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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67162496 No.67162496 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.67162758
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Have you heard his voice?
If not, good. Don't.

>> No.67164557

Most of the EN talents care about objectivation and sexualization. A major difference between Hololive and Holostars is that guys can get away with saying that sexism is bad while most of the girls will never get anywhere near that topic since they know that many of their fans are coomers. One of the biggest delusions that coomers have is the idea that just because Cover shills swimsuit concerts that all the holomems are okay with that.

>> No.67164737

Meanwhile most of the girls like their own sexualized fanart on twitter and some actively bait for lewds on stream.
But okay anon. Whatever you say.

>> No.67164799

Sounds like cope to me, not everyone is a boring prude like you.

>> No.67164815

ok i'll bite. post a clip

>> No.67164888

>pretend holostars fans aren't coomers.
k femcel.

>> No.67164963


>> No.67165372

Selen is next, nijinigger.

>> No.67165646

nijiniggers are really trying to push the Ruze=brotuber meme. wonder why

>> No.67165683

>characters that are sexy are great but i personally don't like fanservice on characters purely for the intent of the author's humiliation fetish and the character's not into it herself

what's wrong with that opinion? imo i only like humiliation content if the character's a M, anything else ain't my cup of tea.

>> No.67165709


>> No.67165865

Anon why the fuck did you give em this lame ass clip? I honestly think the best Ruze moments are in collabs where he's in full bastard mode.

>> No.67165873

He wants fictional characters to give consent before being sexualized. Homossharts are inherently retards.

>> No.67165995

Meanwhile watching women thirst over women or casually mention how hot it is when the guy has consent issues in otome games then move on like she mentioned lunch...

>> No.67166000

seems alright but that voice he makes is a bit concerning, like he's gonna fuck up his throat eventually

>> No.67166022

>fictional characters have feelings

>> No.67166052

Same worry.

>> No.67166095

every single clip with ruze in a collab is also with t rexman who is living ear poison

>> No.67166282

They was the Palword collab with him, Goldbullet, Hakka, and Octavio. Jurard couldn’t join because he had to do a stream around the same time.

>> No.67166306

nobody's clipped it
man asked for a clip

>> No.67166330

He does a lot of hopcon collabs on Minecraft all the time with Hakka, Octavio, and Bettel respectively. Lethal Company streams are good because Jurard usually dies first/Ruze splits off from the part to do stuff. Palworld collab a few days ago was all of his genmates sans the dino + Hakka.

>> No.67166361


>> No.67166374

nah we have our own, dont need to shill yours

>> No.67166494

why do sisters not know how to read and answer basic questions

>> No.67166561

damn do i have to do everything around here?
The problem with Holostars fans is that they're mostly Twitter clippers, it'll take me a while to sort through that site so take this.

>> No.67166669

Closest I have to a clip but it’s from Octavio’s pov.

>> No.67167152


>> No.67167266

Are you interested in checking him out or just trying to figure out the hype?

>> No.67167531

Alright, he's pretty cool. I'll stick around.

>> No.67167542

>daily threads about WHOlostars
very natural

>> No.67168423

I'm so glad he filtered you fags unintentionally because your comprehension sucks ass.

>> No.67168480

Pedophiles big mad

>> No.67168520

Nothing is wrong with it. He's just listing his personal taste and these coomers take it like he's saying hentai should be banned.

>> No.67168584

Yeah, whenever NISIOISIN does a fan-service scene he better get consent from the characters, because apparently that fucking makes sense

>> No.67168734

Are you ESL or were you just never taught basic reading comprehension in your elementary school English class?

>> No.67171404

Ye, like the level homo are dropping is sadder everyday i still don't get why they haven't be disband, like i would have had the mercy to press the button long ago.

>> No.67171721

>say something completely fucking retarded
put a bullet in your brain

>> No.67171886

Honestly based

>> No.67171884

log off and learn english before posting on an english website

>> No.67171948

his debut made me want to shoot myself. you can hear what he looks like in real life

>> No.67172033

That's the garbage position of garbage ip holders, such as the Uma Musume yakuza owners. Even if it didn't go as hard as "fictional characters should be able to consent too", it does represent the death of doujin culture, which has been an intrinsic aspect of mangaka circles since at least the '70s.
Neck yourself.

>> No.67172058

suck my fat cock you braindead little ape

>> No.67172064

I don't agree with this statement because
1.they're fictional
2.it's harmless
That sorta logic is what empowers crazies like Jack Dorsey to say Doom caused school shooters. If this is the most "bro" holostar vtuber I'm disappointed. Where's the cool dudes who play Warhammer, have autistic gunpla streams and just have comfy watch along for kino anime?

>> No.67172110

graduate middle school

>> No.67172222

point to where he said it's harmful there

>> No.67172421

>Making money off someone else's hard work
Good create your own IP you talentless fucks, drink bleach

>> No.67172477

In JP, partially. Aruran, Oga and Roberu are great, others such as Astel not so much.
In English, I like most of what I've seen of Sun Kenji, but it should be added, he's said he's black and american IRL. Not to say there's not great black american fleshtubers such as Griffy or Siaka Massaquoi, but it's like 1 in 1000.

>> No.67172664

>male brings politics into stream
every time lmao

>> No.67172764

He's based in my opinion
Reminder that the reason unicorns started spamming this is because the immediate context is him calling out pedophiles for being the freaks they are, and they took it as a personal attack and were triggered.

>> No.67172938

>>67172764 (me)
i'm trans btw

>> No.67172981

And suddenly you've stunted the careers of great mangaka such as, for example, Azuma who made some doujin of works such as Evangelion; and the Railgun mangaka, who respectively made a very popular doujin series of Yotsuba (Pretty Neighbor).
You're retarded, neck yourself.

>> No.67173116

you guys understand that people are capable of "not liking" things without being a sperging retard who wants it wiped off the face of the earth, right

>> No.67173258

>it was against pedophiles
Fair enough. I don't like lolicon/toddlercon art but I don't pretend it's harmful or "messed up" unless they're continuing the victimization of real people. The logic just follows the same as "fiction normalizes terrible things and enables real world tragedies so we need to ban violent video games and teach jesus at schools" and I'm not for that. I just want a cool dude to sometimes watch, not Hasan Piker or some other grifter talking down to me.

>> No.67173297

Yes. Not the kind of people who use words such as "empowerment", "non-binary" or "objectification" in any way other than sarcastically, however.

>> No.67173354

he's another vesper, just someone who watches way too much asmongold that he starts acting like him

>> No.67173393

>someone who watches way too much asmongold that he starts acting like him
So, a hypocrite.

>> No.67173410

cool non sequitur bro

>> No.67173522

I love how every thread surrounding Ruze brings up Vesper somehow

>> No.67173529

WHO? don't care, Anno is all I need. Coattail riders are scum

>> No.67173599

How is that a non-sequitur? It follows that, people who use such words in anything but a sarcastic way, are not the kind of people who are capable of "not liking" things without being a sperging retard who wants it wiped off the face of the earth.
At least learn the very basics of propositional logic before calling logical fallacies.

>> No.67173647

It literally does not follow
The two things have no connection you brainrotted monkey

>> No.67173669

Kiyohiko Azuma, retard. Azumanga Daioh's author. Yotsubato's author. You know, the anime character on who this site's icon is based?
Neck yourself.

>> No.67173889

Yeah, he certainly never used anyone else's IP for a big chunk of cash.

>> No.67174147

/vt/ really is the board for newfags isn't it

>> No.67174275

Sadly, almost as much as /soc/

>> No.67174666

actually die. just stop watching him, nijinig

>> No.67174847
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, words of truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling out pedophiles
Unironically why are you /here/ if you think lolicon is equivalent to pedophilia? You’re aware most vtubers are either lolicons or shotacons, right? This includes someone in Ruze’s own gen by the way, since the dinosaur has sexualized Gura in the past. This also includes your precious dead homo Magni who has also sexualized fictional minors.
Simply put, you don’t belong here. Go back.

>> No.67174854

>muh empowerment
holy fucking fag

>> No.67174889

Post tits.

>> No.67177535

Well, I doubt you're going to guess "a really typical lanky white boy", so you're probably wrong.

>> No.67181186 [DELETED] 


>> No.67181634


>> No.67184663

Because you're granting agency to a fictional character not as an outside observer but by self inserting into the world.
This is not something you can do within reason because you are an outside observer, as such you are afforded things that that by your logic are immoral

By definition, you are already violating everyone's consent by peering into the world and viewing their private moments, even if not sexual, are still private.

Drawing the line at sexualization of characters not consenting makes 0 sense when the characters themselves have never consented to being viewed by anyone other than who they consented to, meaning not you.
You're hypocritically applying a real world ideal onto media where it doesn't work

Whether it's a sexualized loli or a character that consented to sex to another character or some character crying by themselves about their problems privately, they didn't give consent for YOU the viewer to see it

That's the issue, you're logic makes watching any anime wrong

>> No.67187933

>caring this much about an off-handed comment against pedophiles from someone you will never watch

>> No.67188744


>> No.67189325

Imagine white-knighting for a fucking 3 view homo KEK. He’s not going to fuck you sis.

>> No.67189514

he's a poser 100%. do NOT watch him, in fact you should block him everywhere and avoid ALL contact with him in every way you can. thanks bros

>> No.67189555

Who is your oshi and she supplying you with sex?

>> No.67189597

No, I care about shitty arguments
This could be about breakfast cereal or paperclips for all I care
Hypocrisy and contradictions bother me, and should bother you too
If his argument was good I would be on his side and despise all loli too, I'm invested to sides by virtue of some group, I'm invested in reasonable claims

>> No.67189611

Niether will the kids bro, you need therapy + anti-psychotics.

>> No.67191469

i really don't like his voice but these are pretty funny

>> No.67191650

Like most Stars EN Gen 3, he's boring, uninspired, and one of your dime-a-dozen basedboys with a lot of garbage from his PL (much like most of his gen m8s). It would be better for Cover in general to just erase the whole gen.

>> No.67193536

It's wild that you can write so much and still miss the point. At no point in any of the incriminating clips has he ever made a moral argument. He has never said it's wrong for you to enjoy things. He has never said that he's better than you.

His two points were "Cunny isn't my fetish" and "I find fanservice boring". That is it. In his Dwarf Fortress stream today, he said that he is interested in playing Rim World, but not interested in Factorio. His explanation is that Rim World features characters that he will be able to create engaging narratives with. Factorio doesn't have that added layer of context.

That is how he views literally everything. This is the common throughline that is true for every single action he takes or opinion he holds. And he understands that most people aren't that autistic. So those people will see things differently, and that's perfectly okay. You catalogfags are the only ones making an issue out of it.

>> No.67193726
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x835, ruzestats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 view
At least be right if you're gonna use numbers, retard

>> No.67193820

He’s just as worse if not even more worse than the poser

>> No.67195034

Yes he's a bro. You can tell from all the pedos seething over him for months now

>> No.67195382

>"Hypocrisy and contradictions bother me"
>I like it when it's part of the character and don't like it when it isn't
It literally is not that deep, Sherlock

>> No.67196175

He is fine, but please stop using him for shitposting. People who'd give him a chance likely already did and figured if they like him or not.

>> No.67196383

>I find fanservice boring
That's the opposite impression I got; I thought he only liked it if he thinks it's empowering and icky if he thinks it isn't.

>> No.67196674

Even the JP talents were furious with the Aventure Holic MV and there have been a few times when Hololive talents like Pekora were honest about how the lewd stuff is unpleasant. Cover isn't going to give up on coomer pandering because it brings in a lot of money but it's obvious that coomerbait is more divisive with HoloEN. They will tolerate the occasional swimsuit event but their was a reason they made those smol VRChat models.

>> No.67197272

>He doesn't understand that the women lie to their customers for money
How old are you?

>> No.67197507
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Yeah the faggot deserves to die for this.
Anti-2D is anti-Hololive.

>> No.67197645

"pedo" is a strawman
He's moralfagging against wakfu girls AKA JKs AKA the type Yagoo built Hololive on.

>> No.67197916

i’m sure bijou’s and gura’s hands were totally forced to like lewd fanart of themselves on twitter sister, absolutely just for the job and not out of personal enjoyment

>> No.67198028

a 4 view barely teetering on the edge of dropping into 3 view status is essentially a 3 view

>> No.67198058 [DELETED] 

pedos spotted

>> No.67198074

Dude does a mean Solid Snake

>> No.67198141

Cool, I'm not

>> No.67198312
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No, he likes it when its diagetic. He wants it to make sense, or it takes him out of the story.

>> No.67198425

No he doesn't like it if they "can't consent" to being sexualized. (doesn't make any sense) Then he offers up Bayonetta as a cope, they have to be some kind of safe "dommy mommy" for it to be OK.

>> No.67198535

Don't pretend you watch Pekora cause you saw a clip you dumb whore. Gulf of difference between her idea of her own image and the moralfaggatory that homo is going on about.

>> No.67200061

How should >we know. All >we do is read threads and post semi-believable dogshit that even clip watchers would know is a lie.

>> No.67200158

>Even the JP talents were furious with the Aventure Holic MV
Post timestamp, i love when marine mention even towa doesn't care.

>> No.67200204

he is my husband
quit using him to shitpost

>> No.67200242

He can’t because he made it up

>> No.67201811

You realize that posting shit like this is just going to make people /here/ shitpost him harder right? The same thing applies to the people coming to his defense in these threads.
You tards should just ignore this shit and move on, let it get lost in the catalog until it’s bumped off into archive.
But instead you keep engaging. Ruzefags are fucking clowns. Maybe try not taking the bait next time idiots.

>> No.67202409 [DELETED] 
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More like malicious wenches
There will be no peace until the cancer is removed.

>> No.67202590

a real bro wouldnt sperg about imaginary characters rights

>> No.67203693

>The more people disagree with me, the more I will seethe and shit about it in the catalog
Yeah, sounds about right coming from your kind of people.

>> No.67205298


>> No.67205583

>you think lolicon is equivalent to pedophilia?
it's literally the same thing though

>> No.67208664
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>> No.67209026

uhhh sisters? our brotuber?

>> No.67209926

I don't know about you, but I don't spend my irl bro time talking about cunny.

>> No.67210146

you’re an ugly fat woman, please don’t try to tell me what men are like ty

>> No.67212565


>> No.67216060 [DELETED] 


>> No.67216148
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>you’re an ugly fat woman, please don’t try to tell me what men are like ty

>> No.67216163


>> No.67216825
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>> No.67217076
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You lost in life sister
Fix your face sister

>> No.67217278

these two should kiss

>> No.67217659

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.67217722

go back to twitter

>> No.67217847

>giant cocksucking faggot male vtuber

nice try sister now go back to your doxsite

>> No.67217849

the irony of anyone on /vt/ saying this

>> No.67217934
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>You lost in life sister
>Fix your face sister

>> No.67217964

Vesper was better at hiding his homosexuality

>> No.67218065

I wouldn't watch any of this homos they're all cringe and gay in a negative way

>> No.67218069

>Empowerment good.
>Objectifcation bad.
Seems to be the safe answer.

>> No.67218136

>You have to jack off to lolis or you're gay!!!!

>> No.67218157

>non-binary people do that

>> No.67221202

Just woke up and saw my post was deleted. Janny is literally running defense for this guy.
Post was the ruzehole doing gay ops on youtube flinging shit on Ririka pretending to be her fan.

>> No.67224349


>> No.67224428

Based take

>> No.67224745

Don't know but I'm not watching this faggot in fact I wouldn't be surprised if he made this thread

>> No.67225036

All this discourse because the guy’s into femdom jeez

>> No.67225469

he's a really cool guy. I hope calli and kronii take him and octavio as the new group
