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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65593374 No.65593374 [Reply] [Original]

hololive friends with u Vol. 10
hololive friends with u Hakos Baelz 589 $21.00 $12,369.00
hololive friends with u Nanashi Mumei 899 $21.00 $18,879.00
hololive friends with u Ouro Kronii 558 $21.00 $11,718.00
hololive friends with u Ceres Fauna 1004 $21.00 $21,084.00
hololive friends with u IRyS 636 $21.00 $13,356.00

hololive friends with u Vol. 10
hololive friends with u Hakos Baelz 154 $21.00 $3,234.00
hololive friends with u Nanashi Mumei 211 $21.00 $4,431.00
hololive friends with u Ouro Kronii 136 $21.00 $2,856.00
hololive friends with u Ceres Fauna 288 $21.00 $6,048.00
hololive friends with u IRyS 164 $21.00 $3,444.00

Kronii is now offcially the runt of Promise
how will kronies cope now?

>> No.65593523
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>> No.65593576

There are no more kronies after the members only stunt.
Also, I'm amazed on irys part.
Also also, go back to your numbers containment.

>> No.65593580

could you have formatted this post any worse you fucking retard?

>> No.65593711

>can't read
that's pretty much a (you) problem man

>> No.65593776
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>> No.65594051
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>hololive friends with u Ceres Fauna 1004 $21.00 $21,084.00

>> No.65594118

The only ones with numbers proportional to their effort are Fauna and Kronii. Promise is for reeling in retards and ironic weebs.

>> No.65594494


>> No.65594620

Irys downfall after joining HLZNTL project, almost close to Kroni numbers.

>> No.65594652


>> No.65594677


>> No.65594704

retard (2)

>> No.65594926

Fauna strong

>> No.65595014

Just mentally estimeate the totals from each site, doesn't take more than 10 seconds
>Bae ~$15,600
>Mumei ~$23,300
>Kronii ~$14,300
>Fauna ~$26,000
>IRyS ~$97,400
Bae and Kronii have the worst sales while IRyS has the best, infer from it what you want.

>> No.65595117

do you need to wear a helmet when you go outside so you don't hurt yourself?

>> No.65595127

>hololive friends with u Ceres Fauna 1004 $21.00
>hololive friends with u IRyS 636 $21.00 $13,356.00

>> No.65595191

Why are you upset?

>> No.65595214

your illiteracy, mainly. check your irys numbers again champ

>> No.65595273

>abounding retardation being posted back-to-back
I think this thread is further proof that noombers poison is fatal to the mind

>> No.65595321

77k is total sales you fucking retards

>> No.65595371

aw anon i was hoping to let them work it out themselves, im sad now

>> No.65595386

sorry I'm genuinely retarded, I thought the previous number was pieces sold, that's why I was confused

>> No.65595427

Whoops, my eyes missed that, but in the future please actually point the error instead of calling names, thank you.
>Bae ~$15,600
>Mumei ~$23,300
>Kronii ~$14,300
>Fauna ~$26,000
>IRyS ~$16,800
Bae and Kronii still lowest though.

>> No.65595857

IRyS wow

>> No.65595963

Not a big surprise. Most of her supporters got filtered already cuz of her various shenanigans. Probably jacking off to some other vtubers. I'd know, cuz I'm one of them.

>> No.65596063

the funny thing is Kronii number will never recover, because most fan already know what she is like and will not give her a chance again

>> No.65596302

learn English before posting on this site

>> No.65596705

This post should be highlighted, IRyS definitely took a blow after the HLZNTL move where she lied to her fans and then tried to damage control it

>> No.65596893

do you think providing basic computation makes the point more or less clear

>> No.65596946

are you clinically retarded

>> No.65597032

This whole gen is dead to me. Loved Kronii before her betrayal, moved on to IRyS...then Fauna...nope, no friend there either. Bae was a skank from day 1, and I just never really liked Mooms that much. So anything with Promise I just ignore now.

>> No.65597204

i can tell this is a totally genuine post, all of this only happened a year ago
glad that anything with promise you ignore though, like this thread. it wouldnt perhaps be rent free in your head because of the color of your feet?

>> No.65597453

I love how you glossed over IRyS because she didn't do anything wrong lmao. You people are pathetic, jumping at any opportunity to anti

>> No.65598210 [DELETED] 
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>glossed over IRyS because she didn't do anything wrong
nice memoryholing

>> No.65598452

>the best looking ones sell the most
no shit

>> No.65598532

*the most CGDCT friendly sell the most

>> No.65598558


>> No.65598584 [DELETED] 

Horizontal and playing splatton off-stream with t he rigger

>> No.65598650

retard (2x combo)

>> No.65598662

actual retard hours

>> No.65598718

>the members only stunt
The what?

>> No.65599283

Calling me a retard won't take away that notification and her accidentally stuttering over kun.

>> No.65599430

retard (with confirmation bias)

>> No.65599482


>> No.65599535

retard thread
retard hours
retard anons
retard holos (a good thing tho)

>> No.65599557

even bigger retard

>> No.65599629
File: 77 KB, 590x547, 1697503710483081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling IRyS a whore won't take away the melanin in your skin

>> No.65599779

It's funny how Irys gets as much merch sales as homocollabers.
Unicucks won't even support their members lmao

>> No.65599831

it's ok anon, you don't need to show everyone that you're retarded anymore

>> No.65599853

SEAfag, she literally has the worst looking plush here.
Also she already has had a plush

>> No.65599932 [DELETED] 

poor Poojets coping. Don't you have another bait thread to make about other members Pajeets for discord giftcards to shit on Holos who collab with Nijis and Stars

>> No.65599976

>this indecipherable ESL gibberish
every time

>> No.65600004

what the fuck are you talking about?
also, keep your projection in /#/ will ya

>> No.65600054

Explain why are Crats so poor then

>> No.65600145

you'll have to put your last thought into english first anon, i dont speak whatever third world language you do

>> No.65600169 [DELETED] 

Nigger you are brown poop from India so stfu

>> No.65600213
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>that projection
uh oh...

>> No.65600259

Nice picture of yourself you brown pajeet. Hating on Fauna and supporting whorerys won't make your irys less of a whore

>> No.65600338

whats really funny. EN is just above ID in terms of sales of these, but no where close to any of the JP gens. its hilariously sad how irrelevant EN and ID are now. No wonder ID4 hasn't debuted and Advent took 2 years to debut, the market isn't there. The only saving grace is that their competitors are so far behind, it doesn't matter,

>> No.65600470

if i could get shipping at japanese prices instead of lol more that what the plushie cost id spend more too.

>> No.65600646

>sperging out in # thread and now here
there's no way you're not a NEET and/or underage with this level of childishness lol

>> No.65600738 [DELETED] 

First stop drinking cowpiss. Then we cab have a proper discussion as to why Pajeetkeks hate Fauna so much

>> No.65600774

Keep going. The notification still arrived and she still stuttered over kun.

>> No.65600791

do all browns hate their own kind as much as this dude or is he just a bit...you know, special?

>> No.65600922 [DELETED] 

Are all Pajeets this retarded or the ones who eat cowshit are like this?

>> No.65600952

seems like it, yeah
we are talking about a chinese basket weaving forum, which is kinda famous for having dedicated schizos

>> No.65600987

wait, you're an actual retard?

>> No.65601465
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>> No.65601791

>she literally has the worst looking plush here.
That's the Kronii plush, the outfit has almost no details, the eyes are totally wrong and the headpiece is guaranteed to get destroyed in shipping

>> No.65602512

merch number won't increase no matter how hard you cope kronie

>> No.65602661

>group that involves chloe, lui, nene and iroha is a cuck group

>> No.65602733

QRD pls

>> No.65602790

Rigger x Irys proves

>> No.65602892

I purchased fauna and mumei
I have made dumber financial decisions

>> No.65603181

This is the first time I see 14,574 = 0.
What's with #fagging and being blind. The shitty conversation above didn't help either.
695 people bought it > there is noone????

>> No.65603213

It's less that it = 0 and more tha she used to be a powerhouse and now she's the worst in her gen.

>> No.65603302

Mmmmmhh.. so you can be friends with fauna after all

>> No.65603381
File: 2.44 MB, 2048x1763, Kronii Vesper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii won the battle but lost the war I guess

>> No.65603391


>> No.65603484

NTA but I think the main point is how Kronii was basically top 2 (not sure if #1) in the past when it came to stuff like this

>> No.65603503

it pisses me off that Mumei is selling so much, she barely streams.

>> No.65603539

no more = 0 my ESL friend.
There is no more kronies =! there are less kronies now are 2 very different word
Also this is just current sale, initial stocks told a better picture as they are estimates from Hololive themselves on how much they think they can sell

Miko (10000) - - - 10000, $22.00, $220,000.00 *sold out
AZKi (2000) - - - 3284, $22.00, $72,248.00 *sold out
Shion (5000) - - - 2958, $22.00, $65,076.00
Towa (6000) - - - 6000, $22.00, $132,000.00 *sold out
Polka (4000) - - - 3236, $22.00, $71,192.00
Chloe (5000) - - - 5000, $22.00 $110,000.00 *sold out

Promise batch:
IRyS (5500) Fauna (7500) Mumei (7000) Kronii (7500) Baelz (7000)
They do stock more stuff than "initial stock" though so I expect them to stock more Irys afterward.

>> No.65603588

Just posting the facts no matter how butthurt it makes you.

>> No.65603677

And Calli is #2 in myth in the present and #2 EN most superchatted member but it doesn't fit their narrative of male collab = bad so the harp on Kronii
It's more likely she stream less and have less fans

>> No.65603728

Top selling member btw

>> No.65603729

Good, fuck Kronii for being mean to Biboo

>> No.65603890


>> No.65604260

It wasnt rly the male collabs that made a lot of Kronii's gachikoi fans to leave though, idk if you have gotten something on the wrong foot

>> No.65604374
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Did not meant to link the vid as anti-fauna. Just saying if she killed all her unicorns/parasocials with that "not your friends" streams, why is she still #1 on pretty much every EN list.
Please do not associate me with the brown anti-fdund dude.

>> No.65604507

Mumeis plush is cute, if you knew nothing that ones still the best looking one.

>> No.65604605
File: 20 KB, 360x360, 360_F_215862600_ewaCipnQNsCtaXAyEQBjcpCevHnP2NeX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Corns win

>> No.65604727

>Top 3 are CGDCT members
>Bottom 2 collab'd with males outside of just business / professional works
>Kronii who was once at the top of EN is now at the bottom (or 2nd from bottom)
Collabing with males won't hurt you they said...

>> No.65604990

>>Kronii who was once at the top of EN is now at the bottom (or 2nd from bottom)
No she is actually rock bottom, 743 (Bae) vs 694 (Kronii)

>> No.65605249

Anon, not taking any side in the unicorns vs horses game, but Mori is *not* #2 in Myth, what are you even talking about? Her CCV crashed, and her merchs don't do "2nd among Myth" level of well either - for example see the latest update of the same series as OP, but for Myth (released earlier)

>hololive friends with u Vol. 8
>hololive friends with u Gawr Gura 3339 $21.00 $70,119.00
>hololive friends with u Mori Calliope 1851 $21.00 $38,871.00
>hololive friends with u Takanashi Kiara 1313 $21.00 $27,573.00
>hololive friends with u Ninomae Ina'nis 2847 $21.00 $59,787.00
>hololive friends with u Watson Amelia 1736 $21.00 $36,456.00
Clearly Gura > Ina > Mori > Ame > Kiara there
You are right that Mori is #2 most SC members, but that has a lot to do with her streaming frequency. Try looking at SC per stream first and tell me if she's still #2 (hint: she isn't) - not to mention people can always go ">caring about SC" for Holomen, too
>It's more likely she stream less and have less fans
Kronii streams roughly the same amount as Mumei and IRyS (103 vs 116), both are doing well
Don't get me wrong. I hate neither Kronii nor Mori. However, if you are arguing, at least use proper data instead of making things up. Whether Kronii and Mori's drops in viewership and / or sales had anything to do with males is up to debate, but it's the fact that they did decline.

>> No.65605446

>Mori is number 2 in myth
Her median ccv is the lowest in EN if you take out collabs. Hell it's in the bottom half even with collabs.
>Most superchatted
Kiara is about to pass her. She was in top 5 most superchatted these past months while Mori didn't even make top 20. The gap is closing fast. Kobo is going to pass her in subs too.

>> No.65605803
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Just look at CCVs if you want to see how Mori suicided her streaming career and now she just leeches off anyone she can.
Her forcing a single PoV for Lethal Company on her channel and raid leeching netted her 4 times her average CCV, so the leeching has purpose.

>> No.65606124

HoloEN's numbers before Advent came and revitalize the branch looked so bad (relatively) holy fuck

>> No.65606313

I too enjoy making up numbers and saying “he doesn’t know” when people call me out just as long as I get to further a narrative.

>> No.65607458

Kronii stopped giving a shit after the first year so no suprise

>> No.65607861

where are these numbers even coming from?

>> No.65608671
File: 114 KB, 934x791, views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're adorable

>> No.65609540

So where are all these mysterious views for her live streams?

>> No.65609775
File: 212 KB, 292x525, Screenshot 2023-12-30 134153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding out hope that the beegsmol plushies get a rerun someday. I only had enough for Sana's at the time, but I love her nonplussed expression on that thing

>> No.65609822

Why is Mumei selling so well? I tried to watch her a year or two ago and she was terrible, has anything changed now?

>> No.65609929

Numberfags conveniently ignoring stuff like Kronii releasing the most voicepacks out of anyone in EN at this point, and that can actually be verified vs. the imaginary numbers they enjoy pulling out of their asses.
>inb4 "he doesn't know"

>> No.65610053

Fauna has the benefit of being the most memeable due to the lasting popularity of the crying Fauna emote and wide Fauna.

>> No.65610185

OP has a very deep ass

>> No.65610258

She's GCDCT and people memory holed her collab with homos.

>> No.65610350

Are you ever going to post a source or is this just you coping that even numberfags don't want you?

>> No.65610358

Probably watching vods or one of the many music videos on her channel. Live streams aren't the only thing that gets views on YouTube, in case you have forgotten

>> No.65610360

Vod views are unironically more valuable than CCV. Each of those vod views counts towards ad revenue. CCV doesn't

>> No.65610362

Mumei and Fauna have both become far more comfortable with streaming than they were at debut. That's really their secret, they've continually improved.

>> No.65610438

It was one time and she never did anything like it again. But the most important part is that she didn't try to "own" her audience by lecturing them about it, unlike Kronii or Bae. She obviously saw the reaction and then immediately changed course. That's a positive quality in my book.

>> No.65610639

Not all views are equal. Watching a 2 minute song is not the same as watching a 4-hour vod.
Also, ad revenue is minuscule in the grand scheme of things. The girls earn money from memberships, merch sales, SCs and sponsorships. Ads are minor by comparison. (And why holomems generally don't give you shit for using adblock.)

>> No.65610768

>Not all views are equal
According to YouTube they are. You are the only one making that distinction. There isn't a section for music views or stream views, they are all just views

>> No.65611373

>Generic merch
>Covers abhorrent overseas shipping
EN does just fine in merch, it is kneecapped hard because of the shipping prices.
They sold way more in custom goods, which is what matters.

>> No.65611541

It has less to do with males but more about the way it is handled, Mori did retarded things couple of times and kronni soured people with her holy then thou attitude during the homo thing.

>> No.65612436

Mumei’s always been a big draw when it comes to merch. The only reason she’s not currently selling more than Fauna is that she’s having her own merch run soon to make up for not having Anniversary merch this year.
