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68607142 No.68607142 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 niji deflection thread
Been doing my reps on mumei's bedwetting and found several mentions of her being on a wheelchair. Is this rrat true? Or from where the hell did it originate? It seems absurd considering she has done several 3Ds before, unless you suggest she has a body double

>> No.68607201
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You wish to know the truth my child? Are you sure you can handle it? There is darkness in the truth... a darkness that I'm not sure you are yet ready to face

>> No.68607262
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Autistic girl + wheelchair =funny.
It's not that deep redditor

>> No.68607282

This is one of the few rrats I don't want to believe is true as I genuinely love Mumei's personality. But if it is, then spare me the suspense and let me face the truth, as painful as it may be

>> No.68607504

You could hear the wheelchair during one of her off-collabs.

>> No.68607558

I never thought this rrat had a leg to stand on.

>> No.68607628

will I get banned for bringing up her amputed leg or

>> No.68607690

service dog

>> No.68607794
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With each reply I get more questions than answers. Thanks guys

>> No.68608228

The more questions you ask, the closer you get to the radioshack incident. I don’t think the answers you’re looking for are worth pursuing

>> No.68608586

I found an amazon greentext, which is obviously a meme. I read a less subtle summary of the rrat, but I obviously still have my doubts
They're obviously never worth pursuing. No rrat in this place is ever worth pursuing. In a few years, no one will remember Nijisanji. All current talents will be old women (hagchads we can't stop winning) and probably no one of this current generation will remain, apart from Gura, who is still active but won't stream.
All of the events and madness that has happened this week are a mere footnote in internet history that will most likely be forgotten by most but a few of us.
So tell me, why are we still here, despite it not being "worth pursuing"?
Because we are dramaniggers

>> No.68608602

Search archives for "Lex Luthor"
I can't disclose more
Good luck in your search for answers anon, be safe!

>> No.68608727

She can walk perfectly fine, but she uses a wheelchair when she's at home because she likes the way it feels and has fun rolling around the house.

>> No.68608889

she drives and walks Animol so it never really had legs (pun not intended). IIRC the origin was that she couldn't adjust her camera easily so her live2d looked scuffed

>> No.68609009
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>> No.68609066

It's not. Looking in the archives, it's a combination of her being cagey about Animol being a dog, and her stiff early motion capture which people rrated into her being too low for it to pick her up.

>> No.68609132


In the photos she has published on social media before joined hololive, in more than one it is possible to see her accompanied by a service dog.

>> No.68609431


>> No.68609455

>it's a combination of her being cagey about Animol being a dog
what does this even mean in the context of mumei using a wheelchair or not

>> No.68609536

she rarely pisses her bed for sure and has discussed this (potentially because of mobility issues like needing a wheelchair to get to the bathroom, according to some rrats)

>> No.68609624

rrat was that animal was a service dog

>> No.68609699

Service dog. I've seen it mentioned but still no proof
Man she is so cute
Thanks for the heads up, it seems like Luthorposting was a big thing back then lel

>> No.68610039

That's because it's not. Mumei was literally autistically trying to hide it because of op sec.

You notice how she's a lit more relaxed now?

>> No.68610251
File: 355 KB, 664x780, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is the big oppai the falsest part of this image?

>> No.68610417 [DELETED] 

>Mumei was literally autistically trying to hide it because of op sec.
you don't actually believe this when all of her old socials are still up and public? she has some of the worst opsec in hololive

>> No.68610652

I said autistically, I didn't say intelligently. Plus hiding that it's a dog makes it easier to post dog pics on her other socials.

>> No.68610702


>> No.68611263 [DELETED] 

She got fucked by her boyfriend so hard her pelvis broke and had a literally mind-numbing orgasm
You can delete this thread now jannies

>> No.68611621


>> No.68611753

Look for the oldest post that mentions Mumei, and do your archive reps yourself next time.
That said, that she was kind of retarded/disabled is a bit of an older rrat than this specific one because of how clueless and insecure she seemed during the first streams.

>> No.68611820

>>68611753 (me)
Not the oldest post that mentions her but the oldest post about her, to be precise.

>> No.68611877 [DELETED] 


>> No.68611899

She sucked at keeping her retardation in check on debut and acted very demure and seemingly sheltered. So people made up the rrat she was recovering from a crippling accident in a country village

>> No.68612251

Sort of true.

The truth anons of which I am privy due to knowing who Mumei actually is:
She is missing one leg below the knee. When she joined Hololive she was still recovering and had only just started using a prosthetic.
Animal is a service dog sort of. He's one who failed training but got given to Mumei because he was able to help her with a few things especially when she was stuck in the wheelchair and could get help if it was needed.
Also taking him for walks forced her to grow more accustomed to her prosthetic.
If you're wondering why animal failed his service dog certification its because he can't shut up. He's a very intelligent and well trained but also vocal and excitable dog.

She is now pretty comfortable on her prosthetic and has done her own motion tracking for 3D collabs and events except for the first one where a staff member had to fill in at short notice due to issues with airport security confiscating her leg and accidentally breaking it while searching it for drugs.

>> No.68612304

I always wondered what the hell was up with that. Like why wouldn't she just say it was a dog? Did she think "girl with dog" was going to doxx herself?

>> No.68612395

she was so autistic when bae called it a dog in japanese she chimed in to say not a dog

>> No.68612533

kek really?

>> No.68612644


>> No.68612905


>> No.68613649


>> No.68616360

>Did she think "girl with dog" was going to doxx herself
That's exactly what she thought. We're talking about the girl who was scared to say she was in college for months even though everyone knew that's what she meant by civilization duties

>> No.68617201

How did Bae and Towa immediately understand that Mumei is having an autistic moment right then and there? Does this mean that she is discussed behind the scenes how she could get pretty autistic sometimes and to just brush it off?

>> No.68618285

why would they take her leg and break it?

>> No.68618387

I've seen the prosthetic leg rrat a lot, is there anything on how she lost it? It's unusual for a girl mumei's age to be missing a leg if they weren't just born without one

>> No.68618486

holy owltism

>> No.68618590

he explained that. They were search it for drugs, meaning they tried to open something that isn't supposed to be opened and broke it.

>> No.68618979

Judging by the fact that recovery is mentioned? Probably some kind of accident
There are very very few instances where they'd amputate a leg. Something like cancer or severe tissue damage caused by necrosis or something. Those are options. Diabetes is a common one in the USA.
But about half of all amputations are traumatic ones though meaning they occur as a result of severe injury to the limb.

>> No.68619543

Watch Mumei's wolf quest streams and all will be revealed.

>> No.68619911

People smuggle drugs in prosthetic legs?

>> No.68620158

she drives a car so the rrat is slayed

>> No.68620193

There is no relation between what people and what the TSA think people do.

>> No.68620438

You can drive without legs.
Specially adapted cars are a thing.

>> No.68622288

She asked Selen "who had an attempt" to come to her home and not the way around.
Selen went without a second thought and they spent the night together watching twilight.

>> No.68622617

During debut you could hear chains jangling in the background. Anons joked that she was in a harness or traction and she was weirdly cagey about animol so the rrat is Animol is a service dog and she uses a wheelchair. It's great because of how stupid it is

>> No.68622724

did Mumei pee on her too?
Or is that just on other asian girls?

>> No.68622941

idk but disabled girls are more empathetic

>> No.68623607

Also easier to catch when they try to flee.

>> No.68623769

She has, but it was actually a few years ago, not this time.

>> No.68624524

>forcing a girl who had just survived a suicide attempt to binge the entire Twilight saga
Why is she like this

>> No.68624677

No, it’s all kayfabe. Presumably as the embodiment of civilization her animal companion symbolizes all animal companions to humans, so it’s like an amalgamation rather than just a dog. It’s The Animal, basically.
Same with civilization duties, it keeps the kayfabe going. Everyone knows what it means just as everyone knows what an idol meeting is. Pretty much all of EN use idol meeting to keep kayfabe, and many other talents use alt names for cities and their sidejobs as well.

>> No.68626055

Has literally nothing to do with Mumei doxxfag

>> No.68626525

Yes, Mumei has a wheelchair
It's my fault because we fucked so hard she couldn't feel her legs for three weeks

>> No.68628410

I made this post

>> No.68630078


>> No.68630138

why would it be bad she is in a wheelchair?

>> No.68630147

You can't even get her dog's gender right, but that's some nice fanfiction anon

>> No.68630206

she isn't like crippled cripple. she just can't walk or stand for long periods of time. not everyone who uses a wheel chair is in the chair 24 hours a day

>> No.68630215

Mumei is just into watersports.

>> No.68630400

>she drives
you can get cars that people who don't have legs can drive. Also mumei can use her legs, she just cant walk or stand for long periods so she needs her chair.
>and walks Animol
she hooks animol up to the front on a harness like how a slay dog or horse carriage works

>> No.68630573

Mumei intentionally pissed the bed during an off collab with Bae when they were both in japan

>> No.68630692

Gura refused to say her cat's gender because of opsec. because she kept saying it or they or something weird. also I think she says he now, but the color she described only occurs in female cats and cats with cat down syndrome

>> No.68630745

Clearly it's a sled dog.

>> No.68630821

>and acted very demure and seemingly sheltered.
didn't her mom not let her eat ketchup because she thought it was too fatty? literally every mumei story involves both her and her mom being autistic as fuck

>> No.68630918

it was being looked at as a crucial litmus test related to her PL and she knew that so was trying to put off confirming it, even though that's dumb because it'd very quickly be known that it wasn't a cat as soon as it barked.

>> No.68630925

Mumei literally got diagnosed with autism and wrote about it multiple times on her other twitter even after joining hololive

>> No.68631001

As a mechanic, they have rods set up so you can accelerate and brake with one hand and still steer with the other using a clamp with a ball or rotating disc. You can also still use the pedals normally

>> No.68631103

Anon it's as open as Mori being Moist Critikal it can't be hidden anymore.

>> No.68631109

that was around council's 6 month anniversary, so I would assume bae would know she is autistic

>> No.68631197

car accident

>> No.68631260

there are wheelchair users who drive cars. Also mumei can use her legs, she just can't stand or walk for long periods of time

>> No.68631310

katawa shoujo made me a cripplesexual

>> No.68631372

Who was you favorite, Hisao?

>> No.68631418

ADHD not autism, threadreader

>> No.68631481

and mumei intentionally peed the bed

>> No.68631499

based. I wonder if ksgg is still active

>> No.68631527

That's it? She says "inu ja nai" and that's autism?

>> No.68631557


>> No.68631620

I do find it weird that Mumei streams and plays games with a wi-fi connection.
She says she hates having cables around her house.

>> No.68631692

Animol hates cables. She was already chewing through her wi-fi connection the other day.
Yes her Animol can do that.

>> No.68631813

girls get diagnosed with ADHD when they are autistic because no one diagnoses girls with autism

>> No.68631959

Mumei is so obviously riddled with unmedicated ADHD that it was obvious way before it was confirmed. The girl can hardly finish a single complete thought or stay focused for more than 90 seconds at once.

>> No.68632218

>women being in charge of raising dogs
never had this issue. my dog only destroys her own toys

>> No.68632291

>she tweeted about reading a book on how to make it work for you instead of taking meds and then got mad the book didn't help

>> No.68632506

Holobros, why the fuck are your rrats so wholesome?

>> No.68632609


>> No.68632626

based owl, shes just like me fr
I feel like I've had this exact conversation like 2 days ago, why do you keep pushing this obviously falsifiable mumei was diagnosed with autism rrat?

>> No.68632648

She's literally me

>> No.68633235

Oh god, you made me check, how the fuck are they at almost 4000?

>> No.68633626

yes, she marked her as her territory

>> No.68634092

members' stream

>> No.68634155

how the fuck do they still have things to talk about? kinda happy it's still going tho, I still talk to some friends I met from there back when it was still in double digits. Just went to one guy's wedding last year lol

>> No.68634293


>> No.68634361

Owltistic thank you very much

>> No.68634461

they sell bitterant for cables...and dogs are fucking easy to train. I trained my little shit when she was still a kitten. before she got a taste of half a bottle of bitterant poured all over the back of my computer, it was her favorite place to be.
>sit in the warm exhaust
>chew on cables
>ruin things
Now? I'd say she treats cables like snakes, but she'll actually fuck a snake up, to the point that I have to go and get her if I think it might be venomous. What was it...red on yellow killed a fellow, red on black is a good jack? She'll fuck with coral snakes (or king snakes) but a USB cable is the big bad.

>> No.68634735

They smuggle drugs in dead babies sewn into woman's stomach anon, prosthetic got nothing on it

>> No.68635138
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I was /here/ when this rrat started, it was unironically just someone who thought it would be funny to bait people with it. Then /who/ made up a couple of things to try and give it some credibility, like the anon who made a 'map' of Mumei's room based on the sound and concluded she was in fact in a wheelchair, that one was pretty funny
