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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68563198 No.68563198 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, smartass gaijin. What would you have done?

>> No.68563404

At the very least raped Petra and Rosemi before running my company into the ground over petty highschool level drama.

>> No.68563418

Did my job as a manager and made sure all the perms were in order 2 weeks before the release of the song AT THE MINIMUM

>> No.68563490

Hire actual english speakers to manage the english branch.
Make sure these managers are actually competent and care about their job and the people they're managing.

>> No.68563584

Not cheap out on management, for one.

>> No.68563606

Not ignore talents until they feel the need to do everything on their own

>> No.68563615

I would actually destroy Selen in APEX and assert my superiority. She would instantly bow down in the face of my dominance and not even think about graduating.

>> No.68563631

fire selen earlier

>> No.68563684

At the very least, put out a generic termination notice instead of the shit we got.

>> No.68563725

Not hired Indians to run management.

>> No.68563738

Okay, so let's preface with this: ignore everything. Not ignore everything in the sense of "I do not see the drama, it does not happen", but ignore everything as in (you) should ignore every single thing that has happened for the case of my argument.

First, I would never make that IR statement.
Second, I would never ever make that IR statement.
Third, I would never EVER make that fucking IR statement.
Fourth, and this one will really shock you, is holy fucking shit good lord in Heaven almighty from the stars above I would never
make that stupid fucking IR statement.

>> No.68563775

Hire managers that have experience tardwrangling faggots and menheras.

>> No.68563805

Mental check my applicants before hiring them.
Not letting mentally ill women run anything.

>> No.68563872

I don't know don't be a greedy pig and treat my talents like human beings instead of single use cattle. All while still making a fuckton of money.

>> No.68563939

not buy a fucking yacht?
and also actually run the EN branch properly instead of sitting on my ass all day and letting dumb high school drama bullshit destroy my shit from the inside

>> No.68564018

Fuck off Selen. Actually kys

>> No.68564101

Why does his smile look so weird? Looks like someone carved it out of a pumpkin.

>> No.68564193

>unironic NDF troon
lmao, how the fuck do you subhumans even exist?

>> No.68564216

Actually paid and helped talents.

>> No.68564296

My job. That would already put me ahead of 90% of the company.

>> No.68564416

Maybe Riku is a victim in all of this, the management and talents run his company to the ground and he's the one loosing money and getting the blame

>> No.68564718

The second I got word about this bullying shit or from the second fuck POMU of all people wanted to leave I would have had a meeting with her and ask why personally. Then shitcan all the related managers publically and debut a gen of characters with nautical themes and make a yacht joke during it.

Then I'd marry Millie because she loves me so much and I can fix her

>> No.68564751

You can't be a victim if you have the power and responsibility to not let it happen and you are the CEO of a company. Accountability is important in situations like this and the central decision make should be making decisions to improve his company and not let others drag it down.

>> No.68564769

Unironically this could be true. He probably just sits in his office playing games while paying other people to do the hard work. Based.

>> No.68564808

1) Look up to Motoaki Tanigo and emulate what he does, aim for a long lasting legacy and not be a high time preference nigger that's in it just to make some quick bucks
2) Either go public but keep an absolute majority of the shares or keep the company private.

>> No.68564842

>retard can't even write the word idol
>is the ceo of the company
no wonder it's all going to shit

>> No.68564883

Don't character assassinate her in the termination tweet, that's literally all you had to do. Even if you think she's misrepresenting you or slandering you or whatever, you don't need to blow your ammo on the opening shot. Being magnanimous at first makes it more impactful even when you finally do decide to go after her.

>> No.68565016

Hire actual management and give the talents a fair share of the money what fucking else, this isn't rocket science

>> No.68565128

I would've tried poaching experienced managers and talent scouts. I also would've added a mandatory psyche evaluation for all members

>> No.68565569

>L-leave niji a-alone

>> No.68565685

Hire good managers. Fire bullies.

>> No.68566118

I can't believe he's been kidnapped or blackmailed by one of the talents. But who could it be?

>> No.68567051


>> No.68567471

>Hire actual english speakers to manage the english branch.
I'm not even sure if language or understand of the culture is the problem for the manager here, I believe the management is down right retard or nepotism hire.

>> No.68567527

I would have raped Petra and left before anyone could find out.

>> No.68567569

Immediately investigate clique allegations and suspend bad actors when necessary

>> No.68568707

reputation is beyond saving in EN tazumi-san, reviving someone who got his head chopped is easier at this point
time for a fresh start in nijiVN with enna and millie as the managers surely nothing will go wrong! i suggest 3% cut for the first wave..i know i know its 50% higher than the usual cut but we can put very small little detail that we can change it to 1% anytime!

>> No.68568867

Have sex.

>> No.68568967
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Either get English speaking management for the English speaking branch or just don't bother starting one in the first place

>> No.68569001

lower my earnings as a CEO by 10% and that alone would pay for multiple new employee in managerial positions

>> No.68569041

hire a hitman and take out the trash

>> No.68569117

Don't let pajeets infest the management position for starters
These by the book fuckers will burn your company to the ground since they're thick retards that don't know subtext

>> No.68569844

-If i am Japanese and dont speak English i would hire an experienced director who can speak both English and Japanese
-perform an internal review of the EN branch and work together with the new director to identify the problems
-replace all the staff that that only knows one language
-study global trends and apply them on how the EN branch will perform
-do a comprehensive tweet of all the talent discord logs to identify the problematic livers and send them to an education camp under the guise of stealth suspension
-keep male and female interaction and collabs to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM

>> No.68571736

why petra, why not pomu?

>> No.68571841

Make sure Selen actually dies and try to pin all the bullying on Zaion somehow

>> No.68572006

If I can’t start before taking down the song I’d just take Selen’s offer for a low key letting her go rather than droppingn3 pages that make me look like a dipshit.

>> No.68572546
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>> No.68572570
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Let's assume we still hire the same livers.
This >>68563584 should have been their priority.

But I think that they shouldn't have gone to the twitch-clique mode of operation on their streams.
Watch a stream? High chance some liver will popup on the VC.

>> No.68572652

name 2 female vtubers who aren't mentally ill

>> No.68572993


>> No.68573081

Make Selen's fat ass go on a diet because that's part of what's contributing to her dpression

>> No.68573757

It a start up, 100% nepo
t. Nepo hire for a tech start up

>> No.68573843
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Sex with Pomu.

>> No.68574080

I'd conduct the interviews for new female livers in person.

>> No.68575430

Sell the yacht and pay artists for their work.

>> No.68575471

We would literally be no better.

>> No.68575860

Not hired western women.

>> No.68576396

>Selen's fat ass

H-how fat are we talking?

>> No.68576880

What pajeets? What are you talking about? The guy in charge of EN talent management is a jap who barely speaks English.

>> No.68576938

plap scarle

>> No.68576991

Just say you are doing an internal investigation and then do nothing

>> No.68577246

Offer 4%

>> No.68577357

Not letting the Indians run the EN branch.

>> No.68578009

let her have that cup of coffee and none of this wouldve happened

>> No.68581270

Not treat my talents like fucking dogshit, ya rat fuck

>> No.68581289
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Maybe not fuck over your talent on Christmas of all days, for starters

>> No.68581492

Allowed Selen to post the coffee video even with Nina and Mystia in it.
And Nijisanji looks good allowing their talents access to assets OWNED BUY NIJSANJI ANYWAYS

Its not like the graduated talents can complain anyways.
>Selen doesn't self die
>She keeps making money for the company
>Selen believes maybe there's hope in the corporation
>Get to beat her down and siphon more money off her.

And even if she leaves then we graduate her like pomu and then A C C E L E R A T E

>> No.68583481
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Keep my lead talents on lol
You wanna do that project? Go ahead Selen.
You want a raise Pomu, aight we'll give 98% because you keep people watching NijiEN
A harem of manservant sexslaves who feed you caviar sushi with their toes? We can finagle that, Nina. Just keep making me money because you pay all of our paychecks.

>> No.68586166

Wire all of the company money to Rosemi, dissolve the company and then kill myself

>> No.68587834

Him having gone to his cunny yacht for a couple of days then checking his emails and finding out management nosedived his stock is believable.

>> No.68588031

Just claim she broke NDA and refuse to provide any further explanation.

>> No.68589121

Copy Cover

>> No.68589217

why does he look like he's wearing a mask of his own face

>> No.68589405
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>> No.68589418

Not before inviting all of middle management to a yacht party and C4ing it

>> No.68589434
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Not shit the bed.

>> No.68589519

Not bully a talent to suicide, barring that let her graduate like she asked

>> No.68589576

Actually investigate the allegations of bullying. Deal with the sources of said issue. Hire actual managers for the position and additional staff to get things done right the first time.

At the very least, if only to throw a curve ball, mail her the play button as a token apology for how things went down.

>> No.68589696
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1. Get rid of all the Western shit-stirrers immediately. 1 graduation per month is more damaging than throwing out all of the dirt at once. So we can start again with a clean slate.
2. Hire new management and ensure better communication, but also monitor the talents better to prevent them from yabbing. No more mods from outside, no more discords that isn't monitored.
3. Give the remaining EN a big opportunity, like a 3D live.
4. Make them learn Japanese so they can be included in the main events
5. Form a unit of EN that does music like the JPs

>> No.68589725

Was this confirmed by anyone? 1-2% is legit a scam.

>> No.68591894
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Replace the entirety of my staff with a troop of chimpanzees. They not only cost less, they also won't be stupid enough to release this message

>> No.68593324

Fired Selen without making the announcement 3 pages long?
Dumb faggot CEO with a shit-eating grin

>> No.68594623

Don't hire anyone that's chinese.

>> No.68594785

What an unpleasant face, he should hire a standin for starters so people don't associate his company with his punchable mug.

>> No.68594855

I'm Riku? Rope and save the company.

>> No.68594875

so fat that no one was being a sexpest to her

>> No.68594910
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>> No.68594932

This, I wrote this.Adding to this I'd body her in any FPS GAME, including her favorites in Overwatch and Apex, and make her Naked Dogeza everytime.

>> No.68594977

Dont hire SEAniggers to run your branch
Dont hire chinks as managers
Dont hire SEAniggers as talents for your "EN" branch

>> No.68595128

I admire your vision, the management and the yacht will be C4'd after I insure it in your name, you'll know what to do with it

>> No.68595969

Is he wearing a wig?

>> No.68596178

>Not post that termination notice
>Launch an investigation involving closed 1v1 interviews with each EN member where they can freely speak their heart about genmates and management. Possibly even in a way that anonymises them.
>Alternatively make an anonymous survey
>Fire whatever management fucked up and replace them with twice as many competent people
>Not be a colossal retard
Tbf it already took a long time of shit management to get here, but there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.68598299

They're probably referring to the rrat that Noor was talent-manager for some of the ENs for a while after the IN-branch imploded.

>> No.68598328

Stopped hiring after the golden 20

>> No.68599190

Bully the other talents instead

>> No.68599243

Trim my fingernails, start working out and 3 lines of coke

>> No.68599667

He's not a manager you fucking nigger monkey. He's just the CEO, owner of this circus. He knows jack fucking shit about what's happening and will notice it just at the end of year when his finance consultant will inform him about loses.
Speak of that, best he can do is closing EN branch, wait year or two and try again, this time hiring people knowing what they are doing.

>> No.68599944

I would fire the entire en management team, they are incompetent. She has been working on this for a year. How come perms weren't ready after all that time?

>> No.68601525

And this isn't a fortune 500 companys, so there shouldn't be too many layers of management between him and NijisanjiEN. At best, there's one between him and the EN branch manager who then has the talents' managers beneath him. And if that whole part is bleeding talents, he should absolutely know about it and possibly get involved.

>> No.68601613

He said "aren't mentally ill"

>> No.68602454

I would probably impregnate all girls and fire all the boys. We will live in the 99% yacht while Nijicucks keeps funding us for child support.

>> No.68602649

Since the mainlander fujos already dropped the guys this plan would probably work out with minimal losses.
We already know nijinogs will support being cucked, they have the most noteworthy cuck schizo on the board after all.

>> No.68602726

What nips do best - apologize

>> No.68603685

I will make that Niji Family come true at last :)

>> No.68603753


>> No.68603821

Honestly this, I don't know why corpos are so intent on scrubbing all traces of graduated vtubers from everything

>> No.68603848

I would have gotten plastic surgery for those eyes at the very least.

>> No.68604426

how will roping save the company? Everyone below him is even more retarded

>> No.68604606

Berate Selen for being obese. Force her to sit on my face as punishment.

>> No.68605055

I think I would dump all the dirt I have on Selen on 4chan pretending to be an anonymous leaker. Just to avoid suspicion I would probably start by dumping something retarded like an autist spilling his spaghetti on discord in front of one of the girls I hired. Just to get people used to leaks coming out and to make it less obvious that I am leaking the dirt on Selen. Good job Riku keep it up and bury that bitch.

>> No.68605437

When will Riku pull a Johnny & Associates?

>> No.68605881

She never was though. Noor got hired as a technical expert and didn't manage talents. She sat on an interview once. But she long since left niji way before this garbage happened. This shit was because they hired a music producer who had no talent management experience to manage all of EN. Hes Japanese not Indian.

>> No.68606651

Not buy a yacht for starters invest the money back into the talents and business for starters

>> No.68608134

Riku can barely speak english, how can he masquerade as an authentic /vt/ poster?

>> No.68609204

>Get to beat her down and siphon more money off her.
People who run companies like this don't think that deeply about how best to inflict pain. They just squeeze the workers harder because they think that's how you make more money.

>> No.68609296


>> No.68610292

Selen isn't chinese, she's canadian

>> No.68610403

Good morning NDF commander

>> No.68610515

introduce official NijiEN sex merch

>> No.68610563

But, Noor is Indian...

>> No.68610588

50% is a godsend you greedy bitch.

>> No.68610996

Mysta, Kuzuha, etc

>> No.68611191

Hire actually competent people who can actually speak ENGLISH to manage your ENGLISH Branch.

>> No.68611549

You mean if I was in his place?
I would have let Selen(and Pomu) do their projects and make me more money.

>> No.68613118

but they weren't making money...

>> No.68613140
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Seriously though
What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.68613594

He has to die first, and he's in his late twenties. No one dared to speak up against Johnny until he died

>> No.68613644

Not like it was costing Niji any money though.

>> No.68614505

Reputation is money in itself. I think Doki's more than proven that

>> No.68616090

Oh please, the impact of her firing was negligible >>68613140

>> No.68616335

Fire ethyria ages ago

>> No.68617063

Support talents and their achievements.
Don't keep play buttons from them.

>> No.68617724

>understand that you talents attempted at suicide
>inform public that she is under medical care and will be for some time
>in the meantime conduct an inner-circle investigation from the livers, everyone providing their opinion on the suicide attempt
>some time passes, Selen is now stable and able to speak. ask her why this has happened
>listen to her statement
>listen and accept her resignation
>announce resignation to public with saying that there is a group of people that has bullied her to doing this and that there will be consequences
>fire current management
>find out who said group of people are
>immediately terminate their activity, announce this to the public
>promise to public that the rest and any upcoming livers will undergo a special workplace training which is anti-bully
>said training will take 2 weeks, so announce a 2-week break for all of EN
>hire new competent management
>announce of replacing the old management with new, more competent one

What does this achieve?
>public is contempt with Niji burning the witches publically
>other vtubers/viewers/artists etc. will be convinced that niji is against workspace bullying and supports content creation of all sorts via proper management
>investors will be swayed by the public opinion and will not sell

Literally all you had to do was not be a money-hungry, cock-slurping, evil and shady faggot.
It's so easy, even people that don't have any managerial skills could accomplish it

>> No.68618070

Also forgot, provide the public with an official apology which states that it is your own personal fault for hiring incompetent management which were one of the main reason for letting livers behave in a toxic workspace manner.
Always take the blame

>> No.68618288

Not rape if they want it.

>> No.68619325

sold anycolor to covercorp and got out

>> No.68619363

would you rape a woman with 1 tit?

>> No.68620857
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I hate it when anons post this image without the full context

>> No.68621752

Flown somebody from HR out to the hospital to talk to Selen, to at least look like Nijisanji cared. Even if she's fired after that, at least the termination letter could claim they made a legitimate effort to compromise in the face of hardship.

I sure as hell wouldn't have made a "she broke muh rules" post unless I'm 100% certain no bullying or toxic management occurred, because nobody will care about Nijisanji's rules if they only exist to protect crooks.

>> No.68622145

Blamed the jews

>> No.68622394

Idk just separate the ones who just want to be streamers and the ones who want to do more like idol shit. Group budget for events, if they go over then it comes out of their pockets. Depending on how much the events made budget increases.

>> No.68622559

Thank you for providing context, i was so confused.

>> No.68622673
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>> No.68624075

Literal 1984.

>> No.68624516

Hire competent management and not hire f*male talents.

>> No.68624941

I would have endured his ruthless, sadistic torture methods as a prisoner in a 1944 Japanese POW camp while hiding my precious family heirloom wristwatch in my ass until I died of dysentery.

Seriously, dude just looks fucking evil and always has even before black company talk.

>> No.68625168

i unirionically think this would have led to less bullshit.
but they got away with the zion manifesto and they tought they could get away with it again.

>> No.68626452

Did he really deserve to be betrayed like this? After everything he gave the EN branch?

>> No.68627933

This [REDACTED] gave me a thought. I wonder if any vtuber has an FBI file...

>> No.68627976

Just let her graduate peacefully, was it really so hard?

>> No.68628588

it didn't even need a graduation just mutual termination of contract

>> No.68629278

This but with Pomu, Nina, Selen, and Rosemi. Also making Enna fuck dogs.

>> No.68631061

Why does everyone hate Enna all of a sudden?

>> No.68631344

Because they are run by people. And people get way too emotionally invested. Whoever was the one who said no was butthurt.

>> No.68632631

Literally this. You pile on too many accusations at once while not taking any accountability of your own on top of having a wave of talent graduations and people are going to snuff out your bullshit.

>> No.68635147

It's kind of funny how they have taken the transparency principle, which is good in itself, but forgot you actually need to do good, so you don't seem like a complete asshole.

>> No.68635254

Why not have a graduate? What harm is it to keep up appearances?

>> No.68635278

>itt retard.
The only non-retard answer is fired the upper-management and replace them. Any other answer is just plain retard. Do you think he directly control the En branch? I doubt he even directly manage the main branch.

>> No.68635283

That clarifies a lot, thanks anon!

>> No.68635594

This one is clean. Probably add something along the lines of "we take our liver's health seriously".
What is the management thinking showing all that dirty laundry like "we don't do no wrong" lmao. Grow some balls and take some responsibility as a company.

>> No.68635857

Rawdog Scarle relentlessly and furiusly while forcing Aster to watch everything, then shoot load after load until her whole vagina can no longer contain the unholy ammounts of love juice, then I'll save the vid on my phone and blackmail her to do anything I want for the rest of her life.

>> No.68635985

Most likely he found out over social media a few days after.

>> No.68637090

is some niji manager trying to find a way to salvage their shitty reputation by fishing for solutions here?

>> No.68637396

probably some zoomer intern kek
OP's replies sounds so invested on this situation
who have the time for this shit

>> No.68637888

Literally that easy, huh?

>> No.68639549

are you implying they omit the accusations or that they redact them in a way that makes them look lengthy and detailed?

>> No.68640508

"Dear Fans:
We regret to inform you that Anycolor/NijisanjiEN will not be renewing our contract with Selen Tatsuki. We have come to this decision after discussion with the talent and agreed that our company is not the place where she will best be able to realize her creative goals. While we are saddened to see her go, we wish her the best with her future endeavors.
Please come to her graduation stream on XX/XX, after which time memberships will be closed and her content will remain available for her fans, present and future, to enjoy."
Not all that hard, is it? HR 101 should have taught you that when you have an employee-employer (or contractor) dispute, the less you say to the public the better off you are. And PR 101 should have taught you make it seem like you're parting on good terms even if you aren't.

>> No.68640628

holy shit... what an improvement. What were they smoking with the rest of it? A personal grudge?

>> No.68641093

Most likely. It was probably written by the very manager that was in on the bullying. Or it shows that they know jack shit about how to actually manage a company, because otherwise they'd know that you do not air your dirty laundry for the world to see.

>> No.68641794

If they are ESLs and not European at least, they should not be managing a bunch of Americans and Canadians. Some Indian or Chinese fucker is not even fucking close to understanding us and fucking never will be.

>> No.68642573


>> No.68643221

The translation disclaimer is longer than the contents kek

>> No.68643362

Shes a Chinese Canadian, even worse. Need to deport that bitch.

>> No.68643814

Either works. The accusations are what made this fly so hard. Because, to the general public, it reads like nijisanji admitting to everything. To lots of people it reads as follows "we screwed over selen, harassed her parents and then didn't address her problems. Afterwards, we fired her. PS: She was negligible."

>> No.68644461

Depends on if she financed the merch herself or if HL did, as HL gives the option for you to pay for more risky merch ventures, whereas they cover the easy money merch like tshirts, basic mousepads, body pillows, etc.

>> No.68645935

It's like they forgot that the reason transparency usually brings good will is because it reveals good stuff about the company, and not because you're transparent. It reminds me of the great leap forward where Mao read that increased steel output is a sign of an advanced economy, so he thought that if all the farmers stopped farming and started making steel in backyard furnaces China will become an advanced economy, only to end up with a massive famine and a bunch of useless pig iron that needs to be reprocessed in a proper steel facility. Literal ass on head retardation

>> No.68646846


>> No.68648117

>Dont hire SEAniggers to run your branch
Isn't the one who runs the HoloEN branch a SEA?
Works just fine, even better than their previous one

>> No.68649625

The funniest things that came out because of this are they are so incompetent, the company looks like literal children are running it.
>Lack of communication resulting in delays in payment to artists
It was them who kept delaying the payment, so much so that Selen paid them out of her own pocket.
They are also so incompetent, multiple artists haven't signed the NDA because they keep fucking up their names.
Lily and her producer gave the perms in 2022.
>Toxic environment accusation
Skipped up saying anything about this and went straight to blaming her.
>Making Selen clear their name
Outed themselves that they kept calling and pestering her while in the hospital.

>> No.68649988
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I'm starting to believe the rrat that their manager are pajeets.
From stories I heard from my co-workers about their previous companies, pajeets have high pride and love to power trip when they reach a higher position.

>> No.68650324

that's not a rrat its been proven that Noor was a EN branch lead

>> No.68653948

I don't follow Nijisanji, what happened on Christmas?

>> No.68656391

Nothing of substance

>> No.68657598

Selen Christmas present to her fans got stolen by the niji grinch

>> No.68657848

The sad truth is that no matter what we do, Nijisanji has thousands more retarded JP fans who think that their company is the golden calf, and that anything they do is in the right

>> No.68659012 [DELETED] 
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>> No.68659551

It really was that easy, Kurosanji. Don't need a communications degree to know airing dirty laundry is terrible PR.

>> No.68662175

Give up

>> No.68662296

The tougher the enemy, the sweeter the victory

>> No.68664805

>le too big to fail

>> No.68666699

Yes. Brave Group have even bigger apocalyptic event that killed the whole industry and now they are third biggest vtuber in scene.

>> No.68666834

Fuck Selen. Grab her belly. Then give her a 5% cut of her earnings instead of just 2%.

>> No.68670224

Why not 50% like Hololive?

>> No.68670498

>hardcore favoritism
>building a pseudo-caste system
>parasitizing middle management until it's staffed wholly by your co-ethnic nepo hires
>unhinged rage when cornered
>sex harassment
>lack of basic English
>unthinkable lack of competence (unable to even get names right)

Nevermind JP work culture. I smell -may God forgive me for uttering this word- Pajeets.

>> No.68670774

And they said physiognomy was a pseudoscience.
