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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66028489 No.66028489 [Reply] [Original]

What is her problem?

>> No.66028544

I haven't corrected her yet.

>> No.66028552

She's a bratty siscon who needs correction from her onii-chan

>> No.66028577

What is stopping you?

>> No.66028648

Isn't she an Aussie? man's probably scared of all the creepy crawlies

>> No.66028711

i love mentally ill women

>> No.66028748

She is built for nonconsensual intercourse

>> No.66028756
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theyre pretty great

>> No.66028796
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What do you think about this thing?

>> No.66029313

Anal princess

>> No.66029610

Why is she mentally ill?
And in what way?

>> No.66031437

She's an sjw, unironically. No normal person goes on rants about how transphobic JK rowling is out of nowhere.

>> No.66031654

She's the type I would love to have hate sex with

>> No.66032762

Is this the one constantly talking about black dick and transphobia shit?

>> No.66033021

It'd be faster to list what isn't wrong with her.

>> No.66033755

yep, 247

>> No.66033958


>> No.66034599

Brother liker

>> No.66034951

Numberfag brain
Being a woman
chink blood

>> No.66035127

not enough sex with me
>t. her brother

>> No.66035271


>> No.66036105

Who is the audience for this woman? What does she do?

>> No.66036173

Lack of bull

>> No.66038520

Actual psyche ward stays shes talked about.

>> No.66038788

Buy an ad

>> No.66039680

all me btw

>> No.66039985

First Phase Connect graduation.

>> No.66041717


>> No.66043117

She should talk about BBC less, it's embarrasing

>> No.66046821


>> No.66046907

for what though?

>> No.66046971

Whatsherface that joined with Lumi?

>> No.66047055
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>> No.66047441 [SPOILER] 
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Here you go

>> No.66047470

I can fix her

>> No.66048246

I want to make her a single mother

>> No.66051693


>> No.66051734


>> No.66052242

she also said that once she saw the other patients she realized she wasnt one of them

>> No.66052312

I can fix rape her
Mate, Australia has been a de-facto chinese colony for a decade now

>> No.66054899


>> No.66055521

I know, and both nationalities are a debuff

>> No.66055946

Is she really so different?

>> No.66056212

gross whore

>> No.66056214

one of the other girls shat on the courtyard as rie watched in horror

>> No.66056928


>> No.66057838

The problem with people like Hime is that she's a horrible person that hides behind sjw buzzwords to inflict her hate. I hate white people with a burning passion, but even I get uncomfortable with how openly she shits on them, and only them. Completely inappropriate behavior from a vtuber. To be fair, that's pretty typical behavior for white women, so it's not unexpected from people like her that have been mentally(and physically) colonized. It's also rich to hear a korean shit on whites when everything from korea is 10x more ghoulish. You think the goyslop white people eat is funny? Tell me about the disgusting trash bin mixture of processed meat, processed cheese, and kimchi that the typical seoul slave laborer eats you silly gook. You're a digital comfort woman, only good for calling me oniichan, so shut the fuck up about other things. And also stop talking about your mental health. I understand why Lia's mom tell her to kys.

>> No.66057963

She's essentially Bao the Whale with a model that isn't ugly.

>> No.66058126
File: 209 KB, 555x368, caprisun rie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her I wish I was in Australia to kidnap her she'd love that

>> No.66058363

You were pissing me off until I got to the end of your pathetic rant, then I see you insult Lia by saying you agree with her mom saying she should kill herself. I recommend that you also kill yourself.

>> No.66058985


>> No.66059078

Rie is from hong kong she just larps as korean

>> No.66059313

I'm sick and tired of these serious, yet empty, suicide threats from menhera wrecks. If I was Lia or Rie's mother I would be cheering them on to go through with it at this point. Your mental instability is only hot when it makes you vulnerable and easy to groom. Fix yourself or end yourself.

>> No.66059574

I hate cold hearted sons-of-bitches like you so fucking much.

>> No.66059690

Unironically needs to be raped

>> No.66059912

You're missing the point. These dumb girls aren't actually going to kill themselves. It's all an annoying cry for attention. That's why Lia's mom is sick of her autistic spergouts.

>> No.66059971

hi rie?

>> No.66060002

what, you going to threaten suicide? lol

>> No.66060141

If you watched a single Lia stream, you'd know that it's a joke, not a threat and her mom actively encourages her to kill herself

>> No.66060248

/vt/ pretending this sjw bitch wouldn’t hate your guts is the biggest cognitive dissonance on this board

>> No.66060257

It can be a cry for help AND attention AND she could actually be thinking about it OR mean it, both can be true. Also, you do know there are different ways autism effects people, right?

>> No.66060357

All I know about her is that she cried about JK Rowling being transphobic and she sang a song about wanting a BBC to fuck her so maybe that’s her problem

>> No.66060456

I believe Rie would hate us but I think Lia would be cool with us.

>> No.66060530


>> No.66060559

>I hate white people [...] but even I get uncomfortable with how openly she shits on them
huh??? she is an unironic westaboo

>> No.66060718

what song now

>> No.66060790

>I hate white people with a burning passion

>> No.66061079

She won't. The only ones that would actually kill themselves are the ones like Pippa that are intelligent and kind. Lia is an autistic retard and will just mindlessly jack off for the rest of her life.

>> No.66063103


>> No.66064291
File: 178 KB, 373x343, BLACKcoffee [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foenrdl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's now two phase vtubers clamoring for BBC already
Who is next? I bet phasecucks will be cheering too lmao

>> No.66064362

She is seething about Pippa

>> No.66064749

Damn, I just started watching her too. Welp, so much for that.

>> No.66066175

What a waste of a great model :(

>> No.66071531


>> No.66071763

we went from "I'm not like other girls" to " "I'm not like other schizos" like wtf

>> No.66071815

yikes bro

>> No.66073014

uhhhhh phasebros?

>> No.66073282

She isn't married to me.

>> No.66073599
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black(ed) company

>> No.66074282

unironically unsubbed
should've done it after seeing the JKR rant

>> No.66076227

jesus christ

>> No.66077139

While you 4 are at it. Don't come back. You obviously can't handle this place. Kekw

>> No.66077960

>digital comfort women
Regardless of the rest of the rant that is my go to insult for korean vtubers now. Kek

>> No.66078029

But that's fucking based, that's like the opposite of the other clips in this thread.

>> No.66078031

The meme song about gay sex?

>> No.66078244

Not that anon and not a lia watcher.
give me a clip or qrd timestamp im curious

>> No.66078390

which she chose to sing?

>> No.66078677

The other clips are out of context. See how >>66063103 was short because they only took a small part of this >>66078031 that didn't mention any gay shit.
I was watching that stream live. She was singing the original version, but there were a bunch of fags in chat asking for the "real version", so she went with the meme for like half the song.
That shit happens whenever she sings Cupid.

>> No.66078814

Please explain how the JK Rowling transphobic rant was out of context.

>> No.66078941

claustrophobic catholic upbringing

>> No.66079038

Clip? I membered because I enjoy her karaoke streams, but if she's an sjw hellbent on harassing people until she gets her way instead of just a memelord, I'll cancel it.

>> No.66079831 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but during a minecraft stream shes talking about a book author she kikes amd the out of nowhere goes "unlike that transphobic piece pf shit jk rowling" and she doesnt even say it calmly she has a angry shout to it like shes really mad.
Phoneposting so somebody else post the catbox or soundpost

>> No.66080013

anon but during a minecraft stream shes talking about a book author she likes and then out of nowhere goes "unlike that transphobic piece of shit! jk rowling" and she doesnt even say it calmly she has a angry shout to it like shes really mad.
Phoneposting so somebody else post the catbox or soundpost

>> No.66080029

Here's an example of another time she sang Cupid, and changed to the gay version midway by chat's request. Between layers and layer of memes.

>> No.66080113


>> No.66080229

Without jest, what does that change?

>She chose to sing it
After saying it was a chat suggestion
>She still chose to sing it

>> No.66080232

>liking Percy Jackson
that's even worse

>> No.66080237

based HP is shit and JKRs a hack turned into a jew lover

>> No.66080354

>trying this hard to deflect from the subject
top zozzle

>> No.66080357

>Without jest, what does that change?
nothing youre looking for a reason to hate her and nothing anyone says here will change your mind

>> No.66080459

This is enough for me not to ever watch her

>> No.66080468
File: 669 KB, 1083x551, 1696334488054482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are more retarded than the woman herself.

>> No.66080545

im ok with trannies but i draw the line at jews and YA writers

>> No.66080548

Without context it's about her wanting nigger cock. With context, it's a fag meme in the style of Ram Ranch. Whether she decided to sing it or not doesn't matter. The fact it's just a stupid meme does.
Not him, but still not convinced. Will look for the full stream and make my own decision, might also be just a stupid shitpost on her end and a moment taken out of context.

>> No.66080623

Why would I need to look, I've already found plenty that legitimately turn me off from watching her. What do you even mean by "change your mind", there is no explanation that makes these decisions of her disappear

>> No.66080828

If you want to double check by finding the stream go ahead, but be realistic while doing so. Suddenly bursting out and unironically calling Rowling transphobic is not any sort of shitpost. It wasn't a chat message either, she said it herself and you saw the conversation before it and know it wasn't prompted by others. Don't give too much leeway.

>> No.66080919

so youre saying i was right

>> No.66081022

>Without context it's about her wanting nigger cock. With context, it's a fag meme in the style of Ram Ranch. Whether she decided to sing it or not doesn't matter.
Course it does, she chose to sing it instead of thinking it's gross. Any unforced action is meaningful, says something about the person doing it.

>> No.66081130

About what? I don't get what you're trying, are you implying all these clips are completely out of context and rie neither sang a song about nigger dick nor has sjw-tier hatred against JK rowling for being "transphobic"? The clips are right here in this thread, my guy.

>> No.66081331
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pafu pafu nya nya

>> No.66081668

no, rie is a sjw-adjacent tard who is ok with trannies and sang about black cocks to make chat laught, but youre a moron looking at clips of a vtuber you dont even watch to get mad at which is way funnier to watch

>> No.66081795

Looks like it was a twitch stream, so that shit's nowhere to be found. Best I got was this archive of the same game, but a different stream.
Looks like she was playing Lawn Mowing Simulator around late December last year. When was the wizard game released? Steam says February 2023... not convinced either way. Could either be memeing on the twitter schizos what were going full retarded before release, or she could actually be one of them.
It would be gross if it was about a girl wanting to fuck niggers. But it's about a faggot wanting to fuck niggers, so while still gross, it's now also funny.

For both the Harry Potter and the Cupid things, here's the issue: she's a shitposter. And a fucking aussie. I know very well she's just memeing with the Cupid thing, because I was there a few times she did. But ironic shitposting is also a thing, so I can see the Harry Potter thing also being a shitpost. Not sure.
With that said, I'll keep my eye open, and I'll drop her if I do see any of those attitudes live... but that's the thing. I've only followed for a month or two, but haven't seen her being an SJW while I have definitely seen her as a shitposter. But I'll keep my eye open.

>> No.66081879

That sounds a lot like cope. You're in a thread that contains the clips that causes people to skip a vtuber and raging that there are people who see these clips and don't like what they see. Why do you care? Why not just accept not everyone is going to support someone with these politics?

>> No.66081900

holy cope batman

>> No.66082004
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I don't give a fuck about her or her 2view company but the little chibi emotes she has are really good so I lurk /pcg/ to save them.

>> No.66082304

The rowling=transphobic narrative was around way before the wizard game, doesn't really affect it. She said it unironically and unprompted, that's all that's needed. Maybe you just being critical or having at least some doubts is the most you can change in a single thread, so be it.

>> No.66082428

Always a good laugh to see phaseshills jumping through hoops.

>> No.66082659

im laughing about how that is all to get you seething and keep asking for clips to get mad at while im matching for games
>>Why not just accept not everyone is going to support someone with these politics?
bc youre this engaged about a vtubers politic stance based on two clips posted out of context and i find it entertaining

>> No.66082928

you sound like a humongous faggot buddy

>> No.66083301

>>66082659(self replying)
like look at this dude >66081795 talking about a virtual escort like hes trying to figure out if he should eat at mcdonals bc of the policies the company supports
how could you not find this hilarius

>> No.66083366

>The rowling=transphobic narrative was around way before the wizard game
I know. But twitter was going wild against the wizard game for months before it was released, so I can see her doing an ironic shitpost.
That said, I'm checking the archive, and while there's some red herring flags (the clip wasn't posted until May here >>44100796 despite this likely happening around December/January, for example), I am seeing some conversation along the lines of "when she did this shit, she killed her growth. That's why she went gfe" and "she retweeted Tenma's rope tweet" (linking, I'm range banned from pictures >>44245163) and her lamenting Pikamee's demise (or what's worse, vwhorjoism, >>46485218), so I'm still totally on the fence.
But I'll definitely remain skeptical for the time being, yeah.

>> No.66083424

>out of context
You keep trying to slip this in, it looks as stupid as the first time you tried this. These clips aren't out of context, rie is just a retard.

>> No.66083563

phase cucks really are ESL jesus

>> No.66083599

Something something Percy Jackson better than Harry potter, proceeds to shit on jkr. I honestly cbf doing more hand outs to beggars do your reps fuckwitts.

>> No.66083831

You're being disingenuous, nothing prompted her to cry out about rowling being transphobic. You know that just fine, coward.

>> No.66083885

so she is anti black

>> No.66085369

she very clearly loves white cock

>> No.66085539

How do I get an insane gf like her? Do I need to hang out at the psych ward and look for cute girls?

>> No.66085791
File: 1.04 MB, 1366x768, alias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chuuba turns out to not be your /pol/wife and you lose your absolute shiat. What the hell is wrong with you people

>> No.66086298

She read Harry Potter one time, o noes she's transfobic! This is what you sound like and the girl goes on tangent rants all the time at maximum troll energy.

>> No.66086464

>loves bbc
>loves trannies
into the trash she goes

>> No.66086618

Beware the pink highlighted one, especially on Saturdays. They be gay.

>> No.66086771
File: 181 KB, 400x400, COPIUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was just trolling bro
>she just said jk rowling was a "transphobic piece of shit" as a joke bro

>> No.66087150

Ya, I want a /pol/chuuba what about it? You have infinite troons on twitch to choose from.

>> No.66087182

How would you know from one clip? Like I said she flips, did she convince you? Am I full of shit? Check her out and you could make up your own mind. If you like to troll you are missing out so suit yourself.

>> No.66087591

>you are missing out so suit yourself.
Something tells me I'm really not.

>> No.66088304 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 833x534, 1682189427490828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the hell is wrong with you people
You... It's you. Would be peachy if you'd all hurry up and an hero. Preferably without shooting children beforehand.

>> No.66088337
File: 1.82 MB, 1448x1448, 1686998142173015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait do you people actually give a shit about what retarded woman opinions women hold? You do know that they all change their views on a dime to whoever they're trying to impress at the moment, right? They're emotional chameleons who change shape to fit into social circles and authority structures. Caring about what their views on a sociopolitical issue are is like caring about what a sub 70IQ import to Gary, Indiana thinks.

>> No.66088649

you're right, so thats why they should shut the fuck up and not share their stupid fucking opinions. too bad the phase girls really enjoy sharing them.

>> No.66088831

Fair enough, the timing of this thread was during deflection for Pomu graduation but rolling was unstickied. First time I've seen this identical thread was Selen's hospital release.

>> No.66089044

You are trying way too hard bozo

>> No.66089149

suck my cock retard

>> No.66090207

I never want to hear the girl I love saying she wants the bbc, even as a joke. If you do there's something cucked about you.

>> No.66090758

You have no idea how dangerous those words are for you in these gay waters.

>> No.66093741

sister, I'm not trans

>> No.66099482

seems alright

>> No.66099630

Cute zoomer college girl, for some reason ojisans hate this and other zoomers think she's too crazy.

>> No.66100011

>radical sjw
>has been sent to a psyche ward before
Makes u think

>> No.66100659

She NEEDS black cock

>> No.66101351

Dumb sjw that killed her growth.
But maybe she'll recovery, Lia did after her NTR stream and WONTONS is the 3rd biggest vtuber in the company.

>> No.66104953


>> No.66105041

Menhera zoomer

>> No.66105463

Made for anal.

>> No.66105921

>SEAbrowns blown the fuck out

>> No.66108366

here plus a few extras

rinmama tells her daughter to uninstall herself

rinmama has to unfortunately inform her daughter they're a dysfunctional family

family feud

It was good stream.

>> No.66108590

She is a really poor man's Lia.
She will never be as successful as Lia

>> No.66110128

She needs the baby. Unironically.

>> No.66110390

She is literally just a young woman who does not have a strong male hand guiding her, /vt/ anons are weak and autistic so this offends them.
