripped straight out of a nijinigger thread
Could you post them?

>> No.6913083


>> No.6913094

I don't really see the problem here? It's just some people stating they prefer one company over the other? Is everyone who prefers Hololive to Nijisanji and openly states a holofans elitist too? Because that would be the majority of this board and OP included.

>> No.6913119

>sort by new
>still the same thing
If you want to paint an entire fanbase by some 2 upvote reddit posts feel free to but don't be surprised when people are pissed off at your self victimizing.

>> No.6913128

No fucking shit. Its the primary reason why Nijifags are on /jp/

>> No.6913162

The problem is they need to shit on the other agency to proclaim their love, which is unnecessary. Curious enough some SEA nijiniggers made a video about how he prefer niji than holo and use towa yab for example about shit happening in holo, and when fans who watch both start to shit on him he took down the video.

>> No.6913192

So we had a substitute teacher and he went to get something from the back room. I decided to pin a picture of small Keanu Reeves along with big Chungus on the wall. Everyone starts saying “Sit down fucking idiot.” I say “No u” along with “destruction 100.” I’m on the floor dying right now while the class cannot understand the funny reference. Then I see some girl next to me on her phone. So I decide to lean and see what she’s doing. Turns out, she’s an INSTANormie and I yell “FUCKING NORMIE (with Pepe angry face) REEEEEE. USE REDDIT YOU FUCKING TUMOR!” Everyone is uncultured and looks at me like a weirdo. The girl says “The fuck is wrong with you? I don’t care about your stupid opinions.” I reply by making a Joe Joe reference “DIE NORMIE! (Here comes Joe Joe reference) MUDA MUDA MUDA!” My class starts yelling at me calling me autistic because they don’t know memes. The sub comes back and sees Keanu Chungus and this happens.

>> No.6913233

Holofags spend all day here shitting on Nijisanji for literally anything they do and people are suddenly offended that there is make some mild criticism of Hololive?

>> No.6913269

the comments themselves aren't surprising since holo sub has shitters as well. What's surprising is the positive upvote ratio for a lot of them, meaning some retards are taking vt shitposts and bait threads as fact.

>> No.6913301


Just a quick look

>> No.6913358

Those aren't from /vt/ nor /jp/, though.

>> No.6913378

Election tourist kids' default state is "reddit hate" because they tend to think of reddit as a monolithic entity despite a lot of hobby subs staying far away from politics.

>> No.6913400

>If you don't say some kind of profanity every sentence you're not being genuine
Do americans really?

>> No.6913415

> Just a quick look

>All of them have negative scores and requires digging to find
>Not even hard hitting criticism

>> No.6913438


>> No.6913441

He didn't mean in /vt/ thought? And holofags outside of this place are mostly supportive for nijisanji livers too

>> No.6913445

What do you want him to do, post screens from niji discord or something? Those are probably far worse.
There's no other EN centric place where Nijis are discussed other than the niji reddit and vt. The Niji sub is as mainstream as they come.

>> No.6913475

lol at people using that 2 day trend of that dogshit dice game to dunk on Holo.
They're a business, Of course they're gonna have restrictions you fucking dimwit they want to prolong this.
Just admit you're some fucking child who is easily entertained by poop/sex/"vulgar" discussion to satisfy your edgy needs.

>> No.6913478

The thread OP is bringing up (that I suspect he posted) had upvoted comments comparing it to 4chan.

>> No.6913480

You mean like this one?
Grow a dick faggot

>> No.6913495

fucking hell now I'm curious if there are actual boomers watching anime girls playing minecraft.

>> No.6913508

>There's no other EN centric place where Nijis are discussed other than the niji reddit and vt
ESL nijiniggers gathers at FB if that counts

>> No.6913509

ok reza

>> No.6913515

Lmao that thread is the highest voted thread in the niji sub, Holy shit.

>> No.6913524

So isn't it quite weak of an argument to call Niji's "elitist" when the only visible source provided are a few screen caps from reddit, which OP can easily falseflag and is obviously doing so?

>> No.6913550

Nijiniggers are a plague

>> No.6913570

That man didn't took down his vod though? so he has bigger dick than that faggot who took down his vod after getting callled out

>> No.6913596

I suspected some chinks are doing upvotebot right now, since some anon saw >>6910402

>> No.6913604

Haven't touched FB in half a decade, what's the climate like in FB Niji groups?

>> No.6913644


>> No.6913682

Essentially this : >>6913550
>a plague

>> No.6913702

Pretty niji focus posts but surprising not much hate or bait posts. But i saw some retards that really hate hololive and love post baits in some shitposting group are mod of these niji groups too

>> No.6913767

To be honest, twitter is the place you want to be to talk about nijis

>> No.6913770

Is this Indonesian FB?

>> No.6913788

Yep, that one

>> No.6913793

It's not really elitist though is it to say I prefer one company over another and why? Elitism would be to say I prefer one company over another and anyone who disagrees is a filthy pleb with shit opinions. You can state a preference for one over the other without being elitist about it even if it is unnecessary to drag other companies into it. I don't think I would be surprised if a lot of those guys doing the comparison are hololive fans themselves or past hololive fans. I see it happening a lot that people that just got into Nijisanji after being Hololive fans relate everything back to that because it's their only point of comparison.

>> No.6913821

It's funny how nijiniggers elitism is based in... having no standards whatsoever

>> No.6913890

Aren't twitter Nijifans like 90% JOPs?

>> No.6913923

Are they just hating because holos are more popular or are they just Cover-antis who still like the holo talents themselves?

>> No.6913965

yes, but there is a small EOP community forming around NijiENs and the artists that draw them on twitter

>> No.6913991

Because its not, only /jp/ hold that title now and op are just using the word randomly for his thread, nijifags in vt are not that much different than holofags in term of welcoming newfags
>past hololive fans
That's pretty much them and those hipster who think smaller means better.

>> No.6914006

Both, i saw both. But nijiEN and influx of newfags really soften those monkeys a lot and that make disscusion a lot better

>> No.6914009

Majority of them before NijiEN were translators and women (who also translated)
It's balancing out now with men and EOPs

>> No.6914016
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I don't hate Nijisanji but it's not clean as it looks, They've got some good individuals like Toko/Kuzuha/Debi/Rena and that Blue haired loli.

They have completely focused into some sort of APEX company which is off putting, If you don't play APEX you fall behind.
The clear and obvious cliques in the group, While cliques may exists in Holo it's not as apparent, Collabs like Pekora and Luna, Top vs Bottom, Where do you see that in Niji? Everyone is a complete individual in that group who just focus on themselves, Everyone in Holo get's a chance gets invited to group collabs, get's sponsorships gets originals gets 3Ds and new outfits, Look how many Old members in Nijisanji still haven't had a 3D yet.

The clear and obvious bullying problems, If a someone finds it okay for a company to tell someone (Meiro) That she needs to change her mother's accent because of fucking ROLEPLAY reasons then be my guest, Hajime being the Nijisanji punching dog by most of the other people, They aren't that much different from Holo at all apart from audience aims, Nijisanji aims for the general Japanese audience, While Holo aims for the Idol otakus.

>> No.6914033

Tons of twittertrannies love idolshit though, these people are just pseuds and they probably don’t even watch Niji streams

>> No.6914098

This. Look at how fast people dropped Irys. Has it even been a week

>> No.6914141

>pretending to watch Niji streams
So how about that new Niji girl that for 60k live viewers earlier
>and has a lower number of fans
Tell that to all the Nijis that debuted earlier.

>> No.6914203

Niji 3D is based on the date you reached 100k. Nijis also collab a ton, but you'll never bring it up because you don't watch them. Hololive seems more collab oriented because there aren't fucking 200 vtubers in the company. When I look at Flare's channel it looks like she only collabs with the same 4 people anyway.
Btw, Hajime isn't hated by Niji livers at all. You'll bring up his antis which I agree are retarded and obsessed, but why mention him when you mention Meiro? The Meiro & Roa debacle was mishandled by Anycolor. Hajiki is just targeted by hatewatchers. In fact his hatewatch blog is pretty dead recently

>> No.6914262

> hatewatchers
Jesus Christ.
I've never heard of holo antis other than zhangs actually watching the holos they hate.

>> No.6914272

People only began to shit on Hololive once all of the of tourists flocked to /jp/ and caused the thread split. Nobody had any problems with their fans back when Hololive Fantasy was still the newest generation.

>> No.6914278

Similarly, some indie rock bands end up with better album sales than most major pop stars - Look at the Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes or Radiohead. Doesn't stop them from being a small minority.

>> No.6914301

Lol you realize that hype is what made numbers for tax collector? Any new Hololive vtuber gets more fews only to plumit. Yet those fans who stay, they usually stay and sometimes even grow in size.

>> No.6914324
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They aim for different audiences despite using cute avatars all the same. I honestly expected niji style vtubers to pick up steam once they start establishing footholds if you look at the style of content that is already popular streaming in the west.
many Holofans who were watching simply because they wanted to watch cute girls that are popular and lets face it a big part for some peoples favorite pass times is discussion around things they like and being big helps that but werent that invested in what hololive itself brings will probably find themselves more pulled to niji overtime. This is a fine shift in the long run but how much will it shift remains to be seen, as it stands I still prefer what Hololive brings.

>> No.6914328

Huh apparently there's basically no moderation on the nijisanji subreddit.

>> No.6914377

They hate him so much that the Niji general on 2ch is named "Shibuya Hajime Support Thread" as in making fun of him. But like I said it isn't as bad as it used to be. But he still gets immediate dislikes when he streams and has comments off sometimes. There are anons here who say he deserves it because he's cringe or a numberfag but it's really undeserved at this point.

>> No.6914392

>group collabs, get's sponsorships, gets originals gets 3Ds and new outfits
This really isn't accurate if you actually follow the company
>get's sponsorships
You have Haruka right now one of the smallest least popular members in their biggest sponsored tournament of the year of Koshien just because she loves the game PowerPro so much.
>group collabs
Kuzuha just recently setup games of among us randomly with some of the least popular members of the company.
Look who shows up in the main company shows like Nijibara and Nijiquiz even there are a wide range of members from all over the popularity spectrum
>gets originals
Original songs? Sub 100k subscribers Kohaku just got one along with a KR and ID that have even less subs. Prior to that a month or so ago they did the same thing.
>gets 3Ds
3D is done in the order you reached 100k with exceptions made where the liver wants to delay it.
>new outfits
Everyone can get a new outfit it isn't related to popularity, some of the least popular members have even gotten whole new models in recent times like Momo and Hina. And two KRs that were sub 20k subs even got new models not too long ago.

>> No.6914399

Look at this anon eating up year old Meiro rrats as canon, when even their fanbase has reached an alternative consensus.

Just goes to show how shamelessly misinformed EOPs continue to act knowledgeable.

Holo has an obvious clique lmao, why do you think everyone kneels to Fubuki?

Don't be like this anon.

>> No.6914409

honestly a based take.
The nijisub probably isn't use to this influx of stupid morons so theres less mods and they're not as active like the holosubs mods are.
