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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65550797 No.65550797 [Reply] [Original]

Adventrix, Ruffians in particular. Don't let your oshis make this mistake. Kronnies learned the hard way.

>> No.65551049

hahaha wouldn't it be funny if she actually peed herself haha like she drunk too much and ended up urinating in her pants in front of Mori. That would be embarrassing

>> No.65551168 [DELETED] 

Still better than getting gangbanged by Mori's friends at an airbnb house party

>> No.65551349
File: 499 KB, 587x651, 1697987529396422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your oshi will take advice from mori and your oshi will offcollab with mori, just accept it already

>> No.65551381

I'm sorry that happened to you

>> No.65551471

Catalogshitter can't even spell kronies right.

>> No.65551567

yeah it should've been me

>> No.65551657 [DELETED] 


>> No.65551738

Aren't Korean women supposed to be ungodly heavyweights?
Did Kronii just get screwed on genetics?

>> No.65551920

She also apparently has huge tits so she really got hit with the reverse genetics

>> No.65552465

that rough to hear anon.

>> No.65552833

Asians turn bright red with even one drop of alcohol. It's cute.

>> No.65553072

only koreans in korea are heavyweights. Once they travel they lose all their powers.

>> No.65553130 [DELETED] 

Everybody knows its cucknies

>> No.65553691

This. When I went to a bar with my TTRPG group, the Korean had lower tolerance than the guy who had most of his stomach removed due to cancer.

>> No.65553699

>Mori pushes people to drink
Also, the sky is blue and grass is green, more news at 11.

>> No.65553736


>> No.65554000
File: 2.54 MB, 426x434, mioxmas[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Favf79c.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile, HoloJP

>> No.65554180

Is mori an alcoholic again or did she ever stop? I don't think I would ever recover if this happened to my oshi

>> No.65555060

mori took advice from my oshi instead

>> No.65555174

She doesn't get wasted on stream anymore and she's mentioned cutting down for health reasons at least.
I'd imagine constant takeout, caffeine and alcohol would give you GERD or something.

>> No.65555177

Calli way just stress drinking in the beginning, then just flexed her alcohol tolerance.

HoloJP has several heavy drinkers with drinking streams so it's really just retarded EN only newfags bitching about drinking. Hololive have been FAR from pure anime idols since the first fucking generation.

>> No.65555433 [DELETED] 

It's just triggered SEAs who have no idea what drinking alcohol is like.

>> No.65555782

which jp members chug vodka straight from the bottle with the express purpose of getting drunk as fast as possible?

>> No.65556155

out, clipwatcher

>> No.65556720

>Giving Kronii views

>> No.65556992 [DELETED] 

Are you shark?

>> No.65557041

Oh, I don't mind drinking that much, although I wouldn't like hearing my oshi talk about getting hangovers, but drinking with mori is unacceptable

>> No.65557112

Gura when are you gonna stream again...

>> No.65557142 [DELETED] 

>Drinking and not pregnancy... Ok.
Yeah right.

>> No.65557193

My brother in Muhammed, Kronii would get drunk if she was given a single glass of wine, you watched her diablo stream right??

>> No.65558813 [DELETED] 

she got more uglier
just stopping won't make her anymore pretty
a used hole is a used hoe

>> No.65559050

>Trying to keep up in drinking with a woman that's 100lbs heavier than you
Not very smart

>> No.65559251 [DELETED] 

This is the Mori discord defense force pretending to be ESL. It's a false flag. Anyone replying to this post after me is part of a discord raid.

>> No.65559416 [DELETED] 

Yeah, me. Leave my land whale the fuck alone

>> No.65559534 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 509x513, 1701860576980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only one that come close to Mori drinking in holoJP is Aki and that's when she was young and not in holo, she used to tell stories about her drinking so much that she would black out and then wake up on the subway puking over herself. Then you have Lamy and Noel that are the kind to go out with friends to drink, but they just get tipsy.

Mori is an alcoholic, I still remember that time she uploaded a pic of her computer desk on twitter, and it was full of empty coffee cups, Smirnoff cocktail bottles, moonshine and a whiskey flask

>> No.65559589

so are you just a newfag or a just a clipfag in general? LOL

>> No.65559627 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 3072x4096, GCY1EEVboAAdtr7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite meme face in the game?

>> No.65559727 [DELETED] 

yuck those land whales really have no life

>> No.65559744

>Mori is an alcoholic
Hey, we need a representation in holos as well.

>> No.65559771

She's big by Korean standards, so she could very well be a C cup.

>> No.65559799
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Next time she'll be better prepared.

>> No.65559824

Anon, the clip of her saying that while Sana and Fauna are literally speechless is one of her most watched clips. I watched the entire stream. There is no extra context. You can't deflect from the fact that she once said that and that casual hololive fans associate her with that statement.

>> No.65559961 [DELETED] 

>she drinks to much and gotten ugly
>stopping now won't reverse that
i wonder why they had to "report" this
man these people are so fragile

>> No.65561248 [DELETED] 

Morifags on suicide watch

>> No.65562280

yep a fucking clipfag

>> No.65562458 [DELETED] 

man the cuckbeat defense force in full effect here

>> No.65562792

They wait until thread hits page 10 then start deleting post

>> No.65563861

She sexually harassed Ina in an off-collab blitzed out of her mind, is anything embarrassing after that?

>> No.65563970

What's up with clippers using retarded Unicode characters instead of regular letters?

>> No.65564159

Is Mori not an alcoholic? I thought this was well established by the things she says and does on stream. I remember when she posted a pic of her work desk covered in drinks and bottles.

>> No.65564310

None of which were alcoholic.

>> No.65569741

>Mori isn't bad influence

>> No.65570198

They are not heavy drinkers, it’s certainly not several, and you’re a schizo deadbeat. Most of the girls get drunk off a few glasses of whatever weak shit Japan has

>> No.65570345 [DELETED] 

Buy an ad, faggot. No one wants shill threads for your shitty clip channel.

>> No.65570363

Mori's learned a lot from her mistakes. Fuwamoco are helping her find her way. You can't influence fuwamoco to do bad. They influence you to be better

>> No.65572266

Collab with homos is Calli's principle, i seriously doubt she learned anything.

>> No.65572574
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I love how her model looks like she's about to throw up too. And Sora's so upbeat about it.

>> No.65572594

I feel like Shiori and Biboo would somehow get Mori to fall asleep first and duct tape her to the ceiling.

>> No.65576714


>> No.65579808

Kronii already drinks tho lol

>> No.65580074

Kronii is having more fun streaming than ever, your point is both wrong and stupid

>> No.65581079

Kronii lost much more than just her dignity that day

>> No.65581217

>It's the same guy whining about CCV
This thing really has no life left.

>> No.65581350

kornies are too eazy

>> No.65583044

a compliation of holos throwing up helped me see past vtubing as cringy women pretending to be anime girls and made me obsessed with them

>> No.65583316

More like
>lift her up
>crumble under the weight

>> No.65583573

A single drink on the table was alchohol. the rest were starbucks cups. She was just showing how messy her desk was because she was busy as fuck at the time.

>> No.65584223

This sounds like something a child would write. Why did advent bring so many of you here?

>> No.65584332

>too busy to clean up cups
>enough time to take multiple photos of desk and post it

>> No.65584909

Koreans take shots of 14% alcohol like it's tequila, they have no alcohol tolerance. Which is why they abuse it so heavily

>> No.65585049

It's winter break, the weekend, and EU is probably waking up now/soon so it's going to get worse

>> No.65588108

Hit the lean

>> No.65588267

The oji-sans hang out in /baubau/ all day.
Everywhere else is a mixed bag.

>> No.65588428

Don't mistake "Koreans are raging alcoholics" for "Koreans are heavyweights."
My Korean buddy from college used to tell me horror stories about their drinking culture. He couldn't stand it.

>> No.65588493

She's nowhere near an alcoholic. The only retards calling her one are Muslims or children who drink milk and think alcoholic = "person who gets drunk frequently."

>> No.65588560

Damn that's 2 blue haired coworkers she has been witness to being white girl wasted now. Kobo better buckle up now for that mori bar crawl in a year or two.

>> No.65588761

>their drinking culture
Oh yeah, I've heard about that too. It's like a thing in East Asia, you know, places like Japan and China. They seem to show off their toughness by downing a bunch of drinks.
And when you think about how she's always trying to come off as "tough," it totally makes sense.

>> No.65588914
File: 8 KB, 219x230, borderline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alcoholic = "person who gets drunk frequently."
"There's nothing wrong with sleeping on the sidewalk and peeing yourself every single day"

>> No.65589030

I'd abuse it heavily if I lived in a shit country like South Korea.

>> No.65589085
File: 379 KB, 1080x1416, 1695659327002643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori already said she doesn't drink so I don't see it happening. I can't see the dogs or Biboo getting drunk either.

>> No.65589117

Mori plying her Asian friend with alcohol again

>> No.65589175

Everyone who decides to hang out with her always winds up fucked up somehow.

>> No.65589497

If you think that's what rock bottom looks like for an alcoholic, you're exposing what a sheltered and clueless little faggot you are. Probably some little homebody twink that resents men who go to bars and get laid.
I knew one guy who put a bullet through his head because he couldn't stop drinking and it was slowly killing him. He survived but lost his eyesight. Now he's blind and sober.
Another guy I knew drank himself to death in his 20s after being told his liver was fucked.
Getting drunk with a friend while playing video games is not "alcoholism." Go fuck a farm animal, Muslim.

>> No.65592262 [DELETED] 

>Tranny deleted proof

The seethe is quite tasty, as always

>> No.65592409 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know Fuwamoco only streams when they're completely drunk on moonshine
Do your reps

>> No.65592474

>Getting drunk with a friend while playing video games is not "alcoholism."
Spoken like an alcoholic.

>> No.65592507

Here's OP:


Literal gimmick shit.

>> No.65592992

Asians are alcoholics but have shit resistance to alcohol. If you want to see alcoholic heavyweights just look at the British.

>> No.65593154

Alcohol discourse on 4chan oscillates between mocking the east asian drinking culture (as if the british/nordic ones were any better lol, with the alcoholism problems they have) and praising heavy drinking as if it was something masculine - case in point >>65592992

The only cultures with a healthy relationship with alcohol are Mediterranean countries, probably because of how cultural wine is.

>> No.65593325

>wall of cope
Anon, the first step to stop being an alcoholic is admitting you have a problem.

>> No.65593448

She could just, you know, not drink so much of she can't take it

>> No.65593547 [DELETED] 

>Go to friends wedding
>Get drunk
>Bride has to take you to your room at her wedding

>The only cultures with a healthy relationship with alcohol are Mediterranean countries, probably because of how cultural wine is.
Alcohol has zero benefits. I ahte to say it, but the countries with the healthiest relationship with alcohol are the Islamic ones.
t. Child of alcoholic who drank himself to death.

>> No.65593950

>Bride has to take you to your room at her wedding
That was some other guest but she did get drunk.

>> No.65594085

I wouldn't worry about FwMc as they are extremely against alcohol, they can't even discuss the subject without giving a moral lesson to those who drink.

>> No.65595088

But the one who makes us worry about most is Lamy, right?
Or Debi in niji.

>> No.65595133

> they can't even discuss the subject without giving a moral lesson to those who drink.
And why are they like that?
Judging from what they said, their dad doesn’t necessarily look against alcohol.

>> No.65595158

>replying to the retard
This discourse happens only with Mori you moron, they don't care.
The only alcoholic in hololive is Luna.

>> No.65595194

>The only alcoholic in hololive is Luna.
I don't watch her due to her voice so I can't say if thats the case, but Lammy would be my choice.

>> No.65595293
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>alcoholic = "person who gets drunk frequently.
You are right, the bar for alcoholism is way lower. Despite the several bad stories she has associated with drinking she still does.

>> No.65595406

You guys would be mindbroken by how much actual Japanese people drink.

>> No.65595471

They're responsible doggos

>> No.65595515

Everyone knows. The problem is that there are people who unironically think that isn't a problem and it isn't alcoholism until they start trying to actively kill themselves.

>> No.65595538

Thanks for the concerns but you have absolutely nothing to worry about. FuwaMoco are absolutely perfect. They don't even eat cake on Christmas because they care about their health so much. They would never drink alcohol.

>> No.65595561

> They don't even eat cake on Christmas

>> No.65595590

They mentioned it a couple of times. They're 101% serious about being idols. No leniency, full dedication.

>> No.65595599

Isn't that how evolution works though, survival of the fittest? If they're unfit for existence of alcohol sounds like a skill issue.

>> No.65595618

How long does it take you to take a photo?
Not exactly a 16 hour affair.

>> No.65595664

Retard who doesn't watch streams and knows nothing about FWMC.
They have very strong morals. When asked about something that annoys them they talked about people cutting in line and asked viewers to not be like that. Very orderly doggos.

>> No.65595814

I rather watch Kronii with my beer than becoming one of those FWMC cult.
I don’t wanna be brainwashed.

>> No.65595978

They don't mind if Ruffians drink. They'll worry about our health a bit but accept it as long as we don't hurt ourselves.

>> No.65596100

Explain IRyS then, she is really close to Mori and is still the same old IRyS after all this time

>> No.65596108

It'll be fine anon, come join us. We all float down here. Bau Bau

>> No.65596167

You just activated the curse. IRyS will now go on break.and it's your fault.
>well good
You don't understand, you made Mori stronger

>> No.65596201 [DELETED] 

>Mori is back to corrupting hololive
I know its probably more likely that she never stopped but going by cuckbeat logic, in what season are we again?

>> No.65596248

How is she corrupting?

>> No.65596284

The point is not alcohol, but their mindset.
They won’t mind if you drink, or even they would drink in their own.
But they are suddenly triggered by your random words and become uncontrollably hostile.
>You insulted our dogs!! Guilty! Guilty!
This is insane. But they also used to be normal humans before they met FWamC.

>> No.65596343

Mori gives shitty advice. The type of advice she gives is basically the choices she made because there's no way a choice she made that was good for her in her opinion might not have the same good outcome for the person asking.

>> No.65596734

Contact a specialist anon, you're hearing voices.

>> No.65599306


>> No.65600460 [DELETED] 


>> No.65600551

enjoy the male collabs ruffians

>> No.65600769

Where do you people come from?

>> No.65601363

Only if you are Korean living and working in Korea. Coworkers will invite you to drinking parties after work pretty often there. You can refuse but... yeah good luck with that.

>> No.65602239

Only our dogs can correct her behavior.

>> No.65602368


>> No.65602492

When was the last time Mori and IRyS did anything together 1 on 1?

>> No.65604053

>Everything is one guy

>> No.65604642

The amount of seething FuwaMoco causes you is perplexing. It’s not as if they’re eating Kronii’s lunch.

>> No.65604991

This board is too funny sometimes. Thinking Mori wields some power that can possess all others to do her bidding and ruin themselves.

>> No.65605511

>Peer pressure isn't a thing

>> No.65605548

Yeah there isn't with Mori.

>> No.65605777

Mori is going to do to them what she and her sister did to Gura

>> No.65605841

>already memoryholing Gura's "unexpected party"

>> No.65606287

That was her sisters fault.

>> No.65606600

>It was Mori's sister who streamed there was a party and talked about people doing drugs, and Gura getting into "michief" at said party

>> No.65606626

My bad it was "schenanigans"

>> No.65606704

Oh you mean the streaming part? What does that had to do with peer pressure?

>> No.65606790

You can't peer pressure hag twins

>> No.65608204


>> No.65608461
File: 49 KB, 569x294, TheJoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advice from the EN "singer" of hololive

>> No.65608511

>Mori and Gura arrive at house
>Party is still going
>Mori asks if Gura wants to go somewhere else
>Gura says no
>Mori streams and Gura chills
>Shitters trying to get one against Mori and go scouring her family's socials to potentially find the house
>Then post their findings here, somehow claiming it's Mori's fault and she should be suspended/fired immediately
That entire event was blown so out of proportion that even a single harmless word like "shenanigans" sent some signal to the brainwave of every schizo.
And yet nothing like that happened again and the first Myth meetup went on and was fun for all five girls.

>> No.65608570

I though that was Gura.

>> No.65608710

I enjoyed my oshi's holiday streams and I hope you enjoyed your's.

>> No.65609177

other ENs streaming is peer pressure on Gura

>> No.65609248

>I can't see the dogs or Biboo getting drunk either.
he doesn't know

>> No.65609494

>Fuwa getting drunk
becomes sexually suggestive as expected
>Moco drunk
clingy and whining
like a truck driver

>> No.65609581

You know that you don't have to get black out drunk every day to be an alcoholic.

>> No.65609660

>tries to deflect
from that point onwards, rift between them never want to collab at all, only when forced in a group
sure mori, you're a bad person then now and forever, anyone with a brain can see

>> No.65609779

I wouldn't call Mori bad person. Her sister is.

>> No.65610365

There's nothing to deflect. Stream duos come and go, sometimes in cycles. Gura decided on her own to make massive reduction in activities. That doesn't say anything about Mori as a person.
Though all the stories from other Holos and those Mori has worked with suggest she is very likable and accommodating.

>> No.65612495

You see it with the IRyStocrats, too. They think she "pressures IRyS into drinking when she doesn't want to," even though IRyS is half a decade older than her.
At least it makes it easy to spot monkeys.

>> No.65612709

Did you read your own screen capture, you smooth brained dipshit?
The "negative consequences" part is the part that defines an alcoholic.
Someone who drinks and doesn't sustain negative consequences for it is, by definition, not an alcoholic.

>> No.65614981 [DELETED] 

This sounds Cover drone'd beyond belief, yagoo's cheeto penis all around your mouth

>> No.65615118

It's been clear for a while what a Cover revisionist post looks like and how often they lurk on this board to keep the money flowing

It's really not that hard to tell

>> No.65615545

>Oh swiggity swag my dude, looks like someone had too many drankies!

>> No.65615951

>casual hololive fans associate her with that statement.
'casual hololive fans' associate her with fucking a horse, being a hardcore racist who can't go five seconds without saying nigger, and being a walking singularity of cringe that destroys everything she touches. Drinking is not even in the top three, let alone a specific statement related to it.

>> No.65618451


>> No.65620493

Her sister probably doesn't understand shit about vtuber kayfabe, but even if she did mori is braindead for letting her throw a rager in the house. She's an adult

>> No.65621184

tell me you don't even drink without telling me you don't even drink

>> No.65621885 [DELETED] 

Mori didn't know about the rager. Her sister lied about her and her boyfriend only being there.

>> No.65622268 [DELETED] 

Was she not at the house when her sister came? Why didn't she tell her sister to get her friends out when she was there?

>> No.65622401 [DELETED] 

>Was she not at the house when her sister came?
Nope. her sister came day before Mori did.

>> No.65622533 [DELETED] 

>healthy relationship with alcohol
Those guys are alcos by the time they're 14. There's nothing healthy about drinking wine every single day and calling it culture when called out on it.

>> No.65623481 [DELETED] 

Moderated wine/alcohol consumption is scientifically proven to have health benefits (and I say this despite disliking alcohol). While I don't partake in general, it's not like those who drink here consume a whole barrel of wine in a day. They'll have a couple of glasses, or maybe a beer or two, some whiskey if it's a special occasion, same as everywhere else. Drunkards and alcoholics get called out like normal, though you'll have to drink a lot to get that label.
The only difference is we can drink before we're sent to war to die in some 3rd world country's war irrelevant to our nation.

>> No.65623838

Most alcoholics are 'relatively' functional. See Luna, Llamy or Mori.

>> No.65623918

She lacks empathy and only gives advice out sympathy. Example, she has a drinking problem but sees nothing wrong with it so thinks it's okay if others have a drinking problem too without understanding many people have real jobs and lives that don't allow for drinking.

>> No.65623953
File: 48 KB, 637x358, bonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single EN member should unironically get piss drunk with Mori and high as a kite with Kronii at least once a year.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.65623966

They should, that lying bitch

>> No.65624100

Mori has never had a drinking problem. You don't watch streams.

>> No.65624170

>scientifically proven to have health benefits
You know these are just temporary "benefits" from your body trying recover from poisoning itself right?
