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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67072784 No.67072784 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1747380862461567069

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>67052253

>> No.67072926


>> No.67073050

Shontoes in my mouth
Shonsoles on my face

>> No.67073160

>i guess i will play BA and huddle otis for warmth
she'll play for 30 minutes before the battery runs out

>> No.67073174
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she's gorgeous

>> No.67073216


>> No.67073233

Passionate love making with shondo with tons of hand holding and neck kisses

>> No.67073361

she's impressively bad at surviving

>> No.67073386

don't they have candles? i remember my family would put candles around the house when the power went down

>> No.67073444

hey shondo, know where would have power?
da klub

>> No.67073522

FT is gonna lose ranks at this rate...

>> No.67073557

Is this the '90s? Power never runs out where I live for more than a few minutes every half a decade, we have some flashlights and that's enough.

>> No.67073567

I wonder if they have any of those big heavy flashlights that you can use as a weapon too.
My family always had me and my brother sleep with one in reach and keep one in our cars in case something went wrong

>> No.67073636
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been reading up on the cult of the lamb sex update and let me just tell you, tomorrow's threads will be wild lol. the final cuckening is coming.

>> No.67073719

>tomorrow's stream

>> No.67073801

I will not watch stream and I wont read the thread then. Thanks for the heads up shogga

>> No.67073818

>sex update
WTF? That game looks so innocent.

>> No.67073902

Does the player have sex with their followers? From the trailer it looked like the followers were the ones fucking

>> No.67074018

and followers

>> No.67074037

You're very optimistic in some ways and not at all in others

>> No.67074126

oh god

>> No.67074267

She's british and a girl, the odds that they don't have candles is low

>> No.67074273

like that she will stream tomorrow is very optimistic

>> No.67074504
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, uoh-sex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftrucmm.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomf plap plap plap

>> No.67074634

Whoa is this the average fallenshadow stream? I really need to give this Shondi cunny girl a chance.

>> No.67074957

yup, and be sure to tell her saali sent you

>> No.67074972

i wish she was here i bet she would be having so much fun....

>> No.67075050

I was really looking forward to stream today :(

>> No.67075119

Imagine being in a pillow / blanket fort with Shondo illuminated by a single flashlight and taking turns making up the most fucked up stories you can trying to scare each other to pass the time.

>> No.67075182


>> No.67075205

whenever we had a power cut at night when I was younger we had candles so we had very comfy times
im now imagining being cuddled up with shondo reading something nice by candlelight

>> No.67075385

Power outages when we were kids were a fucking blast. Neighbor kids came over and we’d play board games and load up sleeping bags with blankets and stay toasty.

>> No.67075524

causing a "power cut" at our home so I can put on my gen3 night vision and roleplay Splinter Cell in our house but the only things being splintered are shondos bones as i relentlessly beat her in the darkness like a poltergeist

>> No.67075577

Absolutely based and kino

>> No.67076152
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so did kiri_kanna end up posting the shondo cosplay pics or not?

>> No.67076194

I would rather not think about it

>> No.67076278

I dont use discord, but its not on twitter

>> No.67076294

Is kiri a hot boygirl? I wanna see.

>> No.67076425

Scroll down on his media tab on twitter. Regular slight chubby Asian dude. Shondo cosplay is ruined on that faggot.

>> No.67076636

I think he deleted them.

>> No.67076717

vtuber collabs always turn me into Jack Dee

>> No.67076803
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shouldn't the electrician have been there by now? i need updates, shondo...

>> No.67076891

>>67076636 (me)
Nevermind found his other cosplay, he's so goddamned ugly.

>> No.67076993

It has been two years, so who knows if that fag started HRT. But that shit doesn't do miracles, he'll just look like a regular tranny.

>> No.67077122

At least he seems nise.

>> No.67077124

>>67076993 (me)
Two? I meant four.

>> No.67077445

The power isnt getting fixed before stream tomorrow at this rate

>> No.67077457

through archives
>16 results for shomie
>859 results for shogga
>689 results for shogger
>576 results for shoggas
>and 1437 results for shoggers
you did this to yourself

>> No.67077532

shiiiiiiet shiggie, whats the matter?

>> No.67077616
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>all because of Roliwoli
You will never shape Shonstory the way that shogger did.

>> No.67077671

>he doesnt know it was ren who came up with the term

>> No.67077711

You will never shape Shonstory the way that shogger did.

>> No.67077798

Yeah hes the reason she doesnt trust artists anymore

>> No.67077857

you mean he's the reason this thread doesn't like artists anymore

>> No.67077875

Good. Keeping the groomers at arm distance.

>> No.67078573

why are you even here if you wouldn't do it?
imagine finally meeting her and then plunging an ice pick into her neck, a wicked smile spreading across your face as the life slowly fades from her eyes

>> No.67078584

>she wants to marry her own mom
based? I thought she hated mommyfags

>> No.67078771

Anon you can only skin a cat once, if you let it live you will find other ways to enjoy its existence.

>> No.67078936
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>> No.67079008

chances that she cried today?

>> No.67079011


>> No.67079023
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>> No.67079077

the better question is how many times

>> No.67079093

the mere thought of it makes me giddy

>> No.67079390


>> No.67079435
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>> No.67079509

I love my wife so much bros sometimes its hard to handle

>> No.67079516

got hur cryin in da club

>> No.67079683

>tummy hort was fake
>fuse was karma for fibbing

>> No.67079732

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.67079772

this but unironically

>> No.67079867

This is true

>> No.67080038

I choose to believe this.

>> No.67080118 [DELETED] 

Platonic tea parties with shondo

>> No.67080311

shut the fuck up retard, you can't even have sex with shondo (the lamb)
followers can only have sex with themselves so it will be a gay sausagefest with shondo breeding shondophrenics together
the only "cuckening" part that could possibly happen is choosing a follower that all other shondophrenincs eat alive for sin

>> No.67080372

I will now watch the lamb stream

>> No.67080426

youre telling me that shoggas will get to have sex with dewdhole's dude hole? based?

>> No.67080472

>it will be a gay sausagefest
inb4 Shondo keeps calling us gay over and disrespects us and reminds us that she doesn't view us as husbands anymore

>> No.67080765

sometimes i think you guys dont even like shondo

>> No.67080844

remember when shondo ate spoilt yogurt and vomited blood? then promptly forgot about that incident when talking about eating expired food, and got reminded live on stream about the expired yogurt and she had to make a coverup that whenever she vomits she vomits out blood?
yeah, me too, good times

>> No.67080854

Shondo is the one who doesn't like us, you'll realize this when she has her own house and treats us like her youtube audience

>> No.67081000

It will bring a wicked smile to my face when you're inevitably proven wrong

>> No.67081012

She's prepping the ultimate defense, dementia. She already has the "anything past 6 hours in a watchalong isn't canon" rule.

>> No.67081072

Shondo should rig it like she did with Magneto so we can fuck him. As a joke, haha

>> No.67081097

Then why did she backstab her youtube audience? Because they wanted more of the content they subscribed for? Grrr those entitled mommyfags!

>> No.67081169

She hasnt backstabbed them, I dont know where you guys are getting this from. Her last video was with ara ara voice. She never married them like she did with her twitch audience

>> No.67081226

Stop biting shit baits, retards.

>> No.67081260

>when she has her own house
luckily this will never happen because of how retarded her saving plan is
>getting evicted this year
>let me just save a bit of money every month
>I'll also spend it on getting 17 gifts for otis and more gifts for the rest of the family
>I'll buy otis a wheel that will never be built
>Let me just spend money on bloons
>Gifts subs to all her friends
>3 new model/outfits in the works
>2 3D models
>Bought a bunny girl figurine from a friend
>Bought a whole new couch
oh but let me let shadowmama donate more than she earns in her job to snow leopards and buy 2 ipads for the children
women, I swear

>> No.67081313

>She hasnt backstabbed them
Do you watch her streams? She spent a whole zatsu shitting on her old audience.

>> No.67081395

not just that, whenever someone goes slightly against the grain of the shondophrenic hivemind, her go to response is "youtube?"

>> No.67081431 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 810x216, 1693966780203382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo fears her youtube audience because they understand her better than so-called husbands.

>> No.67081504

So? Why would they care. They arent part of the parasocial relationship so it shouldnt matter to them as long as they keep getting asmr videos

>> No.67081514

hi r*ddit spacing poneglyph

>> No.67081516

Do you even read the thread? This isn't different from what shoggers here say

>> No.67081572
File: 685 KB, 649x673, Screenshot 2023-09-14 132658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lots of complex thoughts and feelings regarding Shondo. I love her :)

>> No.67081602

>She hasnt backstabbed them
>Backstabs them
haha lmao

>> No.67081620

>>67081516 (me)
We all know she wants us to be 'faceless' and be part of (you). I don't think that's bad.

>> No.67081633

>So? Why would they care.
They don't, I care because it's a red flag. Would you hire a woman that shits on her old boss openly? Would you date a woman that shit talks her old boyfriend? I wouldn't. Massive red flag.

>> No.67081685 [DELETED] 

she does shit talk a lot about Florida, the hotel, and her date at disney...

>> No.67081726

It's over... this whore.......

>> No.67081800

people are just bitter because the mentally ill schizo girl is somehow more experienced in life than them and would have to take the lead in the relationship over them despite being objectively incapable

>> No.67081806

A big part of her YouTube audience was normies that did FBI jokes whenever she made a loli asmr. She always disliked that

>> No.67081896

yeah! own the haters lmao!

>> No.67081903

The reason why she talked badly about some guys in her discord was also because she was a minor back then

>> No.67081932
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Remember to tell her all of this guys, she wants to know

>> No.67081985

way too frequent too I never had a relationship so I don't know if it's normal I find it weird

>> No.67081986

I don't know what that gobbledygook means but you sound very feminine.

>> No.67081995

"constructive" is judged by her, and her judgement is that no criticism is constructive, and you will be banned on sight

>> No.67081998


>> No.67082003

Shondo dominates this relationship just by the nature of us only ever being text on a screen. The power gap between a single shogga and her is massive, she can take away everything while you or me could only ever be a fleeting feeling of loss easily replaced with someone else
This isnt a typical relationship and everyone here would be so much better off if they didnt treat it like one

>> No.67082031

I remember criticising her in a marshmallow and 1 hour later she announced she was shutting hers down due to "harassment" lel

>> No.67082066

if it's a rebound, it's normal to get a few complaints about then for a month or 3, been there, done that.
but 5 whole years later? now that's being bitter.

>> No.67082187

we had such a good run

>> No.67082206

I believe the reason she does that is because she wants to make us feel less insecure about it

>> No.67082243

threads when no stream are always god awful.

>> No.67082295

How should I treat it

>> No.67082317

that doesn't make sense considering apparently she thinks we think about him more than she does, but in all the cases recently, she's the first one to bring up their time together
a reminder that she calls us gay for thinking about her ex and their relationship

>> No.67082359

>she thinks we think about him more than she does
she already knows this is a fact from these threads

>> No.67082445

it's only cause she refuses to give us a reason for the second Florida trip without her mother, it's the only part of the timeline that has yet to be explained by her

>> No.67082453

I really hate her tendincy to shittalk her old friends, discord, fans, youtube viewers,... It's her biggest red flag. In my experience every vtuber that shittalks their old fanbase eventually shittalks you too. I hope she doesn't and maybe becomes aware of this but it's still something that makes me very uncomfortable and worried

>> No.67082493

I'm not certain someone so I don't really care about that but still I find it weird/unconfmy

>> No.67082553

Just remember the Maros. From her perspective, it's something we think about a lot. The whole 'you're gay because you think about it more than I do' was an attempt to make us stop thinking about it.

>> No.67082640

i look forward to the dynamic of making each other worse actually, its a simulation of a real marriage

>> No.67082644

it's also a way to end the marshmallow without actually answering it truthfully. which just causes even more brainworms

>> No.67082678

Everytime someone brings it up they get something wrong or dont phrase the question correctly and she can just dismiss it offhandedly as a joke

>> No.67082679

The difference is that shoggers needed to be spoonfed this knowledge by Shondo herself in mid 2022 and half of them believe she's joking, meanwhile mommyfags who don't even watch her streams knew her true nature since 2018-2019.

>> No.67082728

Most moomyfags dont give a shit about her and watch 20 other asmr channels

>> No.67082786

one thing that frustrates me about her. shes got it into her head that were weak when she's safe in her room with absolute power.. whats the worst thing you can actually do to dominate and correct her? say a mean thing? catch her in her bs? just comes off as feminine to her anyways.

>> No.67082863

so angy

>> No.67082877

>paraphrasing "just hit me and tell me no uwu"
I wish I could without risking a ban.

>> No.67082887

>what's the worst you can do
Leave. But she knows the husband's are too weak to do that

>> No.67082913

that's why the whole being a brat thing doesn't work her and she just comes off as being bitchy, especially when she uses the line "what are you going to do about it huh?" because there's literally nothing we can do about it as a chat on the screen. she's just annoying while being a brat and you can't slap or plap her to correct her behavior, so it just comes off as foul and her being self-entitled

>> No.67082930

There's like 200 of us mate, if we leave she still has 1300+ casuals.

>> No.67082947

People leave and she gets over it quickly, doesnt acknowledge it, or doesnt even notice. Nothing you can do can be of much consequence to her now

>> No.67082957

ask me how i know you're autistic

>> No.67082989

nta how do you know he's autistic? because he doesn't masturbate when she acts bratty?

>> No.67082993

well? what are you going to do about it? shit and piss and make a melty in the thread about it?

>> No.67083036

give other people brainworms until they schizo out and eventually become insufferable and explode
creating sentient hand grenades is a fun and interesting experience

>> No.67083059


>> No.67083082

are you me?

>> No.67083083

whats that accomplish?
Roli, Grackle, and Ray have all left recently and she doesnt even notice
Somnium and FF were banned and she didnt know about it
Single shoggas leaving does nothing anymore

>> No.67083097

nevermind i realized if you can't figure it out on your own you won't believe me, good luck

>> No.67083115

it does nothing, unless your name starts with a d, then she notices immediately

>> No.67083126

>grrrr ill show you *shoots foot*

>> No.67083165

Unless you're a whale or a high tier artist.

>> No.67083195

anon, acting like a bitch and being a bitch is virtually the same thing on the viewer's end.
it doesn't matter what intentions you have inside you, your outward expression is still you showing that you're a bitch.

>> No.67083211

Did you forget when she said that a bunch of regulars who showed up in her Twitch recap left?

>> No.67083242

she noticed

>> No.67083383

You don't get it anon, her acting like a bitch it's a funny joke.

>> No.67083391

leaving does literally nothing, it just hurts her for a while, and then the yesmen come in and just reassure her that "we aren't like him, we enjoy it" then she regains her ego and keeps being a brat

>> No.67083395

if you're going to beg:
she's playfully teasing, if you're autistic I can imagine that is hard to see

>> No.67083426

Still the most based leaver. The twitchification of Shondo and its consequences have been a disaster. I remember when people used to compliment Shondo's streams precisely because they *didn't* feel like a part of typical twitch vtuber culture.

>> No.67083483

it's like you're a brick wall or something.

>> No.67083557

>she'd playfully teasing
Except she isn't, she's taunting us by being malicious for 5 hours and we're powerless to stop her. In real life I would've ruffled her hair or pretended to hit her to make her flinch, however there's nothing I can do since I'm text. It's lame femdom, it's femdom without the JOI.

>> No.67083560

you guessed right

>> No.67083620

shondo I know your'e here, I'll forgive literally anything you do if you just make a single JOI ASMR video.
you can walk all over me for the rest of my life, just make the JOI.

>> No.67083680

And if you instead try to be mature and nise you are a happynodder

>> No.67083717

>awkwardly going through the JOI and then shouting 'Hurray!' and clapping at the end

>> No.67083734

This is blatant autism but I actually agree with what you're saying. She's taunting us and most people play into that for her, which in turn makes her think she can do it everywhere. Her ego keeps rising every stream and she now thinks she can walk all over us and get away with it. She no longer respects us or even cares.

>> No.67083789

I really need this

>> No.67083823

Her 'good boy *giggle*' kills me every time.

>> No.67083829

To be fair she stopped caring in 2022 but she at least respected us until around... August 2023? I should look into it.

>> No.67083852

stop giving her money, that is one thing you can do

>> No.67083864

you reckon shondo claps and gives salutations after you finish inside her?

>> No.67083893

>stop giving her money = no more interactions
You might as well divorce and move on.

>> No.67083906

She cared up until May 2023. Its been downhill since then

>> No.67083907

I would tell her to do that

>> No.67083946

make new accounts and occasionally put really autistic things as their first messages

>> No.67084013

Did anything in particular happen in May?

>> No.67084035
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She used to understand me so well

>> No.67084037

baiting like this takes too much effort
don't tell me you shoggers are serious

>> No.67084045

yes but im not spoonfeeding you

>> No.67084072
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>> No.67084084

then she becomes known as a golddigger once people notice. money exponentially decreases and more leave. all that remains are findom fetishists

>> No.67084111

Imagine getting a chaste kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head after blowing a huge load inside the shunny.

>> No.67084121

I am. I think the bratty act is very disrespectful, it's an excuse for her to be a malicious cunt and take it on us.

>> No.67084124

ie. nothing happened

>> No.67084142


>> No.67084148

You can try harder shogga, its not hard to find

>> No.67084196

Sweden happened

>> No.67084201
File: 767 KB, 673x678, Screenshot 2023-11-09 131855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love with her in May :) unironically. that's when I started calling her my oshi and my wife

>> No.67084235

not everything you disagree with is bait.
some just don't like being talked down to and being powerless.

>> No.67084275

it was always like that though. i'm an oldfag and remember many huge names from her past that left and she never said or tweeted anything about them. it's a only a tiny number of viewers that she has ever acknowledged when leaving and those people she had public meltdowns about. but no, she has no favorites and loves everyone equally, dw about it

>> No.67084301

email the shoncologist

>> No.67084443

Why? I don't have brainworms, I just find it disrespectful. If she keeps up this "call me daddy, ur a little kitten" act as an injoke my blood will literally boil. Men don't like to be emasculated like that unless they're very feminine.

>> No.67084446

I presume you're saying the ASMR break was actually something else? Nice brainworm.

>> No.67084539


>> No.67084571

right... syadouHappynod

>> No.67084589

I genuinely thought I was the only person in her chat with this opinion, we will never win. There are over 1000 people that will just syadouHappynod and go along with it.

>> No.67084800

i guess we're not gonna get an update on the electrician for some reason?

>> No.67084817

The kind of men she wants us to be would never allow her to emasculate us like that, sadly 99% of her chat are chubby low T weebs.

>> No.67084854

because it's a lie anon.
watch as shondo posts an update because this post pisses her off

>> No.67084909

I would allow shondo to continuously tease me throughout the day, thinking shes finally won, and then violently correcting her with some bonus loving aftercare once Im finished

>> No.67084924

posts an update from the club, more grammar mistakes than usual cuz she's drunk

>> No.67084943

I can go "grr I'll beat you shut the fuck up" all I want but it doesnt matter

>> No.67084981

I kneel

>> No.67084982

She not even currently online and i'm guessing her phone has run out of battery. It's so over

>> No.67085031

update: its dark in the club (duh) and shondo finished her drink

>> No.67085043

>she actually did
shondo... please let me sniff and kiss your feet

>> No.67085047

How did you do that

>> No.67085081

Yeah, that's the element missing. Some sort of corporal punishment and I don't mean rape.

>> No.67085135

Shondo post your toes but in the dark

>> No.67085146

it paints a smile most wicked upon her face, if that matters
i've been asking for the shock collar too anon

>> No.67085191

Its 11pm and the power isnt fixed yet
See you shoggas on sunday for the confession stream

>> No.67085218
File: 13 KB, 595x91, 1677043820826536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would love it

>> No.67085233

Next sunday right?

>> No.67085239

they don't work weekends because muh labor laws. see you wednesday.

>> No.67085268

is that true for the UK? FE is an old lady, they cant just leave her in the cold like that

>> No.67085298

She thinks she would like it but who knows? If she couldn't stay on her feet after a couple of slaps over her face she definitely can't take a punch from a man.

>> No.67085401

Electricians can work whenever they want in the UK - most are self-employed.

>> No.67085504

cowboy electricians are going to rig her house to explode

>> No.67085563

the thought of this being a possibility brings a wicked smile to my face

>> No.67085690

See you in March

>> No.67085777

This easily sounds like a multiday fix

>> No.67085822

nah, they can fix everything tomorrow in 4-4 hours.

>> No.67085888

Not the best week to lose heating considering the temperatures have been hovering around freezing and there's a storm on the way in a day or so.

>> No.67085894

way ahead of you

>> No.67085998

yeah i'm gonna concernfag. even ignoring their health the house might get frozen/cracked water pipes and shit. if they have to replace all the wiring in the house (which is what it sounds like) it's gonna take a long time too. not talking 1-2 days, more like a week or more.

>> No.67086057

>more like a week or more
so this is the Paris trip

>> No.67086065

Otis needs heat too....

>> No.67086133 [DELETED] 

there's a male inside your wife's walls and it's not you, how do you feel being cucked like that?

>> No.67086137

quick somebody rich donate like 2k so she and the family can stay in a hotel until it's fixed!

>> No.67086190

She should donate 2k to me instead nigga I'm broke as shit

>> No.67086193

I'll tell him to leave me alone. It's my turf

>> No.67086218


>> No.67086264

She literally almost died and faggots are like “how long until you have power back so you can stream?”

>> No.67086314

>if they have to replace all the wiring in the house (which is what it sounds like)

Unless the landlord is really that dodgy (electrics have to be checked every five years in rental properties) then I doubt it'll be quite that bad.

Then again it does make you wonder who signed off on the fuse box originally.

If the landlord was getting an electrician friend to sign off on things illegally then the Shadow family might have some money coming their way.

>> No.67086343

no she didnt grow up

>> No.67086345

>“how long until you have power back so you can stream?”
Yes? We both want the same thing, unless you think that she wouldn't stream tomorrow if she could.

>> No.67086382

Anon you dont understand, I need my daily interactions from retarded questions or I will literally kill myself

>> No.67086396

Force him to sell them the house

>> No.67086428

The council have a duty to house them in the event they don't have power/heating for a prolonged period.

>> No.67086469

give me a break you holier than thou bastards, if you didn't hammer her to go see a doctor you have no right to concernfag now

>> No.67086474

oh fuck, countdown-kun... ? doko? a v2 maybe... ?

>> No.67086488
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>She literally almost died
woooow cooool

>> No.67086530

anon?? she can't head her house

>> No.67086544

I did and then she pulled the "someone is going to touch my chest you cucks!!!" card

>> No.67086580

I did though. I dont care if you call me a concernfag

>> No.67086587

I said this yesterday and no one believed me

>> No.67086614

I did at any opportunity dumbass

>> No.67086720

Good anons, now imagine you telling her a week ago that the fuse is almost melted and her whole house could catch on fire. How would she have reacted to that?

>> No.67086741

Plenty of us did and she kept blowing us off. At this point I trust shadowmama more to take care of her than herself

>> No.67086742
File: 820 KB, 776x673, Screenshot 2023-11-08 140042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad the house didn't explode and kill everyone in an electrical fire :) I'm also sad it sounds like she's not going to be able to stream for a while :( I'm optimistic that it'll be sorted out soon! :) I love my wife and want the best for her and her family!!

>> No.67086757

think this faulty wiring business is related to all her dead pcs?

>> No.67086789

I do now

>> No.67086803

You replied to me but I don't think my post was deserving of that anon, mine doesn't fit the bill.

>> No.67086830
File: 171 KB, 1171x987, 1693605590415972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm happy she's not dying
>I'm sad because no stream
>I miss her
Three things can be true at the same time.

>> No.67086832

definitely, her pc problems got fixed the moment she put it on a UPS

>> No.67086838

lol, lmao even. She would've never taken us seriously
Very likely, yes

>> No.67086855


>> No.67086880

even if I could time travel I would never stop this from happening, she needed a break from me

>> No.67086928

If I could time travel I would take her first kiss.

>> No.67086955

She was like 8 when she had her first kiss

>> No.67086958

Correlation doko?

>> No.67086981

Did I stutter?

>> No.67087018

didn't she even mention before that wiring In her house is bad?

>> No.67087037

Yeah they can but being a whiny bitch about it makes you a selfish cunt.

>> No.67087051

good one, needs a clap and hurray though

>> No.67087081

It's called venting, she's not even supposed to be /here/ retarchama.

>> No.67087091
File: 259 KB, 1656x2306, 1683375235632362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless the shogga who suggested that (i know who it was but i don't want to namedrop him here)

>> No.67087132

If I could time travel I would save marley and forest elder and groom her to be only my wife.

>> No.67087221

Venting because you’re secretly angry with her that her power died so you have to miss a day or two of attention still makes you a shitty person.

>> No.67087315

I'm sorry that I'm not a good person like you, I'm sorry that I'm a shitty person. I will not stop being myself.

>> No.67087334

She would’ve never had Otis if things didn’t happen exactly as they have. It’s crazy to think about.

>> No.67087429

>some money coming their way
shondo refuses to take any legal actions, she makes it seem like no lawsuits or cases ever get through in the UK

>> No.67087444

I wonder who she would choose at this point

>> No.67087478


>> No.67087484

I will convince FT on his stream to sue the landlord

>> No.67087524

you have no balls sir

>> No.67087545

>We'll sue you!
>ok, get out of my house by Wednesday

>> No.67087563

she actually views her landlord as a wrathful god, it's unreal

>> No.67087616

You’ll be filtered soon enough faggot.

>> No.67087633

its something she needs a husband for

>> No.67087673

I'm glad you fags never change

>> No.67087687

your landlord is not all mighty shondo, illegal eviction is a thing.

>> No.67087689

being a terrible person makes a shogger favorite material

>> No.67087721

Hey I've changed! Im so much worse now

>> No.67087761

He legally can't do that; UK has very strong tennant protections. He's already going to be in deep shit with the local authority because of the state of the electrics - he'd probably wise not to make things even worse.

>> No.67087802

I do it for you anon

>> No.67087897

He'll make a deal with cat food to keep them quiet and shondo will take it

>> No.67087904

do you think they keep losing all these cases because shadowmama keeps representing herself in court?

>> No.67087927

>nooooooo you shouldn't want the strimer to strim
/shon/ spends half the thread calling her a gold digger and then shames the paypigs for wanting her to stream ASAP

>> No.67088112

you guys are very funny

>> No.67088120
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>> No.67088178

Shes a scared little girl, she can only stand up for herself online against text. If its even a phone call let alone in person she will submit to the weakest opposition. Shadowmama and FT are too dumb to oppose the landlord

>> No.67088298

I mean, just imagine the scene when this ragtag family of schizos walk into the court room. Shadowmama spelling her own name wrong on the signing sheet, no judge would ever take them seriously.
And that's before anyone opens their mouth

>> No.67088346

i hope she gets evicted
new arc begin

>> No.67088367

I think Shadowmama is "special", low IQ special.
FT is a kid that doesn't really give a shit, kinda like 2020 Shadow.

>> No.67088651

Yeah "special" sorry

>> No.67088669

the desperate OF arc
I believe

>> No.67088694

I like to think that Shondo likes us and likes to stream :)

>> No.67088731

okay but ur wrong

>> No.67088761
File: 269 KB, 1620x2160, 1681475108226422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same! I also think everyone here does too but likes to shitpost a little too much

>> No.67088843

I like to think she hates us and sometimes likes to stream
this is correct

>> No.67088886

I don't think she likes us and it takes her half a stream to shake off the BA brainrot.

>> No.67088946

It's true, I can't help myself

>> No.67088990

Sorry about that sometimes my worms slip out but I'm trying to be better

>> No.67089081

Real talk? I think streaming is a job for her, there are good days and bad days. Mostly bad days. Does she like us? Um, I guess she likes the 10-15 dudes she replies to on twitter every other day.

>> No.67089159

The truth is I just enjoy posting here with you shoggas

>> No.67089160

I wholeheartedly believe we all love her and most of the things said here are just venting brainworms

>> No.67089259

There isn't a non-artist shogga I like.

>> No.67089274

I think she loves us and loves streaming but it's also very exhausting and draining for her

>> No.67089422

I think about people differently when we're all here, I couldn't care who you are. I mean that is the point of this place anyway.
I find it funny that this place is so shunned even though it's the only real place where the equality meme actually works.

>> No.67089451

I hope you count amateur artists because I like you anon

>> No.67089452

If I was in shadow's position and had to stream I dont think I would love my audience therefore its hard for me to keep convincing myself she can. You have to literally believe shes jesus with unconditional love for anyone devoted

>> No.67089492

I think she stopped liking us when she stopped having any respect for us by calling us gay nonstop and insulting us and being malicious..etc. Somewhere in the first 1/3 of 2023.

>> No.67089511

>it's the only real place where the equality meme actually works.
that's why it's hated. equality is evil. it's all about equity now

>> No.67089628

i have the same doubts for the same reasons, and you just made me realize that i think i'm acting extra retarded and disgusting on purpose to get her to hate me and thus prove her wrong when she says she loves everyone equally. i wish i wasn't mentally ill.

>> No.67089678

God I love shondo so much frfr

>> No.67089793

Im starting to think of her in a religious aspect. She didnt read my a lot of my chats or reply to me on twitter? I must try harder for her and prove myself devoted

>> No.67090020

>If I was in shadow's position and had to stream I dont think I would love my audience
If I was in shadow's position I wouldn't get triggered by some emails, I would've screenshotted the DMniggers to shame them publicly and stay out of /here/ so I don't see their brainworms. Problem solved, now I'd be in a position to love all my syadouHappynodders.

>> No.67090095

ft please stream tomorrow, I need it

>> No.67090113

Do you not realise she is just responding to the Shoggers in chat who call everything gay or make gay jokes? Not once did I feel like she called me gay.

>> No.67090168

There is much more to it than that.

>> No.67090202

Hows he gonna stream with no power

>> No.67090310

That's why I said tomorrow anon, surely by tomorrow afternoon it'll be fixed

>> No.67090355

I can easily imagine being in her position and loving my audience

>> No.67090453

Same, going from having no one to having so many people that love you and the stuff you create.
I would love me if I were her

>> No.67090491

If I was in Shadow’s position I would cry from people saying nice things and giving me money. I would be SO easy to groom and talked into doing lewd things. If I was in Shondo’s position I would be such a little slut.

>> No.67090511

Would you rather have no love or fake love? Assuming shondo is the only source of it.

>> No.67090524

She doesn't do that in the more chilled streams (like City Skylines and such) though.

>> No.67090543

by the same logic she also only says "i love you" to the people currently chatting.

>> No.67090649

if i was in shadows position i would get my head crushed by a train

>> No.67090703

So you love the posters here? You love randoms on twitter and discord? You arent filled with hate towards some of them? It will be the same.

>> No.67090837

Do the posters and randoms on Twitter love and adore me unconditionally?

>> No.67090943

Yes, Yes, Only the ones that aren't fags

>> No.67091095

Yeah but they are also worried you hate them and do annoying things and fight for your attention and constantly disobey you and overwhelm you with the same messages day after day and nitpick things you didnt even think about and have random autistic fits and try to snoop into every aspect of your life and...

>> No.67091098

Whenever she talks about us being gay it's in response to what's happening in chat. I dont know what to tell you.

>> No.67091486

These things would never happen with me and if they did I would simply hold a weekly or monthly stream where I just answer and talk about brainworms

>> No.67091557

and the same is true when she's feeling mushy and sentimental.

>> No.67091630

Im glad you can be so optimistic

>> No.67091653
File: 315 KB, 492x614, IMG_2817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her in glasses!!! look how cute she is!! she looks so studious yet artistic and free spirited!!!

>> No.67091719

my art hoe wife

>> No.67091786
File: 182 KB, 800x1108, 1694896169544744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just pragmatic and would actually want my fans to like me, someone that has lost interest stops trying

>> No.67091874
File: 11 KB, 349x166, 1693425015190842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they already have power again somehow... he was very quick replacing all of that wiring...

>> No.67091905


>> No.67091967

wow thats incredible. It almost seems impossible to be that quick

>> No.67091994

almost like it was an actual electrician and he was already there for hours doing stuff while she wasnt looking

>> No.67092063

>12:53 AM
You guys sure are quick to blame Americans for shitposting

>> No.67092073

i cant believe shondo would fake her house almost burning down to get out of playing lethal company with all of her friends

>> No.67092112

anon it's 12 at night, there's no way an electrician was there past 10pm

>> No.67092118

wouldnt cry...id actually find it hard to keep expressing gratitude. I would be sick of doing thank yous after a week. Youre probably right about being a slut.

>> No.67092185

Well it was an emergency call after all. Also love Shonshon

>> No.67092257

Right you are sir, i'm so happy for her and will not question this further.

>> No.67092538
File: 162 KB, 1080x1368, 1704650747406906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably an American falseflagging with a VPN.

>> No.67092541

She should post the big wall hole, i want to edit a (you) into it

>> No.67092551

Have you seriously never had an emergency call out? He came back to do the work in the evening after his usual jobs after ensuring the property was safe by the looks of things

>> No.67092592

zephyrin.. she just can't stop hurting you can she

>> No.67092609

no, i live in a country where things are built properly

>> No.67092615

There are on-call electricians for emergency situations like this, they generally get paid by the hour, with extra for nights. So it's not completely out of question

>> No.67092616

VPNs don't change your system type eurocuck

>> No.67092717
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>> No.67092747

Post hands.

>> No.67092759

unironically that was a weirdly aggressive response from her. I think shes getting sick of him

>> No.67092766

Shondo is a bully.... :(

>> No.67092800

If things ever feel bad, maybe you think she hates you. Just think about this shogger

>> No.67092803 [DELETED] 


>> No.67092836
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>> No.67092873

yet she still always takes the time to respond to him on twitter and when he bothers to chat

>> No.67092881

>came in the morning on an emergency callout
>turned off the power since it was a fire risk
>went and got the parts and did his usual jobs
>came back after normal work hours, fixed the issue
I’m pretty sure it’s illegal in UK to be left with no power. The landlord would have to provide emergency accommodation or get an emergency out of hours electrician. Electricians in UK are independent contractors paid by the hour, so it’s not unreasonable or unlikely one would come back after his regular work when a family literally has no power, at the bonus of added pay. There’s regulations in place for a reason.

>> No.67092880

>Brownish skin
>300 lbs overweight
Ha, I knew it.

>> No.67092979

she really is

>> No.67092989


>> No.67093020

absolutely disgusting kek

>> No.67093104

except this doesn't happen and you're talking out your ass, you do know I can just check his replies

>> No.67093199

happy that wife happy and will be warm :)

>> No.67093217

looks like her pre 2020 twitter posts

>> No.67093573

I'd end it, my heart hurts looking at this

>> No.67093626

its not that bad imagine your best mate saying that

>> No.67093654

he's next in line
a wicked smile spreads across my face at the thought of him getting banned

>> No.67093763

my brother rejoice as we are in the beginning phase of total shondomination
Wicked smiles shall spread across the lands soon enough

>> No.67093811

a wicked smile appeared as my shiggies were unbanned

>> No.67093837

I dont want anymore bans because ... because mmaybe ... maybe the real fallenshadow were the friends we made along the way ;_;

>> No.67093899

I'm already tired of everyone milking his cock for the last hour.

>> No.67093953

The true husbands were the friends we made along the way

>> No.67094031

maybe the banned shoggas were the real fallen shadows
CAPTCHA: 0MW4R bad omen

>> No.67094051

last for my undying love for shondo and my unrelenting lust for filling her womb

>> No.67094055

No husband who is banned or leaves is a true friend

>> No.67094206

your friends make mistakes

>> No.67094402

I love you shonshon

>> No.67094421

Last for I will impregnate Shondo

>> No.67094445

My friend is an electrician and he gets paid extra to be on call during the night

>> No.67094473

Last for my undying love for Shondo

>> No.67094502

last for my eternal and UNDYING love for shondo

>> No.67094505

I was hoping for an alt stream...

>> No.67094528

last for Shontoes in my mouth then on my shaft!

>> No.67094588

goodnight shondo I love you

>> No.67094598

last for shontoes on his shaft and then in my mouth

>> No.67094657

last for pulling shondos hair out to sniff later!

>> No.67094694

last for shondo in da klub

>> No.67094698

last for i won :)

>> No.67094709

last for

>> No.67094714

last for I will impregnate shondo

>> No.67094758

last for I love her so much and want to call her cute names like princess but also punch her in the ribs and push her down

>> No.67094763

No I will impregnate Shondo

>> No.67094765

get one of your own

>> No.67094781

last for her cute toes

>> No.67094810

last for this now belongs to me

>> No.67094812

last for shadowmama my beloved giraffe

>> No.67094853

NUH UH it's mine

>> No.67094864

Last for love Shonshon

>> No.67094891

last for punching shondos womb

>> No.67094907

last for imagine giving her hundreds of dollars a month and she doesnt even notice you're gone for over a week until someone else has to bring it up to her

>> No.67094955

Last for brainworms and retardation

>> No.67094985

last for passionate love making with shondo and i won btw

>> No.67095006

last for she pretended not to notice

>> No.67095028

Last for Shondo loves us

>> No.67095046

last for dont care stay mad :)

>> No.67095049
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I dont want to be last anyway HMPH

>> No.67095068

The Last of Shus

>> No.67095129

last for please die already

>> No.67095149

The Last of Shus II

>> No.67095182

Last for 34151526

>> No.67095199

shit sequel

>> No.67095209

last for you're next dewd :)

>> No.67095228

Last for ryona voicepack

>> No.67095234

Last for no rest for the wicked grin

>> No.67095252

last for what the fuck did anon mean by that

>> No.67095276

last for there hasnt been a single good joke here in months :(

>> No.67095313

Last for eternal thread

>> No.67095326

last for wicked grin being my favorite joke in here in months

>> No.67095391

a wicked grin spreads across my face as i type the last post in this thread

>> No.67095415

Shondo, go to bed :)

>> No.67095431

Last for FT just got on dark and darker kek

>> No.67095442

last for what does nakkemoss have to do with anything

>> No.67095454

Shondo listen to this before bed

>> No.67095464

last for ft alt just went live

>> No.67095492

Last for me falling for it

>> No.67095568

Last for I will impregnate shondo

>> No.67095618


>> No.67095631


>> No.67095703

last for my finger in shondos ear when she's asleep

>> No.67095769

last for Shondo

>> No.67095831

I think a shogger turned notifications on for my tweets and I don't know how to feel about it

>> No.67095864

last for I will bust deep inside the schizoaffective walls while FT is streaming

>> No.67095955

Last for shondo being raped in the room next door and ft not going to help until he successfully extracts in dark and darker

>> No.67095973

last for I liked the “everything will go back to normal” ending and I chose that option first

>> No.67096020

last for this has happened to me

>> No.67096067

Sorry, I enjoy your tweets. Do you want me to turn it off?

>> No.67096111

DM me and we'll talk

>> No.67096209

last for I won

>> No.67096231

you were raped and your brother didnt help because he was playing videogames?

>> No.67096260

no, my mother and I was playing video games

>> No.67096266

Last for unending Shondo love

>> No.67096309

that is extremely tragic anon and I hope you dont feel too bad about it

>> No.67096330

a little bit

>> No.67096396

last for since I’ve started watching Shondo I have become preoccupied with thoughts of rape and dismemberment and she has broken me

>> No.67096454

last for jesus christ I didnt expect a confession like that at the end of the thread

>> No.67096508

I just ignored her because she was drunk and being loud, I think about it pretty much every day

>> No.67096528

Last for I will make shondo proud again

>> No.67096572

Last for MY undying love for Shondo

>> No.67096602

maybe talk with someone like a therapist about it, that can eat you alive if you're not able to work through it
