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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 896 KB, 828x2171, 1703719648842257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65442874 No.65442874 [Reply] [Original]

All it takes are just few mean comments to make chuubas mental goes boom.

>> No.65443220

Muhaha, it was me!

>> No.65443268

>woman has certified woman moment
>somehow this is newsworthy

>> No.65443338

Bitch, then quit and work a nine to five where the only person you have to listen to is your boss. Oh wait, actual work might literally kill you if you're crying over being a streamer.

>> No.65443366

i don't know who that is but i get you want to come here and boast about it.
but since i don't know who that is i can't give you a compliment.

>> No.65443377

>getting one guy'd by a 1$ dono

>> No.65443521

Hmmm very nice anon. Let's see Paul Allen's anti post.

>> No.65443600

>All it takes are just few mean comments to make chuubas mental goes boom.
so just like /vt/ then?

>> No.65443752

It's must be hard to have to deal with these kind of people.

>> No.65443764 [DELETED] 

>lost to a shitpost

>> No.65443811

Weird how that works huh

>> No.65443818

what exactly does "working on things" mean?

>> No.65443883

Nice excuses

>> No.65443905 [DELETED] 

Having sex with multiple men.

>> No.65444322

This same person sacrificed over 100k subs in a woman moment

>> No.65444531

>100k subs
Now you have my attention
What exactly did she do to lose that many subs?

>> No.65444565

Give us the milk

>> No.65444730

She graduated. She used to be her https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0lSxKAt9osiA29vnk1R4sg

>> No.65444771

That was her....BWAHAHAHAHHAA.

>> No.65444895

Is that her? I thought she already join another corpo.

>> No.65444905

Oh shit, I know who this is, I used to watch her
So I'm guessing she isn't doing that well on her reincarnation
She was growing so fast too. Women are truly their own worst enemies

>> No.65444950
File: 506 KB, 1580x889, 1702997813266634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god ahhahahaha

>> No.65445117 [DELETED] 

The best part is that she was the one who made those comments, you can tell from the grammar.

>> No.65445197

Her CCV is the same as it was 10 months ago, which I guess is saying she froze in time right at the moment she graduated.

It's funny to think if she hadn't taken a dump on kawaii in that moment, she'd probably have 1000 average and cloudtomos would be losing their minds over nene getting sidelined by whorse.

>> No.65445361

Sad. I wonder if she regrets leaving under such bad term for the sake of >muh fwends
She certainly seems more menhera since then, going by OP's post

>> No.65445736

Yeah because pity baiting and crying about comments from the haters is a great way to advertise yourself and by posting it to /vt/ anon is doing exactly what she wants. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one who made this whole thread. I can’t believe none of you faggots even noticed. Put down the haha woman moment brainworms for a minute and realize that women are the most manipulative creatures on the planet.
And to Ewia, buy an ad.

>> No.65445901

>Put down the haha woman moment brainworms for a minute and realize that women are the most manipulative creatures on the planet.
I mean this is true, but there are degrees of manipulation. Some women try it but are fucking garbage at it. Elia is just one of the most manipulative chicks I've ever seen.

>> No.65445963

makes me thinking that jap really did a fantastic job on filtering these of pest

>> No.65445988

the fat orange grifter destroyed all of them kek

>> No.65446034

wasn't this that ex corpo who split after a huge donothon?
not sure if I'd cal it manipulation but she's a piece of shit if that's true.

>> No.65446117

All of them did a donothon right before graduation

>> No.65446242

>kawaiifags harassing former talents smack in the middle of SEA hours
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.65446346

>implying that anyone in catalogue watches that comatose corpo, especially in EU hours
nah, I just like laughing at shitty women, but whatever helps you cope ewia

>> No.65446375

narcissism in a nutshell

>> No.65446473

Does these kinds of girls ever consider how this makes them sound to the "normal" audience when hey go on spergout tangents against supposed antis instead of pandering to their audience?

>> No.65446531

To be fair all it takes to make some anons go boom is one reply on an anonymous image board.

>> No.65446564
File: 44 KB, 550x550, 1677401412924241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play retarded games
Win retarded prizes

>> No.65446597

It sounds like she's overworking herself. Is working hard a woman thing then?

>> No.65446632

She can wipe her tears with her $55k

>> No.65446713

It makes them sound sympathetic. A normal person would read that and conclude that she's working her ass off at abnormal hours. They would relate it to their own experience working, and since most have the holidays off, that would add extra sympathy that she's expected to work through the holidays too. I think you need to re-consider how a normal person would view this.

>> No.65446765

Why do women always use that bullshit "I was working on things for you all" nah you were working on things to try to boost your numbers so you can get relevant enough to make a living out of this hobby. You were doing it for yourself.

>> No.65446771
File: 36 KB, 496x527, 1675387109448593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chose one
She should just buy herself a bunch of chikken borgors and she'll be just fine. Women like eating to relieve stress after all

>> No.65446795

It's rarely kawaiifags who make the hate threads. Usually the trolls who make such threads hate both kawaii and vdere equally and want their fanbases to fight just for the fun of it

>> No.65447359 [DELETED] 

Kys vderefags

>> No.65447480

I'll never understand why indie/small corpo chuubas do shit that isn't directly related to streaming and then complain how much they're working while not streaming at all, it's not like they're in hololive needing to do concerts, just fucking steam

>> No.65447659

im not gonna watch her unless she shows her feet

>> No.65447955

Leaving black company is always a good decision. But of course you know better, random anon on 4chan.

>> No.65448046

Is reading comprehension a problem for you? Her posts talk about why she isn't streaming as much because she's working on it offline. Don't choose this hill to die on.

>> No.65448091

You're an idiot.
>just stream
This is advice for failures.

>> No.65448291

Works perfectly fine for many fleshstreamers

>> No.65448395

Many as in the top 1000 or so. But they still have people doing the other work for them.

>> No.65448404

It has been known for a long time that Kawaii's fanbase is disproportionately slavic and filipino.

>> No.65448438

And why do men always want to have their cake and eat it too? Parasocial virtual girlfriend but also distant entertainer that never shares anything. You get what you deserve and you all deserve each other.

>> No.65448687

The other work is normally commissioned steam related stuff like overlays, not dumb shit like a visual novel. Taking days off is a death sentence unless you're huge

>> No.65448806

Stop bullying Elia

>> No.65448904

Listen, I don't know this person or why they're making a visual novel. The same way I don't try to talk about what those OTK losers should or shouldn't be doing. Your idea that people need to just stream and keep on streaming is what many 1view and 2 view losers believe. I know some that have been hovering around 2-6 concurrent viewers for over 5 years. Clearly that shit is not the formula for success, but they all parrot the same "just stream" advice for failures.

I don't know if her VN will work well for her, it probably won't, but that's her business. It's still work whether you want to seethe about it or not.

>> No.65449002

why are all the Brits who vtubing so schizophrenic?
Apparently the blood from mom hasn't dampened her Brit schizophrenia genes

>> No.65449050

I personally talk to multiple 4 view fleshstreamers and they all say the same thing, just fucking stream, don't get into drama and actually be entertaining. If you want boosts outside of streaming, pay an editor to clip your shit

>> No.65449884

Elia is cute but with her background I don't trust, and she talks about her past a lot. Her University stories nice try ecks dee. As for her style of vtubing it is awesome in a very needy kayfabe. Perfect for the type who have never been in a relationship before.

>> No.65449972

Tits or gtfo retarded roastie

>> No.65450109

Traitor whore gets what she deserves heh

>> No.65450203

Yeah Elia you do everything for us. Btw when is the next nijimale collab?

>> No.65450323

I agree with Elia being cute and she does put on a really caring persona. But I haven't been in a single relationship and I already know that her whole persona is fake anon

>> No.65450503 [DELETED] 

>just few mean comments
you mean constant harassment campaign by assblasted kawaiifags because they still blame the girls for leaving their black corpo?
kill yourself nene

>> No.65450838

>believes in the "mastermind Nene" rrat
Thanks for proving your own idiocy

>> No.65450987 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 155x179, its_lunalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Resting and working on projects" Do you really believe it?

>> No.65452725 [DELETED] 

Is that her roommate

>> No.65452807

How gullible

>> No.65453590
File: 37 KB, 585x623, 1688508071859629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stayed up to 5am for the last 2 nightsw working on things for you all
You know what can help with that?
A manager.

>> No.65453986 [DELETED] 

elia is hafu. does she look like a hafu?

>> No.65454155 [DELETED] 
File: 933 KB, 200x154, pft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is GFE and didn't stream on Christmas KEK.
Get fucked, Whorse worships.

>> No.65454482

I really don't understand that rrat. It should be obvious just from how often she streams that there isn't even time to be a boss bitch behind the scenes, never mind how it's completely out of her personality.
>muh special treatment
Examples? She has more outfits and a solo concert because she brings in the numbers. Being one of the all time most donated to small corpo chuubas is worth something.

>> No.65454604

Okay /pkg/ fag they will continue to mog the shit out of your black company you know that right. Nene better fire up more lewd PNGs for her milk toast ASMRs so. She can get those good numbers because thats the only content she makes that gets them.

>> No.65454714

First thing that came to my mind too anon its not even subtle

>> No.65454794

Milquetoast is the word you wanted, traitor-san.

>> No.65454892 [DELETED] 

nene is a narcissist and master manipulator im sorry your too cucked by her to see that anon but thats most cloudhomos for you

>> No.65454897 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 340x340, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ran off just to be cucked on Xmas.
>Blames /pkg/ for it.

>> No.65454978 [DELETED] 

samefagging wont help you nene cuck

>> No.65455123

is this the one who started doing collabs with nijimales after leaving their very GFE centered corpo? I heard that one of the four who left did that, but i'm not sure who,

>> No.65455135

Nene do some actually good ASMR for a change. A countdown and pussy/ blowjob ASMR would be a great start.

>> No.65455157

literally who

>> No.65455176

As someone that has a full time soulless corporate job is hard to empathize with all these bitches crying about having to play minecraft one hour a day.

>> No.65455225

Yes. This is the one that hard creamed cause that Niji male appeared in chat. I feel really bad for the people that would oshi a grifter like this.

>> No.65455271 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1132x650, 1703441343505410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm don't watch neither Kawaii or Vder, just came to mock (You) for being abandoned on Xmas.
Wait, did they started doing collabs with Nijimales after leaving? DISGUSTING.

>> No.65455536 [DELETED] 

your seafag side is showing a lot anonchama

>> No.65455727 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 235x330, oyaoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call me Seafag, but the one watching a Nijimale onahole is (You), though.

>> No.65455761

you do know you come off stupider by posting pics that aren't the chuba on topic right?

>> No.65455852

You know that you're stupid for watching chubas who collabs with males(Nijimales even), right?

>> No.65455882

Why did she become an entertainer if she was gonna let a comment like that set her off?

>> No.65455958 [DELETED] 

every time

>> No.65455976 [DELETED] 

Call me ESL won't uncuck you.

>> No.65455989 [DELETED] 

Shut up Nene get back to licking that KU1000 for fat guys like me to jerk off to.

>> No.65456026 [DELETED] 

Yup she was a twitch E whore before she joined corpo

>> No.65456074

Wipe away your drool when you’re talking to me, retard

>> No.65456136 [DELETED] 

Lick the cum leftovers from the Nijifaggots, retard.

>> No.65456150
File: 518 KB, 2300x2290, 1701570106082145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every decision that Fuwamoco takes is carefully crafted to make (me) happy.

>> No.65456201
File: 8 KB, 541x66, 1703653787236297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest part is that her coworker threatened to doxx him

>> No.65456205 [DELETED] 

Traitor really get what they deserve

>> No.65456276

Based bald viet cat

>> No.65456325

This is kinda pathetic. But it's hard to have high hopes for a grifter

>> No.65456480

>Programmed a visual novel https://www.v-dere.moe/games/a-merry-v-dere-christmas
>organizing collabs
>networking with other chuubas/agencies
>working on future projects
>keeping her own channel alive

Watch this reply get 0 (you)s while everyone else bakes rrats about her being a lazy whorse. She's my least favourite of Vdere, but even I recognize how much of a workhorse she is

>> No.65456684


>> No.65456939

Are there even that many people interested in a vtuber visual novel that it could be profitable outside the biggest names in the industry? Otherwise it seems like a waste of time and effort better spent pampering your GFE fanbase

>> No.65457408

>Programmed a visual novel
That's the most unimpressive shit ever.
Even a highschool student can do that shit in less then a week.

>> No.65457528

I would still be there supporting Elia today if her whore friend GX didn't make her do male collabs.
It hurt but I left.
Even if she sent that message herself I still wouldn't have cared, but I won't sit and watch male collabs.

>> No.65457532

>program a visual novel
anons can do that and make 1 a thousand times better when it's a literal shitpost, nothing impressive

>> No.65457635

Post your finished games

>> No.65457661 [DELETED] 

I don't know how old her RM is, maybe mid twenties but she's always struck me as quite insecure and sensitive and her tweets prior to these ones on her priv prove that too. I hope she'll be okay but I think she needs to stop burning herself out and be easier on herself.

>> No.65457751
File: 34 KB, 379x480, 1699182145994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>web visual novel
I can whip out a visual novel in just a day.

>> No.65457840

she has always been sensitive

>> No.65457869

Katawa Shojo

>> No.65457969

I don't understand why these women are so blindsided by this behavior.
They're pandering to some of the loneliest, most unstable people there are, of course some of them are going to be needy schizos.
Do they think their paying audience is well-adjusted, normal people? Those people don't have to pay for GFE.
Do they think of themselves as actual, genuine entertainers? They're barely competent gamers and they just tell rambling stories about their personal lives. That's not meaningful in the sea of actual entertainment that's out there.
These women are strippers that think their audience came to the stripclub for the food.

>> No.65458020

And I'm the emperor of Japan

>> No.65458153

This is why small corpos are are small corpos.

>> No.65458157

Since she is indie now and doesn't have to give a corpo cut isn't that an upgrade even if she has the same ccv?

>> No.65458170

Try search "itch.io visual novel tutorial" and see how easy it is to make one.
That's like learned basic html then call yourself a web developer.

>> No.65458189

actually pathetic as fuck, I'm anti posting any thread that pops up about her now

>> No.65458205
File: 132 KB, 324x258, ISRAEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But be honest, she could have refused since she doesn't have a CEO or a manager anymore to order her around.

>> No.65458326

wow that's sad as fuck

>> No.65458334
File: 152 KB, 1703x903, elia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elia Stellaria streamed 36 times this month not counting the collab where she didn't stream her pov, tomorrow's stream, and any stream that might happen after that

>> No.65458390

What does itch have to do with anything
> can whip out a visual novel in just a day.
Maybe if you had all the text and sprites prepared beforehand, writing all the shit still takes time

>> No.65458409

today's stream*
I was too lazy to take another screenshot

>> No.65458469

The issue is that she promised several times to not interact with males and had drama long before about interacting with males on twitter that upset fans and she apologized and promised not to, and then did it again. And now she's collab'd with males twice.
At this point mozu is more unicorn friendly, that's crazy.

>> No.65458477

why do they insist on doing this shit?
Do they not understand why people watch them?

>> No.65458503 [DELETED] 

Nice handwriting Elia. You fucking whore.

>> No.65458571

Actually based

>> No.65458664

What I don't understand is that it would be a non issue if she really wanted to collab freely but she focused on a niche to farm unicorns.

>> No.65458765

>The issue is that she promised several times to not interact with males and had drama long before about interacting with males on twitter that upset fans and she apologized and promised not to
This is the Alban Niji one?
>And now she's collab'd with males twice
Oh, I didn't see the second one. I'm blind or the VOD got deleted?

>> No.65458766

Women are petty, entitled, and disgusted by the sort of fan the average whale is. It's even worse in the entertainment industry, where nearly all of them are selling a fake image to you.

Once you keep that in mind, every single one of these woman moments start to make a lot of sense.

>> No.65458803

Unicorns are more loyal, love more and harder and are more willing to financially support their oshi.

>> No.65458895


>> No.65459439

Then stop streaming and find a 9-5 job, whore

>> No.65459508

I'm sorry if this sounds retarded, but if you're an indie working as a streamer full time, couldn't you just stream for 4 hours a day, and work on side projects for another 4 hours? Feels like vtubers make molehills out of mountains

>> No.65459642

>v-dere vs v-dere
be more obvious
also why did you lie about collabing with males twice? one is bad enough, you don't need to lie like a retard

>> No.65459690

That's why vtuber need manager to get shit done.

>> No.65459700

They give a lot but also ask a lot. She doesn't seem to be suited for this, her feelings lie elsewhere.

>> No.65459780

The expression is mountains out of molehills.

>> No.65459779

Her mental what?

>> No.65459878


>> No.65459989

Try >>>/vt/vrt/ she is eternally astroturfed there.

>> No.65460122

Reading comprehension reps

>> No.65460269

Just accept the English lesson gracefully and move on.

>> No.65460346

I literally can't understand how we got streamers like them in EN. We need more wapanese hags.

>> No.65460377

Still not seeing any games made by you, anon. Meanwhile there's playable evidence of her work that's easily accessible

>> No.65460491

I'm not even that poster but I'll glad teach you:
In the expression you're familiar with people make a big deal (mountain) out of small thing (molehill)
Here the streamer is making very little (a molehill) with all the time they have (mountain)

>> No.65460554

That is not an apt analogy

>> No.65460622

>how much of a workhorse she is
It's spelled whorse btw. Dunno why did you add "ork".

>> No.65460634

That doesn't even make sense. The expression exists as it does for a reason.

>> No.65461206

It still counts when she's not live on her own stream.

>> No.65461209

this makes the anon e-moose anti seethe kek

>> No.65461215


>> No.65461335


>> No.65461372
File: 49 KB, 378x446, 1703733694378654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ask me kawaii dodged a bullet with them
just yesterday she had a meltdown because this guy used the word poopsocking

>> No.65461405

You got 5 (you)s look at that. All it took was being a retard

>> No.65461493

And I can show you people who streamed double that or triple the hours your point?

>> No.65461531

t. seething gamedev cloudtomo

>> No.65461648

If you're obsessed with her enough to lurk her freechat for ebin screencaps, you'd also know that she has to wrangle viewers herself because she doesn't have mods

>> No.65461689

You have to remember all vtubers are menhera and among them most aren’t fit for regular jobs or social situations.

>> No.65461714

and do those girls get bait threads filled with
>aieee you don't stream you lazy bitch you hate us you hate us you hate us

>> No.65461796

>You’ve insulted me by calling me a rich gamedev supporting my oshi. Truly terrible

>> No.65461984

>He thinks his 2 view is getting multiple bait threads
She’d kill herself if she experienced what they experienced

>> No.65462053

>she doesn't stream
>well she does stream but she doesn't get as many bait thread

>> No.65462359

I’ve seen streamers in the thousands without mods and even one with tens of thousands though they’re fans are pretty much reflections of them and they don’t have much self loathing. There’s always having friends or fans become mods though it would take associating with non shitty people

>> No.65462446

Now you’re talking to yourself? Everything you stated was up brought up by you. Case of BPD or DID?

>> No.65462832

Why is this revelation funny?

>> No.65463267

i remember someone in kawaii also threatened the dono sending antis in the same way, that was also based

>> No.65463881

God, it bothers me so fucking much as well. They will jump through a hundred hoops to just not do the one thing most people are there for.

God, please kill yourself (in minecraft). You're spewing shit advice to push a stupid narrative that that some idiot might take seriously. Please don't push for degrading chuuba content for everyone else who actually likes this hobby.

>> No.65463971

it is a bad advice if you're a 0view
it's a good advice when you get 200+ ccv every time you stream but you never stream

>> No.65468107

This is the kind of thread that wouldn't exist on /vt/ if you'd just make an internet celebrity board btw
Also rangeban SEA

>> No.65468688


>> No.65468946

Simultaneously you could argue /vt/ is ignorant for being surprised that the kind of woman who would pander to lonely men in their 20s-50s who like anime and squandered their highschool years would herself be mentally unstable, manipulative and generally a tool.

>> No.65470120

I feel like you've lost your right to sympathy when you make predatory donathons that squeeze money out of mentally unwell individuals like a wet sponge. Pity baiting as a bad person is dozens of times worse than just being a bad person.

>> No.65470243

You absolute retard, you could've salvaged it. You could've said you intended it be like the ironic inversion "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory", about how vtubers are given everything and work very hard to make as little as possible from it, but instead you made it about time.

>> No.65470294 [DELETED] 

imagine cucking to an insane person online, a space where you are incapable of suffering any physical consequences whatsoever

>> No.65471570

isn't this the bitch who did streams about drinking her own piss

>> No.65471683

That’s not true
/vt/ doesn’t even need mean comments

>> No.65471887

yeah and she'll pretty much ban anyone who mentions it to her at this point because people don't know when a joke has been run to the ground.

>> No.65472031

>she'll pretty much ban anyone who mentions it to her at this point
even in the screenshot you can see she's talking about scat and politics

>> No.65472406

Fucking £1 tip is enough to cause public meltdown on xitter.

>> No.65472734

Trait neuroticism is supposedly more prevalent in womenfolk. To be honest this behaviour doesn't surprise me, I've seen women flip out for less

>> No.65472928

>Vtuber threads wouldn’t exist if you make an internet celebrity board
You are by far the dumbest schizo I have ever seen

>> No.65473458

Nobody who says this has been around women much, let's not kid ourselves here.

>> No.65473763
File: 30 KB, 460x576, 1675692753773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been subjected to the womenfolk in days past. I've even engaged in romantic relationships with said womenfolk. I'll have you know that despite being rather autistic, I'm quite the looker

>> No.65474843

You have never let your city

>> No.65476638

>doesn't stream
>"woah why everyone is unhappy now"
Women have it so easy and somehow they still fuck it up with laziness

>> No.65480446

Wow. Looks like she has some needy fans. I'd be happy.

>> No.65480495

Then why can't you do it to homostars?? You want them out of the picture right? ... All you anons are all talk and never taking actions.. Masturbating to your oshi in your mom's basement

>> No.65480644

Programmed like coding?

>> No.65481044

I don't pay attention to homos so I can't say for sure, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they get it all the time. The only difference being that they don't have a melty about it perhaps?

>> No.65483436

Homobegging faggot

>> No.65483461

>organizing collabs
>networking with other chuubas/agencies
>working on future projects
>keeping her own channel alive
Wow the minimum all full time vtubers have to do. Poor woman, she's not cut out for it.

>> No.65483792

>make a living off of playing games online
>don't do your job
>"but I'm doing stuff for you guys!"
>but sacrificing your main duty as a streamer to do so.
No stream, no shits given. Simple as.

>> No.65484391
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this a boring ina stream

>> No.65484865

LOL menhera moment

>> No.65487214


>> No.65487461

Alright do you want to know the real truth about this girl. She has created a community of unicorns and now is feeling the stress over it. She thought she was smarter than the wider vtuber audience but ended up with a toxic community. All of this shit is self inflicted and she is crying about it. Her community itself is literal indoctrination into the majesty of Elia. eughyack. If you don't know what women are like maybe she will snag you.

>> No.65487903

>She can industrialize sobe stories for pure fine clout
She's out done herself
> If you don't know what women are like maybe she will snag you.
This was kinda outta left field anon

>> No.65488080

That child in her belly? Not mine.

>> No.65490284

>One guyed
Woman never learn.

>> No.65491845


>> No.65493605

death to the Whorse
can't believe I trusted her at one point

>> No.65495554

kek good job anon, triggered all these insecure anons

>> No.65495687

Vtubers: pls viewer-chama, just a little rest..

>> No.65495809

Someone post the orange cat going menhera about how chat is only the social interaction she has in her life
Shit is too funny
