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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64524497 No.64524497 [Reply] [Original]

>other Twitch vtubers: so the new ToS means I can be pornstar now, right?
>meanwhile, the original pornstar vtuber:

>> No.64525079

>mel isn't a gigantic newfag
shocking news

>> No.64525200

buy an ad or return to /trash/

>> No.64525245


>> No.64525390

stop being a faggot or return to /lgtb/.

>> No.64525714

you see having a seiso stream with the new update is actually funnier than just showing bobs and vagene

>> No.64526689

>thread about a vtuber
This fucking board, I swear...

>> No.64526965

are you angry or just gay?

>> No.64528251

First time on 4chan? Next you’ll try making a thread about a video game on /v/ and theyll say the exact same thing

>> No.64528558


>> No.64528667

D-Don't you mean return to /aco/?

>> No.64528975

Mel openly lied to her audience about health problems being caused by NNN so she wouldn't lose income in November.

I'm a recovering porn addict who's trying to break the cycle of masturbating 3x a day so I can be healthy enough to have a fulfilling life, and she makes me so fucking sick for passing this bullshit off as educational content to a massive audience. It's like a bartender warning people at Alcoholics Anonymous that withdrawal can kill you, so you should never stop. Evil cunt.

>> No.64529108

"porn addiction" my ass, you're just a pathetic person with nothing of worth to contribute or you'd be doing something productive instead of jerking off all day inbetween posting on 4chan threads.

>> No.64529262

This. She knows what she's doing is wrong but does it anyways. Why? Because she's a psychopath. She doesn't feel any bit of empathy for anyone. She thinks it's all a joke. When people throw their lives away, she simply laughs.

>> No.64529269

>it's le bad to post a vtuber on a vtuber board
The fuck? And since when has this board not liked o at least not hated Melody? She's the only good Vshojo.

>> No.64529279

nice larp

>> No.64529347

Choose one

>> No.64529379

Insults don't work when they're not specific or make too many assumptions, it just sound like you've been hurt but haven't figured out how to hurt others yet. Either way you wouldn't be emotionally simping over a porn star like this unless your hatred of porn watchers was self loathing.

>> No.64529389

That's evil. My best friend died to cooming too much.

>> No.64529435

I once completely abstained from porn and masturbation for 5 months and it changed absolutely nothing. You’re welcome.

>> No.64529465

Mel has always been the one to separate her nsfw streams from her normal streams, this is something a lot of twitch could learn from.

>> No.64529471

Damn... I wish I could go out like that

>> No.64529518

It's a spectrum of whoredom anon, I don't like them as a whole but Melody is an honest whore that never gave anyone any other expectations than what she does now so I don't hate her.

>> No.64529569

There's a noticeable difference even after a few days, especially after a decade+ of self-abuse. Also, hard resetting your system can sometimes take 6-12 months in order to heal all the way to pre-pubescent vitality.

>> No.64529597

almost like they're a cumbrained idiot making excuses for their failure

>> No.64529682

Didn’t notice any difference at all.

>> No.64529691

Accepting your failure is the first and most obvious sign that you're unfit to judge others. Acting like a little pussy bitch and avoiding direct response is the next.

>> No.64529713


>> No.64529727

Just stop touching your dick, let go of it, go outside or something

>> No.64529752

Do you have full blown erectile dysfunction?

>> No.64529820

>At least she's honest!
Redditors like you need to be roped.

>> No.64529823

Mel is pure wholesome streamer

>> No.64529919

I'll never get tired of seeing how quickly a massive group of retards got brainwashed into thinking porn is bad. Seriously, you're all hilarious. Please keep making me laugh for the rest of eternity.

>> No.64529958

That just makes me touch my dick outside

>> No.64529982

Anon if you think you have a porn addiction talk to a specialist about it, there is no need to torture yourself.

>> No.64529999

Please keep shutting your eyes and imagining a 10 year old anime girl in diapers while you lose your virginity to a fat roastie in your mid-20s.

>> No.64530140

Ah, pedophilic projection. I get it, now. You're not a "recovering porn addict", you're a degenerate freak with a little bit of shame left.

>> No.64530149

Way to out yourself as a dumb hormonal teenager.

>> No.64530172

Very few people care that you look at porn, that doesn’t mean twitch needs to be a porn site. If you wanna jerk off, go do that somewhere else.

>> No.64530250


>> No.64530251

the astral projection

>> No.64530292

While the rest of the world is being rapidly consumed by degenerates and their lecherous desires we will always have Mel providing us with the wholesome family friendly christian content we always needed.

>> No.64530337

You joke but there are anons who fully 100% believe this.It's really sad

>> No.64530360

Announcing your pedophilic projection wasn't necessary, must be the overstimulation talking. Screeching that porn is good in the face of facts and paypiggng for a fat lying whore won't bring me down to your level, loser.

>> No.64530402

Coomer brains are like those food fags that have to relate everything back to food.
There are already times and places to coom, stop trying to realte everything back to it.

>> No.64530475

its hilarious how triggered they get when you suggest maybe not every website should have porn

>> No.64530532

>no you
lol, pedo outed himself and is having a melty
>Verification not required.

>> No.64531276

mel is older than this faggot ass board. /vt/ is just zhangless reddit.

>> No.64531589


>> No.64533031


>> No.64533126

I have a similar story, Mel literally destroyed my penis with vagina dentata. I'll never forgive her.

>> No.64533237

The average /vt/ netizen.

>> No.64533385

this board is like four years old,newfag

>> No.64533459

What is that accent? You can barely understand it.

>> No.64533558

nta but you are a faggot

>> No.64533614

Troon accent

>> No.64533775

>What is that accent?
Vocal fry.

>> No.64534105


>> No.64535424


>> No.64535485

I used to be a porn addict, but then one day I got a video from an OnlyFans girl where she yelled at my penis and it got scared and ran away and now I don't have a dick anymore. Porn is dangerous and evil

>> No.64535636

would anyone like to discuss further over here? there's a thread with a lot of good stuff in it


>> No.64535728

that looks like a real shitty blogpost. go post it on your xanga

>> No.64535919
File: 13 KB, 480x480, OMGDIT - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64536306

>he can't control his dick

>> No.64536308

July 2019
>4chan /vt/
January 2021

>> No.64538257

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.64539422

complete tourist reporting in
are there actual vtuber porn streamers though?
who do joi and i guess 3d with toys?

>> No.64541918

Have fun >>64371109

>> No.64542300

It's just like how actual pornstars on Twitch streams wearing more clothing than the usual e-thot.

Professionals have class, whores don't.

>> No.64548116

Yes, but it's not a great achievement.She is not an "oldfag".

>> No.64548172

Being paid doesn't stop you from being a whore, they dress because they are expensive.

>> No.64548294

Nobody said anything about oldfags
Just that Melody is older than this board

>> No.64548517

NTA, he never recovered from this KEK

>> No.64548823

>I'm a recovering porn addict who's trying to break the cycle of masturbating 3x a day

Just stop touching your genitalia. Put on some pants and stop your hands from going down. There is no such thing as fap addiction. it is just an unproductive habit.

>> No.64548973

Just laugh at those tards getting prostate cancer because they lived like protestants in the 19th century.

>> No.64549384

Well, duh OP. Why would she risk getting banned on Twitch when she has a sizeable fanbase on CB?

>> No.64549811

She's one of the few lewdtubers with at least half a brain

>> No.64549859

and that's not a great achievement

>> No.64549966

Don't they know that she is prohibited by vshojo from doing porn on Twitch?Seriously, fans of this company are so stupid.

>> No.64550081

Melodies twitch streams were never about porn
And she can just stream that on chaturbate as she always did

She had no reason to jump on the grifting bandwagon

>> No.64550257

100% real and true, she also has a monthly quota of Twitch streaming hours

>> No.64550416


>> No.64550422

>dead memes that are designed to make female streamers squish their tits together
>blatant fap bait begging
twitch chat is so le heckin great isn't twitch chat so amazing it makes using that shitty website so much better than any other possible alternative

>> No.64550469

She is prohibited by twitch from doing porn on twitch, Vshojo doesn't care as long as the content doesn't violate the platform rules.

can't tell if you're being sarcastic

>> No.64550470

start working out bitch tits

>> No.64550591

Thats because twitch viewers are unironic 12 year olds
