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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65878319 No.65878319 [Reply] [Original]

why is she not saying anything? Her silence doesn't help anyone. What a way to start the year.

>> No.65878444

Hard to say anything when you're suspended.

>> No.65878523

She got suspended for trying to kill herself.

>> No.65879314

silence is a virtue.

>> No.65879415
File: 46 KB, 2481x3507, GBIRlJOawAAmToR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for the drop

>> No.65880313

>>why is she not saying anything?
>he doesn't know

>> No.65880336

shes gone

>> No.65880359

It's pretty simple. Either she's locked out of all her accounts, or she's already given up being Selen anymore. Hopefully the latter so we can get some DokiKino soon.

>> No.65880484

I'd argue the best outcome for her is radio silence until the contract runs out so she can redebut instantly like Gundou

>> No.65880637


>> No.65880833

Her contract doesn't run out until October or November.

>> No.65880953

The mental ward gave her the best meds Canadian health care could afford. She's in a good place rn

>> No.65881010

her fat ass needs to get to moving and getting some sun, not sitting in front of a pc playing video games

>> No.65881032

obsydia was signed on at the same time as lazulight

>> No.65881071

didn't one of the ones who left last year say they can leave whenever they want?
anyway like >>65879415
said just wait for the termination laundry list to drop in a week or two. kurosanji is busy milking their paypigs right now with new years, wait for them to finish with that before they execute selen.

>> No.65881111

you just confirmed she got stealth suspension kek

>> No.65881115

>b-but I thought she was stuck in a hospital bed
>could the entire statement have been a cover-up...?
>no, that's impossible! Niji staff would never lie to us!

>> No.65881700

Kek. I'm remembering how in some countries suicide is an grave crime punishable by death.

>> No.65881749

she posted the hospital band days ago retard, that part is real

>> No.65881933

Probably has no/little correlation because different companies, but do recall that Magni had become quite active on his PL for those couple-weeks period between him and Vesper's disappearance and their trapdoor-style graduation. Similarly these guys were silent on their main accounts the whole time and just faded into nothing at the end, kinda like Zaion did. That would be fucking incredible if the same kind of indifferent dismissal happened to Selen of all people but we'll have to wait and see, I wouldn't think she's fired unless management already had a bone to pick with her and/or she had already basically said she's leaving so they don't feel they need to be nice to her anymore.

>> No.65881999

She's obviously still processing everything. It's a huge decision to leave your current position. I bet she wants to leave but it's not as simple as that. Can't imagine all the stuff going on in her head right now

>> No.65882168

It's got to be tough if that really-is on the horizon (and if it isn't she's baiting ridiculously hard for it for some reason). However, I bet there are decent odds VSPO EN is gunning for her with all their might to have her headline their new branch and she would be the most perfect fit in the world for them. I can imagine they probably would give her the absolute sweetest deal imaginable and basically have her lead the show as a dream team where she can pick anyone she wants to bring in for her squad, be the senior leader/trainer for other girls in the org and lead tourneys etc.

>> No.65882202

if you watch the christmas stream its pretty clear she had a bunch of shit planned for her future in nijisanji. if she was planning on quitting it was at least 6 months out.
though it seems like they made that decision for her

>> No.65882285

Maybe I'm paranoid, but her posting updates like that on her PL and not on Selen makes me think that she really might be done with Selen.

>> No.65882377

The video in question that got pulled dubiously that seemed to set this all off literally depicts Selen in graduated nijiEN heaven with mysta and nina. like, what the fuck else is that supposed to mean, it's outright misleading if it's not saying "yep I'll be joining them in the afterlife but this is my love letter to you dragoons."

it could be management had thought she was vaguely toying with the idea of leaving eventually but had a bad kneejerk reaction to the video and chimped out on Selen for posting it and treating it like her resignation letter. this kind of thing really varies company to company in how they react, it's hard to say. some places I know of would fire you on the spot if they knew you were interviewing for anywhere else and the only way to get interviews in during the work week would be to fake illness or take a sudden mini vacation using PTO. other places, you can talk openly about moving on and they'll help polish your CV and try to amicably wrap things up and are fine as long as you left no loose ends. I get the impression anycolor probably is more like the former and cover is more like the latter.

>> No.65882411

Vshojo is just going to be RealNijiENID at this point...
I hope they take care of our gamer dragon, she didn't deserve any of this.

>> No.65882509

She started being active on PL, even said that she played with her REAL friends and not FAMILY

>> No.65882511

Wherever she ends up, indie or another corpo, I just hope she'll be happy there. Niji's management seems to cause her a lot of issues.

>> No.65882518

>leaving eventually
sure but like i said she had plans where she was still in niji

>> No.65882604

Yagoo/gunrun/fishman make the call

>> No.65882766

I kind of get the feeling is in the nature of her "accident". If it was something innocuous like getting hit by a car or something falling on her, why wouldn't she just say what it was? Why be so vague? The timing of the accident really just gives the true nature of it away, but it'd be a PR disaster if she said anything definitive. And Selen, despite everything, doesn't seem to have it in her character to do something like that. Why spoil the good times with something so utterly depressing like that?

>> No.65882804
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>> No.65882833

You're just vocalizing what everyone who isn't ESL or retarded recognized instantly upon reading those posts, whether they wanted to admit it or not.

>> No.65882872

If she's about to get terminated, do you think she'll get Yugo'd or Zaion'd?

>> No.65882903

The way this tweet is worded >>65880637 implies some kind of mental episode happened.

>> No.65882985

Mutts can't spend a minute without reminding people how they hate everything.

>> No.65883074

Can Nijisanji even afford to treat her like they did those other 2? This isn't some random who that showed up after NijiEN started to ACCELERATE. She's part of the beloved Lazulydia waves.

>> No.65883084

Which happened a day after niji management pulled the plug on her project. Just coincidence, bro

>> No.65883163

This whole board hates ESLs, the other ESLs most of all, and the entire point is that if you bully ESLs they'll have a reason to learn and get better, that's the point of gatekeeping, lurk more.

>> No.65883176

>Can Nijisanji even afford to treat her like they did those other 2?
of course they can nijien doesnt mean anything to nijisanji

>> No.65883353

cutting her off would be a bad business decision, but we should know by now that Nijisanji isn't the brightest at making decisions.

>> No.65883373

I refuse to believe even Anycolor think it's a good idea to force anything with her right now.
The hate for the company will be endless. Millie will lose all remaining good will and morale will drop further than AR Live cancellation. People will probably get shamed for even applying here. This has potential to straight up destroy the company when the story spreads far enough. This is Pikamee Hogwarts Legacy amped up to 11 because a beloved talent ended up hospitalized.

>> No.65883387

>get better
In what?

>> No.65883471

ESL is just a euphemism because we'll get b& for saying what we actually want to say. It's just the most encompassing cultural bin we can place all you undesirables in.

>> No.65883537

Anycolor doesn't think. It's driven by assblasted managers who are trying to look good in front of higher-ups at the cost of their talents' public image. After all those killed branches, you should know better.

>> No.65883657

If they dare to try anything like that with her, the shitstorm will be catastrophic for the branch. She isn't some 3view nobody from the later waves. Only the most devoted of brand worshippers will buy it.

>> No.65884296
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>might be done
I mean she literally rebelled against management. You have to be be done on some level to do what she did.

I'm convinced she and Pomu are on their way out.

>> No.65884372

Her silence is deafening.

>> No.65884442

Or she might be just suspended

>> No.65884565

The silence on corpo account speaks volumes. I really think privating the cover song was the last straw. Not saying she'll leave NijiEN but wouldn't be surprised if she just streams and does way less in general going forward.

>> No.65885245

She's suspended, anon

>> No.65885692

anon theyre getting rid of fucking chihiro, their 4th oldest jp, like its nothing. do you really think they care more about fucking selen?

>> No.65885800

>Why isn't she streaming immediately after her "accident"?
>Must be another stealth suspension

>> No.65885963
File: 39 KB, 430x712, 1703791296986503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't sympathize with Selen, while I do think what that shit hole black company is fucked, she has nobody to blame but herself, she is a doormat and won't leave despite Riku fuckin her cover countless time. Every 4 months there's always some niji drama between her and them where she gets pissed off throw temper tantrums then always return like a good girl to him a week later and stream like nothing happened.

>> No.65885965

>their 4th oldest jp
What, like right after the jk squad? Jesus Christ. Wtf is going on at nijisanji?

>> No.65886046


>> No.65886095

too much copium, they might try to get her but all the other stuff is not happening. Selen is great but people overstimate her worth way too much.

>> No.65886129

VSPO EN, if it ever exists, will be 3views.

>> No.65886152
File: 1019 KB, 1207x724, 1704224018758495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only proves what I said? She's a fucking corporate bootlicker you illiterate retarded baboon. The fact she would say something like this prove the amount of blind loyalty she has for that shithole. you can't refute that tho nijidrone. Even pomu her so called "friend" is taking shots at her.

>> No.65886242

Yugo'd. partly because I suspect with how /here/ the entire branch including management is they learned what not to do in the future from the zaion shitstorm and partly because yugo's treatment is the most likely option to avoid a dramastorm.

>> No.65886284

>year of the dragon
Are you for real, ESL-kun? It's obvious she was joking about the new year. Take a break from the screen, you're becoming delusional.

>> No.65886336
File: 408 KB, 731x1172, 1687789932763123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes she was joking now. The amount of mental gymnastics you faggots go through to protect your precious black company.

>> No.65886486

Some of ya'll never heard of an out patient program and it shows

>> No.65886546
File: 228 KB, 640x956, Hey Selen sounds like you have something important to say.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65886554

I'm not even defending Niji, where'd you get that idea from? Being a catalogfag has really poisoned your brain. You're seriously grasping at straws if you see it as anything other than a new year's joke.

>> No.65886574

Yep. Nijikeks are still coping that Selen can't access her socials because she's "recovering" when we all know that she got a gag order from management

>> No.65886726

Sure you're not. Pomu draw herself fat on the thumbnail and calls a dragon a worm but that's totally a joke according to you despite the events that transpired between selen and chinkisanji and for someone who's apparently saying you're not defending them, your actions of going out your way to defend them when the fuckin evidence is given to you contradicts everything. And let's pretend by a second you're right you think is okay to make jokes about someone who just got released out of the hospital because said black company you're defending is the reason she was there on the first place? Like I said all the amount of mental gymnastics people like you do to protect kurosanji is hilarious.

>> No.65886994

Why she doesn't tweet on Selen account, but does on roommate?

>> No.65887021

I don't give a shit about Niji. This is about your retarded dramafagging. I know you need bait for your dramafagging to distract yourself from living in a shithole, but even this is really pathetic. Wait for some actual news and try again instead of using your delusions as "evidence".

>> No.65887042

Wrong. Her fat ass needs to get to my face.

>> No.65887072
File: 43 KB, 702x702, 1687734741292437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not defending niji
>Proceeds to defend niji
You can't make this shit up

>> No.65887223

She had a mental break or suicidal incident due to nijisanji's actions. She really ought to leave that black company but it's not so easy.

>> No.65887265

Honestly, I doesn't really matter if she's suspended or not. I wouldn't have expected her to stream for a while anyway. What is actually pure black company behavior is how nobody really acknowledged her return or how official account is silent despite one of their popular talent being in and returning from hospital. Like how the fuck can management be so malicious? Tweet some well wishes, announce she's taking two weeks break to heal up and be done with it. That wouldn't hurt anybody.

>> No.65887289

>muh black company muh nijidrones
Utterly mindbroken dramanigger

>> No.65887358
File: 371 KB, 600x694, 1687157653438076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proceeds to racism when called out on his bullshit.
A tale as old as the wind.

>> No.65887501

Yeah the entire thing is fishy. We're not getting the full story by far.

>> No.65887690

That is what I'm wondering wtf was that about. Selen got hospitalized because of kurosanji black company policies, and the first thing they do is send pomu to crack jokes about it. The only thing that will happen is the same old shit ass before those chink fucks will keep her locked from her work account until the heat on them dies out and people forget about what happened Selen so she can go back to streaming like "normal" as if nothing happened.

>> No.65887720

>We're not getting the full story by far.
What kind of full story would change what's publicly happening? It's not even the first time this happened. They let everything be handled by talents even if they are not trained, mentally capable or, in this case, medically able to do so.

>> No.65887851

Somebody is obviously saying something behind the scenes which is why all the other Nijis are acting like she doesn't exist. In a normal company if this happened, more than 2% of the active members would send her public well-wishes after leaving the hospital.

>> No.65887879

The amount of shit NijiEN will get if they pull a Zaion on her will be glorious

>> No.65888110

The problem wasn't the perms because everything was already set in place a year in advance, the problem was Nijisanji not wanting the song out because it wasn't funded by them so they couldn't take a cut from it because this was gift for the dragoons that was funded from her own pockets and resources. Since company can't make money out of it they'd rather take it down a typical example of crab in a bucket mentality.

>> No.65888600

You're a retarded dramanigger who barely knows anything about Selen which is why you think someone joking about the year of the dragon must be talking about Selen since everyone has to be a dramanigger like yourself.
Kill yourself.

>> No.65888765

Nijifag playbook 1. Blame the talent 2. Claim criticism is from holidays 3. Blame dramafags 4. Claim that your not eve na fan of niji, but then get cause saying livers 5. Die on your hill because daddy Niji is in your mouth
You know what happens when most companies fuck up? They get called tf out, see Idol, Hololive, Kawaii, etc. when they make mistakes fans let them know vocally. When Niji gets called out ? For some reason bots upon bots sucking Niji cock to oppress the fans voices, it's very very tiring. The amount of toxic defenders of Niji is min boggling, it's almost like a cult, reminds me for FFXIV fanboys but even that's more tolerable since those devs actually communicate with its customers while nijisanji uses super vague pr statements

>> No.65888826

And yes I am on phone so it autocorrected a million words making this hard to read, idgaf, this topic isn't worth proofreading tldr stop playing the victim acting like your precious corpo is god

>> No.65888988
File: 70 KB, 1024x725, peqzhmWvlU1v7vbmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck yourself you ESL dramafaggot.

>> No.65889079

6. Flood threads with random shitposts to slide them off the board.

>> No.65889183

>The Kurosanji defense task force
Hi millie.

>> No.65889250

I don't give a shit about niggersanji, it can burn to the ground for all I care, but you niggers keep grasping at straws like the pathetic seaniggers that you are.

>> No.65889304
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>He doesn't give a fuck he says yet continue to go out his way to defend them on this fish market site.
You sound like an ironic schizo are you okay? I hope Riku sent you that box of key chains to your home address!

>> No.65889314

Nobe of you anons needs to suffer in reading through this shit.
So I just summarize:

>Bla bla bla, waaaaaaah, I want to lick Riku's asshole

>> No.65889346

B-but I don't care! Typical response from someone that can't say shit about the fact that they are company bootlickers. So tired of seeing you favgots protect million dollar corporations, same vibes as the faggots that protect shitty business practices of paying workers shitty wages and gaslighting into thinking they should be glad they have a job

>> No.65889427
File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, FFuNW1eX0AQvOV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggers barely even know what the fuck defending means.

>So I just summarize
Good morning saar

I'm not protecting niggersanji at all, retard. You're just a low IQ seanigger who thinks anyone not sucking your dick is sucking someone elses.

>> No.65889588
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>I'm not totally defending them despite my actions proving otherwise instead I'll be typing racist shit to everyone who disagrees with me because I want to lick Riku's asshole just like this.
You aren't fooling anybody here nijifag.

>> No.65889686

Show me where I defended niggersanji then.
All I did was refute your retarded seanigger idea that Pomu was attacking Selen, but as I said, you're so fucking retarded that you think anyone who doesn't suck your dick is sucking someone else's.

>> No.65889776

Why are you so angry early in the morning, nijifag. Did Riku not send you the confirmation for your your key chains yet?

>> No.65889825

Also what is this whole dick talk. Why are you the only person here talking about dicks or sucking dicks is there anything you'd like to tell us here faggot? You fit the type of people who'd defend kurosanji you such as troons like yourself for example.

>> No.65889843

She's obviously """Stealth""" suspended.

>> No.65889902

Oh so you're a latinx, not that you jungle apes are that different.

>Y-you're obsessed with dicks
With that logic you faggots are obsessed with licking Riku's ass, which wouldn't be that suprising I suppose, you're dramaniggers so nijisanji dying would make you lose meaning in your life.

>> No.65889938

SEA needs to be rangebanned immediately. Jesus Christ, this is pathetic

>> No.65889963

>All I did was refute your retarded seanigger idea that Pomu was attacking Selen
to be fair to the anon it really isn't clear whether it was an attack or not and pomu should've known better than to make that title. even I did a double take when she went live with it and I don't believe it's a veiled jab, but it's not hard to see how it could be interpreted as one either.

>> No.65890097

First I'm sea now I'm Latinx. Point at the schizo and laugh everyone.

>> No.65890250

Assisted suicide??

>> No.65890361

>sure but like i said she had plans where she was still in niji
And the Husband thinks he'll have a happy marriage with his wife until he finds out she's cheating on him.
Shit changes, especially with management fucking over Selen big time ruining both her gift to her fans and suspending her so she couldn't say goodbye to Mika.

I'd be shocked if this doesn't get Selen over her battered housewife syndrome and she leaves for another company since you know people are talking to her behind the scenes.

>> No.65890374


>> No.65890493

She's not going to leave. Lol she's a doormat

>> No.65891142

Grudge posted

>> No.65891329
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Everyone knows SEA is a plague on this board

>> No.65891335

Bet brah. I've seen this shit before. This isn't the first time kurosanji fucked her over. She's suspended only because Anycolor is waiting for the heat to die down once they notice people stop giving a fuck about this they'll let her stream again. They know letting Selen stream again right now would be nothing but a massive shit storm because dragoons will inquire about what happened they want people to forget what they did to Selen during Christmas.

>> No.65891478

this breaks my heart man. i hope she gets therapy, because that helped me when i was showing these signs

>> No.65891512

I really hope so too. Selen deserves better than the shit she's getting from them.

>> No.65891663

Why does she seem like a domenstic abuse victim forcing positivity while begging for praise

>> No.65891781


>> No.65892733

First, japanese contracts can be really nasty. And most of the big names in the sphere now are still japanese, too. So, she doesn't have an immediate way out.
Second, anyone with half a braincell would see this as her updating her fanbase about stuff - because a lot of dragoons now know her PL Acc and she understands that.
Third, near-absolute fucking silence from both the officials and her own branch-mates combined with silence on Selen's acc makes it very likely that someone in NijiEN is trying to cover it all up, because literally no one mentioned Selen on stream in the past week, that is not how humans work.
The story has gotten too big; you have to be really stupid to think that ordering silence about the matter would make it die out in a week. But here we are.

>> No.65893725

bitch needs to stop being a drama whore

>> No.65894076

life is dramatic sometimes, retard.
a lot of times actually.
point it out or get the fuck out

>> No.65894166

>near-absolute fucking silence from both the officials and her own branch-mates
This is the weirdest part of it all. She has a meltdown, tells people to pirate her song, ends up in the hospital, stays there for nearly a week, and the reaction of almost everyone in NijiEN, both management and talent, is just to say nothing.

>> No.65894492

>She's suspended only because Anycolor is waiting for the heat to die down once they notice people stop giving a fuck about this they'll let her stream again.
The problem is that people will still give a fuck for a good while. This is basically the cherry on top of NijiEN's abysmal 2023, and all it did was perfectly showcase how bad the branch's management was to a wider public. Regardless of how much some talents like Reimu and crew say how much they like their managers, it really doesn't matter much when this is what we see as the end result.

>> No.65894889

They're waiting until somebody who can make any lasting decision returns from a vacation. Nobody wants to step on that landmine and get pulled under water with Selen, so they avoid her altogether.

>> No.65894990

I'm pretty sure japan doesn't have long holidays at the beginning of the year, so they should be in their offices this week already.

>> No.65895073

They are prepping the lines like with Zaion.
>S-she was gaslighting me!

Just watch, someone gonna claim Selen is a nasty bully and Niji had to let her go to "protect their talent".

>> No.65895185

If her hospital visit has any link to the situation, this goes above guys who "should be in their offices".

>> No.65895266

We just gotta look for who interacted with her the least so far. So, Kunai is out because of a twitter post, Vivi collabed with her already, the last one of the three is a possibility. Other than that - I'm pretty sure she collabed with literally everyone in NijiEN at least once. Autists like Scarle are an exception, I guess.
True, that. Or we're just too far off base and they have all the strategy so far - complete silence from Selen, complete silence from the entire branch, and a termination in a few weeks, that sort of thing.

>> No.65895421

Management fucked up for 15k of her personnal money. It would be rather weird for her to not leave.

>> No.65895600

Ok for real now, was this an assassination attempt orchestrated by Riku?

>> No.65895623

Yes. I was the gun.

>> No.65895663

yeah, i was the bullet

>> No.65895797

I was the trajectory

>> No.65895840

>a termination in a few weeks
My bet is on ID route, it's easier to blame somebody else if she just leaves on her own. Mika pretty much said it during graduation how they all left them to die and how effective it was.

>> No.65896246

Imagine being the number 1 streamer of the month in your company then getting ambushed by them. Really need Julius Ceaser fan art at this point.

>> No.65896718

It'll probably be Finana or Millie at this point.

>> No.65896775

Or kotoka again lol

>> No.65897056

Kurosanji still thinking about perfect excuse without damaging their reputation and throw all responsibility to selen

>> No.65897112

Their making way for Enna’s ascension

>> No.65897574

NijiEN really thinks Enna can compete with Suesei

>> No.65900280

suisei? hell no. but she shits on all of EN.

>> No.65900457

Oh yeah, Millie.
>When management took down her video, I just wanted to ask her whats wrong on Twitter and she went OFF on me in VC, calling me names.

>> No.65900986

So why is she still a literal who?

>> No.65901402

I fucking hope Millie tries to front like that. It would so be funny while validating how catty the etheryia branch was and leaves no doubt that Nina got fucking stonewalled by them.

>> No.65901567

Doesn't matter if she a fuckin who. But enna was supposed to get that Irys spot. Until cover found someone they deemed better suited for their company but despite all the shit people say about enna even if warranted and deserved enna is an amazing singer.

>> No.65901775

In an industry that thrives off image and relations, no matter how good mechanically Enna is as a singer, her dogshit attitude and personality is not worth it. Imagine having to be on screen for 2 hours pretending to be nice to her and not telling her to fuck off when she starts saying weird shit for the purpose of stirring the pot. Now maybe cover could have corrected her shit attitude, but bitches like that don't really change, and in fact they thrive and double down on themselves when someone suggests they make an adjustment.

>> No.65901969
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>> No.65902346

I get what you're saying and everything you said about enna is true, I was just pointing out she is an amazing singer. That's the only redeeming quality about her, sadly like you mentioned she's a cunt and i can already see why hololive opted to find someone else instead and the long run they were right. Irys is a cute sweet retard that everyone loves while enna demonstrated that she could've been if not as much of a cunt in hololive than she is in niji. And had she gotten that Irys spot id see cover firing her due to attitude problems. Is sad really.

>> No.65904797

holy retard dramangger

>> No.65905032 [DELETED] 

you need to kill yourself millie

>> No.65905653

tad bit counter productive

>> No.65905668

From a ceiling fan?

>> No.65905777

This. They don't want another document to drop and all of the people related to Selen to hate and blacklist Niji
They also need to find someone with a lot of money to throw away to replace her because they don't fund shit for EN and she's the only one that was consistent with big events

>> No.65906129
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Nijisanji does want to make money, but it's clear that first and foremost they cater to manager egos. It would be one thing if it was just the EN branch, but it's clear this attitude goes all the way up to Riku himself.

So I think it doesn't matter how popular Selen is or how much money she brings in, if she annoys or embarrasses the "mean high school girls" running EN, she's going to be harassed into quitting.

It's unbelievable how stupid Anycolor's management is. They had a license to print money and were the only serious competitor to Hololive. They've done so much brand damage to themselves I doubt they will ever recover.

>> No.65906153

Selen is probably stealth suspended. FUCK NIJI MANAGEMENT

>> No.65906378
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Justice for Zaion
Yes I watch her streams

>> No.65906558

At this point their reputation is so dogshit there's nothing to protect lmao

>> No.65906802

You are asking a woman to stop being a woman, anon.

>> No.65906937

Niji sanji is now wcw post now before Vince bought it.

>> No.65906991

Typo NWO.

>> No.65907262

To improve their english, you retard

>> No.65907324

I think it's a mix of things.

>This happened over Christmas and they waited until the holidays were over and people were back in the office to make any big decisions
>They need to come up with a "party line" to make themselves look good and damage her as much as possible on the way out
>Selen is probably delaying any decision to quit right now since the mental breakdown and hospitalization seems to have been real, and we may be in for weeks or even months of official silence from her before she makes any big decisions. Remember how long it took for Delutaya to get her life back together; Selen may be in a similarly bad place.
>There may be contract/financial reasons for Selen to stay on for awhile before she quits.

So it may be at least a few weeks or months of silence before an abrupt graduation announcement and Selen leaving. I would be shocked if she tried to return to normal streaming with Nijisanji, especially in a short amount of time.

>> No.65907399

It's almost a guarantee that everyone posting ITT, including myself, gives no fucks at all about Selen or what she says or does as long as it makes kurosanji look bad.
And if for some reason she doesn't, then everyone ITT will turn on her and call her a retarded menhera that is just drama baiting, despite "supporting" her right now.

>> No.65907670

Sis, Kurosanji doesn't look bad, Kurosanji IS bad. Regardless of whether I truly care about Selen or not, that's not gonna change and I have every right to shit on that garbage company for everything they did

>> No.65907769

It's not like a catalog thread is going to be filled with day 1 dragoons, but Selen is a popular and well-liked chuuba with no real yabs to her name. Dramasister "support" is obviously going to evaporate one way or another but it's simply an excuse to shit on Niji either.

>> No.65907871

At the same time, Selen's lack of serious yabs aside from a few menhera attacks in the last year means that the dramasister part of her fanbase is very small, so she wouldn't notice that much difference no matter if she stays or leaves.

>> No.65907996

that anon is implying everyone posting in this thread is part of the "drama sisters" feigning support for selen but instead of to support kurosanji, it's to shit on them.

>> No.65908104

Does her PL have an open patreon or streamlabs?

>> No.65908300

The artist who drew that piece outright said that wasn't the implication behind the art

>> No.65908326

The original song was about the possibility of one day dying or leaving your friends. Not that you are gonna die right away.

>> No.65908436


>> No.65908473

This is sort of like a kid doodling himself shooting up the school and saying it's actually about struggling with mental illness when he gets caught. I don't know how anyone could watch that video and think it's about anything besides graduating from Nijisanji, even if Selen had no plans to do that anytime soon.

>> No.65908686

>Implying that a kid drawing himsef shooting the schoo ISN'T about them struggling with mental illness
Literally a call for help.

>> No.65909064

Sure, and that doesn't erase the school shooting aspect. The video has a clear narrative about how one day she's going to graduate from NijiEN, there's no other interpretation. The artist saying it's actually about muh memories is just deflecting from that.

>> No.65909081

I'm going to grudge post that tweet so hard once Selen leaves next week.

>> No.65909947 [DELETED] 

Because she no longer has access to her corpo account. But they can do nothing to stop her on her RL account....other than threats. She may be done.

>> No.65910046

She's not close with her enough to stab her in the back

>> No.65910354
File: 84 KB, 1011x554, anycolorev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever recover what? they make more money than hololive you retard, and are still the only competition they have

>> No.65910582

You clearly never watched nijien because no one mentions selen at all like this on streams. Selen does her own things and only really is mentioned whenever she has an event

>> No.65910797

Cope. Even if she was a pariah and everyone hated her, in a normal company people would acknowledge when their coworker has an "accident" that leaves them bedridden in the hospital for a week. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

>> No.65910893

cope lmao
anon, its clear you dnt watch or follow any nijien. The whole thing stinks? Many members are sick and most dont say anything in social media, Kotoka cat died and more than half didnt say anything, rosemi pet died and more than half didnt say anything, many sad things happened and werent mentioned on stream or barely had anyone saying shit on twitter. The 6 tweeting to her is what generally happens, not half of the branch talking. The same even happens in milestones, with only a few replying.

>> No.65911003

So what you're telling me is that Rosemi's hamster died and nearly half of the branch sent condolences, but Selen ends up hospitalized for a week and the only people that reply are some brand new members, Rosemi, and Kyo?

>> No.65911000

Normally, yes. This is not a normal situation, faggot.

>> No.65911060

>my company makes more money than yours!!
Very telling when that is the only argument sisters go to every time

>> No.65911166

Irys applied like four times it's not like she came out of nowhere.

>> No.65911896

If you understand context, you imbecile, you will understand that i was responding to the guy saying they have brand damage and will never recover. In reality, that's not the case as they make more than hololive in the first place and their main market is in japan.
you cant read or something? i said not even half of the branch did that, retard.. im saying that plenty of other sad situations happened and you dont have a lot of members doing it. Elira just a few days earlier had a parent in hospital and only 3 en responded her. Ive seen all of those happening, they dont reply on twitter as you think they do.

>> No.65912092

Nijisanji is a strong brand in Japan. However, the NijiEN branch seems to be on it's last legs reputation-wise, and firing Selen would be the last nail in the coffin.

>> No.65912111

It's hard to make less when you take over 90% of your talent's own cuts, refuse to spend the appropriate amount of advertising on them, refuse to invest in their equipment and events.

>> No.65912193

Okay, so how many people sent well-wishes to Rosemi when King died, specifically? "Less than half" is vague. So far, only six people have sent anything to Selen. That's not much. If people were more broken up over a hamster dying than their coworker being hospitalized, that's pretty odd.

>> No.65912335

think retard, think. You can't say anything while inside the company still. once you are out you are free to say so just wait until she leaves.

>> No.65912357

Refuse to invest in equipment and events, meanwhile, they bought another studio in 2022, just developed a new technology with another company to be able to stream concerts with no delay to other countries, had more than 10 concerts in 2023 and uh, they dont get 90% of the cuts at all as vp, sc, and more exist with much larger cuts.
lastly, what youre saying is besides the point as the argument was about "they had a license to print money and be a serious competitor to hololive" which they are both in viewership and revenue, as the rest are completely distant from the duo

>> No.65912376

If they lose more key members then EN is done as an independent branch.

>> No.65912414

Less than 5 sent it, and that was in early 2022 when 15 members were in the branch

>> No.65912520

They probably think that they just need vox and nobody else.

>> No.65912539

NijiEN is tanking, what are you even arguing?

>> No.65912591

They only will be done when anycolor decides. what we have from them is that they are going to still invest in it, there's concrete plans laid down in their last q&a without any vagueness, talking about how NA spending was higher in 2023 and how they plan to make programs, songs, events and things in en among other things, which is already happening with the noctyx program and with the members going to japan to record. en isnt in any danger to die as a branch so far, too big still for that, and they wont give up on it that easily regardless of reputation.

>> No.65912650

It wouldn't surprise me if Vox leaves after Pomu and Selen.

>> No.65912654

I didnt know nijien was nijisanji, here i thought that their main branch was in japan. If you want to only mention nijien, please do it instead of saying nijisanji as a whole which was what the original argument i was responding was talking about.

>> No.65912675

Let's say it was 3 people. That would mean 20% of NijiEN sent Rosemi condolences over King. Selen has received public messages from only 17% of active NijiEN members, only two of them from long-time members. So we can say that, based on publicly-available information, NijiEN cares more about a dead rat than they do about Selen.

>> No.65912736

just like shu and selen were going to graduate in september right?
its more to say that they care more about rosemi than selen, which is in fact true as shes more closer to more members than selen ever have been

>> No.65912809

People need to remember that even before ID shut down there was a dude playing Disgaea 1 to like 9 viewers and he wasn't terminated

>> No.65912817

oh i see
the ndf woke up

>> No.65912859

That wouldn't be surprising, he seems to be genuinely fed up with his fanbase recently.

EN isn't going to die yet because it's still easy money for Anycolor, but its reputation in the west is undeniably damaged. It's going to take some major hard work to repair it, it seems like they pissed off CGDCT fans as well as yumejos/sisters.

>> No.65912956

NijiEN is more stagnating than losing money, and in terms of revenue they can make it higher in 2024 than in 2023. Its much easier to do that as 2022 was the highest in their popularity while 2023 is a decline in comparison, so if they plan it they can surpass 2023, its not that hard to be higher YoY. We'll see

>> No.65913746

What a big happy family.

>> No.65914162

More like fed up with being suspended every month. Vox is like
>Here's a stream
>ha hah, sorry guys, stuff happened, i will be gone for exactly a week.

>> No.65914251

>Retard so ESL he couldn't infer that someone was specifically talking about NijiEN even though it was referred to as Nijisanji
>He will respond with "why don't you use words correctly"
Go back to xitter with your room temperature IQ

>> No.65915078

There's nothing to infer, i will never accept you fags using the word nijisanji to refer to nijien when the only nijisanji is jp. There's a reason they have different brands

>> No.65915150

Can someone explain to me in a non-insane fashion what this is about

>> No.65915272

>girl uploads MV
>management takes it down
>girl says fans should reupload and watch it elsewhere
>girl suddenly gets into "accident" and takes break
>radio silence
I mean, you could also read the thread, but sure. I had a few seconds to kill.

>> No.65915393

I still barely understand. Are you telling me there are vtubers that let a manager tell them what to do?

>> No.65915491

You're either a tourist or trolling

>> No.65915535

It bewilders me that anyone puts up with coporate bullshit when you can just be an independent vtuber and not have your manager literally sabotaging you, they provide literally zero benefit to the streamer

>> No.65915617

He's implying that Niji sent her to the hospital yakuza-style you retard.

>> No.65915624

Ok, so you're trolling. Thanks for confirming

>> No.65915719

I'm the one trolling? You're the one saying this streamer put up a music video and her own management blacklisted her for putting it out there. And this is normal to you?

>> No.65915757

welcome to the woman mind. you could say the same about the hundreds of girls who stay in toxic relationships.
complacency is one hell of a drug. and a bunch of complicated contracts probably. but she will learn soon enough. the longer things stay the same, the more likely she'll actually snap out of it.

>> No.65915870

go shill your 2view nobody somewhere else

>> No.65915918 [DELETED] 

Nigger company
Graduate Enna, Millie, and Kyo NOW

>> No.65916003

Bro are you brain-damaged? Can you tell me who I'm supposed to be shilling? Are you straight up implying that predatory corporate structures that do nothing but fuck over their own talents are necessary?

>> No.65916187

nta, but NijiEN have been a golden ticket for 2views to get bigger at some point. Most of the lazusydia are previous low 3-views and high 2-views, including Selen. So, in a way, a lot of smaller vtubers have seen corpo bullshit as something necessary for a chance to have "the dream job". Times have changed, sure, but it's obvious that most, if not all, of the lazusydia still have a lot of respect towards Niji as an entity that gave them the chance to get much higher than ever before.

>> No.65916253

It just seems like a faustian bargain. sure maybe you get your numbers up but they basically own you and can fuck with you on a whim, like some sort of fucked up virtual coal mining town

>> No.65916476

In a way, it is (was) worth it. And then the whole stockholm syndrome bullshit kicks in, and you feel bad for even thinking to leave since you kind of "work" by playing games and shit. And the more you are in the same place - the worse it is to get out.

>> No.65916486

yep. this is why a lot of them are graduating in recent years in the first place. Nina, Shu, Mika. once you know you can get a fanbase following you through the PL, nothing else really matters. just wait. I'm sure Selen is not dumb, even if it seems that way right now.

>> No.65916601


>> No.65916644

Mentally broken, tried to save herself by an hero, currently in a niji concentration camp getting rebrainwashed

>> No.65916652

Shu never graduated retard, and mika isnt nijien, just shows how you dont know anything.

>> No.65916700

ok fuck I meant Mysta. brain fart. thanks. doesn't discount the count.

>> No.65916705

this is activating my slavery kink which is probably a bad thing when talking about a real woman's career

>> No.65916777

It is.

>> No.65916855

>mika isn't NijiEN
yeah. you're right. the distinction surely matters, only one branch of the company is black and crooked, and the other is pure. sure. thanks!

>> No.65916906

the distinction matters a lot when nijien is an existing branch and id isnt a branch and gets literally nothing except for hana.

>> No.65917024

>recent years
>there's graduations in nijisanji since 2018

>> No.65917089

thank you for the sane explanation. i hope things turn out well for Selen, even if I don't watch her

>> No.65917131

my point mentioning Mika is to add on the fact that graduations are becoming commonplace in this so called "social circle" of "English Speaking Nijisanji Vtubers". not just NijiEN. so for >>65915535 who either feels bad for Selen or thinks it's a stupid situation all around and Selen should just pull the plug, I just want anon to wait. that's all.
that's fair. I don't know much about the jp side. would be nice to see a list of all graduations and the rrats for reasons.

>> No.65917170

Rosemi is probably gonna follow his mom.

>> No.65917184

most of nijien and vtubers are like that, and if you watch a good part of them, most of them arent leaving anytime soon as they are happy there. Not that they think its perfect, but they also see the positives too.

>> No.65917211

Selen isn't dumb but she's spineless. Maybe by some miracle she will grow one but that hasn't happened so far.

>> No.65917254

Sure, I'm not averse to the idea that there are benefits to going corpo- a corpo saved a filippino girl i care quite a bit about recently, but there's also really nothing stopping corporate management from going insane one day and like, mandating that all the talents should never talk to anyone outside the corporation on pain of their model and streaming career being taken away

>> No.65917284

anon just two left nijien by their own volition, while mika is on a "branch" that had 10 graduations in a year because the branch is dead and actually not supported unlike en. Unlike id, which had a mass graduation due to the reasons mentioned, EN still is fair distant from that.

>> No.65917359

Sad, but true. She is rather indecisive when it comes to major stuff.

>> No.65917556

Anyone who is not looking to leave is probably more interested in getting closer to the main branch. Sole of the girls are halfway there already.

>> No.65919279

Did she really get suspended for being suicidal

>> No.65919414

Probably had a meltdown during that considering she told people to reupload it, something japs would absolutely lose their shit over

>> No.65919534

She got suspended for using her corporate account to tell people to reupload her song.

>> No.65919769

That sounds fair when it's apparently been worked on for a year, she got all the necessary permissions and spent a lot of money on it. Surely a team reviews covers before livers upload them..? Otherwise it's extremely shitty management that they only did that AFTER it was uploaded.

>> No.65919890

so why were you acting like an oblivious faggot if you already knew all of that?

>> No.65922984

Stealth suspended

>> No.65923464

She got what she deserved in the end

>> No.65924101

>She got what she deserved in the end
but which end did she get it in tho

>> No.65928327

Best to be quiet sometimes

>> No.65932561

what do you think?

>> No.65932620

It would make things worse

>> No.65936428

hardly surprising that people here didn't understand the point of bullying

>> No.65936714

nijifags so evil they sent their livers to the hospital for the new year.

>> No.65940889


>> No.65945875

Niji silenced her

>> No.65949015

