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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68065815 No.68065815 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread dedicated to talk freely about exWACTORgirls】



>> No.68065874

i missed you niggas so much

>> No.68066295

I miss you to anonymous poster

>> No.68066421

Bros, days feel so lonely without you

>> No.68066999

fuck you, let the girls be free of this cancer.

>> No.68067075

After having made my rounds on what happens and gets discussed out there, this place if the less of their worries.

>> No.68067286

I don't understand why people believe this place is particularly evil or problematic. You can't even begin to comprehend the type of shit bad actors can do when they coordinate in private discord servers or telegram groups. At least any shit that happens here happens in the open. You think this is a place for doxxing? Try it and get your shit deleted within 2 minutes or so, unless the jannies are jerking off.

>> No.68067304

nigga le epin diskeks are a 0,1% of the fandom, but this place is mainstream shit that those niggers use to attack them, and some spics are very dumb idiots willing to eat shit and make retarded dramas.
they were dealing with that for years, just let they rest.

>> No.68067342

you don't even know english

>> No.68067393

are you retarded?
subhumans eat all the shit dropped here, what happened to Lia for example was part fault of niggers shitposting here

>> No.68067474

anons just want to have fun with their gfe oshis and place pixels.

>> No.68067490

There's malicious stuff that gets passed like nothing on discord servers that is never posted here and is ten times more harmful than what is normally discussed here.

>> No.68067542


>> No.68067550


>> No.68067685

again with that, private diskek shit only for a small group of retards vs a mainstream website that every single person can get in, is not the same.

>> No.68067709

> ~25 ips

>> No.68067728

>500 lurkers not posting

>> No.68067806

this even that faggot was spoonfeding the normalfags telling then to not post...

>> No.68067864

>500 lurkers
At best most is triple the number of IPs

>> No.68067910

this. specially when /here/ are fucking schizos monitoring the thread 24/7

>> No.68068004

They are more numerous than all the anons that regularly come here.

>> No.68068266

Just make /yamu/, clearly she's the only gfe girl who's anon fans still want to make stuff for.

>> No.68068319

So apparently Shura is decent at Pokémon...

>> No.68069355

I don't give a shit, you fucking groomer.
no matter how much you scum try to gaslight us it won't work
touch grass, useless no life.

>> No.68069513

Hope someone makes it when she debuts.

>> No.68069595

Who're you talking to?

>> No.68069797

just say that you are part of those discord harassers tha that come here to throw shit, i bet you are that clipper or one of his cocksuckers wanting this place to keep existing to justificate his narrative of being the good side while he keep trying to groom chuubas, note that that faggot hold a grudge to these girls.

>> No.68070301

retard think that someone bought what that palta clown said, kek

>> No.68070884

not him but you managed to enter on paltanigger's groomcord?, you will be very surpried

>> No.68071199

Speaking about this, are we going to do something for her for valentines?

>> No.68071238

Any vtuber who listens to that nigger deserves to suffer.

>> No.68072042

We should.

>> No.68072220

When will Yamu change her devianart design? And get a proper vtuber design with a proper rigging on her 2Dlive.

>> No.68072530

Man, after seeing the shithole that was /chisme/, the idol ES thread and /spics/ this place doesn't feel too bad

>> No.68072662

what are you saying the spics one isn't that bad

>> No.68072954

I like her design in fact I hope the live2D art she commissioned can hold it's ground to the drawing she made.

>> No.68072963

Sure buddy.
At least I know all the offtopic cancer is contained there, so hopefully they won't bring that here again.

>> No.68073091
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it may be late but I'll let a room open, if anyone wants to draw something you are welcome
also, I did a recopilation of everything you've made till now since I was with free time
>room: gordo-pixil's room
>password: anon

>> No.68073094

You got some ideas?

>> No.68073108

>literally fags posting AI, being skeptical about the jews and talking how to fix their twitch chuubas, and love posting.

>> No.68073384

Great they love their chuubas we love ours, finally we can be separated.

>> No.68073446

didn't know it was still a thing, well maybe on other occasion i'll drop some pixels.

>> No.68073464

the whole point of /chisme/ is to be a containment for this thread, it did its job well

>> No.68073520

As I said I'm glad those offtopic sluts and their cancerous fans are contained there.
I hope the putifag finally fucked off too.

>> No.68073529

based!!! thanks fat pixel

>> No.68073609

i'll try to bump it hopping it become a thing

>> No.68073698

Too bad no one made a thread on that time, maybe we could have had a comfy general for once with our resident shitposters distracted elsewhere

>> No.68073798

to be sincere i doubt it, the anyaschizo was shitposting on those threads too, the fuck is the problem of that faggot

>> No.68073872

The thing that worries me is that place might turn into a chispatards breeding ground

>> No.68074013

The idoles thread already had fags who admitted to be from chispa

>> No.68074044

we have a famous chispatard living on this thread too

>> No.68074333

the chispa general was like 5 dudes at most and some are here, they liked to parrot shit from here and other vt generals

>> No.68074569
File: 218 KB, 1358x1358, TdiyzyDkhZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could she dominate the spic scene like this?

>> No.68074575

anons are too powerful

>> No.68074737

All thanks to her pimp and his bots

>> No.68074747

the original design was so much better

>> No.68074781

Go look for collab partners, Eru

>> No.68074880

Reminder Shura wants to free herself from megajorn’s grip so if you care that much you should encourage her

>> No.68075420

offtopic whore, now this is your thread

>> No.68075523

And how do you know that?

>> No.68075587

retard she's in the op

>> No.68075659

Not that anon, but supposedly she said she doesn't want to be some e-celeb accessory

>> No.68075776

OP specifically says no ex-wactorettes allowed

>> No.68075875

I don't think that literal who counts as an e-celeb.

>> No.68075897

Fun thing is she could belong in both threads if it wasn’t for this >>68075776

>> No.68076063

if you want that thread to become a thing just let this one die at dead hours and bump the other instead to survive the night.

>> No.68076169

She hasn’t said it explicitly, but this >>68075659 plus
>having a meltdown over realizing how far she was from the idol dream she became a vtuber for
>”me gusta mucho ser creativa detrás de escenas, en un futuro me gustaría ocuparme de eso”
>megajorn was surprised at the merch stunt, she did it behind his back
>membership things I won’t spoonfeed to megajorn but she did note megajorn didn’t have youtube membership so he couldn’t see and she felt more free
It’s all a rrat but it’s similar to how she acted with Akira

>> No.68076476

>>68076169 (me)
I forgot to add this is me being schizo but megajorn is the one probably telling her to not come to this place because everyone hates her /here/

>> No.68077051

Could he send someone to false flag? Fuck...

>> No.68077208

Is this true? I couldn't help but feel chills

>> No.68077523

Hey gordo pixel, I missed you
These days I'll be busy preparing something for the 14, but if the room still exist after that, I'll drop pixels again

>> No.68077772

Do you have any ideas I could take inspiration from? I want to do something for the 14 but can't think of anything.

>> No.68078040

I'll open it more frecuently from now onw

>> No.68078048

Green text is true, rest is me assuming

>> No.68078794

Cucking stream

>> No.68079403

Well, there are only a few days left, so I don't think there's enough time to do something very elaborate, but you could give it some edits or write a handwritten letter

>> No.68079615

>>68079403 (me)
This is for>>68077772

>> No.68079742

Hope that lisping nigger argensimio gets exposed too.

>> No.68079776
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Merun time!

>> No.68079868

Just a reminder that I want to spank Shura until my hand hurts.

>> No.68079979

Just a reminder that I want to pat pat Yamu until my hand hurts.

>> No.68080031

The only thing I can think of doing as a group is something in the pixel rooms like how we did for Christmas. Some valentine's themed pixelarts.

>> No.68080235

jhonatan stop grooming sylvie
last warning

>> No.68080562

Good night, I really want to hold Yukine's hand for the eternity.
Hug Yukine tightly and send her to sleep with a kiss on her forehead.

>> No.68080901

Who the fuck is jhonatan? You made a mistake, anon

>> No.68082248
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>> No.68083195

yeah, kill her

>> No.68083323

I love my oshi

>> No.68083419

she would probably find that kinda hot

>> No.68083444

I'm confused about what to do, if she is intentionally avoiding us until that date is over then I don't know how to feel and if I should do something either.
Good night.

>> No.68084629

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.68084958


>> No.68085571

What a lowcow

>> No.68086035

spreen didn't give her any attention and she had to settle for a fat peruvian nobody kek

>> No.68086704

Meica stops, this is too embarrassing, the hunger to achieve easy prestige at the cost of humiliation is what sells the most. Have even a little dignity and trust more in your own ability without others imposing their agenda on you behind the scenes.

>> No.68087281

this is what the public of that plataform wants anon, they threat vtubers like a normal streamer with an avatar.

>> No.68087567

>this is what made shura realize her fate if she kept that kind of content

>> No.68087832

you know that are several vtubers are promoting that? hell i even heard them shitting at japanese vtubers calling them cringe fake trash.

>> No.68088727

spic vtubers should burn.
(except yamu, she is cute)

>> No.68090129

It's been a while since I came across a girl that lies this much. If you somehow manage to find out the extent of her lies you will feel so fucking dumb.
Can't wait to see what kind of excuses does she come up with next week.

>> No.68090356


>> No.68090427

all of them
women are vile, lying creatures

>> No.68090503

why you removed Merun fucking nigger

>> No.68092181
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>> No.68093080

I can't stop thinking about Yamu...

>> No.68093617

>cringe fake trash
They don't get the whole point is about selling a fantasy.
It's like them going to a family restaurant and complaining that they can't fuck the waitresses like in their puticlubs or something.

>> No.68094189

>Esta lleno de zombies pero así es España
She's too young to play that

>> No.68095922
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>> No.68096028

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.68097105

As I said she is not Japanese and does not have Japanese citizenship, that's why she went to Argentina as soon as she turned eighteen.
So why do you keep saying you are Japanese and want to represent Japan?

>> No.68097217

I don't mind if you want to represent Japan because you love it, but don't say you are Japanese.

>> No.68098988 [DELETED] 

>she's staying in Ren's place until Valentine's
Solcuckitos are truly the spic fandeads.

>> No.68099091

>This nigga watched all the stream
You’re pathetic, Anyaschizo srsly

>> No.68099198

did you forger? that retard watches all her streams to pull clips of her being racist, he waited 6 hours only to spam shit in her chat, he’s mindbroken af

>> No.68099217

>100 viewers
>Nisha killer

>> No.68099271

Stop trying, schizo.

>> No.68099307

go to sleep shadow

>> No.68099463

>giving attention to the retard
anyway gn

>> No.68104966

Stop thinking about my future spouse

>> No.68108073


>> No.68110327
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>> No.68112796


>> No.68112832

She's MY future wife

>> No.68113793

She's scarring me, she may be living in my walls

>> No.68113808
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>> No.68115145
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>> No.68116035
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>> No.68116237

Simpler times

>> No.68117225
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Next thread please

>> No.68117459

feel free to use it

>> No.68117867

She grew up there, that was her culture, she will never be latina

>> No.68117904

>She grew up there

>> No.68118488

>Your oshi loves you
What a dream

>> No.68118551

Poor Paraguay, even it's own people forget about its existence

>> No.68118721

I even dreamed that I was married to my oshi; it was sad to wake up

>> No.68118925

Ermmm, my oshi does love me. It's a shame yours doesn't love you, anon.

>> No.68120071

Guys, why do I love evil woman so much?

>> No.68120130

It's only until they wrong you, then you won't say that anymore.

>> No.68123470

same man, same.

>> No.68123480

Yamu hate bump

>> No.68123995

Yamu twisted love bump

>> No.68124175

I knew Yamu would eventually mindbreak me but I never expected for it to happen even before her debut kek

>> No.68124233
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Queen of spics

>> No.68124500

I think yamu is nice, would eat asado with her

>> No.68124831

shura futa pls

>> No.68125092

buy an ad merol but thanks for continuing feed goki

>> No.68125234

>buy an ad
That's not how you use that

>> No.68125274

Fuck I'm too obsessed with Yamu

>> No.68125358

Himea Himea

>> No.68126268

Holy ESL
I'm still waiting for that one with nisha measuring her womb

>> No.68126543

>Measuring her womb

>> No.68126628

newfag back to your thread

>> No.68126800

I'll measure Nisha's womb with my dick and you can do nothing about it.

>> No.68126810


>> No.68127044

this is so cringe it actually physically hurts

>> No.68127250
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Shura love!

>> No.68127316

I want to share Milei memes with Yamu...

>> No.68127344
File: 2.46 MB, 2892x2099, GFYmwsqWcAAq21i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shura is the best wife

>> No.68127403
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1e2a2943b3871f23576937330a0fbdd9f6-squidward.rsquare.w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for them

>> No.68127529

>his oshi only sees him as a walking wallet

>> No.68127590

Shut up meicafag

>> No.68127640
File: 261 KB, 1465x1415, GFIsfGQXAAAH_xA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gfe retards
this is beyond pathetic.

>> No.68127787

I love Yukine but you can’t use a coombait chuuba to counter gfe fags

>> No.68127806

Is Yukine coombait?

>> No.68127922
File: 218 KB, 1186x1336, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go newfag

>> No.68127930

these fags call gfe and coombait to anything, even if is just made as a joke or in weak fanservice manner. they like to exagerate to bait a reply. very stupid indeed.

>> No.68127977

meant for

>> No.68128085

>slight fanservice
>buys a nun model that can get naked
>gets a underwear-less version of her own model
>week full of ring fit
>shares her clips of her moaning
>cosplay pictures
>is constantly talking about her fans’ dicks
She’s very likeable and knows how to manage it but it is more than fanservice at this point

>> No.68128127
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>> No.68128134


>> No.68128237

Wonder where's that yukinefag who wanted to "fix" her

>> No.68128383

the only bad thing of that list are the 2 last lines.
also add the male collabs that is the bigger offender and the only thing that really should be fixed.

>> No.68129303

Nisha LOVE
Shura LOVE

>> No.68129409

can i have a qrd of Axtre current content, personality? please

>> No.68130802

sexo con eru

>> No.68132026

sex streams. sex personality.

>> No.68132265

Slutty streams, slutty personality

>> No.68133201

Petition to move Meica to the /vtes/ general
