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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.68 MB, 1140x1103, Epstein Island Tier List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65993509 No.65993509 [Reply] [Original]

/asp/stein Island Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Ganbatte, /asp/ies! You’re all gonna make it! Good luck in persevering with all your Vtubing endeavors!

Open company auditions:
VReverie (Jan 3) https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)

Previous thread: >>65977793

>> No.65993608

>was a victim

>> No.65993997

I headcanon Kankuro as a transmale.

>> No.65994076

>top tier
Of everyone there, Iriya is Epstein himself.

>> No.65994129

Who had a bigger penis Iriya or Epstein ?

>> No.65994280
File: 679 KB, 1116x843, 1704400763824882 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw it, most of these intended as follow ups


I mean i know the reason i don't fit this mold is i joined on a whim but i do want to grow and improve as much as possible

>> No.65994283

Reminder Fuwacoco showed porn to minors on the Roblox category of Twitch and, because of that, has current minors on her discord that has porn and lewd talk constantly.

>> No.65994413
File: 83 KB, 608x596, Screenshot 2024-01-05 074544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way this kind of shit is real right?

>> No.65994446

Ask Mond.

>> No.65994465

Some people are fags
If you tell a streamer their music is too loud and they ban you, they weren't worth your time to begin with.

>> No.65994495
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, FCONXQWUYAcmGaF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see if someone can imagine a model based on this...


>> No.65994496

it's real to some level, rarely will your viewers ever tell you your audio is fucked

>> No.65994592

He's making gifs out of /asp/ies! Come and join him it's so cute

>> No.65994784
File: 17 KB, 109x90, Screenshot 2023-04-02 162453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a real friend asks to hang out and I cant watch my aspies stream on a thursday night

>> No.65994792
File: 873 KB, 1136x852, momostein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out where he got the nickname Homomo from

>> No.65995139

I thought we established I'm a narcissitic, pick me penelope, personality on here? You guys love talking about me so much and I haven't even streamed this year. This is your fault. Have fun having no filters turned on for Gumpai and pointing me out every time someone has to talk about femchuubas. Sorry people liked my tweet and that I have a vagina.

>> No.65995179

>abuse victim
It makes perfect sense

>> No.65995239 [SPOILER] 
File: 612 KB, 749x776, 0074009a070717e51044003cf9cc7f0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hurt Keitaro in the nicest ways

>> No.65995323

>just want to casually talk about my day like other streamers
>entire chat gets sad and tries to comfort me
>people get angry and say I'm trauma dumping

i just don't know how to stream

>> No.65995403

Stream idea:

>> No.65995467

Ah, yes, the suprise offcollab

>> No.65995614

I'd like to apply as manager now

>> No.65995845

how big of a collab are we talking about?

>> No.65995936

what flavor of menhera am i

>> No.65996098


>> No.65996156

Mint chocolate chip with crushed up Oreos on top.

>> No.65996181
File: 3.72 MB, 400x393, asptierlist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65996232

>no filters turned on
that means you are finally fucking leaving?

>> No.65996336

I got ainsle ayo

>> No.65996385

You have to work on the way you tell your stories. You can talk about unfortunate things if you make them either funny or lighthearted, assuming it's nothing too serious. Turn it into a joke or talk about how your day immediately improved in another way to lighten up the mood, otherwise your audience will think you're streaming despite being in a negative mood from whatever happened.

>> No.65996392


>> No.65996462

I got Sun

>> No.65996468

Has it become somewhat self-aware?

>> No.65996890

Which /asp/ would be the hardest to kill? I'm guessing sterling because he's a rock solid golem but I don't know enough of everyone's lore to be sure.

>> No.65996924
File: 58 KB, 564x569, I am raccoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand you streamers, but I like you, quirks and all.

>> No.65996978

support the virus

>> No.65997169

Me. Just don't agree to die dumbass

>> No.65997524


>> No.65997744

I'd encourage you to not even think about your CCV below 10 viewers. There's enough variance and Twitch's data is messy enough that you can't really draw meaningful conclusions. You're just starting out and probably don't really have (non-thread) regulars yet, you should focus on solidifying what your content looks like and finding your niche. Watch your VODs. Ask yourself: would I watch this? Watching a stream is a transaction where a viewer trades their time for entertainment/parasocial connection/etc. Is your stream a good deal, are viewers getting something worth their time?
Networking is your bread and butter as a small streamer and almost nobody here does it close to enough. Meeting people here is part of it, but you should be doing way more than that. Do you know the names of the big streamers in your niche? Do you know the names of the medium streamers? What about other streamers just starting out? Do they know your name? Do you chat? Like most things its a numbers game. You should be finding new people and interacting basically every day, making new connections. YOU should be the one initiating connections, not waiting for people to talk to you.
Re: menhera/"edgy humor"/being yourself or whatever, just don't do it. People don't want to see it unless it's entertaining, and if you're doing it to entertain you should be exercising editorial control (read: lying and telling fake stories) anyway. If you're trying to grow, it's worthwhile to maintain some separation between your real life and personality and your stream persona. (On the other hand, if you're not especially trying to grow and are doing this to make friends and socialize, it doesn't matter so much, and you might have a nicer time not constantly playing a character. There's no shame in that!)

>> No.65997942

I love you guys thank you for hanging out with me while i made myself sad teehee

>> No.65997962

Ahoy anons! What are your thoughts on this rough design for a potential alt-outfit?


>> No.65998119

Another thing is that not everyone focuses on becoming huge, some people have smaller focused communities where regulars know each other and the streamer recognizes everyone by name. I stopped worrying about numbers after the first month and just enjoyed hanging out with my regulars and whoever decides to show up.

>> No.65998167

How fat is uwu?

>> No.65998222
File: 614 KB, 1170x2532, 01E15286-DFF2-48A0-81FD-87D14D339645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone considering this? Being featured seems cool.

>> No.65998233

all his content is flesh chuubing, you can literally see

>> No.65998237

Are you going for femboy…?

>> No.65998239

What top four anime characters are literally you! retweet this! Lets see if you can be ID'd from just that!

>> No.65998282

who's that guy

>> No.65998293

His jacket hides his belly. He looks big but how big is he?

>> No.65998297

Are you a full blooded american, if not then that is cultural appropriation.

>> No.65998450

vtuber "news reporter"

>> No.65998458

How hard would it be to set up a mobile streaming set up? I want to walk around streaming and try camping streams. Something not to cumbersome to carry

>> No.65998507

I'm doing one of the aspies. He's pretty cool, so I guess that counts.

>> No.65998528


>> No.65998957

nooo it's supposed to be tropical island

>> No.65999189

ask Kaiser

>> No.65999211

If you are streaming right now, CALL OUT YOUR LURKERS NOW.

>> No.65999382

But in all seriousness hope you get something that'll cheer you right up.

>> No.65999460


>> No.65999701

>hey submit here if you have trouble getting eyes on your content
>also I might not see it

>> No.65999943
File: 17 KB, 200x200, everybodywannabeashabbystar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's finally here, Streaming for (You), if you know the words you can join in too, put your hands together if you want to chat and IDK how to continue this bit but art stream with requests again...

>> No.66000162

its ok i was playing sad games on purpose

>> No.66000164
File: 613 KB, 1080x1799, 1000206221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


their page mention they peovide equipment like iphone and microphone, and even hardware upgrade if necessary. only female applicants, but would consider males in the future. jut read the FAQ, lay fucks

the account is only following the accounts of the CEO and of their talent manager

>> No.66000339

I just want to hug her.

>> No.66000568

Very fuckable. I mean cute.

>> No.66000686

ah fair, fair. Hope you had a good cry then.

>> No.66000843

I think I uploaded all the scuff gifs into a zip file correctly. Let me know if I did it wrong

>> No.66001016

i dont want you viruses, thanks tho!

>> No.66001154

ok I also uploaded them indivudualy. here you go

>> No.66001285

That sounds great I’ll take ten!

>> No.66001420


>> No.66001467

Normally if I have a depressing day I just try to be exaggeratedly mad and have that menhera “I’m fine everything’s fine” energy and make fun of myself then move the conversation on and not dwell on stuff, but it’s definitely a skill to work on that’s not easy desu

>> No.66001483


>> No.66001586


>> No.66001858

this guy is a dramatuber who use clickbait title, bad delivery, and mostly covering shit that doesn't matter equivalent to "breaking news, water is apparently considered a wet substance"

you sure you wanted to be seen asociated with this guy?

>> No.66002178

>Fake journalist
>Fake internet journalist
>Fake internet journalist that focuses on vtubers
>Fake internet journalist that focuses on small vtubers
>Fake internet journalist that makes clickbait about small vtubers
I would honestly just kill myself ngl I dunno how much more subhuman a person can get

>> No.66002252

He focusers on big vtubers tho

>> No.66002540

When people say "big" vtubers I laugh because even the biggest vtubers are still tiny in terms of content creators.

>> No.66002751
File: 332 KB, 933x1200, juventusluna _gscuffcute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to attempt to make some emotes today because i have SO many slots that need filled


i love it so much..... thank you!!!!!!!

>> No.66003090

I'm transgender

>> No.66003163

I'm sorry.

>> No.66003386

How the fuck do I fix Streamelements Youtube chat?
It just froze and stopped updating.

>> No.66003495

No such thing as bad publicity

>> No.66003570

There's no such thing as bisexual.
You're either heterosexual, or you're gay.

>> No.66003610

>beryl invited but declined
Ok beryl

>> No.66003616
File: 297 KB, 467x600, well this is getting silly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for stopping by.

>> No.66003900

in whichever brwoser source your chat is, go into that source's properties and click the "Refresh cache of current page" button.

>> No.66004125

It's not the browser source.
The chat itself on the streamelements dashboard widget isn't updating.

>> No.66004155

long stream <3

>> No.66004190

This is also true

>> No.66004232

then likely something with youtube. some momths ago people were having an issue with another popular xhat widget (not SE). try creating a different chat with another SE scene to see if the problem persists

>> No.66004719

this is why I just use a plain direct source with a CSS code

>> No.66005134
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-01-04-19h14m37s810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for not!Dracula in Vampire Survivors tonight!

>> No.66006009

i blame my inability to shut up and stop rambling.
rebranding as a pure zatsu streamer next month, let's fucking go.

>> No.66006134

I miss streaming wtf

>> No.66006939

>wasn't invited
Because I'd kill every chomo on that island.

>> No.66007159

Anyone ever get the urge to do a suicide stream in dark times? I’m not even very suicidal but I think about it sometimes, don’t know why

>> No.66007201

What does that even mean?

>> No.66007479

I think killing someone would be funny and more memorable than killing yourself !

>> No.66007512

I'm only a little suicidal and I consider it. I put up a very happy front on stream, everyone thinks I'm happy and inspirational, but they don't know the real me.

>> No.66007534

I have thoughts about cutting myself on stream but that would be instant Twitch ban and probably blacklist me in the community forever.

>> No.66007666

He hangs out with extreme loli/shotacons like swirpdrop.

>> No.66007731

best not to think of things like that, they can eventually become intrusive thoughts, and from there they can become the focus of your attention.
The same could be said of self deprecation among other things.
The best thing you can do when you feel bad is make someone else feel good.
Hope you're doing ok anon.

>> No.66007976

Yeah that makes sense, thank you, I’ll try not to let those thoughts take over too much

>> No.66008339

They didn't puss on Day 4 Edition.

Chaosfoundry are playing a City Builder RTS.


>> No.66008604
File: 9 KB, 112x112, potatosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im tired, lets study.

>> No.66008643

sex with dorian

>> No.66009067

the voice changer stays ON during sex

>> No.66009289

I have heard his real voice and all I will say is it is hotter then you are probably thinking

>> No.66009588

I just want him to stop using a voice changer so I can harass him to collab with me :,(

>> No.66009716

>loli bad
Holy fucking twitter, you must hate Mond.

>> No.66009830

does that make uwu a lolicon since he oshis Koragi?

>> No.66009833

NTA but there's a difference between being a loli or just liking loli aesthetics and being a hardcore lolicon.

>> No.66009885

Both are pedophiles for being attracted to lolis and shotas, yes. Beryl is guilty by association.

>> No.66009983

Where do schizos like this even come from.

>> No.66009987

Red and orange probably means they’re attracted to kids, if you associate with any of these vtubers you’re also guilty of enabling them. Just wait for the twitlonger for any of them.

>> No.66010004

I don't have loli but I'm not into. It's not on some moral ground. So I like Mond in spite of the loli stuff though I find her decent habit of yawning/moaning and playing into her chat. a little off putting. Also her chat has gotten annoying in general. It's unironically a lot of old men who want to talk politics and treat her like an actual baby.

>> No.66010036

holy falseflagger. lolicons run this site.

>> No.66010039

>both are attracted to lolis and shota
I will now follow and support them

>> No.66010058

This thread’s OP was bait from the start and attracted the actual schizos

>> No.66010106
File: 197 KB, 432x410, IMG_3598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beryl collabs with swirl and mei
>swirl likes loli
>this means beryl also must like loli

>> No.66010176

Beryl is a leech for collabing with partner vtubers and he’s being actively groomed by Mei anyways. He doesn’t belong here, especially when more relevant vtubers like Gen 6 are on the horizon. He’s fucking boring anyways.

>> No.66010184

lolicons are more mentally broken than footfags.
To be attracted to something as annoying and insufferable as a child you have to have some wires crossed in your brain and the only thing that'll fix it is hot lead.

>> No.66010228

Nah, there’s actual truth in that OP. Lolis and shotas enable disgusting shit and all loli vtubers are gross.

>> No.66010249

>wtf loli stuff on my website that was originally made to share loli art?

>> No.66010259
File: 31 KB, 464x660, 1693336499357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66010301

Will I get my own schizos too for collabing with partners?

>> No.66010324

>lolis are the same as children

>> No.66010356

this is engagement bait. twitter boosts posts like this that have a lot of activity. same as the 'drop your pngs' shit. the guy is also a dramatuber who isn't worth getting attention from.

>> No.66010358

If you’re attracted to this, you need help. If you watch any vtubers like this, you enable others to watch them who also need help.

>> No.66010429

not what I said lack of reading comprehension chama

>> No.66010454

It's true, I don't know what the island is...

>> No.66010456


>> No.66010515

Hypotheticlly how bad would it be if I both like loli aesthetic/proportions but also feet

>> No.66010549
File: 39 KB, 524x585, 1701073213573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you watch any vtubers like this, you enable others to watch them

>> No.66010677

I'm a huge lolicon but nobody will ever know

>> No.66010692
File: 203 KB, 301x413, theisland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only island I know is this on right here (I am still sad about the person who stole my binder where I kept all my guru lands)

>> No.66010735
File: 135 KB, 1200x721, GCrpErWXkAA5yAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think "feet bad, socks good" might become a new timeloop at this rate
ToT loli socks erotic

>> No.66010763


>> No.66010818

omg sex (would have been better flat imo but still great) give me the fucking sauce

>> No.66010832

I don't like lolis but I am a small body enthusiast.
Unfortunately I can't proclaim my love for this beyond midna and goblins because otherwise people will lump me in with lolicons.

>> No.66010938

>Ainslie not invited
But what about Scout

>> No.66010974

With the art he gets its easy to tell.

>> No.66010975

Massive F. They're trending to a thousand by the end of the year too.

>> No.66010979
File: 195 KB, 558x314, 1680060300721756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66011034

He oshis shondo so yes.

>> No.66011048

Ainslie is Scout.

Ainslie is both the male (Sentry) and the female (Scout).

>> No.66011057
File: 694 KB, 2552x1440, literallyme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66011084

i'm sorry to say, but she's taken

>> No.66011121
File: 101 KB, 1290x786, 1000002667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace Hawking with Pafu. That's what she'd do.

>> No.66011154

He's Sentry in outside and Scout in my house yeah.

>> No.66011178
File: 239 KB, 442x450, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66011374
File: 156 KB, 1079x2009, 1673839931423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66011377
File: 323 KB, 1595x787, just the feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seek your wisdom. What does something like this count as

>> No.66011436

Don't worry, it can't be any worse than me trading away tropical islands and volcanic islands for Shivan dragons and serra angels as a kid.

>> No.66011445


>> No.66011482

OMG Based

>> No.66011484
File: 554 KB, 1080x1080, myeyesburn(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is drawing fucked up creatures get in here

>> No.66011510

uwu is such a fucking bro I love that dude

>> No.66011550

forgor the link lol lmao
im drawing fucked up lil dudes come look

>> No.66011573

I've been able to get likes and interracts with two bigger chuubas so far, one hasnt debuted and the other is a ligger, i'll see what else i can do
I'll look at my vods, theres some moments i find myself genuinely laughing and enjoying the banter, and other times i can see someone interracting, mainly my tangents, but i dunno if this is narcissism, i'll clip them later
As for niches, i dunno what my niche is yet, what niches are there? Some chuubas i enjoy are ones like Grimmi, Filian when she isn't going full zoomer mode, Pippa sometimes, chromu...
I'l look more into niches but atm i wanna try to get more vtuber frends!!!

>> No.66011579
File: 155 KB, 691x482, Leggings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An affront to god

>> No.66011600
File: 133 KB, 400x400, cabCake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cabu just got a big raid hes at 104 viewers!

>> No.66011657

Lance what's the most expensive piece of card board you own?

>> No.66011684

I refuse to believe it's not true too. World needs more epic funni

>> No.66011736

Thanks for the link. I don't care, want, or desire to fuck or even meet her irl. I just like cute art ToT

>> No.66011783

I have a tabernacle that's moderately played. That's the card I could go out and sell. I have some other things that only 1 or 2 exist, so pricing them is a massive ???? since they're worth whatever a buyer is willing to pay.

>> No.66011796
File: 76 KB, 902x663, Thenandnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about how my old design before appearing coincidently looked like someone else before changing it but now looking back at the old robot form to brainstorm a new variant before spring comes around. for those who make their own models how much time do you spend making one new outfit or a complete rebrand

>> No.66011820

Are you a man? If you are, you should find male VTubers that you enjoy watching so that you can get some inspiration. Like it or not, the meta is almost entirely different for men and women. If you're not, you can more directly base your content off of Grimmi or Filian.

>> No.66011833

Shondophrenics unite

>> No.66011892
File: 423 KB, 493x680, lowrezcuzitookofftwittersowwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT SHE GOT ART FROM MY OSHI!! I regonize his handy work anywhere ToT

>> No.66011948
File: 589 KB, 1080x1667, Screenshot_20240104_232617_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.66011971

Dont make these retarded tierlists the OP image.

>> No.66011999

Wait are you the guy that won the big for tyler the great warrior

>> No.66012090

Oh God no. I don't give a fuck about Yu-Gi-Oh. I just have prize cards and artist proof cards.

>> No.66012105


>> No.66012269
File: 197 KB, 1400x1050, black_lotus_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's surprising to you, you ain't seen nothing yet boy

>> No.66012326

I would like to do magic draft with people :)

>> No.66012342

I've heard of black lotus, never heard of a tabernacle before.

>> No.66012409

I have a vintage cube on table top sim that we've used for a draft league with on stream. It's fun.

>> No.66012438

Same. Would be fund to play some stuff with people here. Maybe even do a cube

>> No.66012458

What art?

>> No.66012460

I’m not the best at magic and I need to be reminded of plays sometime but I really love drafting

>> No.66012526

Reminder how good aspies have it.

>> No.66012559

I am always down to host, just shoot me a DM. If I can get 6 to 8 people together we can fire a stream up.

>> No.66012612

Who are you?

>> No.66012657

I'm lance.

>> No.66012664

Thanks for reminding me to add "leech" to my filters.

>> No.66012717
File: 649 KB, 1760x2560, fhfdhfdhfds hjdfs hfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is this guy I am pretty sure

>> No.66012751

Cute! When was this drawn?

>> No.66012761

Most of the reserve list is that way to the point that hedge funds have started buying reserve list cards to store asset value.

>> No.66012810

November 17th

>> No.66012811

God Lance I wanna play Magic with you, but I haven't played that game in yeeears.

>> No.66012836

Why are you just letting an asp be named meat when there's already a successful partner tier former 4chan vtuber named meat

>> No.66012860

Who cares?

>> No.66012869

Any time you want to join just let me know. I welcome any skill level. I just want to grill (play card games)

>> No.66012932

I’m sorry I’m really new here. What is your twitter handle or discord ?

>> No.66012934

>Wait till they learn how IRL names work

>> No.66012954
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Thanks, it's Kankuro btw.
I'll be more free near the end of January - will keep a reminder!

>> No.66012957

>Why are you just letting somebody keep their name when somebody else has a similar name
The schizo admits he's a powerless crybaby.

>> No.66013021

Playing Simic in Standard Brawl feels like bullying.

>> No.66013076

MTG players: opinion on current state of WoTC?

>> No.66013121

Been in rapid decline for years but sustained by its basically unbreakable market dominance no matter how hard Hasbro tries.

>> No.66013165
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live drawing


>> No.66013199


>> No.66013225

Willing to play uno, big biy?

>> No.66013264

You can find me on Twitter with lancemaverickvt

My discord is on there if you like that instead.

WotC is a shambling corpse of itself. The upper management was all placed by Hasbro, and wotc continues to be the only profitable division under Hasbro. Card design is okay right now, there's just too much of it to wring more money from whales and cardboard addicts so we have too many good cards so it feels like immense powercreep.

>> No.66013312

I don't have uno on my Xbox.

>> No.66013369

Rosewater is a cuck who can't take criticism. Started playing heavy at Ixalan then checked out completely at Unfinity. Might buy some new Ixalan for nostalgia sake but now I just own one cube and would rather get into DBS card game.

>> No.66013377

Add lolicon, shotacon and everyone in red and orange on that tierlist to your filters too.

>> No.66013395

Everyone has uno dipshit. It came free with your fucking Xbox.

>> No.66013445

I didn't get it, I have the oldest Xbox known to man.

>> No.66013461

Bro got the stone block and stick

>> No.66013512

I'm lapsed, mainly for financial reasons, but the game looks fun still. My friends who play it complain about "product fatigue" but I never cared about promo cards before so idk.

>> No.66013531

No you don't I bought mine on day one you fucking tard.

>> No.66013555

Product fatigue is real. There's at least 3 SKUs every month.

>> No.66013627

There has been so much new product that even a distributor got confused and sent entire cases of booster packs from a set that wasn't supposed to come out for months

>> No.66013630


>> No.66013674

shut the fuck up about card games you greasy nerds
post aspiring vtubers

>> No.66013690
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>> No.66013712

Yeah that was for March of the machine. At the time there were 4 kinds of booster boxes so another one titled "epilogue" wasn't weird. The best was they sent the actual pinkertons to the guy.

>> No.66013756
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>> No.66013898
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I'm aspiring to make content about card games as a vtuber, checkmate atheist

>> No.66013955
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feast your eyes on THIS

>> No.66013962
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>> No.66013984

Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's card.

>> No.66013989

honestly the only funny story from MtG as of late
otherwise its really gotten sad how badly hasbro craves money and still have the guts to fire people from their only profitable division, near christmas no less

>> No.66014034
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>> No.66014088


Make your own /asp/ cards..keep it as LORE/Power Level friendly as possible!

>> No.66014097

I created jp showcase versions of every card in my krank shima edh deck. People love when I bring it to commander night

>> No.66014118

I am male, unfortunately, but there isnt alot of males i find funny, i'll check for some

>> No.66014136

The format doesn't need another copy of Nexus of Fate

>> No.66014186

Shit idk magic. I only know Yugioh. Maybe Ill make an aspie deck

>> No.66014266
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>> No.66014515
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>> No.66014553

Olga's new outfit is pretty

>> No.66014690

Mei isn't grooming anyone you stupid fucking faggot she's too retarded for that.

>> No.66014778
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>> No.66014792

>got beryl into vtubing
>knew him before he started streaming
>they raid each other constantly
>both talk offline
>beryl’s formerly androgynous design is now full feminine
Yeah, sure.

>> No.66014855


>> No.66014890
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Forgot my image.

>> No.66014918

Tiny makes sexy art

>> No.66014964
File: 246 KB, 375x523, Sh&#039;vah from beyond the Cosmic Veil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you guys are posting cards right now, this was not done with that side but i started fumbling about with trying to make a /asp/ series of commanders and this is the only one so far i feel comfortable with sharing, wanted to share one of these days once i got a few going but guess may as well share the idea now when its on topic

>> No.66015045

Most of your reasons are lacking in reality. Mei hates being a tranny, and hates other trannies why would he groom beryl into becoming one?

>> No.66015062

Pls save the Commander Cards you make from MTG maker.
It could be a cool collab idea, imagine if we played Tabletop Simulator with our custom commanders.

>> No.66015082

jealous 1 view hands typed this post

>> No.66015092

mana symbols are backwards aren't they?

>> No.66015113

That ability is actually really good. Its a better version of Shelob, Child of Ungoliant and just like Shelob the cards keep all abilities and text in the ability box, they just are no longer creatures. With stuff like Devoted Druid you get infinite mana. Combine it with the halfling from the lotr ub that reduces activated abilities of food and it opens up lots of other interesting combos

>> No.66015115

Who cares if beryl, drop, and mei are lolicona.

>> No.66015185

Yeah hehe, I'll fix it when I stop being sleepy.

>> No.66015355

Use the mtg set editor. It allows for better formatting but requires you to download it

>> No.66015372

lol you are so cute anon

>> No.66015402

Wish someone would call me cute before I go to bed

>> No.66015408

i don't make them via MTG maker, since there is no good template for eldrazi cardframes i cobbled this together myself but i eventually intended to post them here, i just wanted to first have a few done before showing the idea, i jsut felt like right now may as well be a fun moment to show this one at least

it was meant to be a strong ability since it requires all colors of mana, of course you can combo of well with this with the right pieces, but even outside i felt like it should be powerful to highlight the feel of a powerful eldrazi, someone i consulted then showed me shelob that kinda slipped my mind and this is the refined version of it and someone else helped me proofread the card, thanks to those people, they know who they are

i felt Sh'vah would be an eldrazi given their nature as cosmic horror out to eat worlds and i wanted to further showcase that eating thing with the shelob ability, i also felt like its a huge miss so far that there was no eldrazi that worked with devoid so far, so i added that in so that Sh'vah would not just play like your typical eldrazi deck

>> No.66015427
File: 248 KB, 500x500, EmotesLurk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly do YGO but I'll probably be doing some MtG stuff in the near future as well. Now batoru is seems to be on the horizon, and Vanguard has a card I'm interested in as well... Does anyone here play Vanguard? I haven't played the game but I could learn it and do a primer stream, probably in a couple of weeks though.

>> No.66015456

You're cute!

>> No.66015607

Did wiplash draw this

>> No.66015635
File: 326 KB, 375x523, 1704437096568819 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like commanders that provide build around or unique flavor.

>> No.66015682 [DELETED] 

If you're over 25 trying to learn art its over and you'll never be good. All the artists you people love got laughed out of /ic/. Its so sad. You people need to watch Sam Hyde. Get a real job. You're not going to suddenly pick up a skill in your 30s and make anything good. Suck my sick. Focus on losing your virginity you fucking losers.

>> No.66015728

It's called "being friends", and lots of /asp/ies have larger chuubas in their chat sometimes. Is Clauvio manipulating Digby? Is Meat manipulating Denpa? Use your fucking brain before you schizopost, these aren't even entertaining.

>> No.66015837

Nobody cares about the opinions of whiny faggots on /ic/. Go back.

>> No.66015903

>You people need to watch Sam Hyde
Imagine your mind being poisoned this bad by a grifting troll

>> No.66015941

i like the idea but it feels a bit too narrow, feels like it will just lead to a lot of boardwipes and indestructible effects

>> No.66015944

Sam Hyde's a fucking loser and so are you. Kys retard

>> No.66015947
File: 125 KB, 400x400, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! It was one of the things I scribbled up for my debut

>> No.66015988

This thread made me entertain the possibility of wotc collabing with some vtuber company for a UB set. It's probably inevitable at this point

>> No.66016002

Post stream stats NOW

>> No.66016027

Hololive secret lair
Aspie secret lair

>> No.66016068

>nigger thinks /ic/ is the epitome of the art community


>> No.66016075

My YouTube content does well enough, not interested in streaming

>> No.66016152

Can you really call therm your oshi if you don't have a complete foil edh deck of your oshi with matching playmat and sleves

>> No.66016181

numberfag these nuts

>> No.66016256

Unironically, if I ever became big enough, I'd want to sell a playmat and sleeves as merch

>> No.66016354

Remember kickstarter tv? He said it. You're not gonna suddenly pick up painting at 35 and be good. Surely not good enough to charge people. Just get money and stop over extending. Work at best buy. Your fault for not working hard when you were young. We don't need more mediocre people.

>> No.66016360

The thought of an Ina themed edh deck fills me with a very unhealthy consumerist impulse

>> No.66016447

>You're not gonna suddenly pick up painting at 35 and be good

Marco Bucci.

>> No.66016460
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>> No.66016527

fuck off faggot. if people wanna learn at an older age they can. if one is willing to learn the skill they will acheive it, go watch sam hyde and pretend you're someone cool when in reality you're some whiny bitch.

>> No.66016542

>You're not gonna suddenly pick up painting at 35 and be good
No but you may bring joy into your life and build skills and who knows maybe you'll improve and make things people want to buy

>> No.66016894

I checked all the previous threads and no one talks about me anymore on here. Am I forgotten?

>> No.66016931

edgy seamonkey logged on again he did this yesterday too

>> No.66016959

We don't need more people like you, that's for sure. Keep red pilling yourself and achieve nothing at your best buy while other people live their life and work on individual passions.

>> No.66016995 [DELETED] 

Sam Hyde Nick Rochefort made me the man I am. So did negativxp and JP before they got cringe. You people need a reality check. I had no idea how gay these threads were. Tumblr shit.
Cope ass post.
Get a real job. Make money. Secure yourself. Stop playing pretend your teachers lied to you. You're not special. You're not smart. After 30 years of work you'll be as good as one of the many 30 year old artists
Only you'll be fucking 60.
Literally who?

>> No.66017028

Do you not know about hobbies or are you actually this retarded?

>> No.66017053

omg you are retarded. dude this is a thread where people pretend to be silly creatures go find a place to be a reddit nhilist somewhere else.
your taste in music is shit.

>> No.66017058
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>Sam Hyde Nick Rochefort made me the man I am. So did negativxp and JP

>> No.66017077
File: 94 KB, 537x593, behold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till the random schizo complaining about art from old people sees my "amazing" stuff. May shit themselves in awe

>> No.66017116

Bro is on 4chan telling people to get a job and how much of a better man he is. Unreal.

>> No.66017156

hey if you're up doin nothin i'm playing mega man 5

>> No.66017182

My parents made me the man I am

>> No.66017188

Who the fuck is Sam Hyde and why this nigga won't shut the fuck up about him

>> No.66017245
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Post an /asp/ie you hope to become good friends with in 2024
I hope to become good friends with Ria

>> No.66017268

I hope to become sex friends with Koko

>> No.66017326

Wish granted but your job is to sit in the cuck chair recording. No you do not get any cut of the money

>> No.66017377

If I get to hit once in a while it's not too bad

>> No.66017402

Asp Yugioh deck. Imma make more tomorrow.

>> No.66017420

i'd love to make friends with wiplash, i like them a lot...

>> No.66017595

Is Ria a lesbian?

>> No.66017645

I think I will grind for 100k on youtube.

>> No.66017743

We really did absorb the /wvt/ viewers and schizos huh

>> No.66017746

I want to be friends with Pukki because she seems so friendly and outgoing but it's because of those reasons that I also find her intimidating.

>> No.66017823

In no particular order: Ria, Charley, 3rdPT, Kankuro, Mond, Meat, Rura, GClef, Layla, Daiya, Kai, Kenny, Mumkey, Slushy, Geltaran, Zeph, Sterling, Luna and Pukki.
I want to collab with at least 5 of these people by the end of the year.

>> No.66017946

Frank Frazetta had to teach himself how to draw and paint with his left hand after using his right hand for his entire life.
You're objectively incorrect if you think there's a cut off point for learning to draw and paint.

Now go away.

>> No.66017949
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>> No.66017982

Fugg I missed the collab. I thought Ria's gonna stream her pov

>> No.66018041

I want to kiss Pukki

>> No.66018061
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>> No.66018126
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>> No.66018152

Ayo spin man himself?

>> No.66018208

The best of friends

>> No.66018264

The one and only lowly puppet man Vtuber.

>> No.66018271

Is it normal for larger indies and chuubas in general to like asp replies?

>> No.66018392

no they're trying to groom you run away

>> No.66018457

dunno who you are so i guess nothing will come from this post

>> No.66018679


>> No.66018695

It's gonna sound lame but all of em.
I know it's unrealistic but I think just about everyone who's gotten into vtubing from /asp/ are plenty interesting as people and I feel most will be friends I'll be able to enjoy the company of for years to come.

>> No.66018934

I’ll contact you when I muster up the courage. Looking forward to wizard man, Meat, Ainslie, and random anon collab stream still. Puppet man is my favourite seiso streamer.

>> No.66018994

>it's unrealistic
just the time zones will make anything more meaningful than mutuals on twitter impossible

>> No.66019053

Mei and Beryl...

>> No.66019070

I'll start small and first try to get to know everyone well enough to put them on a tierlist.

>> No.66019137

just about all of them. if i were to name a select few, i guess i'd share >>66017823 's list. maybe add iriya, beryl and freeofme.
also, >>66017823
hit me up, brother, i'm always open.
sick moves.

>> No.66019538

My New Year’s resolution for this year is to become a girl (online only for now)

>> No.66019566

Is it normal for bigger chuubas to like and reply to smaller ones in their tweets? Especially hours after??
Do they want to be friends???

>> No.66019615

People act kindly and polite because it doesn't cost anything and it makes them feel good, plus it also makes them seem better and more approachable

>> No.66019962
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Imagine not making use of adult neuroplasticity

>> No.66020054

No such thing. That ends at 25. 30 max. Why do you think your parents at 40 couldn't ever learn to use a computer.
This is why I like Sam Hyde. Only motherfucker keeping it real and splashing cold water in people.

>> No.66020149

Who is Sam Hyde

>> No.66020266

The red hair guy with a suit

>> No.66020372

My mother changed careers at 55 and was top of her field by 65

>> No.66020429


>> No.66020456


>> No.66020600

My dad learned German in his 50s, and then learned options trading and is now developing trading strategies just for lulz.

Litteral skill issue

>> No.66020735


>> No.66021137


>> No.66021143

Just because you're a retard whp can't learn anything new doesn't mean everyone else is the same. Failures like you love this kind of cope tho so I understand.
