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68948082 No.68948082 [Reply] [Original]

This is what happens when you have a mixed cast agency. Should have been all-female from the get go

>> No.68948255
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>This is what happens when you have a mixed cast agency.

>> No.68948357

All of this clique in-fighting and bullying would've happened either way with or without the homos
And this is coming from a person that thinks all "male vtubers" are predators and they shoudn't exist

>> No.68948434

Yeah it's just managements fault, Holo doesn't have this scale of drama. Niji managers are shit

>> No.68948495

Nigga this isn't a male and female issue but more of a incompetence management issue. Do you see this drama happening in hololive? No? Well shut the fuck up and stop interjecting your cuckold fetishes and insecurities into everything.

>> No.68948498

So nothing changes? The abuse on Selen came from 3 women

>> No.68948514

its because they hired male managers.
i dont remember a single holo having a male manager, theyre always named susan or whatever

>> No.68948517
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>unicorns say that male vtubers and male collabs will herald the decline and death of nijisanji
>it happens
When will they learn? We have only ever wanted what is best for everyone.

>> No.68948528

Not wanting males in anything is 100% idol culture

>> No.68948611

Kurosanji harassing selen into suicide is now some how linked to your cuck fetishes?

>> No.68948613

>Do you see this drama happening in hololive?
didnt they just fire mel last month?

>> No.68948618

>Holo doesn't have this scale of drama.
Hololive does not employ male vtubers.

>> No.68948642

>how can we make this about males

>> No.68948689

Calling that incident "drama" is a huge fucking stretch. Friendly graduations have been more turbulent than that.

>> No.68948694

Mel was bullied and harassed by people inside hololive and was driven to suicide?

>> No.68948726

Did mel termination happened because of men? What fucking retard fag you are. No wonder people outside this shithole display you all as circus clowns for every other normal fag to point and laugh at.

>> No.68948729

Go away unicorn. Your oshi has male friend IRL and there is nothing you can do to erase that knowledge from your mind.

>> No.68948738

We have never once been wrong, holoanti

>> No.68948787

Brother, this is literally the largest "woman moment" in EN Vtubing history.

>> No.68948820

None of the men were named in Selen's lawsuit

>> No.68948868

When I was made aware that Nijisanji forces OTHER livers to tardwrangle their livers instead of management is when I realized this branch was going to collapse eventually. You cannot possibly expect that shit not to create the most toxic workplace imaginable, imagine you having to be scolded by your coworkers instead of your boss, in your boss's behalf. I'd hate everyone in there.

>> No.68948906

Mel had one, we all know how that ended up

>> No.68948998

>unicuck cannot possibly fathom the idea of drama not revolving around him so he injects himself into it for a random win

>> No.68949121

Why does he look like a yakuza villain tho

>> No.68949148

Holoanti? Get better material.

>> No.68949181

I will grant you that sexpest/homos have attracted the absolute worst fanbase possible (fujos and kpop dregs) to the company but to say it had anything to do with this particular thing (the bullying and piss poor management) is just plain wrong

>> No.68949286

unicorn anti=holo anti
unless you want to say that there are no unicorn holos, rider? but you only watch nijisanji anyway

>> No.68949341

It all went to shit when they nepo hired Elira's friends into Obsydia

>> No.68949410

>unicorn holos
What the fuck does that even mean. Are you talking about Kanata?

>> No.68949535

>the homobeggar is still mindbroken after a whole year

>> No.68949562

A lot of the males were a canary in the coal mine- a sign of Elira's clique forming in real-time
that clique became one of the foundations for an awful workplace environment
we predicted that males would be a sign of decay because there is no situation where there presence is a boon for the vtuber or their fans- and so the reason for their existence is a sign of corruption

>> No.68949698

Unicorns are not cover corp. Get fucked you deluded retard. Unironically what are you doing seeking attention from men in this Mongolian sweatshop image board. You must love cock way too much to be able to this everyday of your pathetic existence.

>> No.68949749

What the fuck kind of answer is that? Are you brain damaged? You said "unicorn holos" and I'm asking you what you mean by that because the only holo I can think of that fits that definition is Kanata.

>> No.68949802

nta. who you trying to fool nijifaggot?

>> No.68949903

>the only girl who wants gender segregated vtuber content in hololive is kanata

>> No.68950050

I literally just got here and I asked the simplest of fucking questions that you can't seem to fucking answer. My first instinct was that he tried to say "unicorn-friendly holos" and just fumbled it and said "unicorn holos" but then I thought he may have meant exactly that.

>> No.68950135

I so want an edit of him bent over with Doki standing behind him, giving that smug look

>> No.68950197

holy fucking tourist

>> No.68950255

With the death of NijiEN
It will be use as a Giant "Fuck You" Symbol against Homobeggars/UnityFAGGOTS

>> No.68950258

A nijifaggot calling others tourist

>> No.68950286

what is this video from?

>> No.68950331

>calling others a tourist

>> No.68950580

I didn't even call anyone a tourist what the fuck is wrong with you? Did I walk into an assylum

>> No.68950654

A formal apology from Riku himself for calling Selens life a negligible hit to their profits

>> No.68950837

I don't think the ass thread is up rn

>> No.68950853

See >>68948998

>> No.68950910

You already outed yourself as a homobeggar to that anon, and homobeggars are very telling of their origin by calling both Hololive and Holostars talents "liver", why are you pretending to be an ESL that doesn't understand simple English now faggot.

>> No.68951250

>and homobeggars are very telling of their origin by calling both Hololive and Holostars talents "liver"
I never called anyone a liver. Legitimately, what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have genuine schizophrenia, did you think you were posting in a different thread, or do you think I'm a different anon? Because you're not making any fucking sense you're just making shit up right now. Fucking deranged niggers.

>> No.68951426

Nobody is buying your bullshit
Go falseflag elsewhere
And maybe stop seething about Kanata already its been a year and you are still butthurt because she said she will never collab with males

>> No.68951578

anon there's 5 "liver" mentions itt, 3 came from your post and that anon's post, the other 2 came from someone talking about nijis and not holos. what the literal fuck did you imagine inside your head? is it a requirement to be a unicorn to have vivid hallucinations?

>> No.68951668

>asking about kanata being a unicorn holo is seething about her
unitroons everyone

>> No.68951710

Keep your butthurt in 1 post

>> No.68951790

This is some advanced schizophrenia, I'm impressed.

>> No.68951883

>You called holos livers
>No I didn't
>You can't fool me!
My fucking sides

>> No.68951906

why are you talking about yourself homonigger?

>> No.68951923

>posts 1 minute apart

>> No.68952140
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it's literally this dude out on the catalog randomly attacking unicorns
he admitted that he spams threads on vt before and yelled about getting banned for it on twitter lmao

>> No.68952166

I just now realized I was just being trolled. You genuinely fooled me for a second, but you were also wasting my time so fuck you.

>> No.68952258

Daily reminder that Holostars exists and the majority of holoEN has collabed with a male

>> No.68952404

why are unicucks so deluded? you failed to answer someone making a question as innocuous as "unicorn holos? are you talking about kanata?" and had a melty where you literally made shit up to fabricate a gotcha and started looking for boogeymen. but you couldn't stand not being the center of attention in the middle of this drama KEK go ahead, call me a homosister or something and further prove my point.

>> No.68952560

now, just as an experiment, I wanna see a male-only VTuber corpo. not the homo kind but the brotuber kind.

>> No.68952658

Anon what the fuck are you talking about, did you even ctrl+f "liver" before having your sperg episode?

>> No.68952836

nta but Mel started hanging out with Mori and then Holostars and then e-celebs like the VCR collabs and finally Motocca or whatever that Nijis name was, Sure there is no hard evidence that she leaked company secrets to those e-celebs but the fact that she started collabing with males at the end of her career raises some eyebrows. Add to the fact that the impetus for her collabing with Uproar (i think it was Minase) was because he sung one of her songs in a karaoke when no one else gave her the attention makes one believe they preyed on her because she wasn't popular enough for the unicorns to raise a fuss, they saw her as a weak link.

Tangentially this is why I think you shouldn't trust Mori, she's just learned to work in the shadows like Elira and desires to still change the culture of Hololive and implicate other vtubers to their side.

>> No.68953806

Riku will never let you on his yacht anon give up

>> No.68955387

You get bully when your younger and you want to be bullied by anons too?
How it feels to have a Bully Fetish???

>> No.68955437

Sorry bro, but you can't have a bro group with a little homo.

>> No.68956213

>The current drama is coming mainly from their female talents having shitty relationships with each other and management
By OP's logic, they should have had an all-male cast from the get-go

>> No.68956457
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This is what happens when you ACCELERATE
