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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68303833 No.68303833 [Reply] [Original]

cheese edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Specialite (Feb 11/Women Only): https://specialite.games/en/audition/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay hydrated, stay warm

Previous thread: >>68252887

>> No.68304173

Are ya winning /asp/ies?

>> No.68304281

I am, fin fin. Thanks for asking.

>> No.68304429

awsome! I found myself in the rat doodles

>> No.68304427
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Haru's streaming MGS Ghost Babel!

>> No.68304746

tysm for using the magma. I loved my stream and I'm really proud of everything everyone did. I feel a little silly drawing a manatee when everyone did such cool other stuff (though I am happy with my drawing of mustbroke). I'll get better at drawing Must's character I promise.

>> No.68304805

If you see this, tonight I will throw up onstream, I feel like the fucking shit

>> No.68304820

I'd rather kill myself than draw in an aggie and get my art made fun of

>> No.68304970
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Still playing the new Yakuza!

>> No.68305001
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TOMORROW YES TOMORROW my shitty debut xd

>> No.68305103

Oh he is flopping hard today

>> No.68305570

I just had the possibility to lurk, but very very enjoyable it was all to hear You enjoying it all charley! I hope you can keep finding such enjoyment in streaming like you did today, little rat boy!

>> No.68305590

How are we all doing this eventful evening?

>> No.68305631

>being a streamer
>being afraid of being made fun of

wrong hobby, install tinder for your daiting needs and quit now you are absolutely NGMI

>> No.68306136

Vtubing is an environment where people will criticize you for literally any, every, or no reason at all. If you can't learn to filter bad faith criticism, or parley it into something else, you are unironically NGMI.

>> No.68306226

I love when people talk shit about me. Its my kink

>> No.68306245


>> No.68306426

It sure took them a while to start shittalking me. It's pretty cool ngl.

>> No.68306427

Praise is my kink

>> No.68306496
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Local stone man plays a shmup to forget the year 1999, if only for a moment

>> No.68306634

Im not falling for this again, last time I praised someone here I got creeped out by the replies

>> No.68306942

You're pretty good.
You're pretty bad.

And you're both welcome.

>> No.68307096

pal, unless you have a previous fanbase too, the debut will only be with aspies.

>> No.68307299

People rarely crab me and when they do it's disappointing. Please crab me harder crab-chan I can barely get a boner

>> No.68308309
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Ok question: let's say I want to commission an artist for a VTuber design, and wish for that design to become my own possession (aka I hold all rights related to it for its use etc.). I think you'd need to sign a contract with that artist, saying that they're going to transfer all rights related to the use of that design to their customer? Do artists that deal with VTuber design / modeling usually have these kind of contracts ready? No way, right? So I have to draft it myself?

>> No.68308466

just ask about commercial licensing you sperg

>> No.68308490

this is why you commission someone with mental illness or the Tricolor of bad opinions in there bio so when they off themselves you get the rights without paying

>> No.68308752

I go through fiver and buy commercial rights but you can ask most artists to buy it outright. There are talented people here, that do art

>> No.68309038

No no, I want to buy all rights related to the design. Besides, wouldn't I need for both parties to sign a contract even for commercial licensing?

>I go through fiver and buy commercial rights but you can ask most artists to buy it outright.
I really want to commission a specific artist, so, yeah. They're quite experienced, so I'll ask them if they have a contract ready, otherwise I'll draft it myself with the help of an expert.

>> No.68309051

delightfully devilish

>> No.68309127

thats fine for now, i dont plan on getting much attention over night. i plan on editing my streams into youtube videos on the process of what im making. there will be scuff but it's a work in progress and im sure that i'll be able to deal with it

>> No.68309179

I’ve lurked on 4chan for a decade but never posted. Just started trying to stream a year ago and just wanted to ask a really dumb question. I’m a textile artist (so generally not digital art) who is struggling to set up commissions because I’ve seen super conflicting info on the legality of fan art stuff. What’s the expected set up for like commissioned fan art? Do I need to be worried lmao this feels like a dumb question but I seriously can’t find any answers. I know this is more for stream questions but since I stream my commissions I thought I’d ask

>> No.68309571

Is it even fan art if you are getting paid for it?
Leaving that aside you need to research other similar artists, some retards might tell you that you can't put a pricetag on art but they are coping, either ask other similar artists about prices by acting like a potential commissioner or go with what you'd think you would pay for you art, if it's too high you can always lower it.

>> No.68309590

You won't be breaking any laws as long as the people commissioning fan art of others are not using the art for commercial purposes

>> No.68309596

>legality of monetizing fan art
Not sure if you're asking about that, but it really depends, based on where the company that developed a certain design is located and the company guidelines themselves. In Japan's case, most companies are content with letting small circles and indipendent creators create "fan art" and even commercialize it, to a smaller degree. But as soon as you're not a circle or an independent artist anymore (you're a business or a corporation), or you start making that fan art production your main source of income, it becomes NG. If you want to be absolutely sure that the creator of whatever character / setting your fan art is based from, is ok with your fan art, go check their company site and look for a "guidelines" section. They usually have official statements on this topic. but are also usually in Japanese.

>> No.68309938

Who is rottie I've never seen them stream

>> No.68309958

Crane is mogging Haru

>> No.68310072

she my wife

>> No.68310110

as he should

>> No.68310296

I tried to do something to make someone happy (with their permission) but it backfired in ways I couldn't predict. I feel like a piece of shit. I think I'm going offline for a while. I'll keep myself to myself when I'm back.

>> No.68310299

>trying to incite infighting
Literal children.

>> No.68310517
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I'm playing more dead rising as the dead... rise
Come watch, or don't, It's your time

>> No.68310520

What did you do? Been in a similar boat myself but fucked it beyond recognition.

>> No.68311061

previously Corpsemilktea, she's doing seiso reps I believe.

>> No.68311064 [SPOILER] 
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Finally some real feedback to provide, I'm in HEAVEN with the state of this thread.
What the unnecessary oversimplification that is the OP about: "where to stream?" forgets to talk about is this: On youtube you hardcap your channel, because you start producing content that nobody really can get to, unless the algorithm decides that it's your lucky day, then no matter what you do you will not get people redirected towards your streams, and if you also produce videos then your already low viewrate and retention capacity start conflicting and deboosting what minimal amounts of leverage you can get from those highly polished content videos, thus making you live in a market of 10k+ 0views channels that don't have the possibility of growing because only one gets picked at a time, and by the time one became famous another 50 already started dedicating themselves to streaming.
On twitch, on the other side, you gain visibility by three different passive factors: Recommended channel for those who lurk lowviews, channels that X viewers also like to view, and raids/shoutout which can directly guide people into following you, aside from the more interesting and random factors like being on the front page, people using your emotes somewhere else, and you being namedropped (and consequentially shoutouted most of the time) And all of this adds for an incredible mix of growth boosting potential that youtube cannot equal on terms of CCV.
Aside from that, if you wanna edit videos you can still with just two clicks export from Twitch into Youtube and start having the content ready to manipulate, the discoverability brought to you by clips is also better than the one born from shorts, and the amount of retention so far is always better because people on Twitch understand that they are sitting down to watch a complete stream, not to pause whenever they can and leave to continue watching later (thing that VODs can do, too!)
Aside from that, the possibility of being supported is incredibly bigger, so far the only successful /here/ chuuba is pafu, who kind of "got lucky" because of contacts and has blown up on youtube, but that was after 4 months of streaming almost into the void and doing her best, as well as interacting with as many people possible and having also the female buff. Don't believe for a second that youtube is a good platform for streaming, that is only a lie told to others by the viewer hoarders, my friend.

Commonly artists of high fame have already contracts arranged for all this type of stuff, but it still is always adviced to learn how to read them, and how to properly handle those cases where you might need to change some terms with them, as well as also how to create this type of contract for the sake of creating one when faced with artsts that know jackshit about such requirements.
If not, you can always abide by the rule of "verbal"(text) agreement where, where you ask them if it's fine to use the model to do whatever you want, and as long as they say "yep" then you are fine to go.
Still, be prepared to read unholy amounts of burocratic law terms if you are going for the real all well done route.

the most important aspect of "fanart" is to not do any copyright infringement, nor anything that could be illegal in your country, even if it's fucking art, aside from that you can decide by yourself how people contact you, how much changes they can do their requests, the pricing and even the amount of time, as all of that is handled as a responsability to you as the artist in question to decide.

>> No.68311196 [DELETED] 

I don't want to get into specifics because it wouldn't be fair, but I guess encouraged someone I didn't know well too much and accidentally encouraged a bad mindset in the process. Things didn't go to plan streaming wise on their end and it's made them feel a lot worse, and I feel personally responsible for their unhappiness. I didn't know they felt that bad. It was genuine enthusiasm from me. I don't know exactly what I did wrong but I know I did it wrong for them to react that way. I don't think I'm fit to be around other people.

>> No.68311273

thats why you dont solve other people problems.

>> No.68311313

meat mogs both

>> No.68311769

pls multistream my dude

>> No.68312117

Heads up guys.

Been watching a lot of Youtube Shorts today (yeah, I know, huge waste of time). Anyway, just today I got served several vertical phone aspect ratio streams. Never seen youtube serve that stuff before. Youtube seems to be pushing these mobile streams hard right now. Might not be a bad idea to try streaming in this format. You might just get some new eyes on ya. Its worth a try.

>> No.68312211

Rebel coded

>> No.68312246

you're several months behind

>> No.68312344

mood, Good luck. I hope they forgive you

>> No.68312466

I know its not a new thing. But for what its worth I have been watching shorts quite a bit for months now and I have never seen them put the actual streams straight into my feed until today.

>> No.68312471


Thanks. I guess my confusion is generally at cons there’s massive tables of 100% fan art that people just sell. Do they not worry? Same with the millions of artists on Twitter selling commissions of characters. I feel dumb/crazy that I can’t find info on this topic besides “that’s copyright infringement don’t do it”

>> No.68313362

>Do they not worry?
If you leave no contact number, ensure that your face isn't recognizable by using masks and dark glasses, then do it without worrying. If you want to get a copyright/C&D/fully fledged fine then do not take these precautions.
Still, depending on the fanart it doesn't really matter that much, things like the 3 big companies of gaming (nintendo, playstation and microsoft/xbox) are a nono, but tiny studios/very niche games like tomb of the necromancer, shovel knight, atomic hearts, nuclear throne, or even the binding of isaac almost never had any of the previously mentioned litigious acts taken against third parties creating fan art and monetizing their IPs. It can boil down to: If you want a quick buck from a well known name then learn about particular cases where they did or not sent formal letters to fans doing what worries you so much.

>> No.68315046
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>> No.68316423


>> No.68316664

Why is it the moment someone has a vtuber avatar people's fixation switches from their content to how attracted they are to them? Even the majority of discussion of males is pushed mainly by people saying they're cute or they want to fuck them. Why don't people think this way about regular streamers? Everyone has an avatar, even if it's just an icon under the stream instead of an image on the side of it.

>> No.68316913

I’m impressed with Mond’s networking skills to land such a big collab with big indies. Impressive. I worry that it will make her big though and she’ll want to reincarnate (again)

>> No.68317009

I've come to the realization that 95% of people watching aren't there for the content.

>> No.68317049

I wont even bother, what did she get herself into?

>> No.68317266

I get why it doesn't happen with facecammers, but why not nocammers? The only similar thing I've seen is with Minecrafters of all people

>> No.68318012
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>> No.68318251
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gm aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.68318379

what? did you just wake up you lazy ass chuuba?

>> No.68318400

She has never reincarnated, quit this shitty rrat or post proof fag. You can't because it's made the fuck up

>> No.68318503

Shitty party animals collab with big indies. Friday.

>> No.68318592

Going to start learning to draw after watching that pewdiepie video

>> No.68318776

Please draw me in the future

>> No.68318881
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i appreciate the concerns and can understand the benefits of youtube < twitch and have been thinking about them since december.
whether i become a streamer who has videos or a youtuber who also streams ultimately doesnt too much to me. i've seen channels im trying to mimic who also dabble with youtube streaming, hundreds of thousdands of views for videos with sub 250 ccv streams. of course they were already establish but i dont think to much about it. to me it'll be a dream to get those kinds of numbers but i know i'll even be struggling to even get 10 ccv for a good while if at all.
im not too worried about making any sort impact on /asp/ or youtube or anything, if it happens it happens, if it doesnt it doesnt, but we keep ballin' regardless. im mainly here to have fun
i will say, i was thinking on trying out simulcasting for valentines day and build a gf. so you guys better be there when it happens

>> No.68318941

I’m glad no one mentions me here anymore, thank you crabs for giving up on me

>> No.68318971


>> No.68319089

I'll try my best to become a good artist and give back to this community

>> No.68319119

Thank you, based effortposter, but please use paragraphs.

>> No.68319183

I had new non-/asp/ies in my chat yesterday. They all made comments about me being a bottom and wanting to fuck me. Pain. Incredible amounts of pain.

>> No.68319826
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going live wowie come give me solicited advice on how to be better!

>> No.68320200

sometimes u just gotta sleep for 16 hours

>> No.68320770

First advice, go to

>> No.68320903

Splits are for fags

>> No.68320943

As a FLOPPENING expert, I am pleased to announce that the FLOPPENING is over and everything is back to normal.

>> No.68320954

this is why I like vtubers but fucking hate viewers. Vtubers are genuinely creative people always looking for ways to improve their streams or come up with new interesting ideas, whereas viewers are entirely about sexualizing vtubers and telling them what video games to play. That's all they are capable of and it's really sad.

>> No.68321058
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Young grasshoppers!
have issues plaguing your mind? Need advice, meditation, or simply a way to find inner peace?
come, ask anything you will of 我的鸡巴疼_patchey on this npc stream! later on, we'll play the matchless kungfu!
(yes its because I saw the sseth video)
Come join the party!


>> No.68322343

total viewer death

>> No.68322486
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Ave grandma!

>> No.68322779

pukki??? you are a groomer?

>> No.68323153
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Thanks for watching the Yakuza Gaiden stream if you were able to show up!

Maybe we can come back to it tomorrow, enjoying it a lot.

Also, will probably come back to Jackbox on Sunday by the way. Last weekend was off due to PC issues.

>> No.68323440

Agreed this thread should had never split from wvt
/auds/ was a mistake newbie chuubas were posting on wvt just fine back in the day

Meat skipped this garbage hole and she did better than the aspies that started alongside with her and she didnt got involved with any Terumi drama or Lancecord drama

>> No.68323624

>Vtubers are genuinely creative people always looking for ways to improve their streams or come up with new interesting ideas
fucking lmao

>> No.68323964

How is TikTok streaming for you guys? It seems like free views when I’m there, but aside from ChaorFoundry once, I don’t ever see people using it. Why not?

>> No.68324050

That was me on my alts sorry

>> No.68324093


>> No.68324180


>> No.68324319

you act like I give a shit.

>> No.68324334

Do I want the tiktok audience?

>> No.68324339

>It seems like free views when I’m there
Because they fake engagement to make creators think they're getting traction there, and switch from other platforms. Numerous social media sites are known to have done this, especially in their early days when they're trying to steal market share, but Tiktok seems to be especially egregious about it. Make sure the people are real.

>> No.68324545

Newbies were not posting fine in /wvt/ take your nostalgia goggles off.

>> No.68324708 [DELETED] 
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Forgot to say, played seven hours of it, so we'll see if I can go longer next time.

>> No.68324821

lol yeah wvt chuubas only did well because they formed a circlejerk that eventually took over the thread and forced all new chuubas to post on auds/asp.

>> No.68325061

I've never seen a stronger example of a woman looking better when they are not trying to look good, kson was born to pull off a baseball cap and sweat pants this look just aint it

>> No.68325232
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Spike speedrunning creating Hentai life on stream

>> No.68325394

They were better than they were in auds getting manipulated by an insane tripfag who taugh newbies discord culture and then proceeded to get fucked over by discord leaks.
ironic, isn't it
That did not "happen" until gen 4 or so, even males were accepted like bloom and woozle.
A couple of migoposters numberfagging however and kids ran back to icecreamcords.
But the cords collapsed, as predicted by the old guard, so you stayed here, and called this place your home. Terumi dark legacy will hunt this place for as long as it stands.

>> No.68325415
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I tried to get into Vtubin about 3 years ago n made my own model n stuff, got waaayyyy too into my own head about doing things right/perfectly and all that instead of just yolo streaming. I wanna give it a shot still after since it seems fun, don't really mind how it goes but it seems like a nice hobby to delve into.
This answers something I was wondering about really nicely and succinctly thank you!

But yeah even if doing for fun should I try n find a gimmick of sorts to differentiate so the stream is fun for viewers? Or just get used to streaming consistently for now n see if I can keep it up? any other thoughts appreciated too. Honestly partially making this post to nudge myself to start doin shit.
Thanks any n all for advice~!

>> No.68325889

>even males were accepted like bloom and woozle.
you mean the ones who immediately joined the circlejerk?

>> No.68326084

>even males were accepted like bloom and woozle
bloom is actively disliked and woozle quit streaming once he got a chuuba gf

>> No.68326287

present day wvt is not 2021 wvt
present day wvt is /rebel/

>> No.68326435

Tbh, whenever I check Monds stream, she's at 50 viewers, if not even more. I think it's fair to say she's made it already. So this is the buff of having a good loli model and popping up on twitter once...

>> No.68326591
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Thanks for coming!
Somehow I find out I rule the whole Spain very soon, nice

>> No.68326607
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I'm gonna ask Pako to design my model, imma do it.

>> No.68326698

no one liked them then either

>> No.68326994

I'm gonna miss anon

>> No.68327188
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Ate Crabs
Luv Genshin
Simple as

>> No.68327734


>> No.68327959

congratulations on your 3view ojisan

>> No.68327972

Those tables of "fan art" pay their artists for the artwork on their shirts. They aren't just finding art out in the wild and ripping it off like redbubble. Many of those tables also has merch agreements with the companies or indies show on the merch.

>> No.68328110
File: 36 KB, 440x851, marys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i cookin or nah

>> No.68328153

hell yeah

>> No.68328223

The striped sleeves are cute but I don't quite understand what's going on with the top. I guess a bralette /w hanging loops? The left side of the skirt as well, I'm not sure what that pattern is, but I think the concept is good.

>> No.68328540

>bloom is actively disliked
not by people who matter

>That did not "happen" until gen 4 or so
/wvt/ was actively hostile to /asp/ long before Digby started self-posting and that stance never changed. Its the same reason that aspies have never really gone out of their way to involve themselves with that autistic circlejerk. As the thread grew in new activity from the start of "gen 4" until now the /wvt/ circlejerk realized that /asp/ was exclipsing them in size, speed and relevance so some migrated here, some are desperately keeping the /wasp/ split alive, etc.

Basically we've come full circle.

>> No.68328762

But it was an /asp/ie who made /wasp/.

>> No.68328852

as a joke

>> No.68328926

>not by people who matter
he sure isn't liked by anyone who matters either, he got rejected from holostars 3 times now and can't hit partner

>> No.68329114

hot take: asymmetrical clothes make vtubers look more like deranged hobos than cute cool fashionable japanese women

>> No.68329164

>he /wvt/ circlejerk realized that /asp/ was exclipsing them in size, speed and relevance so some migrated here, some are desperately keeping the /wasp/ split alive, etc.

this statement is self contradictory when most of wvt "circlejerk" has moved to lig or to discords and fucking Kuku moved to asp and seems reasonable upset about being left out of wasp

>> No.68329244

sounding an awful lot like a guy who shits in diapers rn

>> No.68329246

Sure sis.

and seems reasonable upset about being left out of wasp
Nobody is sad about not being included in your 18ip tax evasion groomer pit

>> No.68329346

But most chubas ARE homeless (see: living with parents) menhera.

>> No.68329396

you don't know that animal and how he operates
I personally made him have a mental breakdown before
we are not the same.

>> No.68329428

>Nobody is sad about not being included in your 18ip tax evasion groomer pit
its funny because literally anyone can post in there. 90% of the posters in wasp are male, probably more. I could go post my male vtuber model in there and start talking about male chuubas and no one can do a thing about it because even the jannies think it's a retarded fucking thread

>> No.68329459

>Nobody is sad about not being included in your 18ip tax evasion groomer pit
that sounds a tad bitter

>> No.68329466

Don't mess with Corpsemilktea fans
We suck unsucked cock

>> No.68329547

oh, it's gael
>we are not the same
are you not? the majority of both of your posts are overwhelmingly negative and mean spirited and you shit talk random people for basically no reason, same as he does. what is the difference other than less turd stains on your computer chair

>> No.68329607

Funny story. Gael is the reason that most of the 2024 aspies even know /wvt/ exists

>> No.68329643


>> No.68329651

>oh, it's gael
you dont know that menhera and how he operates
I personally caused him to have mental breakdown before
That however is piss easy and you probably have done it too so maybe we arent so different after all

>> No.68329689

Do it, I wanna see them cope

>> No.68329700

hello /asp/ do you guys often need riggers or do you guys self teach, have people done commissions in here, whats a good price for commissioning art and rigging

>> No.68329738

>That however is piss easy
it's harder to interact with gael without making him have a mental breakdown

>> No.68329747

Dude it's a blue board

>> No.68329754

Is that why everyone jumped down (you)r throat when (you) posted C**** there?

>> No.68329837

>everyone jumped down your throat
sure but what can they ACTUALLY do about it other than crying

>> No.68329848

I'm too busy to spend a lot of time learning and perfecting rigging to a spec that I'm happy with so I've paid for rigging on both of my models. I'm going to be commissioning new rigging on a model I recently received. Giving you a price on rigging as if it were a generic number wouldn't help you any because there are dozens of things that factor into that price.

>> No.68329874

i think you can still swear on a blue board

>> No.68330095

do you have a range or budget before you commission or are you an oiler, do the riggers bill you by hours spent or talk to you about whats complicated and give you a quote or what, do you also have a time range youd like them to finish by, do you ask for updates? do you think 1k is good for a decently complex model

>> No.68330184
File: 38 KB, 462x838, xie hua piao paio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight gamers

>> No.68330255

make the hair fluffier or something it looks like a wet dog rn

>> No.68330327

A quote is typically a flat fee per job billed as a projection of how many hours the rigger thinks the job will take, how complex the job is, how many of certain features need to be rigged and how many toggle variants and versions need to be rigged. Looking at the price sheet on a couple riggers I'm scouting right now I'd expect my job to cost about 900 bucks and take about a month.

>> No.68330544

Self taught

>> No.68330674

do you sign an online contract or state an agreement? do they usually invoice on paypal? have you had riggers miss deadlines or need more time, have you had riggers realize the job was more complex than estimated? do you get the live2d files or is that trade secret or do you need to buy the files from them, ive heard riggers like to keep the animation files but can only speculate why

>> No.68331142

I don't do any business without a written agreement with clear deadlines and consequences for breaching those deadlines. You'd be out of your mind to do anything that expensive and that important on a handshake or a promise in a DM.

>> No.68331287

Fuck off mau

>> No.68331484

Also I don't trust people with a no refund policy! Fuck that! I want insurance I get either the product or the money back. You won't pay multiple thousands for a car either and hope you get it in a timely manner and in a way you want it in the first place!

I'm general I stay away from twitter unless it's people I know

>> No.68331541

strike 3 and also the shitter made him have a mental breakdown instead so I couldnt be him you need to study your wvt lore

>> No.68331753

Trying and failing is worse than never bothering to try.

>> No.68331827

Most artists and riggers work on an upfront or a portion up front rate. That's fairly typical. However, as long as you have a clearly written agreement and don't allow excuses or menhera to drag out a job past the Paypal protected refund date then you're protected in case no work is ever delivered.

Most of the tone and tenor of your work with an artist or rigger will depend on the quality of the consult you have with them before they start and the communication you have with them during the job. There's no reason to be adversarial, but a professional approach when business is being discussed is important. I regularly talk to my artists and riggers and enjoy their company. In return I've never had any issue with my work arriving on time and in a way I'm happy with.

>> No.68331955

, kek.

>> No.68331963

do they have a bug fixing phase written in the contract, like for 1-2months if you find anything off theyll fix it?

>> No.68332163


>> No.68332518

Enna break, new wave incoming, it wasnt the fastest it could be. Bumpers, get fucking ready

>> No.68332601
File: 690 KB, 815x455, Screenshot (285).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to all who came out for Chinese practice! Feelin sleepy from starting so late, but we'll continue and dive into our wuxia gameu 2morrow!!

>> No.68332795

you're the new sonowono

>> No.68332829

Should call Ainslie for this stream

>> No.68332842

> new wave incoming

>> No.68332868

>Occidental given name + Japanese surname

>> No.68332881

>learning chinese instead of useless ass nihongo
finally a vtuber with some sense

>> No.68333040

This is very strangely worded but I've never worked with a rigger who wouldn't fix mistakes in their rigging.

>> No.68333049

>is... Japanese... name overused?
yes and it's cringe as hell if you aren't actually japanese

maybe it's just me but I can't stand hearing americans rp as asians. American culture rules, why poorly pretend to belong to some other culture that let's be real, you've probably mostly been exposed to through cartoons.

im just so sick of japan and anime bro

>> No.68333085

You wrote this post on /vt/

>> No.68333137

not all vtubers are anime inspired

>> No.68333211
File: 9 KB, 190x265, glue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i have the tism

>> No.68333330

>yes and it's cringe as hell if you aren't actually japanese

Well I'm good then

>> No.68333650

This board has grown beyond /jp/. Cast aside the old ways

>> No.68333700

alternatively if you are japanese you could try using a mexican surname for your vtuber. mexicans fucking love having their culture appropriated

>> No.68333717
File: 35 KB, 352x498, Behold_UPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening up suggestions poll for the first Suraya Archive chibi collection!

Some will be used as server emotes, some will appear in future episodes as slides, and some will be used in infographics and other future media! The chibi collection will be made public for free use.

Feel free to vote and add your own suggestions!
Chibis depicting other characters revealed for the Suraya Archive series is allowed.

The Top 10 most voted entries will be accepted.
With a couple extras thrown in to complete the set.
Note: Acceptance is subject to merit/moderation of the project handler. IE rejecting unacceptable/obscene suggestions. Depictions of black comedy/comical violence is allowed.


Viable characters:

>> No.68333896

Hmm, I've got a shtick in mind but I can't come up with a name that perfectly satisfies me.

>> No.68333901

>Depictions of black comedy/comical violence is allowed.

>> No.68333915
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, merrychristmas-00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting shot like this

>> No.68333955

think wayans brothers movies or big mamas house or norbit

>> No.68334084

Something like Vault Boy and Soviet Boy according to the server

>> No.68334188

Suwawa getting mowed down by killdozer!

>> No.68334657

special message to all aspies

>> No.68334731

Now you're speaking my language

>> No.68334735

Don't care, didn't ask

>> No.68334787

alright im going to bed, see you guys tomorrow!

>> No.68334803

Thanks for removing all my negative emotions bro

>> No.68335200

I have taken Japanese culture from the natives, and have surpassed them in every culturally relevant practice I have undertaken, so I wield the moonrunes in my name as war banner that I have taken from them

>> No.68335380

How do I have bottom energy????

>> No.68335511

exactly like this, keep it up fuccboi

>> No.68335884

You have that sort of vibe y'know

>> No.68336050
File: 69 KB, 556x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for joining today's stream! It was a lotta fun :3

>> No.68336117
File: 1.66 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240205_091502~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68336617

ty! I love sono
I'd love to learn both honestly! this stream was more of a low energy zatsu before bed. but I'd be happy to do more study zatsus/proverb readings soon!

>> No.68336847

The fuck

>> No.68337908

NEVER learn Chinese, they are thieves and conmen

>> No.68337909
File: 2.11 MB, 1140x1284, HowOftenDoesThisChuubaFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the truth

>> No.68338146

cody FUCKS

>> No.68338267

I'm not having any sex wtf

>> No.68338318

i'd be in the top tier if this was about 4 years ago, but i refuse to fuck outside of a relationship and im not looking ether

>> No.68338376

sure but also more relevant to the rest of the world than japan has been for a long time. you can get a high paying job in some company just by speaking chinese.

the only reason to learn japanese is to read your mangas and watch your anime before they get translated and really, in all the time spent learning, you could be doing other more important stuff and just waiting on the translations

also just as far as the outside world goes, if you start speaking chinese in public, you're going to impress other english speakers. If you bust out some japanese, girls will probably think you're a dork who jerks off to naruto.

>> No.68338422

Did Ainslie stole something from you?

>> No.68338498

I know its true but no need to tack the label on me man...

>> No.68338536

is cheen the mouse or the robot

>> No.68338649

Cheen is the idea behind it!

>> No.68338759


>> No.68338891

orange cat activities
Just keep telling yourself that WHORE
same anon, same...
Stay pure, anon. It's the way
Cheen is the robot, the mouse is named Fira or Fia I think

>> No.68338914

I know that lmao I mean like artist run tables/artist alley tables

>> No.68338945


>> No.68339054 [DELETED] 

I lost both virginity in both way yeah

>> No.68339052

This is accurate if the definition of sex is "engages in foreplay", because I hate penetration

>> No.68339214

Which virginity? but I already lost both yeah

>> No.68339320
File: 331 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_7964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68339390
File: 2.09 MB, 1140x1188, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the truer truth

>> No.68339464

dont really care for the mouth, looks kinda weird.
also don't like the bangs
glasses are also bad
pants up too high. sag them shits
sweater vest and jacket combo can stay
get rid of the ears and tail
not really a fan of the art style in general and find it offputting
other than that looks great

>> No.68341016

I'm pure I swear

>> No.68341202

You can really find any kind of girl design under the sun on booth but it seems men aren't allowed to wear anything that you couldn't just wear in real life.

>> No.68341893

That post was obviously Gumpai and nobody called her out

>> No.68342645

You wish baby.
t. tworocks cat
I miss her

>> No.68342849

I want to be a popular vtuber so people draw fan art of my vtuber model.

I just want free art desu

>> No.68342960

Few will admit to this but its a very common desire.

>> No.68343181
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1057, 2024-02-06_03.47.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on a new project in minecraft, you start out in a big castle and try to escape to the overworld using tools and items you can find along the way. Think of it like a new gamemode

>> No.68344401

So an adventure map?

>> No.68344489

Are adventure maps still popular? I remember playing a ton of them back in 2013

>> No.68344651

No idea desu, haven't kept up with Minecraft for a few years

>> No.68345912

> Is ChaosFoundry

It hits a high number when you first go live, but bottoms out very fast. You basically need to be an adhd bait source constantly to stay above 1 view. You start really high, but it's hard to stay there while live. Follower wise it's ezpz. Just make content every now and then. They'll almost never convert to twitch viewers tho.

>> No.68346193


sort of, you start out with no items and you find a way out by making/finding a pickaxe and or parkouring out after 10-15 mins maybe its still vanilla but you get a whole castle as home or to explore for fun. just something I wanted to do for content

>> No.68346242

My vtuber mama has fallen off the face of the earth. They haven't logged into twitter in almost a year now, which means I can no longer get new things added to my vtuber.

With that said, I'm doing a slight re-design and I'm keeping the same overall appearance of my current model, but going loli-mode. I may not get the ref sheet back until April, but once I do, would y'all care to take a look and critique my new vtuber?

>> No.68346652

This looks cool

>> No.68346892

Good I have kept my whore powers hidden

>> No.68346984


thx man I built this with a mod called axiom(its basically world edit but better) over the past week so its wip, i kinda wanna make my own game but im too lazy to do so

>> No.68347508

It might be worth it to try and reach out to get the full project files, I know most artists dont like giving that up but if they're out of the game theres literally no harm that could be done.

>> No.68347704

The more I interact as a creator on TikTok the more I am convinced that all the numbers there are faked for the purpose of tricking new creators into thinking that real actual people are watching you. People there just don't interact at all like any other platform I have used. They rarely comment, they don't interact at all like I would expect given the number of "views" that TikTok reports.

There is literally no interplatform migration taking place, even between TikTok and Twitter. While I understand that this is a huge problem for other platforms as well, I can without any difficulty regularly identify instances where follows on Twitter results in a new follower on Twitch or Youtube, and the reverse as well. This does not ever happen on TikTok.

TikTok really feels like some kind of massive skinner box designed to bait new creators with fake engagement so that they dont create content on other platforms. Nothing else makes sense to me.

>> No.68348051

Have their been any vtubers that started off as biological male irl with a male vtuber model then became trans irl and started using a female model? Statistically speaking there has to at least be one out there right?

>> No.68348221

Anon.... I'm sorry... You are extremely wrong...

>> No.68348308

>Fucks often
Heh heh heh
Thanks for believing in me, misplaced though that belief may be

>> No.68348543

I felt like my first 2 or 3 clips got a disproportionately high number of views compared to the ones that came after. That doesn't mean there's no actual engagement though.
Conversion rates are low for both TikTok and Twitter. Think about it, if someone is happily browsing one app, there has to be a big pull for someone to stop what they're doing and follow/watch you instead. But if they've seen you multiple times on one platform and like what they see they might look you up.

>> No.68348640

The reason my own model looks like they do is because I'm a lesbian. I want to stare at huge tits and wiggle them when I move around. I want to look at her impossibly long legs, and fuck-me ponytail, and tiny shorts that don't even close properly around her wide hips. My models are sexy so I have something to leer at. There! I've admitted it! My conscience is clean again!!

>> No.68348676

Vanessa_Leona started as VaunLeon. She's been very open about it.

>> No.68348697

> fucks often

I'm asexual anon... glad I give off that vibe though

>> No.68348791

I want to have hot sex with all the art friends.
There, I said it.

>> No.68348855

if this is who I think it is then all I can really say is jesus how much did that loopy cost

>> No.68348906

I don't think its entirely fake. But even compared to Twitter/Youtube shorts it doesn't feel like engagement or conversion rates are remotely comparable. Based on the number of views that TikTok is reporting I would expect at least 10 times the engagement and conversion if I got that on twitter or Youtube. It seems off by a huge factor.

>> No.68349152

Does the TikTok audience convert into stream watchers?

>> No.68349323

Correct! And too much, but it's all so worth it...!!

>> No.68349396

Absolutely not. I got about 8 to 10k a tiktok but have not seen a significant uptick in stream activity.

>> No.68349411

not really, no. I mean I'm sure you'll get a handful but it's the same as youtube shorts or really, any attempt to branch into multiple types of content as an online persona. you do it to get your name out there but you can't bank on the 50,000 views on a tiktok to equate to even 50 views on stream.
like... this is completely unrelated to vtubing, but just as an example. how many people watch every single video red letter media puts out? Tons of people only subscribed for the plinkett reviews and haven't checked their channel in years. Others just want to hear them talk shit about new releases. Personally speaking I only subscribe to them for best of the worst. and keep in mind all those series have relatively similar focuses and runtimes. tiktoks are going for a fundamentally different audience than gaming streams.

>> No.68349478
File: 2 KB, 195x27, Screenshot 2024-02-06 081629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the last message I sent them, which never got a response. There was a couple messages before that which also never got a response.

>> No.68349554
File: 142 KB, 440x518, CLIPStudioPaint_9VQAHDrlEZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ty to anyone who stopped by, sorry I keep forgetting to post when I go live in these threads but I'm sure if you were interested you'd find your way over to my channel anyways.
g'night friends, don't let the brainworms win.

>> No.68350228

very cute!

>> No.68350912
File: 408 KB, 1127x807, 1271532360879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm keeping the same overall appearance of my current model, but going loli-mode

>> No.68351101

Why is it always so transparent when women become lolis for the express purpose of getting pedo subscriptions?

>> No.68351246
File: 64 KB, 396x353, AR4X3be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna be the next shondo if that helps

>> No.68351435

why not just act your age instead you weirdo

>> No.68351575

you're right i'm gonna rebrand as that microsoft guy from those old mac vs pc commercials and play with the calculator and excel on stream all day

>> No.68351647

thanks i'd rather watch that than another sad kid larper

>> No.68351665

What if I am 40?

>> No.68351741

You realize being a woman over 30 is enough to build an entire vtubing career around, right?

>> No.68351752

its sad enough when 40 year olds act like 20 year olds so do the math buddy

>> No.68351823

+30 yr women are so fucking hot it’s insane

>> No.68351889

I wrote this

>> No.68351919

No, I wrote it.

>> No.68352508

I fucked this anon.

>> No.68352760

are you this guy or are you just advertising your oshi?

>> No.68353054

what the FUCK do you think anon

>> No.68353316

Speaking Chinese is only relevant if you're trying to do business inside of China (as opposed to just buying goods), which is a torturous and decreasingly lucrative activity due to their regulations and middling consumer spending.
Japanese companese are dominant players in multiple industries, from electronics to heavy machinery, so encountering them is very likely if you ever step out of the wagie cagie as part of work.
Now add the fact that a lot of Taiwanese also speak JP, so you're potentially opening more doors there, that you would close by speaking simp CN.
There are also cultural aspects to be aware of but, I don't feel like typing out a lecture on cross-cultural management.

TL;DR Moonroons > Binchiling

>> No.68353353

im not the count, just a fan

>> No.68353416

Learn Cantonese

>> No.68353435

For my fellow Apex bros if any of you are interested

>> No.68353593

i don't know, that's why i asked, i've never seen this guy and there's no aspie following him and he's been making content for 3 years now

>> No.68353652

This right here is why I keep telling y'all to learn to make and edit your own assets, at least on a fundamental level

>> No.68353764

I haven't touched Apex in over a year.

>> No.68353833

Well now you have a reason to come back :3

>> No.68353853

he's an OG. There's a collab VOD with buffpup on his channel

>> No.68353872

- TikTok is by design pure brainrot and a security liability
- the audience consists of flat-line encephalogram drooling retards with sub-second attention spans

>> No.68353920
File: 941 KB, 2894x4675, @thuna_lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys good morning!
Tik Tok sucks btw, alright cya later!

>> No.68353938
File: 319 KB, 1500x1413, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Talk to your community
- Make tweets
- Remember to be happy

>> No.68354063

I think Im being affected by the black guy debuff on twitch

>> No.68354092

Kankura is sometimes a shota, sometimes an ikemen, truly a puppet of many talents

>> No.68354143


>> No.68354285

This artwork is amazing!

>> No.68354309

I want to make lewd asmr content and be a whore

>> No.68354337

Then do it.

>> No.68354366

What's stopping you?

>> No.68354469

You don't like my tweets.

>> No.68354905

>the audience consists of flat-line encephalogram drooling retards with sub-second attention spans
Yeah but how does that distinguish them from twitch viewers?

>> No.68354932

I have no creativity on what to say and my voice sucks

>> No.68354993

made a tweet inspired by this post and it was probably a mistake but I will not delete it

>> No.68355237
File: 154 KB, 493x278, Screenshot (80).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be playing Crazy Taxi for the first time, right after reading the news, all while a little bit hungover

>> No.68355902

Catalog be zoomin today.

>> No.68356138

what if you are underaged

>> No.68356192

then you should not be streaming

>> No.68356218

A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell :]

>> No.68356616

My average viewer is an avid reader with a day job

>> No.68356990

Twitch Vtuber viewers understand you're playing a character.
The TikTok viewers are retarded normies, I'm not explaining to Derrick wtf a Vtuber is.

>> No.68358125

Move me from top tier to virgin tier

>> No.68358216

If I am a male can I still make lewd content for fun or is it not worth it

>> No.68358334

Yeah but you could end up being the next "yandere bf asmr" meme if you know what that is. The dude quit from what I hear because people kept laughing at his video instead of being horny....

>> No.68358342

different from the regular male debuff how?

>> No.68358415

indistinguishable, both "debuffs" are cope

>> No.68358565

You can't use this excuse when Kenji and Heavenlyfather exist

>> No.68358648

Kuku literally ran a double-blind test that proves the male debuff.
Do your reps.

>> No.68358701

Heavenlyfather exists as an extension of Russianbadger

>> No.68358813

If this is who I think it is.
Stop Screaming during your streams, it's super offputting.
Also lean hard into the Sonic content.

>> No.68359117

I will rebrand as white guy

>> No.68359182

That's hilarious

>> No.68359188

Its always nice when the schizo tells you who they are so you can ignore them.

>> No.68359207

The total lack of introspection.

>> No.68359235

>no argument
just admit you were wrong

>> No.68359316

sorry schizo, you'll have to trick somebody else into having your same circular argument again

>> No.68359383

>no argument
Thanks for conceding.

>> No.68359408

congratulations on letting the rest of the thread know you have nothing to back up your baseless refutation so you simply choose to leave

>> No.68359432

>1 minute apart

>> No.68359482

>he can't count
fuck lmao

>> No.68359761

Reminder that when streaming a game it degrades the quality of zatsu and the the quality of the game played. The solution is to either not talk at all while playing or to play footage of someone else playing behind you and focus 100% on talking

>> No.68359787

Shut the fuck up Rebel

>> No.68359917

but seriously my man I feel bad for you so just know you can checkmark your posts and then select delete on the bottom of the page to hide your shame. nobody deserves to humiliate themselves like this.

>> No.68360029

I want to talk sexy and make guys cum so bad

>> No.68360064


>> No.68360145

>newbie chuubas were posting on wvt just fine back in the day
tbf, wvt wasn't very obviously for chuubas to selfpost which is why auds made sense back then
>Meat skipped this garbage hole and she did better than the aspies that started alongside with her
it's really apples and oranges at this point with multiple OG aspies getting partner and a lot of OG 4clovers/wvt homegrown not having it yet; I don't think the thread you started in has that drastic of an effect
terumi really didn't have as big of an influence as you make her out to have, she posted OPs for a couple weeks and then got scared off. she wasn't even in lancecord until like a couple months after she debuted as terumi and then shit her pants and left

>> No.68360152
File: 254 KB, 1000x1200, claudette_stocking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hlelo hello gamer gamers!!!! it's time time to play a japanese rpg maker game called "the grey garden" !!! let's get this fortnite super skibidi ohio with the sauce!!!!!!!!! (is this how you appeal to people?!?!??!?!) https://www.twitch.tv/claudettevt

>> No.68360408
File: 47 KB, 300x300, merliehappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STREET FIGHTER 6 - Will I be able to speak normally this time??? - Merlie Azoth Ch.


>> No.68360481

anon women can't start a thread they don't have the brainpower

>> No.68360928

>multiple OG aspies getting partner
yeah the femchuubas lol the males have all gone nowhere

>> No.68361034

Cloudfire thinks I am a bot so I can't bake for 3 minites

>> No.68361248

This is some bullshit I waited the 300 seconds and when I clicked the captcha button it just told me to wait another 300 seconds. Someone else bake

>> No.68361256

i mean the same could be said for wvt males too like the only chuubas that come to mind that got it are arthur and krimbo vs. asp having lex

>> No.68361355

Kimbo's voice is annoying and he acts like he is the hottest shit ever

>> No.68361429

krimbo got it and then declined hard, arthur puts in a crazy grind, no other males are even close to partner or even above 50ccv

>> No.68361453


>> No.68361588

All males need to rope

>> No.68361596

You mean leeching yokomeshi group viewers?

>> No.68361717

yes that's the grind you retard

>> No.68361832

The rope the males need to is bust ropes on my face.

>> No.68361908

