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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66821876 No.66821876 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."

Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor here nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, please, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight. Don't turn this general into /cgl/ please we beg you.


threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous >>66756536

>> No.66822243

Hi anons, is it worth self posting with 20ccv? I'm scared of schizos, but can handle them, are there any other cons?

>> No.66822542

Beside schizos, other vtubers might out right refuse to associate with you if you are /here/ and you might get blacklisted on certain circles, and if you make a fool of yourself, people will be posting stuff you said here in years to come.

Play it safe however, and it will benefit you a lot , mostly by getting you friends to network with

Best advice is always: 'dip in and dip out", like most succesful aspies have done in the past

>> No.66822614

Just take a dip then ride it out, if you hate the influx of groomers run.

Otherwise we can give criticism if you want it

>> No.66822983
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I did what I could

Also puzzle still up https://jiggie.fun/VLvYvG

>> No.66823246

Selfposting is always a risk. This is an anonymous website after all. If you ever decide to, compartmentalize so you can deny later on. This board is filled with skinwalker after all

>> No.66823335

there are ways to deal with skinwalkers, the worst of all being using a trip, but if you post only with certain images and certain filenames you can keep yourself safe until they figure out the code

In general tho most people know better than to trust a post without a banana following it, except apparently the new aspie gen because they werent properly raised

>> No.66823415

Can you explain the banana, please?

>> No.66823466

Banana on twitter to confirm

>> No.66823563
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according to ancient wvt tradition, in order for anyone to confirm a post is made by them, they should also post the picture of a banana on twitter.

lig carried this tradition and thats how they know even huge chuubas are self posting, but you children have forgotten

This usually murders any attempts of skinwalking by making yourself public, risky, but sometimes is the only option

>> No.66823566

How can you show you exist without self-posting?

>> No.66823627

Feels surreal to remember /trash/ of all places bullied meemaw so hard.

>> No.66823630

a subtle tactic is following here chuubas, this puts you in the category of here- adjacent.
Technically everyone knows you are here but you never admited it so there is no evidence.
The number of adjacent chuubas is enormous and it even includes certain holos
It is all about pausible deniability

>> No.66824024

>if you hate the influx of groomers run.
all things considered this site has a normal amount of viewers per groomer, it just so happen that since everyone here talks freely you can notice them more
Discords are where the grooming action is at and this is well known, there is only so much you can do as an anon

>> No.66824039

Creating a discord server feels like it would cause your lurkers and viewers to feel alienated. The time spent putting effort on a Discord, responding to messages, worrying about viewers adding you and messaging you whack shit feels like you could put it on streamiing instead. If your community is big enough to supplement viewer friend groups, its best to mod one of them and let them lead all the events like watchalongs and you can pop in and out for them. I didn't want to reply to the post on /asp/, but having discords seems like a minus for femchuubas instead of malechuubas due to its tedious nature of worrying about viewers trying to snag a friend request to you and message you everyday. I just wouldn't know how to handle viewers being able to message me 24/7 unless I make another discord account separate for vtubing.

>> No.66824104
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>> No.66824142

you can raid chuubas that are in the know, but if i'm gonna be honest i noticed an uptick in /asp/ies raiding my oshi last year and all it did was make me suspicious of them
if you're an artist chuuba, just drawing other chuubas and showing up in their art tag is a decently non-intrusive way of spreading your name around

>> No.66824173

do not make a discord server and do not open your DMs
those are the biggest mistakes the retards here constantly make

>> No.66824211

Is that ok even if the art isn't that good?

>> No.66824261
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>its best to mod one of them
no mods

Discords are a mistake, if you must have one, make them ping only. Your fans will make an unofficial discord anyone and eat themselves alive there

>> No.66824292

chuubas need art the same way people need food: even if its not good, if they dont get one every so often they will literally die

>> No.66824372

>do not make a discord server and do not open your DMs
I deleted my discord account for dming vtubers for collabs, and made a new one to solely own my discord for notifications. it was the best decision i've made and I only use twitter dms now.
>no mods
is it too late to unmod my mods, what would be a good excuse?
>Discords are a mistake, if you must have one, make them ping only.
I got this going already but i recently opened general channels, i think ill just leave them modless for now, i doubt people would hate raid it
>Your fans will make an unofficial discord anyone and eat themselves alive there
I laughed, that sounds funny but not too unrealistic

>> No.66824380

discord servers can be made for announcements only. You can set permissions up so that nobody can talk but you.

In mine, people can only react to stuff

>> No.66824754
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>is it too late to unmod my mods, what would be a good excuse?
Honestly? Reincarnation. Thats what Selen did.
Lumi kicked out all her mods when she got into phase even if she didnt reincarnate under the excuse management didnt allow more than two
Hanya took it the hard way and just purged.
Just say you have too many and you fear people might feel intimidated, it is a flimsy excuse and they might not take it well, but if they are your friends they will understand. Offer them vip in exchange but also make it so people can buy VIP with points, thats Clio system

Alternative you can also say you want to take more control of your stream because its your responsibility. That usually does the trick. Kick out immediately anyone who protest, that one is a groomer for sure.

Not saying mods arent helpful, but they have too many downsides unless they are paid ones.

>> No.66825048

>but they have too many downsides unless they are paid ones.

I will go into this in detail:

If you have a mod, and said mod fucks up, it reflects badly on you.
It is a huge responsibility and you shouldnt be handing out those like candy.
Ideally, no one should know who your mods are, and they shouldnt speak. If you cant get rid of them altogether ask them to make alt accounts for the sake of "OPSEC", that is actually code for "I dont want the fact that you cut yourself in real life hurt me in anyway you menhera piece of shit"

>> No.66825140

>is it too late to unmod my mods, what would be a good excuse?
Did you perchance modded people because they're your vtuber friends or as a reward for loyalty? If so, there's no easy way out. If they're actually loyal or your friends, they will understand.

They'll most likely anti you.

>> No.66825472

>Did you perchance modded people because they're your vtuber friends or as a reward for loyalty?
Nah I modded people who already mod a bunch of vtubers, at least 5 or more. I'm another person they view but they aren't parasocial or as attached to me. I just let them know and they all were okay with it! thank you so much >>66824754 for your advice

>> No.66825524
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Yozora mel is dead
brace for impact, board is going to become speed

>> No.66826618

there is a lesson here for female vtubers
dont leak shit from your corpo
they will find out

>> No.66827003

Oh hey the dino is live

>> No.66827092

Shes going through a degen arc this stream it is amazing

>> No.66827150

dwarf fortress always allows itself for such narratives

>> No.66827260

Is 4milks /asp/ or just adjacent

>> No.66827267

>click link
>Iriya is still a mod
>close link

>> No.66827431

if she never self posted she is adjacent

>> No.66827586

It seems she's /here/ but posts only in /orc/

>> No.66827646
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Soon he will be removed, along with everyone else

the revolution begins now

>> No.66827722

ohh be careful of that woman
that thread is vicious

>> No.66827729

You might end up posted on /wvt/ and become the new target of Rebel or Adrian.

>> No.66827837

what's rebel's deal, anyways? i feel like i see him everywhere and i never know enough to understand why

>> No.66827947

>Rebel: hilarious about 50% of the time, far too gone

>Adrian: lol just take his money and leave.

There are far, far worse creatures lurking in that thread than those two, and the worse ones dont even have names

unironic schizo and people like larping as him because he lost it long ago and just posts incoherencies

>> No.66828052

Who? Doesn't matter.

>> No.66828155

Ever read farm animals?

>> No.66828250

Rebel is /wvt/'s chris chan. Just go ask them. It's the classic creepy obsessive posts, spam dms, make alt to spam dms again, send rape and death threats, etc.
Adrian will actively create rumours against you, pay your friends to betray you and generally act like a fucking psycho. He's rich as fuck, don't let him get close. Don't even allow him to donate, he will use that to find your real life details and dox you.

>> No.66828320

viewers will be the equals but some will be equals than others, at least they wont have ban powers

>> No.66828354

God imagine how fucking fat and hairy the bitches in this thread are

>> No.66828369

Yep, thread seems filled with women and gays

>> No.66828539
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>> No.66828779
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it matters if the catalog spam kills this thread
fasp is about to face its first storm

I am a veteran of the first annoying orange war, follow me and you will live

>> No.66828900

It is a hazard but having someone linkpost you there somehow put you under the eyes of /lig/ chuubas. Dunno if that's still the case but that's what happened with chuubas I posted way back

>> No.66828966

>he will use that to find your real life details and dox you.
maybe dont use your real pay pal for donos? thats basic opsec

>> No.66829106

You literally can't use paypal without using your real name.

>> No.66829176

Is Adrian the same guy who donated 50k to Taiga?

>> No.66829189

don't use PayPal lol

>> No.66829409

You literally can't use anything without using your real name and address. That's literally the law.

>> No.66829488

business account

>> No.66829756

Requires opening a business legally which again, requires public name and address. Anonymity and money transfer is not possible. That's by design.

>> No.66830007

All viewers are equal, but some viewers are more equal than others.
Meaning don't let some random twitch retard ruin the chat with his "me me me" comments that has nothing to do with the stream, or vtuber and these people aren't going to be good viewers. If anything mods should be better at gatekeeping, once the revolution is over. Mod status shouldn't be given to some guy that don't actually care how the chat is and what the chat rules are, but a pillar of the community. Those that just use it as a badge for their friends are the lazy and fat capitalist not doing anything good for the overall community.

>> No.66830060

just use a fake name then

>> No.66830145

>maybe dont use your real pay pal for donos?
How else will I give the oppotunity for my oshi to come and kill me (with kindness)?

>> No.66830425

That's against terms of service and might be illegal depending on your country. You can't prove the account is yours if it gets reported (which it will).
You need to use a middle man which will take a cut and HOPEFULLY give you some protection, but generally they don't. Streamlabs for example just freely give your info upon request.

>> No.66830585

Well a trick I do is to borrow a friend account
at least if he gets doxed it is not trivial to get it back to me
It's not easy and you will need to trust them but it is better than the alternative
I have to pay his taxes too

>> No.66830790

That's literally fraud... It's illegal. It's also very dangerous as they technically are the owner of your money.

>> No.66830891

just be sure to get the stuff weekly

>> No.66830941

The worst I had was cum tributes and rape threats. If you can handle that you'll be fine.

>> No.66831066

good opsec never hurts anyway

>> No.66831072

Stop encouraging people to literally commit crimes. It's dangerous for both you and your friend. But considering you don't care if they get doxed, I guess you aren't a very good friend. Ironic considering you talk about trust.

>> No.66831261
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>Stop encouraging people to literally commit crimes

boy if you knew how deep I am into tax fraud

>> No.66831407

He's a nigger anyway but at least he gets to be useful for once
The worst that could happen is bank likes crying over $20 or the jewernment trying to steal it from us
Big fucking deal

>> No.66831546
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>> No.66831563

What is this? Bad illegal advice general?

>> No.66831700
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illegal? maybe
bad? you mean best

shit wont matter unless you are a burger anyway, local governments are shit at tracing foreign income, also fuck my country

>> No.66832186

tax is theft, my donations should be tax free, if not tax deductible.

>> No.66832226
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Vtubers, remember that you can write off games as a job expense as long as you stream them. You can even write off vtuber models, mics, pretty much everything.
This is actually 100% legal.

For semi-legal stuff hold a donothon for a charity, donate it under your name, and write off. This is what big corporations do, so why cant you. That time the supermarket got a dolar from you? they wrote it off. I bet you now feel like a fool.

>> No.66833875

Wait, can't I just use my personal PayPal for twitch payouts if I don't earn super huge money?

>> No.66833965

for twitch yes but streamlabs doxes you, the idea is to have an intermediary

>> No.66834656

so yeah thats actually what the business acounts are for in fact, the problem is not paypal but streamlabs

>> No.66835532

The problem is paypal but it's not a problem. It's by design. It's literally the law. You wouldn't open a bank account under a false name with fake papers, would you? Same thing here.

>> No.66835598

Unironically so hot when them females are they're fat and hairy and pretending to be cute lolis online

>> No.66836156
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>You wouldn't open a bank account under a false name with fake papers

>> No.66836404

Anon, don't joke about that. It's the kind of shit that mods are going to report you to the police for.

>> No.66836588

well it's not us law if I am not in the us

>> No.66837377

>come in expecting groomers trying to groom chuubas
>it's actually federal criminals teaching chuubas how to commit tax fraud

i want off wasp's wild ride

>> No.66837505

the loli grooming in fasp the other day wasn't the end?

>> No.66837570

Taxation is theft

>> No.66837575

i use monero

>> No.66837746

kill all mods
commit tax fraud
reverse groom the groomers
become a tan loli
fuck da police

>> No.66837861

i just realized asp never discusses money issues because males dont get any money

sad world

>> No.66837934


>> No.66838485

we live in a society

>> No.66838648

There are a lot of things you can't discuss with males around

>> No.66839082

Men don't need to be told how to manage money

>> No.66839270

even easier when you have none

>> No.66839892

absurd statement, men are equally if not more likely to misspend their money.

>> No.66841129

Science is feminist propaganda.

>> No.66841273

then why did I spend 4 grand on synthesizer modules and records this month

>> No.66841313

So how do I become a woman /wasp/? The Onimai girl potion doesn't exist yet.

>> No.66841522

I mean, that study only shows that men are less frugal with money if they don't expect positive long term developments in terms of female companionship. Nothing about misspending(although I do agree that spending money like a dumbass is definitely not dependent on sex)

>> No.66841702

That's sad....hope it gets better for my bros

>> No.66841835

Denpafish is fat but looks hairless

>> No.66841881

If you do let Adrian fuck you for money just pretend he manipulated you and you get money and forgiveness. Ten bands seems worth it.

>> No.66842018

Like what? The fact that women are greedy soulless vortexes of life and joy? No, you can discuss that.

>> No.66842021

I thought it was interesting given the hobby and the nature of viewers.
If you don't expect to find love, buy a house, get kids, get a divorce, lose the house, lose the kids, what is there even to save up fore? Just buy gift to animegirls on the internet and buy merch.

>> No.66842223

I just read the abstract but how exactly does this prove your point?

>men without the prospect for long term partnership don't care about their long term spending
This isn't revolutionary

>> No.66842384

You wanna know what's revolutionary? *spins you*

>> No.66842531
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Remember to hydrate to help your voice and your overall health.

>> No.66842721

It's uncorrelated, I just thought it was neat.
>This isn't revolutionary
Little social science is revolutionary, it's more about testing if general hypothesis of human nature is significant. Humans are not math, so we have a understanding of how things work, we just apply models and stats to the mix to see if it has any basis.

>> No.66843337

discords are so bad
>vtuber posts anything
>20 reacts, immediate responses from half the server
>someone not the vtuber posts
>3 reacts
>someone new posts
it's the online version of 2-faced fuckers irl that are extremely nice to certain people, but treat others like trash below them

>> No.66843464

Ignore the femanon above me and give me (You)s to prove a point

>> No.66843642


>> No.66843729

What did you expect? You either have to have status, or actually be charismatic.

>> No.66844398

those men? all me

>> No.66844438

by the way if you do choose to use paypal for tips you will need to make sure it’s a business account. i believe (though i could be wrong) that hides your name from people donating.

>> No.66844502

I expected people to respond to content only, and not who typed it, like here or reddit. But discorders always behave like
>although they are in the server, they are not part of the clique

>> No.66844637

Shocker, people in a discord for the chuuba care about what the chuuba posts more than whatever bullshit you post, who could've seen this coming?

>> No.66845447

>What is this? Bad illegal advice general?
that's how you know they're actual women
pro tip: instead of following the advice from retards here get a fucking accountant

>> No.66845639


>> No.66845703

>newfags still don't know soraanon

>> No.66846249

unless they're cute girls
unless they're cute girls
unless they're cute girls

>> No.66846255

There is this small indie that she is literally perfect. She works hard, is cute, funny and I honest to god think she will blow up if she hits critical mass. How can I help her achieve that? I thought of posting her here, but I wouldn't want you watching her

(Her name rhymes with Rizz and is pink haired)

>> No.66847037

i would be able to afford an accountant if i weren’t menhera and poor anon

>> No.66847234

I'ma share a chuuba to know which /asp/ies plague this thread

>> No.66847476

hah, I would do it for free if it wasn't a breach of privacy for the vtubers in question. It would be the least I could do.

>> No.66847571

Olga is a cunt that only gets a free pass because she talks like a retard

>> No.66848204

>Her name rhymes with Rizz and is pink haired

>> No.66849395


>> No.66849733

He said she isn't from here you fucking retard

>> No.66850208

Did asp split into male and female asp?

>> No.66850337

I would first have to call my 10ccv streaming a registered job wtf

>> No.66850447


>> No.66850665

This is not a shill your chuubas thread, this is a thread for giving advice and recommendations to starting out female chuubas that are already /here/. If they self post they are /here/.

>> No.66850930

So it's the same circlejerk rules that /asp/ has? I thought this thread was supposed to be better

>> No.66850943

No. If you’re a girl you’ll easy find viewers elsewhere. The risk/reward for self posting here just makes it not worth it. Unless you have extremely thick skin and can live with schizos attacking you for no reason.

>> No.66851011

Hello fellow females. Now that there are no nasty males around let's discuss how to manipulate loser simps into dropping their life savings and commit tax fraud

>> No.66851101

It depends almost entirely on why a chuuba's viewers are joining
If they're in there because they like the chuuba and said chuuba has demonstrated that they have a range of interests, there's a fair shot that those viewers will be down to talk amongst themselves and not just to the chuuba if they say something.
If they're there just because the chuuba makes them coom really hard, then they'll only ever say anything to the chuuba because their fellow viewers don't make them coom. It's only about getting close to the chuuba in the misguided hope that the chuuba will make them coom, specifically.

>> No.66851166

There was supposed to be tits, and there was, but it was in a litterbox link so you just had to be there
i wasnt there either sadly

>> No.66851223

When will Denpa's nudes be leaked?

>> No.66851531

Hopefully never, disgusting bitch

>> No.66851563

discards font make sense to me and I don't get why people set them up
it should be on the fans to make them not the streamer
it's like having a celebrity fan club where the celebrity is a part of ot it
its just so dumb idont get why people think discords dedicated to one streamer is normal

>> No.66851741

i think if you're gonna set up a discord as a streamer it should be notification only. much easier to moderate that way

>> No.66851756

I was there. The original mission was an object failure, if the goal was to secure a new image of that specific femanon's tits
You are a fool if you actually believed that a female would show off her own tits in exchange for some event occuring. Didn't happen back when some singer said she'd do it, it won't happen here.

>> No.66851843

Why was this split into male and female threads?
People wanna go the idol route or something?

>> No.66851894

Rura is based for collabing with males. She hates unicorns and I want her to make it.

>> No.66851930

The reason why small vtubers make servers is to creater a stronger community, that's the whole reason because they know that once someone is invested in not only you but your community they will never leave even if they find a new girl to obsess over.

>> No.66851979

Shitposters angry that /asp/ exists and groomers want free reign

>> No.66852124

Groomers keep getting bullied in asp so they took over a meme thread in the hopes a girl would be stupid enough to allow herself to be groomed here

>> No.66852151

this is the thread for autistic people whove never had a job to pretend to be managers

>> No.66852495

So salty, yeah it's only possible to get really groomed in /asp/ with all the male vtubers orbits the new girls begging them for collabs and lovebombing them. Totally not the real groomers.

>> No.66852537

>Hello fellow females. Now that there are no nasty males around let's discuss how to manipulate loser simps into dropping their life savings and commit tax fraud
when you put it like that it's just crystal cafe with 3d models....

>> No.66852793

Because every male vtuber is trying to groom them, I'm sure we have proof of this happening

>> No.66852849

It's almost as if this thread is a bunch of stupid faggots from /asp/ schizoing a bunch of other stupid faggots from /asp/ just like all the other splits holy shit!

>> No.66852912

If you want "advice" and dms from 1view males that are ngmi, be my guest thread is right over there

>> No.66852958

why do you hate mods /wasp/? are you afraid of the police as well?

>> No.66852963

And if you want to commit tax fraud you can take the advice from here

>> No.66852972

>If you want "advice" and dms from 1view males that are ngmi
but how are you as a retarded guy with no experience more qualified to give advice is the question

>> No.66853026

>Why would a groomer fear a mod
Gee anon, I wonder why they fear someone who will stop them either because they are friend with the chuuba or because they see other groomers as competitors

>> No.66853739

I only modded people who are my friends of 3 or more years fuck vtubers

>> No.66854559

people don't want to post in a thread infested with ERPing faggots

>> No.66854672

these people are self selected amongs those who precisely dont know how to grow a channel
every succesful aspie left, you are better asking random people on the street

>> No.66854894

mods are a mistake and i wish i didn’t need them. but i actually want to focus on streaming and creating content so im not a 2view forever.

>> No.66854955
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a mod almost killed the career of an aspie i loved with his retardness
ever since i swore revenge

i wouldnt rest until his entire kind is exterminated

>> No.66855037

shit fucking taste

>> No.66855059

No one in this thread is big enough to need mods, but if you really are going to get a mod tell them to shut up and do their job. Most people don't watch streams if there's a mod in the chat

>> No.66855104

pay your mods i stead of picking from you oilers, that way you can fire them if they dont do their jobs
with volunteer work, you get what you paid for

>> No.66855137
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>> No.66855170

enjoy being a low 2view forever

>> No.66855305

technically it's the same people in both threads except for the random holotourist

its just that there is no gay erp, no gays being horny , and no suicidal bottoms making the thread about themselves

>> No.66855402

there is only so much gay erp that can happen in a thread before people decide to leave

>> No.66855509

>fear a mod
found the mod, tell me how would a mod even stop a groomer, other than spamming chat? If the streamer is having a good time just talking back and forth with their mods, I don't see why I should ruin their fun.

>> No.66855525
File: 187 KB, 640x905, clioaite-sitting-on-magnemite-bikini-version-v0-ocp13vi1ud4a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this hag has 800 viewers and no mods
groomers hate her!

>> No.66855656

but anon... the firs thing groomers try to do is to become a mod
think about it

>> No.66855706

staying here then this sounds more fun

>> No.66855794

becoming her mod ruined my oshis career. enough said

>> No.66855870

not everyone but a vast mayority of male vtubers only get into vtubing to get closer to their oshis

source: wvt history

>> No.66855880

Yes, let me just drop my resume here to prove a point said no one on this god forsaken board ever.

>> No.66855888

>No one in this thread is big enough to need mods
correct but they're also delusional and think that handing over privileges to internet janitors so they power trip and obsess over your 10 viewer ass is a sustainable idea and not literally taking the poison pill.
gooks actually have a specific term for this sort of thing where the janny intentionally sabotages things so a 2view stream doesn't grow and they can more easily monopolize attention.
especially with shit like automod there's zero excuse.

>> No.66855959

all male vtubers are only streaming to get closer to girls

>> No.66855971

Maybe because /wvt/ is full of lonely schizos?

>> No.66855991

too many gays erping in the other thread

>> No.66856143

about 4/5 of those came from asp in the first place

>> No.66856153

And larping as managers giving the same advice that they gotten on asp makes this thread better? No, wait, what makes this thread better is the terrible financial advice and the constant jiggers bumping the thread with jigsaw puzzles

>> No.66856218

oh whats the actual word? that sounds like a fun piece of trivia

>> No.66856242

Remember to encourage viewers to watch VODs when you are offline. If you have the resources to rebroadcast while offline remind viewers to watch the rebroadcast. Vtubing doesn't have to be purely parasocial, and if believed it was you wouldn't let twitch store past broadcasts.
As incentive to encourage offline VOD watching try having a trivia show every week to quiz viewers about your recent, and past streams. Reward the most knowledgeable with private personalized voice packs.

>> No.66856283

i have a business degree

>> No.66856297

then fuck off and keep erping in /asp/, why are you here? if people prefer posting here they'll post here, why do you care?

>> No.66856336

I’ve only been streaming for a couple weeks and have like 9 viewers. One of them is a freak and is offering me money to send him clips of me farting. I’m thinking of doing it but can it backfire in any way?

>> No.66856364

The managerlarp makes it easy for them to think they're doing something productive, chaining empty posts together before they pat themselves on the back about how different things are from /asp/

>> No.66856424

because of no gay erp
dont you know how to read

>> No.66856470


>> No.66856497

he'll post it in fart fetishists discord and your chat will be filled with them then you'll turn into a braptuber, that's what happened to Ames/Mel
but you're a retarded whore for even considering it, might as well go for it and kill your career now. at least you'll get some money out of it. people like you should be on onlyfans, not on twitch or youtube

>> No.66856560

its different
no gay erp
no drama about suicidal male vtuers

and most importantly, and the reason this thread exist: no males asking why they cant grow without specifing they are males and having every single reply have to ask them if they are men in order to give them proper advice

>> No.66856634

see >>66856297

>> No.66856711

he is afraid straight male chuubas will start spending time here looking for their next prey instead of erping with lonely homos like him

>> No.66856818

Because the way bad offshoots struggle to justify themselves is organic comedy, like the thread changing name already and all the crosslinks

>> No.66856833

actually using fansly along with twitch is a good strategy
twitch captures the normies and then you link them to your paywalled 18+ content

this is incredibly common with the only fans crowd

>> No.66856856

>I’m thinking of doing it but can it backfire in any way?
"my boss is offering my money to shit on his chest and let him record it, I'm thinking of doing it but can it backfire in any way?"
unironic woman moment, congratulations on being verified as a bonafide XX chromosome haver at least

>> No.66856910

Still you are helping the bad offshot just by posting here and bumping the thread

>> No.66856942

male vtubers can't stop seething over female only splits, it happens every time there is one

>> No.66857036

its better, no unironic tripfags , for example >>66856802

>> No.66857090

that faggot actually tried to shill himself here too

>> No.66857125

It is just mp3 clips $50 per fart

>> No.66857141

Seriously thinking about making that alt, need to train my voice more
>t. tan loli anon

>> No.66857156

I'd get it if he'd been skinwalked frequently but nobody's skinwalking scissors so why is he using a trip?

>> No.66857186

That'll backfire in an insignificant way. I have seen a couple vtubers rip fat ones on stream that did backfire for a bit, but nothing special. It's safe compared to nudes for sure though, but can still give you a reputation, not for the brap, but for selling out.
Truth is I don't want brap fags to actually win and get their fetish satisfied.

>> No.66857194

now that we've established that this thread is retarded it's time to pack it up and move back to the real thread

>> No.66857226

he said he'd drop it, he learned his lesson, leave him alone he's new to this and obviously with the thread split isn't going to get much of a boost now

>> No.66857253

There's no price point where it stops being fartporn, just go do it if you're already trying to rationalize it

>> No.66857270
File: 323 KB, 466x798, IMG_1010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyways, progress on my pngtuber model by toridokii

>> No.66857294

youtube videos
also you can fuck yourself if you train wrong so dont overt excert yourself, and take plenty of water

>> No.66857343


>> No.66857354

>Asp retards retarding as usual
>They migrate over here
"Who could've done this?"

>> No.66857375

Not bad, I say go for it if they actually pay, but don't do it through paypal if it has your real name on it.

>> No.66857389

I burned myself cooking for my daughter. Can anyone kiss my boo boo

>> No.66857409

smug loli

>> No.66857484


>> No.66857518

>It is just mp3 clips $50 per fart
no, it's not. if you could theoretically send him 1,000,000 mp3 clips of your whore asshole in action to immediately cash out for $50 million like a videogame mass-quest turn in and then retire and be set for life that would be one thing, but that's not what's actually going to happen. You'll get maybe a few hundred bucks before things escalate and then they'll want pictures too, then video, then surprise surprise you find yourself in a dubai hotel room shitting on the chest some oil prince's third cousin.

you can be a whore, and you can be retarded, but being a retarded whore is untenable. stop being a retarded whore

>> No.66857533

>not much of a boost now

honestly this split dnefits stablished male vtubers by making sure no other asp vtuber will ever get the female buff

>> No.66857638

shit price such things could be easily be sold for 500 in the right places
like feet pics, its ll about knowing the market

>> No.66857664

That's top tier, I can understand why that design won despite not following the rules. I hope she have a smug/superior expression, when you talk.
Even if it has a bit sultan's harem vibe.

>> No.66857693

a cute png will always be better than a bad vroid

>> No.66857707

i love that artist, can’t wait to see it finished!

>> No.66857844

its actually the male vtuber fans who get off from shipping, the so called homobeggars

>> No.66857896


>> No.66857944

speaking of jigglies this one is still unfinished

>> No.66858260

I like that she's flat, and smug like a loli. She's cute.

>> No.66858439

Please give me basic financial advice I can't afford an accountant right now
It's true I can write off videogames as working expenses?

>> No.66858590

No you can't

>> No.66858598

sh*nia and ga*l selfposting can be reported for being off-topic so thats an improvement. Rebel's too but he would have to link himself and he barely does that anymore
This place could become pretty great if it got a janny, and it might.

>> No.66858623

you absolutely can

>> No.66858660

Yes you can

>> No.66858825

>This place could become pretty great if it got a janny, and it might
dont be so optimistic, look at what happened to /vrt/

>> No.66858841


>> No.66858924

that place was doomed for the start by including kiki in their roster only god knows what they were thinking

>> No.66858944
File: 46 KB, 1013x261, standard deduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're spending more on vidya, computer equipment, and other vtuber related shit than the standard deduction you could itemize, but you'd be a fucking idiot for investing almost 14k into vtubing as a no-view

>> No.66858997
File: 62 KB, 340x340, 1679053254467466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No erp please, we are seiso idols here
kissing is too lewd

>> No.66859065

well with an expensive model you might easily reach that
also if you commission an animation video

>> No.66859099

He (Rebel) caught a ban for replying to tweets directly in the thread (because he's blocked by everyone after literally asking everyone to block him), he denied it but since he completely stopped posting and rape posts also stopped at the same time... It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together. If only he could catch more bans...

>> No.66859159

well everyone knows he is unironically schizophrenic so might as well just laugh

>> No.66859174
File: 39 KB, 293x329, lmfaonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report these nuts loser

>> No.66859234 [DELETED] 

Hi Rinna kill yourself!

>> No.66859402

Why do you not like her? She's a /choc/ chuuba now.

>> No.66859717

I believe in you anon

>> No.66859728

The threads became TOO GAY/fujoposting.
The girls were taking a backseat a lot.

>> No.66859738

Have you registeret as self-employed? Do you pay business tax from your donations/twitch income?
Problem is that if you are too small it can be seen as Not-for-Profit Activities thereby not tax deductable.
If you register it for tax deduction you need to have a clear motive to having brought the game for streaming purpose only and not for personal enjoyment.
>In determining whether you are carrying on an activity for profit, several factors are taken into account. No one factor alone is decisive. >Among the factors to consider are whether:
>- You carry on the activity in a businesslike manner,
>- The time and effort you put into the activity indicate you intend to make it profitable,
>- You depend on the income for your livelihood,
>- Your losses are due to circumstances beyond your control (or are normal in the startup phase of your type of business),
>- You change your methods of operation in an attempt to improve profitability,
>- You (or your advisors) have the knowledge needed to carry on the activity as a successful business,
>- You were successful in making a profit in similar activities in the past,
>- The activity makes a profit in some years, and
>- You can expect to make a future profit from the appreciation of the assets used in the activity.
>An activity is presumed carried on for profit if it produced a profit in at least 3 of the last 5 tax years, including the current year.

>> No.66859824

That is not why I split the thread and you know it

>> No.66859921

the thread got split because male viewers wanted a place to groom the female chuubas away from the male chuubas because viewers are intimidated by the rizz of anyone with the balls to actually talk into a microphone

>> No.66860022

but it is why >we hijacked your idea and used as an opportunity to get away from them

good job dude
>male viewers
no such thing anymore, at least not in vt, everyone and their moms is a vtuber.

>> No.66860048

>everyone and their moms is a vtuber.
you're not

why not?

no balls?

>> No.66860196
File: 285 KB, 400x400, 1697590582319933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not

Not a male vtuber, no. That part is right.

>> No.66860316

uhh nice try esl homo

>> No.66860379

>The girls were taking a backseat a lot
>"We weren't getting enough attention"
Suddenly a lot of things are clicking into place

>> No.66860424

I heard this is the thread for the loveclam havers.

>> No.66860552

sick of people whove never had sex coming up with the creepiest words for "vagina" they can think of

>> No.66860570

But my basic financial advice would be don't do it until you earn a substantial amount from it, but you can if you don't mind the risk having IRS look into your casefile.

>> No.66860894

fish taco, bearded clam, sugar walls, stench trench, Venus dicktrap, axe wound, sausage wallet etc etc

>> No.66860924

the no balls part would also be right

>> No.66860979

those are all sex-haver words

loveclam and cunny are virgin words

>> No.66861010

this makes a lot of sense to be honest

>> No.66861032

you arent a woman lol

>> No.66861073

My bad, sorry I showed my true colour by mistake.

>> No.66861090

no girls on the internet

>> No.66861105

She should stay in her containment general. There's no need for /choc/ chuubas here. They've chosen their debuff and will forever be NGMI's.

>> No.66861266

nyaru is relatively successful and she is choc
it's not a death sentence
It's about pandering to the right audience

Even collabing with males, THE standard debuff, can also be turned to a buff if you know your target.
Look at Nina Kosaka from niji en, or Vshojo.
Collabing with males is a debuff on /vt/ because this is holo territory, but it can boost you as long as you find a female audience.
Women watch each other more than they actually watch men, life is that unfair.

>> No.66861473


>> No.66861613

Congrats anon, you spotted a ritual poster in /asp/
Well done

>> No.66861686

>ritual poster

>> No.66861705

if that guy isn't here this thread is better by default

>> No.66861994


>> No.66862092

>How can I help her achieve that?
buy her ads (not necessarily in this site)
pay clippers to clip her
commission an animation video like mama ui

It will take money if you don't want to take the astroturf alternative.

>> No.66862317
File: 3.11 MB, 498x385, 1678204599061533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how much this few frames boosted her more than any other vanity project I seen by any other vtuber.
It also helps that the animator is an actual genius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byAfC5yW_hw

>> No.66862929
File: 475 KB, 988x674, 1699536833970178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder gawr gura spent 400,000 k on this and never streamed again

>> No.66863246

At least chumcucks got something out of all the memberships wasted on her.

>> No.66863275

most dedicated fanbase

>> No.66863419

>Have you registeret as self-employed? Do you pay business tax from your donations/twitch income?

Can't I do it if I already have a job?

>> No.66863547

1. Hire cheap editor/animator SEA slavelabour
2. Put it into shorts format
3. Buy ad with it around the time of a major yab where the fans look for others to watch.
4. Arrange an offpako gangbang for her at the next offkai and have someone female vtuber walk in on in on it
5. success

>> No.66863625

>4. Arrange an offpako gangbang for her at the next offkai and have someone female vtuber walk in on in on it

Those five guys? all me

>> No.66863729

I'll refer you to this article.

>> No.66863784


>> No.66863883

>4. Arrange an offpako gangbang for her at the next offkai and have someone female vtuber walk in on in on it

say what you may but that actually skyrocketed Mari's numbers even more than her Biden clip

>> No.66863948
File: 169 KB, 494x318, 1690122125701021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor here nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, please, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight

Can confirm it sucks. I wish this never happened.

>> No.66864026

brb gonna tell my boss I'm WeebName_Ch LLC

>> No.66864124


>> No.66864187


>> No.66864197


>> No.66864285

Don't tell your boss you're a vtuber should go without saying and don't put it in your resume.

>> No.66864430

what happened with those two?

>> No.66864627

A lot of eyes was put on her and she didn't defend it well, but good for her that she was entertaining enough for people to stay and watch her.
Some might even prefer a vtuber where there is an actual chance of some puss like kyOresu.
But why put out $1k+ when you can just get a whore and save money?

>> No.66864649

Reminder that none of the advice in this thread is given by people who know what they're talking about. This post is proof because its comically untrue. Please stop posting in the schizo thread.

>> No.66864686

They're both in a better place now, let the past be the past, or go read the archives.

>> No.66864770

show proof?

>> No.66864871

Are you saying that you don't need proof that you own a business to have a business account? That's literally in their tos. If you get controlled and can't give proof, they'll just close your account. Same thing if you use a false identity.

>> No.66864926

I'm saying that there's a difference between an LLC/corp and operating a business.

>> No.66865003

at least you made me look it up.
Maybe this will help?

>> No.66865197

What exactly goes on a resume when applying to Corpos? Should I be quantifying everything outside of the obvious metrics like ccv? >(i.e x% engagement rate on funneling platforms, y% average watch time on YT, etc)

Or is that too numberfaggy?

>> No.66865222

he knows, he wrote it

>> No.66865288

corpos are the biggest numberfags so dont worry about it

dont bring it up in the audition tapes however

>> No.66865356

You're literally not allowed to do that. If paypal tries to verify your account, they will ask for your business license or proof that you are a legitimate business.

>> No.66865513

but the schizo said you're a schizo and this is a schizo thread and he sure knows what he's talking about so you must be wrong and only anons in places such as /asp/ would truly know.

>> No.66865557

Can't you get a reasonably credible fake id card for like 40 bucks or fake one with some ai generated shit?

>> No.66865616

Where would I hire clippers? Their prices seem to be all over the place. I don't think the clips need to be super quality, but I want the money I spend to be efficient in helping

>> No.66865659

fuck yeah its tax fraud hours again

>> No.66865745

there is a clipper cord on wvt, i think its public. i would say start there
they might even take the job for free

>> No.66865786

ok so how do indies like Clio Aite and the likes do it? or are you implying that they are all doxxable at this moment

>> No.66865844

Its like you didn't even read your own post.

>> No.66865868

>anti discord because cliques or some shit
>trying to push for fake ids
>pushes for hiring bad clippers and shilling ads here
Actual schizophrenic den

>> No.66865983

I don't know on what side of the moon he lives to think that you can hide your legal information during financial process.
>Can't you just commit forgery???
Jeez, I dunno. Do you not see how committing a felony might be a bit foolish?
Tons of them get doxxed or have their account terminated because they used fake names. Purity Valentine for example had their account frozen because it's obviously not their real name.

>> No.66866000

at least its not a homosexual schizo den like the other one

>> No.66866074

Make sure you poison the well a little more to keep the false flag up. The girls are starting to believe.

>> No.66866083

You'll ruin your voice. your vocie is perfect as is

>> No.66866091

you forgot anti mods

>> No.66866159

they have eyes, they can check by themselves.
if this thread finally shame those fags into behaving for fear of losing the girls i have already won as well

>> No.66866191

anti mods isn't nearly as schizophrenic as the ones above

>> No.66866194

gee it's like we have some bad faith actors from somewhere suggesting overtly bad advice and then turn around and call it out.

>> No.66866247

Purity is a fucking troon. "She" doesn't belong here.

>> No.66866267

>it took the thread this long to call itself wasp instead of fasp
Unironic women thread i guess

>> No.66866290

discords are garbage tho

>> No.66866366

easy king falseflag you might want to tone it down a bit

>> No.66866568

You retards get three guesses who is bringing up Purity of all chuubs

>> No.66867368

Set up an LLC. Although, there are states/countries that doesn't allow anon so do your research first

>> No.66867376

Calliope Mori

>> No.66867522


>> No.66867551

She's dead let her rest

>> No.66867849

I knew Pomu was up to something

>> No.66867959

discord is shit but not a headache if you tardwrangle from the start

>> No.66867970

The fact that this thread is all Holo-shitters and gachafags tells me this is /wvt/ part 2

>> No.66868036
File: 514 KB, 775x809, 1698361703886326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle not done yet but close

Do you guys want anything added in the op? I will bake

>> No.66868305

Keep the male tears flowing

>> No.66868313
File: 3.29 MB, 2315x2265, 1693655837239483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wvt without men


Through dark lands, four years ago, we followed the prophet's dream, to the hell and back, we endured the storm. We are finally here, the promised land. The land were we will make a thousand holos bloom. /hlgg/ dream still lives

>> No.66868371

I must have made that edit more than three years ago, damn what a waste of three years

>> No.66868444

this time brother, we will make it right.
We will raise our /here/ Holo chuuba
This time, without the crabs crabbing
The dream will come true

>> No.66868553

What if you add a small summary of the questions made in this thread? Maybe we will find a tax accountant in the catalog that can help with opsec vs tax issues.

Plus it will help searching this thread later for reading purposes, people will repeat the same questions over and over anyway.
That's until we got enough for a pastebin, at least.

>> No.66868673

I love Mond so much

>> No.66868770

But how will I be able to groom anons if they can just read the OP and not post in the thread so I can repeat myself over and over again?

>> No.66868786

Can trans females post here?

>> No.66868806

only if you post cute feminine pp

>> No.66868835
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1676707546622266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure sounds good


>> No.66868836

pls don't make the next one AI.

>> No.66868839

Maybe it's time to make your own thread!

>> No.66868992

objectively speaking dont ask dont tell rules apply
if you are passing, whatever strategies apply to non trans women apply to you. There is a bunch of top trans vtubers who dont disclose their trans status and they do fine even after being doxxed. Most people dont care about the roomate just baout the character.

However, if you dont do voice reps, or if you are openly trans, you will need your own set of strategies for growth , and you should probably stay away from this site cause that really really riles up the schizos

>> No.66868994

catbox it I'm not joking no one will know who you are

>> No.66869041

are the openly tranny ones allowed or not

>> No.66869053

didnt found any actual wasp girls

>> No.66869241


>> No.66869285

she doesn't come here anymore bro

>> No.66869311

I think its better to leave them up to them or not to post but this is an advice thread, not a community thread.
(Technically, neither is asp, but that one has been hijacked )
They should post here only if they think the advice we give will be useful to them.

An example, a reasonable buff is appealing to right wingers, pippa made a career our of it, but that might actually backfire for them. Apply your criteria, but regular asp might be more knowledgeable for openly trans individuals.
Any tricks here should work as long as no one knows, and some might work even if they do, so there is still a benefit.
They wont benefit you if you a man or sound like one, so thats why the split works

>> No.66869359

what opsec are you trying to figure out, once you start getting into taxes there's no way around using your real name. the IRS doesn't give a shit about anything but getting their money anyway

>> No.66869518

Of course. Trans women are women.

>> No.66869627

factually, they are not

>> No.66869956

Can you use some ria arts for the next jig?
This one maybe: https://x.com/Purinngoru/status/1708841280816533680?s=20

>> No.66870022

Thanks, I am really short on art of these girls. I will make an edit even
