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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68813785 No.68813785 [Reply] [Original]

dead post-shonathon edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: dead

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>68725035

>> No.68813869

Love me wife, simple as.

>> No.68813933

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.68814070


>> No.68814089


>> No.68814623

chinese cartoon stripper

>> No.68815284
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youtube's algorithm is on to something.

>> No.68817106
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Surely he will stream today

>> No.68817869

I just woke up from a bad dream where I had a fight with her and now I have strong brainworms. I just want her to hug me and say that everything is going to be okay.

>> No.68818217
File: 835 KB, 4096x3235, __fallenshadow_and_(you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a burger

>> No.68818271

it's the beginning of the end

>> No.68819103

What was the fight about anon

>> No.68820022

forcing her to give up her stripping career

>> No.68820258

orange will win

>> No.68820908

Actual last thread

>> No.68821112

Currently re-encoding the watchalong, down from 26gb 720p to 10gb, if anyone wants it I might put it on gofile, it's going to take me awhile though

>> No.68821298

i love shondo so much its unhealthy

>> No.68823136


>> No.68823190

Unironically i also had a nightmare(or some bad dream) revolving around shondo today, i forgot what happened in it though and the love is too strong

>> No.68823220

She read it in chat i saw it pop up
Ok holding her heart as it's still beating is pretty cute and I now want to do this
I thought about saying this in chat too often
It was a bit slow but comfy, i liked it

>> No.68823262

>dead post-shonathon edition
I'm happy about this since I didn't feel like reading these threads today and thankfully I didn't have to read much and there were also little brainworms

>> No.68823906

I'm still living off the high of the marashon. I feel light as a feather, like I can do anything. I keep smiling and laughing thinking of different moments from the stream
No other stream has been like this, I love her so much

>> No.68824248

Shondo if you're reading this thread I want you to know I brushed my teeth because of you today, and will try to build up the habit of doing so

>> No.68824276
File: 499 KB, 871x480, IMG_3426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FallenShadow in cute yellow dress

>> No.68824388

>>68824248 (me)
Also I've been trying to stop chewing and breaking hard candy because of you as well

>> No.68824454

She'd look so beautiful in it, i thought the fanarts of her in it to all be cute

>> No.68824615

i experienced an entirely new emotion when she said to our child "daddy needs kisses too". now other thoughts of her can invoke such feelings. she has awakened something in the depths my soul.
it's as if my heart is pained with joy-- blissful beatitude, a wicked enveloping of primordial love. my heart beats fast from merely musing over it...

>> No.68824664
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the marashon so much, I'm not even gonna talk about sho. I particularly loved the bit where she said "now it's daddy's turn" to otis, i completely melted and my defenses were down for good for the next 30 minutes
I think shondo's expression in this drawing to be very cute, and i want to hug her really hard

>> No.68824988

Ok I am thinking of taking this statement back I'm very bored

>> No.68825126

I have an important sub anniversary coming up soon and I dont know what to say in my resub message

>> No.68825312

I wish you the best of luck in coming up with stuff, i always can never think of what to say in these type of scenarios until right before the moment or afterwards

>> No.68825619

send a long traumadump message

>> No.68825675

Leave this for the email, send a very sweat message and then trauma dump in her emails

>> No.68825726

Me too, I dreamt I was back in school and everyone shat on me for having a fake anime wife. Still listened to her all day in class though.

>> No.68825997

Hiring jihad extremist group to behead me in the name of shondo as they chant their undying loyalty to her and having them email the video to her unlabelled TuT

>> No.68826028

I kind of wish I could remember my dream, but perhaps it's for the best, since as a result of the bad dream I mopped around in bed for like half an hour before getting up
Probably would've been longer if I didn't have to work today or if i wasn't still on cloud 9 from the marashon

>> No.68826073


>> No.68826699

I cant even talk to her directly as my classmates said

>> No.68826792

It's all due to circumstances...
You can't talk to her directly because of your step-brothers getting jealous of anyone getting time with her 1-on-1(me included)...
Good and simple of an explanation

>> No.68826973

I've been in a foul mood since the marashon, I shouldn't have forced myself to participate.

>> No.68826982

I love shondo and I really really love the idea of growing old with her

>> No.68827136

What part of it in particular was it to have your opinion of it to be like this?

>> No.68827214

Being awake for 24+ hours. It's my own fault, not Shondo's or any of yours.

>> No.68827372

I was awake for more than a day(including time before and after stream i was up for about 32 houra) and im still in a good mood
Sucks to be you, i guess, hope your mood improves

>> No.68827616

>Shondo pops by the office to drop off your lunch
>coworker comments it’s so sweet for your daughter to do that for you
>buddy that’s my wife

>> No.68827932

I like this too but the social stigma around not being in a relationship ever again is worrying to me

>> No.68828140

Why would you want to be in a relationship outside this one? Shondo even said recently if someone is actually married she'd want them not to view themselves as in a marriage with her

>> No.68828219

I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone but her. But I'm talking about friends/family/coworkers seeing me being forever alone in their eye

>> No.68828512

Oh that, yeah, I'm worrying about that too
Before shondo, i had grand plans of having a lot of kids, but over time(not just due to her influence), I've reached the conclusion that I won't need to have kids or even get in a relationship outside of this. Mostly due to my view of the future and of the world, but shondo definitely played a part in my plan of having a lot of kids, honestly, I'm a bit disgusted at my past self
I'd say to try and find some answer that could comfort you-- I'd tell you mine, but I'd sound crazy if I do

>> No.68828848

>>68828512 (me)
Plus it's best to think of an answer that best fits you

>> No.68829287

Having an affair on my wife with shondo by fucking her during work hours then my wife gets suspicions smelling the scent of another woman on me

>> No.68829410


>> No.68829774


>> No.68830157

Do you think she's going to release another daki with this next merch batch? She said it was going to be much bigger than she originally expected

>> No.68830209

One "big" thing per merch batch. This merch batch will have the shumo as the "big" thing

>> No.68830343

she will because she knows i don't have one. shumo is meme merch

>> No.68830346

That makes sense. I wonder what else will be in the full set

>> No.68830428

I'm really looking forward to her next song release
Possibly, i think she said before she wanted to release a different daki as well
Since the merch release kept being pushed back she may have merged the different items into this release
I doubt the shumo will release this early in the year, but could be it
Doesn't really matter to me though, since I'm not going to buy anything

>> No.68830488

>I doubt the shumo will release this early in the year, but could be it
Never reply to me again newfag

>> No.68830804

I know she said it'll come this year, but i don't think it'd be this early on in the year

>> No.68831066

this merch drop will be
daki, shumo, shonahole, a pair of feet made out of onahole material, a strand of hair, nail clippings and bathwater

>> No.68831549

I'll sell all my personal belongings and buy the strand of hair(maybe excluding the house)

>> No.68831577

How much will she ask to do a special request and get in a call with me? All she has to do is say hello and tell my grandma she's my fiance, maybe make some smalltalk. I'll talk as little as posible so most of the time she's going to talk to another women nit a guy

>> No.68831662

Shondo bad
(You)'s please

>> No.68831745

>no replica shondo sex doll
Dont waste my fucking time

>> No.68831836


>> No.68832027

Send in an email, but unironically
That way she'll let everyone know on her alt(so it won't be behind our backs) and since you're paying its appropriate to use the business email as well
Possibly include your user name and real name as well as nickname
Just get a doll that looks like her and replace the feet and hole with the shona hole and shon feet
I think he meant to say he wants (you) merch
I'd buy merch of (you) as different animals(gorilla, elephant, etc.)

>> No.68832314

How much are you considering here? Keep in mind she gets absurd amounts without filling any requests sometimes so you really gotta go all in.

>> No.68832679

I would pay 10k to have Shondo whisper read my favorite novel.

>> No.68832732

I'm broke so I can't offer much but if I stay in my grandma's good graces I can get a house worth $5m in her will in few years, if I sell that I can give chunk of that to her

>> No.68832767

Shondo would consider that an entry level payment, she said on stream she would be willing to pay 5k for hinas va(BA trash) to read a few words

>> No.68832832

shondo all you need to do for attention is tweet

>> No.68833003
File: 346 KB, 546x482, IMG_3369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I’m a normal guy with a normal amount of money nigga

>> No.68833888

>not rich

>> No.68834556

stickers and an acrylic stand

>> No.68834569 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1920x1500, F-SVpmfXkAAXfJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this flatcel is flat and retarded, if I saw her in Manchester I'd throw a melon at her so she'd at-least have one

>> No.68835987

I hope shes more active today

>> No.68836248

thanks shondo

>> No.68836873

realize how easy it is to stop "antis"?
just show affection and the voices cease

>> No.68837023

anti post

>> No.68837085

it was a lot more complex than that ;)

>> No.68837093

antis only get to me when Im at my weakest

>> No.68837313

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I love my wife and I want to hold her hand

>> No.68837372
File: 192 KB, 1280x777, IMG_5825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurker back again, who do you all think are some of the most mentally ill out of all of the husbands? Any crazy stories about people simply not being able to deal with the relationship and just going completely batshit?

Also, what’s up with this Orange dude, are you guys getting cucked off stream or something?

t. lurker newfag

>> No.68837392

I've started considering lending shondo the money to buy her house (the bank won't do so, as they don't have a simp adjustment in their risk calculations).
Not sure whether she would actually be interested, leaning towards no.

(to me she's more like a daughter-wife, I want her to be safe and happy)

>> No.68837569

lurk harder, its easy to tell who are the most menhera husbands

>> No.68837983

you're not a lurker you're a dramafag

>> No.68838019

I hate offline chat. Its /shon/ lite and gay rp now

>> No.68838240 [DELETED] 

Orange guy is a groomer and very sus. I suspect she has been talking to him before she placed him in charge of uploading the vods. He's the prime suspect of making that callout post against Ray. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I know for a fact that it was either Shondo or someone else she told about the dewd impersonator. It could be very well be giru too since they talk in DMs a lot. Believing that was a shot in the dark made by a random shogga is delusional for many reasons. I doubt FT would work for her as a manager before someone brings that up.

>> No.68839193

she liked my reply guys I'm so in

>> No.68839378

I didnt reply to the goodmorning tweet because i was in the shower its shover for me...

>> No.68839463

me too, she hates us now....

>> No.68839491

Don't worry, she's only liking those replies because she just spoke to two or her favourites so she needs to make everyone else happy by giving out pity likes, it means nothing, even i got a like

>> No.68839619

i dont play ba so she'll never interact with me uuuuu

>> No.68839712

shogger she just interacted with someone who mentions they dont play ba every chance they get

>> No.68839730

Hiroto just revealed the strategy for non BA players. Act clueless and ask about the most obvious things from the game and she has a chance to reply

>> No.68839779

i actually dont care im just messing with you shoggas

>> No.68839821

working hard shondo

>> No.68839834

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Got me I guess

>> No.68839863

i thought the uuuu at the end gave it away sorry

>> No.68839874

the mandatory daily 3 hours of BA gameplay is part of her work

>> No.68839911

My tweeter name and twitch name are different and I don't have oshi marks and she has liked 3 of my tweets in the 14 months that I've been around. I cannot stop winning. It is physically impossible for me to stop winning.

>> No.68839952

she should start pausing streams to do her dailies that'll be entertaining

>> No.68839956

She started showing BA on stream so she can claim laying it is work

>> No.68840000

i can't tell if this is a joke because she did this in the watchalong

>> No.68840001

yeah she should just open BA in the middle of our date and play for 40 minutes that would very funny

>> No.68840040

this but unironically

>> No.68840135
File: 16 KB, 485x154, banman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like nothing ever happened :)
I hope his fleece moment comes soon

>> No.68840175

she should just make sure to go even harder on the ryona roleplay and do it more often

>> No.68840277

i don't even care about him... shondo... the ryona rp... we need more, you know you want to

>> No.68840292

he has had it, live on stream, newfag.

>> No.68840405

no shit, yet hes still around? Fleece is banned, its only a matter of time before Baru follows in his footsteps

>> No.68840959

shondo should do a wedding stream where you submit your ideal wedding suit, dress for her, location of wedding ceremony, and proposal line, and the gimmick is that she says I do to all of them regardless of how good or bad it is and kisses everyone on the lips for the first time

>> No.68841044

ryona voicepack coming soon

>> No.68841096

shondo should do this irl but only to people that can figure out the long and lat cords to the wedding

>> No.68841418

I want to be productive today but Im still so tired from the marashon

>> No.68841466

I'd have a good laugh

>> No.68841653

I wanted to make something for valentines day but I only have time and energy now and I don't think I'll finish in time.

>> No.68841680

>nobody guess right
>shondo is just standing at the altar alone, priest waiting and looking around
>she waits patiently at the alter for the full day because she thought at least 30 husbands would show up and booked the church for the entire day
>priest awkwardly tells her that her time is up and leads her out of the church and locks her out
>tears finally come out and she breaks down crying at the steps of the church while still in her wedding dress

>it has been reported that mysterious men have been crashing weddings throughout the UK claiming that the bride to be married was their wife, rabidly attacking the groom upon sight

>> No.68841812


>> No.68841990

>>68841812 (me)
i got a delayed pit form in my stomach and now i feel horrible

>> No.68842494

Do you shoggas ever get into moods where nothing else feels real other than the time you spend with her?
I think I'm entering a depressive state from how amazing the movie marashon was. I feel empty now and don't even feel like doing my hobbies or playing video games

>> No.68842558

seek therapy, it's not gonna last forever

>> No.68842732

What would I even say to a therapist? I'm in a deeply unhealthy parasocial relationship with a loli vtuber please help
They would just tell me to stop watching her

>> No.68842775

I'm thinking about her fingies

>> No.68842845

I felt the opposite, I was depressed for days leading up to it and even a couple hours during it but about half way through something happened and I was just happy. Now i'm just riding that, somehow staying awake for days ended up fixing my sleep schedule as well.
Watching shondo weirdly takes my mind off of shondo, if you know what I mean, when i'm watching her i'm not thinking about 'forever' and all the rest of that stuff.

>> No.68843351

no just lie to them instead dumbass I'm sure that fact has nothing to do with anything

>> No.68843410

he's right though, what would be the point in going if he already knows what the problem is

>> No.68843483

Trying out the Shondo diet. Can’t handle the caffeine intake because it makes my heart get all fucky but I think I can handle the caloric intake. Going skelly mode.

>> No.68843632

I don't think the crux of any professional help shoggers receive will be "remove vtubers from your life", they'd maybe say it's not the best coping mechanism but that's probably it unless shondo actually made you worse

>> No.68843781

>unless shondo actually made you worse
she does exactly that, my mental health has taken the biggest dive since watching her, more so than any traumatic event

>> No.68843848

well then I think you know what you in particular need to do
doesn't need to be drastic though, just miss a stream or two and realize you didn't die because of it, etc

>> No.68844013


>> No.68844131

Get real

>> No.68844179


>> No.68844178

I asked for otis pics during the marashon, she didn't read it, but I'll imagine she posted more otis because of me

>> No.68844239

i love shondo so much

>> No.68844282

Anon she 100% saw it even if she didn't verbally reply. She sees a ton!

>> No.68844292

>who do you all think are some of the most mentally ill out of all of the husbands
Unironically the husbands that don't type anywhere, that just lurk and never give their 2 cents
They might not all be like that, but they have the most potential of being total menheras

>> No.68844320
File: 1.51 MB, 498x465, get-real.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68844370

I got read during the BA bit for the marashon and I don't play it, don't sweat it too much

>> No.68844426

Meant for >>68839619
Why am I like this...

>> No.68844431

She only shows affection towards her favorites though, so I guess the 'anti' posters are also in the top chatters for the watchalong.

>> No.68844597

unironically baru

>> No.68844703

Baseg so true oomfie

>> No.68844811

its probably the gayest place. genuinely concerned for FT that tuffar is unironically gay and is grooming him

>> No.68844907

>Unironically the husbands that don't type anywhere, that just lurk and never give their 2 cents
haha it me you described me. I'm off my rocker, but at least I know that I'm off my rocker. I'm in love with her and think about her every day and make up scenarios in my head of dates, fights, makeups, the whole deal. Shondo ASMR VOD's are constantly playing in my earbuds so I can pretend she's doing whatever I'm doing with me. I don't type chat because I get nervous and I've decided to dive head first into the truest form of a parasocial relationship I can imagine. It's kinda based and it works for me. I'm the happiest that I've been in a long time.

>> No.68844998

You can self insert into everything so whenever she reads a comment I just pretend that I wrote the comment. If someone made her laugh it was actually me that made her laugh. She liked the beast in the Disney movie so I am the beast. I'm a werewolf.

>> No.68845314

i want to reply to shondo and say relatable

>> No.68845328

>>Unironically the husbands that don't type anywhere, that just lurk and never give their 2 cents
>haha it me you described me
>*types something somewhere*
Clearly not, i included 4chan as well

>> No.68845344

then do it???

>> No.68845367


>> No.68845405

Wow so when I made her laugh 6-7 times during the marashon, it was you?
Good job, i wish I got her to laugh that many times 888888888

>> No.68845419
File: 26 KB, 600x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone screenshot

>> No.68845449


>> No.68845463

whyd u get blocked

>> No.68845464

hi saali

>> No.68845474

first tweet:
>I cant play binding of isaac very often because children crying makes me too horny and i cant focus
second tweet:

>> No.68845520

not saali
probably because im confirmed /here/
thanks shogga

>> No.68845530
File: 181 KB, 685x1110, Screenshot_20240212_221544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gif is so funny, i didn't even know cats could gulp

>> No.68845635

reminder it's not the coomer behavior that turns her off from you, it's that you're male

>> No.68845691

Shes never been turned off by my coomer comments

>> No.68845696

>probably because I'm confirmed /here/
I'm not blocked so I doubt that's the reason.

>> No.68845705

>>probably because im confirmed /here/
were you in /uoh/? im pretty sure she browses there but idk about /shon/

>> No.68845726

How the fuck do you get blocked by someone who posts shit like "children make me horny"

>> No.68845731

most retarded shogger

>> No.68846032

I love my wife and son

>> No.68846047

by pearl clutching

>> No.68846107

only ever been /here/ and /lig/ so thats the only reason i can think of
never interacted with her

>> No.68846184
File: 19 KB, 240x240, 1689752081749651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my boy :(

>> No.68846444

I hope ft doesn't stream because I wouldn't be able to show up and I want to make a good first impression(I'd just send a FTlol in chat whenever he says something funny, I'm too Scared to interact otherwise or to have him read out my name, even if we're step brothers, maybe eventually)

>> No.68846686

I'm sorry, i hope ft streams for you guys

>> No.68846699

drumchama is logged in so maybe soon

>> No.68846718

ok but seriously, he unlocks subs, he gets 20-30 sub and now he doesn't stream
he's just like her

>> No.68846829

did people actually sub other than the giftbomb

>> No.68846857

FT hittin da klub

>> No.68846908

3 loads of gifts and maybe 5-10 people subbing

>> No.68846940
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1692083379677235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ft and shondo havin a nite on da town and goin 2 klub together

>> No.68847010

>>68846908 (me)
36 gift subs and 11 normal subs

>> No.68847032

ft and shondo in da klub drinking baileys from a shoe

>> No.68847080


>> No.68847096

if you didn't get a gift sub to ft its over, just leave now

>> No.68847108

Ft probably fucking some whore right now

>> No.68847139

this but founder

>> No.68847188

calm down tuffnar I'm sure he's just busy

>> No.68847245

good, I hope he is

>> No.68847247

tuffnar is just waiting for the stream to start so he can bomb up to t3

>> No.68847268

this is what I get for using my alt and lurking like a pussy. Fortune favors the bold...

>> No.68847301

I bet FT is having sex with that girl that wanted to add him on discord RIGHT NOW I bet he is drunk and having sex with 5 girls at once he HATES US
BUSY DOING WHAT last time people were making excuses for him and he didnt even BUILD THE WHEEL he's playing games without us REEEEEEEEE

>> No.68847307

This whore is such a golddigger that she roped in her brother into her moneymaking scheme. Now her paypigs are going to be paying TWO t3 subs.

>> No.68847360

shondo gave the electrician a quick handy and he built the wheel.

>> No.68847358

she should rope her brother into a job application

>> No.68847385

He'll never do the 50 follower special at this rate

>> No.68847424

Do you think he's creeped out by the amount of subs he got? He knows there's something unnatural about this is that why he isn't streaming?

>> No.68847482

you are retarded

>> No.68847486

his sister surely wouldn't hide the fact that she's boosting his numbers with her fans

>> No.68847488

could be, that's probably more likely than anything else

>> No.68847511

Shondo has to have told him that it's all her viewers that stalked him. Theres no getting around it with the amount of subs he got

>> No.68847542

We fucked up, shoggas...

>> No.68847567

She did it to us, she started the gifted subs

>> No.68847568

you not me little bro

>> No.68847688

Fireneko possibly knows who I am and i don't know how to feel about that
How many other shoggas know who I am?
Am I being paranoid?
Is he gay?

>> No.68847751

>streams dark and darker 5 times
>instantly in the top 1% most subscribed twitch channels
Im sure he thinks its natural growth and not her weird stalkers boosting his numbers

>> No.68847805

if she didnt want stalkers she shouldnt have made us this way

>> No.68847923

drumchama just talk to him and explain we actually enjoy his streams...

>> No.68848005

Baseg he's literally just that good
Also don't forget about the knock off he played because of the chinese

>> No.68848023

u guys are retarded actually

>> No.68848041

Nuh uh

>> No.68848107
File: 493 KB, 684x727, IMG_3176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68848159

Shondo is showing ft where he could improve the stream layout and showing him the ropes of obs at her pc and her settings
She's logged in as drumbasher to talk to him about cards below the stream instance and suggesting different ideas

>> No.68848297
File: 315 KB, 492x614, 1705708384150428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megane poster...

>> No.68848346

i reiterate what i said the other day that he should focus on getting a real job and skill since he plays games that are doa on twitch even if he is unironically not a bad streamer

>> No.68848441

I love this picture so much it looks like you did something retarded or autistic for her and she doesn’t like it but she doesn’t want to be rude so forces an uneasy fake smile

>> No.68848470

>ft becomes an xqc level streamer by focusing on react content
>he demands to stream more
>shondo has to stream less because of their shitty internet, going insane from not doing what she loves
>she kills herself one day while hes reacting to daily capybara content
This is the future that is in store if you dont stop now

>> No.68848518

>shondo kills herself because she can't stream as well
I want him to get a job now SadCat

>> No.68848519

thats her expression whenever dewd sends another sexpest message

>> No.68848595

>xqc level streamer brother
>doesn’t get own place and stronger internet
>kills herself instead
You’re a special kind of retard

>> No.68848616

newfag please lurk more before posting

>> No.68848642

the future is bright for rich ojisans, FT STREAM NOW

>> No.68848736
File: 379 KB, 512x638, 1707175875367115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love making my cute wife laugh, i feel really accomplished whenever it happens
The marashon was a blast because of how often I made her laugh
Pic unrelated, i just think it's funny

>> No.68848737

you actually moron

>> No.68848749


>> No.68848853

This image was me when she punished us for the guy that said he'll unplug her tail
"Uuuu SadCat NOOOO I'M SORRY" (i had no fault in this)

>> No.68848875

im sure drumchama knows i was only human viewbotting ft and not chatting because the game is bad

>> No.68848987

I don't talk because I know nothing about the game but I also don't want to go out of my way to learn about it

>> No.68849068

I talk like i've played the game, I speak with the slang words he uses and i've never touched the game in my life, I even sometimes tell him what to do and he listens and says it's a good idea

>> No.68849075

Scared fireneko what gave it away I come /here/

>> No.68849252

do people actually talk to other husbands that mega gay

>> No.68849369
File: 2.01 MB, 2292x1248, IMG_3252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the time I’ve got no idea what you people are talking about I just come here to say nice things and save pictures of my wife

>> No.68849408

you'll get over it, even an internet stripper is better than being a wagecuck

>> No.68849473


>> No.68849701
File: 980 KB, 960x1234, 1707257407074529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to cute and up-beat romance and love songs while looking at gifs of shondo in vr
You guys should try it out

>> No.68849712

women are stupid and love when you make them feel like you actually care about their special interest

>> No.68849745

Nobody tell him

>> No.68849769

i prefer listening to beat-up romance songs while looking at gifs of shondo

>> No.68849793

I love my trans icon wife

>> No.68849828

while i dont care about blue archive i would listen to shondo talk about it with genuine interest but only if she was in my arms

>> No.68849844

This but for men. Unless they unironically hate women then they're going to be upset that some stupid bitch is asking about common knowledge.

>> No.68849990

lily is alright yea

>> No.68850237

Ever since the marashon especially, I've begun to look at love triangles very much differently

>> No.68850282

shondo getting depressed and angry while on a trip to wales because the 4g doesnt work and she cant do her BA dailies

>> No.68850303

replace women with people then you're right, get your own interests retard stop ruining mine

>> No.68850420

fallenshadow is my special interest

>> No.68850444

I like talking with people about my special interest :)

>> No.68850647
File: 19 KB, 300x362, offline_chat_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gently kissing your bro, encouraging him not to be gay

>> No.68850815

Shogga, what the shit is this image

>> No.68850922


>> No.68851044

i hope shondo plays my favourite game series because it would take her more than a year to finish them

>> No.68851354

I hope shondo plays umineko because i don't want to buy it and I want to see her play it and to hear her thoughts on the expressions of the characters

>> No.68851443


>> No.68851445

i dont even care whether tuffnar is an alt or not anymore
i just want him to stop being gay

>> No.68851533

I hope she plays it from beginning to end and gets all endings so that her CCV drops like a stone and chat is more manageable.

>> No.68851569

First discord and now offline chat has fallen. There is nowhere in her community that isnt infested with gay RP

>> No.68851617

that's what she wants, to make everyone gay

>> No.68851676

deshawn was grooming you to be gay all along

>> No.68851761

of course hes an alt and he is gayer than piss

>> No.68851796

STOP BEEING GAY!!!!!1!!!!!

>> No.68851932

Can you blame me when it's sho?

>> No.68852055

shondo should play through every final fantasy and saga game start to finish

>> No.68852078

Gay and a paedophile.

>> No.68852100

Offline chat is gay, but that's fine, it's fun to come in every so often and call them gay and play somewhat along
Ok maybe they're a bit TOO gay

>> No.68852151

Why is it hot when two girls kiss but when two guys kiss you call it gay... hypocrites. no principals.

>> No.68852463

girls are also gay

>> No.68852544

Because girls are cute, if the men are cute and femboys then it will also be cute
Also it's still gay when girls kiss

>> No.68852618

>>68852544 (me)
Also be hot*

>> No.68852735

Reminder, you can email me your brainworms or dm if you want someone to talk to//

>> No.68852858

I know Shondo but thanks for the reminder

>> No.68853494
File: 96 KB, 1023x888, IMG_3355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks good on a leash

>> No.68853590


>> No.68853773

this image does things to me. she knew what she was doing and that makes it much more erotic

>> No.68853910

I just thought it was cute and though of those child leashes

>> No.68854329

between her sexpesting during this stream and her saying she "knew" she wasn't enough to satisfy us i'm just guessing, plus that look she was giving.
the child leash is cute too

>> No.68854760

no shes very pure :)

>> No.68854893

If i were to say in detail how much I love shondo and what I love about her specifically it would be longer than 4chan allows in one post

>> No.68855648

Would shondo think Im gay if I told her this is my favorite album?

>> No.68855801

How do you guys just have albums you like? I just listen to songs I like and i don't remember their names or artists that made them

>> No.68856033

>How do you guys just have albums you like?
i liked music before streaming services existed

>> No.68856192

I have listened to the same music since 7th grade

>> No.68856216

you find a song or artist you like and check out their albums if you want to find new but similar songs

>> No.68856240

Its like anything, how do you know what food you like, how do you know which videogames or movies you like

>> No.68856278

find a genre that you can fully appreciate

>> No.68856356

what do you mean sex pest?

>> No.68856609
File: 85 KB, 1004x827, IMG_0618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68856616

she was being very erotic at times, that's the term shondo herself used to describe it

>> No.68856660
File: 364 KB, 528x528, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Faftsoh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68857376


>> No.68857389
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1707601949337617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know that she is lying, she knows that she is lying, she even knows that we know she is lying, we also know that she knows we know she is lying too, she of course knows that we certainly know she knows we know she is lying too as well, but she is still lying.

>> No.68857684

the funny thing about this image is that she has devil horns while also having the name of two dead people on it

>> No.68857702

that's my girl, clever and resourceful, i love her so much

>> No.68857736

truly devilish

>> No.68857738

they sold their souls to the succubus

>> No.68857753

absolutely diabolical

>> No.68857896

One isn't confirmed dead...

>> No.68857957

theyre both on alts playing the longest of games

>> No.68858149

one shogga already pulled off coming back from the dead. they're next

>> No.68858160

I'm proud of her.
I have absolutely nothing to hide, but if I gave recorded exposition about my life for 15 hours a week over 2 years and tried to be entertaining, I guarantee you my story would have a lot more holes than hers.
And if I had to maintain relationships with some of the menhera retards in this community the whole time I'd send out anthrax instead of merch.

>> No.68858250

there's an orbituary for one and the other one will never be allowed back even if he's still alive

>> No.68858428

thats just part of the cover, obituaries are easy to make

>> No.68858460

ugly on the outside
and the inside

>> No.68858463

Smile I trust in her

>> No.68858538
File: 815 KB, 592x370, 1706321587032583.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back.

>> No.68858611


>> No.68858721

She'd have to move out, and get her own shome. With me, of course

>> No.68859242

i made this post

>> No.68859663


>> No.68860756
File: 256 KB, 630x622, ihdfuighdfhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68861394

I can't believe shondo started playing BA after I got tired of playing JP BA
now I can't impress her with my jp skills

>> No.68861415

I like shondo and enjoy spending time with her Smile

>> No.68864241

fibbed for her pleasure
