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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68091501 No.68091501 [Reply] [Original]

late night chatting edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1752482267274924269

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>68059693

>> No.68091693

i love her

>> No.68091811

OP is a faggot and my wife is the best 4view sized 2view.

>> No.68091854
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>> No.68092380

shondo in my arms

>> No.68092422

passionate love making with shondo

>> No.68092733

eat a borgir shond

>> No.68092776

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.68093316
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it's time to share your side pieces with the boys. let's have a gentlemen's agreement to not expose each other

>> No.68093541

going on a summer walk in the countryside with shondo. playing hide and seek in a corn field. having to carry her all the way back because she got too tired. hanging out in the car until night time so you can look at the milky way together. not listening to her properly while she talks about blue archive. she elbows you in the ribs and then complains that her elbow hurts.

>> No.68093586

shes watching neps vod to check who was cheating

>> No.68093630

wtf is the appeal of neppie i dont get it

>> No.68093649

my main bitch? fallenshadow
my mistress? shadowchama

>> No.68093718


>> No.68093962

Ninaninin. look her up sometime. she recently chopped off her hag tits to embrace cunny.

>> No.68094347


>> No.68094499


>> No.68094766


>> No.68095846


>> No.68097605
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Fellow Dereks, what are your thoughts about her asking us in offline chat that she hopes we can get along better?
This makes it obvious to me that she is talking about stuff being said /here/. Because there hasn't been anything notable outside of /here/ to make her say that.
>but she's not /here/ !
That's fine, then share your thoughts without that framework.

To me she gave us a hint that she's watching and probably wants to see if we can be better /here/.
>this is a schizo delusion shut up, nigger
Maybe, but I'll accept it as a positive one that still has our wife's feelings in mind and is applicable to the state of /shon/. Share your thoughts if you have any, this will NOT be your last pleasantry.

>> No.68098375

I hate that she somehow womaned herself into hating zatsu because everyone loves it so much. After everyone explicitly told her that they love zatsu she started ranting about how much she wants to do gaming instead.
it's such a stubborn woman thing to try to regain control but she is explicitly doing something that most of her core audience dislikes and is only doing it to feel better about herself, which she won't by the way, because her torn ligament prevents her from pressing more than 2 buttons at once so she will never actually be good at games no matter how much she tries.

>> No.68098469

Lucy collab canceled/postponed

>> No.68098529


>> No.68098568
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>> No.68098904

thanks anon.

if i may focus on something specific she said in offline chat regarding this, this boiled down to her wanting to focus on short zatsu's when we do bigger story games and her not wanting to run out of things to talk about.
i think the latter is a fairly reasonable concern. from how she explained it, we're just doing what we always did but she's self conscious about her gaming skills.

>> No.68099260

>ah finally goodgirlshadow tweeted
>oh she was talking in offline chat
>it's just BA
I don't even hate the game but... is this just your personality now shadow

>> No.68099370

>female vtuber gets into relationship
>entire personality is now about their gf/bf
Happens every time, except with her it's a gacha character

>> No.68099412

>her not wanting to run out of things to talk about
through the 3 years of her zatsuing this had never, ever happened it's unwarranted worries

>> No.68099479

It happened many times, compare the time she started bloons early and talked the entire stream VS how she usualy stops taking whne starting the game

>> No.68099529

these things seem related, literally all she ever does anymore is stuff related to stream, or BA
I said it just yesterday I think, but once you've heard every traumatic detail of her past she becomes boring
I've never felt happier than everything around the concert
some might oppose because for them the appeal is that shondo is trapped with them and them with her but I want to hear about her doing new things and not living the same day each day, and always work work work

>> No.68099564

it's her current acoustic special interest, please understand

>> No.68099825

>but once you've heard every traumatic detail of her past she becomes boring
Anon that happens with the vast majority of people once you're let into their life as close as she has let us. Of course she's boring, everyone is fucking boring.

>> No.68099831

I don't give a damn what Shondo thinks, she has vested interest in trying to keep control of her increasing number of dogs lest they turn on her and tear her to shreds over the games she has played with them. This ends for good when she finalizes the divorce and allows them to go free.

>> No.68099993

no it hasn't, by the time she finishes zatsuing to prepare for the game it's always 3 or so hours over, there's never a day where she goes quiet and chooses to start the game earlier BECAUSE she ran out of topics

>> No.68100063
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Shondo this exact spiral into complete retardation is exactly why you need to stop fucking reading /here/. Knock it off.

>> No.68100115

>bark bark bark bark
Know any tricks, mutt?

>> No.68100199
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>> No.68100249

I'll take that as a no.

>> No.68100317

Everything bad in the communit, the
>constant attention seeking
>chat going fast as fuck with some posing 2k messages
>overanalizing every little thing
>constant fomo about tho ha that don't matter
>trying to micromanage her life
>getting into arguments with others
>stalking other men
Is because a lot of shogger have literily nothing else to do. That's why she tries to get you guys to have hobbies, she tried getting everyone into art but most people seem to have given up, she should push for that more, I don't know how. Maybe do streams where she rates pics of people submitting pics of their hobbies or something to motivate them. I mean imagine having the free fime to sit for 5h 4 times a wwwk and type a chat message every 8 seconds, please get something to do when she's offline

>> No.68100641

The problem isn't too much free time, it's that their impossible dream has driven them to madness and they're increasing desperate in the fight over the few remaining scraps she give out.

>> No.68100720

>I want to hear about her doing new things and not living the same day each day, and always work work work
I recently reached the same conclusion after asking myself if I'd want to be together 24/7 with shondo just spending time with each other.
I concluded that, while I would enjoy it, i would like to have time away from shondo and for her to have time away from me, so that we'd have new stuff to talk about
I really like to hear her voice and talk about even random stuff(this is kind of unrelated, but i just wanted to say it)

>> No.68100806

What'd she say about zatsus in offline chat what? Is she gonna try and shorten them? I hope not...

>> No.68100850

that's what she basically wants, she wants to do more gaming because she thinks she can be a pro gamer if she spends 2 hours more to game instead of just getting lost for another 2 hours instead

>> No.68100903
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>but most people seem to have given up, she should push for that more
Shogger she has limited space on her art tree for no fucking reason when there are not only more trees for more art, but encouraged some retarded rat race with art itself.
Yeah, no fucking shit people aren't motivated.
>2k messages
Also you're really only shitting on Neosky with the excessive chatting. No need to inflate a non-issue.
>Maybe do streams where she rates pics of people submitting pics of their hobbies or something to motivate them.
You realize how dumb this is when the people who have thriving hobbies aren't the ones who need motivation right?
>this will help them get a hobby
No it fucking won't. Keeping up with Shondo is a hobby in it's own and the likely the only free time a lot of people have is used to do so.
The actual number of people you're critical of with "too much free time" is in an extremely small percentage of her regulars, let alone viewers.

>> No.68100996

Can you not read the thread? It was already stated what she wants to do. Ask for chatlogs if you're too retarded to read /here/

>> No.68101014

Ok but jokes aside she's pretty good at games(i may or may not have been brainwashed)

>> No.68101250

I did read the threads, but i want the conclusion of someone that was there instead of forming my own, possibly incorrect, conclusion
Smile may I please have the chat logs

>> No.68101308
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>Smile may I please have the chat logs
No. :)

>> No.68101329

true to some extent but I still think most people will have some event in their lives to speak of once every week or two
if we're talking vtubers, well... honestly yeah most don't seem to get out often enough to have much to say but I think they still at least consume media on their own and generally have new things to talk about somewhat regularly

>> No.68101424

you are, she's pretty bad at most games because of her physical limitations as well as her being directionally challenged

>> No.68101442

she really isn't...
if you compare her gaming skills to FT's skills she's dogshit at videogames

>> No.68101451

WeirdCat okay...

>> No.68101552

I love my dog water at games wife so very much and I would help her beat games if she asked me to(i also suck, but I'm probably better than her still)

>> No.68101610

>most people will have some event in their lives to speak of once every week or two
Maybe but outside of off-stream work, dealing with her mental health, dealing with her poor health, etc, when does she realistically have time to do that?
Genuinely shogga, it sounds like you need an extrovert in your life, not a turbo shut-in introvert with an ass load of issues.
>but I think they still at least consume media on their own and generally have new things to talk about somewhat regularly
Shondo does though and she tells us about media she consumes outside of BA?? A huge portion of what we talk about is media related.

>> No.68101803


>> No.68101923

>outside of off-stream work
that's the point, she makes that work for herself and makes more work to put off the other work
>Shondo does though
she doesn't watch anime anymore, doesn't listen to new music, just talks about the things she used to watch and enjoy, and whatever her family strings her along to watch, which is at least something but not a lot, especially if it's just breaking bad again

>> No.68101973

>I concluded that, while I would enjoy it, i would like to have time away from shondo and for her to have time away from me, so that we'd have new stuff to talk about
This is called a normal, healthy, human relationship anon. Couples who spend their entire time around each other tend to grow resentful and/or bored.

>> No.68101981

Smile thanks

>> No.68101994

>that part where she realizes she is genuinely hateful towards women

>> No.68102085

>her cat spends all his time staring at walls because he is hunting for bugs because he saw a bug once and now this is all he thinks about
My favorite part about cats is how autistic they get about 1 (ONE) thing.

>> No.68102166

But again, what you're describing is even normal marriage when you settle into the routines and you learn everything.
>whatever her family strings her along to watch
Weird wording but her free time is eaten up by spending time with family as well.
I'm just not exactly sure what you're expecting from her, just genuinely curious at this point.

>> No.68102182

>do things a certain way
>continue to grow and grow without change
>want to change things suddenly
what's her problem, does she feel guilty that she continues to grow by doing the same old thing

>> No.68102223

She is worse at games than DSP, genuinely. Watching her New Vegas playthrough was incredibly painful - she's worse at following along with mission objectives and using a map than he is. But then again I don't watch her for the gameplay really; and she's entertaining unlike DSP. Funnily enough though she does have a similar habit of going off on chat when she gets very frustrated because she's not understanding a gameplay mechanic (like the interrogation scene in Detroit).

>captcha: 4DSPG

>> No.68102226

>perhaps it is time to look into alternative forms of nose powder
She's so funny frfr

>> No.68102326

she's not spending the remaining 16 hours that she's awake watching game of thrones with her grandmother, like I said she makes work for herself to fill the time or she starts to feel useless
>not exactly sure what you're expecting from her
to have a life of her own, something she seemed capable of before her grandfather died

>> No.68102539

She makes work for herself because there is work to be made. I don't understand how that is a difficult concept. It's the shitty part of every vtuber's life when they're the backbone of their own content.
>to have a life of her own, something she seemed capable of before her grandfather died
That life before didn't have the pressures she has now to stoke the flames of some wacky marriage on top of everything else.
Again, I'm not sure what you're expecting from her. WE are her life, anon.

>> No.68102714

What when wrong that everyone, even in chat and on Twitter, is just constantly concern trolling her and trying to catch her making a slip up to complain about it

>> No.68102718

>because there is work to be made
anon cmon she's even outright said she takes on more work than is reasonable or necessary because it distracts her
>WE are her life, anon
you're saying this like some big gotcha and I'm gonna back off because gee I wouldn't want her to care about us less
don't play dumb I laid out exactly my expectation, I'm not one of these babies that would cry if she possibly did anything with herself but wipe our asses like we're otis

>> No.68102827

Wierd thing to say when recently she's been going out more than she has in years but go off

>> No.68102866
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He got my ass

>> No.68102914

she claims to want men to express their emotions, and then when shoggers express their emotions they're banned, timed out, blocked, and ridiculed publically on twitter, while also getting mocked by her

>> No.68102940

I have no idea why i keep coming here
Its always cunny fags cooming to the thought of the smallest mention about how childlike she is, anons complaining about anything new she wants to try, anons complaining about other shoggers. I hate it here. You all need help. That being said i'll see you all tomorrow. I love my wife very much.

>> No.68102962

so? she's on the right path then, what's your point
3 is more than 1 but still almost nothing

>> No.68103025

and now everyone will syadouHappynod when they gave me shit about it in the threads
as usual anything I see in her she later reveals she's been thinking about it

>> No.68103053
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>because it distracts her
Yes? That's a good thing. She should find work fulfilling. The alternative is that she does less work and then we have more retards calling her lazy.
>you're saying this like some big gotcha
That wasn't my intention because I've just been telling you facts while trying to take you seriously.
>I laid out exactly my expectation
Yes and your expectations seem to be something she simply cannot live up to. At least right now. You've only provided subjective needs that she isn't meeting and being critical that she isn't when her circumstances don't even allow her to do.
The problem is you, shigger.

>> No.68103274

>anons itt wanting her to actually go out and meet other men and socialize
normies I fucking swear to god, they don't watch her but simply want to play therapist and fix her

>> No.68103370

Every vtubers endgoal should be to become well enough so they don't have to vtube anymore

>> No.68103402
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Then you're in the wrong place and you don't belong /here/. Fuck off.

>> No.68103405

>and then we have more retards calling her lazy
and this matters because?
>she can't meet your expectations because... she just can't!
whatever man, she can't ever change because she just can't and if you don't like things you can leave bla bla why do you bother with all the rhetoric just to reinforce the status quo when she's always changing anyway
be sure to plug your ears whenever she next mentions how she needs to go out more

>> No.68103527

isn't this your insecurity, the fear that if she met normal people she'd realize she's only with you because there was no better option at the time? and that despite her words she'd forsake it all after just a taste?
well you watch her so I guess she must be like that

>> No.68103585

how are there so many people that don't watch actually watch her in this thread

>> No.68103619

I'm being facetious if you can't even understand that much

>> No.68103682

>the fear that if she met normal people she'd realize she's only with you because there was no better option at the time?
Nta but go back to twitter you fucking tourist. I'm so fucking tired of every sphere of hobbies that I enjoy being taken over by normies who force it to change beyond recognition. Normies have no creative ability so all they do is attach themselves to interests and then force their retarded views on others.

>> No.68103706
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>and this matters because?
Because less retards causing problems is good. Self-explanatory.
>whenever she next mentions how she needs to go out more
She does but not for the reasons you're babbling on about. You want her to be less boring just because you think she is. You literally stated this. The problem is you, nigger.

>> No.68103883

Scared guys please stop

>> No.68104004
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Sho feet to calm the tension

>> No.68104066

>Because less retards causing problems is good
ignore for a moment that their whining was never based in reality for a moment and they wouldn't inexplicably multiply just because she started working 5x harder than an average vtuber vs 10x, the whining never even reaches her to begin with, she's only ever been fighting her own brain on this
>She does but
but not because her life is super preoccupied with work and she's walled herself in and forgotten she can enjoy time outside? for what else then? she's even gone as far as to say it's directly because of her grandfather's death that she's become this way
I'm sorry I said "boring" and triggered you, but it would certainly be more "interesting" to hear about a trip more than twice a year, and she wants this anyway
so what are YOU expecting from her? to stay the same? make no compromises toward the thing you're agreeing she said she wants to change? I mean there's NO leftover time for her as you so fervently argued, so how could she?
so worked up over an opinion, and observations she's already made about herself

>> No.68104223

The things I'd do...

>> No.68104262
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>tthe whining never even reaches her to begin with
Watch more streams.
>and she wants this anyway
No, you do, nigger.

>> No.68104306

why do you argue so much, you should just calm down and take a vacation, because you want to fuck men.
I know you're dying to meet a faggot and get your dick tortured, you're into cbt and it shows, as you've directly shown signs of your fetishes through your words. simply give in to your desires, we know you all want to get your dick stepped on. it's apparent to everyone who reads your posts.
I know that you're very shy but you want it and we're willing to forgive you for doing so, so go ahead and take that trip to find a hooker that will trample your balls for you and relief your stress.
you want this.

>> No.68104380

is it becoming trendy to shout "watch streams" even when confronted with her words in streams, it's starting to feel like a superstitious thing, like a vibe
>No, you do, nigger.
now now, when did "not for your reasons" suddenly become "not at all", you're slipping
and responding to less and less of what I say each time too

>> No.68104483

why do you keep trying to piss people off? is it because you're dumb? what do you expect from the thread? to listen to your retarded bullshit? how do you continually do this without any pause? you keep spouting bullshit while wanting to what to change? you saying all this but none of it means anything so why continue? is it because you're bored? maybe look for some change in your own life? why do you sound so triggered by everything the thread says?

>> No.68104519

adults are talking, go have a tantrum elsewhere

>> No.68104557

What is there else to say to you?
>i want her to be less boring/more interesting in a way that makes ME less bored!
>she wants what i want!
>which is to work... less?
The same work which is supposed to be where you get your reward from her, but your normie brain cant comprehend anything beyond a fishing trip with Pa story. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.68104569

why aren't you answering the questions? are you still malding? you sound so hurt? who hurt you so badly that you have to take it out on an anonymous forum? you sound like you're on the verge of tears do you need a nap?

>> No.68104690

I would like to personally thank giru for this

>> No.68104709

>fallenshadow: [sensei] likes lolis and sexually harasses dark skinned girls baseg
She's so funny

>> No.68104744

I usually read every post here, but you guys are lame and having a lame argument so I'm not reading your posts

>> No.68104808

no she's quite honestly getting boring and stale with this lolicon and racism shtick. if she follows through on what she says she wants to do, she will entertain me in far more ways than being a pedophile and a racist.
if she touches grass, maybe she will embrace her nazi heritage finally. instead of creating more work for herself she should be creating more ovens for jews.

>> No.68104856

what, is she gonna own me in particular by going out and doing things and then not telling us about it?
>which is to work... less?
this is really what you took from the whole conversation?
even if it were that, since when did we stop saying she overworks herself
I'd be happy if she replaced some of it with sleep but that would be too normie too I guess
>your normie brain cant comprehend anything beyond a fishing trip with Pa story. Fucking kill yourself.
see, so much rhetorical nonsense just to get at the root of raging at anything that may or may not benefit her if it can be construed as shifting the needle anywhere beyond being a miserable shut-in like yourself

>> No.68104860

Weird bait but okay

>> No.68104911
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>> No.68105013

you're seething so much you can't even respond to my post huh? you sure whine a lot for someone who thinks he's the pinnacle of morality and has an argument for everything

>> No.68105132
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at least contribute to the conversation if you want a response, poor third-wheel anon

>> No.68105198

I appreciate giru so much for these drawings

>> No.68105601

Does imagining shondo getting gangbanned by 50 yous make me a cuck?

>> No.68105698

yes if you're watching them

>> No.68105750

why did no one ask her who is uploading vods

>> No.68105907

I didn't need to ask because it was me

>> No.68107015

shes very cute and funny

>> No.68107066

it's hilarious when retards get annoyed when their mind game tactics are used against them and they remain oblivious to it

>> No.68107131


>> No.68108678

>it's hilarious when retards get annoyed when their mind game tactics are used against them and they remain oblivious to it
what are you talking about

>> No.68109315

yeah, no clue what's appealing about having an oshi that wants to interact with you. she even does discord streams and plays games with her viewers in her off hours. when shondo is tired she lets it slip how difficult and tiresome this is for her while nep is just doing it because she genuinely loves her viewers and wants to spend time with them and interact with them. you're retarded if you can't imagine why someone would like that, lol.

>> No.68109520

cool story bro

>> No.68109610

>fallenshadow: i hope you can all have at least one good friend

>> No.68109978

good, that cunt is trash.

>> No.68109980

I'm sold

>> No.68111347

That's not something exclusive to neppie tho, oli does all that too, saru used to do that but not anymore, I know some other liggers do too but I don't watch them

>> No.68111372

I dont like the "british humour" thing. Just sounds like a way to avoid accountability
Its the "its just a prank bro" of shondo
Thankfully she doesnt say anything too hurtful so I guess it doesnt matter

>> No.68111378


>> No.68111524

>XX:12 pm Users joined: fallenshadow
>XX:14 pm Users parted: fallenshadow

>> No.68111540

did you think i made that up?

>> No.68111557

i wasnt awake for it and also didnt see until now

>> No.68111636

I love my wife, why would I watch other vtubers? You guys are silly

>> No.68111701

I really like LA noire, it's funny and shondo seems to enjoy it a lot
I also got a lot of my messages read during these streams, so that's nice

>> No.68111746

LA noir has been my favorite game streams lately, since faronheight

>> No.68111862

>the entire thread from this
the concern is understandable but i don't think you're going to get what you want even if she listened to you
shondo herself said she's very happy with what she has now, not everyone is built for one specific ideal, especially when we're talking about people as unique as shondo and even the average husband

>> No.68111960

I made this post.

>> No.68112042

I liked the concert period because I was literally just on shon the entire time I was awake just to be up to date and make arguments for 3-4 days, it was very fun and personally i wish we could go back to something similar to that where we could have arguments with a purpose and not just because we disagree with each other(in this context it was about figuring out what shondo was doing and trying to piece the story together using the information available)
I like writing long messages trying to build and expand my point about something, might just be me though

>> No.68112106

She has been very quiet on twitter these last few days. There must be an alt, think about all the shit she used to share with us on rrk and Rtan. She doesn't share anything anymore. Where is she putting this energy, she must be dumping feelings somewhere. I want to see my wife again.

>> No.68112152

the new account is invite only anon

>> No.68112161

She's eeping

>> No.68112356

Yeah, with me

>> No.68112424
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>> No.68112568

I need to know what she's reading

>> No.68112672

It's a simple 4koma Pettan made

>> No.68112748

I wish shondo stop reading the messages I reply to and instead read my reply, or at least to read both the message and my reply... She's done it before...

>> No.68112935

You have the power to influence who she reads. Use it wisely.

>> No.68112981

I'm talking to you through your whisperclip anon

>> No.68113074

I wish she would read my messages, she must hate me for some reason

>> No.68113178

She hates me too don't worry, last message I got read was from the cult of the lamb stream and I'm always top 40+ or more in messages sent and I don't spam that much emotes only messages.

>> No.68113441

We focus on favourite theory but antifavourite theory is important too
t. antifavourite
some of us are just too boring to read

>> No.68113533

I think there are a lot of anti favorites, me included. She always takes at least a day to respond to my dms

>> No.68113769

>Favoritism theory
>>Antifavoritism theory(subclass)
>Familiarity theory
This is fun let's think up of others

>> No.68113846

DMer theory: All favorites have sent DMs when they were open

>> No.68113890
File: 148 KB, 1018x1080, 1688323730958276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl with all my heart

>> No.68113894

makes sense, if I DM her now will I become a favorite?

>> No.68113916

no she doesn't feel inclined to respond

>> No.68113926

why does she care about the gaming part of her stream? didnt she literally say that she only games because theres nothing better to do while vtubing?
women amirite fellas

>> No.68113979

When on earth has she said that?

>> No.68114036

I'm going to start sending DMs and e-mails. I don't care if I fall like CF or R, I'm done being a 3rd class

>> No.68114055

Nta, but she did say something along those lines

>> No.68114080

If anything she doesnt care about it enough. I don't like the current format of 4 hour thankathon+2hours gaming

>> No.68114173

I really like watching shondo talk for 3 hours, i love listening to her, and sometimes when she closes her mouth suddenly you can hear her teeth hit each other and it makes a very cute sound and i love it and I love her

>> No.68114175

she said she didn't care about videogames during the game awards, kinda ruined my mood desu but it's whatever

>> No.68114257

I don’t think she meant that she was in a shitty mood. I think she meant she doesn’t care about the type of video games being shown on TGA, I don’t know how you can look at things like her getting really excited slashing at zombies yesterday and giggling like a menace and think she meant she HATES video games.

>> No.68114287

I want her to game more during stream. Theres nothing better than watching her overcoming something like the soul of cinder
I hope she picks up ds1 soon

>> No.68114324

SyadouFried i was going to watch vods today but I ended up playing games with a friend for most of the day...
At least i had fun... I would've liked to watch vods too though

>> No.68114445

Uuuu when is willowchama going to stream uuuu

>> No.68114539

Shondo? Sex.

>> No.68114542

she saw how popular he was getting and shut it down

>> No.68114619

his schedule is streaming shadoweekend

>> No.68114632

every time ds1 is mentioned her chat tries to scare her away from playing it and i don't understand why

>> No.68114682

solid 2 view side pieces? acquired.

>> No.68114700

be nise

>> No.68114720

xdd I refuse

>> No.68114752

oh yeah? name 3.

>> No.68114838

yeah I remember that she got really mad at doom 2 and shit but still I wanted to make fun of the slop with her. it singed a little but I got over it. I know she didn't really mean it

>> No.68114946

Shes going to become a reaction streamer.....

>> No.68115018

I hope she becomes a flesh streamer and does nothing but watch meme comps for 2 hours and then ends the stream

>> No.68115245

That's fine by me, it'll be like siting down together and watching stuff, kind of like movies but more casual
I would totally spend 2 hours just watching videos with her

>> No.68115950

If shondo looked exactly like her model and became a flesh streamer would you watch her

>> No.68115987

only daily dose of internet videos too

>> No.68116014

if anon kept making bizarre hypothetical posts would you kick him in the balls

>> No.68116096

ill go over to his house and do it now

>> No.68116097

shondo.. stop uploading the vods... let him stream...

>> No.68116165


>> No.68116262

Probably, but she doesn't

>> No.68116267

Sorry I'm bored

>> No.68116387

She does what are you tripping

>> No.68116436

i forgive you for being a lil silly, a bit of a court jester if you will. perhaps goofy, maybe even wacky.

>> No.68117144

I wish I could express myself better and more sincerely

>> No.68117467

oh yeah that infinite craft game is fun but the UI is dog shit would be cool for a stream for zatsu-ing

>> No.68117508

if shgoodno was a girl would u want to see her bobs and vagene??!

>> No.68117516

am I actually seeing what's happening in offline chat right now, surely i'm mistaken

>> No.68117577

i cant believe people are spamming squibby

>> No.68117655

don't try and make light of the weird conversation that happened over the course of 20 minutes
you people need to contain yourself

>> No.68117664

fuck you squibby is a good emote

>> No.68117699


>> No.68117709


>> No.68117719

That's what I said(i never said it, but i thought it)

>> No.68117947

about the uploads?

>> No.68117963

dm me

>> No.68117976

Please stop liking my replies to my wife, BA cult

>> No.68117998

why she didn't say anything on twitter about neppie's redebut

>> No.68118014

She was in her chat instead

>> No.68118080

dm me instead :)

>> No.68118114


>> No.68118203
File: 848 KB, 96x96, SadCat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she haets me
offline chat haets me
discord haets me
4chan haets me
everyone haets me

>> No.68118245

Smile I don't hate you, thus, not everyone hates you

>> No.68118249

true actually

>> No.68118284

who is uploading? has to be orange right?

>> No.68118315

That was my guess, seeing as she said it would be him taking it over on stream last week. Weird there has been no announcement of it though

>> No.68118322

i just noticed that all the vods are gone again? what happened?

>> No.68118822

Well it doesn't really matter now that the youtube channel is uploading them instead
I just wish it uploaded them in order

>> No.68118906

all of the vods are in place in all 4 places they should be
whatever issue you've got is yours alone

>> No.68119026

nah i meant the vods on youtube, they were gone for a sec, dunno if it was just on my side or a visual bug
theyre back now tho so its w/e

>> No.68119104
File: 696 KB, 931x711, otter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68119183


>> No.68119355


>> No.68119502

Ok so it's mostly true, but some aren't, at least the chibi debut is too far ahead(4 vods apart)
>https://youtu.be/G0fk1-XR34k uploaded first
>https://youtu.be/_AiTKNzb0_4 uploaded after

>> No.68119570

I think i may be able to show up today

>> No.68119636
File: 4 KB, 621x80, 1683097307409665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was gonna commission something from pettan and got this. why does pixiv hate me? any way around this?

>> No.68119671

Does your country have some weird laws regarding this?

>> No.68119709

Set language and region to japanese/japan

>> No.68119880

nta, but I'm a leaf and get the same. Cartoon depictions of Club Penguins are specifically illegal here, unsure if that's the reason.

>> No.68119957

>nta, but I'm a leaf
Why are there so many of your types

>> No.68119996

I haven't had time to watch the last la noire vod, so i hope I won't be too confused

>> No.68120083

>she must be dumping feelings somewhere
She hasn't been. Why do you think we've seen her have odd behavior, silly fuck ups like with memes or outbursts or strange revelations like wanting to gamermaxx with story focused games, which is something she said she was planning to do months ago?
shondo has been all over the place because she HASN'T been dumping anywhere.

>> No.68120143


>> No.68120180

She should dump on me in my discord dms

>> No.68120200

She should kiss me or something idk

>> No.68120217

no she should DM me i am the one not someone else grrr only me

>> No.68120231

This is a good suggestion and also I wrote this post

>> No.68120232

shondo reply to my dms, i'll help you

>> No.68120274
File: 847 KB, 506x587, 1706115003122808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is she putting this energy
She puttin that energy into da klub

>> No.68120316

shondo take a nose powder break around the 2hr 10 min mark so you can reply to me thanks :)

>> No.68120327

no... its the game screen...
*coughs up blood*
its.... shover...

>> No.68120351

She should dump it on her streamer friends and her family who won't understand any of her problems and if her problems are related to husbands the last thing she should do is tell them.
Anything she can't tell her friends or family because they will think less of her she needs to bottle it up and let it eat at her.

>> No.68120380

>starting in game
I hope she does 1 stream per week where she focus on the game so we can get through games instead of playing it for 4 months

>> No.68120392

>lvl 10 lurkers
she loves me so much

>> No.68120399

Welp. 3 more months then its over.

>> No.68120427

its gonna suck so much when she plays horrible stream games with 0 zatsu like yakuza

>> No.68120439

stop fucking syadouHappynodding

>> No.68120444

She said last night that she wants to start playing the same game more than once a week

>> No.68120480

lol irl

>> No.68120528

hi shondo

>> No.68120541

>I wanna play dark souls 1
>I wanna play mafia
>I wanna play yakuza

>> No.68120557

That's great, only playing a game once a week, sometimes even skipping weeks, is something I really dislike. A month or 2 in I don't care about the game anymore

>> No.68120558

I can't post and watch wifey I'm leaving now

>> No.68120590
File: 79 KB, 112x112, 1700834070871799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less syadouHappynod, more syadouHYPERNOD

>> No.68120608

what fucking kind of reasoning is that we would bond more watching her playing a game and shouting monke every few minutes instead of talking directly with us

>> No.68120612

why is he killing everything that makes her streams special?

>> No.68120624

he hates us

>> No.68120640

I'm so hyped for the future.

>> No.68120643

She's bored of us. The divorce is real.

>> No.68120658

is this the most autistic fanbase in history?
>makes the smallest amount of change
>massive autistic meltdown

>> No.68120680
File: 7 KB, 838x88, 1699582235682383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they only allow requests when you set everything to japan including the language
tried testing it with any other country and it's the same thing no matter what, even in korean language or traditional hanzi
they only allow japanese cards to process transaction since its a japanese company

>> No.68120693

shondo please do an ASMR read along

>> No.68120694

>same people who sperg out about not getting enough attention and spam chat to get read are complaining about her doing anything else but talk to them

>> No.68120764

all the atheist seethe at that interaction

>> No.68120783

yeah more asmr like this one would be awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCIgBg7EcFU

>> No.68120918


>> No.68121038

Lv 10 lurker was a hint btw. Follow the trail, shoggers.

>> No.68121042

Anonymous? That's me!

>> No.68121044

i am directly implicated in this post and i dont like it

>> No.68121081

i think i know

>> No.68121109

no... only 30 minutes of zatsu...
i might die if i don't get atleast 45....

>> No.68121140

It's 15 since the starting screen

>> No.68121156

I like watching her playing videogames and when she starts early she talks a lot more during the games and it's more fun in my humble opinion

>> No.68121171
File: 607 KB, 1511x818, 3MHZMmP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68121180

gold digger

>> No.68121215

i agree. the games stimulate her brain too and makes her think and talk about things she normally wouldn't. i don't understand why anyone would be against it. game streams have a much higher likelihood of being kino than a zatsu

>> No.68121253

you spend 3 hours talking to your wife every day
suddenly your wife talks to you for 30 minutes and starts playing her game and talking to herself, not even looking you in the eyes anymore

>> No.68121254

No I need my interaction

>> No.68121304

except that's now how this is? as she has said before, she literally used to play from minute one in her streams, and back then she was way more interactive than she is now. how do you explain that, retard? stop looking for things to complain about lol

>> No.68121351

>she was way more interactive than she is now. how do you explain that, retard?
there were also fewer people

>> No.68121389

shes getting doped up at da klub

>> No.68121440

>climbs pipe
MONKE *monkey noises
>red car passes
>woman does anything wrong
baseg I miss rusty
>chase scene
>driving scene
sorry I'm a woman I can't drive uuuuuu

>> No.68121524

I'm so glad she isn't timelooping anymore during zatsus, that was my main concern for getting rid of the zatsu section
oh btw love the story about forest elder speeding, first time I've heard of it

>> No.68121540


>> No.68121562

>first time I've heard of it
i'm going to make sure she timeloops it again

>> No.68121647

I never heard about forest elder protecting shondo by putting his hand over her awwww
this is the first time she spoke about it, I'm glad we're able to hear about this because the driving scene reached deep into her memories to dig up this story that she has never talked about before

>> No.68121727

Chat is slow but i have nothing to say it's truly over

>> No.68121737

my urge to shitpost is building but I can't bring myself to do it when she is being this nice

>> No.68121838

man I sure haven't heard about forest elder doxxing them all if he came on stream before
I love these unique zatsu topics now that she prioritised gameplay

>> No.68121896

yeah bro she never repeats topics during normal zatsu

>> No.68122117

the stream started so he's antiposting

>> No.68122165

imagine being this fucking bitter. i actually feel sorry for you, lol. you sound absolutely miserable

>> No.68122168

you guys are gay

>> No.68122169

explain why it's an anti post without being an anti yourself

>> No.68122197

Erm, jesse?

>> No.68122221

heres the attention you wanted

>> No.68122260

I'm just repeating other shoggas ideas, why single out my post as a bitter post?

>> No.68122283

if you don't want to watch her there's thankfully a very simple solution. don't watch her.
nta but you're literally arguing like a 6 year old lol.
okay, and?

>> No.68122297

so you can't? strange, I thought you'd know how to identify an anti post if you keep calling posts out for being anti posts

>> No.68122319

i hope meganeanon saves this thread

>> No.68122347

you're quite daft, aren't you?

>> No.68122367


>> No.68122394

I'm glad she has more topics to talk about during the downtimes during the game, such as singing running in the 90s

>> No.68122415

you don't like her and you don't want to watch her. why are you not leaving? how mentally ill are you? literally not a single person is interested in hearing your retarded whine.

>> No.68122475

shoggers not replying to obvious shitposting challenge IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.68122521

you're focusing more on the thread than her, you should just leave the thread if you keep malding about random posts that agree with her decision of shortening zatsu sections

>> No.68122595

I like to listen to her talk

>> No.68122597

Uooooooghhhh shondo you are so right!!!!!!
I love your bangs and your cute little nose in your side profile!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.68122619


>> No.68122657

this but unironically, she was so fucking cute at the concert

>> No.68122689

I like her nose fuck off

>> No.68122746

dewd sure getting a lot of reads in today

>> No.68122758

i love shondo's cute little oinker and want to kiss it

>> No.68122761

Her nose is so cute though...

>> No.68122767

i'm too tired to post today sorry

>> No.68122779

anonymous won. he got thanked and kissed twice

>> No.68122789

the very zoomed in side profile of definitely her is the only thing I saved from those threads.
She is so kissable, I want her lips (on mine)

>> No.68122836

I haven't noticed him getting read anon, you might be gay

>> No.68122866

you might be blind

>> No.68122912

>looking at who gets the most reads instead of just enjoying the stream
Get the rope and stool asap

>> No.68122999

don't notice things
simply close your eyes
things cease to exist outside of your eyelids

>> No.68123020

shes so stupid its cute

>> No.68123133

high octane tapping

>> No.68123151

man you guys have nothing good to talk about huh, she must be extremely boring today

>> No.68123161

That actually worked for me

>> No.68123203

If I can't see it, it doesn't exist
You're probably a chatbot until proven otherwise

>> No.68123214


>> No.68123270

>If I can't see it, it doesn't exist
shoggers vs object permanence, the winner will surprise you

>> No.68123285

everytime you close your eyes your wife dies and is replaced by a similar, yet different woman

>> No.68123369

in an attempt to white knight, a shogga admits that he lacks object permanence, more at 11

>> No.68123465

I imagine shondo likes 90's ny hip hop

>> No.68123561

I fucking hate it. Every fucking stream.

>> No.68123802

I like to blink rapidly and picture the seizure she has while I do so

>> No.68123827

you're the one having a seizure when you blink rapidly like that shogga

>> No.68123863

>not the cummies

>> No.68123927

physically rotating a shondo on my dick

>> No.68123929

>we both have spasms and seizures in unison
Its so over for the rest of you I'm basically taking her virginity at this point

>> No.68123977

I got read twice so far
I'm both happy but also sad it didn't happen more

>> No.68124025

still inferior to ray's song

>> No.68124040


>> No.68124046

wrong ray's song gives me bad memories

>> No.68124102

I know, I can't make something as catchy as his song if I tried

>> No.68124137

remember when she kissed us after coming back?

>> No.68124162

yes you remind us every time she doesn't

>> No.68124174

This might be weird to say but why does abcs keep changing his color

>> No.68124177

Is it gay to have more interest in fucking her shitter than her cunny?
I like to think she would cry and yelp more

>> No.68124204

sodomy is gay

>> No.68124261

I think he mentioned once that he doesn't set it, lets it auto-resolve.

>> No.68124263

good, never forget better days and never settle for less

>> No.68124274

he doesn't, he never set one

>> No.68124312

newfag who is not only new to streams, but new to twitch too

>> No.68124317

havent you been settling this entire time by continuing to show up

>> No.68124359

Then I'm gay for shondo's tight asshole

>> No.68124381

nope, because I remember the good times and remind people of it, better than letting the idea rot and be forgotten about

>> No.68124412

ok but you're still settling by being okay with it

>> No.68124439


>> No.68124457

anon? did you even read the sentence?

>> No.68124474

if you keep showing up you're okay with it

>> No.68124517

why is your answer to everything in the thread just to ask people to leave? it sounds like you're the one that needs to leave because you're too sensitive

>> No.68124549

im not telling you to leave im saying your words >>68124263 dont match your actions

>> No.68124591


>> No.68124603

ok, Ray

>> No.68124606


>> No.68124647

I'm not explaining the meaning of your own sentence to you, shogger.

>> No.68124663

ok retard

>> No.68124708

paul won

>> No.68124810

Breaking News, in another valiant attempt at white knighting, a shogga has admitted that he's an ESL, more at 12

>> No.68124839

i want to run my finger down shondos nose and onto her lips and then push it into her mouth

>> No.68124868

whats wrong with being esl
